Cannot Create A Order By View
May 22, 2006
I am trying to create a simple view which uses self joins. I want the final result order by. I am able to create the view using Top clause followed by order by but when I simply query the view it does not appear in the correct order. Can some body help me with the issue.
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vw_SalesRep_Chaining]
SELECT Top 100 percent Rep_id AS RepId,
Rep_cd AS RepCode,
Region as Region,
CASE WHEN Market IN ('Arizona - North', 'Arizona - South', 'Gtr TX / New Mexico') THEN 'Arizona / New Mexico'
WHEN Market IN ('L.A. Metro - West', 'L.A. Metro - North', 'L.A. Metro - East') THEN 'LA Metro'
WHEN Region = 'Western' AND Market NOT IN ('Arizona - North', 'Arizona - South', 'Gtr TX / New Mexico', 'L.A. Metro - West', 'L.A. Metro - North', 'L.A. Metro - East') THEN 'Western - Other'
ELSE '' END AS Sub_Region,
UPPER(Regional_Manager) AS Regional_Manager,
Rep_Manager_id AS SalesManager,
UPPER(MarketManager) AS MarketManager,
New_Position AS NewPosition,
Rep_Status AS RepStatus,
UPPER(Rep_Payroll_name) AS PayrollName
FROM (SELECT SalesRep_GUID, Rep_id, Rep_cd, Rep_Payroll_name, Rep_SSN, Rep_Status, Hire_dt, Termination_dt, Commission_start_dt,
Rep_Manager_id, Region, Market, New_Position, Validity_start_dt, Validity_end_dt, Load_interval_id, Create_process_id, current_ind
FROM dbo.SalesRep
WHERE (current_ind = 1) AND (New_Position IN ('SC1', 'SC2', 'SC3', 'MSO')) AND (Region NOT IN ('Emerging Market')) OR
(current_ind = 1) AND (New_Position IS NULL) AND (Region IN ('TeleSales')) AND (Region NOT IN ('Emerging Market'))) AS A
INNER JOIN (SELECT Rep_id RepId, Rep_Payroll_name as MarketManager, Rep_Manager_id as RSM
FROM dbo.SalesRep AS SalesRep_2
WHERE (current_ind = 1)) AS B
ON A.Rep_Manager_id = B.Repid
INNER JOIN (SELECT Rep_id RepId1, Rep_Payroll_name as Regional_Manager FROM dbo.SalesRep AS SalesRep_1
WHERE (current_ind = 1)) AS C
ON B.RSM = C.Repid1
Order by Rep_Id, Rep_Cd
This is the script I have used to create the view. But when is simply query the view it does not appear in the order of Rep_Id, Rep_Cd
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Jan 20, 2015
We are having trouble figuring out how to create a view for this scenario:
We have a status log table that holds an order number, statusdatetime, and statuscode. This table will have multiple status' for the same order number. I want to create a view that will give me the most current status (by statusdatetime) of each order number. This view would show: order number, statusdatetime, and statuscode.
Here is a sample of the data:
Order numberStatusDateTimeStatusCode
1234512/15/2014 15:00CREATE
1234512/15/2014 16:30CONFIRMED
4567812/16/2014 08:00CREATE
9876412/18/2014 12:00CREATE
9876412/19/2014 08:00CONFIRMED
4567812/17/2014 09:30CONFIRMED
4567812/19/2014 15:30IN-TRANSIT
So my view should result in :
Order numberStatusDateTimeStatusCode
1234512/15/2014 16:30CONFIRMED
9876412/19/2014 08:00CONFIRMED
4567812/19/2014 15:30IN-TRANSIT
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May 18, 2006
I have created view by jaoining two table and have order by clause.
The sql generated is as follows
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.UWYearDetail.*, dbo.UWYearGroup.*
dbo.UWYearGroup ON dbo.UWYearDetail.UWYearGroupId = dbo.UWYearGroup.UWYearGroupId
ORDER BY dbo.UWYearDetail.PlanVersionId, dbo.UWYearGroup.UWFinancialPlanSegmentId, dbo.UWYearGroup.UWYear, dbo.UWYearGroup.MandDFlag,
dbo.UWYearGroup.EarningsMethod, dbo.UWYearGroup.EffectiveMonth
If I run sql the results are displayed in proper order but the view only order by first item in order by clause.
Has somebody experience same thing? How to fix this issue?
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Jul 24, 2012
Write a CREATE VIEW statement that defines a view named Invoice Basic that returns three columns: VendorName, InvoiceNumber, and InvoiceTotal. Then, write a SELECT statement that returns all of the columns in the view, sorted by VendorName, where the first letter of the vendor name is N, O, or P.
This is what I have so far,
SELECT VendorName, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceTotal
From Vendors JOIN Invoices
ON Vendors.VendorID = Invoices.VendorID
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Aug 4, 2004
Hi All,
I'm trying to create a proc for granting permission for developer, but I tried many times, still couldn't get successful, someone can help me? The original statement is:
Create PROC dbo.GrantPermission
@user1 varchar(50)
Grant create table to @user1
Grant create view to @user1
Grant create Procedure to @user1
Thanks Guys.
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Jan 14, 2008
I have a view in SQL SERVER 2005 which includes ORDER BY in my SQL expression.
When I press "execute", the results of the view come out ordered by the selected field, as they should be.
When I close the view and choose "Open View", the results come out not ordered. The same thing happens when I'm trying to show the results in a GridView.
Why does it happen?
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Feb 7, 2006
I have to provide the Order by Value from Front End (VB) to the DB , so that I can receive the Crystal Report in the order that I have given.
thanks in advance... :confused:
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Feb 21, 2006
In MSSql,"Order by" and "distinct" can be used in view?
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Feb 6, 2004
i m required to use order by in a view, how to do it, simple order by doesn't work for it, any other way,i have heard there is one in oracle, but wat abt SQL Server???:confused:
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Jan 11, 2007
I have make a view where i have a order by
when i execute my view in modify my result are allright
but when i say open view to see my view it is not
in order by.
I use the view in a asp site to the internet and i can't use order by here
because the field i orderby shall not come up in my site, i only use this field
to order by
Hope someone can help
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Apr 12, 2006
I have currently a problem with setting up the permissions for some developers. My configuration looks like this.
DB A is the productive database.
DB B is a kind of "development" database.
Now we have a couple of users call them BOB, DAVID, ...
who are members of the db role db_reader and db_writer for the productive db a but they should be allowed to do nearly everything on db b.
Therefor I added them to the db role db_owner for db b.
For testing purposes I tried to "CREATE" a view TEST as BOB in database B but I received the error message
'Msg 262, Level 14, State 1, Procedure Test, Line 3
CREATE VIEW permission denied in database 'b'.'
I cross checked the permissions on db level and I even granted all available permissions on db level but nevertheless I receive this error message.
What's my mistake?
Of course it worked fine when I give them sysadmin rights but then they have far too much permissions.
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Apr 29, 2006
I have downloaded and installed SQL Server Express 2003 Adv.. I have created a new database in it and also a table called Customers. In that I have created one field called CustomerName as nvar(255). I have made 10 records by filling in the field with various names. I have then created a new view and asked it to order the records in descending order. When I save and show the view it shows the records still in the order that I inserted them not in descending alphabetical order. If I make it show in ascending order the same problem still occurs. Collation settings are correct for the computer at Latin1. However, I have tried a few others, but none make any difference. SQL Server Express 2003's view will not list my Customers in either ascending or decending alphabetical order. Can anyone give me any suggestions?
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Jan 24, 2006
I have the view below and if I use vwRouteReference as the rowsourcefor a combo box in an MS Access form or run "SELECT * FROMvwRouteReference" in SQL Query Analyzer, the rows don't come throughsorted by Numb.Everything I've read on the web suggests that including the TOPdirective should enable ORDERY BY in views. Does someone have an ideawhy the sorting is not working correctly for this particular view? thanks.CREATE VIEW vwRouteReferenceASSELECT TOP 100 PERCENT tblItem.ID,tblItem.Numb + ' - ' + tblQuestion.DescrPrimary AS FullName,tblItem.Numb, tblQuestion.DescrPrimary AS TypeFROM tblItem INNER JOIN tblQuestionON (tblItem.ID = tblQuestion.Item_ID)WHERE (((tblItem.Category_ID)>0))UNIONSELECT TOP 100 PERCENT tblItem.ID,tblItem.Numb + ' - ' + tblItem.Type + ' : ' + tblItem.Class AS FullName,tblItem.Numb, tblItem.Type + ' : ' + tblItem.Class AS TypeFROM tblItemWHERE (((tblItem.Type) = 'Assignment' OR (tblItem.Type) = 'Check' OR(tblItem.Type) = 'Route'))ORDER BY tblItem.Numb
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Dec 15, 2006
When I create a view in SQL and include an ORDER BY clause i can see itin Management Studio. However, when I call the same view from an ASPpage the order goes completely haywire.Any ideas?
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Sep 21, 2007
I have created a view which uses 3 tables, i also have a sort on one of the columns. However when I open the view the sort does not work. It does however sort the view correctly when executing the query within design view
Can anyone explain this or is it a bug within SQL Server Express 2005?
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Sep 22, 2006
Hi there,
I have a view created using the following code. The view works perfectly but does not order by the name column as I've asked it to do. In the view designer if I click on execute then the order is applied but if I save the view and run it externally (i.e. in an ASP page or within the management terminal) it does not order correctly and seems to order by the Id column.
Any help would be much appreciated. Here's the code:
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.Members.DivisionID, COUNT(*) AS Members, dbo.Country.Name
dbo.Country ON dbo.Members.DivisionID = dbo.Country.CountryID AND dbo.Members.CountryID = dbo.Country.CountryID
GROUP BY dbo.Members.DivisionID, dbo.Country.Name
ORDER BY dbo.Country.Name
And another, more simpler view, that doesn't sort as it's supposed to.
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT CountryID, Name, RegionID, IsActive, HasFlag, URL, Comments
FROM dbo.Country
Many thanks,
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Feb 11, 2006
I've a problem with a created view in sqlserver2000 that I'm now using in sqlserver2005.
This is the view :
FROM hsarti01 WITH(index(hsarti01_PK))
ORDER BY 1,2 desc,3,4
When I do the "select * from hsarti01_VD1" in sql server 2000, I see in the result that the order by is been using. but in sql server 2005 it's just using the order of the primary key and not the order by !
Has anyone have a solution for it ?
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May 27, 2008
I built a view that runs against the aspnet_WebEvent_Events table, part of the ASP.Net Health Monitoring.
Here is the view SQL:
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT EventTime, EventType, EventSequence, EventOccurrence, EventCode, EventDetailCode, Message, ApplicationPath,
ApplicationVirtualPath, MachineName, RequestUrl, ExceptionType, Details
FROM dbo.aspnet_WebEvent_Events
What I found is that when the query is ran within the View Designer that the view is ordered by the correct EventTime (datetime) field.
But when the view is ran from right-clicking on the view and selecting "Open View" the order by does not take place.
Why is this happening and how do I fix it?
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Aug 14, 2000
I had given one of our developers create view permissions, but he wants to also modify views that are not owned by him, they are owned by dbo.
I ran a profiler trace and determined that when he tries to modify a view using query designer in SQLem or right clicks in SQLem on the view and goes to properties, it is performing a ALTER VIEW. It does the same for dbo in a trace (an ALTER View). He gets a call failed and a permission error that he doesn't have create view permissions, object is owned by dbo, using both methods.
If it is doing an alter view how can I set permissions for that and why does it give a create view error when its really doing an alter view? Very confusing.
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Jun 11, 2015
I'm just wondering what is the resolution or execution order for a query like this (simplified version):
from NatSales
where CurrentFlag = 1
and ValidTo <> '9999-99-99'
Select * from ClosedSales
where CustomerId = 10
The thing I want to know is:
- If first the complete dataset from the view is calculated and the the CustomerId=10 filter is applied
- Or the CustomerId=10 condition is added to the where clause in the view definition
My real case is much more complex but that is an interesting point in my performance analysis.
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Dec 13, 2005
This works fine in SQL 2000, but not in SQL 2005
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May 26, 2008
I have few views in SQL Server 2005. In Design View, the results of View are ok. In OPEN VIEW option, records are not sorted correctly, ORDER BY is ignored.
What could be the reason for this ?
Thanks a lot in advance!
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Apr 8, 2008
help with solution for use order BY inside function and VIEW on the sql server
i explain the problem
i am a web developer in asp page
i BUY an DATA grid object for my web site
the problem in this object i can use only ONE field to use ORDER BY
can i store in the sql server function and VIEW that change the ORDER of the result inside the sql server ?
so whan i do
FROM dbo.tb_pivot_big
the sql server ORDER for ME the result and run this (inside the sql server )
Code Snippet
FROM dbo.tb_pivot_big
ORDER BY new_unit, Fname ASC, val_orginal desc
TNX for help
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Aug 24, 2006
I have a table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tx1]( [f1] [nvarchar](50) , [seq] [int] IDENTITY(1000,1) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]
FROM dbo.tx1
f1 seq
zz 1003
uu 1002
kk 1001
yy 1000
create view vx1 as
SELECT top 100 percent *
FROM dbo.tx1
select * from vx1
yy 1000
kk 1001
uu 1002
zz 1003
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Feb 5, 2007
In SQL 2K...i need to write a script that writes a script that creates all views in the order that they are nested and I am feeling lazy. Does anyone have anything handy?For example if View_BOB says...CREATE VIEW VIEW_BOBASSELECT COL_1 FROM VIEW_JOHNI need the script to generate a script that creates View_JOHN before View_BOB.
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Jun 6, 2007
Hope you are all well and having a good day.
I've got a problem i would like you to help me out with. My
company has got a client who sells meat and my senior tech lead
has customized the cart to fit their needs and have created a
despatch table with a "simple asp form" that allows them
to scan their products in with a wi-fi scanner.
The despatch table has the following fields:
1. OrderID
2. Product
3. Quantit
4. sellbydate
5. traceabilitycode and
6. Weight
Question 1: how do i create a form in asp that allow a user to
view the order no, product and quantity
celibate,traceabilitybycode and Weight after scanning the
details into the simple form created?
Question 2: How can i create an asp form that allows users to
search for the Order that populates the orderid, Product,
Question 3: How can i create an asp for that allows users to
search for Product with orderid,traceabilitycode and quantity?
Question 4: How can i create an asp form that allows users to
Trace: Orderid, traceabilitycode, sellbydate and Quantity?
Please find below the source code of both the:
despatchLotsRowsSimpleForm.asp that allow them to scan details
into the table and the despatchLotsExec.asp:
<!#include file="../includes/settings.asp">
<!#include file="../includes/getSettingKey.asp">
<!#include file="../includes/sessionFunctions.asp">
<!#include file="../includes/databaseFunctions.asp">
<!#include file="../includes/screenMessages.asp">
<!#include file="../includes/currencyFormat.asp">
on error resume next
dim mySQL, connTemp, rsTemp
' get settings
pStoreFrontDemoMode =
pCurrencySign = getSettingKey("pCurrencySign")
pDecimalSign = getSettingKey("pDecimalSign")
pCompany = getSettingKey("pCompany")
pAuctions = getSettingKey("pAuctions")
pAllowNewCustomer = getSettingKey("pAllowNewCustomer")
pNewsLetter = getSettingKey("pNewsLetter")
pStoreNews = getSettingKey("pStoreNews")
pSuppliersList = getSettingKey("pSuppliersList")
pRssFeedServer = getSettingKey("pRssFeedServer")
<%=getMsg(10024,"Enter despatch ...")%>
The despatchExec.asp Page
' WebShop 3.0x Shopping Cart
' Developed using ASP
' August-2002
' Email(E-Mail address blocked: See forum rules) for further information
' (URL address blocked: See forum rules)
' Details: add e-mail to newsletter list
<!--#include file="../includes/settings.asp"-->
<!--#include file="../includes/getSettingKey.asp"-->
<!--#include file="../includes/databaseFunctions.asp"-->
<!--#include file="../includes/stringFunctions.asp"-->
<!--#include file="../includes/miscFunctions.asp"-->
<!--#include file="../includes/screenMessages.asp"-->
<!--#include file="../includes/sendMail.asp"-->
on error resume next
dim mySQL, connTemp, rsTemp, pEmail
' get settings
pStoreFrontDemoMode = getSettingKey("pStoreFrontDemoMode")
pCurrencySign = getSettingKey("pCurrencySign")
pDecimalSign = getSettingKey("pDecimalSign")
pCompany = getSettingKey("pCompany")
pEmailSender= getSettingKey("pEmailSender")
pEmailAdmin= getSettingKey("pEmailAdmin")
pSmtpServer= getSettingKey("pSmtpServer")
pEmailComponent= getSettingKey("pEmailComponent")
pDebugEmail= getSettingKey("pDebugEmail")
pGiftRandom= getSettingKey("pGiftRandom")
pPercentageToDiscount= getSettingKey("pPercentageToDiscount")
pStoreLocation = getSettingKey("pStoreLocation")
' form
pidOrder = lcase(getUserInput(request.form("idOrder"),50))
pProduct = lcase(getUserInput(request.form("product"),50))
pQuantity = lcase(getUserInput(request.form("quantity"),50))
pPriceToDiscount = 0
' insert despatch
mySQL="INSERT INTO despatch2 (idOrder, product, quantity ) VALUES ('"
&pidOrder& "', '" &pProduct& "', '" &pQuantity&
call updateDatabase(mySQL, rstemp, "despatchExec")
pBody=getMsg(10025,"Despatch confirmed...") &VBcrlf&
getMsg(311,"To opt-out click at:") & " (URL address blocked: See
forum rules)="&pEmail
response.redirect "redit_message.asp?message="&Server.Urlencode(getMsg(10025,"Despatch confirmed"))
call closeDb()
Thank you for your help in advance..
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Jan 8, 2001
When I use following command it works fine.
CREATE VIEW dbo.[ikw_custom]
SELECT * FROM rns_keyword.dbo.ikw_custom
but if I use following command with condition it gives me an error.
if not exists(select * from sysobjects where name ='ikw_custom' and type='V')
CREATE VIEW dbo.[ikw_custom]
SELECT * FROM rns_keyword.dbo.ikw_custom
help will be appriciated.
Thanks in advance
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Apr 15, 2006
I am learning how to work with MSSQL
here is what I like to do
I have a table with URLs like this "" I need to create a view that will insert this "http://" before "" can some please let me know what I need to do
Thank you
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Sep 25, 2005
Hello All;
I'm new to SQL, and developing my first application using SQL 2000 as the back end for my data.
Can anyone tell me if I can create an SQL View from VBA?
I'm trying to create a data view that access various records from a single table, and it has to distribute that data 2 14 different subforms, representing different days in a 2 week period, which is distingiushed by a field called "Day", that is numbered from 1 to 14.
I also have a summary subform that has the weekly summary (days 1 to 7 and 8 to 14) on seperate subforms. In total I have 16 subforms, which actually source from a single table, just split depending on the day in the period.
As I see it now, creating views iis the best way for me to go, but I also have to be able to change the period id on the fly, so I'm think I have to use VBA to generate these views.
Does any of this make sense, and am I on the right track??
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Mar 18, 2006
hi,if the below query
select DISTINCT group_module_menu_info.menulink FROM
user_group_role_info,group_role_module_info,group_ module_menu_info
where user_group_role_info.userid=user_table.userid and
((group_module_menu_info.moduleid = user_group_role_info.moduleid)OR
(user_group_role_info.roleid=group_role_module_inf o.roleid and
group_module_menu_info.moduleid = group_role_module_info.moduleid))
if i want to create a view
how ?
thank you!
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Jan 26, 2006
Create a view showing every order that was shipped to Spain. Name the destination column "DestinationSpain". Include code that checks if the view already exists. If it does, it should be dropped and re-created.
Use Northwind
DROP VIEW Spain_Orders
CREATE VIEW Spain_Orders
FROM Orders
WHERE ShipCountry = 'Spain'
this is what I get.
server: Msg 3701, Level 11, State 5, Line 1
Cannot drop the view 'Spain_Orders', because it does not exist in the system catalog.
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Nov 29, 2007
I know IIf doesn't exist in SQL. However, I am creating a view and want to check the value of a field and if it is 1 the field returns 'This value' if it is 2 then 'That value' , if 3 then 'Another value'.
How can I do this ?
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi Gurus,I'm a beginner. Would you please tell me if it's possible to create a viewhaving a calcuated column based on the condition of the column on the sqltable.create view vwImaging ASselectEmpID, LastName, FirstName, EmpTag = 'Act' ifFROM tblPerPayI have a table EMP:SSN (char 9)A view giving a formatted SSN (XXX-XX-XXXX,) a--Message posted via
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