Cannot Find An Item In A Big Table

Nov 27, 2006

Hello people,

I have a table of 30,000 records on my handheld which runs windows 4.2 and sql me. When the item I am searching for is at the top of the table, the search finds it easily. When the item is in the middle or lower, it doesnt find it. I am not running out of memory and my database is on the local memory. Here is my code:

String query = "SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Barcode = " + TheReaderData.Text;

DataSet ds = GetDescription(query);

label2.Text = TheReaderData.Text;

label1.Text = "No description";

if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)


label2.Text = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]).ToString();

label1.Text = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[1]).ToString();



private DataSet GetDescription(string str)


DataSet ds = new DataSet();



System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeEngine theEngine = new SqlCeEngine(CONN_STRING);

if (!System.IO.File.Exists(DBFILE))




SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter(str, localDB);

da.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout = 6000;

da.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;



catch (Exception exce)


string total = exce.ToString();


return ds;


I hope there is some way to find the item in the object. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance, John.

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Find How An Item Ranks In A Table?

Feb 7, 2007

Is it possible to find the position of an item without retrieving all the records in the table?
I have a products table, and want to find out how its sales are doing within a particular category.
My table consists of the following columns of interest:
ProductID, CategoryID, ItemsSold.
So, how would I turn the following query into an (not sure if the terminology is correct) aggregate query?SELECT * FROM dbo.Products
WHERE CategoryID = 10
ORDER BY ItemsSoldAlso, is it possible to include the SUM() of the items (in the same category) in the aggregate function or would I need to perform a separate query?Any help would be very much appreciated.Thanks.

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How To Select The Last Identical Item# Until A Different Item# In The Table

Jul 12, 2007

Hello,Basically, I have a table with 2 fieldsId     item#1      33332      33333      22224      22225      22226      33337      33338      3333I would like to only select the last identical Item# which in this case would be  the id 6,7 and 8Any idea how could I do that?Thanks

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Find Most Recent Record For Each Item?

Oct 29, 2014

We have a work order notes table in our ERP system, and I want to see the most recent note record for each work order. Sometimes there will one be one, so I want to see all those, but sometimes there will be several notes for each work order and in this case I want to see only the most recently added note for that work order.

The query below shows some results as an example. In this case I want to see all the records except for work order number DN-000023 where I only want to see the note dated/timed 07-12-2011 16:52 (the most recent one).

select id, worknumber, date, notes from worksordernotes

id worknumber date
----------- ------------ ----------------------- --------------------
1 DN-000056 2011-12-07 13:22:00 13.20 PM JAMES- SPOK
2 DN-000079 2011-12-07 14:24:00 JCB HAVE TOLD ME THE
4 DN-000065 2011-12-07 15:48:00 ANDY FROM SITE RANG
5 DN-000023 2011-12-07 15:54:00 CHASED THIS 4 TIMES
6 DN-000023 2011-12-07 16:52:00 HOLTS ATTENDED THIS
7 DN-000092 2011-12-08 09:50:00 RETURNING WITH PARTS

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Query Help: Item Below Reorder Level-find All Items For Same Vendor

May 1, 2007

Use the Northwind database Products table as an example.Purchasing dept gets a report showing when inventory items on hand qty arebelow the reorder level.easy enough:Select ProductID, ProductName, SupplierID, UnitsInStock, ReorderLevelfrom Productswhere (UnitsInStock < ReorderLevel)Results:ProductID ProductName SupplierID UnitsInStock ReorderLevel2 Chang 1 17253 Aniseed Syrup 1 1325It would be nice to know what other products are purchased from this samevendor in case other items are close to their reorder level.All products for Supplier ID 1Select ProductID, ProductName, SupplierID, UnitsInStock, ReorderLevelfrom Productswhere SupplierID = 1Results:ProductID ProductName SupplierID UnitsInStock ReorderLevel1 Chai 1 39102 Chang 1 17253 Aniseed Syrup 1 1325This shows there is 1 more product (Chai) that also comes from Supplier 1.Is there a way to show all items from a vendor when some of the items arebelow the reorder level without needing a separate query for each vendor?Thanks

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Create A Query Where Semi Item Materials Are Also Listed In Finished Item Recipe?

Dec 6, 2013

I have a BOM table with all finished item receipes and semi items recipes. create a query where semi item materials are also listed in finished item recipe.

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Help, Running A Control Flow Item Does Not Kick Off The Next Item

Mar 6, 2007


Here's my problem. I have 2 tasks defined in my Control Flow tab:


When I attempt to run it, by right-clicking the EXECUTE SQL task, and selecting "Execute Task", it only runs the EXECUTE SQL part (successfully), and does not "kick off" the EXECUTE DTS 2000 PACKAGE, after it is done running (even though it completes successfully, as shown by the green box).

Yes, they are connected by a dark green arrow, as indicated in my diagram above.

Why is this?? Am I missing something here? Need help.


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How To Check There Is No Item In Table?

Apr 1, 2008

Hi,I want to check that Is there row exists in table or not.Please correct me.          Dim conn As SqlConnection        Dim comm As SqlCommand        Dim reader As SqlDataReader        Dim connstring As String        connstring = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("iharyana").ConnectionString        conn = New SqlConnection(connstring)        comm = New SqlCommand("select * from test where username=@username", conn)        comm.Parameters.Add("@username", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 20)        comm.Parameters("@username").Value = uname        conn.Open()        reader = comm.ExecuteReader        While reader.Read            If reader.Item("username").ToString = "" Then                Response.Redirect("")            End If                End While        reader.Close()        conn.Close()

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How Do You Receive The Last Item In A Table

Jan 26, 2004

Thats it
How do you receive the last item(row) in a table.

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Locate Item In A Table

Aug 2, 2006

I have a sql table containing names of departments. Is there a way after a user has typed a department in a textbox on a web page I can search for it in the sql table and if it isn't there then add it. I am using for the web page.

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Selecting The 3rd Highests Item From A Table?

Feb 5, 2004

I want to figure out if a student has not been to class in the last 3 scheduled days. The days do not have to be consecutive.

I have 2 tables. One table with schedules and one with attended time.

What I really need is to the find the 3rd highest MAX() from the schedule table for each student. I was wondering if someone has any idea how I could find these record?

Example scheduled records
student1 2/4/2004 7 hours scheduled
student2 2/4/2004 8 hours scheduled
student1 2/3/2004 8 hours scheduled
student1 2/2/2004 6 hours scheduled <---Need this one
student2 2/2/2004 8 hours scheduled
student2 1/30/2004 4 hours scheduled <---Need this one
...thousands more...

It has been a real brain teaser for me. If anyone has even an inelegant solution, I would love to see it.

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Totaling More Than One Line Item In Table

Jan 16, 2008

I need to figure out hours based on StartTime and EndTime (year does not matter) from the first table and totaled for the entire week based on the effective date in the second table.

I need it to return the follwing:
WorkHourGroup TotalWorkHours
TJOHNSO 24 Hours

Table 1 -'workhour'
WorkHourGroup DayIDStatrtTimeEndTime
TJOHNSO11899-12-30 09:00:00.0001899-12-30 17:00:00.000
TJOHNSO31899-12-30 09:00:00.0001899-12-30 17:00:00.000
TJOHNSO51899-12-30 09:00:00.0001899-12-30 17:00:00.000

Table 2 -'workhourgroup'
WorkHourGroupWorkHourDescEffective Date
SMBSMB Work Week2007-09-11 00:00:00.000
SMITHBSTANDARD2008-01-12 00:00:00.000
TJOHNSOJohnson12008-01-11 00:00:00.000

Any ideas on how to accomplish this?


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SQL Server 2008 :: Give Access To Item On Table

Sep 6, 2015

I am designing an application where multiple users can be assign to a product for review. If a user doesn't have access to the product, they are not allowed to see it. I have attached my table design. All users are assign to a role. See attached screen

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Report Model Error-More Than One Item In The Entity 'table' Has The Name 'columns'

May 22, 2008

While building Report Model Solution in Business Intelligent Studio i am getting following errror-
More than one item in the Entity 'table' has the name 'columns'. Item names must be unique among immediate siblings.

Please advice how to resolve this one.

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Problem: Find All Table Names In Db And Then Find

Jun 12, 2008

I have 3 database say

I need to setup a script to read all the table names in the database above and then query the database to find the list of Stored Procedure using each table.(SQL Server)

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How Can I Create A New Custom Report Item? The Report Item Is Extends Matrix.

Jan 18, 2007

hi everyone

what the matrix's class name ?

where is the matrix's dll?

Can i create a new class extends the matrix?

I want to override the matrix's onpaint method.

Can i do this ?

why the table not have the column group?

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Moved Stock Minus In Item Table To Stock In Itemmoment Table

Sep 11, 2007

 helo all...,i want to make procedure like:examplei have table: item (itemid,itemname,stock)orderdetail(no_order,itemid,quantity)itemmoment(itemid,itemname,stock)item table itemid    itemname    stock  c1        coconut         2  p1         peanut          2orderdetail tableno_order        itemid        quantity   1                  c1                5itemmoment tableitemid    itemname    stock  c1       coconut          0  p1       peanut            0 when customer paid, his quantity in orderdetail decrease stock in item stock in item table became:itemid        itemname    stock  c1            coconut         -3  p1            peanut           2it's not good, because stock may not i want to move -3 to itemmoment stock in item table became:itemid        itemname    stock  c1            coconut          0  p1            peanut           2and in itemmoment table became:itemid        itemname    stock  c1             coconut        3  p1             peanut          0my store procedure like:ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[orders](    @no_order as integer,    @itemid AS varchar(50),    @quantity AS INT)ASBEGIN    BEGIN TRANSACTION            DECLARE @currentStock AS INT                SET @currentStock = (SELECT [Stok] FROM [item] WHERE [itemid] = @itemid)        UPDATE [item]        SET            [Stock] = @currentStock - @quantity        WHERE            [itemid] = @itemid    COMMIT TRANSACTIONENDit's only decrease stock with quantity. i want move stock minus from item to itemmoment..can anyone add code to my store procedure?plss.. helpp.thxx....

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Finding Orders That Have At Least 1 Promo Item And 1 Non-promo Item

Oct 16, 2014

I am having trouble finishing the last bit of a report. The report shows orders that customers have placed that contain 0 promo items, All promo items (all items in order are promo items), and a mix of promo and non promo (at least 1 promo item and 1 non-promo item). Ive simplified this a bit for ease of understanding but lets assume we have 2 tables: A Promo table that contains the items on promotion and the dates that promotion is valid, and a Sales table, that contains the order number, order date, and sku ordered.

I've already written code that finds orders that have at least 1 promo item in them, and using that, I can determine what orders have 0 promo items in them. Where I am stuck is taking the orders that have at least 1 promo item in them, and separating them into orders that have only promo items, and those that have both promo and not promo items in them. Also, there are several promos throughout the year (called "Offers") so in my code below, you can see 2 different Offers ("JF" and "MA") with their corresponding dates they are valid. They will never overlap. My results also have to be split out by Offer so management can look at the results of each offer separately. Here is some code:

create table #Promos (
Offer varchar(2) null,
SKU int null,
StartDt date null,
EndDt date null

[Code] ....

So my results should show OrderNo A1111 in the Promo and No Promo group because of SKU 5 not being promotional during the time that order was placed. OrderNo A2222 should be in the Promo Only group because both SKUs on the order were promotional at the time the order was placed.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Join To Find All Records From One Table That Do Not Exist In Other Table

Apr 29, 2014

I have table 'stores' that has 3 columns (storeid, article, doc), I have a second table 'allstores' that has 3 columns(storeid(always 'ALL'), article, doc). The stores table's storeid column will have a stores id, then will have multiple articles, and docs. The 'allstores' table will have 'all' in the store for every article and doc combination. This table is like the master lookup table for all possible article and doc combinations. The 'stores' table will have the actual article and doc per storeid.

What I am wanting to pull is all article, doc combinations that exist in the 'allstores' table, but do not exist in the 'stores' table, per storeid. So if the article/doc combination exists in the 'allstores' table and in the 'stores' table for storeid of 50 does not use that combination, but store 51 does, I want the output of storeid 50, and what combination does not exist for that storeid. I will try this example:

'allstores' 'Stores'
storeid doc article storeid doc article
ALL 0010 001 101 0010 001
ALL 0010 002 101 0010 002
ALL 0011 001 102 0011 002
ALL 0011 002

So I want the query to pull the one from 'allstores' that does not exist in 'stores' which in this case would the 3rd record "ALL 0011 001".

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How To Find Filegroups For A Given Table And Table's Indexes

Oct 6, 2006


I am using SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition.

I want a list of the following things from the database: -

Table Name , FileGroup Table resides on

Table Name, Index Name, FileGroup index resides on

To put it simply, consider the following example:-

Lets say I have a table XYZ in my database created on Filegroup F1. It has a PK PK1 nonclustered index on Filegroup F2.



XYZ        F1




XYZ          PK1         F2


Please do not tell me of sp_help <table> option




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Find PK Of Table

Dec 21, 1998

I have a table name and I want to get the column name of the PK of this table.
Do you know how can I do this ?

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Find A Certain Row In A Table

Feb 28, 2006

I am trying to import a sql table from one sql database to another using DTS. I am getting an error and when I dblclick on the row it says

'Error at destination row 44324 .Errors so far encountered in this task 1. Unspecified error'

How do I find and list row 44324 ? Or is there something else I should do/check


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To Find Second Max No In Table

Jul 6, 2007

Dear all,

i want to find the second max no from a column can anyone help me in this

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How To Find Max From A Table By Row

Jul 23, 2005

I have a Product table with the columnsAcctNumProdCodeInvoiceDateI can have multiple rows for a given AcctNum:123 A 01/01/2005123 B 01/02/2005123 C 01/03/2005234 C 02/01/2004345 A 01/01/2005345 B 01/02/2005I need the max(InvoiceDate) and if the max for a given AcctNum is a ProdCode= B. So if the latest InvoiceDate is for a given AcctNum is B then returnthat row.123 B 01/02/2005Would not be returned because the max Invoice date for AcctNum 123 isProdCode C.345 B 01/02/2005Would be returned because the max Invoice date for AcctNum 345 is ProdCodeB.I can solve this using a cursor fairly easily by using a distinct AcctNum inthe cursor select and getting the max InvoiceDate for each AcctNum. This isa costly and I'm looking for a solution using temp tables or a query tohandle this problem.I hope I have made this clear enough (sorry if I was too verbose). Thanks inadvance for your help.-p

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Find Table

May 29, 2008

Hi Folks,

Can any one tell me how to find table which has max records, let say i hve 50 tables in my database so how to find particular table has max records.

Thnx & Regards

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How To Find Out The PK From A Table?

Sep 1, 2006

Dear all experts,

I need to find out some property of a tableAs following sql statement:
from sys.tables mtable, sys.all_columns mcolumn, sys.types mtype
where mcolumn.object_id = mtable.object_id
and mcolumn.system_type_id = mtype.system_type_id
and in ('TestTable')
order by,mcolumn.column_id

But there is no PK information.
Follwing sql statement shows the PK name of a table, but no composite info(which fields):
from sys.key_constraints mkey, sys.tables mtable
where mkey.parent_object_id = mtable.object_id
and mkey.type = 'PK'
and like 'TestTable'

How can I find which fields are PK in a table?thanks...

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How Do I Find Out Who's Locking A Table? And Than Do Something About It?

Oct 3, 2007

So randomly every 1 to 6 days queries start timing out and I'm almost positive it's from an improperly terminated transaction
 Is there a way to snoop this out the next time it happens? Like when a table's locked I can look and see yea this is the transaction it's in the middle of?

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Find Value Match In SQL Table

Oct 28, 2007

Find value match in SQL table
Is there any application that can compare two tables and find the similarities (there is no high rate of exact match on the field values but there are similarities)?

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How Do I Find Duplicates In A Table.

Apr 15, 2008

 I have table which stores the fund name and its data. We get quarterly information from the fund co. Suppose if the user wants to add a fund thats not in our database we let then add a ClientFundId and a FundName. But may be after sometime the fund company may add that fund in the next quarter.. So how do i get rid of Duplicated Data..
In the ClientFundId column we can a 9 letter Aplhanumeric or a 5 letter character but if the fund co.. provides those values the 5 letter characters are stored in Ticker column and the 9 letter words are stored in Cusip column.. So i just wrote this query hoping i could retrieve the duplicate values but it didnt list any..but i found one this is my query..
From Fund

ClientFundId = Ticker
ClientFundId = Cusip
 Any help will appreciated

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How To Find An Inserted Value In A Table

Apr 19, 2006

I have 2 tables, and use objectdatasource and stored procedures, with sql server.
Let say in the first table I have IDCustomer as a datakey, and other records, and in the second I have the same IDCustomer and CustomerName.  I have an INSERT stored procedure that will create a new record in the first table (so generate a new IDCustomer value), and I would like to insert immediately this new value in the second table.
How can I know the value of this new IDCustomer ?  What is the best  way to handle that ? Once the insert in the first table is done should read it the table and extract (with an executescalar) the value and then insert it in the second table ? This solution should work but I am not sure this is the best one.
Thanks for your help.

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How To: Find Cols In A Table

Jan 12, 2002

I'd like to know if I can make one proc/cursor that I can pass only a table name and it will determine what cols exist in the table?

AND, what is the syntax for such a query?

I will be receiving data back where I will receive the accountID and only the deltas will have values all other columns will be null.

My proc will update an existing record, updating the specific col when an accountID exists, it will create a new record if the accountID does not exist.

I'd like to search all the cols getting their names and values when not null.

I can construct a proc for each table searching each col by known name.

However, I'd like to know if I can make one proc/cursor that I can pass only a table name and it will determine the cols?

All my tables start with cols AccountID and end with RecID with any number of cols inbetween.


cross posted to

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How To Find A Temporary Table Using T-SQL

Aug 16, 2000

Im trying to find a table and Drop in T-SQL
using this script.

/* Start */
Use Students
IF exists (Select * from information_schema.tables
where table_name ='##Exams_result)
drop table ##Exams_result
Create table ##Exams_result..............etc

/* end */

But I cant find my temporary table on this way...
Any sugestion?

Luiz Lucasi
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

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How Do I Find The Duplicates In A Table

Dec 11, 1999

does someone have a querry to display the duplicate records in a table.

zipcode dma

My data upload is failing because there is a primary key on zipcode and the source data (42k records) has about 50 duplicate zipcode records in it. It is possible that there is a unique combo of zipcode / dma but I need to identify the duplicate records to determine that.

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