Cannot Create Diagram In SQL 2005

Nov 29, 2006

i get the following message

Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects.

I am the db owner but still wouldnt let me install and create diagrams.



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Not Able To Create A DB Diagram In SQL Server 2005. No Menu Option For Creating A DB Diagram??

Apr 23, 2007

I have created a database with several tables. I want to create a database diagram to show the relationshipbetween the tables. Below are the steps from the SQL Server 2005 documentation on how to create a database diagram. The problem is that when I right click on the Database Diagrams folder I am only given two options. They are:"Working with SQL Server diagrams" and "Refresh"There is no menu choice to create a new database diagram. Can anyone tell me what the problem here is?
To create a new database diagramIn Object Explorer, right-click the Database Diagrams folder or any diagram in that folder.
Choose New Database Diagram on the shortcut menu.
The Add Table dialog box appears.
Select the required tables in the Tables list and click Add.
The tables are displayed graphically in the new database diagram.

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How To Create A Data Diagram In SQL Server 2005 Management Studio For A SQL Server 2000 Database

Jan 9, 2008

I have an old database created in SQL Server 2000,
now I can open, access it in SQL Server 2005 Management Studio, but I can't create Data Diagrams.
Please advise on how to make it work....
Thank you

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Cannot Create Db Diagram

Apr 19, 2006

When trying to create a DB diagram on my local SQL Server 2005 db, I get the following error:
cannot insert the value null into column "diagram_id"
I have searched the web and can't seem to find anything on this.
I just simply drag one table from my local db onto the diagram windows and try to Save it and that's what I get. I'm able to save diagrams on a networked SQL Server.
Does anybody know how I can resolve this issue?

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Is It Possible To Create A Diagram?

Mar 22, 2007


I€™m trying to create a DB for my course at Uni and as far as I€™m aware to create a DB on my desktop at home I need to use CE.

So I created a new DB in CE and then created some tables and I now want to create a relationship diagram but there isn€™t an option to do it. In the toolbar the relationship icon is permanently greyed out and unusable and there isn€™t a node in object explorer.

Can this be done and am I just missing something obvious? I€™m running it on Vista and I have installed the latest SP, could that cause any problems?

Im going crazy and any help would be greatly appreciated!



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How To Create Subtype Tb By Using This ER-Diagram?

Jun 26, 2007

Hello.. I have a problem only on this relation (supertype and subtype) I have no idea how to create the table in MSSQL2000. I have try all the way that I can guess.. but unfortunately I can't solve this problem >,< I try to build it in diagram but can't.. in diagram I can create only normal relation.. would you please help or advise me some SQL code or the way to create it.. thank you in advance!

Supertype and Subtype ER-Diagram is below:

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Data Modeling - Create ER Diagram?

Mar 4, 2014

I have a case study requesting to create an ER diagram, with the attributes listed in each entity. The data I have is an Excel Spreadsheet listing:

Car Rental

The case is related to travel agency that specializes in booking interesting vacations for people who are single. Note that the travellers have a variety of travel bookings: some may rent a car and drive to the hotel at their destination, others may be staying with friends or relatives at their destination, while others will need flights, hotel and car rentals in their booking.

creation of the Tables and their attributes to Normalize the model to 3NF.

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Create Database Diagram And Send To User

Aug 11, 2014

I've been tasked to create a database diagram, save it and send that db diagram to the user. Now, I am confused as I don't know where sql server stores the db diagram...what is the path where it stores the diagram. How do I export it in case if I need to provide it to the user. How, am I supposed to grant user permission so he himself can create a database diagram.

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How To Create The ER Diagram For SQL Server Database Objects

Dec 15, 2006

Hi,I have to prepare an ER diagram for the objects in my SQL Serverdatabase. I have used the option "DIAGRAMS" in EnterPrise Manager ofSQL Server 2000. It is creating the diagram for the selected tables(but the diagram contains only the table which i have selected. It isnot displaying its depended tables). But i am not able to export it toany of the flat file like MS WORD or paint. I want this diagram to beuploaded to one Flat file and send to my customer for his reference.Could anyone suggest me how to create the ER Diagram for the SQL 2000database and export it to a flat file.Thanks for your help in advance.-Rao

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DB Design :: Create Diagram From Existing Database

Oct 22, 2015

Is it possible to create diagram from existing database? Need to understand the schema of database which has no documentation. So would like to create diagram for that database.

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DB Design :: Create Table On Given Data Model Diagram

Jul 27, 2015

I never created table on the basis of Data model diagram . I have to create the 3 table on the basis of given Data model diagram. There are 3 tables


I have tried to create 2 table but unable to create 3rd table.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[md_geographylevel](
[type_key] [int] NOT NULL,
[geog_key] [int] NOT NULL,
[Type_description] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[Store_flag] [nvarchar](10) NULL,
[Type_short_desciption] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

[Code] ....

I am getting difficulties to create table script for table


How to create the table create script for


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SQL Server 2012 :: Create Table On Given Data Model Diagram

Jul 27, 2015

I never created table on the basis of Data model diagram . I have to create the 3 table on the basis of given Data model diagram. There are 3 tables


I have tried to create 2 table but unable to create 3rd table. Need to review the script of first 2 table and to create table script for 3rd table.

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Visual Baisc 2005 Express Edition And SQL 2005 Database Diagram Tools

Jan 29, 2008


I have created a database using VB Express 2005 express edition and I have created number of tables and SP's etc.

I am trying to use the database diagram tool but I get an error stating that the database doesn't have a valid dbo. I say yes to the prompt about making myself a valid dbo but I then get a message stating that I do not have permissions to imprersonate the dbo.

How do I overocome this issue?



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How To Move Sql Diagram From One Sql Server 2005 To Another

Jun 25, 2007

how to move sql diagram from one sql server 2005 to another?

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Sql Server 2005 Diagram Support

Mar 30, 2006

For some reason, when I try to access a database diagram on our new 2005 SQL Server, I get the following error msg:
"Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner"
It then goes on to instruct me to either use Properties > Files or ALTER AUTHORIZATION to change the database owner.
Well, I've done that - and it clearly shows that there is an owner of the database, but even if I log in as that owner, the error msg continues to come up everytime I try to access Diagrams.
I found a post to run the following stored procedure which will set the sql server compatability level:
EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel database_name, 90
After running that in the query window of Management Stduio, I get the following msg below on the Messages tab:
"DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator."
I then try to create a new diagram again, and I get the same initial error (at the top of this post).
What do I need to do in order to create a DB diagram?

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SQL Server 2005 Db Diagram - Export?

Oct 9, 2006

I have a good size database (113 tables & views, each with an average of ~15 columns). I'd like to use SQL Server 2005 to create a basic table-layout diagram with fields for the DB, and then move that diagram to Visio or similar (even a bitmap) for additional annotations and updates. What I've seen so far with the tool that comes with SQL Server is that it's about good enough to do the initial generation and save me the work of having to type out the ~1600+ fields plus the relationships, but would be clumsy to use after that.

Unfortunately, so far I haven't seen a way to do any kind of export. It doesn't even want to let me print it (though it will, oddly, layout page-breaks for me). I'm currently using SSMS Standard edition (not express, but not pro either), so if that's the problem we do have a pro liscense for only one of the users here- I might be able to get him to do the export for me.

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SQL Server 2005 Database Diagram

Jul 30, 2007

Hi, guys. i tried to create a diagram for a database in SQL Server 2005.

After creating the diagram, there were no relationships indicated among the data. Why did this happen?

I've tried to create the diagrams on 2000 version with same database, it did list out all the relationships but why not 2005?

M i K e

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SQL 2005 Developers Diagram Question

Nov 23, 2005

I detached a SLQ 2000 database and reattached it in 2005 Developers.When I try to access the Diagrams, the below message is received. Mydomain account is owner. I'm local Admin on my machine. Shouldn't bea problem right? How do I add the Database Diagram Support Objects?TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio------------------------------Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because thisdatabase does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Filespage of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATIONstatement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add thedatabase diagram support objects.------------------------------BUTTONS:OK------------------------------

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SQL 2005 - Disappearing Relationships In DB Diagram

Jun 20, 2006

Relationships between tables disappear without explanation in thedatabase diagram using SQL Server 2005.Many thanks for any thoughts/questions on the topic!

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What Is Database Diagram In SQL Server 2005? How It Is Different From ERD?

Jan 12, 2008

My question is complete in Subject!

I need some inside of following?

Diff between database diagram (in SQL Server 2005) and Entity Relationship Diagram?

If database is developed in SQL Server 2005 then how we can generate its ER Diagram?

Thanks in advance!!!

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Database Diagram Error On SQL 2005

Jan 31, 2006

I upgraded from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005. The database owner is sa and I am
logging in as sa in Management Studio. But when I click on Database
diagrams I get the following error

"Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this
database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the
Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER
AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login,
then add the database diagram support objects."

How can I fix it?

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How Can I Create A One-to-one Relationship In A SQL Server Management Studio Express Relationship Diagram?

Mar 25, 2006

How can I create a one-to-one relationship in a SQL Server Management Studio Express Relationship diagram?

For example:
I have 2 tables, tbl1 and tbl2.

tbl1 has the following columns:
id {uniqueidentifier} as PK
name {nvarchar(50)}

tbl2 has the following columns:
id {uniqueidentifier} as PK
name {nvarchar(50)}
tbl1_id {uniqueidentifier} as FK linked to

If I drag and drop the column to tbl2 I end up with a one-to-many relationship. How do I create a one-to-one relationship instead?


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How To Start Creating DataBase Diagram In SqlServer 2005?

Feb 29, 2008

How can i start to create database diagram in Sqlserver 2005.
Please provide any URL(s).
Thanks and Regards,

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After I Create A Database Using Database Diagram In SQL Server7,there&#39;s Nothing To See In &#39;d

Jun 10, 2001

I am a beginner in learning SQLServer 7.And I learn it by using its own help file.
The only problem troubles me is that after I do some options in database diagram,there's nothing happen.And then no matter what I do,database diagram panel is always blank.

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Create A Relational Diagram From Non-relational Database

Aug 4, 2005

Hi all,
I am trying to create a diagram for our database, during the creating, I create some of the relationships which were not there(basically our original database is not relational database, that's why I am doing it)
So sometimes I have to chage data type in order to create a relationship for the coloumns in different tables. i.e. change char(16) to varchar(7) (I checked the field that make sure all the data in this field is <= 7 characters)

But when I saved the diagram, there is an error message that state:
Errors were encountered during the save process. Some of your database objects are not saved on your diagram.

'agent' table saved successfully
'VisitUSA' table
- Unable to create relationship 'FK_VisitUSA_agent'.
ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_VisitUSA_agent'. The conflict occurred in database 'CMC', table 'agent', column 'AgentCode'.

What does that mean? is it caused by some of the agentcode data in VisitUSA table which is not in agent table?

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Database Diagram Support Objects Cannot... Attaching Sql 2000 Db To Sql Server 2005

Jan 3, 2006


I've seen threads concerning this problem. I have followed the prescribed steps to fix the problem. I've set the db owner to sa, I've set compatibility to 2005. Still I can't get the diagram to function.

Can anyone out there help me?

Thanks, Bill

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Erd Diagram

May 12, 2005

Hi all,
How to make "ERD diagram" in SQL Server 2000.
plz discuss in detail
Thanx in advance

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ER Diagram

Sep 8, 2000

I am looking for the ER diagram of Sql Server systables.

I know it is somewhere in MSDN.

can any one give the URL or any source where i can find?

Advance Thanks

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ER Diagram

Feb 17, 2005

Is there any tool to generate ER diagram in sql server 2000. If not where can i generate an ER Diagram.


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ER Diagram

Feb 4, 2008


I'm a new to MS SQL server.Is there any way or freeware to generate
an ER diagram for a compony like e-bay.

Thanks in advance

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ER Diagram

Feb 20, 2008

I designed the ER diagram of some compony like blockbuster with some tables and i inserted 5 values in it.Now after creating the tables and inserting values i want to write a stored procedure to get members information,list all members with their age,member type name.So please help me writing the stored procedure.

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How To Have The DB Diagram

Nov 10, 2005

Hi all the SQL wizards there!!!I have a Data base consisting of 675 tables. There isn't any data basediagram created and not even any data is present in the system tablesto identify the realtionship betweeen the tables.i am planning to havethe realtionship created betweeen all the tables for easier access. Icouldn't figure out how to do that. Can anyone help me to relate thetables !!!!!!The Database in is in SQL server 2000.

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ER Diagram

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I'm a newbie to MS SQL server 2000. Is there any way or freeware to generatean ER diagram of a database??Thanks in advance,Wing

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