Can Not Find This Newgroup On Outlook Newsgroup...Help

Dec 3, 2006

Hi Seir,

I'm new to SQL and want to learn beginning SQL..

But onlye appear on the newsgroup in

the Outlook. So how to subscribe this news group (or the anoter for beginner)

in the Outlook for me to read it OFFLINE...

thank so much for the help.


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Email Report In Outlook 2007 Not The Same As Outlook 2003

Feb 7, 2007

I have a Reporting Services 2005 report that is emailed to users.  I created/formatted  the report based on how it looked in Outlook 2003 which all of our users had at that time.  The report is wide, but just fit in the email window when it was full size.   Now I have a user who has been converted to Outlook 2007 and he emailed me a copy of the report he received in Outlook 2007 and it looks like it reduced the column sizes; it does not fill the entire email window and wraps the wording on most lines because the column sizes have been reduced. 

The report is:

Delivered by: Report Server E-mail

Include Report is checked

Render Format is Web archive

Any ideas on how I can fix this?

Thanks in advance.

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Vote On A New Newsgroup Proposal

Jul 23, 2005

Vote for or against a new newsgroup proposal.To summarize what you need to do, just send an empty e-mail toJoin Bytes!You'll receive a ballot by e-mail. Follow the instructions and vote.__________________________________________________ _____________________FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)unmoderated group comp.databases.postgresqlNewsgroups line:comp.databases.postgresql PGSQL Relational Database Management System.Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 9 Apr 2005.This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions aboutthe proposed group should be directed to the proponent.Proponent: Mike Cox <>Votetaker: Bill Aten <>RATIONALE: comp.databases.postgresqlTo provide a Big-Eight usenet group for users of the PostgreSQLRelational Database Management System. Currently there are mailinglists gated to the public pgsql.* hierarchy. Issues with mailinglist gateways, and the much larger distribution of the Big-Eighthierarchy make it extremely desirable to have a PostgreSQL groupin the Big Eight.CHARTER: comp.databases.postgresqlThe newsgroup comp.databases.postgresql is a usenet discussion groupfor the PostgreSQL Relational Database Management System. Topicsof discussion may include:GENERAL* General discussions of PostgreSQL.* Assisting beginners in using the PostgreSQL Relational DatabaseManagement system.* Help answer basic questions.ADMINISTRATION* Discussions pertaining to the administration, compilationand installation of PostgreSQL.* Announcements of new versions of PostgreSQL, PostgreSQLrelated software, and documentation.* Administration of PostgreSQL interfaces, including JDBC and ODBC.* Administration and installation of the Contrib packages.* Using PostgreSQL Point in Time Recovery.* Startup scripts, or scripts that automate PostgreSQL related tasks.DEVELOPING WITH POSTGRESQL* Programming using PostgreSQL.* Developing with PostgreSQL interfaces, including JDBC and ODBC.SCALABILITY* PostgreSQL performance, benchmarking and related topics.* How to use Replication in PostgreSQL.* Hardware, Software configurations and recommendations for optimalPostgreSQL operation. Examples are x86-64, NUMA, etc.SECURITY* Announcements of patches that fix vulnerabilities.* PostgreSQL Best practices to design and keep PostgreSQL secure.* SSH, SSL, and the Crypto Contrib packages.SQL* Normalization and theory as it applies to PostgreSQL.* Transactions, Indices, Cursors, Triggers, and Nested Transactions.* PostgreSQL specific topics such as Objects.END CHARTER.HOW TO VOTE:In order to vote on this proposal you will first need to request aregistered ballot. This is accomplished by sending an email to theaddress specified below from the email account that you intend to usewhen you submit the ballot for processing. The Subject: and body ofthe message does not matter. They can both be blank (preferred) ifyour software will allow that.PLEASE, do not send this entire message back to me as this mail isarchived.Mail your ballot request to: <>Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line.When your email message is received, a reply message will be sent toyou with further instructions regarding how to vote. You will alsoreceive a copy of the CFV which will contain a ballot that isregistered for use only for this CFV, and only when submitted from theexact same address that originally requested it.IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES:Standard Guidelines for voting apply. Only one vote per person, nomore than one vote per account. Votes must be mailed directly fromthe voter to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votesare not valid. Votes mailed by WWW/HTML/CGI forms are consideredto be anonymous votes.Vote counting is automated. Failure to follow these directions maymean that your vote does not get counted. If you do not receive anacknowledgment of your vote within three days, contact the votetakerabout the problem. It's your responsibility to make sure your voteis registered correctly. Duplicate votes are resolved in favor ofthe most recent valid vote. Names, addresses, and votes of all voterswill be published in the final voting RESULT posting.DO NOT redistribute this CFV in any manner whatsoever. The purpose ofa Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest of persons who wouldread a proposed newsgroup. Soliciting votes from disinterested partiesdefeats this purpose. Only the votetaker, the news.announce.newgroupsmoderator, and the proponent (if specifically authorized by thevotetaker) are permitted to distribute copies of this CFV.Distribution of pre-marked or otherwise modified copies of this CFV isgenerally considered voting fraud and should be reported immediately tothe votetaker or the UVV <>. In cases where voting fraudis determined to have occurred, it is standard operating procedure todelete ALL votes submitted by the violator. When in doubt, ask thevotetaker.DISTRIBUTION:The only official sources for copies of this CFV are the locationslisted below, the UVV web site at, and thevotetaker's e-mail CFV server which can be reached at<>.This CFV has been posted to the following newsgroups:news.announce.newgroupsnews.groupscomp.databasescomp.os.linux.misccomp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc

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Help With DDL Trigger. Moved From Other Newsgroup.

Mar 26, 2008

I haven't gotten a response yet, so I moved this from another group. Ihave been working on this for 2 days so if anyone has any ideas, Iwould be grateful.I have a 3rd party program that creates and populates tables in mySQLServer 2005 database.The program fails on the inserts on "tblB" because the field itcreates is too small for the data that it is trying to put in it(stupid).I wrote a DDL trigger that attempts to alter the table as soon as itcreated, allowing all the data to be loaded.However, something about this trigger causes a prior table "tblA" tofail.Here is the error message that I get on inserting into tblA with thetrigger for tblB in place:Execution of this SQL statement failed: Create table tblA(STATUSCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT'', SCHOOLNUM[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]SELECT failed becausethe following SET options have incorrect settings:'CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL, ANSI_WARNINGS, ANSI_PADDING'. Verify thatSET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes o(yes, it truncates the error message)My trigger is basically:USE [IGPLINK]GO/****** Object: DdlTrigger [NO_SOUP_FOR_YOU] Script Date:03/24/2008 16:04:42 ******/SET ARITHABORT ONGOSET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET ANSI_PADDING ONGOSET ANSI_WARNINGS ONGOSET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFFGOCREATE TRIGGER [NO_SOUP_FOR_YOU] ON DATABASEFOR CREATE_TABLEASSET NOCOUNT ONDECLARE @xmlEventData XML,@tableName VARCHAR(50)SET @xmlEventData = eventdata()SET @tableName = CONVERT(VARCHAR(25), @xmlEventData.query('data(/EVENT_INSTANCE/ObjectName)'))IF @tableName ='tblB'BEGINALTER TABLE dbo.tblB ALTER COLUMN STULINK Numeric(16,0)ENDHowever, when I have enterprise manager script my trigger, it looksaltered. I think these ON/OFF settings at the end are screwing thingsup. Any suggestions?USE [IGPLINK]GO/****** Object: DdlTrigger [NO_SOUP_FOR_YOU] Script Date:03/25/2008 11:10:05 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOCREATE TRIGGER [NO_SOUP_FOR_YOU] ON DATABASEFOR CREATE_TABLEASSET NOCOUNT ONDECLARE @xmlEventData XML,@tableName VARCHAR(50)SET @xmlEventData = eventdata()SET @tableName = CONVERT(VARCHAR(25), @xmlEventData.query('data(/EVENT_INSTANCE/ObjectName)'))IF @tableName ='tblB'BEGINALTER TABLE dbo.tblB ALTER COLUMN STULINK Numeric(16,0)ENDGOSET ANSI_NULLS OFFGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOENABLE TRIGGER [NO_SOUP_FOR_YOU] ON DATABASE

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Outlook 97 And SQL 7.0

Jul 25, 2002

On our SQL 7.0 servers we have always used Outlook 97 as our mail client and until last week we've had no issues with this setup.

A week ago a number of the servers with this set up started hanging on jobs with mail statments using xp_sendmail and the only solution was to reboot the server. All the servers use the same NT account and the same mail box for the mail. I've talked with our Exchange guys and they say that nothing has changed on the mail server. I found a Q article (Q315886) that suggests starting sql as an application not a service to see if pop ups could be causing the problem. Well no pop ups.

I installed Outlook 2000 on the boxes and that seems to have fixed it. Or at least no problems today with those servers.

Has anyone seen this before or have any idea what might be the cause of it?


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OutLook Express

Apr 4, 2000

Anyone ever setup the OutLook Express client to use SQL Mail ? I'm able to send messages via OutLook Express; however, SQL Mail doesn't recognize any profiles.

In using OutLook Express do I need to also setup a PostOffice. My server currently doesn't have any POST OFFICE or Mail software under control panel.

Thanks in advance,

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Outlook And SQL Server

Dec 8, 1999

Can anyone recommend a source of info on connecting Outlook to a SQL database of contacts? Also interested in third party tools/solutions that I could just buy and customize.

I need to be able to get at data from my own VB apps, but it would be nice to dump contacts into Outlook for people taking laptops and CE machines on the road. Even nicer if they could use Outlook to update addresses and upload to SQL Server.

Or am I just dreaming?

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Jun 12, 2000

Is there any way to stop Outlook97 from checking for new mails automatically?
Thanks for any help!

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SQL Mail And Outlook

May 4, 1999

Anybody use them together? If so, how did you set it up?

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From Outlook To SQL Database

Aug 15, 2007

I have a question that I hope to get an answer from you.

We had an exchange central which used to get data from the outlook and save it in the database, then we have another solution that filters the data we need from there and save it into another database to produce a report for the economy department to be used for wages. Now the exchange central has many problems and they decided not to use it any more. What I want to do is to get data(calendar posts) direct from the outlook into my SQL 2000 database. Is it possible? If yes, what is the best approach to do?

Thanks in advance

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SQL Mail: Outlook

Jul 20, 2005

Greeting All, has anyone had luck getting SQL mail running withoutOutlook? Will any MAPI email client work?Thanks in advance.Louis

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Help With Outlook Expres

Dec 30, 2006

help with outlook expres

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Outlook Calendar

Nov 27, 2007

When I try to view someone else's Calendar in Outlook I get this message:

The messaging interface has returned an unknown error. If the problem persists, restart Outlook.

Of course restarting Outlook resolves nothing. Please help.

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SQL Data Import Into MS Outlook.

Jun 29, 2001

Hello all,

I am trying to build some sort of interface either directly in MS Outlook on the client comp. or a stand-alone app. The requirement works somewhat like what is done between a PDA and MS Outlook, with the exception that the data only goes one way - SQL Server --> Outlook.

I want to allow for the user to choose from their data in SQL Server and have it bring that data down into their contacts folder. It will need to work over the internet, and MS Exchange is not a preferred method.

Clients are not on the same network as the server, they only connect to the internet via IP and use simple POP mail accounts.

Thanks ahead of time.


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SqlMail With Outlook On Win2k

Oct 9, 2001

Does anyone know the 'trick' in getting sqlmail (sqlserver 7.0) to work with Outlook 2000 on a windows 2000 server machine. I've setup a mail profile on Outlook, but it is not listed in the dropdown menu in the sqlmail properties.
Outlook communicates with my smtp/pop3 mail server - no problem. I can't get sqlmail to interface with outlook. Basically it is telling me that it cannot find ANY profiles on the server.

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Outlook/SQL Mail Problem

Apr 6, 2000

I'm trying to make SQLMail work. I have installed Microsoft Outlook 98 with MSSQL 7.0 on a NT Server 4.0 with Service Pack 6. I have set a profile for a user with admin rights to start a service. I can successfully start up with SQL with this account. When I try to start up SQL Mail it comes back with this error:

DESCRIPTION: Error: 0, Severity: 19, State: 0
SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 34 generated fatal exception c0000005
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.

With another dialog box:
Error 22030: A MAPI Error (error number: 87) occured:

Can any one Help??
Do I need reapply the service pack??

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OutLook Express And SQL Mail

Apr 3, 2000

We do not have any licenses for MS Outlook and our main e-mail client is GroupWise. Someone has told me that we should be able to use the Outlook Express client to activate SQL Mail. Is this true; if so how is it done. If not does it make since to put the GroupWise client on the SQL Server ?

Thanks in advance,

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Sql Mail And Outlook 2000

Oct 10, 2000

I'm trying to set up Sql Mail using Outlook 2000 and the only way I can get a message sent is to have the Outlook client open at the time I start Sql Mail. Sql Mail will start regardless of the profile chosen even if it is blank, but if the Outlook client was not running at the time I started Sql Mail then while executing xp_sendmail I get "Server: Msg 17914, Level 18, State 1, Line 0 Unknown recipient: Parameter '@recipients', recipient ''"

Regardless of the Outlook client status or profile setup when performing a MAPI profile test, <SQL MAIL><Properties><Test>, I receive "SQL-DMO(ODBC SQLState: 42000) Error 22030: A MAPI error(error number 273) occurred.:Unable to get the default MAPI Message Store due to MAPI error 273:The information store could not be opened."

I've setup Sql Mail and Outlook 97/98 clients in the past and have not had to have the client open when starting Sql Mail. I've read most of the technet and knowledge base articles and the only ref I can find to this problem is a note in Q248431 "note that outlook 2000 or another configured MAPI client must be started before xp_startmail is executed." Was this the case in Outlook 97/98?

The Exchange server is in another domain. I think it's version 5.5. I'm using my domain account and profile to setup Sql Mail. I can send and receive mail fine using Outlook 2000. There is a Password dialog box that appears when starting the Outlook client prompting for User Name, Domain Name, and Password. I have not been able to create a profile that gets around this dialog box. Is this an Exchange server setting? If so, is it a server wide setting or can it be disabled per mail account?

Any help with this will be appreciated. Thanks, Jim

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Installing Outlook On SQl Cluster

Sep 29, 2005

We have a SQL 2000 cluster running on WIn2003. in a normal sql install you install Outlook client on SQL Server for Agent to use to send messages. Do you have to do something different for a clustered environment?

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Why Not Outlook For DTS MAPI Client?

Apr 12, 2002

My IT manager doesn't like the idea that a production process written in DTS needs Outlook 2000 running for DTS Email. I tend to agree that having an app like Outlook 2000 running in the production machine is kind of tacky. Am I missing something here? Why would MS suggest such a solution? Is there a way to configure DTS and Outlook so Outlook doesnt have to be running as an app?


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Xp_sendmail And Outlook 2000

Feb 6, 2004

I'm sending data from a simple query using xp_sendmail and the @query variable to send via Outlook 2000. Everthing is fine data-wise, but the font of the data is wrong in the e-mail causing the columns of data to be justified all over the place.

I would like it to send in 'courier new' font to fix this problem, but SQL server defaults to use plain txt so the e-mail client receiving the information is not forced to use the font and uses its own default (which again throws the alignment out). I need to make it use the 'Rich Text' format to enforce this but SQL seems to bypass this when sending via sp_sendmail.

I know this is more an Outlook problem, but it is the way SQL 2000 uses it that is my issue here



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Email Addresses To Outlook

Mar 23, 2007

Is there a way to export a list of email addresses to outlook based on certain query conditions? So for example, lets say using pubs, I want to send out an email to a group of authors who have published only one book. So could I essentailly query for the authors and then have those corresponding authors emails sent to outlook so that I could send out a generic email asking them if they are going to write another book or something like that?

The Yak Village Idiot

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Is It Possible To Extract Mails From Outlook Into

Feb 21, 2008

sql 2005 table ?
Hi everyone,

I need to assemble information from my outlook account into a database table. Is it possible to insert "title" of a set of mails recieved into a table ? sender's name ? recipient's name? body? etc...


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Outlook Express Mail Client

Jun 22, 2001

I had a question. Is is good to configure Outlook Express as my default mail client for SQL Mail. I had to do this as Outlook 98 was not responding and there was couple of other problems.

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Sql Server Agent And Outlook Problems

Jan 22, 2001

Just recently my SQL server agent has been causing problems with my Outlook. When the Agent is started, it causes all processes on Outlook to hang. As soon as I stop the Agent, then Outlook works just fine again. Does anyone know a possible cause for this. Up until a couple days ago things were working just fine, and then this problem seems to have popped out of nowhere.


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SQL 2012 :: Import Outlook Folder Or PST?

Mar 9, 2014

I've got an archive of old emails from a previous employer I want to import in SQL for a little side project - to make the emails easily searchable, queryable, and to do a few things with the contacts. I've stripped all the attachments out because I didn't want to store them or have them cause issues.

I don't know of a way to do this - exporting the folder in Outlook to CSV is garbage. That CSV file is so mangled with junk...

I tried access, but get this error in 2013 when trying to import for an external source

Microsoft Access can't find the wizard. This wizard has not been installed, or there is an incorrect setting in the Windows Registry, or this wizard has been disabled.

I don't have any addin - I installed Access from the web....i can't imagine an incorrect setting, but I've tried repairing and search Google with no luck...

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Can We Read Emails From MS Outlook Inbox?

Apr 25, 2008

Not sure if this is possible, I have a requirement, when email comes into our MS outlook Inbox, we need to identify the email based on the From email address and read the data which is in the body of the email. I do'nt know if we can do something like that using SQL 2005, any ideas?? Thanks!!

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Outlook / Word Interface Not Registered

Jul 4, 2006

I use outlook as my e-mail front end for all my e-mail accounts. I have recently installed my software (MS Office Pro) on a new PC. When I try to send an e-mail created in Outlook I get an error message - "Microsoft Word - Interface Not Registered" I have tried re-installing / repairing the software and this doesn't work. Can anyone please help

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SQL Server 2005 Conflict With Outlook BCM

Apr 1, 2006


I just installed the SQL Server 2005 eval version on my laptop to try it out and now Outlook crashes. There appears to be a conflict with Outlook Business Contact Manager, which might be running its own database under the covers.

When I try to start Outlook I get the error message "Business Contact Manager has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience". The button choices are Debug, Send Report Later and Don't Send. Clicking Don't Send closes Outlook.

I found some info on modifying the registry to disable BCM, which I did, but I still get the same error and Outlook won't start. I also tried removing all of the SQL Server 2005 stuff from my path environment variable but it didn't work either.

Any suggestions would be appreciated because I depend on Outlook for my email and contacts.



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Import Outlook/ACT Etc Contacts To SQL Server Table

Feb 3, 2005

Does anyone know of a 3rd party module/plug-in for VS or even some
downloadable code that enables the import of Outlook/ACT and similar contact
information through an ASP.NET page into a SQL Server table with ongoing
1-click button sync.

I need to replicate something similar to the Intellisync tool used in Yahoo


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Agent Mail / Outlook 2003 Catch 22

Jan 30, 2006

I've just installed and configured outlook 2003 with sql agent mail and I've come across a strange conundrum: messages from agent mail are not actually sent unless the outlook client is open, but the default mail folder is locked by agent when agent is started, thus preventing outlook 2003 from opening. If I try things the other way - opening the client and then configuring/restarting agent mail - then agent mail can't access the default mail folder because the client has it locked.

There doesn't seem to be any way to win here.

Anyone come across this issue and found a workaround?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Does NOT Download Image In Outlook

Nov 17, 2014

Outlook says 'to prevent your privacy outlook prevented the image download' I don'y want users to right click and download image from the 'empty box'.Here is my code:

SET @EMAIL_CONTENT = '<html>'+CHAR(10)
+ ' <body>'
+ ' <p> '
+ ' Happy Birthday..! '
+ ' <span style="font-size:large;">'
+ ' </span>' +CHAR(10)


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Script To Import SQL Server Data To Outlook?

Mar 4, 2008

is it possible to write a script for Microsoft outlook that will execute a query to an sql server 2005 and populate a public "contacts" folder?

i know there are expensive syncing applications, but i would just like to script and buttonize the manual export-import process.

is it possible? macros?
what is required? ADO/DAO/other
is there a basic example of this or just a script sample of connecting and retrieving a dataset from the server?


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