Cant Get Two Servers To Connect With Certificates Kb 915852
Mar 14, 2007
I am trying to use the example in This creates two databases SourceDB and TargetDB. If I put SourceDB on the same SQL Server instance as TargetDB, the messages is received with no problem. If I put the SourceDB on another Server so than I am using two separate servers in the same domain, the message never gets to the TargetDB. I have changed the routes to the correct server names and set the route port to 8286.
SERVICE_NAME = 'SourceService',
address = 'TCP://toto:8286';
SERVICE_NAME = 'TargetService',
address = 'TCP://devbox05:8286';
My SourceDB is on one of several instances on the server toto. My instance is totofoxylady01,52005.
The certificates were generated using the passwords in the article.
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Jan 24, 2008
Hi everyone I was wondering whether it was possible to connect to another server within SQL?
The scenario:
- There are 2 servers that need to communicate to each other as Data needs to be in sync with each other.
- Server 1 receives a command.
- I need an SQL Statement to connect to server 2. Is this possible using variables @Connection?
I have a TRIGGER that detects any changes in my Table... if anything is INSERTED or UPDATED a TRIGGER is called to deal with that and sync my necessary tables. I need to connect to Server 2 and basically do the same operations if possible?
I would be happy to provide further information on the matter if required. Thanks, Onam
In all I need to know if its possible to connect to another server on the network.
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Sep 4, 2007
Hi, If you have 2 databases with the exact same table columns, and in the first database in a table column the indentidy seed starts at 1 and finishes at 32,000 can you attatch a second database so that the indentity starts at 32,001and carries on. What happens if you create a site and run out of disk space and need to attach another database which is located on another server??? I am really confused about this.Hope someone can give some links to some articles about this as I can't find any information about it.How can this be done? Thanks
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Aug 23, 2013
We are wanting to know how to connect 2 databases residing on 2SQL servers. The workstation has access to both databases. Join on Cols 1 and 2.
Server1, Database1, Table1, Column1 (Char)
Server2, Database2, Table2, Column2 (VarChar)
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Jun 26, 2007
How do I connect DB's on different servers? I can't find a good explanation that works for me.
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Feb 23, 2006
Hi,On my laptop I am running Virtual Server 2005 with 2 x Windows 2003Servers. Both the VS can access the internet and shared files on thehost laptop. On the host laptop I have a SQL Server 2000 running.I have written a Windows Service to detect Application Errors and fireduplicates of events to the database, and this service sits on both VS.It does work as I have tested it on host. BUT everytime I makeapplication errors on the VS nothing is deposited into my database.Very frustrating!I have also tried to create a ODBC connection through the Data SourceAdministrator, and when I enter the login credentials for SQL I getconnection error messages.Any suggestions would be great!ThanksSun
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Mar 28, 2007
Hi, iīm new to SQL SERVER, I've been using Oracle and MySql without problems so far.
I'm having problems to connect to SQL SERVER on my local machine.
I can connect via command line, but from Visual Studio canīt connect to SQL SERVER
Sometimes I got this error:
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
And sometimes something about enabling remote connections in SQL SERVER , but the server is in the local machine.
whatīs suppose to be the name of my server? localhost?
what am I doing wrong, ?
I have no problems to connect to Oracle and mysql with Visual Studio.
Thanks in advance
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Nov 20, 2007
Good morning all,
I need to create a new table on a SQL Server 2005 Database, but the data needed for the table is kept in different databases on different servers.
Half the data is on the SQL 2005 database, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem, but the other half is on a SQL Express database on a different server, is it possible to write a T-SQL query to retrieve this data on the other server?
Normally I use a create table + insert into kind of query to create custom tables but I don't know how to connect to the SQL Express server/database using T-SQL (if it's possible at all?) to do this.
Any tips, hints, ideas very welcome. Please use small words and short sentences.
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May 3, 2006
With the new functionality provided by sql server 2005, can we use the certificate functionality to act as a db store for third party certificates. Posts that I have seen so far indicate that there is no direct access to the certificate store once a certificate has been imported to the db. Given that the database is more portable (for failover purposes for certificate storeage, lack of access to the certificate store should be considered a considerable problem for ISV's.
Failing that, if we need to impliment this functionality ourselves what is the best format to store certificates in the database (blob or other)
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Sep 29, 2006
I have access to a microsoft certificate server and I have generated a server certificate for use in my SQLexpress installation. The certificate was installed into the personal folder of the local machine. The MMC certificate snap in can see it fine.
When I use the SQL server configuration manager and look in the certificate tab and try to use the drop down to find the certificate so SQL express can use it, nothing shows up.
Can someone please give instructions on how I can get SQl express to use the server certificate that I just installed?
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Apr 27, 2007
Does SQL Server support wildcard Certificates. When you install the wild cert in the certificate store, the sql configuration manager does not see it in its drop down list. Id it does, what are the steps or please point me to the right direction. Does the cert need to be specifically for that particular hostname. Thanks
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Apr 17, 2008
I am looking for a good introduction into the handling of certificates in SQL 2005.
I need to sign a procedure to allow it to access a dm view.
I do understand the theory and the syntax, but I have trouble coming up with an easy but still secure way to create these certificates on all customer servers without allowing misuse.
All articles I could find are going through creating a new database, setting up a certificate with or without password, signing an example proc and then dropping the database.
Non seems to care about the problems that occur later on during the life of a certificate.
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Aug 11, 2005
I want to get all the student from a Database table which store student certificate. For example, I need a query of student who "HAVE" 3 certificate(Cert A, B, C).
Certificate Table:
StudentName CertificateName
John Cert A
Wilson Cert B
John Cert B
John Cert C
Michael Cert A
sqlQuery = "Select * from CertificateTable Where (CertificateName = 'Cert A') AND (CertificateName = 'Cert B') AND (CertificateName= 'Cert C')"
This is my query, but it not works.
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Dec 8, 2006
Need to replicate mobile device that uses a wildcard certificate. Heard that ms windows mobile 5.0 does not support wildcard certificates. Is there a solution around this using
Microsoft CF 2.0
Microsoft SQL Mobile 2005
Microsoft SQL Mobile 2005 Replication
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Mar 10, 2008
Hi There
I just want to be 100% sure about something.
Certificates generated for use with service broker endpoints must be generated in the maste database, correct?
What are the implecations of the master key is changed for the master database ?
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Jul 24, 2006
Hi There
This may seem like a stupid question but i am trying to get the hang of the new security model.
I have not really heard anything mentioned about certficate expiration date when it comes to creating certificates for keys or service broker endpoints etc.
We have created certificates for keys and service broker endpoints, now what exactly happens when the expiration date, by default 1 year i think is reached, will we no longer be able to decrypt encrypted data and will the service broker endpoints stop working etc ?
Or is this expiration date when the certificate can no longer be used to create security objects ? And all security objects already created with this certificate will always work ?
In other words is there ever danger that keys and endpoints or basically any object referrencing this certificate will just suddenly stop working one day, or will all objects work indefinately regardless of an certificate/objects expiration date ?
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Nov 20, 2006
Hello Guys,
Here it is my scenario;
My principal server in LAN and my mirror server in DMZ and Iam using certificates both partners (I dont use witness server).
I did not use wizard.I have just Setting Up Database Mirroring Using Certificates (Transact-SQL)
Iam sure all steps are ok!(I mean ports,certificates,users,logins,endpoints,GRANT CONNECT ON ENDPOINT,SP1....)
But I am still getting error Principal Server;
Database mirroring connection error 4 'An error occurred while receiving data: '64(error not found)'.' for 'TCP://195.xx.yy.zz:5022'.
Also,Mirror Database status changed (Restoring---->In Recovery)
I tried many tests but I did not succeed.Do you have any ideas in this case or any experince in database mirroring using certificates.
Many thanks for your reply...
Tarkan G.
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Dec 5, 2006
I am currently trying to replicate a SQL Mobile 2005 database with a SQL Server 2005 database through web synchronization using SSL Server AND Client Certificates. On IIS, with "Require Client Certificates" unchecked, I can replicate fine. Once I turn it on, I get a message from replication saying "A Secure Socket Layer connection is required to access this site". I have installed a client certificate in IE, and can access the https://servername/Ojt/sqlcesa30.dll site (I tried removing the client certificate, and I was denied access, then reinstalled it and it worked - so I think that part is working). Does anyone have any experience with this? My production operating environment requires client-side certificates.
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Jun 22, 2006
Hi, i want to know if its posible to create credentials or certificates in order to protect a SQL 2005 data base.
Because if someone Buckups one of my DBs from my server, and try to restore it in orther server i dont want they to see my DB information because he dont have the correct credentials or certificates for it.
This is posible?. if is, How i do it ?
Best Regards.
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Jun 18, 2007
The project I'm currently working on has to be relatively simple for the users to install, so I had the idea of using service broker to "set itself up". The idea is that there will be a server with a service and suchlike already set up. Somehow the clients will get the information required to create a remote service binding, and once that has been accomplished will send a registration message to the server.
What I'm wondering is can I somehow create and send a certificate using service broker via t-sql, and also is this approach reasonable or is it a bad idea. The reason I had thought of something like this is because the people setting up the client sites may (and probably will) have very little knowledge (probably no sql server knowledge) so we need the installation to basically be a click and install.
Thanks in advance,
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Oct 14, 2015
Any way to bulk export / import TDE Certs? I've got a bunch of databases that need to be moved to another system. Just about every database is using TDE and was wondering if there was a way to move these certs in a bulk fashion. I've got SQL and Powershell scripts to backup and restore multiple databases, but won't do me any good without the certs.
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Apr 4, 2007
I am trying to set up SQL Server 2005 to use a test certificate from Thawte for SSL encryption. I have installed the certificate in the local computer, current user and service account's personal certificates folders. I have also installed the root certificate in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folders of each. All this was done using MMC.
However, when I go to tell SQL Server to use the certificate, no certificates show up in the drop down box. I am using SQL Server Configuration Manager and doing the right-clickPropertiesCertificate steps shown in multiple KB and forum articles.
I have also checked the registry entry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLServerSuperSocketNetLibCertificate. It is blank, which tells me SQL Server should be looking in the certificate store.
If I simply set the ForceEncryption flag, SQL Server starts up OK and generates a self-signed certificate. Using that, the session does get encrypted. However, I need to use a third party certificate.
I have hit a brick wall and am at a loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Apr 4, 2006
I am looking at documentation of CREATE CERTIFICATE statement. I am having hard time in understanding if I want to create CERTIFICATE with above mentioned options, how I am supposed to create either PRIVATE KEY file or EXECUTABLE file. any example would be really helpful for what I am doing here.
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Nov 21, 2007
I have a report that was designed using SQL Reporting Services that sits on a SQL reporting server. It's nothing too exciting, it is essentially a three page application with legal jumbo on pages 2 and 3 and applicant data in fields on page 1.
We use rectangles to force page breaks to page 2 and to page 3.
When running the report on the report server, it shows and prints fine.
When running the report from the QA website internally, it shows and prints just fine.
When running the report from the production website from a machine internally, it shows and prints just fine.
When running the report from outside of the company network, the report is jacked. It obliterates large chunks of text, crams text together, and creates blank pages.
I need help in determining where I even begin with trouble shooting this!
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Aug 21, 2001
can anyone tell me if they know of a way to automate the update process from development servers to live server, with little interference from an administrator
I have a development team that are constantly updating their databases along with their ASP code, and want to publish changes an a weekly basis. They have asked me for a way to take their new structures, tables, procedures etc, and copy them to the live servers, but NOT to interfere with existing customer data.
Funny I know and I hate the idea btw :(
Any references, contacts, 3rd party tool recommendations welcome,
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Sep 27, 2007
I am in the middle of a major migraton project, moving from x86 SQL 2000 to IA64 SQL 2005. I have a business need to link to several legacy servers. I have a number of problems I am trying to solve.
1) Linking a Kerberos server to a non-Kerberos server.
2) Linking x64 or IA64 servers to x86 servers.
3) Linking SQL 2005 to SQL 2000.
Two of the errors I am encountering are:
TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "SCDC250DB" returned message "Communication link failure".
(Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 10054)
The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for the linked server "SCDC250DB" reported an error. Authentication failed.
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "SCDC250DB".
OLE DB provider "SQLCLI" for linked server "SCDC250DB" returned message "Invalid authorization specification".
(Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7399)
If someone has worked through these problems before, I would appreciate it if you could direct me to the relevant documentation to resolve these issues.
Brandon Forest
Database Administrator
Data & Web Services Team
Sutter Connect Information
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Oct 17, 2014
I designed the AlwaysOn wrong, but every time we fail over from primary server to another server, my applications cannot connect because the sql logins cannot connect to their default databases. Once I run the command to link the login with the user in the default database then the users are able to connect. Did I do something wrong when designing AlwaysOn?
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Mar 9, 2006
I try to import my SSIS packages which are created using the Business Intelligent studio into SQL server 2005 but I cannot do that.
I am running SQL server 2005 enterprise edition.
Also when i tried to connect to Integration services using Object explorer, it only prompt me for server name. I cannot change the username and password which is disabled.
Then how am i supposed to connect to Integration services on a server in this case?
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Dec 12, 2006
I'm having a problem connecting with a Java application but I CAN connect using my .Net application - the user name and password are the same for both (using the same database on SQL Server Express 2005).
The error I get is: " Cannot open database "CORNERS" requested by the login. The login failed." An interesing note - I get the same message if the database is not running.
SQL Server Express 2005 is installed in mixed mode.
Here is my connection string in the .Net appplication: <add key="connectString" value="Server=(local);UID=sa;PWD=myPasswd;Database=CORNERS" />.
These are my values in my Java app web.xml -
<param-name>DBURL</param-name> <param-value>jdbc:sqlserver://localhostsqlexpress:1055;databaseName=CORNERS</param-value>
And yes, the port is 1055 - I checked to find it.
I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver 1.0 (sqljdbc_1.0.809.102).
Does anyone have any idea what is wrong so that the login fails in the Java application but works in the .Net application?
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Jun 19, 2001
We have two servers one is the LIVE SERVER and another one is TEST SERVER. The Dumps from LIVE SERVER has been restored onto TESTSERVER. Now, when I try to run some applications in TESTSERVER it starts executing it in LIVE SERVER.
When I checked up the SELECT @@SERVERNAME value in TEST SERVER, it still refers to TEST SERVER only.
Is there any other table or value I need to check.
Can anyone help me on this.
thanks in advance
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Mar 15, 2000
I need to archive about a years worth of data from 4 tables, but as available disk space is very limited on the source server, I need to copy out the selected records to a seperate server. Is this possible and how.
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Feb 22, 2006
does anyone have a script that I can adapt to collect the status of all my servers please? I am managing 20+ servers, plus MSDE installs with various applications and its now a nightmare tracking each one. I am building a central database where information such as this can be referenced but i need to populate it and then updated it regularly, hopefully with a scheduled job and some nifty sp's.
any ideas how i can achieve it if the scripts are not already around? i use PRINT @@VERSION currently, can i execute this in a different format to assess a different server from the one running the process?
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