Can I Apply Any Conditon On Replication ,before Publishing The Data?

May 2, 2007

i want to use Replication in sql server 2000 at specified condtion ,mean if any condition is satisfied then the data is publish to subscriber database?

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Replication - Install Publishing Error

Jan 12, 1999

When I try to 'Install Publishing' from the 'Replication Configuration' drop down on the 'Server' Menu within Server Manager I receive the following error:

"Replication cannot be installed as @@SERVERNAME is NULL"

Please Help.


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Replication :: Same Table From Multiple Databases Publishing To One Subscription Database

Aug 13, 2015

We have our replication environment with a separate SQL 2014 publisher, distributor and subscriber.  We have a table named DPSP on 14 databases which is to be published via transactional replication to 1 subscription database. 

The source tables are identical in name, schema and clustered index.  We have created 14 tables in the subscription database with a suffix to the name (see below):
Each table in the subscription database has its own uniquely named primary key and clustered index:

Below are the settings for one of the published article:

The same process is repeated for each DPSP table created in 14 separate publications. Snapshots are generated and subscriptions created successfully.  After some time, the log reader starts to show the following errors in replication monitor:

2015-08-12 21:48:24.156 7 transaction(s) with 11 command(s) were delivered.
2015-08-12 21:49:04.233 5 transaction(s) with 7 command(s) were delivered.
2015-08-12 21:50:04.355 No replicated transactions are available.
2015-08-12 21:50:09.378 13 transaction(s) with 17 command(s) were delivered.
2015-08-12 21:51:12.168 No replicated transactions are available.
2015-08-12 21:52:12.306 No replicated transactions are available.
2015-08-12 21:52:32.337

[Code] ....

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Best Way To Apply SP3 In Replication

Aug 27, 2004

We have a Pub, Dist and Sub Server all running under SP2 with worm update and are looking to apply SP3a . Replication is transactional with heavy usage . What is the best sequence to apply SP3

can it be spread out in 3 weekends or has to be done all together ?


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Apply Sp4 For Updateable Transactional Replication

Jul 11, 2006

We have two updateable subscribers and a publisher using transactional replication. The distributor is located on publisher. Currenetly all 3 sites are SQL 2000 SP3. We plan to upgrade all sites to sp4 with minimum downtime (if possible zero). Is it possible to upgrade publisher/distributor first and subscribers after few days?

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Merge Replication-Apply BCP Files

Jul 6, 2006

How can i apply a BCP files generate by Distributor in the Suscribers.

I don´t know wich parameters BCP.EXE need.


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SQL 2012 :: Apply Service Pack When Databases Are In Replication?

Jun 5, 2015

how to apply service pack when the databases are in replication?

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Null Conditon - Sql Server 2005 Report

Jun 24, 2008


Here the requirement is, if the parameter is null still the report should display all the data, the quey is like,

select field1,field2,field3 from table1 where
field1 = isnull(@p_id,field1)

when i tried to run the report with this query and without the parameter value , it didn't work. asked for enter the value for p_id , the parameter cannot be blank.

Any suggestions please...

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Recreating The Data Publishing Wizard

Mar 27, 2008

I was wondering if anyone had an idea if it's possible to run a stored procedure that would basically output a .sql file used to recreate the database elsewhere. kinda like the data publishing wizard does.


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Question About Data Publishing Wizard Tool

Nov 5, 2007

Hi some days ago i put a thread in this forum asking how can i publish my database on a shared server, and i was adviced to use Data Publishing Wizard Tool. But now i'm facing another problem, the database is on the server being filled with data by my clients throught the system that i'm developing but because the system is under construction i have to change some tables once in a while, something like add one or another constraint, add or fix an stored procedure, add for example a field named "Archive" so i dont delete data from the database instead i archive it.. this are the only changes i'm doing.. the database is well modelated so i don't need to do further changes ...

So my problem is how can i reflect this changes on the shared server without deleting the data that are already there? Is it possible, or i have to do it manualy on the server what i have already done on the database hosted on my localhost?!

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Errors When Uploading DDL And Data File Created By Database Publishing Wizard

Jul 17, 2007


I needed to recreate/publish a DDL and data file(of a database) that was produced using Database Publishing Wizard. The size of the file is 4G. I receive the following error when I try to open it up in the new query window of sql server 2005 (sp2)for execution.

"The operation could not be completed. Not enough storage is available to complete this operation."

I know my server has 829G of free storage space available. i receive no errors when I open up a smaller file also created by database publishing wizard.

What possibly is causing this?

Thanks in advance

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Nov 27, 2007

Hi... I'm reading the MS Press 70-442 Self-Paced Training kit, and I'm having problems with this example.
I'd like help getting it to work correctly, or understand why it is isn't working the way I planned.

On page 67, the lab is about the APPLY operator (CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY). I first have to input a sample table-valued function into the AdventureWorks database:

Code Block
CREATE FUNCTION fnGetAvgCost(@ProdID int)
RETURNS @RetTable TABLE (AvgCost money)
WITH Product(stdcost)
SELECT avg(standardcost) as AvgCost
FROM Production.ProductCostHistory
WHERE ProductID = @ProdID

and then run a sample T-SQL statement

Code Block
SELECT p.Name, p.ProductNumber,
Convert(varchar, cost.AvgCost,1) AS 'Average Cost'
FROM Production.Product p
CROSS APPLY fnGetAvgCost(p.ProductID) AS cost
ORDER BY cost.AvgCost desc

My problem is with the WHERE clause... According to page 56, CROSS APPLY returns only rows from the outer table that produces a result set, so why do I need to explicitly filter NULL values?

When I remove the WHERE clause, the query retrieves lots of NULL AvgCost values.

Again, according to page 56, it is the OUTER APPLY that returns all rows that return a result set and will include NULL values in the columns that are returned from the table-valued function.

So, in short, I don't see the difference between CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY, using this example, when I remove the WHERE clause?

(Please refrain from introducing another example into this question.)

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SQL Server 2012 :: Using Cross Apply To UNPIVOT Data

Jan 15, 2014

I was reading Kenneth Fisher's and Dwain Camps' articles on unpivoting using cross apply... And I can actually get them to work....

Causality1 TINYINT,
Relatedness1 TINYINT,

[Code] ....

The one thing I was wondering was this: how do I extract the symptom names from the field list without knowing them all beforehand? Dwain does this

-- DDL and sample data for UNPIVOT Example 2
(ID INT, Product VARCHAR(500)
,Supplier1 VARCHAR(500), Supplier2 VARCHAR(500), Supplier3 VARCHAR(500)
,City1 VARCHAR(500), City2 VARCHAR(500), City3 VARCHAR(500))

Can this be adapted if you don't know all the column names beforehand? (Likely not). Back in the dark ages, when I was working on a database like this, it was in Access, and I could loop over the fields collection and evaluate each field name. (Yes, I know you're not supposed to store information in field names, but I inherited that mess!)

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Master Data Services :: Excel Add In Apply Rules Does Not Work

Feb 9, 2014

I have the most recent version of the MDS Excel plug in installed in Excel 2013, and am running SQL Server 2012 Enterprise.  The Apply Rules button does not perform validation as it should. If I "Publish" data that does not conform to the business rules I have set up, it does return the proper errors indicating what rules have been violated; just using the "Apply Rules" button does not. I have twice gotten it to work momentarily by turning Show Status on and off several times in succession, but I have not been able to identify any consistent sequence that caused it.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How A New Partition Function Apply For Current Data

Apr 15, 2015

I have a heavy database , More than 100 GB only for six month .every Query on it takes me along time and I dont have enough space to add more a way I decided to do partitioning. I create a partition function , on date filed and all Data records per month was appointed to a separate file.And is partitioning only for Future data entry?

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Can I Apply A Database Function Or Assembly Call In An Expression For Filter Data?

Mar 28, 2007

I need to translate a user€™s regional setting into one of our own language codes before I send it through as a filter to the model query. If our language codes were the same, the filter would look like this in the report filter -
Language Code = GetUserCulture()
Which translates to this in the database query (for us english) -
table.language_code = 'EN-us'
And of course I need it to look like this -
table.language_code = 'ENG'

I would like the logic to be globally available to all report writers (ie not forcing each report writer to have an iif or case stataement). I was thinking custom assemblies or maybe a database function, but at this level of the filter, I cannot seem to figure out how to embed a database function call to apply to the filter criteria like this
Language Code = dbo.ConvertFcnIWrote(GetUserCulture())
Or how I would access the custom assembly in the filter expression.

Do you have a recommended implementation for this situation?

Toni Fielder

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Analysis :: Sales And Mapping Data - Apply Join To Get Result Into SSRS Report

May 28, 2015

I have sales data in SSAS cube and mapping data in RDBMS table. I want to apply join to get result into SSRS report.

Here we should get data of yesterday from time dimension of cube.

Time is in [Time].[FiscalYearHierarchy].[Fiscal Day].&[2015-05-28T00:00:00] format.

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SQL Express Replication And Problems Accessing Data After Replication

Jul 28, 2006


I have a app that access a SQL Express database. I have transactional repliaction set up on a SQL 2000 database (the publisher) and a pull subscription from the app. I use RMO in the VB app to connect to the publisher. My problem is I am getting some strange behaviour as follows

- if I run the app and invoke the pull subscription it works fine. If I then close my app and go back in, I can access my data without any problem

- If I run the app and try to access data in my SQL Express database it works fine. I can then close the app, reopen it and run the pull subscription it works fine


- if I run the app, invoke the pull subscription (which runs fine), and then try to access data in my local SQL Express database without firstly closing and reopening the app, I get a login error

- if I run the app, try to access data in my local SQL Express database (which works fine), and then try to run the pull subscription I get a "the process cannot acces the file as it is being used by another process" error. In this case I need to restart the SQL Express service to be able to run replication again.

I get exactly the same behaviour when I use the Windows Sync tool (with my app open at the same time) instead of my RMO code to replicate the data.

I am using standard ADO.Net 2 code to access my SQL Express data in the app and closing all connections etc

Any advice appreciated !


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Publishing Sql Db

Aug 2, 2007

web site made in web dev
db all ok locally
got server at local ip.......
need to upload script files to server...
got microsoft publishing wizard all working and database all scripted out.
server consul looks like horrible unix outfit.....virtuozzo
question is now what?
ip says use enterprise manager to publish to that the old
version of management studio express, which i have 

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Help With SQL 7.0 Web Publishing

Jun 22, 2001

Hi Guys,
I have been trying to use SQL Server 7.0's Web page Publishing tools with Microsoft Frontpage without sucess. I can created the web pages using SQL that it works fine. I have the page set to change automatically when the data is changed and this works while the page is accessed from the SQL Server, however when I upload the page to a frontpage Web, the automatic update does not work. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

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Web Publishing

Jan 16, 2001

Dear All,

I am experimenting with the Web Publishing feature in MSSQL 70. Does anyone have any pros and cons when utilizing this feature within MSSQL 70?

I also would like to ask if anyone knows of a different way to access the Web Page designed other than placing it in an accessible file either in a repository or a central site and have people click on the *.htm document thus pulling up the related page on the W3.

Has anyone been able to go from the MSSQL 70 directly to a browser instead of opening the created *.htm file?

Please let me know.


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Can't See Web Publishing

Nov 14, 2001

Hi everybody ,
can't see web publishing icon on any of 6 Sql 2000 servers
What has to be set first ?


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Www Publishing

Sep 23, 1999

We are experiencing intermitant problems on out SQL 7 system. Its running FTP publishing, MS SMTP service and the www publishing service. We reset the services using net stop <service> each morning. When I use the command 'net stop www publishing service' I get the message - The service could not be controlled in its present state. This would indicate that the service has hung. The problems seem to happen over night and is cured by a reboot.

Any ideas anybody ?

Thanks in advance

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Publishing Tables Not Available

Aug 16, 2000

When managing publication for a particular database, not all the tables are listed as articles to add to the publication. Is this a permissions problem? Any way I can check out why they aren't available or, better yet, make them available for the publication?

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Publishing Subscriber

Sep 24, 2001

How is it possible to set up a repl. scenario, where a subscriber of a DB
is also the publisher of this DB for other subscribers. i mean 3 level repliction. MAINPUB

SUB1..3 are subscribing to MAINSUB and publishing to a number of notebooks!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

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Publishing From SSIS To Web

Apr 11, 2008


I have created a data file using SSIS, I want to publish this on a web, how could i achive that any step by step approach is welcome.

With Best Regards,

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Publishing Problem

Dec 31, 2006

My test sql seems to be working like a train now. Also now discovering the full functionality

of sql and can see that im at the bottom of a large hill, but an interesting one.

My next problem is publishing.

My hosting package has been upgraded to the version 2.0 runtime. and has sql enabled.

web dev.......copy function drops all the files into the server nicely and i can see them all.

The problem is it will not compile or show, and do not have privaleges to view this htm.

All a bit strange to me but???

I have not touched any of the security controls in the config manager or code.

Anybody else had these issues or problems

regards Richard

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Publishing Web Application

Jun 29, 2006

Hello to everybody.

I got a problem like this:

I developped a project using Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition on a XP pro x64 Machine using a developpemet data area on a SQL 2005 Express Edition.

Everything is ok, even the user and profile management. But when I try to publish my application on IIS (we're talking about a little Intranet), I get my problems. I think is important to say that the server is a Windows Server 2003 and data (database reproduced as a backup of the developpement one) are under an SQL 2005 Standard. The strange thing is that by publishing the "site" VS create a DB under SQL Std named with the path of local ASPNETDB.MDF.

I can reach everything, all data are ok, but when I pass the login page going to main menu on my web-application, I get this error:

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)

I think the problem is SQL STD and the fact that it's not "able" to manage MDF files.

I even tried to re-map the SQL DB (named simply as ASPNETDB on the SQL std) by adjusting the web.config file on connection type and user and password to reach the DB ASPNETDB but it does't work anyway.

Can anybody solve my problem?

Thank You

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Help Me (Database Problems After Publishing)

Apr 18, 2007

I am using ASP.NET 2.0 C#, SQL Server 2000Connection string is: "Data Source=USMAN;Initial Catalog=CMS;Integrated Security=True"
And by searching forums and goodle, I have also set sql server 2000's secutiry as mixed modeInfact When I compile and run my projcet from visual studio it is fine, every thing works ok
Then I publish my site to a folder on desktop, when publishing completed I right clicked the folder and in web sharing option I added alias = CMS
Now when I open: http://localhost/CMS/Home.aspx, then it works fine infact all the pages that dont have SQL Server 2000 connectivity work fine, but as soon as I open some page that has connectivity with the database, it gives me error like:
Login failed for user'USMAN/ASPNET'
I wonder why this error only comes after publishing, there is nothing probemaltic when running it from Visual Studio, plz tell me what to do

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Importing Sqldatabase And Publishing It

Apr 20, 2007

I am working on a project in which a user can upload his database to the server...then he is able to view all the schema or execute any kind of query. Then he goes to some other machine and login and wants to download the database.
For example  Alex have uploaded the database consisting of 1000 records to mysite. Then He goes to texas to find some oil wells. He  is on another machine ... I download the database .... inseert new records and upload it back.
Its an example basically I want to know how to include the users' uploaded into my sqlserver and when required publish with data on his machine...

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Publishing Wizard - Bad Magic?

Aug 26, 2007

I've been working with the Database Publishing Wizard and have found what I initially thought was a bug but have decided is a rather nasty "feature".  Or am I missing something?
I have membership implemented in a live database. I took a backup and loaded it into a local database. I created a new table locally that is foreign-keyed off aspnet_roles, and added some data.
Using the Publishing Wizard for a partial deployment, I followed the steps which seem perfectly clear to script out ONLY the new table and its data. The screens provide a nice GUI for selecting specific database objects, and I carefully chose the one new table.
From good habits I looked at the script before deploying it. It drops and recreates aspnet_roles and aspnet_applications as well (and inserts the data from the development tables).
Presumably this is because of the foreign key relationships. But there's no need to do so. What if I or another developer had added in some roles to the live table in the meantime? This script would blow them away.
Am I missing an option with the Wizard that would script out only what is specified? I've tidied up the script (i.e. removed the undesirable sections) - but this seems to be a naughty wizard. Any thoughts?

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Database Publishing Wizard

May 27, 2008

We are trying to script out database schema and data with the Database Publishing Wizard and are having problems with output script trying to create views and stored procedures before the tables they depend on.
I've seen discussion of this on their codeplex site and back in April 2007 they said that the CTP they just released fixed the problem - but we are still seeing it.  Does anyone know a solution for this (beyond the obvious copy and pasting into the right order)?
What we are trying to do is move the SQL and some basic reference data into source control and a CI process. 

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SQL Server Publishing Error.

Dec 22, 2004

Hey all,

I received this publishing error a while back and can't think of a reason I would be receiving this error.

SQL error occurred. See entry specific information. Error : 21010, 01000, [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Removed 0 replicated transactions consisting of 0 statements in 6 seconds (0 rows/sec).

The error came just before another error:

SQL error occurred. See entry specific information. Information : 1205, 40001, [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Transaction (Process ID 62) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

I'm wondering what would cause these errors, if someone could point me in the right direction that would be great.


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