Cannot See Server Name In The Pick List

Dec 8, 2006

I have installed the MS SQL Server (Developer Edition) that comes with Visual Studuo 2005 Professional Edition into my computer. Seems like install is OK and I can see both SQLEXPRESS and MSSQLSERVER in configuration manager. I can start/stop both of the servers OK. However, when I try to make a connection from Visual Studuo 2005, I can only see SQLEXPRESS in the pick list in "Add Connection" window. SQLSERVER is not in the list.

The very first task I wanted to do is to convert and Access database to SQL. For that reason, I also installed "Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access". In that application I cannot even see any server name when the wizard asks which server to choose. I also tried to start/stop "Sql Server Browser" service. When I stop the service, the pick list becomes empty and when I start the service the pick list has only SQLEXPRESS.

So, how can I see or pick MSSQLSERVER to make a connection in either applications? Please note I am VERY NEW to SQL Server and I appreciate your answers with that consideration.

Thans in advance

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Pick List Values Into A Table

Jul 20, 2005

Can anybody help on this question?When I select 3 values from the drop down list box, how can I insert into atable?Please help

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RS Pick List Not Generating From Data Set With Stored Procedure

Apr 1, 2008

I have a stored procedure that is pulling 3 parameters: @user_id, @, begin_date and @end_date. The parameters are setup in the 'parameters' tab of the data set, and also the 'report parameters', however, when I go to run report, I get textbox for user_id, instead of a drop down with pick list.

I tried creating a separate dataset to bring in user_id's only and manually create a parameter for it in 'report parameters'. I then get a drop down box with repeating data, and when I run the report, I get back all user_id's instead of the one I chose.

I'm finding the parameters are the most difficult concept within RS. Does anyone know I can make this work?


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Report Model Not Allowing Users To Filter Using A Pick List

Jan 9, 2008

I have a MSSQL Report Services Report Model set up to allow users to create their own ad hoc reports. The data source for my model is a Named Query that queries a MS SQL view that actually pulls data from a series of tables & other views. When you create a report from this model and attempt to filter the data some of the fileds will provide you with a pick list to select which values you would like to filter on and other fields do not provide you with a pick list but require you to enter the data directly that you wish to filter on. Most of the data fields that I am trying to filter on are varchar fields and like I said some will create a pick list for you to selet from and others will not. This all seemed to start after I changed my data source to a Named Query rather than having my data source as the MS SQL View directly. I did this becuase it seemed that anytime I had to make a change to the views that the data source pulled from it would mess up any existing reports that had been created and this does not happen if I use a named query. I have gone crazy trying to figure this one out so any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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Extract IBM UniData (Pick Database) Data Into SQL Server

Oct 31, 2006

Good afternoon SQL dudes Does anyone have any experience of extracting data from IBM's UniData ( (or any post-relational Pick nested relational multi-valued relational database) into a SQL Server?More info here (, here ( and here ( I don't (which is why I am asking) but I could imagine it being a right bugger. No need for detailed or technical info - I have no more info at this stage - just wondered if anyone has any similar experience. Super duper, thank you SQL troopers :)

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How To Pick Up Data From SQL Server And Update A Oracle Database Using A SSIS Package

Mar 5, 2007

I have a table in SQL Server 2005 which has [Id] and [Name] as its columns.
I also have a Oracle database which has a similar table.

What I want to do is as follows:
In a SSIS package, I want to pick up details from SQL Server and update the Oracle table. And then should be done without using a linked server connection.

Can someone guide me as to how I can specify a update statement in the destination dataflow.


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Which Sp1 Do I Pick?

Apr 28, 2006

Hi, I have a question that may seem simple to you, but I am having trouble locating the answer.

I want to install sp1 for sql server 2005. The directions tell me to select the correct link and give me three choices. The choices are differentiated with x86, x64, and IA.

I installed the 32 bit sql server 2005 on a window xp professional gateway personal computer. I'm just learning, so I did not involve my home network.

Which sp1 should I select?


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Auto Pick

Feb 21, 2007

hi all,
anyone has any idea in what i want to accomplish here :-
how can we sort the select statement, say, we want to compare integer inputqty=60.. how can we match the suitable sum of column qty to reach the 60 figure...

EG -> qty column : 50, 25, 15, 10

i)how can we prompt the select statemnet to choose 50 and 10 to make it 60...
ii)for another eg, say inputqty=90, then how can we prompt it to select 50 + 25 + 15 = 90
iii)and for some cases, if no round qty, the sum could be more, but the least from the qty list... eg : inputqty=80, how to automate the select statement to choose the closest figure, 50 + 25 + 10 = 85

i dunno if this is possible for any select or function or sp...

~~~Focus on problem, not solution~~~

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Randomly Pick Records

Apr 10, 2001

I need to randomly pick one or more records from a query e.g

select c_id, c_name
from c_table
where cat_id = 52

There may be more than one records for cat_id = 52. and I need to pick 3 of them randomly.

Thanks in advance!

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Pick Random Records

Jun 25, 2002

I need a way to select records at random from a SQL Server 2000 table. If the record I've selected at random meets a few simple conditions (column X <> 'A' and column Y == 'Z') then return this record and get the next. Ideally I'd be able to do this in a stored proc where I'd call it with:

parameter 1: table name
parameter 2: number of random records to get
parameter 3: value for condition 1
parameter 4: value for condition 2

Any help will be greatly appreciated!


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Pick And Display TOP 3 Values

May 18, 2014

I have the below data with two columns (Posting Date and Pond Crop, construct an SQL where i will pick and display only the TOP 3 Posting date of EACH Pond Crop. I only attached less data but in reality there are lots of Ponds and posting date in this table.

Table Name : Weekly Harvest

1. Posting Date
2. PondCrop

Desired Output:

Posting Date PondCrop
2011-12-12 00:00:00.00001PA01-15
2011-12-19 00:00:00.00001PA01-15
2011-12-26 00:00:00.00001PA01-15
2012-03-19 00:00:00.00001PA01-16
2012-03-20 00:00:00.00001PA01-16
2012-03-26 00:00:00.00001PA01-16

Raw Data
Posting Date PondCrop
2011-11-21 00:00:00.00001PA01-15
2011-11-28 00:00:00.00001PA01-15
2011-12-02 00:00:00.00001PA01-15
2011-12-05 00:00:00.00001PA01-15

[Code] ....

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How To Pick Alphabet In A String

Aug 9, 2013

I need to increment values

I have written this script execute this :

This is for this scenario

Insert Into #String SELECT 'S601-S630',1,'Desc1'
Drop table #IDs
CREATE TABLE #IDs(ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) ,String VARCHAR(100),Flag Int,Description VARCHAR(1000))
CREATE TABLE #string(ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) ,String VARCHAR(100),Falg Int,Descript VARCHAR(1000))
DECLARE @min INT ,@Max INT ,@String VARCHAR(50),@Start VARCHAR(50),@End VARCHAR(50),@Flag INT,@Desc VARCHAR(1000)

[Code] ....

How I need to increment if the input is like this

Insert Into #String SELECT '6S01-6S30',1,'Desc1'

if alphabet is in middle of the number??

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How I Can Pick Between 5 - 20 Rows In Table

Jun 27, 2006

Mostly we are using to get 100 or more record with Top operator, but I want to take specific row in between like

10 - 100 or 100 to 200 etc.

How I can pick it. plz give suggestion

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How To Pick Up The Diffrent Record

May 5, 2008

I have a table as below:
user_id app_id form_id
1 a 1245
1 a 1345
1 b 1548
2 a 1245
2 a 1345
2 a 1411
2 b 1678
2 c 1245
3 b 1678
Now I want compare user 1 with user 2, and find out the records for user 2 where there are no app_id and from_id the same as user 1, so the output should be"
2 a 1411
2 b 1678
2 c 1245
Please advise how I can do this. Many thanks.

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Pick One Of Three Input Columns

May 29, 2007

I have three input columns from my flat file, defined as follows:


Now, what I want to do is pick the one that is populated, and put it into my table, in the column called


I assume that I want to use a derived column, but how do I filter out columns that contain only NULL values?


jim work

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How To Add (pick And Choose) Items From One Table To Another

Jan 19, 2007

We have two tables (one has DTS import of external spreadsheet - the other is the online table)
The scenario is that I need to add items (from the first table) to the second table, when they don't exist. However, it's harder than that - the second table, in some fields has integers (ID field)), referring to another table (let's call it the 3rd table), but the first table has text (which is in the description, in the third table).
I have to run through the first table, row by row, checking the part number if it already exists in the second table - nothing happens, and it goes to the next line. In each line, if the part number does NOT exist, I need to insert the data in that row. BUT - remember that third table, for the item(s) in the first table with text, I need to dynamically query the third table, to get the ID, in order to complete the insert correctly (Select ID from Third Table where Description=@FirstTableFieldText)
 I've never done anything like this, and I have no idea how to put this together - especially if it's all in one Stored Procedure. I need some help here on recommended ways to do it (and how)..... Even the base structure (pseudo code- whatever) would help

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What &#34;Sort Order&#34; Did You Pick To Implement And Why?

Jun 26, 2000

Please identify the "Sort Order" you picked to implement?
Dictionary Order, Case Insensitive
Dictionary Order, Case In-sensitive

Why did you choose this "Sort Order"


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To Pick Up Data Based On Report Date

Nov 17, 2011

I have a case where I need to pick the right data based on two dates and month.

Here's the sample of data:

cash_box_id | balance | validfrom | validto
cb003 | 950 | 30june2010 | 24may2011
cb003 | 900 | 25may2011 | 01Jan5999
cb005 | 800 | 11jan2011 | 01Jan5999
cb007 | 300 | 24Feb2011 | 10may2011
cb007 | 385 | 11may2011 | 22may2011
cb007 | 590 | 23may2011 | 28jun2011
cb007 | 700 | 29june2011 | 01Jan5999

I wanted to pick data that valid on 31 May 2011. So, expected output should be only two records as blue highlight.

cash_box_id | balance | validfrom | validto
cb003 | 950 | 30june2010 | 24may2011
cb003 | 900 | 25may2011 | 01Jan5999
cb005 | 800 | 11jan2011 | 01Jan5999
cb007 | 300 | 24Feb2011 | 10may2011
cb007 | 385 | 11may2011 | 22may2011
cb007 | 590 | 23may2011 | 28jun2011
cb007 | 700 | 29june2011 | 01Jan5999

They are thousand of records like this.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Pick Records Within 2 Months Period

Jul 29, 2015

My case is I have customers with multiple ordering dates, I'll to run a query to pull only records within 2 months period based on the previous picking records. Ex is below:

create table #tmp_CusttInfo
(patID varchar(20),
enc_date datetime)
insert into #tmp_CustInfo
select '111','2015-01-01 09:25:05.000'

[Code] ...

I'd like to get:

CustID OrderDate
111 2015-01-01 09:25:05.000
111 2015-03-01 09:25:05.000
111 2015-05-01 09:25:05.000
222 2015-01-01 09:25:05.000
222 2015-03-01 09:25:05.000
222 2015-05-01 09:25:05.000

Is that possible.

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Pick Recent Modified Date In The Table

Feb 21, 2014

This is my table:

ID AppName DepCode DepName Group ModifiedDate YearlyAmount
1 Nestle NS Foods Products 01/12/14 451
1 Nestle NS Foods Products 01/17/14 495
2 Oracle OR Software Info 01/24/14 279
2 Oracle OR Soft & IT Info 01/26/14 310
2 Oracle ORL Software Info 01/25/14 219
2 Oracle ORL Soft IT 01/28/14 600

MonthlyAmount Funded AppCategory Research
37.5623 Yes NE NA
41.2365 No N NA
23.2568 Yes OR InProgress
25.8333 Yes ORL NA
18.2189 Yes SOF Approved
50.0000 No IT RejectedExpected Output:

ID AppName DepCode DepName Group ModifiedDate YearlyAmount
1 Nestle NS Foods Products 01/17/14 946
2 Oracle OR Soft & IT Info 01/26/14 589
2 Oracle ORL Soft IT 01/28/14 819

MonthlyAmount Funded AppCategory Research
78.7988 No N NA
49.0901 Yes ORL NA
68.2189 No IT Rejected

I want to pick the recent modified date for DepCode and sum Yearly and Monthly Amount. I have tried this query and not able to get the output. This is the single table.

select B1.[ID], B1.[AppName], B1.[DepCode], B1.[DepName], B1.[Group],
B2.ModifiedDate, B2.YearlyAmount, B2.MonthlyAmount,
B1.[FuBded], B1.[AppCategory], B1.[Research]
FROM Business B1
(select [ID], MAX(ModifiedDate) as ModifiedDate, SUM(YearlyAmount) as YearlyAmount,
SUM(MonthlyAmount) as MonthlyAmount
from Business
Group by ID) B2
ON B1.ID = B2.ID AND B1.ModifiedDate = B2.ModifiedDate

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Dynamically Pick The Source And Destination Tables

Feb 27, 2007

I want to write a SSIS which picks up the source and destination tables at runtime is it possible. As we have a SSIS which is used to pull data from oracle but the source and destination table name changes.

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SQL 2012 :: List All Different Values That Go With Single CAS ID To Appear As Comma Separate List

Jun 15, 2015

So at the moment, I don't have a function by the name CONCATENATE. What I like to do is to list all those different values that go with a single CASE_ID to appear as a a comma separate list. You might have a better way of doing without even writing a function

So the output would look like :


dbo.Concatenate( '[' + CAST(preop.value_text AS VARCHAR) + ']' ) as variable
dbo.TBL_Preop preop
preop.Deleted_CD = 0


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Report Designer: Need To List Fields From Multiple Result Rows As Comma Seperated List (like A JOIN On Parameters)

Apr 9, 2008

I know I can do a JOIN(parameter, "some seperator") and it will build me a list/string of all the values in the multiselect parameter.

However, I want to do the same thing with all the occurances of a field in my result set (each row being an occurance).

For example say I have a form that is being printed which will pull in all the medications a patient is currently listed as having perscriptions for. I want to return all those values (say 8) and display them on a single line (or wrap onto additional lines as needed).

Something like:
List of current perscriptions: Allegra, Allegra-D, Clariton, Nasalcort, Sudafed, Zantac

How can I accomplish this?

I was playing with the list box, but that only lets me repeat on a new line, I couldn't find any way to get it to repeate side by side (repeat left to right instead of top to bottom). I played with the orientation options, but that really just lets me adjust how multiple columns are displayed as best I can tell.

Could a custom function of some sort be written to take all the values and spit them out one by one into a comma seperated string?

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Insert Value List Doest Not Match Column List

Apr 18, 2007


I need to do a simple task but it's difficult to a newbie on ssis..

i have two tables...

first one has an identity column and the second has fk to the first...

to each dataset row i need to do an insert on the first table, get the @@Identity and insert it on the second table !!

i'm trying to use ole db command but it's not's showing the error "Insert Value list doest not match column list"

here is the script

INSERT INTO CustomerAddress(
TypeDescription) VALUES(

what's the problem ??

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Items In List A That Don't Appear In List B (was Simple Query...I Think)

Jan 20, 2005

Ok, I want to write a stored procedure / query that says the following:
If any of the items in list 'A' also appear in list 'B' --return false
If none of the items in list 'A' appear in list 'B' --return true

In pseudo-SQL, I want to write a clause like this


(SELECT values FROM tableA) IN(SELECT values FROM tableB)
Return False
Return True

Unfortunately, it seems I can't do that unless my subquery before the 'IN' statement returns only one value. Needless to say, it returns a number of values.

I may have to achieve this with some kind of logical loop but I don't know how to do that.

Can anyone help?

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Select List Contains More Items Than Insert List

Mar 21, 2008

I have a select list of fields that I need to select to get the results I need, however, I would like to insert only a chosen few of these fields into a table. I am getting the error, "The select list for the INSERT statement contains more items than the insert list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of INSERT columns."
How can I do this?

Insert Query:
tri_Ldg_Tran.CLM_ID AS PTicketNum,
tri_ClaimChg.Line_No AS PLineNum,
tri_Ldg_Tran.Tran_Amount AS PAmount,

CASE WHEN tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMMarsPaymentTypeCode = 'PATPMT'
THEN tri_ldg_tran.tran_amount * tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMMultiplier

tri_Ldg_Tran.Create_Date AS PDepositDate,
tri_Ldg_Tran.Tran_Date AS PEntryDate,
tri_ClaimChg.Hsp_Code AS PHCPCCode,
FROM [AO2AO2].MARS_SYS.DBO.tln_PaymentTypeMappings tln_PaymentTypeMappings RIGHT OUTER JOIN
qs_new_pmt_type ON tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMClientPaymentDesc =
qs_new_pmt_type.New_Pmt_Type RIGHT OUTER JOIN
tri_ClaimChg ON tri_IDENT.Pat_Id1 =
tri_ClaimChg.Pat_ID1 ON tri_Ldg_Tran.PRS_ID =
tri_ClaimChg.PRS_ID AND
tri_Ldg_Tran.Chg_TRN_ID =
AND tri_Ldg_Tran.Pat_ID1 = tri_IDENT.Pat_Id1 LEFT OUTER JOIN
tri_Payer ON tri_Ldg_Tran.Payer_ID
= tri_Payer.Payer_ID ON qs_new_pmt_type.Pay_Type
= tri_Ldg_Tran.Pay_Type AND
qs_new_pmt_type.Tran_Type = tri_Ldg_Tran.Tran_Type
WHERE (tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMMarsPaymentTypeCode <> N'Chg')
AND (tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMClientCode = 'SR')
AND (tri_ClaimChg.Primary_Claim = 1)
AND (tri_IDENT.Version = 0)

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Insert Only New Items From A List But Get ID's For New And Existing In The List.

Feb 12, 2008


I have a a table that holds a list of words, I am trying to add to the list, however I only want to add new words. But I wish to return from my proc the list of words with ID, whether it is new or old.

Here's a script. the creates the table,indexes, function and the storeproc. call the proc like procStoreAndUpdateTokenList 'word1,word2,word3'

My table is now 500000 rows and growing and I am inserting on average 300 words, some new some old.

performance is a not that great so I'm thinking that my code can be improved.

SQL Express 2005 SP2
Windows Server 2003
1GB Ram....(I know, I know)


Code Snippet
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tokens](
[TokenID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Token] [varchar](255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[TokenID] ASC

[Token] ASC
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[SplitTokenList]
@TokenList varchar(max)
@ParsedList table
Token varchar(255)
DECLARE @Token varchar(50), @Pos int
SET @TokenList = LTRIM(RTRIM(@TokenList ))+ ','
SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @TokenList , 1)
IF REPLACE(@TokenList , ',', '') <> ''
WHILE @Pos > 0
SET @Token = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@TokenList, @Pos - 1)))
IF @Token <> ''
INSERT INTO @ParsedList (Token)
VALUES (@Token) --Use Appropriate conversion
SET @TokenList = RIGHT(@TokenList, LEN(@TokenList) - @Pos)
SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @TokenList, 1)

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[procStoreAndUpdateTokenList]
@TokenList varchar(max)
create table #Tokens (TokenID int default 0, Token varchar(50))
create clustered index Tind on #T (Token)
DECLARE @NewTokens table
TokenID int default 0,
Token varchar(50)

--Split ID's into a table
INSERT INTO #Tokens(Token)
SELECT Token FROM SplitTokenList(@TokenList)
--get ID's for any existing tokens
UPDATE #Tokens SET TokenID = ISNULL( t.TokenID ,0)
FROM #Tokens tl INNER JOIN Tokens t ON tl.Token = t.Token

INSERT INTO Tokens(Token)

return the list with id for new and old
SELECT TokenID, Token FROM #Tokens
WHERE TokenID <> 0
SELECT TokenID, Token FROM @Tokens
DECLARE @er nvarchar(max)
RAISERROR(@er, 14,1);

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How To List The Target Servers Associated With A Master Server

Sep 9, 2015

I'm looking for a way to list the target servers associated with a master server. The reason is that we're moving to another master server, and I'd prefer not to move the targets manually.

I've got most of the T-SQL already (sp_msx_enlist, sp_add_jobserver), but I'd like a scripted solution instead of a wizard.

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Clearing The Recently Used Server List In SQL Server Management Studio?

Apr 22, 2008

How do I clear the Recently Used Server list in SQL Server Management Studio? I am talking about the "Server Name" field that is part of the "Connect To Server" drop down when you initially open SQL Server Management Studio.

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ERROR: A Variable May Only Be Added Once To Either The Read Lock List Or The Write Lock List.

May 22, 2006

I have set of 2 DTS packages, one of which calls the other by forming a command-line (dtexec) using a Execute Process task.

From the parent package-> Execute Process Task->
dtsexec /F etc... /<pkg variable> = "servername"

Each of the parent and the called package have a variable: "User::DWServerSQLInstance" which is mapped to the SQL server connection manager server name property using an expression. The outer package has the above variable and so does the inner called package (which gets assigned through the command line from the outerpackage call to inner)

I "sometimes" get the following error:

OnError,I4,TESTDOMAdministrator,ACDWAggregation,{A1F8E43F-15F1-4685-8C18-6866AB31E62B},{77B2F3C7-6756-46EB-8C01-D880598FB4B3},5/22/2006 5:10:28 PM,5/22/2006 5:10:28 PM,-1073659822,0x,The variable "User::DWServerSQLInstance" is already on the read list. A variable may only be added once to either the read lock list or the write lock list.

Help would be appreciated!

I have seen other posts on this but, not able to relate the solution to my scenario.

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List Services On Server

Sep 4, 2006

--The following query will list all services and current state of each service on server
--where MSSQL2000 is installed.

CREATE TABLE #services (ident SMALLINT identity, fld NVARCHAR(200))

--get output of command in temporary table
INSERT INTO #services (fld)
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'sc query state= all' --remove 'state= all' for displaying only running services

--keep only needed records (service code, service displayed name, state
DELETE FROM #services

--remove labels
UPDATE #services
SET fld = LTRIM(RIGHT(fld, LEN(fld) - CHARINDEX(':', fld, 1)))

--display services, names and state
SELECT tbl1.fld AS srv_code, tbl2.fld AS srv_name, tbl3.fld AS state
FROM #services tbl1, #services tbl2, #services tbl3
WHERE tbl2.ident = tbl1.ident+1
AND tbl3.ident = tbl1.ident + 3

DROP TABLE #services



For those working with Linked Servers, and dont want to worry about the state of Distributed Transaction Coordinator service, the following query can be used for ensuring that MSDTC is running before any action takes place

EXEC xp_cmdshell 'sc start msdtc', no_output


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SQL Server Not Always In ODBC List

May 13, 2004

I am setting up a number of the same model laptops (Dell Latitude D600) to connect to a SQL server. I am going through ODBC to do this. My problem is that when setting it up sometimes the server is not part of the drop-down list and cannot be added though other times using the same model laptop w/ seemingly nothing different there's no problem. In addition when I do manually enter the server information and try to connect I receive a "Connection Failed: SQL Server Error 18456...." Then on the next laptop there's no problem at all. In addition when I attempt to add it through System DSN I receive a different error "SQL Server Error: 53" followed by "Error: 6" Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Clear Server List

Apr 8, 2008

Hi is there a way of clearing the server names from the management studio?

i found the below on the net but i do not have this file to delete?

“All you have to do is delete C:Documents and Settings<user>Application DataMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL

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