Cannot Alter Table Being Published For Replication
Jun 8, 2006
Hi all,
I'm using SQL Server 2000 SP3 to store data for real time transaction
I have set up replication to another server using a push subscription to
give me immediate backup.
I need to alter the data type of one of the columns and am using the
following basic sql:
alter table Voucher
alter column SerialNumber varchar(20) NOT NULL
However I keep getting this error message:
Server: Msg 4929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot alter the table 'Terminals' because it is being published for
Is there anything I can do to allow this update taking place, short of
deleting the subscription and recreating it. (I want to try and avoid
this as the same update needs to be applied to about 10 databases that
are also replicated in the same way).
All help is appreciated.
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Good morning folks, I'm getting the above error message when trying to drop a table. I'm not to familiar with the setup of this SQL server, so I not sure if the replication is enabled. I have never had to use replication so I don't know to much about it. Does anyone know how I guess to remove this table from the replication list so that it could be dropped?
I am used to 2000 where if a column was added or changed to had to use sp's to do this and for altering a column you had to drop the subscription change and add back etc.
With 2005 is this fully handled by ALTER TABLE, can i safely make any meta data changes to an article with ALTER TABLE and the changes will progate to subscribers no problem.
Or are there limitations are there certain changes to articles that must still be done through sp's?
Can someone please tell me how to retrieve/query the list of fields from an entity of a report data model that has been published on the reporting server programmatically ?
I am trying to upload a report data model to the reporting server and planning to use that model as the data source and consume it through our existing web application?
Hi people,I?m trying to alter a integer field to a decimal(12,4) field in MSACCESS 2K.Example:table : item_nota_fiscal_forn_setor_publicofield : qtd_mercadoria integer NOT NULLALTER TABLE item_nota_fiscal_forn_setor_publicoALTER COLUMN qtd_mercadoria decimal(12,4) NOT NULLBut, It doesn't work. A sintax error rises.I need to change that field in a Visual Basic aplication, dinamically.How can I do it? How can I create a decimal(12,4) field via script in MSACCESS?Thanks,Euler Almeida--Message posted via
Hi! I've added a column to a published table in the Publisher using SP_REPLADDCOLUMN. After doing this the replication triggers for that table(i.e. del_%,upd_%,ins_%) are doubled both at the Publisher and at the Subscriber. If i update anyone of the column in the table at the Subscriber; i get the following error:
Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure upd_3E6DE124B82D42A5AEB169557C0D757C, Line 60 Invalid object name 'ctsv_3E6DE124B82D42A5AEB169557C0D757C'.
Any ideas, what has gone wrong????
I have the following SQL setup. Publisher: Enterprise Edition, SP3. Subscriber: Standard-Edition, SP3. The error is at the Subscriber.
Regarding to my previous post at, just wondering if there's a way to detect any changes which is made on the existing indexes in a published table so that the device can determine whether reinitialization of subscrption is needed before every synchronization.
I would like to add a column to a published table but not have that column replicated to subscribers. I can accomplish this via the UI by adding the column and then unchecking it. This adds the column to the publisher table but does not replicate it to the subscriber.
I am looking for a programmatic method to add a column to the base table and unmark it for replication.
I would like to add an Identity to an existing column in a table using astored procedure then add records to the table and then remove the identityafter the records have been added or something is a rough idea of what the stored procedure should do. (I do not knowthe syntax to accomplish this can anyone help or explain this?Thanks much,CBLCREATE proc dbo.pts_ImportJobsas/* add identity to [BarCode Part#] */alter table dbo.ItemTestalter column [BarCode Part#] [int] IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL/* add records from text file here *//* remove identity from BarCode Part#] */alter table dbo.ItemTestalter column [BarCode Part#] [int] NOT NULLreturnGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOhere is the original tableCREATE TABLE [ItemTest] ([BarCode Part#] [int] NOT NULL ,[File Number] [nvarchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_File Number] DEFAULT (''),[Item Number] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Item Number] DEFAULT (''),[Description] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Description] DEFAULT (''),[Room Number] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Room Number] DEFAULT (''),[Quantity] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Quantity] DEFAULT (0),[Label Printed Cnt] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Label Printed Cnt]DEFAULT (0),[Rework] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Rework] DEFAULT (0),[Rework Cnt] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Rework Cnt] DEFAULT (0),[Assembly Scan Cnt] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Assembly Scan Cnt]DEFAULT (0),[BarCode Crate#] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_BarCode Crate#] DEFAULT(0),[Assembly Group#] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Assembly Group#] DEFAULT (''),[Assembly Name] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Assembly Name] DEFAULT (''),[Import Date] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Import Date] DEFAULT(getdate()),CONSTRAINT [IX_ItemTest] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED([BarCode Part#]) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]GO
I am using sql server ce.I am changing my tables to use 'alter table alter column...'.for example:I have table 'customers', I delete column 'name' and add column 'age'.Now I drop Table 'customers' and create again.but I read something about 'alter table alter column...'.I use thi command but not work.I thing syntax not true,that I use..plaese help me?
i need to alter all foreign keys in my database and uncheck the"Enforce relationship for replication" check box. Using the EM, Iextracted the code snippet below. unfortunately, when i run this testfrom query analyzer, then go back into the EM, the box is stillchecked.can anyone tell me what i am missing? any advice on unsetting thisattribute globally would be appreciated!BEGIN TRANSACTIONSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONSET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLESET ARITHABORT ONSET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFFSET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ONSET ANSI_NULLS ONSET ANSI_PADDING ONSET ANSI_WARNINGS ONCOMMITBEGIN TRANSACTIONALTER TABLE dbo.CustomerCustomerDemoDROP CONSTRAINT FK_CustomerCustomerDemo_CustomersGOCOMMITBEGIN TRANSACTIONALTER TABLE dbo.CustomerCustomerDemo WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINTFK_CustomerCustomerDemo_Customers FOREIGN KEY(CustomerID) REFERENCES dbo.Customers(CustomerID) NOT FOR REPLICATIONGOCOMMITthanks!!
Hi guys, If I have a temporary table called #CTE With the columns [Account] [Name] [RowID Table Level] [RowID Data Level] and I need to change the column type for the columns: [RowID Table Level] [RowID Data Level] to integer, and set the column [RowID Table Level] as Identity (index) starting from 1, incrementing 1 each time. What will be the right syntax using SQL SERVER 2000?
I am trying to solve the question in the link below:
Thanks in advance, Aldo.
I have tried the code below, but getting syntax error...
I have also tried:
ALTER TABLE #CTE MODIFY [RowID Table Level] INT IDENTITY(1,1), [RowID Data Level] INT;
Background - I have a publication that propigates schema changes. I have a view in which I want to remove a column.
Error - Going by what the BOL says, I use Alter View and delete the column from my select statement. I issue the alter view command against the Publication database and it just "churns". I do not get any locking errors or any other type of error, but the statement never completes execution. I watched it run for 10 minutes and cancelled the query. Executing the same statement against a copy of the database that is not being published executes in 1, 2 seconds.
Here is what I am doing:
Old View: Select table1.record_number, table1.record_date, table1.status_code, table2.status_desc,
FROM table1 join table2 on table1.status_code = table2.status_code
we have a table in our ERP database and we copy data from this table into another "stage" table on a nightly basis. is there a way to dynamically alter the schema of the stage table when the source table's structure is changed? in other words, if a new column is added to the source table, i would like to add the column to the stage table during the nightly refresh.
I have contract table which has built in foreign key constrains. How can I alter this table for delete/ update cascade without recreating the table so whenever studentId/ contactId is modified, the change is effected to the contract table.
************************************************** ****** Contract table DDL is
create table contract( contractNum int identity(1,1) primary key, contractDate smalldatetime not null, tuition money not null, studentId char(4) not null foreign key references student (studentId), contactId int not null foreign key references contact (contactId) );
For the length of Column ID is not enough, So I want to alter its length.The alter statement is:
For the table student is referenced by table score, the alter statement can not alter the column of the table student, and the SQL Server DBMS give the errors.
But, I can manually alter the length of the column ID in SQL SERVER Management Studio. How to alter column length of the master table(student) along with the slave table(score)?
Hello!I have an MS SQL-server with an database, that runs replication. In thisdatabase there is an table with an columni want to extend; varchar(50)->varchar(60).But I get this error (using design window of Enterprise Manager): Cannotdrop the table 'MytableName' because it is being used for replication.Thanks for helpBjoern
A customer wants to implement table partitioning on a replicated table.
They want to hold 13 months of data in the table and roll off the earliest/oldest month to an identical archive table. The table has a date field and partitioning by month makes sense all around.
So SWITCH PARTITION is the obvious solution to this, except for the fact that the table is replicated (transactional w/no subscriber updates).
What are his architectural or practical solutions to using table partitioning and replication?
Is there a way to add a column to an existing table and do it all in C#If my query string is as follows how do I execute the query?ALTER TABLE interests ADD COLUMN Swim VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT('n')ThanksMoonWa
I have a table tblABC which exists in 800 databases. I want to run a cursor to turn off the pk field ID indentity permannetly and then to "insert tblABC select * from tblXYZ".
I have tried the "set indentity_insert tblABC on" statement and failed on insert tblABC select * from tblXYZ.
Is there any alter table related t-sql could permannetly turn off the identity?
Hi, is it possible to override the system when adjusting columns. i.e. a system override setting.
For instance if I've got a column that is indexed and I want to adjust it from varchar(50) to varchar(51) it lets me. But if I then try and adjust the column to varchar (49) I get the error below:
Server: Msg 5074, Level 16, State 8, Line 1 The index 'LastName' is dependent on column 'lastname'. Server: Msg 4922, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN lastname failed because one or more objects access this column.
I asked this question on another Forum and was told I had to drop the index first. Just thought I'd ask for a second opinion.
Hi to all! I have a silly problem, but I'm not able to solve it! I know how to add a field in a table via Enterprise manager and I know also via ALTER TABLE command. ...But the problem is: I want to add a field NOT in the last position, but on the middle (for istance) So, this is possible via Enterprise Manager but with the ALTER TABLE command? How can I add a field without put it in the last position? ...Thanks a lot! Sergio
p.s.: Sorry for my poor english..I hope you understand my question!
hello, i am trying to add a column to every table in a database, if it (doesn't already exist), with the following code:
declare @name varchar(50) declare c cursor for select name from sys.tables open c fetch next from c into @name while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin if( (select count(*) from sys.columns WHERE object_id IN (SELECT object_id FROM sys.tables WHERE name = @name ) and name='ins_id') = 0 ) begin alter table @name add ins_id int end
fetch next from c into @name end close c deallocate c
and when i run the script i get the error message Incorrect syntax near '@name'. reffering to the alter table statement So, my question is, how can i actually perform the alter table in this case? thank you
Pramod writes "I want to change the primary key field of my database to Identity seed. the table is with data. data should be secured this is the structure '================================= CREATE TABLE [tblStock] ( [StockId] [numeric](18, 0) NOT NULL , [ItemID] [numeric](18, 0) NULL , [Batch] [varchar] (50) NULL , [Qty] [float] NULL , [Prate] [float] NULL , [SRate] [float] NULL , [Mrp] [float] NULL , [PTR] [float] NULL , [batchid] [numeric](18, 0) NULL , [BatchCode] [varchar] (50) NULL , CONSTRAINT [PK_tblStock] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ( [StockId] ) ON [PRIMARY] , CONSTRAINT [IX_tblStock] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ( [ItemID], [Batch], [Prate] ) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] =================================== How do i use alter table with identity seed ALTER TABLE tblStock alter column StockID Numeric IDENTITY (1, 1)
Hi,I'm trying to write a function check if a column exists on a table, andcreates it if it doesn't. The line that the query analyzer is citingis noted. It seems unhappy taking variables in the ALTER TABLEcommand. I can think of a hack around this, but I'm hoping there's abetter way? Muchas gracias in advance :)-DJCode followsCREATE FUNCTION fieldCreator(@TableName varchar(20),@FieldName varchar(20))RETURNS BITASBEGINif (EXISTS (SELECT count (objname)FROM ::fn_listextendedproperty (NULL, 'user', 'dbo', 'table',@TableName, 'column', @FieldName)GROUP BY objname))BEGINALTER TABLE @TableName ADD @FieldName int DEFAULT 4 --ERRORS HERE!!!EXEC sp_addextendedproperty 'caption', 'Created by script foranalysis', 'user', dbo, 'table', @TableName, 'column', @FieldNamereturn 1ENDreturn 0ENDGO
I used the MS Access 2000 Upsize wizard to create a Client/serverapplication. After the wizard ran, the original table names had becomethe linked tables and then there were duplicates of the the tablesnamed xxx_local.I realized later that I needed to add some fields to a table andcouldn't do that in Access (couldn't edit the linked tables). So I usedthe Query Analyzer and created a script to add the fields to my table.It looked fine in Query Analyzer, but back in Access the fields wereadded to xxx_local and not xxx, the linked table. My forms and reportsare built on xxx, not xxx_local.How do I do this correctly?Jane