Cannot Change The Length Property Of Excel Source

Sep 5, 2007

I have a SSIS package loading Excel file. The Excel Source automatically give the length of 255 for all text columns. However, some of the column may exceed 255 length.

I cannot change the length of Error output columns. "Error at Data Flow Task [Excel Source [508]]: The data type for "output "Excel Source Error Output" (517)" cannot be modified in the error "output column "F45" (2345)".
Error at Data Flow Task [Excel Source [508]]: Failed to set property "DataType" on "output column "F45" (2345)".

How to change it or truncate it to 255? I am using 64bit VS.


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How To Change Data Types In Excel Source File?

Mar 8, 2006

I'm getting a bit lost in SSIS. I've got an Excel source file that I'm trying to load into a table. I keep getting validation errors that warn about not being able to convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

I'm trying figure out where I have to change this and am frankly confused. It seems SSIS is selecting various columns as unicode/WSTR data types, but I want them to import as regular string types.

On the Data Flow tab in SSIS, I right-click on the source Data Flow component (the Excel file) and select Show Advanced Editor. Then on the last tab, Input and Output Properties, there's a tree view for the Excel output. There are "External Columns" and "Output Columns" containers in the tree view.

I tried setting some of these but they don't seem to "take". Do I need to change the data type for each column under both the External and Output columns?

That seems like a lot of work! And, as I say, I tried setting some, but I still got the same validation errors. So, then I go back to this spot (Advanced Editor -> Input and Output Properties tab) and my changes seem to have been lost.

Any help would be appreciated!

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XML TASK XSL Variable: Exception 'Property New Source Has No Source Xml Text'

Dec 20, 2005

I want to transform an xml flow to an html flow. For this, I create an XmlDataDocument, I add on it, all that I want, and I store it in a file (in a dataflow task).
After that, in an xml task, I set the input properties like that:
Operation type: xslt
SourceType: File connection
Source: ras.xml
All works fine. But now, I want to use a variable to store my xml data. So, instead of storing my data in ras.xml, I store it in a variable like that:
Dim v As Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.IDTSVariables90
Me.VariableDispenser.LockOneForWrite("RAS", v)
v("RAS").Value = doc.OuterXml
and in the xml task, I set configuration like that:
Operation type: xslt
SourceType: Variable
Source: user::RAS
But when I execute, I got this following exception:
Error: 0xC002F304 at Format HTML Mail, XML Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Root element is missing.".
Error: 0xC002928F at Format HTML Mail, XML Task: Property "New Source" has no source Xml text; Xml Text is either invalid, null or empty string.
Furthermore, when I want to debug it, in replacing the xml task, by a script task, I can see that in my RAS variable, I get the xml data which is well formed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root> €¦
(When I store it in a file, I can see it in IE)
Have you got an idea ?

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Integration Services :: Metadata Change In Source Disturbs All Configuration Of Source

Jun 18, 2015

I have a got a package with source as sql table which has got 50 columns. We are using only 10 columns out of this. Recently one column name has changed and thus throws error invalid mapping. When I open the source to do the changes noticed that all the colums are prselected now and also the datatypes got changed to default ( I had changed the datatypes as per my requirement while i developed). So now I had to select required columns from source and redo the datatype changes in advanced editor.Is there any option which doesnt disturb this settings and we just need to correct the mapping alone. 

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Change Column Length

Dec 20, 2004

Can you alter a column and make it longer without dropping the column

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Change Length Of Field

Dec 31, 2012

I have a database on sql2000. I want to change the length of a field in Table A, but it is related to another field in Table B. When I tried to change the length of the field in Table A via

ALTER TABLE table ALTER COLUMN field varchar(5).The query analyzer generates the following error.

Server: Msg 5074, Level 16, State 8, Line 1
The object 'UQ__table__77BFCB91' is dependent on column 'field'.
Server: Msg 4922, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN field failed because one or more objects access this column.While when I tried the same query on the field in TABLE B, the query completed without any errors.

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Programmatically Change Property

Apr 24, 2006

In the old DTS, we can use the ActiveX Script to change any task's property programmatically.

Can we still do it in SSIS? Using the Script task? It seems changing the value of variables then use a expression can do some of the work, but what if a task has no expression defined?

Say, I want to change the Fuzzy look up reference table name.

Can we do it?

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Change OracleDataAdapter Property

Jun 26, 2007

I am getting the following error when trying to run a query against an Oracle DB.

"TITLE: Microsoft Report Designer

An error occurred while reading data from the query result set.
OCI-22053: overflow error


OCI-22053: overflow error

The fix is...

set the ReturnProviderSpecificTypes property of the OracleDataAdapter to true and have it read OracleNumber's instead of System.Decimal, which can't handle the value

I need to know How I can do this.

Using BI tools in sql server 2005

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Change Field Length W/ Replication

Jun 15, 2001

I have to modify field length in the table, which is part of publication. I tried to use an Enterprise Mgr and received an error message because that table is scheduled for replication.
Is any way around this beside temporary stopping and restarting replication? And actually how to do this to be sure that after restart the data will be again in sync.
We have SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition and Windows 2000 Advanced Server.

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Dynamically Change The SelectCommand Property

Nov 8, 2007

I have a gridview that I use on a products page, my problems is certain products have different attributes that I would like to display.
Therefore what I would like to do is change the SelectCommand property to my SQLDatasource depending on the querystring that is passed.
For instance in my page load event I would have a CASE statement with numerous SQLString Variables.
Here is the current coding for my datasource
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"

SelectCommand="SELECT PS.ProductSizeMM AS [Coupling Size], PS.ProductWallThickness AS [To Suit], PS.Cost AS [Price], PS.Sold_By AS [Sold by] FROM tblProduct AS P INNER JOIN tblProductSize AS PS ON P.ProductCode = PS.ProductCode WHERE (P.ProductDescription = @ProductDescription) ORDER BY PS.Sorter">
     <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="ProductDescription" QueryStringField="ProductDescription" />
</asp:SqlDataSource>I have tried declaring a string variable in my page load event (SQLString) then setting the
SelectCommand="SQLString" but this causes a syntax error
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near 'SQLString'.
Any help would be greatly appreicated!!

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How To Change The Time Property In Sql Server 200?

Apr 24, 2008

We using SQL SERVER2000..and in control panel we enabled date/time settings as per IST.

I updated one record at 9.30...It shows time 4.It's showing GMT time,how to change the time format.

I used UTC function to get timing.

Plz help me ASAP.

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How To Change Language Property On-fly In Reports?

Sep 27, 2007

Hi all,

I have a question regarding a Language property on Report, Table and Cell levels.
My reports must show monetary values in different formats depending on a currency symbol where the Client resides.
For instance, money fields for USA, Canada, UK are shown as 123,456,789.00 and then "$" or "£" symbol;
but European countries should have 123.456.789,00 format and a Euro symbol.

I have found that XXX.XXX.XXX,00 format corresponds to the Language property = "Italian".
If I set the Language property = "Italian" on Report or Cell level at design time, the report shows the expected 123.456.789,00 format, no problem.
(By the way, for some reason, on the Table level this property set does not work at all)

Unfortunately, I was not able to change the Language property to "Italian" on Report or Cell level on-fly using the following expression:
=IIF((Parameters!Symbol.Value="$" OR Parameters!Symbol.Value="£"),"English (United States)","Italian")
For debugging, I even tried:
=IIF((Parameters!Symbol.Value="$" OR Parameters!Symbol.Value="£"),"Italian","Italian")
But all numbers on the report are still shown in the 123,456,789.00 format regardless the Client's currency symbol.

I don't want to have 2 sets of my reports only because if the monetary format difference.
And also I don't want to CAST the monetary value into a string and mask it myself with dots and commas.

I appreciate at advance any help or comment regarding the issue very much.
This is a critical bug and it must be resolved ASAP.

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Error When Changing The Length On DataReader Source

Nov 3, 2006

I am trying to import data from Oracle RDB into SQL Server 2005 using SSIS. Created a ODBC data source to connect to Oracle and used DataReader Source component and to connect to the ODBC data source.

Under the Component properties tab, the SQL Command looks something like this.


The data type for the source columns are Integer, Varchar(30) and DATE VMS.

Now when I look at the Input and Output properties window,

The External columns has the following data types.

ID - four-byte signed integer [DT_I4]
ADDRESS - Unicode string [DT_WSTR], length = 0
REVISED - database timestamp [DT_DBTIMESTAMP]

The Output columns has the following data types

ID - four-byte signed integer [DT_I4]
ADDRESS - Unicode string [DT_WSTR], length = 0
REVISED - database timestamp [DT_DBTIMESTAMP]

When I tried to change the length of the ADDRESS on the output column, I get the following error.

Error at Data Flow Task [DataReader Source [1]]: The data type of output columns on the component "DataReader Source" (1) cannot be changed.

Error at Data Flow Task [DataReader Source [1]]: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0xC020837D)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.DataReaderSourceAdapter.SetOutputColumnDataTypeProperties(Int32 iOutputID, Int32 iOutputColumnID, DataType eDataType, Int32 iLength, Int32 iPrecision, Int32 iScale, Int32 iCodePage)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostSetOutputColumnDataTypeProperties(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Int32 iOutputID, Int32 iOutputColumnID, DataType eDataType, Int32 iLength, Int32 iPrecision, Int32 iScale, Int32 iCodePage)

Is this the default length for the Unicode string type. I was not able to load the ADDRESS column as it gets truncated before I load it into destination. Even if I use Derived or Data Conversion transformation, the ADDRESS is getting truncated before it reaches this transformation.

Any thoughts.


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Flat File Source And ConnectionString Property

Sep 11, 2007

i have inherited a SSIS project that was left unfinished by a previous developer. One thing i notice with it is that all the flat file sources in the connection manager have hardcoded paths for the ConnectionString property. I would like to change this so that at least the path, and if possible the file name, are dynamic - i.e. they are determined either by parameters passed into the package when it is run or they are contained within a config file.

Is this possible? Can anyone supply a link to an article or tutorial specifically covering this?

Many thanks

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Name And Description Property Of OLEDB Source Components

Aug 24, 2006

I am adding two OLE DB Source components to my pipeline and giving them different names

(via the Sourcename variable) but like they are assuming default name and description i.e. OLE DB Source which is causing the following error message on opening the package that was generated.

The package contains two objects with the duplicate name of "component "OLE DB Source" (37)" and "component "OLE DB Source" (1)"

Here is how I am doing it, in the debugger the names in both instances seem to have set correctly based on the variable but when saved they are lost. What am I doing wrong here?

IDTSComponentMetaData90 source = dataFlowTask.ComponentMetaDataCollection.New();

source.Name = Sourcename;

source.ComponentClassID = "DTSAdapter.OleDbSource.1";

source.Description = Sourcename;


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A Field Or Property With The Name 'Jan' Was Not Found On The Selected Data Source.

Jul 31, 2007

I have this Stored Procedure:
Create PROCEDURE ListEventas If MONTH(GetDate()) <= 6 Begin SELECT EventTitle,  EventDuration,  (CASE WHEN MONTH(StartDate) = 1 THEN Datename(Day,StartDate) + ' - ' + Datename(Day,EndDate) ELSE '' END) AS 'Jan',  (CASE WHEN MONTH(StartDate) = 2 THEN Datename(Day,StartDate) + ' - ' + Datename(Day,EndDate) ELSE '' END) AS 'Feb',  (CASE WHEN MONTH(StartDate) = 3 THEN Datename(Day,StartDate) + ' - ' + Datename(Day,EndDate) ELSE '' END) AS 'Mar',  (CASE WHEN MONTH(StartDate) = 4 THEN Datename(Day,StartDate) + ' - ' + Datename(Day,EndDate) ELSE '' END) AS 'Apr',  (CASE WHEN MONTH(StartDate) = 5 THEN Datename(Day,StartDate) + ' - ' + Datename(Day,EndDate) ELSE '' END) AS 'May',  (CASE WHEN MONTH(StartDate) = 6 THEN Datename(Day,StartDate) + ' - ' + Datename(Day,EndDate) ELSE '' END) AS 'Jun'FROM dbo.tblEvent INNER JOIN  dbo.tbl ON (tblEvent.EventID = tblEventdate.EventID)WHERE  YEAR(StartDate) = Year(GetDate())group by EventTitle, EventDuration,StartDate,EndDateEnd Else  BeginSELECT EventTitle, EventDuration,(CASE WHEN MONTH(StartDate) = 7 THEN Datename(Day,StartDate) + ' - ' + Datename(Day,EndDate) ELSE '' END) AS 'Jul',  (CASE WHEN MONTH(StartDate) = 8 THEN Datename(Day,StartDate) + ' - ' + Datename(Day,EndDate) ELSE '' END) AS 'Aug',  (CASE WHEN MONTH(StartDate) = 9 THEN Datename(Day,StartDate) + ' - ' + Datename(Day,EndDate) ELSE '' END) AS 'Sep',  (CASE WHEN MONTH(StartDate) = 10 THEN Datename(Day,StartDate) + ' - ' + Datename(Day,EndDate) ELSE '' END) AS 'Oct',  (CASE WHEN MONTH(StartDate) = 11 THEN Datename(Day,StartDate) + ' - ' + Datename(Day,EndDate) ELSE '' END) AS 'Nov',  (CASE WHEN MONTH(StartDate) = 12 THEN Datename(Day,StartDate) + ' - ' + Datename(Day,EndDate) ELSE '' END) AS 'Dec'FROM dbo.tblEvent INNER JOIN  dbo.tbl ON (tblEvent.EventID = tblEventdate.EventID)WHERE  YEAR(StartDate) = Year(GetDate())group by EventTitle, EventDuration,StartDate,EndDateEnd 
 When I execute it in the SQLExpress, the result returned as expected. But when I bind to Gridview I got this error:
A field or property with the name 'Jan' was not found on the selected data source. 
How do I solve this?  
 I am using drag and drop SQLDatasource to call the Stored Proc and is the language.  Thanks

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Howto Change The Value Of The ProtectionLevel Property Of A SSIS Package?

May 29, 2007

I see various references to the options for a package's protection level (including but I can't seem to find anything telling me how to actually look at and/or change the protection level of a package - thus my question is "How do I change the protection level of an SSIS package?"


- Lance

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How To Change Configured Value For The ServerName Property Of A Connection Via DTEXEC

Feb 1, 2007

I am launching a package the following way:

DTEXEC.EXE /SQL "ProcessReportingDatabase" /SERVER RTG23SQLDB01 /REPORTING V /SET "Package.Variables[User::RunID].Value";35 /SET "Package.Connections[RSAnalytics].Properties[InitialCatalog]";"Fnd Prj 1 Dec29" /SET "Package.Connections[RSAnalytics].Properties[ServerName]";"RTG23SQLDB01UAT1PROD"

The problem does not happen with the [User::RunID] variable or the [Initial Catalog] property of my [RSAnalytics] connection object. But I am not successful in setting the [ServerName] property.

What happens when executed is that the package retains the ServerName property of the deployed package (Value="RTG23SQLDB01UAT1QA"), instead of what I pass in via DTEXEC???

Is ServerName read-only or something? I've tried configuring the package connection to RTG23SQLDB01UAT1PROD and creating a package configuration that I specify in place of the /SET - but to no avail as well!

This package has to work against 10 instances. I really don't want to have to create a separate package for each instance, and then a hack to figure out which one to call.

TIA - Dave

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Using A Excel Source To Get The Data From An Excel File Gets Null Values For A Couple Columns

Nov 19, 2007

I am using a Excel Source to get the data from an excel file to sql server 2005 table. A couple columns are coming in a double precision float, but some values have characters in them, but those values are coming out as null, even though I changed the datatype from float to unicode string. Any inputs on resolving this will be much appreciated.


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XML Source: String Types Lose Length Attributes In XML Schema?

Jan 25, 2007

I'm having a problem with the XML Source data flow component not transferring the length attributes from an XML Schema to the column attributes of the output table.

An example schema that I have is:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><data xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:xsi=''><xsd:schema> <xsd:simpleType name='NameType'> <xsd:restriction base='xsd:string'> <xsd:minLength value='0'/> <xsd:maxLength value='50'/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:element name='Name' type='NameType' nillable='true'/> <xsd:simpleType name='FamilyType'> <xsd:restriction base='xsd:string'> <xsd:minLength value='0'/> <xsd:maxLength value='50'/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:element name='Family' type='FamilyType' nillable='true'/> <xsd:element name='row'> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element ref='Name'/> <xsd:element ref='Family'/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name='data'> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element ref='row' maxOccurs='unbounded'/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element></xsd:schema> <!-- data follows --> <row><Name>Fred</Name><Family>Jones</Family></row></data>
When I reference file in the XML Source data control, it correctly infers that there are two columns, but the length of the strings in the columns are set as 255.

This behaviour appears to be at odds with the SSIS documentation (SQL Server Integration Services/Integration Services Object and Concepts/Data Flow Elements/Integration Services Sources/XML Source), which states (highlighting mine):

When the data is extracted from the XML data file, it is converted to an Integration Services data type. The XSD or inline schema may specify the data type for elements, but if it does not, the XML Source Editor dialog box assigns the Unicode string data type (DT_WSTR) to the column in the output that contains the element, and sets the column length to 255 characters. If the schema specifies the maximum length of an element, the length of output column is set to this value. If the maximum length is greater than the length supported by the Integration Services data type to which the element is converted, then the data is truncated to the maximum length of the data type. For example, if a string has a length of 5000, it is truncated to 4000 characters because the maximum length of the DT_WSTR data type is 4000 characters; likewise, byte data is truncated to 8000 characters, the maximum length of the DT_BYTES data type. If the schema specifies no maximum length, the default length of columns with either data type is set to 255. Data truncation in the XML source is handled the same way as truncation in other data flow components. For more information, see Handling Errors in Data.

Has anyone had any luck in getting string lengths automatically extracted from an XML document? If so, where I am going wrong?



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How To Pass The Excel Sheet Names To The Excel Source Control Through Variables

Feb 22, 2006

I am trying to get the contents of the Excel Files dynamically and dumping into the SQL Database using SSIS. Through WMI Event Watcher, I could find when one or more Excel files dumped in a particular folder and using ForEach Loop Container I was able to take all the filenames and pass it through Variables. But at the same time in the Data Flow, I have to pass each Sheet of an Excel File to the Excel Source control and export the data to my SQL Database using OLEDB Destination.

For that I need to get the names of each sheets in an Excel File and pass it to the Excel Source Control through variables. But when I give Data Access Mode as "Table name or view name variable" and provide the variable name in that, then it is giving an error message as "A destination table name has not been provided".

And at the same time, Since I was not able to provide an static Filename (as I am passing through Variables), when I tried to map the columns in the OleDB Destination, it is not allowing me to map the columns.

So all these things I should do at Run-time using Variables in SSIS. I don't want to hard-code any filenames or Sheet names. If any one of you have a solution, please share with me.

Thanks & Regards,

Prakash Srinivasan

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Problem With Retreving A Excel Data Through Excel Source Component.

Sep 18, 2007


I have a problem with retreving a excel data through excel source component.

I have source component as Excel Source which will connect to my .xls sheet.
To retrieve the values from the sheet i am using a query as,
"SELECT F14,F3 FROM [Charac Defn & Assgnment$]"

The column F14 is not formatted so that the format of the cell is "General" I have a different type of values in the F14 column such as "PE","PES",15,20,20.00,8888.9999 etc..
While i click on preview button of Excel source it shows only the text values and not the int or decimal values, its returning NULL for those cells. I tried to use convert function, its throwing an error as

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
There was an error displaying the preview.
Undefined function 'Convert' in expression. (Microsoft JET Database Engine)

Is there any other function to change the format of the cell or i need to some thing else
Please help me how to solve this issue.

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SSIS - DataFlowTask - Excel Source - Dynamic Excel Template

Mar 13, 2008


I am creating an SSIS package witha a Dataflow task, which reads from an Excel source and then uses script component to dumpt the data to multiple tables in Sql Server database

I need to some how make my Excel source dynamic, that is my excel template which i would be using to map the excel columns to script component's input columns would be dynamic..

In other words, I should be able to define the Excel Source, Column Mapping Information, Precedence constraint to the Script component dynamically

Please suggest how could i accomplish this


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Integration Services :: Excel Column Turns To Blank / NULL While Import Using SSIS Excel Source 2008

Jul 6, 2015

While importing data from Excel source , some column is getting null value even though excel column has value.To Resolve the issue we tried with

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftOffice14.0Access Connectivity EngineEnginesExcel

1.Change the Value  of the Row TypeGuessRows from 8 (Default value) to 0  and ImportMixedType = text

• xls

1.Change the Value  of the Row TypeGuessRows from 8 (Default value) to 0  and ImportMixedType = text

the connection string of the excel

UPPER(REVERSE(SUBSTRING( REVERSE(@[User::VarInputExcelFile]), 1, 5) ) ) == ".XLSX" ? "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + @[User::VarInputExcelFile] + ";Extended Properties="Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1";":"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=" + @[User::VarInputExcelFile] + ";Extended Properties="EXCEL 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1";"

by doing the above setting also , the column is coming as null from excel source even though there is data in excel.

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Specify Excel Sheet As A Configuration Property.

Oct 1, 2006


I'm just starting with SSIS and want to create a reusable package which imports from an excel file which can be specified at runtime. I can expose the filename of the excel file as part of the connectionString property but the sheet is the openrowset property which is a custom property and therefore isn't exposed as part of the external configuration. Does this make sense? Is there an easy way to specify the sheet to import at run time?


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Change Property Based On Actual State Of Collapsed/expanded Group

Jan 12, 2007

Hi, please I would like to use something like this>

=IIF(table1_group2 is Collapsed,True,False)

I want to generated some event based on actual state of e.g. report group. if user expand group make this event otherwise (group is collapsed) make another event.

Thanks for your advice.

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Integration Services :: How To Populate Data Length To Excel

Jul 1, 2015

I use a ole db to get data from database as source data, and use ole db destination to put data into excel, destination component connect to an excel file . and got below warning:

Warning 10 Validation warning. {9FA859ED-E4C7-4EA1-AE32-11F21CFDC23D} OLE DB Destination [136]: Truncation may occur due to inserting data from data flow column "sMessage" with a length of 2000 to database column "sMessage" with a length of 255. how to populate data length >255 to excel

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Integration Services :: DefaultBufferMaxRows - Is It Determined By Row Length Of Data Flow Task Source Or Destination

Oct 18, 2015

We have a single generic SSIS package that is used to import several hundred iSeries tables into SQL. I am not looking to rewrite the process. But I am looking for ways to improve performance.

I have tried retain same connection, maximum insert commit size, lock table (tablock), removed some large columns, played with the log file location and size, and now I am working to tweak the defaultbuffermaxrows.

To describe the data flow task - there are six data flows tasks (dft)  working at the same time. Each dtf has their own list of iSeries tables and columns and the corresponding generic SQL table names. Each dtf determines their list of tables based on the number of columns to import. So there is dft30 (iSeries table has 1-30 columns to import), dtf60 (iSeries table has 31-60 columns to import), etc. The destination SQL tables are generically called Staging30, Staging60, etc. Each column in the generic Staging tables are varchar(100). The dtfs are comprised of an OLE DB Source and an OLE DB Destination.

The OLE DB Source uses a SQL Command from Variable to build a SELECT statement. The OLE DB Source uses a connection manager that uses an IBM iAccess IBMDA400 provider.  The SQL Command ends up looking like this for the dtf30. This specific example is importing from the iSeries table TDACLR and it only has two columns so it will be copied to the Staging30 table.

select TCREAS AS C1,TCDESC AS C2,0 AS C3,0 AS C4,0 AS C5,0 AS C6,0 AS C7,0 AS C8,0 AS C9,0 AS C10,0 AS C11,0 AS C12,0 AS C13,0 AS C14,0 AS C15,0 AS C16,0 AS C17,0 AS C18,0 AS C19,0 AS C20,0 AS C21,0 AS C22,0 AS C23,0 AS C24,0 AS C25,0 AS C26,0 AS C27,0 AS
C28,0 AS C29,0 AS C30,''TDACLR'' AS T0 from Store01.TDACLR

The OLD DB Source variable value looks like the following, but I am not showing the full 30 columns

select cast(0 AS varchar(100)) AS C1,cast(0 AS varchar(100)) AS C2,cast(0 AS varchar(100)) AS C3,cast(0 AS varchar(100)) AS C4,cast(0 AS varchar(100)) AS C5, ... cast(0 AS varchar(100)) AS C30.

The OLE DB Destination uses OpenRowSet Using FastLoad From Variable. The insert into Staging30 ends up looking like this.

insert bulk STAGE30([C1] varchar(100) ,[C2] varchar(100) ,[C3] varchar(100) ,[C4] varchar(100) ,[C5] varchar(100) , ...  ,[C30] varchar(100) ,[T0] varchar(20)

Of course we then copy and transform the Staging30 data to the SQL table that equals T0.

But back to defaultbuffermaxrows. Previously the dtfs had default values of 10000 for DefaultBufferMaxRows and 10485760 for DefaultBufferSize. I added a SQL task to SUM the iSeries column sizes, TCREAS and TCDESC in this example, and set the DefaultBufferMaxRows by dividing the SUM of the columns max_length into 10485760. But I did not see a performance improvement. Do you think that redefining the columns as varchar(100) for the insert is significant? Should I possibly SUM the actual number of columns (2) as 2x100 or SUM the 30x100?

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Export To Excel, CSV, XML With Expression In Hidden Property Omits Data

Jun 7, 2007

I have a matrix table with a rectangle in the data cell. The rectangle has an image and textbox. The textbox has an expression in it's Hidden property based on the column name. The report renders fine on screen. When the report is exported to Excel, CSV, XML the textbox contents are not output (the images display as expected). I've tried setting the DataElementOutput to Output/Yes with no success. Exporting to TIFF, PDF, Web Archive/MTHML is fine.

Here is a sample RDL which exhibits the issue:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Report xmlns="" xmlns:rd="">


<DataSource Name="Gemini50DataSource">








<ReportParameter Name="ImagePath">







<Prompt>Image Path</Prompt>








<Matrix Name="matrix1">











<Textbox Name="PicIndex">














<Grouping Name="matrix1_PicIndex">












<Textbox Name="ColumnName">

















<Grouping Name="matrix1_ColumnName">













<Textbox Name="textbox1">










<Value />











<Rectangle Name="rectangle1">


<Image Name="image1">



<MIMEType />



<Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!ColumnName.Value = "image"), Len(Fields!CellValue.Value)=0, true)</Hidden>




<Style />

<Value>="file:" + Parameters!ImagePath.Value + Fields!CellValue.Value</Value>


<Textbox Name="textbox2">





<Hidden>=IIF(Fields!ColumnName.Value &lt;&gt; "image", False, True)</Hidden>
















<Hidden>=IIF(True, False, True)</Hidden>





















<DataSet Name="DataSet2">



<CommandText>SELECT 1 as PicIndex, 'image' as ColumnName, 'image1.jpg' as CellValue


SELECT 2,'image','image2.jpg'


SELECT 3,'image','image3.jpg'


SELECT 4,'image',null


SELECT 5,'something else',null


SELECT 6,'another column', 'display my text!'</CommandText>




<Field Name="PicIndex">




<Field Name="ColumnName">




<Field Name="CellValue">












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Certain Numeric Fields Not Read From The Excel File When Using A Excel File Source.

Jul 20, 2006

I have the Excel Connection Manager and Source to read the contents from an Excel file. For some reason couple of numeric fields from the Excel worksheet are brought over as nulls even though they have a value of 300 and 150. I am not sure why this is happening. I looked into the format of the fields and they are set to General in Excel, I tried setting them to numeric and that did not help.

All the other content from the excel file is coming thru except for the 2 numeric fields.

I tried to bring the contents from the excel source to a text file in csv format and for some reason the 2 numeric fields came out as blank.

Any inputs on getting this addressed will be much appreciated.



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How Do You Change The Data Source For A Report?

May 16, 2007

I have a report that I want to setup as cached on the server.

As I understand it to do this I need to use stored credentials in the report's data source so that the report always runs with the same credentials.

Now how can I do this for a report that already exists?

I created a new Shared DataSource that has the credentials I want to use, but I can't seem to change the data source a report uses.


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Change Data Source For Shared Dimensions

Jun 21, 2005

I have an archive of an Analysis Services database that was created on a server that is not accessible to me. I also have a copy of the source SQL Server database that it uses as a data source. I have restored both of these to my server. I have figured out how to change the data source to point to my server for the fact tables referenced, but I can't figure out how change the data source for the shared dimensions. I would like to be able to do work on this version of the database, but I get errors when I try to browse the dimension data because it can't connect to the original data source. Any ideas?

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Analysis Service: How Can I Change The Name Of The Data Source ?

Oct 14, 2004

I want the change the name of the Data source (see attached gif picture)


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