Can You Help With My Understanding Of Encrypting The Packages And/or SQL Server Storage?

May 11, 2007


I've been using SSIS for a while and think I get the gist of how it works (and it works nicely!).

However, because of the configuration on my machine I am constantly moving the dtsx files around (long story). Sometimes I make a full image backup and then later restore those SSIS packages.

The problem is that even if I copy the dtsx files to a different directory and then copy them back (without making any changes) I get a 'Cannot Aquire Connection' message. Other times I get errors that have to do with the encryption of the individual package. For those, I just reset the package to save with a password, save it, and then reopen it and can resave it again with the userkey encryption. This one occured when I move the packages from one machine to another.

Is there a best (or at least good) way to save packages with the sensitive data that won't force me to reconfigure it each time I move a package around? Or have to enter passwords each time?

Also, what is the advantage of saving the files in SQL Server? I assume you are not actually saving the files, just the data about them. I just don't understand it enough to even ask an intelligent question about it.

Thank you for the help.


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Storage Of Packages: File System Or Sql Server?

Apr 5, 2006

HI, we are beginning a new project at my company and I was wondering where is the best place to save SSIS packages: file system or SqlServer. I have used other ETL products and they always create a repository on an RDBMS. Since SSIS offers us the choice of DB storage or file system, is there pros and cons of both approach? Will the deployment of our application be simpler by using Sql Server since we would onky move metadata instead of files?

Thank you for your help,


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Can't Install IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Server On Windows 2003 X64 Storage Server, How Can I Fix The Pkg?

Jan 14, 2008

I am a Windows developer for the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Server (TSMS) product.
Our product installation is built with InstallShield and uses the Windows Installer.

On a new installation of Windows 2003 x64 Storage Server R2, at a customer's site, the TSMS product fails to install.
The install of the OS has version 3.01.400.3959 of the Windows Installer and I see no newer version that installs.

Part of our product is 32 bit (console) and another part is x64 (server).
When installing I can see that the install's default is being redirected/reset to C:Program Files (x86)TivoliTSM after it is explicitly set by a custom action to ..Program Files.. . I further observe that our custom actions to write 64 bit registry entries are being refused.

if ( regIsWow64Process () ) samMask = samMask | KEY_WOW64_64KEY;
lStatus = RegCreateKeyEx( hLocalConnectKeyRoot,
&dw ) ;
The above fails to create the key.

We have tried four versions of our TSMS spanning many changes but the install acts the same.
This does not happen on any other Windows OS we test on but we do not test on Windows 2003 Storage Server R2 being that it is an OEM product. We did test on Windows server 2003 R2 x64 and do not see this problem.

Do you have any suggestions on how to tackle this problem?
I have full installation traces but can only see that the registry work is being refused. I can't see why.

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Cannot View The &"Storage Packages&" Folder

Apr 11, 2007

Hi folks,

I've been learning how to build an ETL package in MS SQL 2005 using the MSDN turorials. I wanted to deploy the package and followed the procedures (Created a deployment bundle) and then ran the package install wizard. I am now stuck as I cannot view the installed packages thru MS SQL Server Management Studio and obviously cannot use them. I should be able to see a "Storage Packages" folder in the "Object Explorer" window but it isn't available. Any idea why I cannot see this folder ? I know my packages are installed as I can see them in the system table called "dbo.sysdtspackages90". The " Integration Services" service is also started. Not sure what else I can check.



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SQL 2012 :: Distinct Storage Tier Of Remote BLOB Storage (RBS)

Oct 27, 2014

How to implement distinct storage tiers on SQL Remote BLOB Storage (RBS)?

I want to use this SQL Feature to move files(images, videos, pdf files) from a database to a distinct database dedicated to RBS. Then I want to have several storage tiers, where objects will be saved and moved according access frequency. Old data will be arquived in cheap storage, but it must be always accessible if needed.

- 1st and main tier: new and frequently accessed objects stored in high performance storage;
- 2nd tier: automatically move older or less accessed objects to an inexpensive and different storage tier;
- in all cases, all objects must be accessible to all users, but accessing to archived objects(2nd tier) will be much slower;

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Encrypting A Field In SQL Server 2000

Jul 20, 2006

I have a SSN field that I need to encrypt.  Only persons who wants to get information about a user should be able to decrypt that field.  What is the best way to encrypt and decrypt the ssn field?  Thanks

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Encrypting The Column Or Row Data In SQL SERVER 20

Apr 4, 2008

hi i am doing the project in sql sserver 2005
so i want help from u
the following topics i want
if u get any idea pl send mail to the above address pl..


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Encrypting Connections To Sql Server 2005

Jan 12, 2007

can you please tell me how can i encrypt data sent between client application and sql server 2005.

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Encrypting SQL Server Table Columns

Jun 28, 2006

I have never used any type of encryption for SqL Server 2000, but I have recently been asked to research what would be involved to encrypt data like social security numbers.

Since I have no idea where to begin, I was wondering if someone could point in the right direction? Do I need to buy a third party tool to perform this, are security certificates involved? Overall, I need information on everything that I need to encrypt data using SQL Server 2000, and How to perform the tasks!!!

Thank You!

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Encrypting Data In SQL Server 2000

Nov 1, 2007

I support an accounting application that uses SQL as the db engine. One of our clients is asking about encrypting of certain data within the database. The developer does not encrypt the data nor have they any plans to. My question is, can we turn on encryption of a field in one of the data tables that will not require decryption by the accounting application. In other words, if we set encryption at the db level, can the server itself decrypt the data when it's called by the application? Or does the application have to do the decryption?

Thanks in advance and please excuse my ignorance.


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Integration Services :: Remotely Execute Packages On SSIS Server - Packages Are Deployed In File System

Apr 22, 2015

We manage some SSIS servers, which has only SSIS and SSIS tools installed on them and not the sql server DB.

SSIS packages and configuration files are deployed on a NAS. We run the SSIS packages through DTEXEC by logging in to the server.

We want to allow developers to run their packages on their own on the server, but at the same time we dont want to give them physical access on the server i.e we do not want to add them into RDP users list on server properties. We want them to allow running their packages remotely on the server.

One way We could think of is by using powershell remoting and we are working on that. But is there any other way or any tool already present for the same.

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Basic Help Understanding How SQL Server Works

Aug 4, 2005

I've been using databases for twenty years now and have just started using SQL Server 2000. I've used dbase III+, FoxPro and FileMaker Pro mostly and have a pretty good generally knowledge of databases. However, I'm constantly scratching my head over a few SQL Server foundational issues and would appreciate some help.

Probably the biggest question is this:
In FileMaker Pro (and FoxPro if I remember correctly), I would set the relationship once and then never have to think about it much again. Then I could create virtual tables and sub forms which contained data from several tables and view/update them with ease. However, in SQL Server I've noticed that while I can define the relationships in a database diagram, every query has to recreate the joines. If I try to use a view I can only update one table at a time which seesm whacky to me. So what on earth is the point of having relationships if you have to redefine them with each query? I've read that referrential integrity is the reason but that only baffles me further as I don't understand the point. Sure I get cascading deletes but there has to be more to the feature than that.

Also, when I want to insert data in multiple related tables I'm used to utilizing the existing relationship, mentioning the primary key once and then simply filling in the data. It seems in SQL Server that I have to also insert on the foreign key. This doesn't make sense as the database should know which record I'm talking about in the foreign key table(s) as they're related. Again though, I'm not only recreating the relationship in the insert but I'm also having to specify the foreign key. I guess it just makes me wonder why it's not simply checking the relationships which already exist.

So I'm a bit baffled and any help would be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


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Sql 2005: Encrypting Data In Motion Between Client And Server

Aug 18, 2006

Right-clicking "Protocols for MSSQLSERVER" under the Sql 2005 Server Configuration Manager I
find the "Force Encryption" option. Right-clicking the SQL Native Client Configuration, Client Protocols,
I find "Force Protocol Encryption"

I believe these can be used together to force the connection between a client (running the SQLNC client) and a sql 2005 server to be encrypted. In other words, the data "in motion" can be encrypted.

1. Is my understanding correct?

2. Do I need to use a certificate to make this work?



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Encrypting The Configuration File Values Stored In SQL Server

Mar 8, 2007

Hi All,

I have the following requirement. I need to store the password for the connection manager in the configuration file. The sink for the configuration file is SQL Server. Though the password field appears as "******" the actual value is being taken as ""******" itself. If i update the SQL server table with the correct value, then the package starts working. But, the password is shown as clear text.

If i write logic to encrypt the password column in the configuration table, is there a way to tell the SSIS execute engine to decrypt the password before using the same for making the connection.

Is there a place holder, where i can write the decrypt code so that the decrypted password can be sent to the execution engine?

Thanks In Advance,


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SQL 2012 :: Server On NAS Storage

Oct 28, 2014

I'm in the situation where we are suffering of poor performance on our SAN storage (VPlex) but it is mainly due to the quantity of data of different types which are on it (other applications, other I/O profile, bad storage usage...). As we plan to dedicate an ESX for SQL Server, we decide to have a new storage type. So we will go with NETAPP Clustered Data ONTAP on NAS technology.

Storage team want to enable only NFS protocol, so I'm wondering how SQL Server will handle that ? I read that NFS wasn't optimize for SQL Server and that block level (SAN) should be preferred.

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SQL Server 7 Physical Storage

Jul 23, 2005

I need to bulk insert very large amount of data into several MSSQLtables.The first Data model definition used identities to mantain relationshipbetween those tables but we found that natural keys (compound) arebetter forbulk insert (there is no need to obtain the identity first)My question is, changing the identities to natural keys (in some tablesinorder of 4, 5 attributes) will enlarge my database storage?I think MSSQL implements relationships with pointers (or hashcodes), sothestorage size will be similar, right?Regards,

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Sql Server Table Storage

Aug 3, 2007

hello forum friends,

i need to know where the database table stored in,
where to find the data table without distrubing the
sql server editor.whtr it is possible to get it from
"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLData"
or some where else.


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SQL Server Pre-format The Storage

Jul 12, 2007

Does SQL Server 'pre-format' the storage prior to performing the restore and if so where can I find doumentation on the topic.



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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Failed To Prepare Storage For Testing On Node Server Name

Feb 23, 2015

I Run All checks for Validation cluster.I get Error On Disk Lists And Validation failed.With This error : Failed to prepare storage for testing on node "server name" The security account manager (SAM) or local security authority (LSA) server was in the wrong state to perform the security operation.

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Nov 28, 2007

I have a question to do..
can I install sql server 2005 express edition on a windows storage server 2003 R2????

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Database Storage Limitations In Sql Server

Feb 1, 2005

Whats the limitations of data storage in sqlserver DB. How will be the perforamcne if i have database which will get a data of 400 GB per year and all the data should be there in the table the whole year and then it can be archived.

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Windows Storage Server 2003 R2, X64 Based Server

Jan 23, 2007

Can I install SQL Express to Windows Storage server 2003 R2, x64 based server?

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Differant Language OS And Data Storage In SQL Server

Oct 11, 2001

Dear Friends,

I am using SQL server 7 with ASP. I have two working environment means one is korean and second it english.
- one Korean OS server have SQL server 7.0 and it is my database server
- second Korean OS server is only webserver
- English OS is win2k and it is only Web server.

1) When i used both Korean server as my webserver + database server then there is no problem to add Korean Data to SQL server On korean OS.

2) But when I try to user English OS server as my webserver and Korean Os server as my database server then I am not able to store Korean Data in Database server insted of it stored some mis/junk/acssi characters in database.

-- I allready try with Korean version of MDAC of English os
-- I also try with OEM feature in SQL server client network utility
-- When I am use CODEPAGE in my .ASP page then data storage work fine .. but at the time of getting it back there is problem.

If u need any more information about problem then let me know.

So please help me in this regards.

Thanx in advance
Anis Vora
Global SoftWeb Solutions

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SQL Server 2012 :: Storage Of VARCHAR (MAX) When Null

May 7, 2014

If I have a table

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[logg](
[Id] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Details] [varchar](MAX) NULL)

insert logg (Details) values('')
insert logg (Details) values(null)

Will both statements above access only a single page (as it fits into one page) or does the VARCHAR(MAX) always put its data on a separate page. If so, is the null insert treated differently from the '' insert?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Separate Drives For MDF / LDF On Same Storage?

Apr 14, 2015

I'm aware that it's best practice to separate mdf and ldf files onto separate drives.

However, I see a lot of servers where the underlying disk array is the same for drives on the server.

Is there still any performance benefit to separating mdf and ldf files in this situation?

For example, a single virtual server running SQL Server, with multiple drives attached.All of the drives are connected to a shared storage via iSCSI.There drives C:, D:, E: etc are all actually sharing the same underlying disks.

Obviously, there are some benefits from an administration perspective whereby individual drives can be reconfigured without affecting the others.

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SQL Server 2000: Not Enough Storage Is Available To Complete This Operation

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,I'm getting this error when trying to import data from a text file intoSQL Server 2000 (Windows Server 2003) using the DTS import wizard.Any ideas what could be causing this? There aren't any restrictions(that i can find) on the file sizes etc.Thanks in advance.Dave

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Planning Database Storage For SQL Server 2005

Feb 13, 2008

Here are my planning details:


2 disks RAID 1 for OS and BINS
2 disks RAID 1 for Backups.


4 disks RAID 10 for data
4 disks RAID 10 for log
4 disks RAID 10 for TEMPDB

Should i put the master and other system database on RAID 10 along with TempDB.

Or what else a guru fellow will advise in above setup.


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SQL Server 2005 64 Bit And Sun StorEdge 3320 Storage

May 15, 2007

Dear All

I have a situation where I installed SQL Server 2005 64 bit on a server, where database files are stored on storage media 'Sun StorEdge 3320 Storage'

I am facing deadlock problems, and slow performance, though they do not appear on my test environement (64-bit, server with no storage)

I need a method to track and find out the source of the problem, could be storage media compatibility, SQL Server or any other issue

Please find below specifications of the storage media used;

Sun StorEdge 3320 Storage SE 3320: Technical Specifications
Model Sun StoreEdge 3320.
Manufacturer Sun Microsystems
Country of Origin Sun-certified factories in America€™s/ EEC/ Far East.
UL, FCC, IEC, EN, ISO, etc.
Kindly refer to technical brochures provided for detailed numbers of
above standards.
Operating systems supported
Sun Solaris Operating Environments 8, 9, 10, SPARC Platform Edition
Solaris 10 operating system, x86 Platform Edition
Red Hat Linux AS 3.0
Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server and Windows 2003 Server
HP-UX 11i
Novell Netware 5.1 and 6.5
SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9.0, (32-bit and 64-bit) Proposed Configuration
Expandable Up to 3.6TB per enclosure and Up to 68.4TB of raw capacity per rack cabinet.
Supported drives are 73GB 10Krpm, 146GB 10Krpm, 300GB 10Krpm, 73GB 15Krpm, and 146GB
15Krpm and is expandable to support up to two 2RU expansion trays (36 drives total).
Proposed Configuration
Proposed with 365GB (5x 73GB Ultra 320 SCSI HDD)
STS AlertONE Technical & Financial proposal €“ Mobilecom
STS_Tech_Mobilecom_AlertOnet v 5 0.doc Page 38 of 73
CONFIDENTIAL© Copyright STS (2006) Stamp / Signature
Ports and Controllers
Upgradeable to dual (mirrored) RAID controllers
All configurations have 2 Host ports
Management Software
All needed Management Software is included such as Sun StorEdge Configuration Service; and Sun
StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter software
Power and Cooling
Dual hot-swap, redundant, load-sharing power supplies with dual independent AC inputs
Hot-swap, redundant electrically-isolated redundant cooling fans
RAID Level Support
RAID 0, 1, 0+1, 3, 5, 3+0, and 5+0
Up to 128 LUN€™s with LUN Masking [Security]
Server Controllers
2 x UltraSCSI adapters are proposed one for each server.

appreciate any feedback


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Date And Time Best Practice - Storage In SQL Server Database

Jul 27, 2007

With regards to time zones, daylight savings, and web users, is there a best practice for storing date & time information in a database?
For example, my databases are hosted in Time Zone A, but the web users are in Time Zone B.  Then, when I create a rss feed (which is displayed in GMT), I add a third time zone into the mix for the same data.  To date (no pun intended), I have been entering the date/time data in the time zone of the database server (Time Zone A), and then converting it using an application setting in the web.config file (i.e. TimeZoneBOffset = -1, GMTOffSet = -5).  In other words, each time I display a date I calculate what it should be using the time-zone offset in the web.config.  This also enables me to account for changes in day light savings, etc.
My concerns are three fold:  1. What if I move the database to another server and the time zone changes?  2. Right now the users are in only 1 time zone.  If I expand it to several then the offset will have to be by users, which is do-able, but something I haven't had experience with in the past.  3. It is likely more efficient to calculate the time zone once on input into the DB, rather than in each use like I'm doing now.  What time zone baseline for insert into the db should I use?
Thanks in advance for your help!
PS My application is primarily looking at 'smalldatetime' data - down to the 'minute' level.

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Sql Server Mobile 2005 And Emulated Storage Card

Dec 19, 2005

Using shared folder in windows mobile 5 emulator,  it is not possible to create a database (sqlserver mobile 2005)   in the emulated storage card.

The error "sql mobile made an unsupported request to the host operating system. Minor Err 25133 is raised.  Reading or writing file from/to  the emulated storage card occurs without error.

Is this a bug of  SqlCeEngine?

thank you




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How Do I Install SQL Server Compact Edition From A Storage Card On A Device

Feb 26, 2007

Hi all experts,

in case of a cold boot on a device, I insert the the flash SD disk in a device and install the NETCF 2.0

by clicking on the which iI previously copied, that's fine it works OK,

but is there a cab file for Sql server CE that i can install from the flash disk as well,

I'm trying the Sqlce30setupen.msi, SQLServerCE31-EN.msi, an I get a device message "There is no application associated....."



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Integrating Hardware Security Module (HSM) For Cryptographic Key Storage With SQL Server

Aug 21, 2007


I have come to know from the SQL Server documentation that the Hardware Security Modules (HSM) can be used for Cryptographic Key storage within SQL Server to increase the level of protection of data at rest. We provide a HSM Solution which protects cryptographic keys and performs cryptographic operations onboard. The aforesaid fact about SQL Server and HSMs motivates us to test our HSM product with the SQL Server. Our HSM solution provides SDK for applications/servers to communicate with the HSM hardware. The SDK basically consists of two libraries:

-MS CAPI Interface (CSP Library)

-PKCS#11 Interface (cryptoki Library)

I have found this forum best for such kind of discussion. So could you guys on the list let me know:

- How the CSP or PKCS#11 library can be integrated with the SQL Server for HSM box to protect the cryptographic keys?

- Would I need to write a new Interface/Wrapper for this integration, If yes please help?

Thanks in advance.


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Sp_OACreate In SQL Server 2005, Fails With 'Not Enough Storage Is Available To Complete This Operation'

Jan 20, 2007

Hi all,

I have created a small COM in C# so that I can programatically create and execute stored procedures with SMO. At this point the COM has nothing in it but just a test prototype.
But when I tried to create the object as follows, I get the error indicated below.
It is not a memory issue because I have adequate storage and RAM.

Please Help!

DECLARE @object int
DECLARE @hr int
DECLARE @property varchar(255)
DECLARE @return varchar(255)
DECLARE @src varchar(255), @desc varchar(255)

-- Create an object.
EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'SQLInterop.CsharpHelper', @object OUT
IF @hr <> 0
EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @object, @src OUT, @desc OUT
SELECT hr=convert(varbinary(4),@hr), Source=@src, Description=@desc

This is the error I am getting:

Error Code: 0x8007000E
Description: Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.
Source: ODSOLE Extended Procedure

This is the C# code for the COM:

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.EnterpriseServices;

// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following
// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
// associated with an assembly.
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("CSServer")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Test SQL .NET interop")]
[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]
[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("MyKey.snk")]

// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible
// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from
// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type.
[assembly: ComVisible(true)]

// The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM
[assembly: Guid("ff35c6b4-81bf-47dd-9290-fcbbb49008d9")]

// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
// Major Version
// Minor Version
// Build Number
// Revision
// You can specify all the values or you can default the Revision and Build Numbers
// by using the '*' as shown below:
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]

// the ApplicationName attribute specifies the name of the
// COM+ Application which will hold assembly components
[assembly: ApplicationName("SQLInterop")]

// the ApplicationActivation.ActivationOption attribute specifies
// where assembly components are loaded on activation
// Library : components run in the creator's process
// Server : components run in a system process, dllhost.exe
[assembly: ApplicationActivation(ActivationOption.Server)]
namespace SQLInterop
public interface ITest
string SayHello();
string SayIt(String strMessage);

//[SecurityRole("RBSecurityDemoRole", SetEveryoneAccess = true)]
public class CSharpHelper : ITest
public string SayHello()
return "Hello from CSharp";

public string SayIt(String strMessage)
return strMessage + ": from CSharp";

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