Cannot Create A New Instance In Sqlserver 2005

Jul 14, 2006

I have installed sqlserver 2005 and by mistake i have made a default instance. I previously had sqlserver 2000 installed on my machine. Now I want to create a new instance of sqlserver 2005 but dont know how to do it .... Please help me on this

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Question About Instance Name On Sqlserver 2005 And Sqlcmd

May 1, 2006

I am using sqlcmd for SQL server 2005. I install sql2005 with default instance name. It should be MSSQLSERVER.
However, when using sqlcmd, like sqlcmd -S (local)MSSQLSERVER, it always aborts and suggests a wrong connection string.
I try to find any instance name under servername, but I can't find a command argument with sqlcmd.
So how can I solve the connection string problem? I can connect to the server using "sqlcmd -s (local)" though.
Or, how can I find the instance name of the server?  Or maybe any gramma error using sqlcmd to access instance name?
Thanks for your any inputs.

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How Can I Create A New Instance Under SQL 2005?

Aug 10, 2006

I have a clean SQL 2005 install, and would like to setup a new/empty instance for an application suite (3rd party) to reside in.

Is there any way to do this?

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How Do I Create A New Instance Of SQL Server 2005

Nov 27, 2007

I have access to a server with sql server 2005 workgroup edition. It runs an instance of sql server for this huge application we use. I would like to create a new instance of Sql server 2005 so I can play around with it and learn how to use the 2005 version. How can you create a new instance? I want this instance to run alongside the current instance.  I can't find out how to do this anywhere. I'm sure it's possible though.  Thanks 

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How Can We Create New SQL SERVER 2005 Database Instance

Feb 5, 2008

In my machine , we were used befour sql server2000 and now we are using sql server 2005 ,
So, I have both 2000 and 2005 installed on my machine ,
on my machine i am working on Custome Paging and one function ROW_NUMBER() is not working ,because of i think i am still working on 2000 instance on locally,
Can any one know how can we create an instance of sqlserver 2005 database and work with that?
I want to work with sql server 2005.

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Create A TO_DATE Function For Use In SQLServer 2005

Feb 28, 2008

Hi ,

I 'm working with visual studio 2005 and I have created an SQLServer Project.
I'm using the CLR functionality which comes with SQLserver 2005. This means that I can write VB.nEt code and use it inside Sqlserver 2005.So far so good.
I am now inside the .NET
I have created a Function(must remind you that I have created an SQLserver Project) which takes two string arguments. The date value in a string format and the string format.

In Our case the function returns a string.It will return a datetime although.
So we have

Dim Datetime_Val As DateTime = Nothing
Dim Date_Val As Date = Nothing
Dim StrTemp As String = ""
Dim StrDateTemp As String = Nothing
Dim StrTimeTemp As String = Nothing
Dim ls_return As String = Nothing
Dim lindexof As Integer
Dim Counter As Integer = 0

lindexof = 0
Select Case StrFormat
For Counter = 1 To 2
lindexof = StrDate.IndexOf("-", lindexof + 1)
lindexof += 5

StrDateTemp = StrDate.Substring(0, lindexof).Trim
StrTimeTemp = StrDate.Substring(StrDateTemp.Length, StrDate.Length - StrDateTemp.Length).Trim
ls_return = StrDateTemp & " " & StrTimeTemp

End Select

The above is a simple code. As you can see I'm trying to convert the TO_DATE function ,which work with ORACLE, to make it work with SQLServer 2005.
I've been trying unsuccessfully to combine the variables StrDateTemp and StrTimeTemp into a datetime value. I used the following code but nothing

Datetime_Val = CDate(StrDateTemp & " " & StrTimeTemp)
Didn't work

Datetime_Val = Convert.ToDateTime(StrDateTemp & " " & StrTimeTemp)
Didn't work

Datetime_Val = DateTime.Parse(StrDateTemp & " " & StrTimeTemp)
Didn't work

Inside SQlServer I used this SQL statement

Select dbo.TO_DATE('31-12-1990 00:26:46','DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MIS')

But I am receiveing an error. I want to avoid changing all of my applications with a specific format.This sql statement without the dbo prefix I'm using in Oracle. I want to keep the format of the SQL and let VB.NET do the parsing for me. It is easier for me to put in my SQLs the dbo infront rather changing the complete SQL.
I have two questions . How am I going to create a TO_DATE function which Oracle uses and write something similar in SQLserver ?
And If I cannot do that how am I going to get the database 's datetime format and create with VB.NET the Datetime value from the two variables ?

My problem I believe is quite complex. I would be mostly appreciated if you could help me on this.

Thank you

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How To Create An Additional Sql Server 2005 Named Instance

Jul 16, 2007

If i initially installed SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition using the "default instance", how do i create an additional (new) SQL Server 2005 (90) "named instance" without reinstalling SQL Server 2005?

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Correct Way To Create Indices? SQLServer Express 2005

Feb 22, 2006

Apologies if this has been asked before, i've done a search but can't find a definitive answer.
I've created a table in an SQLExpress 2005 db using Server Managment Studio Express.
 My intention is to use GUID fields as surrogate PK's. I therefore wanted to add a additional index to prevent duplicate records being added to the table. Not having used SQLServer before could someone confirm or deny that this is the correct way to do this. The PK field [EPISODEID{unique identifier}] is set as a non-clustered index. And i've created a second clustered index using the two fields that create a unique record. I've added a screen shot if that is any help.


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Create A Named Instance On Top Of A Default Instance

Apr 13, 2007


I've never had to do this, but when I downloaded the Web Workflow Approvals Starter Kit, it requested that I install the database into a User Instance of .SQLEXPRESS.

Now the problem is, I've installed it onto a default instance, so I was wondering whether you can create a named instance on top of a default instance... and if so, how would you do that?



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VS 2005 Error 'Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object' With Integration Services Project Create Failure

May 22, 2008

Just installed VS 2005 & SQLServer 2005 clients on my workstation. When trying to create a new Integration Services Project and start work in the designer receive the MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' dialog box with message "Creating project 'Integration Services project1'...project creation failed."

Previously I had SQLServer 2000 client with the little VS tool that came with it installed. Uninstalled these prior to installing the 2005 tools (VS and SQLServer).

I'm not finding any information on corrective action for this error.

Any one have this problem and found the solution?


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How To Create, Install And Deploy Dts File For Sqlserver 2000 And Dtsx File For 2005 ?

Apr 24, 2007


I am looking for tutorials about how to create dts et dtsx files.

Thanks for your help.


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DB Connection From File Vs Local SQLServer Instance

Feb 12, 2007

I want to add a data source to a C# project that comes from a local SQLServer instance. But when I attempt to do a new connection, it only allows me to specify a file. That is, the only choices I have to select a data source type are "Access DB file" and "SQL Server DB file". I know that with the non-express VS edition there are more choices available. But reviewing limitations of express editions on the web, I find a frequent mention that one cannot access remote data, only a locally installed data source. But is not a SQL Server instance on my local machine a local data source?

This is an issue because if I proceed with connecting as a file, then VC#Express complains the file is in use. If I first go into SqlServer Expresss and detach the database there, then I can connect to it in VC#Express, but that is rather cumbersome!

So to put it another way, can I use this connection string...

Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=testDB;Integrated Security=True

instead of this one?

Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory| estDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True

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Problem Unicode Data 0x2300 In SQLServer 2000 SQLServer 2005 Express

Sep 20, 2006

Hi experts;
I have a problem with unicode character 0x2300
I created this table
create table testunicode (Bez nchar(128))

Insert Data
insert into testunicode (Bez)values('Œ€„¢')
with 2 Unicode characters
Œ€ = 0x2300
„¢ = 0x2122

Selecting the data
select Bez from testunicode
I see

„¢ = 0x2122 is ok but instead of 0x2300 there is 0x3f

When I modify the insert statement like that ( 8960 = 0x2300 )
insert into testunicode (Bez)values(NCHAR(8960)+'„¢')

and select again voila i see
Does anyone have an idea?


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Trying To 'load' A Copy Of A SQLServer 2000 Database To SQLServer 2005 Express

Apr 18, 2008

I am trying to 'load' a copy of a SQLServer 2000 database to SQLServer 2005 Express (on another host). The copy was provided by someone else - it came to me as a MDF file only, no LDF file.

I have tried to Attach the database and it fails with a failure to load the LDF. Is there any way to bypass this issue without the LDF or do I have to have that?

The provider of the database says I can create a new database and just point to the MDF as the data source but I can't seem to find a way to do that? I am using SQL Server Management Studio Express.


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Replacing Sqlserver 2000 With Sqlserver 2005 Express

Jun 14, 2006

I have an app that uses a sqlserver 2000 jdbc driver to connect to a sqlserver 2000.

Is it possible to do a direct replacement of sqlserver 2000 with sqlserver 2005 express just by reconfiguring the app to point to the express? The app would still be using the sqlserver 2000 jdbc driver to try and make the connection.

If that is a possibility, what can be some differences in the configuration? Previously with 2000 the config information I entered is:

server name: "machinename"( or ip). I've also tried "machiname/SQLEXPRESS"

DB name: name of db instance

port: 1433(default)

user and pass.

My attempts so far results in

"java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Error establishing socket."


"java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Unable to connect. Invalid URL."

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Upgrade SQLServer Mobile (.sdf) Database To SQLServer 2005

Feb 9, 2006


I have an SQLServer Mobile database, and I would like to know if there is a way to upgrade it to SQLServer 2005 (.mdf) database. My database has no records in it, just the structure (tables etc). What I am actually asking is if I can create automatically a new SQLServer 2005 Database with the same structure as my existin SQLSErver Mobile database

Thanks in advance,


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Creating Instance Of SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application Takes 30 Seconds

Jan 9, 2008

Hi guys, need help again.

I'm running packages from C# code and thus I need to create an instance of SqlServer.DTS.Runtime.Application.
In my maching, creating the application instance doesn't even take 1 sec but when the application was deployed to our QA server creating the instance took 30 secs (always ... every single time with no exception).

this single code is taking the 30 secs:

Application integrationService = New Application();

Does anyone have any idea what I need to check or configure to make this faster?

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The Report Services Instance Could Not Be Found (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.RSClient)

Feb 29, 2008

Hi all,

i need some help here.
1)i get this message when i tyr to connect to reporting Service in the SQL 2005 Management Studio
2) it seems like the permissions i set in the webiste http://sqlserver/reports (Report Manager) are not active...regular domain user to which i granted browser permissions to specific folder can brwose everything.
3) im not quite sure here, im not having a service labeled like Report& | $ Service . Some people say it must be in there...u know with the ampersand in the name of the confused

setup: 2003 Server R2, Active Directiry, SQL2005 STD

thx in advance for clarifying

bet tom

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SQLSERVER 2005 X64 Linked Server To SQLSERVER 7.0

Jun 20, 2007

Hello people.

I am in the process of planning a server upgrade to sql2005 x64.

I created 2 linked servers: one to a SQL2000 sp4 server and one to a SQL7.0 SP3.

I have the following error when I query the linked servers.
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "IVDM2K" returned message "Unspecified error".
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "IVDM2K" returned message "The stored procedure required to complete this operation could not be found on the server. Please contact your system administrator.".
Msg 7311, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot obtain the schema rowset "DBSCHEMA_TABLES_INFO" for OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "IVDM2K". The provider supports the interface, but returns a failure code when it is used.

I am aware of KB 906954.;en-us;906954

I applied the instcat.sql on the SQL2000SP4 server and my linked server issues for that one are gone.

However, I ran the instcat.sql script on the SQL7.0 sp3 server and the linked server is still giving me an issue.

Can someone help me find a solution to this?

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Connection String For Default Instance Of SQL Server 2005, On A Box Also Running A Named Instance Of SQL Server 2000

Nov 15, 2007

The box I am trying to connect to is running two instances of SQL Server.
There is a SQL Server 2005 instance which is the default. There is a SQL Server 2000 instance which is named 'SQLSERVER'.
 I can connect to the SQL Server 2000 instance no problem:<add key="ConnectionString" value="server=MYPCSQLSERVER;database=mydatabase;user id=****;password=****" />
However,  I am having trouble connecting to the Default SQL Server 2005 instance. I have tried:
<add key="ConnectionString" value="server=MYPC;database=mydatabase;user id=****;password=****" />
 but it doesn't work. I have tried explicitly setting SQL Server 2005 to use port 1434 (as SQL Server 2000 is running on port 1433), and then used:
<add key="ConnectionString" value="server=MYPC,1434;database=mydatabase;user id=****;password=****" />
but this doesn't work either.
Am I mssing something here? Any help much appreciated

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Is It Possible To Create More Than One Instance In SQL 7.0?

Dec 8, 2000

Hi everybody,

In Oracle, we can create any no. of instances on a single machine and each instance will have
a separate database. Like that, is it possible to create more than one instance on a single machine.
and also is it possible to create instances in SQL Server Version 7.0.

Any help would be appreciated.

tks in advance,

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Create Second Instance

May 8, 2007

Hi to every one,

i am pavan working as Oracle DBA. now i am learning sqlserver2000.
b cos i need to maintain one sqlserver database.

i have one doubt. i installed sql server 2000 in my machine. now i want to creace second instance on same machie. how can i do it.

i heared we can maintain 32 servers in single machine in sql server

how can i create second instance.
and any one send me pdf /documentation on sqlserver 2000


Associate Oracle DBA

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Create A New Instance

Oct 18, 2007


I have Ms project server 2007 and SQL Enterprise 2005. I want to create a OLAP cubes. I follow the installation guides but I don't have MSSQL.2 directory.

How i create this? I read it is necessary to create an instance, but how i do that? I'm not a expert in SQL.


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Can't Create A New Instance After SQL SP2

May 14, 2007

Hi I'm a newb with zero knowledge of SQL!

I have a SBS 2003 R2 Prem box with instances for Sharepoint, WSUS, MSFW and SBSMonitoring.

I have installed SP2 for SQL2005 but now I can't use the SBS CD to create a new instance or a default instance because it is an older version than SP2.

Can anyone advise how to create a default and/or new instance?

Many thanks in advance.

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Create New Instance

Nov 8, 2007

How i can create new instance for sqlserver 2005?

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When To Create A New Instance

Apr 25, 2007

I am using SQL Server 2005 and need to add a set of Database tables and other objects for each user of an application.

The simplest way seems to be to duplicate the database inside the same instance. What are the guidelines/pros/cons for determining when you should create a new named instance versus just adding more databases to the same instance.



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Help - How Do I Create A New Instance

Nov 16, 2006

Hi Guys

Im new to SQL and I need to create a new instance ???


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How To Create A New Named Instance

Feb 3, 2006


I did install SQL-server developer edition. During the installation it asked me the name of de instance. I let the installation create the default Named instance.

Now I want to add an instance with a new name. What is the best way to do this? Is this the same as creating a Notification service?


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How To Create Instance Name And Password

Dec 26, 2007

In a previous answer about beginning to use SQL Server 2005 Studio you say "Mention your Instance name /user name and password to connect to the server. "

Please advise where I should go to creat the instance name and password. It appears my Studio is running but I have not been asked for an "Instance Name" or password. What, exactly, does instance name mean and how can I tell if I have everything installed correctly?
Thank you.

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Create SQL Server Instance

Feb 19, 2008

I've uninstalled SQL Server Express and installed SQL Server Enterprise, all the tools where installed, but it didn't installed any server (instance?), and the old {local}SQLEXPRESS is still there, but it really doesn't exist.

- I look up at mipc/manage and there's no sql server running.
- I try to add an instance using the surface configuration, but it gave my this error:

Code Snippet

No SQL Server 2005 components were found on the specified computer. Either no components are installed, or you are not an administrator on this computer. (SQLSAC)
How do I completly remove sql server from my computer, or, how do I add an instance of sql server?

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Not Be Able To Reinstall SQLServer 2005 After SQLServer 2005 SP I

May 9, 2006

Hi every body,

I have SQLServer 2005 runs well for months and stop working after install SqlServer2005 SP1. I try to reinstall the SQLServer 2005 but I have problem when install work station component on my and the error is "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor". Please help me to fix this bug. I do not want to reformat my machine.

John Dang

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How Can I Create New Instance In My Computer Or Any Server ?

Jun 26, 2007

If there is one instance in a server and I would like to create another instance, what should I do ?????
Or if my computer is not included any instance, How can I create new instance on my computer ? 
Please give me any suggestions ......

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Could Not Create An Instance Of OLE DB Provider 'BULKIMPORTSTREAM'.

Feb 10, 2005

Run this script:

bulk insert viewdisp
from 'd:downloadsassessment05_preloadviewdisp.txt'
with (
datafiletype = 'widechar',
firstrow = 1,
maxerrors = 0

Get this error:

Could not create an instance of OLE DB provider 'BULKIMPORTSTREAM'.
OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error: CoCreate of DSO for BULKIMPORTSTREAM returned 0x80040154].

SQL Server 2000 - SP3a
Logged in as sa with system admin, bulk insert admin, dbo, ddl admin, local admin, king of the world... you name it.

Is this a OLE DB Driver or MDAC issue?

Anyone else ever had this issue. You would think that Microsoft would have all of their error messages on their own WebSite, but that must be too much trouble for them.

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