Cannot Convert From Nchar To Money

May 1, 2008

Hi i've a staging table were i have datatypes of nchar.
I'd like to convert these to money datatype

Am trying to do this like this but the data return is not correct there is aslo null and blank rows so i must account for them also.

select cast(IsNumeric((Value2)) as money)
from tbl_Sales

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Convert From Nchar To Money

May 1, 2008

Hi i've a staging table were i have datatypes of nchar.
I'd like to convert these to money datatype

Am trying to do this like this but the data return is not correct there is aslo null and blank rows so i must account for them also.

select cast(IsNumeric((Value2)) as money)

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Convert From Money To Varchar?

Mar 8, 2004

I want to print in an error message a money value but have to convert it to a varchar first. I do not have any clue how to do this. Could someone help me out?

SELECT @iError = @@error, @iRowCount = @@rowcount
IF(@iError <> 0 OR @iRowCount <> 1)
CONVERT(@dValue, @cValue)
set @cError = 'Error attempting to insert new record. Product : ' + @cProduct + ' Sub-account : ' + @cSubAccount + ' Cost : $' + @cValue
RAISERROR(@cError, 16, 1)

@cValue is a varchar(20)
@dValue is money

Any help?

Mike B

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Convert Column To Money

Mar 20, 2014

cast(round([YearlyProfit]-[MonthlyProfit],0)as int),
cast(round(isnull(sum(SalesProfit]),0),0) as int

How can I convert these columns to money so that I can display the result with comma included.

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Convert VARCHAR Into Money Value

Mar 8, 2006

Ok i know this is simple but i just don't know the syntax. What I haveis a bunch of values and i want to be able to display them as moneyvalues with a $ in THIS$16,000,000.00$1000.00$16,000.000I'm using MS SQL 2000Cheers

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Cannot Convert A Char Value To Money.

Feb 22, 2008

We have the same database in three different environment. The statement below works just fine in two database environment, but I am getting the error in the third one. All the databases are Microsoft SQL Server 2005. I could not pine point the source of the issue. Please any input that you might be able to provide. Thanks

The issue in simplest from

DECLARE @UDF_Value nvarchar(255)

set @UDF_Value = 111


Msg 235, Level 16, State 0, Line 1

Cannot convert a char value to money. The char value has incorrect syntax.

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Cannot Convert Char To Money

Sep 27, 2007

I've been trying to solve this problem or just find an alternative to do this. I have filled a temp table with certain values for all columns except those columns that rely on calculations that need certain cell values from other columns in the temp table. I have a while statement that runs through each cell for one calculation column and this is the code that updates the fields on the calc column:

Code Block
SET #tblTemp.['+@CalcColumns+'] = (CAST(ISNULL((SELECT #tblTemp.['+@Column1+']
FROM #tblTemp
WHERE #tblTemp.PK = '''+@PubKey+'''), 0.00)as money) - CAST(ISNULL((SELECT #tblTemp.['+@Column2+']
FROM #tblTemp
WHERE #tblTemp.PK = '''+@PubKey+''') , 0.00)as money))
WHERE #tblTemp.PK = '''+@PubKey+'''')

The problem is that it will not let me convert the two values to money. The error is:

Msg 235, Level 16, State 0, Line 1

Cannot convert a char value to money. The char value has incorrect syntax.

This is necessary to calculate the difference between these two cells from the temp table. I would appreciate any help! Thanks!

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Convert Money Columns To Update?

Apr 13, 2007

 Hi Guys
I need your help again, I am try to update several columns and the data type is 'money'.
Below is the code I have used:
UnitCost ='10.00',UnitCost2 = '10.00',UnitCost3 = '10.00',UnitCost4 = '10.00',UnitCost5 = '10.00',UnitCost6 =  '10.00'
WHERE ProductCode = '0008'
But it will not update, instead I get this error:
>[Error] Script lines: 1-9 -------------------------- Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type money, table 'dbo.CAT_Products', column 'UnitCost'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query. 
 More exceptions ... Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type money, table '.dbo.CAT_Products', column 'UnitCost2'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
The error message indicates that I need to use the convert function.  But the columns data type is set at 'money' not 'varcher' .  So do I need to convert data type to 'varcher' in order to update and convert back to data type 'money' when update complete?  Or do I need to indicate in the update statement that data type is already 'money'? I am not sure how I would either. 

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Convert Txt To Money Data Type

May 12, 2005

I'm using the data type "money" in my SQL database and want to convert what's in txtPrice_textBox to the "money" format. I'm currently using the following code:
' objectCym.price = Convert.ToInt16(txtPrice_textBox.Text) '
Will this work?  Is there any reason I should stay away from the "Money" data type?

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Convert Varchar To Money Type

Mar 10, 2006

I write using the SQL ODBC driver from software into a SLQ table called UPSSHIPMENT the format is as followed:
JobNumber varchar 50
Weight real 4
FreightCost varchar 8
TrackingNumber varchar 50
Shipmethod varchar 50
VOIDID varchar 3

I then have a trigger set to update the PACKAGE table as followed


WHERE inserted.VOIDID = 'N'

WHERE inserted.VOIDID = 'Y'


The format of the PACKAGE table is as followed
Jobnumber varchar 50
FreightCost money 8
TrackingNumber varchar 50
Comments varchar 2000
Weight real 4

I am getting the following error
Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)
Error 260: Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type money, table 'TESTing.dbo.Package', column 'FreightCost'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.

How do you use the convert function to change the data before the update? Thank You!

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Transact SQL :: Convert Float To Money

Oct 6, 2015

I have a column type of float and How to convert it show like this

default value =39260.80 MY db use this ',' seperator instead of '.'
wanna convert 39,260

This code is working if using '.' seperator

SELECT  parsename(convert(varchar,CAST(floor('39260.80') AS MONEY),1),2)
not work using ',' seperator
SELECT  parsename(convert(varchar,CAST(floor('39260,80') AS MONEY),1),2)

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CCUR Format - Convert To Money Function

Oct 6, 2013

I have the below Ms.Access code that I would to transition into SQL.

Is CCUR a usable function in SQL, or would I have to use the convert to money function?

Charges: Sum(((CCUR([Fee Schedule Rate])*CCUR([Units_Charged]))))

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Convert Column From NVARCHAR(MAX) To Money And Then Back Again.

Oct 8, 2007

I need to always have a formatting of 999,999,999.00 in a column called PropertyMap9.

PropertyMap9 is always a nvarchar(max)

How do I SET a value using a CONVERT or CAST to accomplish this ?

Why does this give me a syntax error ? The PropertyMap7 set actually works and performs the calculation and sets the new value for that row, however the next line gives an error. I need all 3 columns PropertyMap9, 8, and 7 to always have the above formatting, while still maintaining the nvarchar(max) datatype in the column. HELP!

update PropertyMapValues

set PropertyMap7 = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),CAST(PropertyMap8 AS money) - (CAST(PropertyMap9 AS money)),1)

set PropertyMap9 = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),CAST(PropertyMap9 AS money))


Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure UpdatePropertyMap7, Line 59

Incorrect syntax near '='.

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Insufficient Result Space To Convert A Money Valu

Jul 4, 2007

There is insufficient result space to convert a money value to smallmoney.

It's a huge db with millions of records and we created asp files for it, and now my asp file will only works with smallmoney and not money data type.

As with money data type i am getting error Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch: 'CDbl'

So i want to convert this field of MS SQL server db from "Money" to "SmallMoney" .

But bec db has over million records and i am getting this error.
There is insufficient result space to convert a money value to smallmoney

any way around it in SQL or in asp, i guess it's SQL problem so you guys must be expert on this. Help appreciated.

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CASE Statement Error: Cannot Convert A Char Value To Money

Nov 6, 2007

I am trying to write a Procedure in SQL 2005 that retreives a list of rows from the database. I pass to the procedure sorting parameters. This procedure works fine for all of the fields that I enter in the Order By, except for one.
The field that does not work is a varchar(500) field (named Description).
I am not sure what the problem is.
The error that I am getting is:

Msg 235, Level 16, State 0, Line 13

Cannot convert a char value to money. The char value has incorrect syntax.

Attached is the T-SQL Code. The declare and set statements in the beginning are for informational purposes.
Any help is appreciated.
declare @Match varchar(75)

declare @NumRows int

declare @StartPos int

declare @OrderBy varchar(25)

declare @OrderDir varchar(4)

set @Match = 'dog% AND bark%'

set @NumRows = 25

set @StartPos = 100

set @OrderBy = 'Description'

set @OrderDir = 'ASC'

WITH catitems AS


SELECT ci.ID, ci.SupplierCode, ci.Description, ci.AUDIO_LINK, ci.SoundLength, ci.HighCost, ci.Channels,



WHEN @OrderBy='ID' AND @OrderDir='ASC'


WHEN @OrderBy='SupplierCode' AND @OrderDir='ASC'

THEN CAST(ci.SupplierCode As int)

WHEN @OrderBy='Description' AND @OrderDir='ASC'

THEN CAST(ci.[Description] As varchar(500))

WHEN @OrderBy='HighCost' AND @OrderDir='ASC'

THEN CAST(ci.HighCost AS money)

WHEN @OrderBy='Channels' AND @OrderDir='ASC'

THEN CAST(ci.Channels AS smallint)



WHEN @OrderBy='ID' AND @OrderDir='DESC'


WHEN @OrderBy='SupplierCode' AND @OrderDir='DESC'

THEN CAST(ci.SupplierCode As int)

WHEN @OrderBy='Description' AND @OrderDir='DESC'

THEN CAST(ci.[Description] As varchar(500))

WHEN @OrderBy='HighCost' AND @OrderDir='DESC'

THEN CAST(ci.HighCost AS money)

WHEN @OrderBy='Channels' AND @OrderDir='DESC'

THEN CAST(ci.Channels AS smallint)


FROM TableName As ci

WHERE CONTAINS (ci.Keywords, @Match) AND ShowOnWeb=1


SELECT catitems.ID,






FROM catitems

WHERE RowNo BETWEEN @StartPos AND @StartPos + @NumRows -1



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A Challenging Question, ...Please Help (insufficient Result Space To Convert MONEY Value To CHAR)

Dec 8, 1998

Msg 234, Level 16, State 2
There is insufficient result space to convert MONEY value to CHAR.

hi, I have one procedure that insert data into a table, I called the procedure 3 times ,and run it in one step, then got the above erorr message.
what can I do to avoid this error message?
and why I am getting it... thanks for your help


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How Can I Cast A Money Field In A View To Look Like Money

Oct 16, 2007

I have a special need in a view for a money column to look like money and still be a money datatype. So I need it to look like $100.00 (prefered) or 100.00(can make work).
If I convert like this '$' + CONVERT (NVARCHAR(12), dbo.tblpayments.Amount, 1) it is now a nvarchar and will not work for me.
How can I cast so it is still money? by default the entries look like 100.0000.
They must remain a money datatype.

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Get LangId By Nchar(1)

Apr 14, 2006

Is it
possible in SQL 2005 to determine to which language symbol nchar(1) is

languages differ greatly, say, like Russian and English, can one write a function,
which, under the given alphabet, can determine to what language the symbol

If the
languages have a similar alphabet, one is faced with the difficulties. For
example, it is needed to distinguish characters of American English from those
of Australian English or of English from those of any other European language
that uses almost the same alphabet. I don€™t know how to solve this problem.
What can you advise?

The final task
is to scan in Internet a great number of Web pages in various languages and to
make up a large dictionary, where each word will be entered in its language
group. It is in principle too important to select words in different languages
that use the same alphabet. Initial data for word selection will enter the
server in NTEXT format.


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Nchar, Varchar,char?

Jan 11, 2008

What is the difference between the above data types in SQL?  Which datatype should I use if I wanted both numbers and characters?

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Conversion From Char To Nchar

Apr 16, 2004


I am trying to convert a single code page MS Server database into a unicode database, using the unicode data types,NCHAR, NVARCHAR, NTEXT. The problem is that in the original database, indexes and constraints have been defined on the tables whose configurations need to be changed. As a result, the ALTER TABLE command fails. Are there any other alternative solutions?
Also, data from the old database needs to be preserved. The objective is to create a unicode database which keeps the old data intact as well as accepts the new data in unicode.
It would be great if you could help!

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Nchar To Decimal..which Transformation

May 24, 2007

I selected the columns which i need in the data source itself and i need 3 columns,one will direclty go to the destination without any change/transformation and about the other two i need to do few lookups.

When i try to do lookup for One column which has the datatype in the source as nchar(3) though the date in the column is a number(like 150,160,170 and so on), my lookup table(a dimension in DW) where i want to get the actual key by looking up with this number doesnt allow me to map to the dimension in the DW, as the Dimension has this column datatype as decimal (3,0)....i tried the datatype conversion to convert the nchar to decimal but it doesnt transform i dont know why...probably i am doing some mistake...Could someone suggest how to deal with this and which transformation to use..?
I'd really appreciate if someone on this forum suggest how to deal with this..?



Nothing much that i can do..!!

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Conversion From Nchar To Numeric

Jun 20, 2007

Hi ,

I have a column in my extract table as nchar(3) and in the destination (the same column with diff name ) it is decimal(3,0) .....i tried to use dataconversion transformation.....i even tried to use cast/convert fn's in the SQL Command (which i use in the "Source Transformation" to get the columns from the extract table).

I tried all the ways i can and still i get the same error..:

[OLE DB Source [1]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.
An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E07. An OLE
DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider
for SQL Server" Hresult: 0x80040E07 Description: "Error
converting data type nvarchar to numeric.".

Can we actually do it...?? any help would be appreciated.



Nothing much that i can do..!!

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What Is The Meaning Of Nchar(0xFEFF)?

Aug 12, 2006

When we send a message in service broker we send nchar(0xFEFF) in the start of the xml file.

What is the meaning of nchar(0xFEFF)?

Thank you.


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Char Nchar Vchar Nvchar !?

Feb 14, 2006

in MS SQL 2000 for text it is possible ti use

what must be used and for what ?
I want to store normal text with occidental char (accents)

thank you

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Nchar Or Char Or Nvarchar Or Varchar???

Apr 19, 2004


Which of the above data type (alongwith size) should be used for storing things like Customer Name, Company name etc . ???

Also, what really is the benefit of one over the over :confused:


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Differences In Results Of Nchar() And Unicode() Fu

Apr 3, 2008


I am working on an application that uses accent characters.

SELECT nchar(256) returns A. But if I do

SELECT Unicode(A) , then it returns 65 i.e. the value for simple 'A' character. I am confused, because I have data in nvarchar fields,

but when I do string comparison then A and A are treated as equal.

Please let me know, what could be the issue.


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Unicode Is Nvarchar, Ntext, Nchar

Apr 10, 2008

When I tried to insert armenian by doing the following
insert into tablex (field1) values (N'testdata')
it does not display in query analyzer or in the database as armenian.
When I copy this to word it does not convert it.

What else am I supposed to do to get that information to redisplay the correct way and I would appreciate any tutorials or samples you can show or direct me to.


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Severe Performance Hit With NCHAR Queries

Nov 22, 2006

Hey there :)Sorry if I'm asking a dumb question here, but I'm still quite new to MS SQL,so this problem might appear larger to me than it really is.I'm trying to create a performance test environment for a Ruby on Rails andMongrel setup with an MS SQL Server 2000.The adapter, mssqlclient, uses some kind of "conversion" for unicode, here'sa quote from the homepage:"Automatically translate from proper UTF-16LE nvarchar fields in thedatabase to UTF-8 Ruby Strings you can display in your application"As far as the local DB designer knows, we're not using UTF16-LE nvarcharfields, unless it's something that happens implicitly.Either way, this is how a query from the mssqlclient adapter might look:SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Item WHERE (Item.Itemnumber = N'45783745')Response time the first couple of times was upwards of 20+ seconds, afterthe sql server has "awaken from its slumber", it's roughly 4 seconds.Omitting the "N" from the WHERE clause, response time is in milliseconds (asone would expect, regardless of the fact that there's currently >2.5million items in the table).Any tips on how to resolve this? Is the SQL statement bad, or is it aquestion of configuring SQL Server correctly?Thanks in advance for any help,Daniel Buus :)--

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Using REPLACE With NCHAR In A Stored Procedure

Jul 20, 2005

I'm using replace in a stored procedure to eliminate carriage returnsa user might have entered in an Access field.The problem is that even though it seems to strip out the carriagereturn I can't get rid of the "□" character.This is my code:DECLARE @myReturn nvarchar(1)SELECT @myReturn = NCHAR(10)REPLACE(UserAddress,@myReturn,' ') AS myTEXTFor example, the user has entered:123 Oak StreetSuite 101What I get after running the replace is: 123 Oak Street □ Suite101lq

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Converting Nchar To Int (or Numeric/decimal)

Jun 20, 2007

Hi ,

I have a column in my extract table as nchar(3) and in the destination (the same column with diff name ) it is decimal(3,0) .....i tried to use dataconversion transformation.....i even tried to use cast/convert fn's in the SQL Command (which i use in the "Source Transformation" to get the columns from the extract table).

I tried all the ways i can and still i get the same error..:

[OLE DB Source [1]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.
An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E07. An OLE
DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider
for SQL Server" Hresult: 0x80040E07 Description: "Error
converting data type nvarchar to numeric.".

Can we actually do it...?? any help would be appreciated.



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Datatypes Nchar/nvarchar Vs Char/varchar

Dec 2, 2005

can anybody please explain me why microsoft using nvarchar/nchar instead of varchar/char in northwind database and pubs database. I know if a column holds unicode data you should use nvarchar or nchar but for me all those tables in northwind/pubs are not holding unicode data. but still why microsoft settled for nchar/nvarchar.

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How To Check Whether Nchar Columns Arabic Character Set?

Mar 5, 2008


How can I check whether an nchar column contains Arabic character set? The only allowed values that can go into this column are English and Arabic.

Salman Shehbaz.

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Data Types (char, Varchar, Nchar, Nvarchar, ...)

Jul 27, 2007

Could someone please help me by explaining which one is best to use and when?  For example, storing the word "Corona Del Mar" - which Data Type would be suggested?

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