Can I Invoke Remoting Web Service In Store Procedure Directly?
Jan 29, 2004i am using sqlserver 2000,if so how,thanks.
View 2 Repliesi am using sqlserver 2000,if so how,thanks.
View 2 RepliesI have configured an instance to use static port, say 1435, and I turned off the Browser service.
I would like to know if I can use SSMSE to connect to the instance database directly. The instance is listening at port 1435 and accepting connection requests from other methods.
What I need to put into the "Server name: " field?
Normally, it would be like: <serverIP><InstanceID> with Browser turned on.
Now how do I add the port information to it, I tried
<serverIP><InstanceID> <portNumber>
None of them worked.
Any suggestions?
When running an integration services package from a windows service I get the "Object ... has been disconnected or does not exist at the server." exception after aproximately six minutes of execution.
This is *not* my windows service failing. I can loop indefinately while tracing to a log file within the service and it will run forever. While calling the mypackage.execute(...) method however, after six minutes (give or take) the exception is thrown...
my code looks something like this:
dim foo as Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application
mypackage = foo..LoadPackage(strimportPkgFilename, pkgevents)
results = myPackage.Execute(Nothing, Nothing, pkgevents, Nothing, Nothing)
A first chance exception of type 'System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Exception in: frmMyForm.DoImports
Message: Object '/b76f98a0_5bd9_49d8_a524_eeb49d55b303/bqbhkjnaofq_ifr_cwz+srid_1.rem' has been disconnected or does not exist at the server.
oddly, this same code works perfectly if I run it within a windows form application no matter how long it takes.
It also runs fine if the package can complete in under six minutes.
Any suggestions?
I am trying to run 4 - 5 store procedure in a strict order. I have created a SSIS package whereby I trying to execute store procedure in a orderly fashion. I have created constraints between them. Yet whenever I run the package - the store procedures run out of sequence.
Is there something I can do to force the store procedure in orderly manner?
Help will be much appreciated.
Feeling really dumb tonight - below is my stored procedure and code behind which completes (it puts "completed" in TextBox4) but does not insert anything into database.
Questions:1) do in need to include the primary key field in the insert stored procedure?2) do I need a DataAdapter to actually get it running and open and close the connection? STORED PROCEDURE running on SQL 2000 server: ______________________________________
CREATE PROCEDURE newuser003.InsertCompanyInfo
@CS_CompanyName nchar(100),@CS_City nchar(500),@CS_Phone varchar(20)
INSERT into tblCompanyInfo_Submit(CS_CompanyName, CS_City, CS_Phone)VALUES ('@CS_CompanyName', '@CS_City', '@CS_Phone')RETURN
C# CODE BEHIND: ______________________________________________________
public partial class ContractorSubmision : System.Web.UI.Page{ protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["localhomeexpoConnectionString2"].ConnectionString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("CompanyInfoSubmit", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CS_CompanyName", TextBox1.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CS_City", TextBox2.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CS_Phone", TextBox3.Text); TextBox4.Text = "Completed"; }}
I have a DTS Package to populate data from excel sheet to direct simple table. I like to call this DTS from User interface. thanks in advance
View 2 Replies View RelatedHello there,
I'am asking you people if it's possible to invoke procedure, functions in package in Oracle database > 9.X with SSIS package...
Thx for your incoming answers
suppose,the type of the stored procedure's paramters is varchar .I hate to add parameterNames and types.If i can read the string of the stored procedure the get the paramterNames by operating text?
public void storeOperate(string stringParameter,string name) { string[] strs=stringParameter.Split('&'); SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(getConnectionString.getconnectionString()); SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand(name,conn); cmd.CommandText=name; cmd.CommandType=CommandType.StoredProcedure; foreach(string str in strs) { cmd.Parameters.Add(".....",SqlDbType........).Value=str; //my trouble } conn.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); }
I was wondering if it was possible to call reporting server web service directly from my sql server stored procedure. The call that I need to make to reporting web service needs to generate the report in a PDF format.
Can I invoke stored procedure stored inside from a user defined table column?
View 5 Replies View Related I know I can call store procedure from store procedure but i want to take the value that the store procedure returned and to use it:
I want to create a table and to insert the result of the store procedure to it.
This is the code: Pay attention to the underlined sentence!
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[test]
CREATE TABLE tbl1 (first_name int ,last_name nvarchar(10) )
INSERT INTO tbl1 (first_name,last_name)
VALUES (exec total_cash '8/12/2006 12:00:00 AM' '8/12/2006 12:00:00 AM' 'gilad' ,'cohen')
PLEASE HELP!!!! and God will repay you in kind!
I have a initiator and a target service broker peer.
Both are controlled by a C# unit test. The initiator uses the Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer class. The target service uses stored procedure activation.
Sending a message from the initiator to the target, saves the content of the message, along with its conversation handle in the target's database specific table.
The unit test needs - at a later time - to instruct the target to send a message back on the same conversation handle to the initiator service.
For this the C# unit test creates a Conversation off of the saved conversation handle:
Service client = new Service("cleintservicename", conn, tran);
Conversation dialog = null;
dialog = new Conversation(client, convHandle);
Sending the message on this dialog generates an error "Message body: <Error xmlns=""><Code>-8495</Code><Description>The conversation has already been acknowledged by another instance of this service.</Description></Error>".
Is the error due to the fact that a service - using the activated stored procedure already picked up the conversation, so that a new reference to the service can not be created through the Service class in CLR?
If so, I might need then to skip the activated stored procedure in favor or a CLR service, alltogether?
Any help - greatly appreciated.
I have a 3-tier app that is currently running on a simple single server setup. However, I have to adapt it to run on the following setup:
1) Client .NET app on client systems with remoting connection to...
2) Host .NET app with a DAL connecting to ...
3) SQL Server 2005 mirrored
Using mirroring, if the principle SQL server goes down it switches automatically to the mirror server.
My question relates to my connections. What do I need to do to make sure the Client and Host apps follow SQL?
There are two setups I have in mind:
1) Host app + SQL on same box
2) Host app on its own server + SQL on its server (+mirror)
With these scenarios:
Setup 1 - SQL fails but server continues - Host app has to connect to mirror - clients continue to connect to Host on principle server.
Setup 1 - Whole server fails - Host on mirror server connects to mirror SQL and clints now have to locate Host on mirror.
Setup 2 - SQL's server fails so mirror switches in. Only Host app has to re-direct. Clients connect to same Host app.
This is new to me, so if anyone can advise, or direct me to the right info.
who else can help me? My sql needs database remoting copy.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHi!I have installed Sql Server 2005 Express on my machine. I want to access this server from another machine in LAN.Also installed Sql Server 2005 on another machine. Allow Remote Connections is selected with Sql Server Surface Area Configuration.Please suggest the correct solution. (in detail) Thanks in advancemilind
View 2 Replies View RelatedHello,
I don't have a specific problem, I'm looking about resources because this is the tipical case when something is working but I don't know why ..
On particularly I have to load and run a dtsx package from a window application and the package is located on the server.
I decided to use .NET Remoting.
I developed my "Remotable Object" which contains:
package = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.LoadFromDtsServer()
The window application calls the Remotable object, call the specific method and the package is loaded and run successfully.
When I studied the .NET Remoting there is also Server that expose the Remotable Object.
In this case the Server is SSIS Service but I would like to know witch port is used, which method( singlecall or singleton ) is used and so on!
where I can find this info?Someone knows some resource to advice?? or I'm working with SSIS not on a remote way?
Marina B.
My store Procedure is not save in Strore Procedure folder at the time of saving it give me option to save in Project folder and file name default is SQLQuery6.sql when i save it after saving when i run my store procedure
exec [dbo].[SP_GetOrdersForCustomer] 'ALFKI'
I am getting below error :
Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 1
Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.SP_GetOrdersForCustomer'.
I'd recently posted a question about using SQL CE as a database server for a multi-user desktop app. I did some development and tested it, and it seemed to work fine. What I did was:
1. create a remoteable object that used SqlCe classes to perform read and write operations to an encrypted CE database.
public class RemData : MarshalByRefObject
public DataSet GetData()
//Read data
public int AddData(DataSet data)
//Write data
2. hosted this object in a Remoting Server
TcpServerChannel channel = new TcpServerChannel(props, bp);
// Register the channel with the runtime remoting services
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel, false);
typeof(RemData ), // The type to register
"RM_RemData", // The objectURI
So, basically the CE DB is running in-proc with this Remoting Server. This is hosted on a regular P2 1GB box.
3. created client WinForms app to connect to this object through remoting with url tcp://myserverip/RM_RemData and distributed this client EXE to various machines within the intranet to execute the GetData and AddData methods
This seems to work perfectly fine and super fast, and i was also concurrently executing the above methods in loops of 100.
So what I don't understand is why most of the posts I read about multi-user scenario here and on the web are always discouraging people to only use CE for single-user desktop? As long as I use the SQL CE ONLY as a Data Store and all logic into my data layer such as the Remotabe Objects, will this be a feasible option for around 10-20 Users since CE allows 256 Connections anyway?
My other questions are with regards to programmatically Import/Export to and from CSV and this supported or anything planned?
Would appreciate a detailed product hangs in balance as i need some closure on this
How can I access data to SQL server 2005 using Windows form application, and .Net remoting?
Can anybody help me? please...
Hi guysi would really appreciate your help here. what am i doing wrong with this stored procedure ALTER PROCEDURE usp_CreateNewCustomer( @LName as varchar(50), @FName as varchar(50), @Dept as varchar(50)=NULL, @PhoneType as varchar(50)=NULL, @Complete as Bit=NULL, @CustomerID as Int OUTPUT, @FaxModel as varchar(50)=NULL, @FaxNumber as varchar(50)=NULL, )ASINSERT INTO [CustomerInfo] ([LName], [FName], [Dept], [PhoneType], [Complete]) VALUES (@LName, @FName, @Dept, @PhoneType, @Complete)SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()INSERT INTO Extras (CustomerID, FaxModel, FaxNumber) VALUES (@CustomerID, @FaxModel, @FaxNumber)RETURN It keeps on complaning "'usp_CreateNewCustomer' expects parameter '@CustomerID', which was not supplied."thanks
View 4 Replies View RelatedHi all,
I have a few question regarding SPROC. Firstly, I want to create a sp, that will return a multiple column of data, how do you achieve that. Secondly, I want to create a store procedure that will return a multiple columns in a cursor as an output variable. Any help will be much appreciated. Can you have more then 1 return parameters???
I have web application which interface with SQL server,
I want to run store procedure query of SQL using my application.
How to declare connectons strings, dataset, adapter etc to run my store procedure resides in sql server.
for Instance Dim connections as string,
Dim da as dataset, Dim adpt as dataadapter. etc
if possible , then show me completely code so I can run store procedure using my button click event in my application
thank you
I am not sure if it is right place to ask the question. I have a store procedure in which funcitons are called and several temp tables are created. When I use sql analyzer, it runs fast. But when I called it from app, it runs slow and it waits and waits to get data and insert into temp tables and return. Though I have used with (nolock), it still not imprvoed. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Hello, I am very new to ASP.NET and SQL Server. I am a college student and just working on some project to self teaching myself them both. I am having a issue. I was wondering if anyone could help me.
Ok, I am creating a web app that will help a company to help with inventory. The employee's have cretin equipment assign to them (more then one equipment can be assigned). I have a search by equipment and employee, to search by equipment the entire database even then equipment that isn't assigned with the employee's it shows only that employees and if they have any equipment. They can select a recorded to edit or see the details of the record. The problem i am having is that the Info page will not load right. I am redirected the Serial Number and EmployeeID to the info page. I got everything working except one thing. If a person has more then one equipment when i click on the select it redirect and only shows the first record not the one I selected. and when i change it, a employee that doesn't have equipment will not show up totally.
SELECT E.FirstName AS UserFirstName, E.LastName AS UserLastName, eqtype.Description AS UserEquipType, empeq.UserEquipID, E.EmployeeID, E.cwopa_id, eq.IPAddress, eq.Location, eq.DataLine3, eq.DataLine2, eq.Voice, eq.DataLine1, eq.FloorBox, eq.Comments, eq.SerialNo, eq.Model, eq.Brand, eq.TagNo, eq.PurchaseLease, eq.WarrantyExpDate, eq.PhoneType, eq.PhoneNum, eq.CellNumber, eq.DataNumber, eq.SIDNumber, eq.Carrier
FROM dbo.EMPLOYEES AS E LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EMPLOYEES_EQUIP AS empeq ON empeq.EmployeeID = E.EmployeeID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EQUIPMENT AS eq ON eq.EquipID = empeq.EquipID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EQUIP_TYPE AS eqtype ON eqtype.EquipTypeID = eq.EquipTypeID WHERE E.EmployeeID = @EmployeeID and eq.SerialNo=@SerialNo
EmployeeID and SerialNo are primary keys.
I was thinking maybe create a store procedures, but I have no idea how to do it. I created this and no syntax error came up but it doesn't work
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.inventoryinfo AS
DECLARE @EmployeeID int DECLARE @SerialNo varchar(50)
IF( @SerialNo is NULL)
SELECT E.FirstName AS UserFirstName, E.LastName AS UserLastName, eqtype.Description AS UserEquipType, empeq.UserEquipID, E.EmployeeID, E.cwopa_id, eq.IPAddress, eq.Location, eq.DataLine3, eq.DataLine2, eq.Voice, eq.DataLine1, eq.FloorBox, eq.Comments, eq.SerialNo, eq.Model, eq.Brand, eq.TagNo, eq.PurchaseLease, eq.WarrantyExpDate, eq.PhoneType, eq.PhoneNum, eq.CellNumber, eq.DataNumber, eq.SIDNumber, eq.Carrier
FROM dbo.EMPLOYEES AS E LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EMPLOYEES_EQUIP AS empeq ON empeq.EmployeeID = E.EmployeeID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EQUIPMENT AS eq ON eq.EquipID = empeq.EquipID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EQUIP_TYPE AS eqtype ON eqtype.EquipTypeID = eq.EquipTypeID WHERE E.EmployeeID = @EmployeeID
SELECT E.FirstName AS UserFirstName, E.LastName AS UserLastName, eqtype.Description AS UserEquipType, empeq.UserEquipID, E.EmployeeID, E.cwopa_id, eq.IPAddress, eq.Location, eq.DataLine3, eq.DataLine2, eq.Voice, eq.DataLine1, eq.FloorBox, eq.Comments, eq.SerialNo, eq.Model, eq.Brand, eq.TagNo, eq.PurchaseLease, eq.WarrantyExpDate, eq.PhoneType, eq.PhoneNum, eq.CellNumber, eq.DataNumber, eq.SIDNumber, eq.Carrier
FROM dbo.EMPLOYEES AS E LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EMPLOYEES_EQUIP AS empeq ON empeq.EmployeeID = E.EmployeeID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EQUIPMENT AS eq ON eq.EquipID = empeq.EquipID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EQUIP_TYPE AS eqtype ON eqtype.EquipTypeID = eq.EquipTypeID WHERE E.EmployeeID = @EmployeeID and eq.SerialNo=@SerialNoGO
Also, when a user selects the select button in either Employee search or Equipment search it redirects them to info.aspx. Should I create a different aspx page for both? But I don't believe I should do that. I don't know if I gave you enough information or not. But if you could give examples that would be wonderful! Thanks so much Nickie
I want to know when does SQL flushes Store Procedure from the cache.
Thank You,
Piyush Patel
Hi, All,
I need to write a sales report which needs to seperate total from direct sale and agentsale. The report looks like this( in the table of query,we have agentnumber, productname, sales, month
Month salefromagent directsale total
Jan 1100 2300 3400
Feb 800 500 1300
I know we can handle this in the program use two queries.
But is there a way to do it use store procedure and then pass the result of store procedure to the ASP program. I am trying to write my first store procedure, thanks for any clue.
Hi all,
I need to write a sales store procedure.
The sales summary is basically group by agentCode.
But the problem is some agents have subagents.
i.e., in the sales table.
one agent 123456 has many subagents whose agentCode start with 17. And I want to group sales for all subagents who have agentCode 17XXXX to agent 123456's sales.
what should I do in the store procedure.
I am trying to create a store procedure that look at a table and only maintain 30 worth of data only forever. The data that fall outside the 30 days need to be deleted. Can anyone help me with this?
I would like to create a employee store procedure to insert a record and mean while i can retrieve the EmployeeID for the record just inserted. Can you show me how to create a store procedure like this. Now i have a insert store procedure in the following:
(@efname nvarchar(20),
@elname nvarchar(20)
insert into tblEmployeeName
(EmployeeFName, EmployeeLName)
values (@efname,@elname)
I created a batch file to run a DTS saved as a STRUCTURED STORE FILE. Works fine on the command promt.
Can I use a SPROC to call something like a shell command to execute that batch file? If yes, how is this be possible?
This is an Oracle store procedure. Can Any body help me to convert it into SQL Server stored Procedure
Tot_work_all number(12,2);
Bid_tot number(12,2);
Ewo number(12,2);
Overruns number(12,2);
Underruns number(12,2);
Contr_tot_all number(12,2);
sContractType ae_contract.contr_type%type;
select sum(nvl(tamt_ret_item,0) + nvl(tamt_paid_item,0))
into Tot_work_all
from valid_item
Where db_contract = db_id;
Select sum(Contq * Contr_Price) into Bid_tot
From Valid_item
Where nvl(New_Item,'N') <> 'Y'
and db_contract = db_id;
Select sum(Qtd * Contr_price) into Ewo
From Valid_item
Where nvl(New_item,'N') = 'Y'
and db_contract = db_id;
Select Sum((Qtd-Nvl(Projq,0))*Contr_Price) into Overruns
From Valid_item
Where Qtd > Nvl(Projq,0)
and db_contract = db_id
and nvl(New_Item,'N') = 'N';
IF LAT_type <> 'R' THEN
Select Sum((Nvl(Projq,0)-Contq) * Contr_Price) into Underruns
From Valid_item
Where Nvl(Projq,0) < Contq
and db_contract = db_id
and nvl(New_Item,'N') = 'N';
Select Sum((Nvl(Qtd,0)-Contq) * Contr_Price) into Underruns
From Valid_item
Where Nvl(Qtd,0) < Contq
and db_contract = db_id
and nvl(New_Item,0) = 'N';
end if;
Contr_tot_all:= NVL(Bid_tot,0) +NVL(ewo,0) +NVL(overruns,0)
IF Contr_tot_all = 0 THEN
Select Contr_type into sContractType from ae_contract where db_contract = db_id;
IF sContractType = 'A' OR sContractType = 'T' THEN
--If the divisor is zero here, it's not an error.
update ae_contract set perc_compu = 0 where db_contract = db_id;
--If the divisor is zero here, it would be an error
update ae_contract set perc_compu = 100 * tot_work_all/contr_tot_all where db_contract = db_id;
--Here we have a real number to calculate, so go ahead and do your stuff!
update ae_contract set perc_compu = 100 * tot_work_all/contr_tot_all where db_contract = db_id;
1. can a stored procedure call itself? if else how ?>
2. how to run a job for a stored procedure to exucte every day.
iam new to store procedures.can anyone tell me how do i put in this sql statement into store procedure
SELECT * FROM PortMaster WHERE PortCode= '" & Request.QueryString("PortCode") & "' "
TheProblem is coming in ,how do i put "Request.QueryString("PortCode")" into sql queranalyzer.iam using this in .aspx page.
depending on querystring the record is selected.