Can I Use A Hostname On Registering The Server With TCPIP?

Jan 7, 1999

Hi everyone,

my SQL is running TCPIP and everytime I register the server from a client, I have to enter in the IP address. Can I use a hostname to map an IP address to a server name and then enter the server name to register the server?


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May 12, 2007

How can I enable the TCPIP protocol on my target server? Also, how to unblock the TCP, if it was blocked by the firewall.

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SQL Server Name Equil To Hostname

Jan 19, 2008

Can someone explain me, if it's possible to set my SQL servername equal to the hostname of the server ?
 Of the moment, i have to log in with : WS003/sqlexpress
But I want to log in like this : WS003

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Rename Hostname On Server 2005

Nov 16, 2007

Do I have to do anything when hostname (servername) with SQL Server 2005 install was changed from OLDNAME to NEWNAME? If yes, what need to be done and syntax? I notice it under SYSSERVERS table still contain the OLDNAME.

EX. TEST1PROD01 was changed to TEST2PROD01



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MS SQL 2000 TCPIP Port Number And SQL Replication

Jul 20, 2005

Hi allI'm struggling to find an answer to this one!We've configured our SQL boxes to run under a different port number,e.g. from 1433 to 4533. This works fine under our Citrix enviornmnetwhere the dsn is configured to use the new port. The problem comes interms of SQL Server management. For example, when you try andconfigure SQL Replication, it is not possible to add the subscriberunless the SQL Servce runs under port 1433, the default port. Thesame goes when you try to add the server as a registered server withinthe Enterprise Manager MMC.Does anyone know how you can configure SQL Server to run under adifferent port number, without naffecting SQL REPLICATION, etc?Many thnaksNikJoin Bytes!

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File Transfer From Deskop To PDA Thro TCPIP

Jun 11, 2007

Hi All,

I am trying to pass a text file from desktop machine to PDA thro TCP-IP protocols. It follows Server (on desktop machine) and Client (on pda) architecture. File is converted to bytes and will be pushed to network stream. The client on PDA will receive the bytes and store it on queue and writes the file on PDA. The operation is accomplished through threads on both Server and client. Applications are developed on MS Visual Studio 2005 (C#).

For large files like 1024 KB or having lines about 15000, it takes around 15 minutes. Can anyone give a better idea to transmit files from desktop machine to PDA using TCP-IP protocols.

Thanks in advance


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Connection SQL Server 2005 With DNS Hostname Mismatch

Dec 29, 2006

When using the MS SQL 2005 JDBC driver, I now need to have the DNS nameresolution to the client correctly set up. If not I get the followingerror:SQLState: 08S01SQLError: 0Message: hostname : hostnameWhere "hostname" is the client host name. It doesn't seem to matter ifIuse an IP address or hostname in my connection URL. When searching thenet,I have seen a similar error, but not exactly the same, where themessage is"Hostname: hostname not found" (once again, here "hostname" is theclientmachine) where they suggested the issue was the DNS name conflict.I found the error goes away if the client machine's hostname match theDNSname used for the same IP addess that the DB server is using. Onework-around is to set hostname on the client to the IP address beingused.I know the right thing to do is set the hostname and the DNS namelookup thesame, but I have a customer who doesn't want to do this. They didn'thave tofor 2003, and they don't want to for 2005. Sigh. Is there a way todisablethis feature?

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SQL Server 2000: Block Access From Hostname

Apr 8, 2008

Is possible block access to sql server database, from hostame (pc name). I know only the hostname and not the user.
Is possible?


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Registering A Server

May 8, 2001

Does anyone know what SQL Server uses to identify other servers which contain SQL Server, when you attempt to register a new server through enterprise mgr? For instance when you go through the new sql server registration wizard, the second screen allows you to choose what server you would like to register, and it shows you the available servers on the lan that contain sql server 6.5 or 7.0. What is enterprise mgr using to locate the other servers containing SQL Server? Thanks in advance.

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Registering A Server

Dec 15, 2000

I just created a new db on a programmer's machine. Now I cannot register his sql server on my sql server. It doesn't like 'sa'. I can connect as 'administrator' but then I cannot do anything. Seems like the logins are messed up. I am not able to execute any stored procedures as administrator.

Any ideas besides reloading sql?


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Registering Server

Mar 8, 2001


I have recently installed SQL Server 2000, And trying to register a remote SQL 7 server, through enterprise manager which fails with the following error message: Timeout expired

I am able to connect to the same server using Query Analyzer.
I was able to register this server from the same machine, prior to the installation of SQL 2000. Also, I am still able to connect to other SQL 7 servers, with SQL 2000 enterprise manager.

Any Ideas?

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Registering Server

Sep 30, 2002

Over the weekend we changed ISPs on our SQL Server 2000 machine. The only configuration change was the IP address. I'm able to register the server from client machines using EM which are on the same network, but I can't register it from home. I've verified the IP address, username/password etc and the connection just fails with the message 'Sql Server does not exist or access is denied.' Could this be a port issue? Any ideas? Thanks.

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Registering SQL Server

Aug 25, 1998

is it possible to register an SQL server any other way than SQL Enterprise Manager?
If so, how?


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Registering SQL SERVER

May 8, 2004

How to register a Remote SQL SERVER from a node in Local Area Network?

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Un-registering A Server

Dec 12, 2005

Please pardon my ignorance, but I am using MS SQL2000...On system start upthe Server Service Manager defaults to server "BACK" which is not evenregistered in the SQL Enterprise Manager. Enterprise Manager shows only oneserver " OFFICE" which is the one I want to default to. How do I remove the"Back" server completly from the system?thank you

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Registering A SQL Server Instance

Jun 24, 2005

Ok, well I just installed Visual Studio.NET 2003 on my PC, and to
prepare for next years courses I thought I might get going on some of
the exercises. But I am rather new to this and when I try to expand
"SQL Server" in the "Server Explorer Window" I get this message.

Could not automaticly discover any SQL Server instances.
Choose Register SQL Server instance from the shortcut menu if you know there are SQL Server instances on this machine.

From there all I know is that I can right click on "SQL Server" and
chose register new instance, but I do not know what to enter, and it
suggrests leaving it balck but that doesn't work. I will get an
instance but when I try to expand it another error pops up.

So as you can see I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to SQL Server, can any one help me with this?

Thanks again,


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Registering Server After Installation

Nov 23, 1998

hi, I have just installed Ms sql 6.5 and tried to register the server, I typed a name and did not get any response. This installation was on a single pc which is not connected to the network... any idea of why the server is not responding. Do I need to give a name to the pc before I installed the sql server and then use register the server...

thank for your help


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Problem With Registering A New Server?

Dec 27, 2004

Hi all,
I have installed SQL Server 2k personal ed on Win xp and now I want to add another instance other than that one I added when installation.But I do not know how? I used EM and its wizard but it says could not find server or access is denied...
-any quick help is appreciated

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Problem Registering SQL Server

May 1, 2007


I am trying to register a SQL Server 2000 on a client machine. It was workig fine , until yestarday when he moved and got a different system IP. But one of the SQL Server 'A' is getting connected. But when I try to register the server 'B' its giving an error " SQL Server does not exist or access denied". I am giving correct login credintels. When I tried to ping ( using cmd) the Server 'B' , the system was able to connect.

What might be the problem.

Thanks for the help.

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Registering SQL Server Not In Domain

Oct 13, 2005

Hi all,We have standardized on Hyperion as our reporting tool. So far I haveonly set up a couple of Access databases as data sources for it. Nowthere is a request to report off our eOn (telephony management) SQLServer database using Hyperion. The eOn SQL Server box is in aworkgroup that is not part of the rest of our domain. (We only haveone domain because we don't have a "forest", whatever that means.) Itis behind a router owned by eOn along with a PBX and some other stuff.Setting up a data source for Hyperion requires creating a special datasource file called an .oce on the box where the Hyperion fat client(required for most administrative tasks) resides, and also setting up adifferent special data source file called a .das on the server wherethe Hyperion services run. (The analysts and end-users do not have thefat client, their access is web-based.)I have to register the eOn SQL Server by using the IP address and SQLServer authentication. (I was told that I can't use Windowsauthentication because it is not in the domain.) From the box onwhich the Hyperion fat client resides, I cannot register the eOn SQLServer. The error message is "timeout expired". Tracerting indicatesthere are no intermediate hops when attempting to connect from thisVLAN. From my desktop, which is on a different VLAN, I can connect toand register it. This trip includes one hop at our 6509. From one ofmy servers which is on the same VLAN as the fat-client box, I am ableto connect and register. On the fat-client box I tried deleting andre-registering another SQL Server and there was no problem.The IP address I have to use to connect to the eOn SQL Server is *NOT*the actual IP address of the box it resides on, but rather the eOnrouter, which translates it to the address of the server. We have nocontrol over this, eOn creates this setup. I'm not sure how it knowswhich of the devices behind it a given message is for.Ideas?

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Registering SQL Server Express - Thanks For Nothing

Dec 4, 2007

I was on the SQL Server Express Edition site (, and I used a link that suggested by registering my SQL Server Express I could get some royalty free images and an e-book. I followed the process, and they immediately sent me an email full of links, some of which do not seem to work. The link for the Registration Benefits Portal takes me to a "Page Not Found" error on Microsoft. The article within Resources called "Using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services with SQL Server Express" also doesn't work.

I guess I didn't really need these "benefits", but it was kind of aggravating. This is 10 minutes I won't ever get back.

Since the email said to report any problems to the forums, this is what I am doing.

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Registering SQL Server Express

Nov 26, 2007

I have set up SQL Server Express with a Server Name / Instance name RMUKOCSQLEXPRESS

However, from another Server running the full SQL Server 2005 Management Studio I cannot seem to register the above Server. The usual message of :
"An error has occurred while establising a connection to the server...."

I have allowed remote connections, set up default, named pipes etc on the SQL Server Express. Yet from the SQL Server Express Management Studio I can register full 2005 Server / Instances but not the other way round.

Is there anything else I need to be aware of or check for.

Thanks in advance

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Error While Registering A New Sql Server

Mar 22, 2006

TITLE: New Server Registration

Testing the registered server failed. Verify the server name, login credentials, and database, and then click Test again.


An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 53)

When I try to regiter a sql server, I take this error message. I am using Sql Server 2005. What is the problem,can you help me?

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Append Hostname / Computername To Text File Using Windows Batch Command

Mar 9, 2015

How to append an hostname/computername to a text file using windows batch command?

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Registering/connecting To Server From Workstation

Jun 12, 2001

I am running SQL 7 (SP3) on a 2000 Server. When I configure the server as part of the Workgroup I have no problems connecting from the workstation. However, if I join the server to our 2000 domain, I cannot connect and/or register the server from the workstation through EM.

Is this a security issue? If so, what are the minimum requirements or what else am I missing. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you,
Eugene Jenkins

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Problem Registering An SQL 7.0 Server In SQL 2000

Feb 7, 2001

We are running 3 versions of SQL - 6.5, 7.0, and now 2000.
I have all three versions installed on my PC and run Enterprise
Manager to manage the 2000 and 7.0 servers. The one 7.0 server
is registered fine. When I try to register the other 7.0 server
I get the following message -

(SQL DMO) SQL Server xxxx must be upgraded to
version 7.0 or later.

This same server is registered through Enterprise Manager on
another PC running the 3 versions of SQL and both SQL 7.0 servers
work fine on that Enterprise Manager installation.

Any suggestions as to what I need to do to be able to register
the 7.0 server on the Enterprise Manager running on my PC?

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Registering SQL Server 7.0 In 6.5 And Vice Versa

May 10, 1999

Hi all,

Does anyone know if it is possible to register SQL Server 7.0 in SQL Server 6.5 and vice versa?

I can't find the SQLOLE70.SQL file in SQL Server 7.0 installation disk.

Thanks in advance

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Registering Server In OLAP Manager

Jan 26, 1999

I'm trying to register a remote OLAP server under OLAP Manager.
After I enter the machine name I get the following:

Errors occurred while connecting to <server>.
Cannot open the following registry key on the server computer (<server>):
SoftwareMicrosoftOLAP ServerServer Connection Info
Do you still want to register this server?

The noticeable thing about this error message is that the registry key is missing the first level (HKEY_....). Has anyone been able to register a remote server? I can run OLAP Manager on the server without a problem. I just uninstalled and reinstalled OLAP services on the server and my desktop.
There is a registry key with this path under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on the server.

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Registering SQL Server Possible Vista Problem

Mar 10, 2008

Dear All,

My office computer just had Vista installed on it and while going back through to re-install my software, I have encountered a problem in SQL Server 8.0. (Yes, I know it's old and likely has comparability issues with Vista, but I don't have the option to upgrade at this point.) I have two servers to register. One works fine, but the other won't register and returns the error "SQL Server does not exist or access denied. ConnectionOpen (Connect())". I am able to register these on machines running XP and Windows Server 2003, but not on my Vista machine. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this problem?

Thank you!

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Registering SQL Server 2000 On Vista Problem

Mar 11, 2008

Dear All,

My office computer just had Vista installed on it and I have now encountered a problem in SQL Server 2000 sp4. (Yes, I know it's old and has comparability issues with Vista, but I don't have the option to upgrade at this point.) I have two servers to register. One works fine, but the other won't register and returns the error "SQL Server does not exist or access denied. ConnectionOpen (Connect())". I was able to register this one server that isn't working while previously running XP on my office computer and even as a test on another server running Windows Server 2003. This leads me to believe the problem is isolated with my installation on Vista and not with any permissions, etc. I have been scouring different forums looking for a fix for this, but have come up empty handed. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this problem?

Thank you!

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Problem In Registering Sql Server In Enterprise Manager

Jul 23, 2005

helloi am new to sql server and .net programing here is a problem i gotwhile trying to register sql server over internet on sql serverenterprise manager , i open register sql server wizardclick next, gave ip address of the sql server( i want to register) inavailable servers and add it , gave sql authenticationbut got the error"sql server does not exist or access denied coonectionopen(connect())"please advice me how to solve this problemnote: tcp/ip network library is enabled on my server and the client aswelli have also tried this in vb.netDim conect As New SqlConnection("data source =;net='dbmssocn';database = pmec ; user id = sa;password = sa ")but the same exception is thrownkindly help me solve this problem, i need to solve it badlythanks

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Registering SQL Server In SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager

May 22, 2008

When Trying to register a SQL Server using Windows Authentication, I get the following error:

Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

When I edit the properties and make it SQL Authentication, it works fine. The SQL Server Service is starting up with a domain user account. If that makes any difference. Funny thing is, that my co-worker, can register the SQL Server in his Enterprise Manager using Windows Authentication. We are both Domain Admins and members of the servers local admin group. So, I'm not sure what to do now.

I checked under Security, Logins...and neither of us are listed under there.


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Registering Remote Database Server With Local Dbserver Enterprise Manager

Nov 15, 1999

I amtrying to register remote database server with my local machine Enterprise Manager. It says server doesnot exist or not available.

I am putting server name,Tcp/Ip, i.p,port in Sql client configuration utility
and then trying to register it with Enterprise Manager.

Pl help me out.



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