Can MsSQL Data File Be Archived And Made Smaller ?
Dec 6, 2006
Hi... We have application that connected to MSSQL 2000 database. The database file is getting bigger and bigger over the years. Recently the performance of the database and application is getting slower and slower, my senior oracle DBA told me that I should archive the MSSQL 2000 data file and export the old record to the archive DB. So that the number of record will be less and it will be faster.
I would like to know whether MSSQL 2000 support archiving of the database file ? If yes, what is the way to do it ? I could not find it in Enterprise manager option at all.
Hi all:I restored one backup database (7.9 GB mdf) on two diffrent servers. Ishrunk them by clicking "Move pages to beginning of file beforeshrinking".After shrinking, one mdf file is 6.7 GB, and the other is 4.2GB. Ishunk again and again:1. the 6.7GB become 5.9GB, 5.2GB, 4.7GB and 4.2Gb (four times)2. the 4.2Gb become 4.0GB (just one more time)It is wired, I am wondering the mdf will be smaller and smaller if Icontinue to shrink them? What is the reason?ThanksWJ
Hello all. Before my arrival at my current employer, our consultantsphysically set up our MSSQL 7 server as follows:drive c: contains the mssql enginedrive d: contains the transaction logdrive e: contains the data filesNo filegroups were set up and the data files consist of only 1 largephysical file. Currently, our data file is >10GB. When I was trained onthe physical aspects of sqlserver, I was told to never create physical files[color=blue]> 2048MB each. If I did, I could expect inefficient physical storage of[/color]data and slower performance (due to the OS).Our server has 2 RAID-5 arrays. Drive c: and e: are located on the firstarray and drive d: on the second. We're running Windows 4.0 NT Server SP6with NTFS.Can someone comment on the use of 1 single large data file vs. more smallerdata files?
I have a scenario where I am trying to set up multiple database instances for multiple test/development environment(s) for each group where the test/dev environment will contain a copy of what was in the production environment.. The test/dev environment can be refreshed on demand based on the prior night's full backup of the production environment.. This is good for our web developers and for training purposes, as the test environment(s) can be played around with, and will retain data for as long as the developers/testers/trainers need it, and then can be refreshed to the most current data when everyone in the group decides they want it refreshed...
Normally, this works out well...
However I am having a file size issue...
The production database was pre-allocated (a long time ago) to a large file size (probably to reduce external fragmentation).... So even though the backup file is only 5GB, the production database file itself is something like 40GB... I believe the production database has a maintainance plan on it already that rebuilds the indicies each weekend, etc...
Anyhow, the problem is that when I restore the 5GB database back into a newly created database file, the file expands all the way up to 40GB again, even though the backup file is 5GB...
Normally this would be fine, the problem is that I am trying to create multiple environments, and I do not have the disk space on my test/dev server for 40GB (plus another 15GB or so for the transaction log) multiplied by each of my test/dev environments... It would be much nicer if I could get this down to 5GB (or heck, even 10GB), since I know for sure that the total amount of data in the database doesnt exceed 5GB, and I have plenty of space on my disk for 5 (or 10) GB multiplied by each of the environments I want to create...
I have tried DBCC SHRINKDB and I have tried DBCC SHRINKFILE with the truncate after the restore, which seems to work but doesn't....
I have also tried to go into the database properties and change the "initial size" but that doesnt do anything etiher
Is there any way to get this file back down to a manageable size after the restore??
Or better yet, is there a special method to restore the database so it wont 'expand' back out to 40GB in the first place??? Perhaps some option to tell the restore process that even though the source database had a 40GB pre-allocation, that the database I am restoring into doesn't need to be pre-allocated??
I have a Database A in production with 12GB as data file and 8 GB as log file. How do I restore this db in Development with a smaller log file, say 1GB? I can't shrink the log file or anything in production. What is the best way to restore in Dev with a smaller log file?
The number of files to retain for SQL Server Logs is set to 99. When I expand the SQL Server Logs node in SQL Server Mgt Studio it shows the current log file through Archive#49. The oldest archive file is dated 2015/05/26. If I select that archive in SQL Server Mgt Studio it shows me the details and entries of that archive file. Yet when I go to the directory on SQL Server for the log files there are only the 5 most recent files. I have searched for '.trc' files on the entire drive and have found no other files.
How can SQL Server Mgt Studio show archive files that have no corresponding archive file in the directory that is supposed to contain the log files?
I've got a table containing calculated values, so i created a field named "archived" (bit datatype) on this table, to prevent the values to be updated if this field is set to true.
Is it possible to created a constraint, to prevent the row to be updated if ARCHIVED=true ? How can i do it ?
I want to create a page(using GridView) where it will detect changes made in the database and display it for Administrator observation. I've created a table name history for this purpose. History guid (uniqueidentifier) dateCreated(datetime) lastDateUpdated(datetime) changesMade(varchar(50)) ---- eg; dropdownlist oldValue(varchar(50)) ----- compaq newValue(varchar(50)) -----dell updateBy(varchar(10)) <------ username of registered user comNo(int) = foreign key for Computer table History data will insert data whenever a changes made. Could anyone advise and direct me how to do this function. I was thinking of using stored procedure to insert the data. Thanks in advance.
First, thank you all for the help so far.My new, broader Question is this: What is the most efficient (read easiest) way to code in an inset statement into a remoste SQL 2003 database from IIS 6 running 2.0?Here is the situation: I have a form that requires the user to be signed in. I then want to get the value of a text box TBOne(String), a dropdownlist DDOne(Text), another Textbox TBTwo (int) and insert these values in to a NEW row of a database (DBTest) into table TTest, with the UserName (String), and todaysdate (SmallDateTime).I am a JSP programmer, and it's fairly easy to do in JSP, but I am trying to leverage the SQL Datasource, to make my life easier.Is there a simple way to do this? Something like:String;String TBOne=TBOne.text;...Insert into DBTest.TTest Values(username, TBOne, ...) ? TIA Dan
Hi,Sorry for the obscure title but I'm afraid I can't think of a betterway to describe what happened to one of my clerks last night. The guy wasworking late, made a series of changes (accross a number of tables with adependant relationship structure - i.e. a customer linked to an order linkedto an invoice linked to a payments etc.) Now when he came back this morningnone of the work he did last night was still there. I'm by no means asql-pro - but I've managed to make do so far. Here's what I know:1) All of our records in all of our tables have date/time stamped. Once whenthey go in and once when they're changed. So with a little work I can buildup a good picture of what usage our database gets at what times. I've pulledup a query and there is a big fat hole between 8pm-10pm - stuff thathappened before that is still there, stuff that happened after that is stillthere - but all the changes that were put in between then just aren't thereany more. So it's not just insertions but updates as well.2) There is no perceivable break in our identity columns. So despite thefact that I know he entered 7 new customers, I can go back through thecustomers table and look at where those customers should sit visa vie entrytimes - and it's just as though the customers he entered never existed -sql server just keeps incrementing sequentially and there's no break - sothe last customer entered at about 6:50 pm was something like number 11912and the customers entered this morning have numbers that carry on from11913.3) I'm running in a shared environment - the server is hosted by awebhosting company (who shall remain nameless unless I can prove it's theirfault!) based in the US - the server has 100's of other Users databasesrunning on it.I just don't know where to begin diagnosing this sort of problem. But it hasme really running scared. It's not the first time something like this hashappened to me (i've noticed it once before when I had to get a connectionkilled by the people who manage our server because of a long-running querythat seemed to have just got bunged up and was locking a key table) - butthat was just a few records changed by the user who's connection got killed.Nothing like this... but it's pretty scary - I've got no way of knowing thatI'm losing changes like this on a continuous basis. It's my worstnightmare - like a pipe leaking underneath a floor board - and you only findout when the water starts running down the stairs!Has anyone got any ideas? Any starting places? Anyone else had anything likethis happen to them before?ThanksNick
Hi;We just migrated to SqlServer 2005. When I import tables from fromSqlServer database into another the identity fields get switched offfrom being identities.How can I prevent that from happening?Thanks in advance for any informationSteve-------------------------------------------------------------------Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio9.00.1399.00Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools2005.090.1399.00Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)2000.085.1117.00(xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)Microsoft MSXML2.6 3.0 4.0 6.0Microsoft Internet Explorer7.0.5730.11Microsoft .NET Framework2.0.50727.42Operating System5.1.2600
I am attempting to deploy a sample report (SQL 2005 Workgroup w/SP2) and I am receiving the subject error message when I attempt to view the report on the web server. We are using SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition connecting to an Oracle database.
Is this a limitiation of this version? In report designer, I am able to select Oracle as a connection type. If I try to create a data source at the server, "Microsoft SQL Server" is the only option available. If I look at the ReportServer config file, I see many other data connection types available. Did I miss a step, or is this a Workgroup Edition limitation (it's not documented as a limitation that I am able to find)?
New to SQL Server Compact Edition and I am getting my feet wet with the following tutorial:
I follow the tutorial exactly, but the data I edit through the Edit Dialog Form is not saved to the SQL Server table even though all of the edits appear in the datagrid. They never make it back into the table.
When I deploy the cube which is sitting on my PC (local) the following 4 errors come up:
Error 1 The datasource , 'AdventureWorksDW', contains an ImpersonationMode that that is not supported for processing operations. 0 0 Error 2 Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be made to the data source with the DataSourceID of 'Adventure Works DW', Name of 'AdventureWorksDW'. 0 0 Error 3 Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the dimension, with the ID of 'Customer', Name of 'Customer' was being processed. 0 0 Error 4 Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'Customer Alternate Key' attribute of the 'Customer' dimension from the 'Analysis Services Tutorial' database was being processed. 0 0
I have a situation where I need to migrate data from an older platform to a newer one. The data from the old system(s) will be available on DAT tapes. All database construction on the new system will be identical to the old one in size and schema, except for one table (call it "ARCHIVE").
If the ARCHIVE table on the old system is 210MB, and the ARCHIVE table on the new system has the same attributes but has been expanded to 380MB in size, can I simply restore the dump for the old table into the new ARCHIVE?
Empirically it works (I have done it with apparent success two times) but I seem to recall that backups are done by pages, and I'm concerned that there may be conditions not being met by simply doing the restore the way I'm planning to do it.
Also, are there any tests or checks built into SQL which I can use to check table integrity on the target ARCHIVE table after the restore?
I have a database in 2 GB .mdf and a 1 GB ldf. The backup is much smaller. I need to copy this database to another server which does not have that much free space. Can this be restored to a smaller .mdf and .ldf? How?
Is it generally or almost always better to have multiplesmall SPs and functions to return a result set instead ofusing a single big 1000+ lines SP?I have one SP for example that is 1000+ lines and earlyanalysis of the SP I see it first has 3 big blocks of codeseparated by IF statements. Then within each IF blockof code I see 3-4 UNIONs. UNIONs that meansthey are all returning the same columns so I amguessing these are prime candidates for becomingindividual functions or SPs, maybe even dynamic SPs.Obviously I am not showing you the code but am Iright to think this way? This same SP has about 15 JOINsincluding some LEFT JOINs and one LEFT JOIN to a (SELECTstatement) and almost all the tables referenced by theseJOINs have thousands of records, very possibly hundreds ofthousands.The SELECT statement is returning 30-40 columns froma lot of the these tables plus I also see a lot of CASE ELSEstatements within the main SELECT statement. The code ofeach CASE statement is calling a function. As an exampleif the CASE is for EmployeeID then a function is being calledto get the EmployeeID's FirstName and LastName. If the CASEis for CustomerID then another function is being called to getthe Customer Name.I am thinking to cut this big SP to many smaller SPs and/or functionsand I also plan on using table variable(s) to hold temporary resultwhile I continue processing the records from the table variablewith other code logic.Also I want to leave as the last thing to do is to convert the"machine result", i.e. EmployeeID or CustomerID to "humanreadable result", i.e. Employee FirstName and LastName,Customer Name.I am trying to test this on the Northwind's Employees table,but the Statistics IO, Time and the Execution Plan aresomething I've only started to use. I am unable to makeconclusion which method is better. I'll work on posting anotherpost specifically with details to this test that I am currently doing.My opinion is that by having 1 single SP with 15+ join causea lot more locking than if I would run smaller SPs and store theresult into temp table variables and continue processing theremaining code logic.I would like to know what you think and if I am right or wrongon how I want to optimize this SP?Thank you
I have a bunch of names, and each name can have one or more 'roles'(operator, reader, key operator, etc. Just random words really.) attached to it.
Using reporting services, I've managed to get the information I need with relative ease... the only problem is, with 900 some records to display, it's current length of 41 pages with just one column going down the left side of each page is not exactly preferred by my superior (can't say I blame him really. Looks kind of odd!)
It looks like this right now:
etc all the way down to page 41
I need it to look something like this:
Name 1 Name 4 Name 7
Function Function Function
Name 2 Name 5 Function
Function Function Name 8
Function Function Function
Name 3 Name 6 Function
Function Function Function
etc. Or some variation of...
I've fiddled around, and merely adding one extra column to the initial table-layout with the same =(!UserName etc) just merely replicates the data in the second column... not giving me the new stuff.
I'm quite new to reporting services, but none of the tutorials I've seen/done seem to accomodate for this... Heeelp!
As we know, MySQL have function to output its data into Text File using "Select * into outfile 'C:/mytext.txt". Does MSSQL has "Select into Outfile" function??? If yes, what is the function?? Thanks in advance :) Anderson
Hello, I am using Visual Studio Web Developer 2005 Express Edition with MSSQL 2005. I need to import my db into the db in web server. How do you know export MSSQL db in VSWD to csv file? I was trying Teratrax. But I am not sure how to browse for the database on my local machine.My local machine runs on XP Home Edition and I write my ASP.NET app with Visual Studio Web Developer Express Edition. How do I find out what my server name is so that I can connect to the database of my application? I don't think it is localhost because I don't have IIS running on my machine. From my understand VSWD has its own web server. But I am not sure how to connect to my data baswe so that I can export the database to CSV file using Teratrax.ThanksJacthemanus
Hi How can I export a MSSQL DB (table, SP, View, data) to a single csv file? I can export them to a sql file through Publishing Wizard, but how can I export it to a csv file? Thanks for help
I wanted to know if there is a possiblity of running a scheduled VBScript file under MSSQL 7.0 using the - Management->Sql Server Agent->Jobs.
When I create a Step, there are these given options: 1. Active Script: I understand that the configuration would allow VBScript or Java Script or Others.... but the command could only be as long as 3200 characters. My script is longer than the mentioned limit hence I will have to use an external .vbs file. I don't know how the third option of others to be used.
2.Operating System Command(CmdExec): I can only use .BAT, .CMD, .EXE, .COM extentions in this. Again, I would have to convert my .VBS file to a .EXE and then schedule it. It has a lot of overheads to it, which I consider is not apt.
Could anyone suggest me how to go about scheduling a .vbs file on MSSQL 7.0 with set frequency.
Here's my question, hopefully one of you can help me:
When you allow your log file to grow on its own, eventually it uses up all your diskspace . . so you truncate it. However, when you truncate it, it doesn't *resize* the log file, so your still out of disk space, it simply clears up room within the allocated "block" or what-not so that the db can continue to make log file entries. So, does anyone know of a way to resize that log file without losing it's data? For example, we were thinking about truncating it, backing it up, dropping the original, and then restore the log file from the "truncated backup." Anyways, there must be an easier solution (if that one even works!) . . so please, if you have any hints, let me know.
If my backup starts at 8PM and take 1 hour to complete, will the changes made to the database during that hour be captured in the full backup?
Stated another way, will my backup be a snapshot of: a) 8PM when the backup started b) 8PM with some of the changes made between the hour c) 9PM when the backup finished?
Anybody know the exact way SQL Server handles that logic?
I'm having problems with handling a very large amount of user records - about 100.000 - 150.000 records. Instead of selecting all of them at a time, how do I f.ex. select 1000 of them? (f.ex. get nr. 1 - nr 1000, then get nr. 1001 - nr. 2000) ???
I found a database file and a log file over 2G on mssql 2000 server. Actually, they only need around 200M. I try to backup, truncate the database in order make the size smaller. But the size cannot be smaller. How can I do it?
I need an application with that let me restore database by getting .bak file and database name and database user and user password, my database is SQL Server 2005.
Hi.. When I go to my MSSQL 2000 database--> properties-->Databse size is 1500MG and the space available is 305MB
But I don't understand how space available come from. As I had put my Database file and Transaction log file as unrestricted file grow. And put automatically file grow by 10% for both file and log
Why is the limit come from ?
Besides, I have a database which indicate space available as 0M in the database properties but it is still functioning. why?
Hello, we are running Microsoft SQL 2005 Express edition (9.0.32).
Recently I just noticed that the database log file of our main database is HUGE. The database data file is only 50MB and the log file is 210GB.
Any idea what is causing this? Seems to be getting bigger with time, in the last 7 days seems to have grown by 100GB. I noticed the following settings under the database: