Capturing Return Status Of EXEC(@String_Variable)

Oct 6, 2006

hello world how are there

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Capturing The Results From Exec Command

Apr 21, 2006


I'm writing a small query where I have a dynamic table name and dynamic condition for the criteria. In order to execute this, I need Exec command.

exec(select count(*) from @dynamictable where condition = @dynamiccond)

But here I want to capture the count from the select statement. Could any of you help me capture the results from exec command? 





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Get A Return Value With EXEC?

Aug 29, 2007

Hi, I have an sql query like this :DECLARE         @TableName varchar(200),    @ColumnName varchar(200),    @EmployeeID varchar(200),    @Result    varchar(200);SET @TableName = 'Customer';SET @ColumnName = 'First_Name';SET @CustomerID = 28;-- This line return ErrorSET @Result = EXEC ('select' +  @ColumnName + ' from ' +  @TableName + ' where Recid = ' + @CustomerID + '');Print @Result;   I am pretty sure the SELECT statement in EXEC will only return 0 or 1 record. But how to capture result from EXEC? Thanks 

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Return A Value Using EXEC

Jan 12, 2004

OK, I'm fairly new to SQL Server, but I know SQL and databases pretty well. I'm just starting to use the dynamic SQL feature of SQL Server (with EXEC), and am wondering how to return a scalar value from a dynamic SQL expression. I realize I can't use EXEC in a user-defined function, but I want to create a stored procedure with one OUTPUT variable so I can simulate a function. The following code does not work, because EXEC does not return a value:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.ExecFunction ( @ScalarSELECTString varchar(250), @@ReturnVal sql_variant )

set @@ReturnVal = ( exec @ScalarSELECTString )


So, I was wondering if someone might be able to suggest a way to re-write the above code to achieve the same effect. Thanks in advance.

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SUM The Return Value Of A EXEC SP

Oct 19, 2006



DECLARE @DIR nvarchar(10)



I Have the query above, It's correct, but I want the SUM of all the values returned by EXECUTE function.


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Exec An SP To Return Rows To Another SP

Apr 8, 2004

Any idea how to write a (T-)SQL Stored Procedure which uses a SubQuery calling
a SELECT query from another SP??

Something like...

CREATE procedure spThisSP(@param varchar(20))

SELECT theColumn FROM theTable WHERE theColumn NOT IN (EXEC spAnotherSP @param)


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Return Code From Exec

Sep 30, 2004

I have a maintenance proceudre that trims data tables on the live site, but prior to trimming i need to execute procs via linked servers at four seprate locations (subscribers) to ensure all of their data is up to date before the trim happens (the deletes are blocked at the subs). my problem is that if i go
exec @error_id = procname
and an error such as permission being denied or proc missing, the return code
is still 0 - therefor it looks like th proc ran successfully, meanwhile it didnt.
does anyone know how to check for these sorts of erors, so i dont leave this to chance?


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How To Return The Result Of An EXEC From A Function

Sep 21, 2007


I am trying to find a way to return the result of an EXEC(*sqlstring*) from a function. I can return the tsql but not the result of an execute.

This is my function:

ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[ReturnPickItemValue]
-- Add the parameters for the function here
@TypeID int,
@CaseID int
RETURNS varchar(max)
-- Declare the return variable here
DECLARE @RTN varchar(max)

IF(SELECT IncludeDates FROM TBL_LU_PICK WHERE PickTypeID = @TypeID) = 1
SET @RTN = 'SELECT PickItem I +
CASE D.IsStartDateEstimated
WHEN 0 THEN CAST(StartDate as varchar)
ELSE CAST(dbo.ReturnEstimatedDate(D.IsStartDateEstimated, 0) as varchar)
CASE D.IsEndDateEstimated
WHEN 0 THEN CAST(EndDate as varchar)
ELSE CAST(dbo.ReturnEstimatedDate(D.IsEndDateEstimated, 1) as varchar)

INNER JOIN TBL_Pick_Items I ON I.PickTypeID = L.PickTypeID
LEFT JOIN TBL_PickDates D ON D.PickID = P.PickID
WHERE L.PickTypeID = ' + CAST(@TypeID as varchar) + '
AND P.CaseID = ' + CAST(@CaseID as varchar)
'SELECT I.PickItem
INNER JOIN TBL_Pick_Items I ON I.PickTypeID = L.PickTypeID
INNER JOIN TBL_Pick P ON P.PickItemID = I.PickItemID
WHERE L.PickTypeID = ' + CAST(@TypeID as varchar) + '
AND CaseID = ' + CAST(@CaseID as varchar)



Each time I try " RETURN EXEC(@RTN) " or something similar I get an error.

I have tried executing the tsql and assigning the result to a varchar and returning that varchar but i get an error.

Anyone with any ideas?

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Transact SQL :: Why Store Procedure Not Return Any Value / Result After Using Exec

Jul 22, 2015

I use new query to execute my store procedure but didnt return any value is that any error for my sql statement??

USE [Pharmacy_posicnet]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[usp_sysconf] Script Date: 22/07/2015 4:01:38 PM ******/
ALTER procedure [dbo].[usp_sysconf]

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Script To Return Replication Status As Small Int

Mar 26, 2015

I need a script that will return the replication status as small int.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Return Value In A Status Field Which Has Latest Year And Month

May 11, 2015

I have table in which month & year are stored, Like this

Month Year
10 2014
11 2014
12 2014
1 2015
2 2015
3 2015
4 2015

I wanted a query in which it should return the value in a status field which has latest year & month.

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How Do I Use A @variable To Hold On Value Return From An Exec ('string Command') Statement.

Sep 19, 2000

How do I use a @variable to hold on value return from an exec ('string command') statement.

Example for:

declare @OldID int
declare @cmd varchar(255)
declare @db varchar(25)
declare @OldOwner varchar(25)

set @db = 'DBNAME'
set @OldOwner = 'USERNAME'

select @cmd = 'select uid from ' + ltrim(rtrim(@db))'..sysusers where name = ' + "'" + ltrim(rtrim(@OldOwner)) + "'"
exec (@cmd)

How can I use @OldID to hold on UID return from this statement.

When I try use:
select @cmd = 'select @OldID = uid from ' + ltrim(rtrim(@db))'..sysusers where name = ' + "'" + ltrim(rtrim(@OldOwner)) + "'"
then I'm getting a error message: @OldID not declare.


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Qusetion About Return Values From EXEC('select Count(*) From XTable')

Aug 23, 2006

Hello everybody!

As the topic:

Can i get the value "count(*)" from EXEC('select count(*) from xTable')

Any helps will be usefull! Thanks!

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Exec SQL Task: Capture Return Code Of Stored Proc Not Working

May 19, 2006

I am just trying to capture the return code from a stored proc as follows and if I get a 1 I want the SQL Task to follow a failure(red) constrainst workflow and send a SMTP mail task warning the customer. How do I achieve the Exec SQL Task portion of this, i get a strange error message [Execute SQL Task] Error: There is an invalid number of result bindings returned for the ResultSetType: "ResultSetType_SingleRow".

Using OLEDB connection, I utilize SQL: EXEC ? = dbo.CheckCatLog

EXEC SQL Task Editer settings:

PS-Not sure if I need my variable giBatchID which is an INT32 but I thought it is a good idea to feed the output into here just in case there is no way that the EXEC SQL TASK can chose the failure constrainst workflow if I get a 1 returned or success constraint workflow if I get a 0 returned from stored proceedure

@OutSuccess INT

-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.

---these totals should match
SELECT @RowCountCAT = (SELECT Count(*) FROM mydb_Staging.dbo.S_CAT)
SELECT @RowCountLOG = (SELECT Count(*) FROM mydb_Staging.dbo.S_LOG)
--PRINT @RowCountCAT
--PRINT @RowCountLOG
IF @RowCountCAT <> @RowCountLOG
--PRINT 'Volume of jobs from the CAT file does not match volume of jobs from the LOG file'
SET @OutSuccess = 1

Thanks in advance


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Attempt To Return Record Set In INSERT...EXEC Statement From ODBC Source(non MSSQL)

Jan 17, 2007


I use OdbcConnection inside clr procedure, for getting data. If I use simple EXEC dbo.clr_proc - all is OK. If I use INSERT...EXEC I recive error message: Distributed transaction enlistment failed.

I set MSDTC security options for No Authentification and Allow inbound and Allow outbound, but it's no use.

Have this problem solution? May be, I must use another method to get my data?

P.S. Linked Servers and OPENQUERY is not applicable. Sybase not describe columns in stored proc result set and one stored proc may return different result set by params.

P.S.S. Sorry for bad english.

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Using MAX, Then Capturing All Except Max

Sep 26, 2005

I need to first capture the max version associated with a file name here is the meat

iterationNumber version
fileIteration fi
JOIN iteration i on (i.iterationID = fi.fileIterationID)
JOIN vw_folderFileLink fl on (fl.fileMasterID = i.masterID)
JOIN folder f on (f.folderID = fl.folderID)

fileName LIKE '429020652.idw'
--GROUP BY masterID, fi.FileName, f.FolderName, fileName, i.iterationID
ORDER BY masterID, version DESC
--*******end code ********--

that returns these results:


First I need help just getting that top row but then I need to get all expect the top row selected.. I've tryed using MAX in several ways but I'm not getting what i want here :/ any help is appreciated

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Capturing A Variable In ASP.NET

Aug 12, 2004

Hi all,

I am new to .NET, after many years with classic ASP I am struggling a little with something that I am sure is really easy to do.

Basically what I want to do, is execute an SQL statement, that will return a single value. I then need to store this value as a variable, so that I can pass it into another query later.

It seems easy to output the record, but how do I store it as a variable !!

This is my code to connect and run the SQL... all I need to do as retreive the value, and put it aganist a variable....

Function higher_manager_ein() As System.Data.IDataReader

Dim connectionString As String = "server='myserver'; user id='userid'; password='pwd'; database='DB'"
Dim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)

Dim queryString As String = "SELECT distinct MEASURE FROM [CCC_MEASURE] where ein = '" & request("man_ein2") & "'"
Dim dbCommand As System.Data.IDbCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
dbCommand.CommandText = queryString
dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection

Dim dataReader As System.Data.IDataReader = dbCommand.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)

Return dataReader

End Function

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Capturing Queries

May 22, 2000

Is there any way(other than Profiler) to capture a full SQL Query statment. I've used dbcc inputbuffer and the current activity screen, both return 255 characters. I'd like to capture the whole query. Thanks

Pete Karhatsu

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Capturing Server Name?

Sep 20, 2004

Hi y'all....long time, I know...

I have what OUGHT to be a simple question...or so I think (which really hurts, mind you...)

I am writing a stored proc that will reside on several different databases and be used to write a row to a "wait table" that is used to control processing in the various databases...

Essentially, the stored proc already exists, and writes what is essentially a note (or process semaphore) that says "Hey, Process XYZ is waiting on the completion of process 123"

Problem is...process XYZ has the same name on a number of different servers, so I have to come up with a way to differentiate the process name that's waiting on a job on a single server (in other words, 5 or more XYZ's can be waiting on a single job on a single server in the network, and the wait table resides on that single server). thought (again, think pain) is that I will put a process name of "SERVER.XYZ" into the wait table.

The SP I will use to write the "waiting on" semaphore is a common one, so - long story short(er) I need a way to capture the name of the current server (like db_name(), only server_name() - or something like it).

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance...

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DMV's For Capturing CPU Utilization

Jun 3, 2008


Please let me know which DMV is best to cpature total system CPU utilization. There are plenty of views so i am a lil bit confused

thanks in advance,

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Capturing ID When Executing An INSERT

Jan 2, 2008

I have a bit of code that executes an INSERT statement to add a record to an existing table. This table of course has an automatically incrementing ID field, and I'd like to somehow have my INSERT statement return the value of that ID field so that I can automatically show the user the record they've added.

Is there a clean way to do this?

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Capturing Value Of Identity Column For Use Later?

Jul 20, 2005

This doesn't work because the first INSERT is creating multiplerecords for multiple projects. @@IDENTITY, then, contains the Identitycolumn value for the last tblWeekReportedLine record inserted.Consequently, all the hours records are then associated withthat last value.The source work table, #EstimateLines, is a pivoted representationwith a Begin/End date and some Hours for each of six periods - a lineper project that gets pushed up to the DB by some VB code.Definition below the sample coding.The "@WeekReportedID" value was successfully captured whenprevious coding inserted six records into that table: one foreach date range (i.e. column in the UI screen)Sounds like I'm approaching this wrong.Suggestions on the right way to go about it?---------------------INSERT INTO tblWeekReportedLine(WeekReportedID,RelativeLineNumber,ProjectID)SELECT@WeekReportedID1,#EstimateLines.RelativeLineNumber,#EstimateLines.ProjectIDFROM#EstimateLines;SET@CurWeekReportedLineID = @@IDENTITY;INSERT INTO tblHour(WeekReportedID,WeekReportedLineID,HoursDate,Hours,HoursTypeID,HoursType,TaxCodeID,TaxCode)SELECT@WeekReportedID1,@CurWeekReportedLineID,@BeginDate1,Estimate1,@DummyHoursTypeID,@DummyHoursType,@DummyTaxCodeID,@DummyTaxCodeFROM#EstimateLines;------------------------The #Temp table create via VB:------------------------1030 .CommandText = "CREATE TABLE #EstimateLines " & _" ( " & _" PersonID int, " & _" ProjectID int, " & _" RelativeLineNumber int, " & _" Available1 decimal(5,2) Default 0, Estimate1decimal(5,2) Default 0, BeginDate1 DateTime, EndDate1 DateTime, " & _" Available2 decimal(5,2) Default 0, Estimate2decimal(5,2) Default 0, BeginDate2 DateTime, EndDate2 DateTime, " & _" Available3 decimal(5,2) Default 0, Estimate3decimal(5,2) Default 0, BeginDate3 DateTime, EndDate3 DateTime, " & _" Available4 decimal(5,2) Default 0, Estimate4decimal(5,2) Default 0, BeginDate4 DateTime, EndDate4 DateTime, " & _" Available5 decimal(5,2) Default 0, Estimate5decimal(5,2) Default 0, BeginDate5 DateTime, EndDate5 DateTime, " & _" Available6 decimal(5,2) Default 0, Estimate6decimal(5,2) Default 0, BeginDate6 DateTime, EndDate6 DateTime, " & _" );"--------------------------PeteCresswell

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Capturing Events In A DataGrid

Jul 20, 2005

I'm trying to add functionality to a VB 6 application allowingcustomer service to add a customer number to a new customer.Customers are added to the database by sales personnel, and aprospective customer may have multiple rows due to projected ordersfor multiple products. Customer numbers are assigned when a newcustomer makes their first order.I'm using a DataGrid connected to an ADO Data Control. The datacontrol is connected to a view in SQL Server using the 'distinct'directive (I know it's not updatable) to show only one line per newcustomer. What I wish to do is capture the update event (probablythrough the FieldChangeComplete routine of the data control), manuallyassign the newly entered customer number to all appropriate rows inthe database, and cancel the update event with no notifications.I'm having two problems:1. I can't capture the newly entered customer number. The Textproperty of the DataGrid returns the old value of the cell instead ofthe newly entered value. How do I get the edited value?2. Even though I set adStatus = adStatusCancel in theFieldChangeComplete routine, I get a Microsoft DataGrid Control dialogstating 'Operation was Canceled'. How do I avoid this notification?

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Capturing Execution Results

Nov 13, 2006

Hi All

When running an SSIS Package from BIDS, we get to see the "Progress" tab which explains us the progress of the SSIS Package. During production, is there any way to capture this log. I am interested in using this as a log file for each run of my SSIS package.


S Suresh

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Capturing Component Throughput

Dec 19, 2007

[Microsoft follow-up]

I've just been reading this thread by a guy asking about capturing the throughput of a dataflow. I suggested that there is no real notion of capturing throughput of a dataflow but I believe there IS a notion of capturing the throughput of a component or an execution tree.

I believe all the information that one would need to capture the throughput of a component (apart from the name of the component that is) is available in the OnPipelineRowsSent event. If there were a OnPipelineRowsSent eventhandler and the OnPipelineRowsSent event contained the name of the component then I think we would be able to capture the throughput of a component. So, some questions:

Why is there no eventhandler for the OnPipelineRowsSent event?

Can the name of the component be added to the information in the OnPipelineRowsSent event?

Following on from this... I once had a conversation here with Kirk Haselden about capturing pipeline throughput. He thought it was a good idea and suggested I raised a DCR for it which I did but that was in the old pre-Connect days and it seems as though that DCR (like SO many other things) didn't make it across to Connect. So, some more questions:

Can you find any Connect DCRs relating to capturing throughput? I've found this: that I raised 18 months ago but which hasn't even had a single comment from anyone at Microsoft.

Do you think that capturing throughput would be useful? I can foresee huge advantages by capturing this in the debugger. (Note that Informatica does this and has done for years. It has a very nice GUI that shows the throughput of each destination in the mapplet.)
I'd welcome any thoughts around this. Its a big ask and it fits in very nicely with my constant, nay INCESSENT, requests for debugging enhancements so maybe this is one for Darvey to have a read of???


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Capturing One Record In A Series

Nov 30, 2007

My question is this.....

I inherited an application that creates reports and each report pulls data from a SQL database. The reports are for each School district in the state and pull the number of students that have Asthma conditions, simple enough. However what happens is this... Each initial report is saved with a code of 2 for initial. As long as there aren't and revisions I am fine. If a school makes a revision (Code of 4) I now have two records in the database and I need the one from the revision (Code 4). Not every record will have a revision, and sometimes there may be multiple revisions. How can I code my stored procedure to go through the database and check to see if there is a code of 4 or multiple codes of 4 and if so grab that data, if not grab the initial data? Below is the code currently being used. Frank

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_Rpt_Asthma
(@WhereClause VARCHAR(400))
SELECT @WhereClause_STR = CONVERT(VARCHAR(400),@WhereClause)
Exec ('Select D.Code, C.Code, InstCtgyFK, C.[Description] as County, D.DistrictName, A.InstName,
Sum(K4+K+G1+G2+G3+G4+G5+G6+G7+G8+G9+G10+G11+G12+UnGrSpEd+Other) as TotalADM, Asthma, Asthmatics
FROM dbo.tblAnnualReports AR
Inner Join dbo.tblAddresses A on A.InstitutionFK = AR.InstitutionFK
Inner Join [DHHBGSQLPROD1].[Shared Common Data].[dbo].[tblInstitution] I on A.InstitutionFK = InstitutionPK
Inner Join [DHHBGSQLPROD1].[Shared Common Data].[dbo].[tblActiveInstCtgy] AIC on A.InstitutionFK = AIC.InstitutionFK
Inner Join [DHHBGSQLPROD1].[Shared Common Data].[dbo].[tblCounties (PA Standard)] C on C.Code = I.DOHCountyCode
Inner Join [DHHBGSQLPROD1].[Shared Common Data].[dbo].[tblCommunityHealthDistricts] D on D.Code = C.CommunityHealthDistrictCode
Inner Join dbo.tblAverageDailyMemberships ADM on AR.[ID] = ADM.AnnualReportID
Inner Join dbo.tblChronicConditionsInjuries CC on AR.[ID] = CC.AnnualReportID
Inner Join dbo.tblMedicationAdministration MA on AR.[ID] = MA.AnnualReportID
Where (A.StartDate <= AR.DOHDateProcessed and (A.EndDate >= AR.DOHDateProcessed or A.EndDate is Null or A.EndDate = ''1/1/1900''))
and ReportTypeCode = 2
and IndOrdStandOrd = ''I''
+ @WhereClause_STR +
Group By D.Code, C.Code, InstCtgyFK, C.[Description], D.DistrictName, A.InstName,
Asthma, Asthmatics

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Proc For Capturing Date And Time

Aug 31, 2007

I'm creating a sproc to to count the dates and times users log on to a page.  I want the date and time broken out into two columns.
When I attempt create the sproc I get the following error:
Subqueries are not allowed in this context. Only scalar expressions are allowed.Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[LoginCounter]

@Username Nvarchar(50),
@IPAddress Nvarchar(50),
@BuilderID, INT


INSERT INTO LoginCount ([UserName], [IPAddress], [Date], [Time], [BuilderID])

VALUES (@Username, @IPAddress,
(SELECT CONVERT(VarChar(2), MONTH(GETDATE()))+ '/'+ CONVERT(VarChar(2), DAY(GETDATE()))+ '/'+ CONVERT(VarChar(4), YEAR(GETDATE()))),
(SELECT Convert (varchar (2), DATEPART(hour, GETDATE())+ 3) +':'+ CONVERT(VarChar(2), DATEPART(minute, GETDATE()))),

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Capturing SQL Queries Of 3rd Party Application

Sep 15, 2003


I would like to analyze how a particular 3rd party business application interacts with SQL server.

Specifically, I want to capture the "exact" SQL commands (transact-sql statements) that this application issues whenever it completes an operation for the user of this application.

In other words, suppose the application issues the SQL command "INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) values (1,2,3)" to add a new entry to the database. Then, my understanding is that if I instead issue the exact same command with a tool like "SQL query analyzer", the database will be updated in the exact same manner. Hence, I have effectively accomplished the same job that the 3rd party application does without even using it (by idependantly issuing the same command to the database it uses).

Is this possible? Can I obtain all the information I need just by running SQL Profiler?

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Capturing Bulk Insert Error

May 26, 2004

Can someone help me out with capturing the bulk insert error.I have a job which calls a procedure in which I used the bulk insert command .If the bulk insert is failing due to some reason as wrong delimitor,wrong path etc then the job fails.I need to track that error and see that the job doesnt stop and goes onto the next cursor record.

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Capturing Client Logins And Hits

Apr 1, 2002

I'd like to capture the avg. # of user logins and # db hits per a 5 interval for a weeks time. I'm guessing there are sys tables containing this info. and by using temporary tables and/or creating/modifying SPROCS this info. can be retrieved. If I'm on the right track, a little direction would be very appreciated. If I'm not on track, please assist this rookie dba.

Thank you,

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Capturing Values From Executing A String

Jun 14, 1999

I currently have a need to dynamically build an sql statement that always returns a single value when executed. The sql statement is always the same except the database name reference in the statment.

What I need is to be able to capture that value for later use in the procedure. Since this is a stored procedure, I can't use the "USE" statment to switch databases and I haven't been able to figure this out using the Execute statement. I can execute the string, but I can't capture the value.

I'm simply trying to execute the same set of sql statements in a stored procedure without hardcoding database names or build an identical stored procedure in all our databases.

Any help is appreciated.

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Capturing A User Table Name Into A Variable

Nov 25, 1998

Can I declare variable and assign a user defined table name in Sql server 6.5. if so how can I do that ,



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Capturing WARNINGS To Write To Error Log?

Jul 23, 2004

Hey y'all...

Anyone know how to capture SQL Warnings so I can write them to an error log? I can't seem to find any info on it in Books Online...

I can capture the errors just fine by using @@ERROR after a select, but what about warnings such as "Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation."


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