Cant Seem To Find IUSR_MachineName In Users Using SQLEXPRESS 2005

Feb 4, 2006


I have an ASP web app with an SQL back end. I am currently migrating to a
new Windows 2003 Server machine and SQL Server 2005 Express. When I import
the old database, I'm trying to grant the IUSR_MachineName account access to
the database, but I can't seem to find that user account. I'm clicking new
users, and when I type this user in, SQL doesn't recognize it, and when I
click "Browse" all I see is BUILTIN/Administrators, BUILTIN/Users NT
Authority/System SA (which is not in use) and a long name that includes a
lot of dollar signs, the machine name and SQL express in it (it's a big
cryptic looking thing). Any idea how I get this to work again?


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Add Database In VWD - Can't Find SQLExpress

Apr 27, 2006


Connection to SQLServer files (*.mdf) require SQLServer Express 2005 to function properly.

ASP.NET Config manager is able to create aspnetdb and set up MemberShip correctly.

SQLExpress service account has access to teh folder (as witnessed by ASP.NET manger success).

What else can cause the IDE to fail to create and attach the file?

Also the accoutn I am running VWD under can access and create/attach db files with no problem.

I have the same issue running VS2005 Professional on a second machine.

I already shut down firewall to see if that was part of the issue.

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Help! I Need To Find Users W/ The Same 'Type'

May 30, 2001

We are evaluating users. We need to isolate certain users and certain groups. I can not figure out how to use a stored procedure or a script to filter a list of ALL users with the same 'Type'. Does this make sense? Any advice would be appreciated. I am on a deadline here and i could use any input u might offer. I can always TYPE them in using the EM - Security - Login, but I thought that there might be an easier way to do it.
Thanks! Billy

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How To Find Out List Of Users

Aug 4, 2015

Also , is it true that Grants to service accounts should go through roles as it is against audit & compliance standards? If yes, than how to find out the list of users who has direct grant to a service account ?

- Then how to revoke this grant from service account and than how to grant through the role ?
- Is there a script that i can run and find the list of users in each SQL server instance ?

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Where To Find The The Allowed Users Of SQL2000

Aug 24, 2005

Hi all, I am brandnew with SQL2000, so sorry in advance forstupidities....SQL2000, SP3, running on a SBS2003-server with WindowsSharePointServices.I want to make a dataconnection (from within the LAN with InfoPath) froma client to this server. I got the error that whether the server doesnotexists (it does) or no permission. Where can I find (in SQL2000) whichusers have access to the databases ???Help is appreciated, Ger.*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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Searching And Finding The Information Users Really Want To Find

Dec 26, 2005

Imagine that I have a select something like this
select * from T where T.Name Like '%Maria%'
"Maria" would be what the user what to find. But for example in spanish we use í, ó, ú, ü... The same happens in french, german...
The user want to find Maria and does not care if another user (or himself) has inserted the client as Maria, María, Marïa or whatever.
Of course one solution is putting in the DB only the simple characters (a,e,i,o,u) and look for  these, replacing the "strange" chars  in the application to the "normal" ones. But if we want to be professionals we would need to insert in the DB the name in their original spelling (the image is the most important!)
Any idea, help or reference?
Thx in advance and happy new year.

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Find 5 Random Users, Where Profile.Gender = Female

Dec 30, 2007

Hello there,I'm a new one to, so I need some help, and hope someone out there wanna take the time to help me, with my problem..I had set up a Custom "Membership", you know click on a file, and it create a database ASPNETDB...There I need to find 5 random users where they are e.g. females..Right now I can find 5 random users, but I dont know how to put in there Where statement, because I need to read something from thier profile?This is my code so far: SELECT TOP 5 [UserName] FROM [aspnet_Users] ORDER BY NEWID() 
Then I have to put in WHERE (profile.Gender = female)<--- But how do I do that?Hope you wanna, and can help me,Regards Jeppe RichardtPS,Im using the language

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What Is The Best Way To Move My ASPNETDB.MDF From SQLExpress 2005 To Full SQL Server 2005

Apr 12, 2007

I have an ASPNETDB.MDF ( membership/profile db) that was generated for SQL Express, it has user information I need to keep.
I have SQLExpress and full SQL Server 2005 running on the server. I want to remove SQL Express from the server.
So can I simply do a backup of the SQL Express membership db and restore it to full SQL and change the connection string in my app or
do i need to run the membership wizard on full sql and then do the backup / restore?
Or is there another way.

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Can't Start SQLEXPRESS So That I Can't Install Latest SQLEXPRESS Security Updates.

Mar 13, 2007

I can't start SQLEXPRESS.

The SQL ERRORLOG shows: Error is 3414, Severity 21, State 2 and says: "An error occurred during recovery, preventing the database 'model' (database ID 3) from restarting." Just prior to this, I get a warning: "did not see LP_CKPT_END".

Any thoughts why this might be and how I can fix this?

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Installing SqlExpress (Advanced Services) Will This Break Existing SqlExpress?

Sep 21, 2006


I have sqlExpress and sqlServerManagementStudio on my XP pro box.

Will the installation of sqlExpress (Advanced Services) cause any problems?IS thereanything that I shold be aware of in advance?

many thanks,


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SqlExpress --&> SqlServer 2005

Sep 26, 2006

Hello all,I develop under vs2005 and sqlExpress. How can I move my database to sql server2005?? I read somewhere that i need to use "sql server management studio express" which i already installed but for some reason I cant attach to a database under my windows XP account (no password for this account). Please help regards, 

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Using Database SqlExpress 2005.

Dec 27, 2007

I have a web site in 2003 with sql 2000. Can I run this database with sqlExpress 2005. And what changes would be made in web.config file.
This is due to I am going to check it with Window vista.
Thanks in advance
Naveed baig.

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SQL Server 2005 And SQLExpress

Sep 26, 2007

Can these two exist side by side? I have SQL Server 2005 (possibly installed when I installed Orcas beta 2?). Now I cannot connect to SQLEXPRESS with error Cannot Login to Default DB - error 4064. Please help!!


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Cannot Login To SQLExpress 2005 Help Please!!

Mar 31, 2006

I just installed SQL express couple of days ago.

Then I tried using SQL Management Express Studio CTP. I select

SQL Authetication, key in the correct password but

it says "A connection was succesfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error:0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe). (Microsoft Sql Error: 233)

When i tried windows authetication, it say cannot initialise SSPI package.

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How To Install Windows Application(C#) With SQLExpress In A System Which Is Having SQLExpress Already?

Jan 19, 2007

Hi All,

I have created an installation application which will install the application with SQL Express and .NET Framework 2.0.

If i install this application in a Fresh system(i.e which is not having SQL Express), it is installing the application with new database instance successfully.

But if i try to install the same in a system which is already having SQL Express, throwing "Object reference exception" because it is not able to create the new database instance.

Can anybody help me out .



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ASP.NET 2.0-SQLEXPRESS 2005 Connection Problem

Feb 9, 2007

i got an error just like that.What must i do?
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

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Share May Sqlexpress 2005 On Network

Apr 1, 2008

how can Share may sqlexpress 2005 on network   that other can access my databasess on their pc and edit update and insert recored into my table
please tell me how can do this ?

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SQLCMD Can Not Connect To SQLExpress 2005

Feb 26, 2007

I have installed SQL Express 2005 on a machine and I am trying to run a script file via SQLCMD from my application. I keep getting an error stating that SQLCMD can not connect to the server. Remote connections are enabled for both tcp/ip and named pipes. Sql Browser Service is enabled and running.

I am calling the script like so

sqlcmd -E -S TESTPLATFORMSQLEXPRESS -i "C:Program FilesADMS_TrialCREATE_DATABASE.sql" -o C:Error.txt

This is the error message
HResult 0x2, Level 16, State 1
Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2].
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections..
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : Login timeout expired.

I can open Management studio and run the script and it works perfectly so I don't really know what is going on. Thanks for any help.

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Attach/Detach On SqlExpress 2005

Sep 8, 2005

Alan writes "Is it possible to create scripts which can be started remotely
to attach and detach databases into SQLExpress 2005.
If so how."

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Migrating MSDE Db To SQLEXPRESS 2005

Mar 28, 2007

I'm rewriting an old application that has a MSDE database as backend. I'm estimating if upgrade the old db to SQL2005 or SQL2005 Express edition, so I'm trying to migrate it to different istances running on different servers. In order to manage servers, I'm using MSQL Management Studio of the SQL2005 evaluation edition. As first step, I have detached the MSDE .mdf file, and attached it to SQL Express server.

QUESTION 1: Is this the right procedure to migrate the db on SQL Express?

QUESTION 2: All seems to work, but in MSQL Management Studio if I point on a stored procedure of the migrated db in SQL Express and right-click, in the context menu doesn't appear the item: 'Execute stored procedure...'. This item instead appears also if I connect to the old MSDE database, and it's very nice during testing....

QUESTION 3: How to grant access in SQL Express server to the old users of the migrated db?

Thanks in advance.


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SQLExpress 2005 - Local Server

Mar 6, 2008

Good day, my apologies if thes question has been asked before, but I can't find anything with the exact same situation...

Just managed to successfully install SQL Express 2005 (in place of MSDE2000), kept the same database, which upgraded without a problem. I can connect to my local SQL server, but only if I use my full PC name, I get 'SQL server not found out access denied' and 'Specified SQL server not found' whenever I try with . or (local) or localhost.

My main issue is that I have a million and one batch files for all the features I use most to simplify my work, which now will not run as they all specify (local) instead of my PC name. Looking on the MS Support pages, I've tried various different options, none of which seem to make any difference at all.

Here is my current setup:

SQL Express 2005 - version 9.00.2047.00 - (installed with 'Default Instance', not 'Instance: SQLExpress')
Win XP Pro SP3 - version 3264
All of the following are enabled in 'SQL Server Config Manager' - Protocols for MSSQLSERVER:
Shared Memory
Named Pipes

I also attempted to install the latest MDAC (version 2.8), and it tells me these components are already part of SP2.

Could anybody tell me if I am missing something, or need to install / update anything further? I am at a dead end with this now.

Thanks in advance,
Andre Greeff

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Connecting SQLExpress &&amp; Visual C# 2005

Nov 13, 2006


I have started to create a databse using SQL Server Management Studio Express, just a few tables, one with data. I now want to creat a some windows forms to populate the tables. However when I try to use the Add New Data Source wizard, I get an error when I try to create the connection string, but I have managed to connect to a copy of AdventureWorks located in the same parent directory.

Error is :
Unable to open the physical file "...". Operating system error 32: "32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.)".
An attemp to attach an auto-named database for file ... failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.

As I can connect to AdventureWorks, I presume Windows thinks the file is open, but I have no idea why, how to check, or how to close it.



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VSTS 2005 And SQLExpress - Where Is SSRS?

Oct 24, 2007

I installed VSTS 2005 for Developers along with SQL Express and SQL Management Studio. I can't find any reference to Reporting projects anywhere. Where should that come from?

I tried installing SQL components from the SQL 2005 Standard Edition install but got a message that what I was trying to install was older than what was already installed....

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Sqlexpress Installer Doesn't Believe Sqlexpress Has Been Uninstalled

Mar 21, 2006

Because of numerous problems trying to get sqlexpress working, I uninstalled it with the intention of reinstalling (via Add or Remove Programs). However, now when I try to reinstall it, I get a message that the I am not making a changes so it won't let me install it.

I do have sql server 2005 developer's edition installed; is that the reason? and does that mean I cannot have both installed on the same machine?

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SQLExpress 2005 And SSMSEE Execution Issues

Oct 8, 2007

When trying to attach or detach a database, add or remove a user SSMSEE is always executing.  The progress bar never stops moving nor does it display any type of progress.  I have uninstalled and reinstalled SSMSEE with no luck and restarted the SQL server many, many times.  I've been searching for a solution with no luck.  Has anyone else experienced this issue or have a solution?  I have circumvented this by attaching a DB with SQLCMD but I am trying to instruct another user on some of these functions with SSMSEE.

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Backup Sqlexpress 2005 To A 2000 Database -

Jan 14, 2008

I have sqlexpress 2005 on my local machine - but my hoster has sql 2000 - so i used the DB publishing wizard to create the script and sent it over to them - they are now saying that they need a .bak file in 2000 to host my database - is this a bunch of horse hockey or not?
if this is legit - any ideas on how I can create a .bak 2000 sql from sqlexpress 2005?
many thanks

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How To Copy Data From Sqlexpress 2005 Database?

Jan 30, 2008

 Hello everyone. i am using vwd 2005 express edition along with sqlexpress 2005. if i need to use database in my project. i click on database explorer and  create a new table from the existing database. it is working very fine. But my problem is when ever i copy the project in my pen driveand try to use in another computer,  the database doesnot gets copied when i copy my project folder. well i also tried to copy the tables from the database explorer but it does not happen.i tried to locate where does the database get stored in my computer.but i cant find where it resides..and even if i find which file to copy?i think there is log file and database file in some cases. can some body clarify me this scenario here.just tell me where can i find my database i m using in my project,so that i can copy it .  and also whats the use of creating .mdf file in  the project.?is this the better way of using database rather than creating using database explorer?confused?? thanks.jack..  

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SQLEXPRESS 2005 To SQL 2000 Data Transfer?

May 28, 2008

Hi All! i have a database in SQLEXPRESS 2005 but i need to this Database in SQL 2000...there is any way to move data from sqlexpress 2005 to sql 2000.... please help me..... 

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Inserting Image To SQLExpress 2005 With BCP Utility

Nov 21, 2007


I have a problem with bcp utility. Out-bound queries work but in-bound ones do not. Here's an example of in bound query which should insert image into table called 'Image'. There's a id column and image column in Image-table.

C:TempSQL>bcp GAMEDB.dbo.Image in mb.jpg -U xxx -P xxx -T
And here's what bcp prompts me with:

SQLState = 08001, NativeError = 2Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2].SQLState = HYT00, NativeError = 0Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Login timeout expiredSQLState = 08001, NativeError = 2Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure maybe caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allowremote connections.

Any ideas?

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Problem With Connecting With Sqlexpress 2005 On My Host

Jul 9, 2006


I have a problem with sqlexpress

I'm using sqlexpress 2005 with 2 and all things work in my computer good

but when i upload it on the internet in my host it return this error :

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)

I am using sql server locally and i'm not using it remotly

i just created a simple page (just have a detailsview) and upload it to the internet

and then upload my mdf and ldf files to the app_data folder

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Extended Login Response To SQLExpress 2005

Jan 14, 2007

I am having an issue with the login time from my program to authenticate through the SQLExpress. I have the latest version and I am using for code this :

Dim cnn As New SqlConnection(Globals.m_con_str)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("star_login", cnn)


cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UName", txtUN.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PWord", txtPW.Text)

Dim dr As SqlDataReader

dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
If dr.HasRows Then
While dr.Read()
..........execution of successful login
end while
end if

If cnn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If

My issue is this. Once you have done this once speed is good from there on out. After you log out of the program, the login is good. I have tried reindexing because I though this might be the issue but it did nothing.

Any help would be greatly appriciated

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SQLExpress Database Fails Under SQL SERVER 2005

Jun 19, 2006

Q1: When I try to move a database (.mdf and .ldf file), developed with SQLEXPRESS on Win/XP to my SBS2003 server running with SQL SERVER 2005, I cannot attach the database on the server. Backup/Restore fails as well.

"Could not find row in in sysindexes for database ID=12...."

Could not open new database 'Test'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted (error 602).

I tried to copy an ad hoc db with only one table from the client to the server, same error. Similar procedure withs MSDE and SQL 2000 worked flawlessly. It seems there is something wrong with my SQLEXPRESS setup.

Anybody who can advice?

Q2. on the client with SQL EXPRESS, I switched on in the surface area configuration TCP and pipes; however SQL SERVER Management Studio on the server cannot connect te SQLEXPRESS engine on the client machine. Is this normal?

However from the client, SQL EXPRESS Management Studio can connect to the SQL SERVER 2005 engine.on the server.

Thanks, eric

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SqlExpress Instance In Connection String Instead Of Full Sql 2005

Sep 27, 2006

Hello, I had started my project with the express edition, then I switched to the pro one. The problem is that in my webconfig I still have  .SQLEXPRESS and I don't know how to modify that to use the full version of Sql server. <add name="MyConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|MyDataBase.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> When I look at the surface area manager I can see that I have 2 instances running : MSSQLSERVER and SQLEXPRESS.When starting Sql Server Management Studio I can connect to 2 servers: NEWDELL and NEWDELLSQLEXPRESS.And when I try to replace SQLEXPRESS by MSSQLSERVER in the connectionstring, then it doesn't connect.I remember having lost connection already when playing with all these tools, so I pay attention now ! That's why any help would be really appreciated ! Thank you. 

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