Can We Toggle The Database Status Between Recovery And Nonrecovery?
Jun 15, 2006
1) We will setup logshipping for a large database.
2) 2 systems are located at different city
3) Instead of use 'backup from primary and restore with norecovery to secondary ', we planned to use
SAN disk clone to get a second set of disks for related database files and log files.
4) We will mount the disk to the secondary server, however, how can we put the database on the new
server as 'norecovery' mode so that we can setup logshipping to this server ??
Another easy example is:
1) detach database
2) Copy database files to another disk
3) bring the disk to another city and attached to the new server
The database is recoveryed, how can we attach the database or mount the disk and make
the database as norecovery so that we can keep apply new logs??
For 2 identical database image, how can we toggle one from normal to norecovery to setup logshipping?
Is change 'status' from master database working?
Thank you very much for any words.
If this is the wrong forum, please point me to a correct one since I am new here and I can't find a
backup/restore related forum.
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Jan 12, 2013
I have a SQL cluster which ran out of disk the other day. I threw plenty more disk at the SAN. However, 1 of the databases came back with Recovery Pending and has been over 24 hours. I have tried to backup the database with no success. I don't have a clean backup from the day it occured so would have a good amount of work missing.
Running a dbcc check returns the following:
Msg 945, Level 14, State 2, Line 1
Database 'sqldb' cannot be opened due to inaccessible files or insufficient memory or disk space. See the SQL Server errorlog for details.
I have not tried a dbcc check with REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS as there seems to be a high risk of losing whatever was going on. how I can get the db back online?
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Sep 28, 2007
I have five rows in a group header.
The top row is a true header row with details that will always be there and will always be visible.
The bottom four rows have their Visibility.Hidden property set to 'TRUE'.
All four of the bottom rows are assigned the same Visibility.ToggleItem.
Of the four bottom rows, any or all of them may not have data at any one time.
I want to find a way of allowing the rows to toggle from hidden to visible, but if one or all of the rows have a field item whose value is 0 then that row must remain invisible regardless of whether it is toggled.
I am still working on this puzzle, but if someone can provide me with an easy solution while I struggle, I would greatly appreciate it.
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Nov 16, 2015
I have availability group with 3 node
2 in prod env and other one in DR
all replica configure with Asynchronous statusÂ
I would like to test fail-over first scenario prod env i would like to trying shutdown primary server and move to replica in prod.
I should move to replica prod from cluster service management or from SQL management studio
if i do it from cluster manager do you have power shell script for that
if i do it from SQL management studio i need the command
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Aug 14, 2015
I have a database In Recovery.
Where do I check the completion status of the recovery?
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Mar 19, 1999
Hi I need some help on an architecture issue.
I have a production database with input from 3 locations outstation. I need to bring down this server once in a while for tuning and other administrative stuff. Right now I'm in no position to shut the server down. Is there any way I can do this.
Also how can I have 2 databases and toggle between the 2 seamlessly without effecting the users. Does it have to be a mirror on the devices ? What do the professionals usually do
I have heard about clusters. Is this a solution for my problem and what is a cluster anyway ?
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Sep 17, 2015
Pages on a full recovery model database corrupted, need to ensure data loss is minimal for restore operation am thinking about restoring the latest full backup.
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Nov 1, 2015
We have an issue with a 3 node SQL 2012 Always on availability group. Normal operation is node 1 (primary replica) with node 2 and node 3 as secondary replicas.After some patching, SQL wasn't running on node 1 hence the AG flipped over to node 2. This went unnoticed for some time and the transaction log for one of the AG databases became full on node 2 and node 3. (I think this is because it couldn't commit the transactions on node 1 so couldn't truncate it's t-log?) The DB is using synchronous replication btw.So I started SQL on node 1 and flipped the AG back to node 1 (with a data loss warning but I accepted this).Now the issue is that on node 2 and 3, the DB in question is stuck in a "Reverting / In Recovery" State. I've tried various commands such as ALTER DATABASE SET ONLINE, RESTORE DATABASE WITH RECOVERY etc but these fail stating unable to obtain a lock on the DB.
The weird thing is that on node 1 the state of the DB is "synchronised".how to resolve this issue on node 2 and 3? I've left them overnight (in case they were rolling back transactions, the DB is fairly large) but nothing seems to have happened. remove the DB from the AG in node 2 and 3 and add it back in again, ie recreate the replication?
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Feb 27, 2007
Hi is it possible to have a page of a website display the status of a database or MS SQL with .Net code ?, if so what code would i use. Any help would be appreciated.Thank You
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Aug 23, 2001
I used the sp_msforeachtable stored proc to disable all triggers in a database. Once the command is complete, I want to see the statuses of all
these triggers . I am used to an Oracle database so I miss the data dictionary views that easily show this info. Also, I need to view the statuses of all FKs once they are all disabled as well.
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Feb 14, 2008
A hard drive crashed on one of our MS SQL Server 2005 and brought the server down
with it. We had replaced the hard drive and rebuilt the RAID 5 container and got the server rebooted.
However, one of the databases got corrupted after that. THis is the error logs snippet:
,An error occurred during recovery<c/> preventing the database 'survey_p0765392' (database ID 439) from restarting. Diagnose the recovery errors and fix them<c/> or restore from a known good backup. If errors are not corrected or expected<c/> contact Technical Support.,
We have backup which is 2 days old, and restoring from the backup would result in us losing a lot of records that we
have created since then. Is there any way to recover the data from this database? How canI repair it? Please advice. Thanks
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Mar 1, 2007
I have a database design question. I want to store a status in a table. In the ASP.NET interface for the user this status will be adapted to the language of the user.
This is how it would look like:
StatusID 1 = "yes" for English, "oui" for French, "ja" for DutchStatusID 2 = "no" for English, "non" for French, "neen" for DutchStatusID 3 = "error" for English, "erreur" for French, "fout" for Dutch
I don't want to do the translation in ASP.NET and it should be done in one query.
How would it look like in the database design.
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Apr 21, 2007
Our database is running in full recovery mode and we backup the logfile every hour and the database file every night. I notice thetimestamp of database file *.mdf remains unchanged a few days. Forexample one database has its timestamp at Apr 15 while it is Apr 20already.I am wondering if this is acceptable. How do I force the system toflush the data and dirty blocks to the disk more frequently? What isthe downside to this?Thanks for any idea.
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Jul 9, 2014
Last week I backed up my SQL Server by using BE 2012. I named the file "SQL Server BAK" which contained copies of my SQL Server databases. A few days ago I lost some part of my data due to accidental deletion. I backed it up, so I tried to restore the database from the .bkf file. The problem comes here, when I try to to restore my .bkf file, it becomes inaccessible.what causes this?
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Jan 29, 2007
From SQL Management Studion I go to Management > Database Mail and I am trying to send a test email but I never receive anything. I checked my SMTP Mail Server Logs and I saw no entry of my test email.
I also I checked my SQL Database Mail Logs and everything seems fine, no errors are reported.
The msdb.dbo.sysmail_allitems shows my email status as "sent".
So what am I missing? What steps would you recommend for troubleshooting my problem?
Thank you,
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Jun 4, 2008
On my page I am using a wizard control with textboxes to collect data from the visitor.
When they click the finish button - this inserts their data into a Sql database.
On the form is a checkbox.
I dont know what type to use in the database column to accept this and also
how to configure the checkbox on the page so I know if its checked.
Also what would be inserted into the database column "yes" "no" or a numerical value??
Thanks for any advice?
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May 24, 2007
One of the database in our SQL Server 2000 environment is in the suspect status. We need to bring it back to the normal status.
The problem occurred because the disk on which the data file and log file for this database were placed ran out of space.
Pls note other databases in the same server are working fine.
Later on more space was made available on this disk. We tried the following options but with no success.
1. Reset the status of database and restarted the SQL Server. After restarting the SQL Server, the database once again was showing the suspect status.
2. Used the same data and log file in another SQL Server and attached with the database in this another SQL Server.
3. Tried dbcc chkdb with repair_allow_data_loss.
Since the database is in suspect status, we are neither able to export the data nor able to back up the database.
Please suggest some options to recover the database from the suspect status. Also it would be great if we can get the commands, scripts to find if the data/log file is corrupt and a way to correct it (even with data loss is fine).
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Apr 23, 2007
we have a reporting database that needs to be refreshed every week. I normally get a big backup file (50GB) from our business partner very Sunday morning; I have setup a job to restore the database once I got the backup file. The restore job normally will take about 4 or 5 hours to finish, but sometime it may take much longer (more than 10 hours). We knew there is some kind of disk storage contention going on the SAN. When this problem happens the system guy always try to pick my db restore process to be the victim. I hate to kill a job when it has 90% done, but I have no way to tell the restore progress status. Does someone know if I can query database restore progress information from any DMVs?
Thank you for your help in advance.
David Zhang
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Jun 19, 2008
I restored a sql server database today. There is a problem though. In SQL server, right next to the name of the database are the words "Restricted User". Their seem to be some limitations on my access to this database now as I am not able to run some of my C# code against the database. How can I fix this in SQL server so that I am not a Restriced user.
Example of what I am talking about. In SQL server my database is named Gorlaz. Just to the left of this is a yellow Icon that represents the database "Gorlaz". For illustration purposes I will use the character "$" to substitute for the yellow database icon. So this is how it reads in SQL server management studio.
$Gorlaz(Restricted User)
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Dec 17, 2001
I Restored the database from Backup with a Different database Name. I got a message the Restore Database was successful. Still the database has Loading Status. Can you let me know what I have to take that status.
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Nov 24, 2015
i need a .rdl file for reporting..pull the data using below SQL scriptÂ
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(ind.OBJECT_ID) AS TableName,Â AS IndexName, indexstats.index_type_desc AS IndexType,Â
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) indexstatsÂ
INNER JOIN sys.indexes ind Â
ON ind.object_id = indexstats.object_idÂ
AND ind.index_id = indexstats.index_idÂ
WHERE indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 0.5Â
ORDER BY indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent DESC
sql server 2008r2 Â database fragmentation report for .rdl file
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Nov 30, 2000
Running SQL version 7 on "Terminal" Server I have a database marked in Load Receovery and we are unable to get to it. We tried MS SQL document on how to but we are still unable to recover it!
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Oct 4, 2007
i have a database which crashed recently(26th sep 2007).my last backup is on 14 sep 2007.i have restored database after two days.Now i have a database (old) with data upto 14sep 2007 and from 26sep to till date.(data from 14sep to 26sep missing).I restored database on 28th with a new database name which has data upto 26th sep to attach these two databases to a single database to have data from beginning to tilldate.
please help in this regard.
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Jan 22, 2008
I made an UPDATE query without specifying any criteria so I had more than 1500 records have been changed and I cannot undo the UPDATE.
Is there any way I can recover the data UPDATE from the Transactions Log.
I did not back up the database lately so what is the appropriate solutions for this?
Any thoughts… :S
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Mar 10, 2004
Is there a way to Revover a Sql Server 2000 database in the absence of the backup file(the backup file got overwritten). Does Sql Server do any automatic Transaction logging?
Thanks for any input
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May 23, 2008
Hai friends....
SQL Server 2005 Database, So I want to know about Database Backup and Pointing Recovery can u please help me and any send me related documents...
New Horizons Cybersoft Ltd
+919848854114 :
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi,I'm no where close to a SQL Server expert but we're using it as a back endto another application.I lost a PC that had MS SQL Server 2000. I was able to recover the .MDF and..LDF files but nothing else. How can I restore these files to another SQLServer installation on another PC. When I tried to attach them they are notrecognized as valid files (I get the red X instead of the green CHECK).Is this a basic security function that I'm not going to get around or shouldit be possible? Do the .mdf and .ldf files contain specific info about whatPC they were created on?Are there third party apps that might be able to at least extract thetables?Thanks,WH
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Jul 15, 2007
Hi all
When I restart server my database apear as database(In recovery )
what's ???
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Jul 30, 2007
Hello all,
Is there a way to check the status of a database in recovery. Like how far along it may be. If not is there a way to stop a database in recovery and just drop it.
Thanks in advance,
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Mar 30, 2007
Our server ran out of disk space during a stored procedure process. We were able to free up some space, stopped all SQL services, restarted all SQL services and now SQL Management Studio shows the database to be in recovery. Is there a way to monitor this to ensure progress is being made and to estimate when it might complete?
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Aug 9, 2007
What does it actually mean when the database is in recovery? My database has been in recovery overnight. What is normally going on in this situation. Should I wait or take more drastic action?
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Aug 28, 2007
Hi all,
I had to change the path of .mdf and .ldf files, so I decided to:
1) Take offline the database
2) run the quey ALTER DATABASE... MODIFY to change the path
3) Bring online the database.
The last step hung up (with no errors) and left the database In Recovery.
When I tried to stop and restart sql server other databases changed their status In Recovery...
Here is a dump of Errorlog files
2007-08-26 18:13:29.28 spid24s Starting up database 'DbOrdini'.
2007-08-26 18:13:30.09 spid24s * BEGIN STACK DUMP:
2007-08-26 18:13:30.09 spid24s * 08/26/07 18:13:30 spid 24
2007-08-26 18:13:30.09 spid24s *
2007-08-26 18:13:30.09 spid24s * Location: "logmgr.cpp":5334
2007-08-26 18:13:30.09 spid24s * Expression: !(minLSN.m_fSeqNo < lfcb->lfcb_fSeqNo)
2007-08-26 18:13:30.09 spid24s * SPID: 24
2007-08-26 18:13:30.09 spid24s * Process ID: 1380
2007-08-26 18:13:30.40 spid24s Error: 17066, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2007-08-26 18:13:30.40 spid24s SQL Server Assertion: File: <"logmgr.cpp">, line=5334 Failed Assertion = '!(minLSN.m_fSeqNo < lfcb->lfcb_fSeqNo)'. This error may be timing-related. If the error persists after rerunning the statement, use DBCC CHECKDB to check the database for structural integrity, or restart the server to ensure in-memory data structures are not corrupted.
2007-08-26 18:13:30.40 spid24s Error: 3624, Severity: 20, State: 1.
2007-08-26 18:13:30.40 spid24s A system assertion check has failed. Check the SQL Server error log for details
Could it be dangerous trying to kill this process ? If not, what is the best way do to it ? From Sql Server Activity Monitor (spid 24) or from Task Manager ?
Thanks in advance
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Jan 22, 2015
I have a matrix table. These status can be changed by the user and I want to capture each change in database with out updating the earlier status
Pending can be changed to submitted or completed. For one form there can be different status at different time. And each status must be saved in the database table. How can I design a table...
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