Can Not Update Or Delete Records When Connected With ODBC...

Mar 9, 2008

...not sure why, but when I create a new table in my database and connect to it using ODBC I can not update, or delete records in the table. However, I can update and delete records in all the other existing tables in the database, it's only when I create a new table that I can not. Wondering what settings I have to apply to the new table to allow updates and deletes from ODBC connections. I've tried messing with the permissions for the table, but any changes I make there do not seem to have any effect.

Thanks in advance.


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Can Not Update Or Delete Records When Connected With ODBC...

Mar 9, 2008

...not sure why, but when I create a new table in my database and connect to it using ODBC I can not update, or delete records in the table. However, I can update and delete records in all the other existing tables in the database, it's only when I create a new table that I can not. Wondering what settings I have to apply to the new table to allow updates and deletes from ODBC connections. I've tried messing with the permissions for the table, but any changes I make there do not seem to have any effect.

Thanks in advance.


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Can Not Update Or Delete Records From ODBC...

Mar 9, 2008

If I create a new table in my database I can not update or delete any records when I'm connected with ODBC. I can access all the other tables in the database just fine with ODBC, it's only when I create a new table or copy and existing table that this happens. Is there some setting I need to change, if so how do I change it?



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Unable To Update Or Delete SQL Table Records

Jun 13, 2007

I have been serching for weeks to resolve this problem.  I am new to ASP.NET and trying to make the migration from ASP which I have programmed in for years.  I am using Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition and SQL Express Edtion.  I have been working through the Microsoft Video Training at and created a web site using Tier 3 Lesson 8 as the model.  My new web site which is a simple phone book applicaiton lets me read the table and select the record without any problem.  But the update form lets me edit but when I attempt to Apply the update I get the following error.
Server Error in '/Phonebook' Application.
ObjectDataSource 'ObjectDataSource1' could not find a non-generic method 'Update' that has parameters: FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, BossGroup, Department, BossPickup, ShowInPhonebook, Type, Original_FirstName, Original_LastName, Original_PhoneNumber, Original_BossGroup, Original_Department, Original_BossPickup, Original_ShowInPhoneBook, Original_Type, Original_ItemID.
Description: An unhundled expception occured during the execution of the current web request.  Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originiated in the code.
The Stack Trace basiclly showes the same error as above.
Also, when I attempt to delete the record I do not get an error but the record does not delete.
What is interesting is that I can add a record so I do not believe that it is a security permissions issue.  I have the ISS Authinication Method Enable Anonymous Access set on with full control.
If anyone has any insight as to why this is occuring please let me know. 

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Can't Delete Records From DB .. Says : Too Many Rows Were Affected By Update.

Jun 1, 2004


I've added multiple records with same info during practice. Now I"m trying to delete those records from SQL Server DB. but it says

"Key column information is insufficient or incorrect. To many rows were affected by update."

What to do, to delete these records?


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How To Update Or Delete Records With A SqlServer Destination

Jan 11, 2006

I'm a novice to SSIS (and we've never used DTS).

Writing a Control flow that inserts records worked fine, using lookups and all, but i can't find somewhere an example on how to update records of even delete records.

Any suggestions ....


Harry Leboeuf

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Forcing A Delete Of A Table Even If A Program Is Connected.

Aug 21, 2007

Hello All,
Is it possible to force a delete of a table even when another program is using that DB, and still has some view data on that specific table.
I know that I can delete tables if another program is just have connection to the DB, but not using the specific table I'd like to delete. Can it be done also on a viewed table?

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Automatic Data Update From SERVER To All CLIENTS Connected ???

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,i have a problem about the CLIENT-SERVER architecture procedure.Well , i have an application in VB with ADO connection to a table in adatabase on a SQLSERVER 7.0 .Is possible to do that when a client updates a data in a field of my table ,the SERVER communicates to all clients connected to my table that this dataare updated , without the client do anything , for example without aclient-timer to control the data in the server ???thanks

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Master Data Services :: Hard Delete All Soft Delete Records (members) In Database

May 19, 2012

I am using Master Data Service for couple of months now. I can load, update, merge and soft delete data in MDS. Occasionally we even have to hard delete data from MDS. If we keep on soft deleting records in a MDS table eventually there will be huge number of soft deleted records. Is there an easy way to hard delete all the soft deleted records from all MDS tables in a specific Model.

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Data Flow Task To Delete Records And Then Insert Records In Transaction

Aug 6, 2007


I have been trying to solve the locking problem from past couple of days. Please help mee!!

I have a SSIS package in which 2 data flow tasks. 1st data flow task deletes records from a 5 tables and the 2nd data flow task should insert records into 1 of the five tables after the success of 1st data flow task. This scenario runs in Transacation.

The above scenrio in the 2nd data flow task hangs in runtime. It does not complete. with sp_who2 command i could see that there is an intent share lock(LK_M_IS) on the table and the status is SUSPENDED.

I dont know how to come out of this locking. Please help.

Thanks ,

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Restrict Delete Function On Odbc Connection

Sep 25, 2007

i have the odbc connection connected to our SQL databasse via sql user
account through MS access Frontend and having problem controling the delete
function of the account.

In SQL i am only allow the account to read, insert,update and denied delete
on the database and tables. However, the account still be able delete the

Can someone let me know what am i missing in the permission granting.

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I Want To Transfer ONLY New Records AND Update Any Modified Records From Oracle Into SQL Server Using DTS

Jul 23, 2005

I need a little help here..I want to transfer ONLY new records AND update any modified recordsfrom Oracle into SQL Server using DTS. How should I go about it?a) how do I use global variable to get max date.Where and what DTS task should I use to complete the job? Data DrivenQuery? Transform data task? How ? can u give me samples. Perhaps youcan email me the Demo Package as well.b) so far, what I did was,- I have datemodified field in my Oracle table so that I can comparewith datelastrun of my DTS package to get new records- records in Oracle having datemodified >Max(datelastrun), and transferto SQL Server table.Now, I am stuck as to where should I proceed - how can I transfer theserecords?Hope u can give me some lights. Thank you in advance.

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Append New Records From ODBC Source

Sep 10, 2006

I have created a data warehouse that pulls information from an ODBC source into a SQL database. The schema in the destination matches the source, and the packages clear the destination tables, then append all the records from the source. This is simpler than updating, appending new, and deleting on each table to get them in sync since there is no modify timestamp in the source.

There are cases where I just want to append records from the source table that do not already exist in the destination table, without clearing the destination table first.

How can this be done with a SSIS job? Also, how can the job be run from a Windows Forms application?

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Delete Records ?

Jan 31, 2007

Hello, its hard to explain, i have a table like this: --userpage_visitors-- id bigint owner nvarchar(20) visitor nvarchar(20) created datetime
Then i have some code like this:  (@Visitor is send to the stored proc)DECLARE @lastuser nvarchar(20)SELECT TOP 1 @lastuser = visitor FROM userpage_visitors WHERE (owner = @UserName) ORDER BY created DESCIF (@lastuser <> @Visitor)BEGININSERT INTO userpage_visitors (owner, visitor, created) VALUES (@UserName, @Visitor, @Created)-- delete hereEND
Now after i have inserted the new visitor into the table, i need to clean the table... so each user should have maximum of 30 visitors, so if the user i inserted above is the 31st user then i need to delete the first user, so i always have 30 fresch visitors,, if they have less then 30 visitors then nothing should happen. The question is, how can i get the 31th post? in mysql you can say that you want post 30, 31, but in mssql you only have the TOP to select limited posts, any ideas?

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DELETE Records.

Mar 21, 2007

Hello, I have 3 tables with their columns as follows:   + LabelsInDocs [LabelId] PK FK , [DocsId] PK FK   + Labels [LabelId] PK , [LabelName]   + Docs [DocId] PK , [DocUrl] I set Cascade Delete On so when I delete a Doc all records in LabelsInDocs will be deleted. However, when a Doc is deleted I want also to delete all records in Labels for the labels which do not have any Doc associated to it in LabelsInDocs. How can I do this? Thanks, Miguel

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Delete Records ???

Jun 3, 2008

hello friends.
i have table1 in aspnetdb.mdf and i have picturefile of columname.. datatype of picturefile is vchar(50)
i want to delete my record automatically from my table1 after two weeks from inserting my record date..
i want to delete my picture file that located /pictures/tree.jpg (example).. pictures/tree.jpg was uploaded as picturefile on table1 by user before
how can i do this ?

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Pls Help!!! Delete Records In

Nov 29, 2003

Currently i writing a program to delete Records in the SQL database using language...
BUT i not sure whether i am right???
Pls provide me with the coding using a command object to delete records in SQL database...thank...however i tried the codes below but not working ...Pls help

Dim StrConnection As String = "workstation id=""ET-T15404-PC1"";integrated security=SSPI; etc

Dim objConnection As New SqlConnection(strConnection)
Dim strSQL As String = "Delete Seller.Admin FROMSeller WHERE"
Dim dbComm As New SqlCommand(strSQL, objConnection)


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Delete Records

Jun 29, 2005


there are 300 records on the table.
the table has a field of "ID (autonumber)"

How can I delete records without latest 20 records?

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Delete Records

Oct 9, 2006

There are 30 tables in my database and I need to delete all records within a date range. Could anyone help me?

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Delete Records

Sep 20, 2005

Hello,I have a database called articlesI want to delete all articles from a subgroup e.g. DVDIf I am in the enterprisemanager what steps do I have to take to do thisthanks in advancePaul

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Records Won't Delete

Jul 20, 2005

I have some records that will not delete, whenever I run a deletestatement in the Query analyzer, it never completes the statement, andI am only deleting one record at a time. Can anyone tell me why arecord wouldn't delete?

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Delete Records Every Day

Nov 8, 2006


New on this

Is there a way on a sql sever where i can
delete som records one time every day
like if a field in my table is < getdate()


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Linked Server To Oracle Via ODBC, Return Less Records

Apr 22, 2006

I have an Oracle 9i server. To access the data in Oracle, I setup an ODBC connection to it and am able to return data from it using WinSQL (a general ODBC database client). The SQL statement is simply "SELECT * FROM COLOR" and all 133 records returned properly.

I need to copy the data from the Oracle server to SQL Express, therefore I set up linked server (by Microsoft ODBC provider) using the same ODBC connection as described above.

The problem is: only 32 records returned.

May I ask if there is any problem to this linked server setup?


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Delete All Records From A Database

Aug 30, 2007

Is there a way to delete all records in a SQL Server 2005 database? A function or a script?

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How Do I Delete One Of A Pair Of Records.

Sep 8, 2007

I have a table, gdbdoc,  that contains record-key pairs, linking records in another table.   There is no significance in the order of the link: if records A and B are linked, then I don't care whether the link is A -> B or B -> A, and my normal query logic is     SELECT ... Where DCIindiid = A ...     union     SELECT ... Where DCILinkid = A(DCIindiid = key1, DCILinkid = Key2)
The link-creation process normally checks whether there is already a link in either direction.  Thus before creating a link A->B the logic checks to see whether either the A->B or B->A link record exists, and a new link is not created if the link already exists in either direction.  However recently one of my processes bypassed the reverse-link check, and I've ended up with a few hundred cases where there is both an A->B link and a B->A link. 
If I run a query: -      select gd1.* from gdbdoc as gd1 join gdbdoc as gd2 on gd1.dciindiid = gd2.dcilinkid and gd1.dcilinkid = gd2.dciindiid
this displays all the records where one record links A -> B and there is also another record that links B -> A. 
How do I write a query to delete ONE of the pair of duplicate records?  I have two problems: -
Problem 1:  Table gdbdoc is keyed on (DCIindiid, DCILinkid).  Both guids are needed to create a unique key, and the table does not have a single key field.  You can't write    DELETE gdbdoc where DCIIndiid, DCILinkid IN select gd1.dciindiid, gd1.linkid                             from gdbdoc as gd1 join gdbdoc as gd2 on gd1.dciindiid = gd2.dcilinkid and gd1.dcilinkid = gd2.dciindiid
as the DELETE ... SELECT ... syntax only seems to support a single returned value.  
Problem 2.  If we solved problem 1, we would (I think) delete BOTH the A->B link and the B->A link , whereas I only want to delete one of these links.
Afterthought:  Problem 2 seems easily solvable:  add "Where gd1.DCIindiid < gd1.DCILinkid" to the DELETE ... statement.  Although the concept of "<" doesn't really mean anything with a guid, this is accepted by SQL, and halves the number of records returned by the select.  Obviously I don't care which of the two links (A->B or B->A) is deleted.
Regards, Robert Barnes

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Delete Duplicate Records

Jul 30, 2004

I use a tabel for storin log data from a mail server. I noticed that I'm getting duplicate records, is there a way to delete the socond and/or third entry so I dont have any duplicates?

I need this done in SP.

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How To Delete Records That Are Greater Than 1 Day?

Jun 1, 2000


I would like to create a job that runs ones a day to delete records in a table that are older than one day. Any ideas?

Nina Melhem

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Delete Duplicate Records

Oct 19, 2000

Sorry for the new thread.

I have a userprofile table. There are a lot of duplicate records in this table. e.g.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- 16:07:00.000 16:07:00.000 16:07:00.000

Userid is auto number, lastname and emailaddress are PK.

I want to delete duplicate records. If lastname and emailaddress are the same, only keep a record which createdate is the most newest date. See above example I only want to the record which userid is 3. I have alreday created a code which I attached below. This code onle keep a record which userid is 1.

Anybody can help me to solve this problem? Thanks.

============== My current code ====================
delete from userprofile where userprofile.userid in
--list all rows that have duplicates
(select p.userid
from userprofile as p
where exists
(select lastname, emailaddress
from userprofile
where lastname = p.lastname and emailaddress = p.emailaddress
group by lastname, emailaddress
having count (userid)>1))
and userprofile.userid not in
--list on row from each set of duplicate
(select min(p.userid)
from userprofile as p
where exists
(select lastname, emailaddress
from userprofile
where lastname = p.lastname and emailaddress = p.emailaddress
group by lastname, emailaddress
having count (userid)>1)
group by lastname, emailaddress)

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How To Delete The Records In The Table

Jul 20, 2005

:confused: Urgent!!
Hi there. I use MS SQL server. I would like to separate the data from one table to two tables refer to two reference tables and the following conditions:

Let say these two reference tables are called:
Table A & Table B

Group A:
1. Same date in Table A & Table B
2. Same ID in Table A & Table B (ID is not unique)
3. Same name in Table A & Table B (Name is not unique)

Combine all of these three conditions for unique identifier.

I used the following SQL code to separate the required data that match the above conditions to the new table.
select a.Project, a.Site, a.S_number, a.Field_ID, a.Method, a.Analyte, a.Result, a.Units,
a.Qualifier, a.Dilution_Factor, a.Reporting_limit, a.Recovery_, a.Matrix, a.CAS_Number, a.Sample_Date,
a.Received_Date, a.Prep_Date, a.Analysis_Date, a.Batch_ID, a.Data_Package_num_SDG, a.Lab_Sample_ID,
a.Lab into APPL_union_exist from APPL_union_update a, Before_01012004_report b
where a.Field_ID = b.[Field Sample] and a.Sample_Date = b.Collected and a.Analyte = b.Analyte

However, I don't know how to delete the data that copied to the new table in original table, or separate that to the new table. Wish someone can help me. Thanks a lot

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Delete Several Records Using SqlParameter

Mar 29, 2007


i don't know if this is the right forum to post to, but here i go:

I'm having a problem...
I need to delete several records having as criteria their pk.
The deletion is made using SqlParameter in the code and a stored procedure on server.

as far as i know, i can do this, either using a IN list:

- build and pass the list of id's from code to the sp:
delete from tbl where in (1,2,3)


- execute a simple delete several times.

So far i tried first option, but i get errors in converting the list to ints; that is what the sql engine says.
I prefer this option because i think is faster and requires less roundtrips to the sql server.

My questions are:
1. how do i build a sane IN list?
2. is it worth to use a delete in a loop? the records that must be deleted are 5 at most, per job.
1 job can have [0..5] attachments.

Thank you,

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Use DTS To Delete All Records Before Import?

Nov 1, 2004

I want to modify a current DTS job I have. It simply copies records from one table to another after a given date. The catch is I only have read priviliges on the source table. I currently delete all the records from the destination table but have to use Query Analyzer to do it and then run the current package that is just a simple select statement. The statement in the DTS job is something like:

FROM tablename
WHERE date_field > '2004-09-30'

I have been running this multiple times per month since every week or so I want to get more recent data to run a couple of reports. The source table is not ours, it is in a different department, so I can only read off of it. The destination server is ours so I have full priviliges there. I assume the fact that the source server allows me limited access that I cannot run a "delete from tablename" first even though it is on our table? Is there another way to set this up? Thanks again. You guys are the best.


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Non-logged Delete Of Records???

Nov 1, 2006

I have a database in Simple mode from which I wish to delete several million rows of one table (not all rows so 'TRUNCATE TABLE' is no good), without making the transaction log file grow to several GB in size. Any ideas??? I'm almost at the point where I might create a new table and copy the records I want to keep instead...
Thanks, Simon.

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Delete Duplicate Records

May 7, 2008

Hello everyone,

I have a little dilemma. I have a table ALLTABLE that has duplicate records and I want to delete them. ALLTABLE has these columns with these values for example:

Policy Premium Class State Entity Number
ADC-WC-0010005-0 25476 63 31 1
ADC-WC-0010005-0 25476 63 31 2
ADC-WC-0010005-0 25476 63 31 3
ADC-WC-0010005-0 1457 63 29 4
ADC-WC-0010092-1 2322 63 37 1
ADC-WC-0010344-0 515 63 01 1
ADC-WC-0010344-0 515 63 01 2

As you can see there is some duplicates in the first 3 rows and the final 2 (the entity number is the only difference). I want the table to look like this:

Policy Premium Class State Entity Number
ADC-WC-0010005-0 25476 63 31 1
ADC-WC-0010005-0 1457 63 29 4
ADC-WC-0010092-1 2322 63 37 1
ADC-WC-0010344-0 515 63 01 1

Thank you so much for the help. It is really appreciated.

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