Can SQL Express Be Accessed By Oracle Transparent Gateway ?

Apr 3, 2006

Able to access SQL express remotely using SQL mgt Studio after certain configuration.

But notice that I must use IP address/SQLEXPRESS for server name in order for connection to work. What is this "/SQLEXPRESS" ? Is it a standard surfix for SQL Express ?

I have installed the Oracle Transparent Gateway on the machine with SQL Express and setup the tnsname for SQL Express. For the tnsname, have used IP address/SQLEXPRESS as the host name but it gave this error :

ORA-28545: NCRO Failed to make RSLV connection

Tried with just the IP address and it gives the same error.

Any idea ?? ?? Help !

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Problem In Accessing SQL Server Views From Oracle Using TG4MSQL(Transparent Gateway Connectivity)

Dec 13, 2005

Dear All,I am using the oracle transparent gateway connectivity with sql serverusing tg4msql,as far assettings are concerned those were set and Connectivity is working Fine,and getting the responsefrom that is description what I done as:-There is a View on Sqlserver whichis Join of 6 tables and havedata around 1 million in 2 tables and 0.5 million in rest of thetables, as the Query for creatingsqlserver view is given below:CREATE view Account_anila_test asSELECT ......(around 50 Columns)FROM GE_Init.dbo.Person INNER JOINGE_Init.dbo.Konto ON GE_Init.dbo.Person.Person_ID =GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Person_ID INNER JOINGE_Init.dbo.Produkt ON GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Produkt_ID =GE_Init.dbo.Produkt.Produkt_ID LEFT OUTER JOINGE_Init.dbo.CRMKonto ON GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Konto_ID =GE_Init.dbo.CRMKonto.Konto_ID LEFT OUTER JOINGE_Init.dbo.calcKontoOBSdt ON GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Konto_ID =GE_Init.dbo.calcKontoOBSdt.Konto_ID LEFT OUTER JOINGE_Init.dbo.calcKonto ON GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Konto_ID =GE_Init.dbo.calcKonto.Konto_IDWHERE (GE_Init.dbo.Konto.SlettetKonto = 0) AND(GE_Init.dbo.CRMKonto.MarkertForSletting = 0OR GE_Init.dbo.CRMKonto.MarkertForSletting IS NULL)Now,I made a table in oracle adjacent to sqlserver View and Inserteddata as:INSERT INTO ACCOUNT_TEST11(.....)SELECT .............FROM Person@dbl_getgc1 a INNER JOINKonto@dbl_getgc1 b ON a."Person_ID" = b."Person_ID" INNER JOINProdukt@dbl_getgc1 c ON b."Produkt_ID" = c."Produkt_ID" LEFT OUTER JOINCRMKonto@dbl_getgc1 d ON b."Konto_ID" = d."Konto_ID" LEFT OUTER JOINcalcKontoOBSdt@dbl_getgc1 e ON b."Konto_ID" = e."Konto_ID" LEFT OUTERJOINcalcKonto@dbl_getgc1 f ON b."Konto_ID" = f."Konto_ID"WHERE (b."SlettetKonto" = 0) AND (d."MarkertForSletting" = 0 ORd."MarkertForSletting" IS NULL);This insert Satement worked fine,but when I inserted from the viewalready created in SQLSERVER as:-INSERT INTO ACCOUNT_TEST11(.....)SELECT .............FROM Account_anila_test@dbl_getgc1;This gave a following error:-"WEB_30_SUM", "WEB_360_COUNT", "WEB_360_SUM", "WEB_90_COUNT","WEB_90_SUM"*ERROR at line 48:ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned thismessage:[Transparent gateway for MSSQL]ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from DBL_GETGC1Elapsed: 00:01:01.04after this I set The paramater "HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL=ON" in INIt file oftg4msql Folder then in thetrace File of tg4msql folder following error comes:-(0)(0) [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired (SQL State:S1T00; SQL(0) Code: 0)(0)If any one has Faced the similar kind of problem and Can help me,Pleaselet me Know where I amdoing Wrong and How this error can be ractified.Waiting For Reply ASAP.RegardsLovkesh

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Single Connection With SQL 7.0 Gateway

May 9, 2006

Our company is using a development tool named eDeveloper.

This tool comes with a gateway for SQL 7.0

Since we upgraded to SQL 2005 the connection is limited to a single connection

Are there any setting that related to the number or type of connetctions for backward compatibility? (I have no problem openning multiple connection using VS 2005)

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How Can We Tune The Fastest Speed For The Gateway Between ASP.NET And MsSQL??

Mar 29, 2004

ASP.NET and MsSQL are run inside the same machine, and inside win2000 server,
and the physical memory limit of mssql is set to 192MB.

any one have any good idea(s)? please share to us here


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SQL 2012 :: Is Transparent Data Encryption Useful

Oct 12, 2015

We have a large VMWare environment with HP SAN, and 2 datacenters - primary and DR, with SAN based replication between them.We also backup databases to tape via Commvault and send them off-site using a vendor.TDE protects data at 'rest', meaning, (that if it wasn't implemented, and) if someone got a hold of our physical .mdf/.ldf files, or our .bak's, or tapes, they could recover the data.

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Transparent Data Encryption In SQL 2008

Mar 31, 2008

I need to encrypt certain fields of tables with minimized changes required to my application. I want the database only available to my application so I want to use password to protect the encryption key.

Currently, in SQL 2005, I created view and use INSTEAD OF trigger to encrypt/decrypt data to underlyer table. I also having code at application startup, pass my password to a stored proc to open these key so that my view can encrypt/decrypt data accordingly.

I read some posts mentioned that SQL 2008 supports transparent data encryption. May I know how does it help in my case?

Please advice.

Thank you

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SQL Security :: Transparent Data Encryption

Sep 11, 2015

I have a question regarding Transparent Data Encryption. I have enabled TDE on a database using the below steps:

1. Create a master key encryption by a password.
2. Create a certificate in the the user database named 'TDE_Test' protected by the master key.
3. Create database encryption key 'TDE_Test' using the certificate created in Step 2.
4. Enable encryption by using the command 'ALTER DATABASE 

I understand that if I need to copy this TDE encrypted database to a different SQL Instance, I have to copy the certificate from the source Instance to the destination Instance.Now my question is, do the Service Master Key and Database Master Key come into the picture here anywhere?

Are these related to TDE in any way? Do I have to take regular backups of the Service Master Key & Database Master Key as part of regular maintenance for the SQL Instance that has a TDE encrypted database?

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SQL 2012 :: Does SSIS Catalog Use Transparent Data Encryption

Jul 10, 2014

In cases when the SSIS package has to be deployed in SQL Server, when we use ProtectionLevel ="server storage" while creating SSIS Catalog, does it use TDE? or Database Standard Encryption? if the database is using TDE?

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Catalog Using Transparent Data Encryption?

Aug 7, 2014

In cases when the SSIS package has to be deployed in SQL Server, when we use ProtectionLevel ="server storage" while creating SSIS Catalog, does it use TDE? or Database Standard Encryption? if the database is using TDE?

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Reporting Services :: SSRS - Making Smooth Area Chart Values Transparent

Jul 14, 2015

Am using SQL Server 2012 and Visual Studio 2010.

The above chart has three Values in it (slightly late in pink, rather late in hot pink and very late in red). Because of the ordering of these values the red very late values can't be seen. When I shuffle the order around slightly they are indeed there:

...This report runs dynamically for one of a number of activities the user can select, as such I have no way of knowing which of these series will be at the lower end of the scale and which will be at the higher end. Is it possible to set the Values/Series to be transparent so I can be assured that all will be visible to the user at runtime?

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SQL Server Express And Oracle

Nov 21, 2006

Can sql server express and Oracle be installed on the same machine.What possible problems can I expect ?

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Why Not Like Oracle Database 10g Express??

Dec 14, 2006

The last few months I learn something about SQL by learning Oracle database 10g XE?

Yesterday I downloaded a SQL server express from MS, but we I installed it, together with management studio, I got stucked, I don't know how to start, even the most simple thing, how to create tables, views, and users, and all these simple things.

Am I need more softwares for creating this things?

Any good idea to give a layman like me, something to read??

Really Thanks!!

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Connecting To An Oracle Databse Server Using SQL Express

Jan 10, 2006

Hello everyone,


I am working on a project for a professor. The project entails
designing and creating a database.  We
were given individual space on the schools database server and we were given
SSH secure shell to connect and manage our respective databases.  I took it upon myself to try out SQL Server
Express.  Using the management studio I
am trying to connect to my school database and can€™t seem to figure it
out.  Can someone please give a noob some
simple and quick instructions on how to achieve this?


Thank you,

Your Friendly Neighborhood Programmer,


This is the SSH product in case any one was interested,


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Linking Oracle View To SQL Server Express

Sep 6, 2007


I was able to link SQL Server Express to Oracle views using Linked Manager. However, when I run the query, the performance is very slow.

Is there a way to improve performance in querying?

Previously I was using Access to link to Oracle view. But the performance is not good. Takes about 8 hours for approx 6000 records.

Thanks a lot,

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SQLExpress Linked Server To Oracle Express 10g

Dec 20, 2006

Trying to set up a development environment on an XP SP2 machine with an installation of SQLExpress and Oracle 10g Express. Having been trying to create a Linked Server in SQL to access the Oracle EX database. Have had no luck using either Oracle driver or Microsoft driver. With Oracle driver get the following error on an openquery statement:

select * from openquery(xe,'select top 1 * from HR.REGIONS')

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "xe" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.

Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "xe".

I am mapping a Windows authenticated login to an Oracle login/password in the Linked Server setup. I can connect to the Oracle database fine using Oracle tools. Likewise, I can connect to SQL Server database just fine. I have set up the linked server using the Oracle Service Name in the TSNAMES.ora file as the Data Source in SQL Server. ('XE') What could I be doing wrong? What else can I check?

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Importing Oracle Data In SqlServer Using Express

Nov 8, 2007

OK so there is some data in an Oracle DB that I have to summarize based on grouping info stored in a SqlServer DB. How can I import the Oracle data into a SqlServer temp table using SqlServer Express? Thanks.

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Can't Connect To Oracle Dbase With SQL Server 2005 Express

Dec 16, 2005

Hi,I'm attempting to connect to an Oracle database using SQL Server 2005Express (OS is Windows XP Professional) and having absolutely no luck.Here is the information SQL Plusgives me about the database when I log in -Connected to:Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining optionsJServer Release - ProductionAs you can see I have no problem connecting with the Oracle specifictools (SQL PLUS and PL/SQL Developer).I've tried creating a linked server with both the Microsoft providedOLE DB provider and the Oracle provider. With the Microsoft Provider Iget the following error when attempting a query in the query editwindow.OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "ORACLE" returned message"Oracle client and networking components were not found. Thesecomponents are supplied by Oracle Corporation and are part of theOracle Version 7.3.3 or later client software installation.Provider is unable to function until these components are installed.".Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 2Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDAORA"for linked server "ORACLE".When I try connecting withe Oracle provider I get the following -OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "ORACLETEST2"returned message "ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied".Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 2Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider"OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "ORACLETEST2".I've set the password up as a local to remote login mapping using thesecurity page of the Linked Server property dialog. The username /password are definitely correct -- I used them to log in using SQL PLUSand PL/SQL Developer. I'm using an Oracle 9 client.PLEASE HELP !!!!!Thanks,Signed Frustrated

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Can You Connect To An Oracle DB Using MS Sql Server Management Studio Express?

Sep 27, 2007

Hi Everyone,

Just like the title says:

Can you connect to an Oracle DB using MS Sql Server Management Studio Express?

If so, can anyone please give me an example?

Thanks heaps!

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SQL Express Question For Parasing Data From An Oracle Database

Dec 13, 2006


Below and far below are my SQL command and raw data. In the data, each lot has 13 records, for example, T6L09641 has 13 records. What I am working on is to average the Total, Large, Middle and Small for each lot as a representative instead of listing every record. So, I wrote a SQL express and put it in my Access and run it. However, I got an error message "ORA-00905:missing keyword(#905)". I double checked it again and found nothing stange. Someone can help me to modify it?


Raw Data

What I wished

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Can Co-installations Of MS SQL 2005 Express And Oracle 10g XE Database Server Interfere With MS SQL?

Feb 24, 2007

Hi -

I may not sound desparate, but I really am. I have spent many days now trying to install and re-install Microsoft SQL 2005 Express. I still cannot connect to the database! I have read this forum and tried various suggestions, like setting the remote connections and TCP/IP + Named Pipes. Still doesnt work!

The environment is Dell Dimension 24000 (I86) with WinXPPro.

Out of desparation, I downloaded and installed Oracle 10g XE. It works just fine !

My question is: Does the Oracle database server interfere with connecting to the Microsoft SQL 2005 Express server ?

Also, I notice that there are an awful lot of questions posted on this Forum concerning just getting your software up and running. Are there that many stupid folks out there like myself, or has this application been released prematurely ?

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How To Tell If Accessed

Nov 30, 2004

I just got assigned to be our companies sql server dba, there are about 80 databases on various servers. I am suspecting many are not even used. Is there a way for me to tell the last time they were accessed and by whom? And, more importantly, the last time any changes have been made in the database? Thanks in advance.

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Table Last Accessed

Apr 16, 2008

Can i find out when a table was last accessed?

The purpose of this is to create a list of tables that could potentially be deleted. I would then prefix them with a d and the auto delete them after x number of days? or move them to a deletions database?

Just trying to automate a bit of house keeping in the active databases.

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Tables Accessed

Mar 12, 2007

I want to know howmany tables were accessed in a database from time A to B. How do I get the list of tables accessed (excluding the 'SELECT's)?

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Heavily Accessed DBs On Server?

Jun 2, 2008

What are my options to find heavily accessed DBs on a server? I know I can do this by profiler and some counters. Is there any tool which gives me this information easily?

I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes

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Is There Anyway To Tell When A Database Was Last Accessed Or Changed?

May 29, 2007

Is there a simple way to tell when a database was last accessed or changed?

We have some databases on old servers which we would like to discontinue but do not know if they are being used.

We would rather not just take them offline.

Is there anyway I can find out if they are still being used?

Please help if you can.

Regards, Major (that is my Christian name ;-)

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How Do I Find When My Database Was Last Accessed

Dec 11, 2007

I have a bunch of datbases I have created during the development process. I want to delete those no longer being used. How do I find when the last time a database was accessed?


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Displaying Images That Are Accessed Through URL

Nov 29, 2006


I have trouble displaying images that are accessed through URLs in my report.
If I call the URL directly in the Browser the Image can be opened without problems.
The images can be accessed with an anonymous access.

When I deploy the report or in the Preview of Visual Studio I get the following message:

[rsWarningFetchingExternalImages] Images with external URL references will not display if the report is published to a report server without an UnattendedExecutionAccount or the target image(s) are not enabled for anonymous access.

In Layout View of Visual Studio the image is showen correctly.

The Images are stored on a Solaris maschine with WebSphere 6.0 as WebServer.

Any ideas?

Thank you.


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Identifying Frequently Accessed Tables

Sep 25, 2001

Can any one recommend an approach for identifying the frequently accessed tables and files in a SQL/Server application? Particularly, if the database is stored on raw partitions instead of FAT or NTFS. Thanks.

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Need Help To Check When Was Database Last Accessed/updated

Jul 29, 2004

I am trying to manage a sql server.

In this sql server, I have about 200 databases.

Is there any way/suggestions to check to see if some of the database has not been accessed/updated for the last month or longer?

I am trying to develop a system to remove the database that's no longer needed.

Thank you.

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Data/Table Last Accessed/Modified

Apr 28, 2004

Is anyone aware of a method of determining when a table was last modified or accessed?

Some of our databases have tables that I am sure are not being used and I would like to generate a list of tables that have not been accessed or modified for some period of time.

I looked for a system procedure but didn't see anything that satisfied my need.

Currently I rename suspect tables and wait for someone or some process to gripe, but I don't care for that method for obvious reasons.


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SQL Server 2008 :: Database Can't Be Accessed

Apr 9, 2015

I was having issue with one of my databases in SQL EXPRESS. It is offline this morning …it said “Database 'MyDB' cannot be opened due to inaccessible files or insufficient memory or disk space. When I checked the error log only said “FCB::Open failed: Could not open file D:DatabasesMyDB_Data.mdf for file number 1. OS error: 32(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15100).

I did alter database offline and and online works for me( I can access the database again but I need to find the cause of this issue )I checked the max memory setting is still by default .. not limited for SQL could be the cause ?

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Finding Out How Many Times A Table Is Accessed

Jul 20, 2005

We have an application that accesses a particular table, but it isnever updated. Without stepping through the complex application code,is there a method of logging when a particular table is accessed?

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Transact SQL :: Log What Users Accessed Which Databases

Nov 9, 2015

I'd like to find out who is accessing various databases and log the time they did so.

Is there a way to do this? I just need the account name and the time logged and then to write to a table so I can query it.

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