Can I Save Textbox Data To BLOB Column?

Oct 21, 2005

Hi experts,

  I have a textbox and a upload file function in my page.User can either copy/paste their resume in text or upload their resume file and submit the application.The uploaded file will be saved into a BLOB column, but do you know if text in textbox can be saved into BLOB column? 

I received error message on the code:'save Applicant resume to a BLOB-image datatype column objComd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@AppResume", SqlDbType.NText))

error:Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.Operand type clash:ntext is incompatible with image

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Make And Save A Blob On The Fly In Stored Proc

Jul 7, 2006

Is there a way to run query, make file out of query (txt,csv or xls -for example) and save it as a blob into the table column typeImage/Text?Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.Thanks!

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Save TextBox To Database As New Row?

Apr 19, 2006

(VB 2005 Express) I have a textbox linked to a DataTable (database). I want to save its text into the database as a new row. What is the VB code? The following is not working.


Thanks for any help.

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How To Save Float Value From Textbox To A Database.

Apr 10, 2008

I have a sql table in which field ExchangeRate is defined as float. When i tries to enter data into ExchangeRate field using LINQ i get follwoing error.
"String or binary data would be truncated.The statement has been terminated."
My code is as follows
ExchangeRate = float.Parse(txtRate.Text)
I tried with
ExchangeRate = double.Parse(txtRate.Text)
I would appreciate any help.

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Trying To Save Editted Textbox Value In Table But Original Value Saves Instead - Trouble With Table Update Query

Jan 9, 2008

This program gets the values of A and B passed in. They are for table columns DXID and CODE. The textbox GET1 is initialized to B when the page is loaded. When I type another value in GET1 and try to save it, the original initialized value gets saved and not the new value I just typed in. A literal value, like "222" saves but the new GET1.TEXT doesn't.

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Sum Of Column Of Blob Type

Apr 10, 2007

I have a column in my table that is an Image (blob). The data storedin this blob is basically pdf files. I need a query to determine thetotal size of these blob's in the database. Here is what ishappening, if I run it as below I get 23736000 for a sum(datalength (cast(document AS binary(8000)))) fromplan_reportIf I run it like this select sum(datalength (cast(document ASvarbinary(8000)))) from plan_reportI get 23736000 also as a resultIf I run it like this select sum(datalength (cast(document ASvarbinary))) from plan_reportI get 89010 this as a resultIf I run this: select datalength(document) from plan_report then Iget a result for each row and when I sum those rows I get 5584452854this as a result.I do not believe the first 3 queries are returning correct result setsdue to the limit on the fields (binary/varbinary) and since this is animage field I cannot convert to anything else.....I am out of ideas, and any help you can give me will be greatlyappreciated...

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Tiff File Corrupted After Reading From Blob Column

Apr 11, 2006

I use this code to get Tiff files from db , but output file seems to be corrupted :
Dim pubsConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Server=(local);uid=sa2;pwd=sony;database=pubs;")        Dim logoCMD As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT pub_id, logo FROM pub_info", pubsConn)
        Dim fs As FileStream                 ' Writes the BLOB to a file (*.bmp).        Dim bw As BinaryWriter               ' Streams the binary data to the FileStream object.
        Dim bufferSize As Integer = 100      ' The size of the BLOB buffer.        Dim outbyte(bufferSize - 1) As Byte  ' The BLOB byte() buffer to be filled by GetBytes.        Dim retval As Long                   ' The bytes returned from GetBytes.        Dim startIndex As Long = 0           ' The starting position in the BLOB output.
        Dim pub_id As String = ""            ' The publisher id to use in the file name.
        ' Open the connection and read data into the DataReader.        pubsConn.Open()        Dim myReader As SqlDataReader = logoCMD.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess)
        Do While myReader.Read()            ' Get the publisher id, which must occur before getting the logo.            pub_id = myReader.GetString(0)                        ' Create a file to hold the output.            fs = New FileStream("\Server1shared1logo" & "KK" & ".tiff", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write)            bw = New BinaryWriter(fs)
            ' Reset the starting byte for a new BLOB.            startIndex = 0
            ' Read bytes into outbyte() and retain the number of bytes returned.            retval = myReader.GetBytes(1, startIndex, outbyte, 0, bufferSize)
            ' Continue reading and writing while there are bytes beyond the size of the buffer.            Do While retval = bufferSize                bw.Write(outbyte)                bw.Flush()
                ' Reposition the start index to the end of the last buffer and fill the buffer.                startIndex += bufferSize                retval = myReader.GetBytes(1, startIndex, outbyte, 0, bufferSize)            Loop
            ' Write the remaining buffer.            bw.Write(outbyte, 0, retval - 1)            bw.Flush()            ' Close the output file.            bw.Close()            fs.Close()        Loop
        ' Close the reader and the connection.        myReader.Close()        pubsConn.Close()
        Me.Div1.InnerHtml = ("<embed height=650 width=100% toolbar='' src= '" & "\Server1shared1logoKK.tiff" & "' type='application/x-alternatiff'>")

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How To Calculate The Space (size In Bytes) Used By A BLOB Column In A Row

Dec 3, 2007

What is the easiest way to calculate the space (size in bytes) used by a BLOB column that is already stored in a particular row?


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Transact SQL :: Export BLOB (varbinary Max) Column To Excel Or CSV File?

May 20, 2015

I have a table in one of my databases that stores files in one of its columns. I need to be able to export this BLOB column into either a CSV or Excel file. I am forbidden from using xp_Cmdshell so I was wondering if there was a way to do this in the Cmd prompt.

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Easiest And Performance Effective Way To Store Blob Into Varchar Column

Feb 8, 2007

My package dumps the errors into a table. The problem is, it couldnt dump Error Output column to a varchar field. I have added an script component in between to transform to string but no success.

I tried ErrorOutput.GetBlobData(0, ErrorOutput.Length)

but when I query the database, it says "System.Byte[]'

I will appreciate the responses to this post.


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Blob Data

Aug 2, 2005

Can someone please show me an example on how to read & write blob data to a Database? For example if I have the query below (Northwind), how do I actually place the blob item in a picture box on a windows form?SELECT Picture FROM CategoriesWHERE CategoryID = 5

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Blob Data

Aug 2, 2005

Can someone please give me an example in C# on how to retrieve an Image from a Table and store i into a Picture box on a windows form? In addition, how to insert a blob record into a table as well.

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Want To Append Column Value In Textbox To Each Other

Jul 9, 2007

I have one cloumn with 10 rows and I want to read all those value to textbox, or another way I want to append all value to each other, I think I have to loop through it, so how can I do this. I have this column in SQL table. some plese tell me how to do this
thank you

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BLOB Data Type

Feb 24, 2004

Does anyone have any experience of this type of data please? I have been asked to work on a project where it looks like we will be taking MS Office files and scanned images and storing them in a SQL 2000 db so that they can be aquired by a third party application. I am most intereested in the size of the records as the server may need upgrading, for space and performance.
I am also interested in how a BLOB record is created, is it a particular save process from Word / Excel etc or can you specify to import as a BLOB from a SQL script?

Any info welcomed as i really dont know where to start !!!


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Log Shipping And BLOB Data

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all,It was my understanding (Please correct me if I'm wrong on this!) thatBLOB data actually reside on their own separate pages and a BLOB fieldonly holds a pointer to the location of the actual data, therefore theBLOB data per se would not get written to the log, only the pointerwould be written.If log shipping works by applying the transaction log to the standbydatabase, then what happens to the BLOB data?Related question, how does transactional replication work? Is it alsobased on the transaction log?TIA,Ellen

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Oracle BLOB Data

Dec 18, 2007

Hi, I have to migrate an oracle database over to SQL Server 2005. One of the tables has PDF files stored as BLOB. All the ORACLE providers in SSIS do not support BLOB column. What can I use or how can I get the PDF files into my SQL table? The SQL column can be either IMAGE or VARBINARY(MAX).



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Where Are BLOB Or VAR**(MAX) Data Store?

Apr 7, 2007


i learned that BLOB data types are out-row data by default, i think it means it will not store in the row of table, because the max-length of a col is 8KB.

but will the system store those BLOB data? and is there any way to specify where should it be stored, like tha Partition Schema.

i am using SQL Express, so i hope it works for express.(partition does not work for express)

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SQL Server - Data Type Blob

May 26, 2000

1. How many blob data types can be defined in a table on SQL Server 7.0

2. What is the max size for a blob data type.

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Write BLOB Data Failed

Oct 9, 2007


I have a problem with writing BLOB data into type of 'image' field.
If the data size > ~280 MByte (< 2 GB) the operation failed.
It is appear on SQL Server 2000 and 2005 (MSDE and express also).

Detailes :

column type : image
Server : SQL Server 2005, version - 9.0.3042
technology : OLEDB, from C++ -> CDynamicAccessor
protocol for communication : TCP/IP
Size of the DB : ~3 MByte.

As I see the provider read partially (~267 943 936 byte if all is 280 MB) of data from my ISequentialStream.

Error of OLEDB:
General network error.

SQL Server error log entries :
10/05/2007 16:52:53,Server,Unknown,A fatal error occurred while reading the
input stream from the network. The session will be terminated.
10/05/2007 16:52:53,Server,Unknown,Error: 4014<c/> Severity: 20<c/> State: 1.

Entries of SQL profiler :
Error: 4002, Severity: 16, State: 4
The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) protocol stream is incorrect. The stream ended unexpectedly.

I used to set up the bug with contents of a ~350 MB .zip or .mdf file. Everyting is ok when the data <= ~250 MB.
I had ran MS Network Monitor on the server side and not found partially transmitted frames (but I use it on first time).
We try it on another machines, on another LAN with other BLOB (and the bug arised).
I had try 'named pipes' protocol for communication (and the bug arised).

I will be glad if somebody maintain that how can I found the origin of the bug (tools, log options, protokol settings etc.) or
I can present my simple test program (VC 2005 project) and its database (MS SQL 2005).

Best Regards,

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Convert Blob Data To String

Aug 25, 2006

How do I use the GetBlobdata to get the string representation?

I have tried numerous version of Encoders thinking that

System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(Row.TextData.ColumnInfo.CodePage).GetString(b) (where b is the byte array returned by GetBlobData)

But this doesn't work. I have had to resort to converting the field in SQL, so I don't have to deal with blobdata.

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Blob Data Type In SQL Express

Nov 28, 2006

Hi all,

I am trying to store binary datafiles into a SQl Express table. However I can not find the BLOB data type when I am designing the table. Are we limited to using that kind of data type in the Express edition? Thanks.


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How To Insert BLOB Data Using Store Procedure

Apr 2, 2007

Hi,Can we insert BLOB data using store procedure using Oracle and ASP.Net.I have inserted BLOB data using insert command, now i want to insert that BLOB via store procedure....any links/tips  will be helpful...

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Issue With Importing Paradox Blob Data

Sep 11, 2006


I have SQL Server 2000 and I'm trying to import data from a paradox v5 database. Everything has moved over fine but the data from the blob fields. When I use the import tool and try connect to a paradox blob field, the import wizard does not "see" the paradox blob field. here is and example.

If I have a table with the following fields.
id char(20)
description char(120)
image blob

the ms-sql import wizard sees
id char(20)
description char(20)

I find this very odd, but I do need a solution. Any Ideas?


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Sync To Databases Nightly With BLOB Data

Dec 10, 2005

I need some assistence here.I have two servers. One with MS SQL 2000 Standard edition and MSDE(MSdesktop engine).I need to sync my databases nightly, as a backup.Is there a cheap software that will do this? I don't want to justbackup the entire databases files b/c they are large and I'mtransfering them over DSL.I was thinking transaction logging, but I'm not sure. Is there a easyway to do this?I don't know how to accomplish this task.PLEASE HELP.

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SQL 2012 :: XML / CLOB And BLOB Data Access From Oracle

Jun 10, 2014

How to access the XML, CLOB and BLOB Oracle data through linked server from SQL Server 2012?

I want to retrieve XML, CLOB and BLOB data from SQL Server 2012 through Oracle Linked server .

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How Do I Call A Sql Column Dynamically With A Checkbox And Search Term In Textbox

Jan 25, 2008

 hi, I have a question regarding calling sql table columns dynamically? workflow would go as:1. user enters search term into a textbox2. user checks a checkbox to search by column in sqldb (eg.. firstname or surname) pseudo sql would go like......SELECT +%column1(checkbox1.value)%+ OR +%column2(checkbox2.value)%+ OR +%column3(checkbox3.value)%+WHERE  column1 = +%TextBox.Text%+ OR column2 = +%TextBox.Text%+ 3. display results in gridview my sql needs to improve greatly so any code insight(good book or link) would be terrific . thanks  

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ResultSet Can Not Re-read Row Data For BLOB Type In SqlServer 2000

Jul 11, 2005

I am using SqlServer 2000 and Jdbc connectivity in my application on windows.So, when i execute a query on Sqlserver database as :

Select * from DBO.RS_TABLELOB where Rep_sync_id > 15 and Rep_server_name != 'replicator' order by Rep_sync_id;

This problem is only with the BLOB data types in table RS_TABLELOB.

Then i got an error as:

[Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]ResultSet can not re-read row data for column

1.'.'.at tion(Unknown Source)at n(Unknown Source)at mnIndex(Unknown Source)at known Source)at known Source)

Please help me out, if you have any idea!!!

Thanks in advance
John Berry

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Save/Copy Column Mappings In DTS?

Feb 20, 2007

Is it possible to save column mapping definitions from a Transform Data Task? The practical use is I have four tables with very similar layouts of which 200 or so columns are identical. I have various front and back office applications that require local copies of this data in various formats. It is EXTREMELY tedious to remap all of the columns for each Transform Data Task required on these applications.

Is there a way to store all of the column mapping def's and import them into a new transform data task?

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Problem In Converting MS Access OLE Object[Image] Column To BLOB (binary Large Object Bitmap)

May 27, 2008

Hi All,
i have a table in MS Access with CandidateId and Image column. Image column is in OLE object  format. i need to move this to SQL server 2005 with CandidateId column with integer and candidate Image column to Image datatype.
its very udgent, i need any tool to move this to SQL server 2005 or i need a code to move this table from MS Access to SQL server 2005 in C#.
please do the needfull ASAP. waiting for your reply
with regards

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I Want To Save Two Texts In One Column Of Table.What Is The Query For This?

Jan 21, 2008

I am trying to do one scheduling  website for my company. Its contains  tasks thats we scheduling  for ourself each one and the assigning task by the boss to everyone. I want to do this with two tables. I need to save the task and assigned task in one column named as "Tasks" and to gave after the task name assigned or myself scheduled. Also after deletion of each assigned and scheduled it must save in the table with some name like deleted or any symbol. How can I do this?please help me to solve this issue. 

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How Can I Save Big File To NVARCHAR(Max) Column In The Database?

Mar 28, 2007

I want to save file it size about 200MB to the database and after that

I want to get it from the database, the colmun type that i want to

save the file to it is NVARCHAR(Max).

I am using MS sql server 2005.

I was using this code to do this with Image Or Ntext column type but

it dose not working with NVARCHAR(Max) column?

Function SaveFileToDB(ByVal FileName As String, ByVal TblName As String, ByVal FldName As String, ByVal ColumnIDName As String, ByVal RowID As String) As Boolean


Dim addEmp As SqlClient.SqlCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT @Pointer = TEXTPTR(" & FldName & ") FROM " & TblName & " WHERE " & ColumnIDName & " = '" & RowID & "'", MyConnection)

Dim trParm As SqlClient.SqlParameter = addEmp.Parameters.Add("@Pointer", SqlDbType.Binary, 16)

trParm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output



Dim bufferLen As Integer = 1048576

Dim appendToPhoto As SqlClient.SqlCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand("UPDATETEXT " & TblName & "." & FldName & " @Pointer @Offset 0 @Bytes", MyConnection)

Dim ptrParm As SqlClient.SqlParameter = appendToPhoto.Parameters.Add("@Pointer", SqlDbType.Binary, 16)

ptrParm.Value = trParm.Value

Dim photoParm As SqlClient.SqlParameter = appendToPhoto.Parameters.Add("@Bytes", SqlDbType.Image, bufferLen)

Dim offsetParm As SqlClient.SqlParameter = appendToPhoto.Parameters.Add("@Offset", SqlDbType.Int)

offsetParm.Value = 0

Dim fs As IO.FileStream = New IO.FileStream(FileName, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read)

Dim br As IO.BinaryReader = New IO.BinaryReader(fs)

Dim buffer() As Byte = br.ReadBytes(bufferLen)

Dim offset_ctr As Long = 0

Do While buffer.Length > 0

photoParm.Value = buffer


offset_ctr += bufferLen

offsetParm.Value = offset_ctr

buffer = br.ReadBytes(bufferLen)





Return True

Catch ex As Exception

MyErrStr = ex.Message

Return False

End Try

End Function

Public Function ReadFileFromDB(ByVal MyCommandText As String, ByVal FileColumnNumber As Integer, ByVal DSTFileName As String) As Boolean


Dim command As SqlClient.SqlCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(MyCommandText, MyConnection)

Dim stream As IO.FileStream

Dim writer As IO.BinaryWriter

Dim bufferSize As Integer = 1048576

Dim outByte(bufferSize - 1) As Byte

Dim retval As Long

Dim startIndex As Long = 0

Dim reader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()


stream = New IO.FileStream(DSTFileName, IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, IO.FileAccess.Write)

writer = New IO.BinaryWriter(stream)

startIndex = 0

retval = reader.GetBytes(FileColumnNumber, startIndex, outByte, 0, bufferSize)

Do While retval = bufferSize



startIndex += bufferSize

retval = reader.GetBytes(FileColumnNumber, startIndex, outByte, 0, bufferSize)



writer.Write(outByte, 0, retval - 1)





Return True

Catch ex As Exception

MyErrStr = ex.Message

Return False

End Try

End Function

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Limit On Blob/image Data Type In SQL Compact 3.5 SP 1 BETA For ADO Entity Framework?

Apr 5, 2008

Hi! I tried to save some image data, but it get truncated at 8000 (the table column is defined as Image). I then wrote a converter to try ntext-datatype instead, but it gets truncated at 4000.

Error message:
System.Data.SqlServerCe: @3 : String truncation: max=4000, len=4168

The code uses only ADO entity framework for database access. Is there a way to store binary data larger than 8000 bytes? I am running SQL Compact 3.5 sp 1 BETA.


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To BLOB Or Not To BLOB, That Is The Question.

Aug 1, 2006

We are debating what is industry “best practice� for serving huge numbers of images in an industrial scale website. More directly, which approach produces the best performance and the best scalability? For example, how do sites like ebay, Amazon, and other large sites handle the millions or billions of images they must deal with?
Store as BLOB in sql server?
Store in /images folder and store url text into sql server?
We always assumed that the second approach is what most sites must do. But do they?
One developer on our team maintains that storing one million or more image files in a directory will most certainly result in poor performance, because the server must scan the directory, searching for the correct file, each time a web request is made. The directory is not indexed (?) so performance must eventually suffer.
Other developer counters that storing millions of images as BLOBs into sql server will result in poor performance and HUGE database. An additional layer of access (webserver to sql server, back to webserver, then to client) causes a delay and performance hit.
 Who is right? What do the gurus as the world class sites do?

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