I downloaded and installed the Informix Client SDK 3.0 and was able to extract data from an Informix 10 database. All of a sudden, it stopped working. The error message I received is "... error in initializing provider. (-25580) System error occurred in network function.". Has anyone encountered this error before and know of a solution?
I need to create packages that connects to a client's Informix DB server. When I tried to create a new OLEDB datasource from configuration manager, I could not find any Informix driver option. Can someone shed some light as to what I'm missing and the steps I need to take to be able to source data from Informix? Any drivers that needs to be installed and configured on the server and the developer's machine?
Thanks in advance.
PS. I discovered from the link below that IBM's Informix OLEDB driver does not support SSIS. Can someone validate this claim and what alternatives I have?
Hi everyone. I'm trying to switch from using Access, to using Sql Server to create my databases. The first thing I'd like to do, is connect to our CMS (Call Management System) to start creating reports on some of our data. I can't seem to figure out how to connect to it though. In Access, I use an ODBC connection. I installed a "Generic 32 Bit Driver" and I created a .dsn file called Lucent.dsn that Access uses to connect to the Informix database. I guess my question is, what is the connection string and where does it go? I've searched on this forum and on a few others and I can't seem to find help for someone as new as me!
I want to connect to an Informix Database via SSIS to read and store data. I did some search online and have downloaded Informix ODBC Drivers. I installed the drivers and am trying to configure a System DSN but have few doubts on what each field indicate. URL... I am not sure on what to enter in fields like IBM Informix Server, Service Name? Connecting to Informix DB via SSIS?
Basically, I am asking if it is possible to use SSMS (Query Analyzer window) with Informix. I am thinking linked server. If I have the ODBC driver installed on my workstation (win 7 pro VM workstation -- SSMS on same VM machine) is this doable? Do I just do the standard linked server routine or is there a special way (if it is even doable).
hi I have this asp sql statement which works fine but I want to use an spl adapter instead as I am enabling paging in details view. I am stuck in one place. How do I declare @listing as I have done in the select parameter in the asp sql statement? Where in ths sql adapter do i declare it? listing value is derived from a dropdown box when the user makes a selection. This is the sql statement i want to declare in the adapter.<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ASPNETDBConnectionString1 %>" SelectCommand="SELECT UserDetails.UserId, UserDetails.FirstName, UserDetails.LastName, UserDetails.City, aspnet_Membership.Email FROM UserDetails INNER JOIN aspnet_Membership ON UserDetails.UserId = aspnet_Membership.UserId WHERE Category = @Listing"> <selectparameters> <asp:controlparameter name="Listing" controlid="SearchListingDropDownList" propertyname="SelectedValue"/></selectparameters> This is the adapter so far which gives me an error to declare scalable value @listing. How do i incoporate the select parameters below? Function getTheData() As DataTable Dim DS As New DataSet() Dim strConnect As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ASPNETDBConnectionString1").ConnectionString)Dim objSQLAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT aspnet_Membership.UserId,UserDetails.FirstName + ' ' + UserDetails.LastName AS 'Customer',UserDetails.City, aspnet_Membership.Email FROM aspnet_Membership INNER JOIN UserDetails ON aspnet_Membership.UserId = UserDetails.UserId WHERE Category = @Listing", strConnect)objSQLAdapter.Fill(DS, "aspnet_Membership,UserDetails")
Return DS.Tables("aspnet_Membership,UserDetails").Copy End Function
I am running Windows XP and have SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition that I use for testing on my notebook. I want to install Oralce 11g on it as well and use VS 2005 as a front end programming. For me to install Oracle I need to install a loopback adapter. If I do this will it mess up SQL Server 2005 or will it not affect SQL Server 2005? Please advise
Can someone tell me why I an getting the following error message for my table adapter: "incorrect syntax near '?'" The selecte statement is below. SELECT Questions.QuestionID, Questions.QuestionNumber, Questions.QuestionText, Questions.SampleAnswer, SAFSection.SectionNumber + ' - ' + SAFSection.SectionName as [Section], SAFSubSection.SubSectionNumber + ' - ' + SAFSubSection.SubSectionName as [SubSection], SAFSubSection.SubSectionDefinition, SAFSubSection.SubSectionQuestion, SAFSubSection.SubSectionInstruction, Answers.AnswerFROM (SAFSubSection INNER JOIN (SAFSection INNER JOIN Questions ON SAFSection.[SectionID] = Questions.[QuestionSectionID]) ON SAFSubSection.[SubSectionID] = Questions.[QuestionSubSectionID]) LEFT JOIN Answers ON Questions.QuestionID = Answers.QuestionIDWHERE Answers.SystemID = ?Order BY SAFSection.SectionID, SAFSubSection.SubSectionID,Questions.QuestionID
In VS2003 I have a user defaults table that I would call in the OnLoad - No Postback section to get the user defaults and then used some of the fields from that recordset as Parameters for other recordsets that would also load in that same section and might even issue a different Sql statement based on the field. In VS2005 (VB.NET), I can no longer figure out how to accomplish this. I can use the SQLDatasource Control which seems much improved but I cannot even find the generated code which I would use as a quick way to create my own datasources in the OnLoad event. Where is this code now stored and how can I accomplish my objectives in VB.NET 2005 with the current framework or programatically create data sources as necessary as I did before?
Hello, I have a table adapter which uses a Query string to get the select view and a stored procedure for its delete portion. Not all of the columns in the select statement are required for the stored procedure. When I try to do the delete, it attempts at passing in more variables than it needs and ends up resulting in an error saying it can't find a procedure that is valid. Is there any way to restrict which columns are being passed? Thanks, Chris
I am currently writing a custom source adapter that extracts data from a JD Edwards OneWorld system. In the custom user interface of the source component I need to allow the user to set a query (a custom property), and then refresh a list of output columns that will be extracted based upon that query (similar to the list shown in the advanced editor).
My question is, can I apply the custom property change to the component and build my output column list without closing and restarting my custom UI form? I understand that the IDTSComponentUI interface being implemented allows for transactional editing of the component, in that the changes to the component are not applied until I have returned a result in the implemented Edit() method. However is there a way to apply changes without returning this result (and closing my UI)?
Essentially I am looking to have similar behaviour to that of the 'Refresh' button in the advanced component editor form.
I have built a custom flat file destination adapter but it appears that the code is not working. When I debug the process I notice that the ProcessInput section is called multiple times. The first time it looks like everything is working, then it call it again and there is no inpout from the DTSInput90.
I have been struggling with the Adapter Fill issue for days. I got an eeror "Invalid object name 'Weather'." Why? How to modify it?
Code Snippet using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Configuration; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using My.Name.Space; public partial class GetStrings : System.Web.UI.Page { getStrings g = new getStrings(); protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SqlConnectionString"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(strConnectionString); DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet(); try { myConnection.Open(); // create a new DataSet
// create the data GenerateDataSet(myDataSet, myConnection); } finally { myConnection.Close(); // bind each to table to a grid GridView1.DataSource = myDataSet.Tables["Weather"];
// fill the DataTable WeatherAdapter.Fill(dset,2,0,"Weather");//wrong here, //WeatherAdapter.Fill(dset.Tables["Weather"]); } //assuming the first dimention is collumn and the second is row public void GetDataRow(DataTable datatable, string[][] source) { DataRow dr; int rows = source.GetLength(0); int collumns = source[0].Length;
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { dr = datatable.NewRow(); if (source[i] != null) { dr.ItemArray = (object[])source[i]; datatable.Rows.Add(dr); } } datatable.AcceptChanges(); } }
Now, I don't know if what I want to do is possible, but here goes. In the table I want to query, there is an "approval status" column, of type Int32. There are four approval levels, 1, 2, 3 and 4. What I want to set up is a query in the table adapter that can return all entries of one or more approval levels. In "raw" sql, I would do something like: SELECT * FROM facility_table WHERE (approved IN (1,2,3));What I want to do though, is to have the list of approval codes to be a parameter that I can pass to the table adapter query, so the where clause becomes "WHERE (approved IN (@approval))", and I pass a string with the list of approval codes. But the query designer doesn't want to cooperate with me, as it insists that "@approval" should be an int32.Any suggestions?
I have an application (ASP.NET 2.0/SQL Server 2005) which makes heavy use of table adapters for pulling records from SQL. Under heavy load, we get a lot of SQL Server Timeout errors. We have run a trace on SQL Server and it shows that several of the SQL statements being passed into SQL Server, from the Table Adapters, have bad SQL.
For example, here is the SQL in one of the table adapters
SELECT HomeMsgID, messageName, messageHTML, messageText, populationID FROM MyUCR_HomeMessages WHERE (populationID IN (SELECT populationID FROM MyUCR_Population_CPID AS MyUCR_Population_CPID_1 WHERE (CPID = @CPID))) AND (isVisible = 1) AND (showDate <= @showDate) AND (removeDate >= @removeDate)
myUCR_HomePageMsgsTableAdapters.MyUCR_HomeMessagesTableAdapter ta = new myUCR_HomePageMsgsTableAdapters.MyUCR_HomeMessagesTableAdapter(); myUCR_HomePageMsgs.MyUCR_HomeMessagesDataTable dt = new myUCR_HomePageMsgs.MyUCR_HomeMessagesDataTable();
ta.FillByCPID(dt, showDate, removeDate, CPID);
What the SQL trace shows, when it fails, is this (notice the extra single quotes around the showDate, removeDate parameters): E000 exec sp_executesql N'SELECT HomeMsgID, messageName, messageHTML, messageText, populationID FROM MyUCR_HomeMessages WHERE (populationID IN (SELECT populationID FROM MyUCR_Population_CPID AS MyUCR_Population_CPID_1 WHERE (CPID = @CPID))) AND (isVisible = 1) AND (showDate <= @showDate) AND (removeDate >= @removeDate)',N'@showDate datetime,@removeDate datetime,@CPID int',@showDate=''2007-02-05 00:00:00:000'',@removeDate=''2007-02-05 00:00:00:000'',@CPID=3071225 1[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near '2007'.
I recreated the SQL to use a stored procedure, and got a similar error:
I am using an "XML Source Adapter" in an SSIS Package to try and load an XML file into a database table. But having trouble with a date field. The XSD defines the field as:-
So in the Data Flow I have a "Data Conversion Transformation" converting [DT_WSTR] to [DT_DBTIMESTAMP]. However, when I run the package I get:-
Error: 0xC02020C5 at Load XXX File, Data Conversion 1 [13550]: Data conversion failed while converting column "DateTime" (15100) to column "DateTimeDT" (15422). The conversion returned status value 2 and status text "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".
So what how do I fix it? I don't mind losing some miliseconds of precision, so I have tried configuring the error output of the Data Conversion for this field to "ignore failure" for "Truncation". But that seems to have no effect.
Will someone please tell me how to use "Destination adapter in store procedure" .............
I'm using Sql server 2005, instead of using BCP i have to use "Sql server destination adapter" in my store procedure, Is it possible to implement destination adapter in store procs, if it is yes please let me know how
Will someone please tell me how to use "Destination adapter in store procedure" .............
I'm using Sql server 2005, instead of using BCP i have to use "Sql server destination adapter" in my store procedure, Is it possible to implement destination adapter in store procs, if it is yes please let me know how
Hi All, I would like to send a query via Table adapter using parameter that is not the whole field. (Its only a part of the filed).
I will try to illustrate my needs: We have a list of items in a data grid. I would like to get the list of items who are answering my item name search query. (I need to change the list every time the user enter another key letter for the search).
I would like to do so in the data adapter, but I'm not able to use the LIKE statement.
Please please try to help me
P.S. Do I need to use stored procedure, if so, can anyone give me an idea how to do so ?
Will someone please tell me how to use "Destination adapter in store procedure" .............
I'm using Sql server 2005, instead of using BCP i have to use "Sql server destination adapter" in my store procedure, Is it possible to implement destination adapter in store procs, if it is yes please let me know how
I have conditional split on a boolean variable, when the value is true, case1 output goes to Oledb Destination, defaukt Output goes to Sql Server Destination.
When I run the package with value "true" the package runs, but when i run the package with bool value "false", the data is inserted through oledb but Sql Server destination fails.
Can any one tell me Why.
[SQL Server Destination [292]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "Reading from DTS buffer timed out.".
Ok, I know my connection string and config file are good. Once the rest of the code is added I receive this error: "SQL Server does not exist or access denied. " I'm using the 1.1 framework and my hosting company provides MSSql 2005. Thanks for your time, Charlie Here's the code in my cond behind file. using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Web; using System.Web.SessionState; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace blog { /// <summary> /// Summary description for WebForm1. /// </summary> public class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page { protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection sqlConnect; protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataList dList; protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter DA; protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand sqlSelectCommand1; protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton linkAdmin; protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image header; protected blog.DS ds1;
#region Web Form Designer generated code override protected void OnInit(EventArgs e) { // // CODEGEN: This call is required by the ASP.NET Web Form Designer. // InitializeComponent(); base.OnInit(e); }
/// <summary> /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor. /// </summary> private void InitializeComponent() { this.sqlConnect = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(); this.DA = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(); this.sqlSelectCommand1 = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(); this.ds1 = new blog.DS(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.ds1)).BeginInit(); this.linkAdmin.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.linkAdmin_Click); // // sqlConnection String //////////////////webserver//////////////// this.sqlConnection1.ConnectionString = "Server=xxx.xxx.xxx.x;Database=myDataBase;User ID=myID;Password=myPass";
//////////////////local/////////////////// //this.sqlConnect.ConnectionString = "workstation id=HAL;packet size=4096;integrated security=SSPI;data source=HAL;pers" + //"ist security info=False;initial catalog=blog"; // // DA // this.DA.SelectCommand = this.sqlSelectCommand1; this.DA.TableMappings.AddRange(new System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping[] { new System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping("Table", "blogEntry", new System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping[] {
new System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping("bodyID", "bodyID"), new System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping("linkID", "linkID")})}); // // sqlSelectCommand1 // this.sqlSelectCommand1.CommandText = "SELECT id, wxID, dateID, titleID, bodyID, linkID FROM blogEntry ORDER BY id DESC"; this.sqlSelectCommand1.Connection = this.sqlConnect; // // ds1 // this.ds1.DataSetName = "DS"; this.ds1.Locale = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"); this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Page_Load); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.ds1)).EndInit();
I'm looking for a way to pass an array of values as a parameter to a query in a table adapter. For example I want to run a query something like:SELECT * FROM menu WHERE menu_role IN (@roles)And I could pass something like 'RegisteredUser, SuperUser, OtherUser' to the @roles parameter.For some reason I can't figure out a way to do this. Any help would be greatly appericated.Thanks,Ryan.
Hi, I'm getting some unexpected behaviour from my SSIS packages when targeting tables that are being referenced by Indexed Views. There's two separate issues:
1. When writing into a pair of tables with a SuperType / SubType relationship concurrently with a pair of SS destinations I'm getting deadlocks between the two. Removing the index on the view that references both of these fixes the problem.
2. Much odder, I'm getting some extremely long waits (10 times longer than the whole package should take to run!) from an SS Destination adapter even when there's no data in the flow for it to bulk insert. Again, removing the indexed views that reference the destination table fixes the problem.
The views aren't mine, and (apparently) are required by the reporting app (BO), so removing them isn't really an option. I realise that there's quite a lot of overhead to maintaining indexed views, but unfortunately, the project is on a very tight timeline, so I can't look into it in as much detail as I'd like. I was wondering if anyone's experienced any similar issues, or would have any ideas as to where to start investigating?
I didn't want to deal with any truncation issues so I edited the SQL created by the Import Wizard. I made the fields VARCHAR instead of NVARCHAR and changed the size from the default 50 to 250.
Now I have a triangle warning on the OLE DB Destination control. So I am wondering, is it limited to only handling 50 characters?
I'm working on a new project using SSIS in SQL Server 2005 and have an issue that I need resolved.
I'm loading an XML file into SSIS using the XML Source Adapter. This maps to an OLE DB destination which reads the data into a SQL table (please see below for the table structure). In between this stage is a data conversion to convert the Unicode characters from XML into non-Unicode characters.
I am writing a custom task to import data from delimited files into SQL tables. I use the standard Flat File Source adapter, a custom transformation to add a URN column and a filename column to the data and the standard OLEDB Destination Adapter.
Most of my test data files work fine except for ones with a lot of columns (around 350 columns). I get an error when I call the ReinitializeMetaData() method for the destination adapter.
Q1) Is there a restriction on the number of columns (or data row size) that can be imported into an OLEDB Destination Adapter?
Q2) The reason I use this adapter rather than the SQL Server Destination Adapter is that I need to set the destination table name using a variable. I don't believe I can do this with the SQL Server Destination Adapter. Is this the case?
Q3) Anyone know of a better/alternative way of acheiving the above? One way I have thought of is to create a custom destination adapter using the SQL Server Destination adapter as the base but I'm not sure whether this is a) possible and b) worth the hassle.
I have an SP that I call via table adapter. If I do not pass a value in the string field ('eventRef'), the SP never gets called - it appears that the table adapter is filtering it...? I need to be able to count records that have an 'eventRef' = to the one I pass, including null. This works fine if I pass an 'eventRef', but never runs if that parm is empty.