Cannot Remove Database

Nov 8, 2007

Loooks like I have a corrupt database. I cannot delete it because "database is used for replication" I am told in an error box . There are no items shown when trying to expand the database. Opening Query anylizer the database is not shown in the dropdown box. If I try to create a database with same name SqL says it is already there. Also the database icon is grey not yellow like the active working databases. Anyone have an Idea of how to get rid of this rogue database. This was a temp entry and no backup was made



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Remove Database From AG

Mar 23, 2015

i need to do patching of the application servers, some of the databases are configured in availability group .as part of this need to remove the database from availability and rejoin the db after doing patching .

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SQL Server Management Studio: Can Not Remove AdventureWorksDB In Add Or Remove Programs Of Control Panel

Nov 30, 2006

Hi all,

I tried to remove AdventureWorksDB in the "Add or Remove Programs" of Contol Panel and I got the following errors: (1) AdventureWorksDB     Error 1326: Error getting file security: CProgram FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL1MSSQLGetLastError: 5.      |OK|   and (2) Add or Remove Programs   Fatal Error during installation (after I clicked the |OK| button).   Please help and tell me how I can solve this problem.

Thanks in advance,

Scott  Chang 

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How Do I Clean Up The SQL Server (ctp) From ADD/REMOVE Program Without The Change/remove Button

Oct 12, 2006

I have uninstalled the CTP version of the SQL Server express so that I can install the released version but CTP version is still listed in the add/remove program list but without the change/remove button. I have been to different sites to find information on cleaning this up and I have ran all the uninstall tool I can find but the problem still prevails. I cannot install the released version without completely getting rid of the CTP version. Please help anyone.



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Remove All Constraints In A Database

Jun 11, 2007

Hi Everyone..
 I want to remove all the constraints from all the tables in a database. I'm using SQL Server 2000.
will you please help me.. Thanks in advance
with regards

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SQL 2012 :: Database Remove From AG

May 19, 2015

As part of patching i need to remove the database from availability group and add the database after patching is done , how can i achieve this ?

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How To Remove Case Sensitivity In Database

Mar 2, 2008

Hi All,
How to remove case sensitity from database like table names,column names etc.
 If we type either select * from AUTHORS" or "select * from authors" should result the same value.

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Remove Primary Key On Replicated Database

Jul 31, 2006

I have a table that was set up with a primary key - that i need to change. The problem is that the database is being replicated to a remote location, and will not allow me to remove or change the primary key on a published database.
Due to the size of the database and bandwith limitations it is not an option to re-initialise the published database.
Is there any to do this without breaking replication

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Transact SQL :: Remove Read Only From A Database?

Aug 26, 2011

i have a data base sql Server .I wrote a stored procedure or attach my database but it is attached in read only mode how can remove read-only.

this is my stored procedure.

create procedure attache
declare @trouvemdf int
declare @trouveldf int
if exists (select name from sysdatabases where name='Gestion_Parc')

[Code] ....

i try this EXEC sp_dboption 'Gestion_Parc', 'read only', 'FALSE' but it causes those error

Msg 5120, Level 16, State 101, Line 1
Unable to open the physical file "C: Gestion_Parc.mdf". Operating system error 5: "5 (Access is denied.)".
Msg 5120, Level 16, State 101, Line 1
Unable to open the physical file "C: Gestion_Parc_log.ldf". Operating system error 5: "5 (Access is denied.)".
Msg 945, Level 14, State 2, Line 1

[Code] ....

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Cannot Remove Admin From System Database

Oct 27, 2015

We are using server 2012 and SQL express.I am trying to omplement  a new software called Ifineo and at deployment is dumps the following error (unfortunately French):

2015-10-27 14:36:57.8983|INFO|InsideSQLAssistant.Assistant|Connecteur Sage 100 Gesttion Commerciale v20
2015-10-27 14:37:18.3024|ERROR|InsideSQLAssistant.Assistant|Error (1807): Impossible d'obtenir un verrou exclusif sur la base de données 'model'. Recommencez l'opération ultérieurement.
Échec de CREATE DATABASE. Certains noms de fichiers de la liste n'ont pas pu être créés. Voir les erreurs associées.


Now I did try to set it in sing user or multiple user and the following command to kill some parts of it:

select 'KILL ', spid
from master..sysprocesses
where dbid=db_id('Votre Base')

But my admin still remains connected to the DB(I have even disabled it but still the same)there seem to be to persons connected to the db the admin and my account, found that via exec sp_who

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Alter Database With Remove File Clause

Apr 4, 2001

I'm attempting to alter a database by removing one of two log files. I have truncated both log files successfully and the database has no processes but I get an error stating file cannot be removed because it is not empty. Help

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Easier Method To Remove And Add A Table To Database?

Feb 22, 2000

I have a table that is corrupted and want to remove and add a backup version of it. How can i remove this table and add it again preserving all the foregin key restraints, permissions, dependencies, etc? Simply exporting and importing does not work. I could painfully remove the table and then painfully reconnect it again, recreating all the foreign key restraints, etc, by hand; but there has to be an easier way! What is the How-to?

Thank you!


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Remove Database Table And Insert New Values

Jan 5, 2015

I am using the Database is Oracle SQL Developer, here the Requirement is like Before insert the values in Database I need to remove the Database table and insert new values.

|| '-'
|| TO_CHAR(to_date(:N_Date,'DD-MM-YY'),'MON-YY')
AND to_date(:N_Date,'DD-MM-YY')
AND LEDGER_ID = LED and name_rdf='NOSVOS';
PERIOD_NAME = TO_CHAR(add_months(to_date(:N_Date,'DD-MM-YY'),-1),'MON-YY')


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Analysis :: How To Remove A Corrupted SSAS Database

Jan 18, 2011

I was trying to update an SSAS database on a test server and got the following error when trying to deploy from Visual Stuido.  I get a similar error in SMS.  I tried to delete the database before deploying but I get an error when trying to delete.  I rebooted the server.

(SQL Server 2005 R2, Windows Server 2008R2.)
Error 1 File system error: The following file is corrupted: Physical file:

?D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2OLAPDataHeidtman Sales Cube.0.dbDim Age.0.dim5.Dim Age.Dim Age.dstore. Logical file . Errors in the metadata manager. An error occurred when loading the Age dimension, from the file, '?D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2OLAPDataHeidtman Sales Cube.0.dbDim Age.5.dim.xml'. Errors in the metadata manager. An error occurred when loading the Heidtman DW cube, from the file, '?D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2OLAPDataHeidtman Sales Cube.0.dbHeidtman DW.7.cub.xml'.   0 0 

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How Can Remove The User From A Database In MSSQL2005 Server

Nov 20, 2007

Hi all,

I am new to SQL 2005 and I am trying to drop a user from a database called TESTDB. When I try to delete the user I get the following error message:

User,group or roll 'test' already exists in the database (Microsoft SQL Server,Error :15023)

How can I remove the user from the database in MSSQL2005 server

Please help me

Thank you,


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Unable To Remove SQL Instance In Add/Remove Program

Mar 8, 2007

I need help,

I am having a hard time removing my SQL instance inside the Add/Remove program. After i select the SQL Instance name and then I tried to remove it but it won't allow me to delete it. There isn't any error message or whatsoever. Actually, when i try to log it in my SQL Management studio, that certain sql instance name is not existing according to the message box. Is there any way to remove the Sql Instance in my system?

I appreciate your help, Thanks

IS Support

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Cann't Remove Data File From User Database

Mar 15, 2004

We are running SQL server 2003 with SP3. I'm trying to
shrink a data files with the emptyfile option so I can
eventually remove the file using the alter database
command. However, I get the following error message when I
run the alter database command:

Error: the file PRADATA4 cannot be removed because it is
not empty.

The file that I'm trying to remove still has 62 extents on it.
I looked MS Knowledge base 254253 and 279511 on this problem but they say it is corrected by SQL server 7.0 with service pack 3.
commands that I'm running are as follows:



Can anyone help?


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SQL Server 2012 :: Remove Some Database Updates From Transaction Scope?

Mar 4, 2015

I have a stored procedure that does the following


Copy records from live to archive
END TRANSACTION with commit or rollback
execute sproc to write audit log with success or fail
IF transaction was committed
Delete records from live the archive
END TRANSACTION with commit or rollback
execute sproc to write audit log with success or fail
End IF

END TRANSACTION OUTERTXN with commit if both inner transactions were successful or rollback if either failed

If either inner transaction rolled back execute sproc to write audit log saying whole process is rolling back End IfMy problem is that if the outer transaction rolls back then I am losing the two audit records because they are part of the transaction scope. I want these executes to commit even if the master transaction fails.

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DB Design :: Remove Backup Option For All User For A Database In Server

Aug 4, 2015

I don't want to any body can backup of my database, even i can also not able to take backup.

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Setup And Upgrade :: How To Remove Stuff That Script Installed Into Master Database

Jun 8, 2015

I downloaded the AdventureWorks2012 OLTP script. When I ran it it gave me some errors. I also noticed that it tried to install into the bult-in master database, it created a lot of tables and objects. Some questions :

1) How can I remove everything that the script installed into master database?
2) Do I need to create 1st an empty database and then run the script there?
3) I am running the script from a custom path (C:DownloadsMicrosoft SQL Server 2012AdventureWorks 2012 OLTP Script.zipAdventureWorks 2012 OLTP Script) not sure if this is causing some of the errors as the script, in the beggining has a path to other folders :

:setvar SqlSamplesDatabasePath   "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL11.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLDATA"
-- NOTE: Change this path if you copied the script source to another path
:setvar SqlSamplesSourceDataPath "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL11.MSSQLSERVERToolsSamplesAdventureWorks 2012 OLTP Script"

4) Final question, I also downloaded the AdventureWorks 2012 simple database (AdventureWorks2012_Data.mdf). Is this file the same database as the one created by the OLTP script?

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Will Removing A Registered Server Running SQL Server Remove The Database Too ?

Feb 17, 2006

Hi all, i encountered this problem.. whenever i tried to create publications it always prompt me this error msg "sql server replications does not support nicknames,such "." or "(local)". i know i need to delete the registration and register a new server with a different name.. i just want to double confirm whether deleting the registration will affect the databases or not ? :

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Mirror Database-How Do I Remove It From Being The Mirror

Dec 27, 2006

I was trying to test mirroring and now would like to delete the mirror database but it says I need to remove database mirroring first. I deleted the endpoint and cannot figure out how to remove the mirroring. Can someone please help.

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Apr 11, 2006

In one of the column which i import , all records have the
This means the enter button on that line... how to replace or remove

Eg ::

Month @ 7:30 p.m. Location: ass nue Westmont

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How To Remove

Oct 3, 2007

Hi all
In my table one of the column consists the values like this
- - - - -
I want to remove ". I started with instr to findout the occurence. Its giving the message that
'InStr' is not a recognized built-in function name.. How to solve it.
Waiting for valuable replies
Thank u

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Please Help To Remove (-)

May 14, 2008

Please help to remove (-)
The EM_TERMINATION_DATE column have records with no data.
I am using the following below script to format the dates.
The problem is : the format with (-) between yyyy-mm-dd retrive NULL records with (-) see the output. How to fix it?
Here is my ouput:
- -
- -
- -
- -

Here is my script:


cast(left(EM_TERMINATION_DATE, 4) as varchar(4))

+ '-' +

Cast(right(EM_TERMINATION_DATE, 4) as varchar(2))

+ '-' +

Cast(left(Right(EM_TERMINATION_DATE,2), 2) as varchar(2))as TERM_DT


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Remove Sql Express

Aug 9, 2006

I don't need sql express, never use it and I would like to remove it. Is it possible without loosing important functionalities in VWD? Is that true that cannot compile the applications (ctrl+f5) anymore?

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How To Remove The Sqlcachedependancy ?

Feb 23, 2007

I had sqlcachedependancy installed. But now I cannot uninstall it?
1.  I unregistered:
C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727>aspnet_regsql.exe -E -S localhost-d DNN1 -dd
2.  I remove the Dependencry.Start() from my application_start
' System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDependency.Start(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SiteSqlServer").ConnectionString)
3. I removed the cache section from my web.config
4. I removed the outputcache statements from my aspx pages.
<!--<%@ OutputCache Duration="1" VaryByParam="*" SqlDependency="CommandNotification" %>-->
However, I still get the next error:


When using SqlDependency without providing an options value, SqlDependency.Start() must be called prior to execution of a command added to the SqlDependency instance.
 What to do?
 Any help or advice is appreciated.

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Remove Trailing Zero

Jun 11, 2008

Would someone mind helping me with formatting a string please??
I have a column DECIMAL(4,2).  In a stored proc I am selecting this field and converting it to varchar so I can append certain characters to it (this is really irrelevant to my question).  However, before appending the characters, I need to remove zeros after the decimal point.
3.00 should be 3
3.20 should be 3.2
3.05 should be 3.05

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Remove Foreign Key

Apr 26, 2004


Can anyone tell me how I can remove a foreign key in a SQL database?

Thanks in advance

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Need To Remove The Year

May 4, 2005

here is what i have

SELECT FName, LName, CONVERT(VARCHAR(40),Birth,110)
FROM members
WHERE DatePart(month,Birth) = DatePart(month,getDate())

i would like to remove the year from the date. is their a way i can do that.

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Remove Spaces

Apr 12, 2006

How can you remove spaces in the middle of a string, RTRIM and LTRIM does not work

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Remove FileGroup (what&#39;s On It?)

Mar 14, 2000

I want to remove a filegroup.


It says:
Server: Msg 5042, Level 16, State 7, Line 1
The filegroup 'MyFileGroupName' cannot be removed because it is not empty.

Question: How can I tell what is on this filegroup.
<Forgive me if it is a simple BOL answer, but I'm having trouble finding it>

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Remove 6.5 After Upgrade

Sep 23, 1999

We are going to upgrade 6.5 to 7.0 and leave 6.5 for a few weeks. After
the world is good we want to remove 6.5. What is the best approach to do this.

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