Cancel Synchronization = Database Corruption? Identity Ranges Problem

May 30, 2008

Hi all,

I have a SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition database that synchronizes with a SQL Server 2005 Standard database via merge replication.

The problem I have is when I cancel a synchronization, the database is left in such a state that I cannot add any new records. I dug around a bit and have found that in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS view, AUTOINC_MAX has been incorrectly set to the same value as AUTOINC_MIN for the primary keys, which explains the 'out of range' error I get in my program when running off such a database.

In contrast, a non-corrupted database has AUTOINC_MAX set to AUTOINC_MIN + 999, presumably because of my subscriber identity range of 1000.

If this is the only thing that has gone wrong, all I need to do is programmatically set the AUTOINC_MAX values to AUTOINC_MIN + 999, however I can't find out where to do this (and INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS is a view so it can't be updated obviously.)

I have also heard that 'compacting' the database may help, but I don't know how to do this either!

Any help would be immensely appreciated!


View 8 Replies


Identity Ranges

Sep 21, 2005

I'm using Merge replication on a database that was designed using integer identity columns for primary keys. When I create a publisher it's great because Sql Server will create rowguid columns for me on most of the tables; actually all but one table.

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Running Out Of Identity Ranges

Feb 6, 2007


I have the following problem:

- I have a transactional replication between a publisher and a few suscribers,
- The servers are SQL 2003.
- I have Identities columns in some of the tables
- I'm using the Automatic Identity Range Handling

The problems happens when the publisher or one of the suscriber goes down, (it happens relativly often and we can't do anything against it), so when the connection is restablished, the merge agent assign a new identity range to the publisher or
the suscriber(the one that went down).

Everytime a server goes down, it "eats" a idetity range, doesnt matter how many idenities have been used, and i am running out of identity ranges.

I want to keep using the Automatic Identity Range Handling to manage the replication activity because
changing it to manual would be really hard for us.

Im new at this but I see two ways to solution it:
1) avoid that the marge agent assign a new identity range when a server goes down
2) let the merge agent assign a new identity range, and the reestablish the identity to the heigest id value (using CHECKIDENTITY()), but i think i would have to do some extra things to make the publisher to be sincronized with the suscribers (maybe modify a table on the publisher or something)

Could someone please tell me what is the easier way to solution it, if there is another easier way and how to implement it, or the other two?

thanks for your attention

View 7 Replies View Related

Running Out Of Identity Ranges

Feb 6, 2007


I have the following problem:

- I have a transactional replication between a publisher and a few suscribers,
- The servers are SQL 2003.
- I have Identities columns in some of the tables
- I'm using the Automatic Identity Range Handling

The problems happens when the publisher or one of the suscriber goes down, (it happens relativly often and we can't do anything against it), so when the connection is restablished, the merge agent assign a new identity range to the publisher or
the suscriber(the one that went down).

Everytime a server goes down, it "eats" a idetity range, doesnt matter how many idenities have been used, and i am running out of identity ranges.

I want to keep using the Automatic Identity Range Handling to manage the replication activity because
changing it to manual would be really hard for us.

Im new at this but I see two ways to solution it:
1) avoid that the marge agent assign a new identity range when a server goes down
2) let the merge agent assign a new identity range, and the reestablish the identity to the heigest id value (using CHECKIDENTITY()), but i think i would have to do some extra things to make the publisher to be sincronized with the suscribers (maybe modify a table on the publisher or something)

Could someone please tell me what is the easier way to solution it, if there is another easier way and how to implement it, or the other two?

thanks for your attention

View 2 Replies View Related

Running Out Of Identity Ranges

Feb 6, 2007


I have the following problem:

- I have a transactional replication between a publisher and a few suscribers,
- The servers are SQL 2003.
- I have Identities columns in some of the tables
- I'm using the Automatic Identity Range Handling

The problems happens when the publisher or one of the suscriber goes down, (it happens relativly often and we can't do anything against it), so when the connection is restablished, the merge agent assign a new identity range to the publisher or
the suscriber(the one that went down).

Everytime a server goes down, it "eats" a idetity range, doesnt matter how many idenities have been used, and i am running out of identity ranges.

I want to keep using the Automatic Identity Range Handling to manage the replication activity because
changing it to manual would be really hard for us.

Im new at this but I see two ways to solution it:
1) avoid that the marge agent assign a new identity range when a server goes down
2) let the merge agent assign a new identity range, and the reestablish the identity to the heigest id value (using CHECKIDENTITY()), but i think i would have to do some extra things to make the publisher to be sincronized with the suscribers (maybe modify a table on the publisher or something)

Could someone please tell me what is the easier way to solution it, if there is another easier way and how to implement it, or the other two?

thanks for your attention

View 3 Replies View Related

Merge Replication Identity Ranges

Apr 5, 2008

I have a database table with a simple identity column. As a starting point... when I run the following queries... this is what I get:

SELECT Max(AliasID) FROM Account_Managers

DBCC CHECKIDENT ('Account_Managers')
Checking identity information: current identity value '1300006', current column value '1300006'.

Now... I set up merge replication, with the plan of allowing SQL Server to manage my identity ranges for me. I set up my ranges to be 100000 on the publication, 100000 on the subscriber, with a threshold of 80.

I would EXPECT to see the constraint
([AliasID]>(1300006) AND [AliasID]<=(1400006)) on the publisher and
([AliasID]>(1400006) AND [AliasID]<=(1500006)) on the subscriber.

However... what I do get is:

([AliasID]>(1300006) AND [AliasID]<=(1400006) OR [AliasID]>(1400006) AND [AliasID]<=(1500006)) on the publisher and

([AliasID]>(1500006) AND [AliasID]<=(1600006) OR [AliasID]>(1600006) AND [AliasID]<=(1700006))

Can anyone tell me why I get the OR... which essentially makes my identity ranges twice as large as they should be?

Thanks in advance.

- Alan D. Nelson

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The Publisher Failed To Allocate A New Set Of Identity Ranges For The Subscription

Apr 25, 2006

Hi All,

The following is the report from the SQL Server Mobile Subscription wizzard, Any Ideas?

New Subscription Wizard

- Beginning Synchronization (Success)

- Synchronizing Data (100%) (Error)


A call to SQL Server Reconciler failed. Try to resynchronize.
HRESULT 0x80004005 (29006)

The Publisher failed to allocate a new set of identity ranges for the subscription. This can occur when a Publisher or a republishing Subscriber has run out of identity ranges to allocate to its own Subscribers or when an identity column data type does not support an additional identity range allocation. If a republishing Subscriber has run out of identity ranges, synchronize the republishing Subscriber to obtain more identity ranges before restarting the synchronization. If a Publisher runs out of identit
HRESULT 0x80045647 (0)

Invalid parameter @subid specified for sys.sp_MSmerge_log_idrange_alloc_on_distributor.
HRESULT 0x0000523F (0)

The operation could not be completed.

- Finalizing Synchronization (Stopped)

- Saving Subscription Properties (Stopped)

Initially i thought it might be that some of the articles had primary keys that were of type nvarchar rather then Int thus resulting in no identity range being able to be assigned to those articles. 

Test 1: I tried removing all articles that had nvarchar primary keys and left only one table that had an identity Int primary key colum.  I then ran the snapshot agent.  I then run through the Subscription Wizzard again and the error was the same.

Test 2: Then reading the error message again i tried those tables that didnt use  identity columns and the wizzard completed successfully.  Any idea what would be wrong with my articles that have identity columns.  The article properties for the identity columns use the Identity Range Management defaults.

Any help would be appreciated.




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The Publisher Failed To Allocate A New Set Of Identity Ranges For The Subscription After Another Publication Deletion

Jan 17, 2007


First of all, I apologize for my english

I have two publications. Some of the data are the same on the two publications. Both are configured as follow : The identity range management is set to "automatic" and the tracking-level is set to "Column-level tracking". Until there, every things works fine.

But, if i'm deleting one of the publication and if i'm deleting one of the rows that were replicated on the two publications i'm getting the following SQL Exception : "Invalid object name 'dbo.MSmerge_repl_view_1CAD32C4FF904A3CA27518B0C4BFF716_70308DE2261C4EC784C56131902E7D1C'"

If i'm watching the status of the leftover replication through the replication monitor, i get this error message :

"Error messages:
The Publisher failed to allocate a new set of identity ranges for the subscription. This can occur when a Publisher or a republishing Subscriber has run out of identity ranges to allocate to its own Subscribers or when an identity column data type does not support an additional identity range allocation. If a republishing Subscriber has run out of identity ranges, synchronize the republishing Subscriber to obtain more identity ranges before restarting the synchronization. If a Publisher runs out of identit (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147199417)
Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL-2147199417
The publisher's identity range allocation entry could not be found in MSmerge_identity_range table. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 20663)
Get help: http://help/20663"

I checked the given links but they're useless.

So I tried to reinitialize the subscription with the "use a new snapshot" option enabled without any success either. I did only obtain a new error message :

"The publisher's identity range allocation entry could not be found in MSmerge_identity_range table.

Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is missing. Previous count = 1, current count = 2.

Failed to pr"

I didnt have any idea to correct this issue, so I would appreciate any help.



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Database Corruption

Feb 15, 2000

Hi All,

I have a database was showing (Suspect). It looks not able to log into the SQL database. After I reboot the machine it turned to recovering for a while and then changed to suspect again. I did the following steps:
1. set database to emergency mode (Status = -32768)
2. after that I tried to do DBCC checkdb but I received “cannot open ‘database’…”

So I have to restore the database from latest backup but I lost one-hour data. My questions are:
1. how to recovery the corruption database instead of restoring from backup?
2. From following error log, does anyone know what is the reason causing database “suspect”?

The database is running at SQL7 and SP1. The database has 1g data (50% free space). The Log file has 600MB.

Thanks for any info/advice,

Stella Liu

Error Log:
2000-01-31 16:07:04.92 spid11 Using 'sqlimage.dll' version '4.0.5'
Dump thread - spid = 11, PSS = 0x4935b0cc, EC = 0x4935b27c
Stack Dump being sent to d:MSSQL7logSQL00007.dmp
************************************************** *****************************
* 01/31/00 16:07:59 spid 11
* Input Buffer 210 bytes -
* I N S E R T I N T O P P F R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s
* V A L U E S ( 4 4 1 1 8 , 1 1 7 9 4 3 1 4 , { f n g e t i m a g e
* ( 1 ) } ) e x e c s p _ d r o p o r p h a n s c o m m i t t r a
* n
************************************************** *****************************
Short Stack Dump
0x77f67a2b Module(ntdll+7a2b) (ZwGetContextThread+b)
0x0077fc6b Module(sqlservr+37fc6b) (utassert_fail+1a0)
0x005a6741 Module(sqlservr+1a6741) (Page::MakeInsertSpace+45)
0x0040df03 Module(sqlservr+df03) (PageRef::InsertRows+132)
0x005b0531 Module(sqlservr+1b0531) (XDES::UndoPageOperation+228)
0x00431ceb Module(sqlservr+31ceb) (XDES::RollbackToLsn+22a)
0x00430560 Module(sqlservr+30560) (XDES::Rollback+14e)
0x00431abf Module(sqlservr+31abf) (XCB::Rollback+2f9)
0x0051ac85 Module(sqlservr+11ac85) (clean_process+162)
0x005b22fd Module(sqlservr+1b22fd) (language_exec+5f9)
0x4106135c Module(opends60+135c) (execute_event+659)
0x4106164b Module(opends60+164b) (process_commands+f3)
0x4109285a Module(ums+285a) (ProcessWorkRequests+ed)
0x41092d28 Module(ums+2d28) (ThreadStartRoutine+139)
0x7800bee4 Module(MSVCRT+bee4) (beginthread+ce)
0x77f04ee8 Module(KERNEL32+4ee8) (lstrcmpiW+be)
2000-01-31 16:08:02.65 spid11 CImageHelper::GetSym Error - The specified module could not be found.

0x00000000 Module(sqlservr+ffc00000)
2000-01-31 16:08:03.34 kernel SQL Server Assertion: File: <page.cpp>, line=2809
Failed Assertion = 'sid >= m_slotCnt || m_slots[-sid].offset ==0'.
2000-01-31 16:08:03.51 spid11 Error: 3624, Severity: 20, State: 1.
2000-01-31 16:10:57.29 spid11 Error: 3314, Severity: 21, State: 4
2000-01-31 16:10:57.29 spid11 Error while undoing logged operation in database 'WebPDM'. Error at log record ID (56:11888:81)..
2000-01-31 16:10:57.37 spid11 Error: 9001, Severity: 21, State: 1
2000-01-31 16:10:57.37 spid11 The log for database 'WebPDM' is not available..
2000-01-31 16:12:39.73 spid11 Error: 3314, Severity: 21, State: 2
2000-01-31 16:12:39.73 spid11 Error while undoing logged operation in database 'WebPDM'. Error at log record ID (55:12913:1)..
2000-01-31 16:12:44.28 spid6 Closing file d:mssql7datawebpdmdata.mdf.
2000-01-31 16:12:44.46 spid6 Closing file d:mssql7datawebpdmlog.ldf.
2000-01-31 16:12:44.60 spid6 Starting up database 'WebPDM'.
2000-01-31 16:12:44.60 spid6 Opening file d:mssql7datawebpdmdata.mdf.
2000-01-31 16:12:44.92 spid6 Opening file d:mssql7datawebpdmlog.ldf.
2000-01-31 16:12:51.65 spid6 Recovery progress on database 'WebPDM' (7): 14 percent.
2000-01-31 16:12:55.39 spid6 Recovery progress on database 'WebPDM' (7): 28 percent.
2000-01-31 16:12:58.14 spid6 Recovery progress on database 'WebPDM' (7): 42 percent.
2000-01-31 16:13:08.39 spid6 102 transactions rolled forward in database 'WebPDM' (7).
2000-01-31 16:13:08.39 spid6 Recovery progress on database 'WebPDM' (7): 57 percent.
2000-01-31 16:13:08.40 spid6 Recovery progress on database 'WebPDM' (7): 71 percent.
2000-01-31 16:13:08.59 spid6 Using 'sqlimage.dll' version '4.0.5'
Dump thread - spid = 6, PSS = 0x41308084, EC = 0x41308234
Stack Dump being sent to d:MSSQL7logSQL00008.dmp
************************************************** *****************************
* 01/31/00 16:13:18 spid 6
************************************************** *****************************
Short Stack Dump
0x77f67a2b Module(ntdll+7a2b) (ZwGetContextThread+b)
0x0077fc6b Module(sqlservr+37fc6b) (utassert_fail+1a0)
0x005a6741 Module(sqlservr+1a6741) (Page::MakeInsertSpace+45)
0x0040df03 Module(sqlservr+df03) (PageRef::InsertRows+132)
0x005b0531 Module(sqlservr+1b0531) (XDES::UndoPageOperation+228)
0x00431ceb Module(sqlservr+31ceb) (XDES::RollbackToLsn+22a)
0x005adfae Module(sqlservr+1adfae) (RecoveryMgr::UndoPass+1c8)
0x004d125a Module(sqlservr+d125a) (RecoveryMgr::RecoverDb+35c)
0x004ce9f7 Module(sqlservr+ce9f7) (DBTABLE::Startup+630)
0x004cdfd4 Module(sqlservr+cdfd4) (DBMgr::StartupDB+2c4)
0x006cc585 Module(sqlservr+2cc585) (TaskDbRestart::ProcessTskPkt+14f)
0x004d79e9 Module(sqlservr+d79e9) (GlobalTskMgrProc+117)
0x4109285a Module(ums+285a) (ProcessWorkRequests+ed)
0x41092d28 Module(ums+2d28) (ThreadStartRoutine+139)
0x7800bee4 Module(MSVCRT+bee4) (beginthread+ce)
0x77f04ee8 Module(KERNEL32+4ee8) (lstrcmpiW+be)
2000-01-31 16:13:18.95 spid6 CImageHelper::GetSym Error - The specified module could not be found.

0x00000000 Module(sqlservr+ffc00000)
2000-01-31 16:13:19.01 kernel SQL Server Assertion: File: <page.cpp>, line=2809
Failed Assertion = 'sid >= m_slotCnt || m_slots[-sid].offset ==0'.
2000-01-31 16:13:19.04 spid6 Location: page.cpp:2809
Expression: sid >= m_slotCnt || m_slots[-sid].offset ==0
Process ID: 220
2000-01-31 16:13:19.07 spid6 Error: 3624, Severity: 20, State: 1.
2000-01-31 16:13:19.07 spid6 Error: 3314, Severity: 21, State: 3
2000-01-31 16:13:19.07 spid6 Error while undoing logged operation in database 'WebPDM'. Error at log record ID (56:11888:81)..
2000-01-31 16:14:50.73 spid6 Error: 3414, Severity: 21, State: 1
2000-01-31 16:14:50.73 spid6 Database 'WebPDM' (database ID 7) could not recover. Contact Technical Support..

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SQL 6.5 Database Corruption

Mar 23, 2001

Hi I'm new to SQL, and have a big problems that I need help with. I just hired on to as the Network Admin for the company, the company has an NT4.0 box with SQL 6.5 running. The previous administrator has never done a SQL backup of the dbase, so no import or restore can be done. Now the SQL application was corrupted, it would not regconize itself or can be register. After the reinstallation of the SQL 6.5, there are still a folder of data under Mssql. I assumed that this is the dbase but have no idea what the the dbase actually call, if browse through using explore you will see the files name VMData.dat 550 mb in size and VMLog.dat 25 mb in size. If anyone know how I can retrieved this dbase it would be great help, or if you know of a firm that I can contact that would work too. Thank you for your help in advance.

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Database Corruption

Jul 28, 2004

Hello, Everyone:

How to check if a database is corrupted, and how to fix the corruption? Thanks.


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Database Corruption (Please Help!!)

Dec 17, 2006

I created a nonclustered index on sysobjects table. After that, when I
create a new object and sysobjects is modified, the database does not work
properly. I used DBCC CHECKDB to repair it. It works but as soon as a new
object is created, again database get corrupted (CHECKDB reports error). I
cannot drop this index with DROP INDEX command.
I'm wondered if an index on system table cannot be dropped, why it can be
created? If it is allowed to create index, why it corrupts the database?
I found this link:
Although it mentions SP_FixIndex can drop such indexes but there are no description about it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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SqlCe Database Corruption

May 4, 2007

Hi; there;

I know that power failure can corrupt a sdf file (

Apart from that, is there any other reason can corrupt a SqlCe2.0 sdf database?

Another problem I found in my sdf database is corrupted record. There is a record in the database has all field with "null" value. When I tried to compact this database in "Query Analyzer", it has cursor there forever. I can still open the database and view those record. I tried to delete this record by saying "delete from job where ... is null", that database is fixed!!! I can compact that dataase again.

Note: I have transaction when writing data to database and my application has quite a lot database corruption issue which is nightware now.

Does anybody know what causes this and how to avoid this problem?

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Database Corruption From Simple Query

Aug 8, 2007

Hi- I have questions about mobile database limits. The application is entirely C# / Compact Framework 2.0, using VS2005. Devices we support are all running WM5. We're trying to incorporate what seems to be a large database that the application needs to talk to offline from any network, so it needs to be stored & hosted within the database and hence we started working with the various generations of what is now SQL Server Compact Edition.

In order to profile the responsiveness I worked up a test database with the general collection of fields we are interested in. The main table has 80,000 rows with one primary key and one of the numeric fields indexed. There is a 'nickname' table which contains about 150,000 items with just a string for a nickname and the key that nickname goes with. With all the rows and an alpha index for the nickname field the database is about 42 mb. Which is pushing the amount of storage on the handheld, but of our two models one is fine and one still has about 30 mb free with the DB on the handheld.

My problem seems to be that one kind of device can work with this database and one cannot. The device I was using the prototype the application is a HP iPAC hx2490b. On that device more than once I have corrupted the database, but not yet as a reproducible process.

My other device is a Dell Axim X51. On that device I seem to corrupt the database with very simple actions. Just now I tried a query like (From the Query Analyzer 3.0)

Code Snippet

Select * from ReagentNicknamesTable where alt_names like 'alpha%'

Which should hit 2099 of the 150,000 records. I got about 400 back and then the table was corrupted. On this device I cannot recover the database as there isn't enough disk space for two copies of the DB. So corruption in the field would be a showstopper. But getting corruption from a simple query like this means I really can't use SSCE.

This problem with the dell showed up when I was using the original device sql that came with VS2005. (SQL Server Mobile?) The cabs & dll's were dated from 2005 and had a build number of 3.0.5206.0. I have since updated to the current version of SQL Server Compact Edition and the dlls have build number 3.0.5300.0. The IDE is set to Compact Framwork 2.0, sp1: cgacutil reports CF 2.0.6129.0.

So help! Have I hit some listed or unlisted limits to SSCE on the Compact Framework? thanks.

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DB Engine :: Transaction Log Database Corruption Error

Jul 23, 2015

I am having an issue for transaction log database backup getting failed and throw me a following error. I never seen this corruption error before so Is there any solution for it?This error is from my Log file:-

Failed:(-1073548784) Executing the query "BACKUP LOG [Xe] TO  DISK = N'D:XeXeXe_backup_201507230922.trn' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT,  NAME = N'Xe_backup_20150723092224', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10

" failed with the following error: "BACKUP detected corruption in the database log. Check the errorlog for more information. BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.This is from SQL JOB error"- 

Executed as user: SqlAdmin. ...ion 9.00.5324.00 for 64-bit  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved.    Started:  9:22:20 AM  Progress: 2015-07-23 09:22:24.08     Source: {297F9C99-05AE-47BD-AA70-3E25DDD78CAB}
     Executing query "DECLARE @Guid UNIQUEIDENTIFIER      EXECUTE msdb..sp".: 100% complete  End Progress  Progress: 2015-07-23 09:22:24.91     Source: Back Up Database (Transaction Log)    

View 10 Replies View Related

Transaction Log File Corruption When Database Files Are Placed In SSD Drive

Oct 26, 2015

The MDF and LDF files are placed in SSD drive and tempdb files are placed in HDD drive. Snapshot isolation is enabled on the database. When a script is executed to insert data with NULL value to a table which has NOT NULL column, the transaction fails and then a log undo happens which fails and takes the database to suspect mode.

But when the MDF and LDF files are placed in HDD drive all this do not happen. The transaction just fails.

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Windows Synchronization Manager And Subscriber Web Synchronization

Dec 7, 2005


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SDS Selecting Even Though I Cancel

Sep 5, 2006

Hello,I have a gridview bound to a sqldatasource control.  I have an emptydatatemplate setup.  In the selecting event, I make sure that an actual select has been performed (and not on null data); however, I have cancelselectonnullparameters set to true to stop it, because initially it will be null.However, the selecting event runs, even when I cancel it, the emptydatatemplate shows up.  How do I prevent that from occuring?

View 2 Replies View Related

Cancel Rollback

Sep 21, 2007

I have canceled a update statement that was running against a very large table.
Now it is attempting to rollback all of the changes. Is there any way to cancel this?
The table contains test data I would just like to drop it and recreate it, however I am getting an error when I attempt to drop the table because it is attempting a rollback.

View 6 Replies View Related

Database Synchronization

Sep 18, 2006

I have 2 distributed databases which need to be synchronized at regular basis.  I plan to write a service that does it.  But I'm just curious how to do the update incrementally.  Thanks

View 4 Replies View Related

Synchronization Of Database

Jan 10, 2007

I have a website that is running on the intranet and on a notebook. I have a notebook that is not always connected to the internet.. when it is not connected, it will read in some data from a barcode reader; and when it's connected, it will synchronize the data with the db on the intranet.. any idea on how to achieve this? 

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DataBase Synchronization

Jul 2, 2007

Hi All,
I want to do SQL Server DB Synchronization. The scenario is like this..
DataBase is presently on SQL Server 2005, When end user click on button or on some action event
all data to from the server should be fetched & should be saved on client m/c. Afer that when user click on button or on some
event, DB should be synchronized. i.e. if there is any change in Server Data, client data should be automatically update...
How can i achieve this using C#..
Plzzz Help!!!!!

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Database Synchronization Using XML

Jun 16, 2004

I am a complete novice so I would appreciate any help or suggestions.

I have two databases : 1 development DB, 1 production DB (both are SQL Server)

I make changes to development DB on a daily basis and I need a method to bring these changes across to production DB.

Currently I query the selected table in the development DB and write the DataSet to an XML file.


Once I go to client site (where production DB is located) I want to generate a DataSet (which I am able to do) and compare this DataSet with the DataSet created when I read in the XML file.

'read in XML file

There is a unique identifier in the table and XML file called 'FieldID'.
What I need to do is compare DataSet (from Production DB) with DataSet from XML file.

If there is a 'FieldID' in the DataSet from XML file that IS NOT in DataSet from ProductionDB I want to insert this node/row into the database.

Any suggestions?

crimsonIE ;-P

View 7 Replies View Related

SQL Database Synchronization

Aug 17, 2001

I was wondering if anyone knows if there is any software available or
if it is easy to implement the following.

We are running a SQL Server database locally in house and also have
the exact same database running on a hosted webserver. The data
changes on both versions of the database daily and what we need to do
is figure out a simple easy / cheap way to have the two databases
synchronize with each other every evening so that the data is exactly
the same every morning.

I would appreciate any input.


View 1 Replies View Related

DataBase Synchronization

Jun 9, 2004

Hi Guys:
I am trying to synchronize my home sqlserver database with a database on my web hosting company. I am not really sure how to go about it, any suggestions?


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Database Synchronization

Oct 17, 2007

Dear all,

I am using SQL Server 2000 Ent/Dev edition. I have a 2 identical database in 2 different servers and i'm required to synchronize both database. However, i need to exclude some of the tables in during this process.

I tried to search this forum but can't find any solution. How can i perform the above task? BTW i can't use trigger as i have more than 100 tables.

HOpe someone can help. Thanks.

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Database Synchronization?

Dec 12, 2007

I am having this scenario; I have 2 SQL Server 2005 databases, they are basically identical in structure. The first one is used by my web application and the other is by desktop application ... I created the web db for security reasons ,.. i dont want online users to have access to the major backed (desktop db) directly so the web app is writing to the web db ... now, I want to update my major backend as transactions to the web db happen and vice versa to keep the users of both applicaions happy ... Is there a good design patterns for that? I am thinking of using db triggers for this but not sure on the implementation details ...
Your help is much appreciated

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Database Synchronization

Mar 10, 2004


I'm currently working on a Database Synchronization project and I wondered if anyone had any ideas other than what I've got so far. The context of this project is that we have a central server which stores data for 10 different locations in a consolidated database. Each store contains a replica of that database, but with only data relevant to their own operation.

Store owners can change data at the store level or chain owners can change data at the central level, but for either change the other level has to be notified. I currently have 2 ideas on how to do this.

Note: I am using MS SQL Server 7 for the central, but MSDE (Desktop Edition) for the store levels. So, replication from the store to the server is not available. I think I need to actually code this on my own.

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SQL Database Synchronization

Apr 16, 2008

Please can somebody help me with the following:

Our company has an enterprize site (a very large one). From time to time we need to make changes in it. In other words, we had to synchronize one database (local where we make all changes) and database on hosting. So, we did it manually (wrote scripts and inserted them in database on hosting). But as the databases grew it became impossible to synchronize everything manually. So we need some tool which could cope with this task. The problem is that, as I know, there are many tools which can do it, but we are tight in time and can't evaluate them all. Please share your ideas on what tool is worth evaluating?

Thanks in advance.

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Database Synchronization

May 27, 2008

I am not a SQL developer by any means. I have a application to build for a Valet company that will require a laptop on site with no internet connectivity to function locally. There will be about 15 locations that all operate independently. After the day is done, the laptops will connect to the internet and upload all data to a hosted SQL server on the internet for centralized data storage and reporting. After a successful upload, the client database will be purged and start fresh the next day. Should this be doe with MYSql on the client and SQL server at the data center? I have some people recommending Progress database but it is expensive. I am out of my element when it comes to syncing db's so any advise is appreciated. Thanks-

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Database Synchronization Help

Feb 7, 2008

Dear All,
I’m having three databases with same data in three different locations. Now three users adding records to the particular databases respectively. I want all the data from server A to be there at aerver B and C. all the updations at server B should be there at Server A and server C. as well as same updations at C also. It is not possible to implement replication as all the servers are at long distance. How can I update every database with the other server’s data? I’d like to update day wise. Is there any tool to generate script on that particular date period? Experts, I think you understood my scenario, please let me know the tools or list of best possibilities for me.

I’m thinking of Incremental backup. Guide me in this scenario.

Thanks in advance.

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Database Synchronization

Jul 3, 2007

i have a web site which i must update frequently. i want to enter information in my client database and then transfer to web. how can i do this?

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How To Cancel A Processing Request?

Jun 5, 2007

Hello ,

I've execute a wrong sql request from an ETL. This request is inserting lots of rows in a table. I want to cancel that process, is it possible to do this? If yes, how can I cancel that request?


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