Can I Disable A Database On Error?

May 10, 2006

If I got a TORN PAGE error, or something like that, in normal operation could something automated mark the database as Read-Only, or somesuch, so that all further updates to the database were disabled until we had a chance to look at the problem?


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Disable Repl Error

Feb 2, 2007

one week ago, for testing purpose, I set up trans repl, trans repl with updateable, snapshot repl using the same instance.

configuration is like this,

publisher and distributor are on the same server, 2 remote subscribers, one is 2000, the other is 2005.

It works OK, today I am trying to disable the replicaiton, clean up the machine. keep getting the errors:

an exception occurred while executing a T-SQL statement or batch
only replicaiton jobs,or job schedules can be added, modified,dropped or viewed through replicaiton SPs
could not update the distribution database subscription table, the subscription status could not be changed.
changed database context to 'master',(MSSQL SERVER error 22538)

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Error 8157 When Trying To Disable Publishing

Aug 6, 2001

I am trying to disable publishing on a server. When I attempt to do so
I get the following error:

"Error 8157: All the queries in a query expression containing a UNION
operator must have the same number of expressions in their select lists.
Could no use view of function 'sysextendedarticlesview' because of binding errors."

There is more error message text but it's a repeat of the UNION and sysextendedarticlesview problem.

Can anyone help me with this?



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Error When Trying To Disable Data Compression In 2014

Jun 16, 2015

I tried to disable the data compression for granular backup purposes on SQL 2014 with following query: EXEC [dbo].[prc_EnablePrefixCompression] @online = 0, @disable = 1

I received following error message: Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 1...Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.prc_EnablePrefixCompression'.

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Is It Possible To Disable Drop Database For Sa Or Sysadmin Also ?

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I would like to know is it possible to disable drop database for saor sysadmin. If saor sysadmin needs to drop the database , he/she mayhave to change status in one of the system tables (sysdatabases ?) andthen only database can be dropped . This is to avoid dropping thedatabase by mistake by sa.In books online under drop databaseSystem databases (msdb, master, model, tempdb) cannot be droppedI would like to know how this is implemented for system databases ?ThanksM A Srinivas

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Cannot Delete/disable "Mystery" Database Backup

Jul 23, 2002

Please, help. Let me start by saying that I have asked several DBA's this question, none of which have been able to provide a solution. I have a very annoying problem. An additional backup of my SQL Server 7 database is recurring every day and it is hogging up space on the server. I only want one recurring backup.

When checking my database backup plan, it seems there is only one backup instance: qarun_1099_release1_db_200207170200.BAK and qarun_1099_release1_tlog_200207170600.TRN. However, when I look in the default backup directory, SQL/Database/Backup, there is an instance in addition to the backup mentioned above with another name: qarun_1099_release1. This "mystery" backup is neither a .BAK or .TRN, but simply a file? I cannot figure out how and where this extra backup is recurring and I want to delete it.

I have tried disabling the jobs in the sysjobsteps and sysjobs tables of the msdb database, but this did not work! The backups are still recurring every day!

Please advise.



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How To Disable/enable Jobs For Database That Has Failed Over

Nov 22, 2006


I currently have serverA importing data from an AS400 oledb connection and serverB on hot-standby as a mirror. The data import is being performed via an SSIS scheduled job.

I've yet to implement any solution in the following case:
If the database on serverA fails, it will failover to the mirror. But the jobs will still be on serverA. Ideally, I'm assuming the jobs should not run on serverB since it will be attempting to update the mirrored database. So, I am wondering if both servers can have identical copies of SSIS packages and jobs and simply (?) enable or disable them based on which server will be hosting the principal database.

Is there any solution where the jobs can automatically be disabled on the server with the mirrored database and enabled on the principal database depending on its status?

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Enable And Disable User In MsSql 2000 Database

May 25, 2007


I'm using MsSql 2000 data base, how to enable and disable user in mssql 2000 version

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DB Engine :: Trace Database Audit Specification Enable And Disable

Nov 10, 2015

How can i Trace Database Audit specification Enable and Disable. i want to maintain log for  enable or disable database audit specification.

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SQL 2012 :: SSDT Database Project - Cross DB Trigger Enable / Disable Gives Warning 71502

Jul 13, 2015

I have 2 dbs (SQL 2012) - one contains a trigger that is enabled/disabled by a procedure in the other database. This all works fine.

If I create a Database Project solution in Visual Studio 2012 SSDT (or 2013) for both databases, the stored procedure generates a SQL71502 stating that my trigger name can't be resolved.

To recreate the issue:

USE DbWithTrigger
CREATE TABLE dbo.TblWithTrigger(
Id int NULL,
SomeValue varchar(30) NULL


-- Test to confirm

EXEC CrossDbTriggerCall
INSERT DbWithTrigger.dbo.TblWithTrigger VALUES(1, 'Blah blah')

In Visual Studio 2012:

1. Create a new solution with a project named DbWithTrigger
2. In project settings set the Target platform to SQL 2012
2. Import the DbWithTrigger db into this project
3. Create a new project named DbCallsTrigger
4. In project settings set the Target platform to SQL 2012
5. Import the DbCallsTrigger db into this project
6. Add a Database Reference in DbCallsTrigger for DbWithTrigger

When you build the solution both dbs build successfully, however there are two warnings. One is easily resolved by replacing DbWithTrigger in the body of the procedure with [$(DbWithTrigger)] (db variable name for the reference) but I can't find out how to get rid of the other. Is it a bug?

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Can We Disable A Trigger In SQL 7.0

Jun 14, 2002

Is there a way to disable trigger for a time window and enable it when desired.

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Disable Trigger

Jul 12, 2001

Is it possible to disable a trigger to manually manipulate data without completely removing it? Thank you.

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Disable Identity

Oct 26, 2000

A quick question, how can I disable identity for the identity column
without dropping that column? Thanks!

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Disable Logs

Aug 28, 2000

Is there a way to disable logging ?
I'm about to split a 1000000 rows table into three other tables , and would prefere not to log this action ...
Does anyone know how to do it in a SQL 7.0 statement ?

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Disable Triggers

Nov 21, 2001

I don't seem to be able to find a command to disable triggers. Can this
be done in SQL7?


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Disable Trigger

May 11, 2001

Is it possible to disable a trigger in SQL Server 6.5?
Is so, how can i do that?

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How To Disable Locking?!?

Apr 2, 1999

read-only option
dbo-use option

Anyone any ideas ?!?

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Disable Trigger

Oct 25, 2004


can I disable a trigger in Sqlserver 2000??? When i run a store procedure who works with one table i want that the trigger doesn´t work it. After that the trigger would be enabled again.

I know i can delete it and create it again but something like "ALTER TRIGGER DISABLED" would be ok.


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Disable Trigger

Mar 23, 2004

Sorry, may be it is very simple, but
how can I disable all trigger on a tabled under sql 2000

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SQL 2012 :: CDC Is Disable

May 20, 2014

CDC is disabling when we do bulkinsertsupdateschange schema .how to findout why CDC disabled and how to prevent it ?

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Is There Any Way To Disable The Primary Key ..?

Feb 24, 2007


Is there any way to disable the primary key constraint?.I want to move the records from one table to another.say column 'x' in the source table doesnt contain a primay key.But my target table column 'x' contains primay key.
How to ovecome this problem?
Thanks in advance

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Disable Indexes

May 30, 2007

Hello all.

Could anyone advise me how to disable indexes on a specific table at the start of a script, then re-enable them at the end?

Thanks all.

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Disable DatabaseMail90.exe

Feb 28, 2008

I am looking for a way to disable DatabaseMail90.exe (temporarily) while still allowing emails to queue up.

At first, I thought the solution was sysmail_stop_sp... but if I use this... calls to sp_send_DBMail fail with the following message:

Mail not queued. Database Mail is stopped. Use sysmail_start_sp to start Database Mail.

I'd like the emails to be queued... I just want to postpone sending them. Anyone know how to do this?

- Alan D. Nelson

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Is It Possible To Disable All Restrictions On A Ms Sql DB?

Jul 20, 2005

In meen. primary keys, NOT NULL, have to do a maunally, one time, building of a database. Sometables has tostay an some are to be exchanged. The foreignkey inforcemnt ill do for myself so everything is correct. I just need to be allowed to de thede taskfor a while. Is it impossible?RegardsAnders

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Not Able To Disable Users

May 6, 2008

I am trying to disable certain users, but it is giving me this error. I am able to disable some accounts, but not all of them. It seems to happen with user that have been recently created.

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Disable Login. failed for Login 'domainuser'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

For help, click:


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'domainuser', error code 0x5. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15404)

For help, click:

The links lead to a page that is no longer available.

I read somewhere that it had to do with the SQL Server service account and that if you change it to a Domain Administrator it would and it does, but I can not believe the solution. I would say that this even started happening after we applied SQL 2005 Service Pack 2.

Has anyone else seen this problem. Do I really need to make it a Domain Administrator?


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Disable Sql Authentication

Apr 29, 2008

what is the disadvantage to disable sql authentication, what is it different from window authentication

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Trigger Disable

Aug 9, 2007

Sorry to reopen a post, but I'm having the same problem. Worse, I can't change the trigger code right now.

My concerns with disabling triggers are:

1) DISABLE TRIGGER affects all sessions, not just the session doing the mass load
2) DISABLE TRIGGER is permanant until re-enabled, so if the mass load process fails (and if our TRY/CATCH blocks aren't perfect), then the triggers would remain disabled for normal OLTP use.
Any ideas on ways around this? I can identify all the work the triggers would have done and do it on my own. The problem is getting them not to do it!

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Disable Grouping

Aug 20, 2007

I would like to be able to disable grouping depending on the value of parameter. At the moment I have the following expression for grouping:
=IIf(Parameters!Group2.Value.equals(""), false, Fields(Parameters!Group2.Value).Value)

What I am trying to do is if the value of the Group2 parameter = "" turn off grouping. Group2 is assigned a value from the following custom code:

Function Group2Value() As String
Dim Group As String
Group = ""
Select Case Report.Parameters!ReportType.Value
Case "1"

Group = ""
Case "2"

Group = "CategoryID"
Case "3"

Group = "StockFamilyID"
Case "4"

Group = "GroupID"
Case "5"

Group = ""
Case "6"

Group = "SaleableGLCodeID"
End Select
Return Group
End Function

However this is not working.

Can grouping be disabled and if so what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

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Disable Filter

Nov 11, 2006

i am having a query in front end like this..


select * from table where cond1 and cond2 and col.port in <string> ... goes


i passing this string from other function, i may be not be needing this filter(underlined) for some functionality, but i will be using the same function for both the functionalities

i need a string that should tell the sql server to allow all the possible values for that column, so by disabling the filter which i am using...

pls tell me URGENT
Thanks in advance

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How To Disable Export

Feb 1, 2006

Hello, I am making a web application and I will show reports with the reportviewer, however the user can manage some parameters of the applicacion, the administrator can decide if he wants to allow the user to export or not export to PDF or XLS.

Anyway, I want to enable or disable those options in the reportview dinamically!

Is that possible??

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614 Error On A User Database And 806 Error On Tempdb Seen In The Error Log

Jan 5, 2002


We have a production SQLServer 6.5 running with service pack SP5a update:

I got the following 2 errors.....


Error : 806, Severity: 21, State: 1
Could not find virtual page for logical page 67833121 in database 'tempdb' database 'tempdb'


I got error when I ran a job for Update statistics
Error : 614, Severity: 21, State: 3
A row on page 2697653 was accessed that has an illegal length of -8631 in database 'abc'.

For Error 2: I ran update statistics using query analyser. It is fine
Is there anything I have to do further?

For Error 1 : The work around given by Microsoft
I ran

I am getting the following message on :
Checking syslogs
The total number of data pages in this table is 1.
*** NOTICE: Notification of log space used/free cannot be reported because the log segment is not on its own device.
Table has 11 data rows.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, see your System Administrator.

Checking syslogs
The total number of data pages in this table is 47.
*** NOTICE: Notification of log space used/free cannot be reported because the log segment is not on its own device.
Table has 532 data rows.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, see your System Administrator.


Checking syslogs
The total number of data pages in this table is 1.
*** NOTICE: Notification of log space used/free cannot be reported because the log segment is not on its own device.
Table has 31 data rows.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, see your System Administrator.

I ran dbcc checkdb on master,model and tempdb . Still I get the same problem.

for tempdb:

Checking 8
The total number of data pages in this table is 1.
*** NOTICE: Notification of log space used/free cannot be reported because the log segment is not on its own device.
Table has 19 data rows.

for master:
Checking 8
The total number of data pages in this table is 1.
*** NOTICE: Notification of log space used/free cannot be reported because the log segment is not on its own device.
Table has 27 data rows.

for model:
Checking 8
The total number of data pages in this table is 47.
*** NOTICE: Notification of log space used/free cannot be reported because the log segment is not on its own device.
Table has 532 data rows.

All system databases and userdatabase recovered successfully when I restarted sqlserver.

Please advice how to get rid of this problem.

Thanks in advance,

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Disable Trans. Replication - HELP!

Mar 20, 2000


I am trying to disable transactional replication, but am having some problems. I used the wizard, however, it has taken 7 hours so far and is still not done. SQL Server (7.0) is showing the connection as runnable but it seems as if nothing is being removed. Am I missing something? Should I have done something else before running the wizard? I can't even kill the SPID.

Can anyone help or offer some advice?

Thanks in advance...

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Disable SQL Guest Account

Jan 17, 2001

How do you disable Guest account in SQL Server.
can you do this thru registry?

Tahnk You,
Piyush Patel

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