Cannot See SQL Server 2005 Services In SQL Server Configuration Manager

May 10, 2006

I cannot see any services within "SQL Server 2005 Services" in SQL Server Configuration Manager.

I am new to SQL Server 2005 and recently installed all of the SQL Server 2005 64-bit components on to a Windows 2003 64-bit server. I can create and view databases via SQL Server Management Studio. I can also start and stop the SQL Server service for the default instance via SQL Server Management Studio. But I should be able to start/stop the service via SQL Server Configuration Manager and I believe I'm supposed to use SQL Server Configuration Manager to make changes to the services.

I'm concerned that something may have become corrupted and is effected the SQL Server Configuration Manager. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


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SQL Server Configuration Manager, SQL Server 2005

Dec 18, 2007

I have Microsoft Office Professional installed. It came with SQL SErver 2005 but I am not sure how to configure it. It is running( the SQL Server under Windows Services) but I can't find the MMC console to administer it. I tried linking from Access to create a SQL Server datasource but the SErver does not show up in the dialog box. Under Program Menu/SQL Server there is a Configuration Tools folder with the SQL Server Configuration manager. Is this the same as the MMC? My SQL Server is on my local computer with the Access Database I want to upsize. There are 3 or so folders under SQL Server Configuration Manager . SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration and SQL NAtive Client Configuration. I don't know what I'm supposed to do at this point but what I would like to do is add my user name and password as the administrator and find the MMC console. I would like to create a datasource in Access to the SQL Server. I am not sure whether I need the client or not since the SErver is on the same computer as the database. This is only a test run.

I would appreciate getting unstuck. Do I also need to install the MMC separate from the SQL Server. Since it installed when I installed Office Professional I didn't go through the steps of installing it and somethings seem like they are missing.


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Just Installed SQL 2005, No Servers Showing Up In SQL Server Configuration Manager. Plz Help!

Sep 2, 2006

I have just installed SQL 2005 enterprise and every apeared to install ok. But using SQL config manager nothing is showing up under SQL 2005 Services tab.

Anyone got any ideas?

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SQL Configuration Manager And SQL Server Surface Area Configuration Tools

May 2, 2007

I have just finished installing SQL 2005 Ent Edition on Win 2000 Adv Server, SQL2005 SP2, and SP2 Hotfix KB934458. After the installation, I could see and configure all services via SQL Configuration Manager and SQL Server Surface Area Configuration tools. This worked for a couple of days and now both configuration tools no longer detect SQL2005 components. SQL Server Surface Area Configuration issued an error that said "No SQL Server 2005 components were found on specified computer. Either no components are installed, or you are not an administrator on this computer. (SQLAC)". SQL Configuration Manager did not list any installed services. I don€™t know what caused this. Anyone has any idea? Please help! Below is the Installation Report which shows installed components.


The following components are installed on this server


Analysis Services

[Version: 9.2.3042.00 Edition: Enterprise Edition Patch level: 9.2.3054 Language: English (United States)]

Database Engine

[Version: 9.2.3042.00 Edition: Enterprise Edition Patch level: 9.2.3054 Language: English (United States)]

Reporting Services

[Version: 9.2.3042.00 Edition: Enterprise Edition Patch level: 9.2.3054 Language: English (United States)]


Analysis Services

[Version: 9.2.3042.00 Edition: Enterprise Edition Patch level: 9.2.3054 Language: English (United States)]

Database Engine

[Version: 9.2.3042.00 Edition: Enterprise Edition Patch level: 9.2.3054 Language: English (United States)]

Common components

Integration Services

[Version: 9.2.3042.00 Edition: Enterprise Edition Patch level: 9.2.3054 Language: English (United States)]

Notification Services

[Version: 9.2.3042.00 Edition: Enterprise Edition Patch level: 9.2.3054 Language: English (United States)]

Workstation Components

[Version: 9.2.3042.00 Edition: Enterprise Edition Patch level: 9.2.3054 Language: English (United States)]


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Error During First Configuration After Installing Reporting Services (SQL Server 2005 Express)

Jan 27, 2008


I have problem during first configuration of Reporting Services from MS SQL 2005 Server Express with Advanced Services SP2. The error occurs when configuring virtual directory (Reporting Services Configuration Manager -> Report Server Virtual Directory). When I try to create new virtual directory I can see following messages:

Number of errors: 0
Create Virtual Directory

The virtual directory was created and assigned.
Changing Secure Connection Level

After last message Windows reports that SQL Server 2005 Reporting Configuration Tool has encountered a problem and needs to close (and I can send report to Microsoft).

IIS shows that virtual directory under default web site was created.

Evenet viewer (application log) shows .NET Framework 2.0 error:
EventType clr20r3, P1 rsconfigtool.exe, P2 9.0.3042.0, P3 45cd6ee2, P4 rsconfigtool, P5, P6 45cd6ee2, P7 15a, P8 5, P9 system.nullreferenceexception, P10 NIL

My environment:
MS SQL Reporting Services Version 9.00.3042.00
Windows XP Proffessional SP2
IIS 5.1
all components are fresh new installations. The only additional configuration I've made was adding IWAM_<hostname> as WebServiceAccount, all other configuration is default.

Any help would be appreciated.

Best regards
Slawomir Nasiadka

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Server Configuration Manager 64-bit Server Instance Not Showing

May 1, 2015

After installing SQL Server Express Advanced 2012 64-bit edition, we are unable to see the 64-bit Server Network Configuration in the left pane.  We need to edit the TCP/IP and Named Pipes to enable them.  All that is showing is the 32-bit instance for our Acronis to view or add a SQL server instance to the Server Network Configuration msc?

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Server Configuration Manager Has No Options For Creating A Server

Aug 5, 2015

I am trying to install SQL Server 2014 on W10. SQL Server installed, but failed to create a server that be connected to. SQL Server Configuration Manager has no options for creating a server either. How do I create the server.

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SQL Server Configuration Manager

Apr 27, 2006

I have an application ready to transfer to the web hosting server with MS SQL 2005.
Database and tables were created with the VWD on the local machine (SQLEXPRESS).
I am using MS SQL Server Managenemt Studio Express to create the SQL to add the local tabales and data to the hosting database.
My connect to the hosting server is great.
Problem: My connection to SQLEPRESS is good but it only allows me to map Database from this directory C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData. I need to map to another directory as follows  C:Documents and SettingsdflournoyMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005WebSitescolumbushapps/app_data.  So I can get to the tables I created locally.
Also has someone put together a process to migrate from SQLEXPRESS (Local) to Remote or Production SQL 2005 or 2000.

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SQL Server Configuration Manager

Jun 6, 2008

For some reason, when opening up the SQL Server Configuration Manager for one of my SQL Servers, the 'Requesting data from WMI provider..' message stays there. It never gets the data. This is in regards to services management. Its not a big deal, because I can log on to the server to accomplish this, but it would be nice to do it from SSMS. It works for other SQL Servers. Has anyone experienced this before?

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Ql Server Configuration Manager

May 25, 2007


can you guys pls let me know how do you access sql server configuration manager from command line?


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SQL Server Configuration Manager

May 2, 2007

I just installed 3 instances of SQL Server 2005, installing the two named instances first and then the defaul instance third.

My configuration Manager only shows the two named instance services and the default does not show up.

Under Services in Computer Manager, it does show.

Any one run across this, and I would think it might cause some problems now that all the service configuration changes need to be performed in SQL Server Configuration Manager.


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Nothing In SQL Server Configuration Manager?

May 23, 2006

Trying to setup local server agent.

SQL Server Configuration Manager---->SQL Server 2005 Services-->Nothing showed up??? No single items there.

So strange, Anyone could tell me what is wrong with this.

2005 Developer Ed

Windows Xp professional 32 I guess.

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Error Sql Server Configuration Manager

Sep 5, 2007

when i open services in the computer management console i get the error message
sql server configuration manager .... error... snap in...restart mmc

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Error Launching SQL Server Configuration Manager

Dec 5, 2007

SQL Server 2005 (9.00.3042.00)

The servers are actually a cluster in an active / passive configuration. There are 2 servers with internal IP addresses and then a virtual server. We'll call them 192.1, 192.2 and VirtualBox. If I remote desktop into VirtualBox and run the config manager, nothing will happen for about 45 seconds and then I get a dialog with this message "Connection to target machine could not be made in a timely fasion.". Other than 'fashion' is misspelled :), I'm unable to determine what could cause this. Are there issues running this on a clustered environment? Or are there some things I can look at to diagnose this issue?

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Sql Server Configuration Manager Installation Not Found

May 22, 2008

I cannot find sql server configuration manager installed in cluster. but the installation is complete. what should i do

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SQLExpress Services Not Showing In Configuration Manager

Nov 9, 2006

Hello strange problem needs help...

When I open SQL server configuration manager / expand SQL server 2005 network configuration, I have a Protocols for SQLEXPRESS but under SQL server 2005 services branch, I cannot find a reference to my SQLEXPRESS database service. This causes a problem because, I cannot enable or disable SQLExpress.

I've tried to remove the SQLExpress instance by going to Add/Remove Programs but it doesn't work.  After I restart the computer, the entry SQLEXPRESS: database service is still there.

I cannot reinstall SQLEXPRESS either because it saids instance name already exist.


When I try 'net start mssql$sqlexpress' it saids "the service name is invalid"

When I try 'sqlcmd -S <my server name here>SQLEXPRESS  it saids

HResult 0x274D, Level 16, State 1
TCP Provider: No connection could be made because the target machine actively re
fused it.

Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : An error has occurred while establi
shing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failu
re may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not
 allow remote connections..
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : Login timeout expired. 

I'm pulling my hair out because according to the error message above, I should use surface area configuration tool to enable remote connections but I can't even see the SQLEXPRESS entry inside the tool!!! 

HELP!! I have an app that uses Membership Provider and it used to work. but somehow it doesn't work because of this strange sqlexpress issue.

When I run the app I get the following error:
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)

Thanks, any feedback is appreciated


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Error In Reporting Services Configuration Manager

May 24, 2006


I've got an error when I want to initialize the Report Server by means of RS Configuration Manager.

All points are check in green except "Encryption Keys" that is in "Optionnal configuration" and "Initialization" that is in "Not Configured".

When I click on "Initialization" an error occured :

The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. A connection to the database is required for all requests and processing. (rsReportServerDatabaseUnavailable)

When I want to browse the report this error occured:

The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. A connection to the database is required for all requests and processing. (rsReportServerDatabaseUnavailable) (rsRPCError). Cannot generate SSPI context.

Someone can help me ?



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Reporting Services Configuration Manager Problem

Jan 11, 2008

I am attempting to set up SQL 2005 reporting on my local system. When I get to the "Initialization" step I get the following error:

ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.WMIProviderException: Keyset does not exist (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80090016)
at ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.RSReportServerAdmin.ThrowOnError(ManagementBaseObject mo)
at ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.RSReportServerAdmin.InitializeReportServer(String installationId)

Can anyone provide assistance or suggestions on resolving this error? Many Thanks!!

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SQL 2005 Express Setup Issue (The SQL Server System Configuration Checker Cannot Be Executed Due To WMI Configuration )

Sep 22, 2007

I am getting following error when trying to install SQL express 2005 on XPSP2.

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup

The SQL Server System Configuration Checker cannot be executed due to WMI configuration on the machine SIGMA-805539A79 Error:2147944122 (0x800706ba).

For help, click:

I tied re-installing WMI using link but could not get it working.

Do i need IIS installed? Its not installed on this box...

please suggest something... i am stuck...


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SQL Server Configuration Manager: SSL And Multiple Instances Problem

Mar 31, 2008


We are trying to setup a number of SQL Server 2005 database instances on a single server. The server has multiple IP addresses bound to its network interface (card). Each instance is configured to listen on a specific (unique) port on and port 1433 on a specific (unique) IP address configured on the network interface. Finally, there is another instance of SQL Server (which also has the Reporting Services, Analysis Services and Integration Services installed) that does not allow remote connections and has TCP/IP disabled.

SSL is configured for all instances, apart from the non-remote connections instance, as follows: The same self-signed certificate is specified for every instance. This certificate has been configured for all ports and port 1433 on all IPs in use for any of the instances using httpcfg as documented. The Force Encryption option is enabled and the Hide Instance option is disabled.

All appears to work correctly, and the "The certificate was successfully loaded for encryption" message appears when sp_readerrorlog is run, for the instances it is supposed to. However, at some point a problem occurs. The Force Encryption and Hide Instance labels _disappear_ (leaving blank spaces in the grid) from the interface, with the drop-down settings still visible. This seems to happen after installing an additional instance, although on one occasion it was after the 3rd was installed and on another occasion the 4th. Uninstalling the instances (even all of them) does not seem to help - only removing SQL Server 2005 completely and re-installing allowed the labels to re-appear.

Another concern is that after problem occurs, it appears that the settings are not being interpreted correctly. Even if the certificate is disabled for an instance, the message "The certificate was successfully loaded for encryption" appears, instead of the instance using a self-signed certificate. Additionally, on some occasions, the values for the Force Encryption and Hide Instance are swapped (or at least the values in the positions that used to be inline with the labels for these options).

As an additional note, various IIS Web Sites are configured on each of the IPs on the network interface. These are also using the same self-signed certification for SSL and are all using port 443, which none of the SQL server instances are configured to use.

Any feedback or suggestions on this would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Configure Report Server From Reporting Service Configuration Manager

Jan 25, 2008

When I opened "Reporting Service Configuration Manger" from SQL server configuration tool list, The "Report Server Installation Instance window came out. It showed my local machine name on the field of Machine Name. When I click "Find" button, a message box came out. It says: "No report server were found on the specified machine. Details: Invalid namespace

What is the problem and how to solve it.

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SQL Server Configuration Manager: Connection To Target Machine Could Not Be Made In A Timely Fashion

Dec 5, 2007

I have a SQL Server 2005 box that was moved from a domain environment to a non-domain environment and was never dropped from its original domain before moving over. Subsequently a new domain was created at the data center this SQL Server box now resides in. The machine was dropped from its old domain and joined to the new one.

All the while the service accounts were set to the local admin account. When I tried to start the Configuration Manager I got the message "Connection to target machine could not be made in a timely fashion.". I read some blog entries and tried changing all the service accounts to Local System and the error message still came up.

All of the SQL Server services run fine. It is just this management console that I cannot open. I wasn't with this employer when this box was moved to the data center so I do not know if it worked prior and there isn't anyone here that could give me its history.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Unable To Open Windows Service Identity Panel In Reporting Services Configuration Manager

Jul 4, 2007


I've a slight problem with configuring my Report Server. I have set up everything apart from the initialisation and and the Windows Service Identity, however when I select the panel for the latter I am presented with a message box displaying the following:

" Reporting Services Configuration Manager:

There was an error while switching panels. The most likely cause is an error retreiving WMI properties. The exception details are:

InvalidArgument=Value of '1' is not valid for 'SelectedIndex'.

Parameter name: SelectedIndex "

I have tried re-installing the entire SQL server setup and this made no difference, I followed this by removing then reinstalling just the Report Service. Still nothing.

Any ideas as to what it is doing and how I should go about fixing it?


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SQL Server 2005 Developer's Version Installation Problem -- No SQL Server 2005 Studio Manager Gets Installed.

Sep 3, 2007

I installed Visual Studio 2005 Professional then after that was installed and running, I tried to install the the SQL Server 2005 Developer's Edition which installed but I do not get the SQL Server 2005 Studio Manager. I have remove and reinstalled but it never gets installed. Any ideas?


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SQL Server 2000 Databases To SQL Server 2005? Enterprise Manager And Management Stuio At The Same Server?

Feb 13, 2008

When I proposed start to use SQL Server 2005 for new VS 2005 web sites, one of my co-workers responded that
we will update the old SQL Server 2000 databases to SQL Server 2005 when we are ready to use 2005 SQL Server.

1. Any expected problems to upgrade old 2000 databases to new 2005 SQL Server?
2. I have installed both 2005/Management Studio Express and 2000/Enterprise Manager in my PC. Any expected
problems when running both 2000 and 2005 SQL Server at the same database server?
3. What is the best configuration for running SQL Server 2005 when we have old 2000 databases? Upgade or not upgrade?


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Can't Change TCP Port Using Configuration Manager For X64 SQL 2005 SP1 Virtual Instance

Feb 27, 2007

Hi, I hope someone can help me!   I changed the TCP port that the default instance of SQL 2005 x64 SP1 is listening on and now SQL server won't start as the port is being used - no problem I say to myself, I'll just change it again, however I can't!  

My problem is that I can not change the TCP Port back again using Configuration Manager - no matter what values I put in, after a restart of the instance it comes up with this in the IP Addresses tab for TCP/IP Properties and SQL Server won't start:

Active   Yes
Enabled   No
IP Address  aaa.bbb.ccc.111
TCP Dynamic Ports
TCP Port  0

Active   Yes
Enabled   No
IP Address  aaa.bbb.ccc.222
TCP Dynamic Ports
TCP Port  0

Active   Yes
Enabled   No
IP Address  aaa.bbb.ccc.333
TCP Dynamic Ports
TCP Port  0

Active   Yes
Enabled   No
IP Address
TCP Dynamic Ports
TCP Port  0

Active   Yes
Enabled   No
IP Address
TCP Dynamic Ports
TCP Port  0

TCP Dynamic Ports 2020
TCP Port  2020

Interestingly, the ip address that the server is listening on aaa.bbb.ccc.444 is not reported in the list of IP addresses in the configuration manager for this instance, yet it is when I view the available IP addresses for the other two instances - is this significant?

I have tried failing to the other node, changing it there, changing it at the console and also while logged onto the the virtual machine remote desktop, rebooting both nodes, etc, etc.   There are two other instances on this cluster that are still working fine but I hvae not attempted to change the TCP ports they listen on.

I used the same method to change this default instance as I did for a named instance on a similarly configured cluster and it worked fine.   How to fix this?

Regards, Mike

2007-02-27 12:03:17.69 Server      Server is listening on [ aaa.bbb.ccc.444<ipv4> 2020].
2007-02-27 12:03:17.71 spid9s      Starting up database 'tempdb'.
2007-02-27 12:03:17.72 Server      Error: 26023, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2007-02-27 12:03:17.72 Server      Server TCP provider failed to listen on [ aaa.bbb.ccc.444<ipv4> 2020]. Tcp port is already in use.
2007-02-27 12:03:17.75 Server      Error: 17182, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2007-02-27 12:03:17.75 Server      TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x2740, status code 0xa.
2007-02-27 12:03:17.75 Server      Error: 17182, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2007-02-27 12:03:17.75 Server      TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x2740, status code 0x1.
2007-02-27 12:03:17.75 Server      Error: 17826, Severity: 18, State: 3.
2007-02-27 12:03:17.75 Server      Could not start the network library because of an internal error in the network library. To determine the cause, review the errors immediately preceding this one in the error log.
2007-02-27 12:03:17.77 Server      Error: 17120, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2007-02-27 12:03:17.77 Server      SQL Server could not spawn FRunCM thread. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information about possible related problems.

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Sql Server 2005 Sql Server Surface Area Configuration Classical Problem

Feb 18, 2008

hi ; everybody
i have almost installed sql server 2005 enterprise edition on windows xp sp2 and i havent connected to any server .i have taken error:40 with my all attempts.tcp/ip protocol have been enabled on sql server configuration manager.i have tried to start sql server surface area configuration but every my attempt have been resulted a fault which is below.
[No SQL Server 2005 components were found on the specified computer. Either no components are installed, or you are not an administrator on this computer. (SQLSAC)]
i dont suppose that i did something wrong when i setupped.because i read every article on the internet about how to make setup.also; i setupped numbers of times on my pc.
but i didnt accomplished.
i thank for any help.please; give your solution explicitly.

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Reporting Services :: Cannot Click Restore Button In RS Configuration Manager To Restore Encryption Key

Oct 29, 2015

While migrating Report services in SQL Server 2005 to 2014, I am trying to restore the Encryption Key in RS Configuration Manager in2014. But I cannot click the 'Restore' button in RS Configuration Manager. So if I should be grant more right to do so or any other action?

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Reporting Services :: JIT Debugging Error When Reporting Configuration Manager Is Opened

Sep 11, 2015

We have installed SQL Server 2005 with reporting services.When tried to open getting errors as below: how to avoid such errors See the end of this message for details on invoking  just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.WMIProviderException: A WMI error has occurred and no additional error information is available. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8000000A)
  at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)

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How To Get Server Mode Option In Reporting Services Configuration For Sharepoint?

Jan 21, 2008

Hi All,
I want to deploy my reports in a Sharepoint site. So I need to change the Deployment mode from Native to Sharepoint Integrated mode. When go to Reporting Services Configuration and in Database Setup - the Server Mode option is not visible. Anyone help me what is the reason for this or How to get Server Mode option in Database Setup in Reporting Services Configuration menu. However the system installed with Sharepoint and SSRS SP2.

Thanks in advance,

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Configuration Manager - Which Configuration Type To Chose ?

Jan 14, 2006

It seems to me, that the best way is to have one Environment Varible containing the name of the SQL Server, so that you can look up the configuration in the SSIS Configuration Table when you run the package.

Is this the preferable way of doing it ? I would like to hear some positive/negative comment of why chosing a configuration type instead of another.

It seems to me that putting all of the configuration in the Environment variable is harder work but most secure (server breakdown vs table corruption/database error...)

Let's have some comments

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Reporting Services :: Report Server Email Configuration - Permitted Hosts

Aug 25, 2015

I would like to configure the permitted hosts setting for the Report Server. According to MSDN, the Syntax is:


In case of having only one host, is the <HostName> tag mandatory? I was not able to find more information regarding the xsd on which the configuration file is based. To be more specific, is it possible to define the PermittedHost like this or will this result in an error?


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Using MS SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Manager With MS SQL Server 2000

Dec 5, 2006

Hi Everyone,Most of our MS SQL Servers are still running on SQL 2000, but being Iwill soon be upgrading my workstation to Vista Business I'd like toinstall MS SQL 2005 Enterprise Manager to manage them all. When Itried to install MS SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager on Vista, it gave me amessage saying it's not compatible, so I'll have to use 2005 I guess.We have LOTS of DTS scripts on our SQL 2000 server, and will 2005 EMwork with these okay? Also I want to make sure SQL 2005 EnterpriseManager won't be adding to, changing, or 'upgrading' the DTS scripts oranything on the SQL 2000 servers as we still have folks using SQL 2000Enterprise Manager.Thanks for any suggestions. I'm always leery when using cross-versionsof Microsoft applications because they are often incompatible or theydo squirly things that often break stuff.Thanks --Alex

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