Can SQL Server Return A 0 (zero) When No Records Are Found?
Apr 26, 2008
Can someone help to fix this query so that it returns a 0 (zero), as opposed to a blank or null value, when case_id # 1049 record is not found. And if the record is indeed found it should return the case ID (numeric value).
WHEN count(*) = 0 THEN 0
Hi! I'am new to this forum and would apreciate any feedback on my problem. I have a quarry that returns the count of former customers with average cell-phone usage between 200 and 299. The ressult is grouped in year and week with group by. The dates are represented by the closingdate of the customers subscription.
The ressult is used for reporting purposses, but I need my selection to return '0' on weeks where there are "no reccords found".
SELECT '200-299' AS ARPU, year AS YEAR, week AS WEEK, COUNT(nummer) AS Antall FROM
NB: Using SQL Server 2005. Any tip or solution will be a big help Best regards Gard S
I have a report that needs to return a count of zero for the rows that have no data, I have tried to use the Left Outer Join but my where clause is excluding the rows with no data and I need to filter the report with the Year, day and Month.
The date filters are from different table(dimDate), not sure how to include them in the #tmpOperationalTypes join as filters
I have an Oracle 9i server. To access the data in Oracle, I setup an ODBC connection to it and am able to return data from it using WinSQL (a general ODBC database client). The SQL statement is simply "SELECT * FROM COLOR" and all 133 records returned properly.
I need to copy the data from the Oracle server to SQL Express, therefore I set up linked server (by Microsoft ODBC provider) using the same ODBC connection as described above.
The problem is: only 32 records returned.
May I ask if there is any problem to this linked server setup?
Hi,I used sp_addlinkedserver to link to a remote server through ODBC.When I execute select count(*) from LinkSrv.SI.DBO.SIHeader in SQL QueryAnalyzer. It returns 13705 records. But when I execute select * fromLinkSrv.SI.DBO.SIHeader. It only return 885 records. If I specify somecolumns, select ODCOMP, ODPONO, ODVDCD from LinkSrv.SI.DBO.SIHeader.It returns more records, 1213 records.I guess there is something limit the return storage, but I can notfind it.Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thank you
I need to check whether procedure found any matches or not. If not it has to return the column name where matching value was not found. For example, if there was no record found in the table "Addresses" column "customer" with the value @username, it should return "street". If id with value @prod_id was not found in the table "Products", the "productname" must be returned as well.
CREATE PROC sp_test @id INT, @username VARCHAR(50), @prod_id INT AS
SELECT name FROM Customers WHERE id=@id SELECT street FROM Addresses WHERE customer=@username SELECT productname FROM Products WHERE id=@prod_id
It is kind of check, which has to find out if users have inserted all the necessary values or not. Thanks for any advice.
My overarching goal is to generate sets of random Symptom records for each Enrollee in a drug study, so that for each cycle (period of time), the code will insert a random number of random records for each enrollee.
I'm trying to return a number of random records from a table, but inside a table-valued function... (which could be my problem).
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ufn_GetTopSymptoms ( @enrollID INT , @CTCVersion VARCHAR(20) , @NumRecords INT ) RETURNS TABLE
[Code] ....
But that ORDER BY NEWID() clause is illegal apparently, because here's the error it throws:
Msg 443, Level 16, State 1, Procedure ufn_GetTopSymptoms, Line 13 Invalid use of a side-effecting operator 'newid' within a function.
I was hoping I could return a set of enrollmentIDs and then use CROSS APPLY to generate a random set of records for each enrollmentID... is this not possible with APPLY? I was trying to avoid using a cursor...
The idea is basically to create all the Symptom records for all the patients in treatment cycle at once by using Enrollee OUTER APPLY dbo.ufn_GetTopSymtoms(dbo.Enrollment.EnrolleeID)
but that's clearly not working. Is there a way to do this without resorting to a cursor?
I have a query that takes blobs that have been created within the lastday out of sql server and places them on a disk drive. The query is astored proc which runs in a DTS job. The job shows failure when thereare no pdf's created in the last day, how do I correct this??Here is my stored proc code:CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_PDFExport] ASbeginset quoted_identifier offdeclare @pk intdeclare @where_clause varchar(100)declare @file_name varchar (50)declare @debug varchar (50)Declare @cmd varchar (50)--debug/*if @Debug = 1print @cmdexec Master..xp_cmdShell @cmd */-- begin cursorDECLARE LOOKUP CURSOR FOR select pr.[id]from plan_report pr, plan_version pvwhere pv.plan_id = pr.plan_id and pv.status = '30' and pr.create_time
How can I check for Null for the amounts if no records are returned in either select. Basically it errors out if one or both of the Amounts return no records. I need to do some sort of IF statement to set one of the amounts or both amounts to zero in those cases so it doesn't error out on me
SELECT (Coalesce(pd1_Amount, 0) + Coalesce(PD2_Amount, 0)) as Amount FROM (
SELECT pd.Amount as pd1_Amount FROM Master m (NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN dbo.pdc pd ON pd.number = m.number INNER JOIN dbo.Customer c ON c.Customer = m.Customer
WHERE pd.Active = 1 AND pd.Entered BETWEEN DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate) + 1, @FirstDayMonthDate) AND DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate), DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @FirstDayMonthDate)) AND pd.Entered <> '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' AND pd.Deposit BETWEEN DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate) + 1, @FirstDayMonthDate) AND DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate), DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @FirstDayMonthDate)) --AND pd.Deposit IS NOT NULL --AND pd.OnHold IS NULL AND c.customer <> '9999999'
SELECT pdd.Amount as PD2_Amount FROM Master m (NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN dbo.pdcdeleted pdd ON pdd.number = m.number INNER JOIN dbo.Customer c ON c.Customer = m.Customer
WHERE pdd.Entered BETWEEN DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate) + 1, @FirstDayMonthDate) AND DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate), DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @FirstDayMonthDate)) AND pdd.Entered <> '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' AND pdd.Deposit BETWEEN DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate) + 1, @FirstDayMonthDate) AND DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate), DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @FirstDayMonthDate)) --AND pdd.Deposit IS NOT NULL --AND pdd.OnHold IS NULL AND c.customer <> '9999999' ) as PDC_Main
I am trying to return the number of records found by the query but keep seeing -1 in label1. This query should return many records. sub findcustomers(sender as object,e as eventargs) dim connection1 as sqlconnection=new sqlconnection(...) dim q1 as string="select * from tblcustomers where store='65'" dim command1 as sqlcommand=new sqlcommand(q1,connection1) dim a as integer a=command1.executenonquery() label1.text=a.tostring() command1.connection.close() end sub What am I doing wrong?
I need to run a sequel statement in a stored procedure and get if it found any records because the next statements depend on if records were found or not. How do I do this?
Table A has columns CompressedProduct, Tool, Operation
Table B in a differnt database has columns ID, Product, Tool Operation
I cannot edit table A. I can select records from A and insert into B. And I can select only the records that are in both tables.
But I want to be able to select any records that are in table A but not in Table B.
ie. I want to select records from A where the combination of Product, Tool and Operaton does not appear in Table B, even if all 3 on their own do appear.
This code return all the records from A. I need to filter out the records found in Table B.
SELECT ID, CompressedProduct, oq.Tool, oq.Operation FROM OPENQUERY (Lisa_Link, 'SELECT DISTINCT CompressedProduct, Tool, Operation FROM tblToolStatus ts JOIN tblProduct p ON ts.ProductID = p.ProductID JOIN tblTool t ON ts.ToolID = t.ToolID JOIN tblOperation o ON ts.OperationID = o.OperationID WHERE ts.ToolID=66 ') oq LEFT JOIN Family f on oq.CompressedProduct = f.Product and oq.Tool = f.Tool and oq.Operation = f.Operation
I have table that I need to retrieve the top 2 records, the issue is I have 3 records with the same date, but I only want the first 2. Each record looks something like this.
I have to be able to add the series up of only the first two records for each id based on date. Here is a sample query
select sum(series), date from table group by date order by sum(series) desc
This gives me the total for all three and gives it to me in descending order. I need the records for set 1 and 2 of each of the Id. There are many records but the date and the setnr doesn't duplicate.
Hello experts,I'm trying the run the following query with specific intentions.I would like the query to return 5 results; i.e., 4 distinct and oneduplicate. I am only getting, however, 4 distinct records. I wouldlike the results from the '007' id to spit out twice.I'm not using 'distinct,' and I've tried 'all.' I realize that Icould put my 5 employee id's in a table and do a left or right join; Iwould like to avoid that, however. Any thoughts?SelectEmployee_last_name,Employee_first_name
I have a database table which contains customer orders. I am trying to code my SQL select statement to:
1) Only return records where the record orderdate is within the last 30 days
2) Between two dates, selected from the datepicker control.
With regards to issue 1, I could fill a table with all the records for the account in question and then for each record do a datediff between the records order date and the current date to determine if the number of days is within 30 days. If yes then add this record to a temp table and then set this table as the datasource for the datagridview.
Can anyone help me modify this sproc's Where clause or Joins to let (T) task records with a 0 to be returned? If I enter a ClientID I want to return only those task records with the ClientID I entered (this works). If I enter no ClientID I want to return all task records, even those with a 0 in the ClientID field. ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.CMAdmin @SID int AS SELECT A.CompanyName, C.FirstName, C.LastName, C.ClientID,Convert(varchar(10), T.ActionDate, 10) AS [Action Date], T.Priority, T.Status, T.Subject, T.Note, T.CompletionDate, 10) AS Completed, T.DateEntered AS Entered, T.EnteredBy AS [Entered By], CASE WHEN A.[CompanyName] IS NULL OR A.[CompanyName] = '' THEN C.[FirstName] +' '+ C.[LastName] ELSE A.[CompanyName] END AS DRName FROM tblClients C LEFT OUTER JOIN tblClientAddresses A ON C.ClientID = A.ClientID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblTasks T ON C.ClientID = T.ClientID WHERE C.ClientID = Isnull(@SID,C.ClientID)
I've got a product table in SQL 2000 that contains say these rows: ProductID intProductName varcharIsSpecial bit I want to always return 4 random specials from a query and can do this fine by using: SELECT TOP 4 ProductID,ProductNameFROM Products WHERE IsSpecial = 1ORDER BY NEWID() This works ok if there are 4 products marked as specials but the problem is i always need 4 records returned but if only 2 products are marked as special then only 2 records are returned. What i really need is something in there that says if <4 records are returned then just add random non-special products to make the total products returned up to 4. So it should always be 4 records but preference is given to specials if you see what i mean? Is this possible? Thanks
I have an incident reporting management application. People are supposed to report incidents by this application and every time some one reports an incident, they also select thier employee#(reqiured field). so how can write an sql statement that returns only the Top 5 incident reporters i.e going by employee number. Iam thinking of applying a COUNT function on the incident_id and grouping by Employee# but then how do i make sure that only the top 5 incident reporters are returned.
I need a bit of help with a join. I have 2 tables :
TradeSummary has fields : SymbolID, CurrentPrice, TotalValue
Trades has fields : SymbolID, TradeID, ExecutionTime, TradeValue
TradeSummary has one entry for each SymbolID, while Trades contains one or more entries per SymbolID
and what I want to retreive is :
For every item in TradeSummary get CurrentPrice, TotalValue from TradeSummary and also get TradeValue from Trades for the record for max(ExecutionTime) tables are joined on TradeSummary.SymbolID = Trades.SymbolID
Every attempt of mine so far returns multiple rows for each SymbolID - I want only one row per SymbolID
I am looking to write a query that returns all records Inserted in the last hour.
The problem, as I see it, is that the column I need to refer to is a VARCHAR() datatype. Can I convert from varchar (example 14:04:31)to a time value and calculate from this ?
I would like to subtract 1 hour from current_timestamp or similar, so that the query dynamically changed.
I have an unusual problem. I am using VB.Net 2003 and sqlexpress using .NET dataset to insert records into an timecards table. After inserting several records I tried a 'Select * from timecards' and the inserted records where not selected. if I 'select * from timecards order by employee' ( or any other field) the inserted records are selected! The table was created by an Access Upsize command.
I used Express Manager ( XM ) to try the select statements. That is how I isolated the problem. Even using a "Select * from timecards where employee = 'test' " returns the inserted test records. I found that if I use a WHERE or ORDER BY clause in the SELECT statement to .fill the .net dataset, all records are returned.
I am familiar with DB2 but I am a newbie at VB.NET and MSSQL
I am trying to write a query that will return a full record with a particular distinct field (the rest of the record being the first such record that includes the distinct field).
For example, for the following:
Fruit Like? Colour Apple Y Green Orange N Orange Banana Y Yellow Grape Y Green Grapefruit N Yellow
I would want to return (assuming Colour was the distinct field):
Fruit Like? Colour Apple Y Green Orange N Orange Banana Y Yellow
How do I do this? I've tried using a join (of all different kinds) with a subquery that uses SELECT DISTINCT but this doesn't seem to work. I've tried GROUP BY but none of the aggregate functions seem to just take the first found field.
I am fairly new to transact SQL and I am having difficulty retrieving the set of records I require given the data shown below. I want to be able to filter the records just to return the records that have the minimum securityorder for each unique secsyscode. I suspect I need to use min or group by to achieve the desired affect but cannot seem to get it right
any help would be appreciated
eg in the following secsyscode, securitytypecode and securityorder are integers and securityCode is a char(16).
I need to pull records from single table such that I get a subset defined like this:
( acctcode = 'xh364' and product = 'T&E' )
And return all of the rest of the records:
( acctcode = '%' and product = '%' )
Can I do this within a WHERE clause, or will this require CASE / ELSE? There will be other specific acctcode/product rules that will be added later. I could do this with a UNION, but I need to avoid that if possible.
Say I want to return only records with dates that fall within the next 6 months. Is there some straight-forward, simple way of doing so?As of now, I'm explicitly giving it a date 6 months in the future, but I'd like to replace it with some sort of function. SELECT DateField1WHERE (DateField1 < CONVERT(DATETIME, '2008-06-03 00:00:00', 102)) Any help is greatly appreciated... btw I'm using SQL 2005.
I'm storing records that contain a date/time data type. I am needing two links on a reports page (asp), the first should return all records for the current month and the second link should return all records for the last three months (including current month). I have no idea how to just sort by month.
I'm also not sure what to include here in this post to help you answer my question. On the form that is submitted initially the text field is named "txtSubmitDate" and in the database it's stored in a field called "submitdate" and is 8 characters in length.
I've tried: 'SELECT TODAY'S MONTH SqlJunk = "SELECT * FROM eom WHERE MONTH(submitdate) = MONTH(GETDATE())-1"
'SELECT TODAY'S MONTH and the last 2 months SqlJunk2 = "SELECT * FROM eom WHERE MONTH(submitdate) = MONTH(GETDATE()) OR MONTH(submitdate) = MONTH(GETDATE())-1 OR MONTH(submitdate) = MONTH(GETDATE())-2 ORDER BY submitdate ASC"
These are not working because it can't handle the change in year (going from january 2005 back to december 2004, etc).