Can Never Access Database Table From Code After Copying To Another SQL Server...
Nov 29, 2007
I am not sure I understand the problem I am causing, but I am a beginner!
Here's the situation: I have a table located on MS SQL server database number 1. Said table, which we'll call WIDGET_PRICES, is accessed regularly by my existing source code and has no problems.
At some point, I decide to move operations to MS SQL database number 2 and do a very simple database copy of WIDGET_PRICES from database 1 to database 2 using the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
The end result, inevitably, is that my source code can no longer access the very same table as it is located on the new database server. The code hasn't changed, it's still trying to access WIDGET_PRICES as always. And, from what I see on my screen through Management Studio, WIDGET_PRICES appears just fine.
An example error is the one I just got:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e37'
Invalid object name 'YB_ITEMS'.
/yardbark/tampabay/header.asp, line 27
The only clue is that while my transferred tables often look named like "database1.WIDGET_PRICES on database 1, they wind up looking like database2.WIDGET_PRICES on dabase 2.
I include a little more detail and screenshots of the tables in questions at this web page.
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Apr 26, 2007
I have a table in MS Access that I would like to copy/import into SQL Server 2005. I would like to automate this process so that it copies the table over on a daily basis. Can someone tell me how this can be done?
Thank you in advance.
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Apr 9, 2007
Hello, As the heading states, I'd like to copy a database table from VWDE over to SQL SME, where it'll replace its namesake. I've tried the 'attach' method but was denied due to server permissions. Is there another way of doing this, or will I have to delete the database and then run a script to reinstate (annoyingly convoluted)? This would be so much easier if the host supported SQL 2005 Express. Thanks in advance
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Aug 27, 2007
I have a Data Flow Source that uses a SQL Command to pull data. In the SQL statement, I used CAST to change all varchar types to Nvarvchar to suit MS Access. I can preview the data from the source. In testing, the SQL statement only pulls about ten records.
I have a Microsoft 2000 Access database table as a destination. Data in each column in the table is required, and all columns have defaults.
I also have a grid data viewer set up. I have the DefaultBufferMaxRows set to 2 so that I can see data going across. When I execute this dataflow, no data is transfered to the Access database table. No data shows up in the dataviewer. There are no errors. The 'Execution Results' tab does not show errors, but indicates that zero rows were transfered. There are no warnings.
How do I begin to isolate the problem? The following is the SQL Statement in the Data Flow Source. Thank you for your help! - cdun2
DECLARE @CategoryTable TABLE
(ColID Int,
ColCategory varchar(60),
ColValue varchar(500)
--and fill it
INSERT INTO @CategoryTable
(ColID, ColCategory, ColValue)
FROM Collections_Staging
--Assign an ID to each block of data for each occurance of 'Reason:'
SET @ID = 1
UPDATE @CategoryTable
SET [ColID] = CASE WHEN ColCategory = 'Reason:' THEN @ID - 1 ELSE @ID END,
@ID = CASE WHEN ColCategory = 'Reason:' THEN @ID + 1 ELSE @ID END
--Then put the data together
SELECT --cast to Nvarchar for MSAccess
CAST(a.ColValue as Nvarchar(30)) AS OrderID,
COALESCE(CAST(b.ColValue as Nvarchar(30)),'') AS SellerUserID,
COALESCE(CAST(c.ColValue as Nvarchar(100)),'') AS BusinessName,
COALESCE(CAST(d.ColValue as Nvarchar(15)),'') AS BankID,
COALESCE(CAST(e.ColValue as Nvarchar(15)),'') AS AccountID,
COALESCE(CAST(SUBSTRING(f.ColValue,CHARINDEX('$',f.ColValue)+1,500)AS DECIMAL(18,2)),0) AS CollectionAmount,
COALESCE(CAST(g.ColValue as Nvarchar(10)),'') AS TransactionType,
WHEN h.ColValue LIKE '%Matching Disbursement%' THEN NULL
ELSE CAST(h.ColValue AS SmallDateTime)
END AS DisbursementDate,
--COALESCE(h.ColValue,'') AS DisbursementDate,
WHEN i.ColValue LIKE '%Matching Disbursements%' THEN NULL
WHEN CAST(LEFT(REVERSE(i.ColValue),4)AS INT) > 1000 THEN CAST(i.ColValue AS SmallDateTime)
WHEN LEFT(REVERSE(i.ColValue),4) = '1000' THEN NULL
END AS ReturnDate,
--COALESCE(i.ColValue,'') AS ReturnDate,
COALESCE(CAST(j.ColValue as Nvarchar(4)),'') AS Code,
COALESCE(CAST(k.ColValue as Nvarchar(255)),'') AS CollectionReason
FROM @CategoryTable a
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable b ON b.ColID = a.ColID AND b.ColCategory = 'Seller UserId:'
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable c ON c.ColID = a.ColID AND c.ColCategory = 'Business Name:'
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable d ON d.ColID = a.ColID AND d.ColCategory = 'Bank ID:'
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable e ON e.ColID = a.ColID AND e.ColCategory = 'Account ID:'
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable f ON f.ColID = a.ColID AND f.ColCategory = 'Amount:'
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable g ON g.ColID = a.ColID AND g.ColCategory = 'Transaction Type:'
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable h ON h.ColID = a.ColID AND h.ColCategory = 'Disbursement Date:'
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable i ON i.ColID = a.ColID AND i.ColCategory = 'Return Date:'
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable j ON j.ColID = a.ColID AND j.ColCategory = 'Code:'
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable k ON k.ColID = a.ColID AND k.ColCategory = 'Reason:'
WHERE a.ColCategory = 'Order ID:'
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Jun 10, 2007
in query analyzer, how do you copy a table form one db to another db
i thort it was something like
select * into dbo.databaseA.tableNew from dbo.databaseB.tableOld
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Jun 17, 2008
Hi,Whats the best and easiest way to copy a table from one database to another via want to copy from SQL Server to Oracle. I have an ODBC connection for Oracle.I was thinking I could use a DataSet, but wasn't sure of the details on doing this. Am I off base on this?What I have so far..1) I can get the data from SQL Server into a DataSet.2) I can establish a connection to Oracle via ODBC and the database has the appropriate table structure.How do I 'use' the SQL Server DataSet to copy the data to Oracle?Thanks,Scott
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Nov 15, 2007
How can I copy a table from one db to another? Is there copy paste method.
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Nov 27, 2007
how can I copy a table and its contents(data) from one database to another database?
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Feb 26, 2008
How can you copy a table from one database to another database? I used to be able to do it with SQL Server 2000 but I can't figure out how to do it with SQL Server Management Studio Express for SQL Server 2005. Do I need other software?
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Oct 16, 2006
Hello I am developing a web application that will allow users to upload a .mdb file and from that file I need to populate an SQL database. I know the table name of the .mdb file, but I am unclear how to structure my data access layer correctly. How do I pull data from the .mdb file and once I have it how do i populate the SQL database?Any advice would be greatly appreciated.thanks!
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Nov 27, 2006
I am trying to export a databse from access into sql server express. The access database is on a network and the sql server express is on my local machine.
Could someone give me setp by step instructions please as to how to export the data from the tables into my sql server express.
Thank you very much for your time
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Oct 25, 2005
hi all
i have two databases on two different machines.
both databses r having same names.
i want to copy data from the table in other database to table in databse on my machine .
how can i do this.
i will be very thankful to receive help.
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Jul 20, 2005
In enterprise manager I am copying a table from one database toanother. I am using the dts wizard to import the data. After Isuccessfully import the data, I open both tables to compare therecords to make sure they are the same. I right click on a field andclick "last" for both tables. However, the record is different forboth. If I do a query the record is still there but they do not showup in the same order. Why does'nt the import wizard import therecords in the same order? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Jan 2, 2008
I have "inherited" a project working on a SQL 2000 database. The project calculates commissions based on data from an invoice header table and an invoice details table. The goal is to extract data from the primary database tables, perform limited manipulations, and store the resultant data into a table in a different database for reference and reporting. I have the query complete that extracts and manipulates the data, but I am stuck in trying to add this data to the final storage/reporting table. I would also like to do error checking to be certain that a record is not "re-inserted" from the source data to the destination table. Thanks in advance, Barry
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Jun 5, 2008
Hi to all,
I'm writting code that needs to pass data returned by a SqlDataSource object to another object (user control to graph data)
Query in SqlDataSource object is OK, I've seen data returned by it at a GridView Object but I need to pass that data to an user control that needs a reference to the table that has the data
... What would be the code that do that task ??
I'm new to develop web applications... using Visual Web Developer Express 2008
Help in advance
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Jul 20, 2005
I can access Microsoft Access database via ODBC on Windows 2000 usingC++. Now, I would like to use the SAME piece of code to access MS SQLon Windows. Can I achieve this without any modification to my existingcodes?Then, I would like to use the SAME piece of codes to access Oracleon Windows? Is it possible?Thanks in advance!
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Dec 24, 2014
I am building a Visual Sudio process that will Truncate and load data to an Access database (2010) from SQL Server (2012). I have one "Execute SQL Task" for one table (LungCancer_HF_Patients):
"DELETE LungCancer_HF_Patients.* FROM LungCancer_HF_Patients;" that parses and works.
I have another table (Report1):
"DELETE Report1.* FROM Report1;"
that does not parse with a message "The query failed to parse. Incorrect syntax near '*'."
Why the first one parses correctly and the other one does not?
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Jan 17, 2006
Hi all,My program is a central data processing application built in ASP.We have different companies that use different web pages on another webapplication (from different countries) to load some inventory data(merchandise - clothes).Here is my requirement: Load different types of data (in differentformats) into a common set of tables, to do this I have to firstfilter, do lookup's, use cross-reference tables on this data and thenload it into a couple of tables.Since data is so different everytime, I want to have one main storedprocedure in which I can build the table (I know the format of thisdata so I know what columns/types to create) into which I will feed thedata.After this I will create other stored procs/udf's that reference thistable (probably from the same main stored proc) 'cleanse' the databefore loading into the actual tables.How feasible is my approach? (if you can call it one :-) I do not wantto have seperate tables for each country, that will be too many and sothis plan...If not any other ideas will be really helpful.thanks much
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Aug 2, 2004
I'm about to embark on writing some code in perl or VBscript that automatically synchronises a constantly updated Access database with an MSSQL database.
I know MSSQL has an import tool built into Enterprise manager but I'm wondering if theres a stored procedure that does this?
The way I'm thinking of doing it is to read the all the access tables into separate hash arrays and then INSERTing them into the MSSQL database after checking for any duplicates. This all sounds a bit time consuming (there are a large number of tables) and processor intensive.
If anyones done anything like this before, I'd love to hear their views......!
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Jun 27, 2007
I am using Visual Studio 2005 to connect to a database on a remote SQL2000 server. I need to copy a table in a database on my local machine up to the server. How can I do that?
Thank you,
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Jul 6, 2006
Hello,I am getting a SqlException with title "SqlException was unhandled by user code" and then it says "Invalid object name 'Access Table'.here is my code (this is from my login page:)<script runat="server">
Protected Sub Login1_Authenticate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.AuthenticateEventArgs)
Dim conn As SqlConnection
Dim cmd As SqlCommand
Dim cmdString As String = "SELECT [Password] FROM [AccessTable] WHERE" & _
" (([Username] = @Username) AND ([Password] = @Password))"
conn = New SqlConnection("Data Source=GDB03SQL;Initial Catalog=GDBRemitance;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=remitance;Password=remitance")
cmd = New SqlCommand(cmdString, conn)
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Username", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)
cmd.Parameters("@Username").Value = Me.Login1.UserName
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Password", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)
cmd.Parameters("@Password").Value = Me.Login1.Password
Dim myReader As SqlDataReader
myReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
If myReader.Read() Then
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(Me.Login1.UserName, False)
Response.Write("Invalid credentials")
End If
End Sub
</script> The error is comming from the myReader = cmd.Execute(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)Thanks for any suggestions or ideas.
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Oct 22, 1998
I`ve create a table which has 10 fields...Now I have to create 12 more tables which has same fields...
How can i duplicate or copy a table ?
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Oct 21, 2004
Hi, I'm trying to copy one SQL Server Database into another SQL Server DB within the same server. I learnt a bit about this copying, that it copies only the Database structure, the Tabels, constraints view stored procedures etc etc. Is there a tutorial where I can get clear instructions to do this. I just need the table structure without any data to be copied into this. Have even tried exploring creating and executing DTS packages but cudn't get much help with this. Any help wud be really appreciated.
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Apr 26, 2001
Does anyone know how to copy a database from one server to another? I want to backup a production database and restore it to a different server (a test server) as a test.
I used a sample from the MCDBA study book and all I got was two copies of Northwind on the same server. Any idea what I did wrong? Seems like you should be able to backup on one server and restore on another. Here's the code I used:
TO DISK = 'Sd-appsmssql7DataNwind.bak'
FROM DISK = 'Sd-appsmssql7DataNwind.bak'
FROM DISK = 'Sd-appsmssql7DataNwind.bak'
WITH MOVE 'Northwind' TO 'Sd-sqlmssql7DataNorthwind.mdf',
MOVE 'NorthwindLog1' TO 'Sd-sqlmssql7DataNorthwindLog1.ldf'
Thanks for your help.
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Nov 23, 2004
Hi All,
I need to take a copy of a database present in a SQL server to other SQl server using code.
I can make it out with wizards but i need the query to execute it thru
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Sep 30, 2004
We recently got a new SQL Server 2000. I'm not really a SQL/Network admin but I was tasked to migrate some of our databases in the SQLSVR7 to SQLSVR2K.
I tried using DTS EXPORT but getting errors. Is there a better way to do this?
Any info would be appreciated.
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Mar 5, 2004
I am new to SQL Server. I am required to make a copy of a live database, or bring the database down and then make a copy of it.
I need to create a webpage to query the database, but another scheduling program also connects to the database, so that shceduling can be performed
Any help
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Feb 8, 2006
Im running SQL Server 2005 Express with SQL Server Management studio installed on my laptop. After updating my database, how do I copy the entire contents to the main server in the office, which is running windows server 2003 and SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition.
And is it possible to do it all from my laptop?
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Sep 19, 2006
I am receving this error: Failed to open the connection: [Database Vendor Code: 17 ], from .Net 2003/C# to Crystal Report XI with SQL Server 2000 has backend database.
Is there a security permission that has been overlooked?
Here is the code I use to access CR XI
ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
TableLogOnInfo tableLogOnInfo;
Database DB;
'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table' table;
Tables tables;
//Log in
connectionInfo.ServerName = "ServerName";
connectionInfo.DatabaseName = "Database Namet";
connectionInfo.UserID = "userid";
connectionInfo.Password = "password";
//Get Table inf from report
DB = reportDocument..Database;
tables = DB.Tables;
//Looping through all the tables in CR and apply connection info
for(int i = 0; i < tables.Count; i++)
table = tables[ i ];
tableLogOnInfo = table.LogOnInfo;
tableLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = connectionInfo;
CrystalReportViewer.ReportSource = ReportDocument.ReportSource;
CrystalReportViewer.Visible = true;
Any advise would be helpful.
Thank you
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Oct 19, 2006
Hi I am running my sql 2000 database server and I just want to copy that database and paste or put on another server which has also run same version of sql 2000 database. I tried to copy and paste the ldf & mdf extensioned files which are located in "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLData" into my 2 server, but when I open up the enterprise manager, I cant see the new database. So this way dont work, I tried to do something with export and import wizard but it just creates another database and copies the data in that database in the same server. I want to copy that data and put onto another system, please guide me. I'm confused, Thanks a lot
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Nov 8, 2000
I would like to create a test environment on a separate server running advanced server 2000. The current production server is NT4.0. What is the easiest way to copy the databases from production to test. I installed SQL7.0 on the new box then created the backup devices. Next I copied the backup files for all of the databases including master etc. to the new backup device folders. I tried to restore the master db first - then things went down hill. Any recommended procedures regarding this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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May 20, 2003
I'm new to database development and have created a database-driven website which now needs to be uploaded to the client's hosting company server. What is the easiest way for a newbie to upload a copy of the databse to the host. Thanks in advance.
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Jun 5, 2006
I have a customer who I have set up a SQL Server Express database for. The database was running fine, but I copied it over to my pc over the weekend to update some data. I have copied the data backwards and forwards plenty of times, but this time when I came to copy it back and reattach it on the customers' server I get the following message:
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express
Attach database failed for Server 'SBSSERVERBKUPEXEC'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo)
For help, click:
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionInfo)
Could not find row in sysindexes for database ID 6, object ID 1, index ID 1. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on sysindexes.
Could not open new database 'ACServe'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 602)
This is REALLY urgent.
Help me please
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