Cascading Delete And Finding Table Reference Level
Feb 16, 2008
This function will generate all DELETE statements in correct order to perform a CASCADING delete.
For self-joined tables, it will generate the T-SQL code to "unwind" the table, also in correct order!CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnCascadingDelete
@Schema NVARCHAR(128) = NULL,
@Table NVARCHAR(128) = NULL
[Catalog] NVARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
[Schema] NVARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
[Column] NVARCHAR(128),
pkCatalog NVARCHAR(128),
pkSchema NVARCHAR(128),
pkTable NVARCHAR(128),
pkColumn NVARCHAR(128),
pkType NVARCHAR(128),
pkSize INT,
FROMdbo.fnTableTree(@Schema, @Table)
@ID = c.RowID,
@Indent = c.Indent,
@TSQL = N'',
@EndSQL = N'',
@IsSelfJoin = c.IsSelfjoin,
@HasPk = c.HasPk
FROM@Constraints AS c
IF @Indent = 0
@RowSQL = @RowSQL + N' FROM ' + QUOTENAME(c.[Catalog]) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(c.[Schema]) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(c.[Table]) + N' AS t' + CAST(@ID AS NVARCHAR(12)),
@EndSQL = N' WHERE t' + CAST(@ID AS NVARCHAR(12)) + '.' + QUOTENAME(COALESCE(c.[Column], '%0')) + N' = ''%1''',
@IsSelfJoin = @IsSelfJoin | c.IsSelfJoin
FROM@Constraints AS c
SELECT@RowSQL = N' INNER JOIN ' + QUOTENAME(c.[Catalog]) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(c.[Schema]) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(c.[Table]),
@RowSQL = @RowSQL + N' AS t' + CAST(@ID AS NVARCHAR(12)) + N' ON t' + CAST(@ID AS NVARCHAR(12)) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(c.[Column]),
@pkColumn = QUOTENAME(c.pkColumn),
@IsSelfJoin = @IsSelfJoin | c.IsSelfJoin
FROM@Constraints AS c
@Indent = c.Indent,
@RowSQL = @RowSQL + N' = t' + CAST(c.RowID AS NVARCHAR(12)) + N'.' + @pkColumn,
@IsSelfJoin = @IsSelfJoin | c.IsSelfJoin
FROM@Constraints AS c
AND c.Indent < @Indent
INSERT@Stage (Lvl, RowKey)
t.' + QUOTENAME(@pkColumn) + '
FROM' + QUOTENAME(@Catalog) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@Schema) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@Table) + ' AS t
INNER JOIN@Stage AS s ON s.RowKey = t.' + QUOTENAME(@Column) + '
AND s.Lvl = @Lvl - 1
LEFT JOIN@Stage AS cr ON cr.RowKey = t.' + QUOTENAME(@pkColumn) + '
SELECT ''DELETE FROM ' + QUOTENAME(@Catalog) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@Schema) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@Table) + ' WHERE ' + QUOTENAME(@pkColumn) + ' = '' + QUOTENAME(RowKey, '''''''')
FROM @Stage
LEFT JOIN@Unwind AS u ON u.RowID = s.RowID
hello guysi am using a table that its secondary key connected to its primary key...and as sql server 2000 doesnt allow cascade delete fore such,i had to write a trigger myselfso i wrote the following triggerCREAT TRIGGER nameON tableFOR DeleteASBEGINIF @@ROWCOUNT >0Delete from table where table.parentID in (select sortID from deleted);ENDthen i went to the table and i tried to delete...and it gave me an error....that there are records that have there parentID= sortID of the table i am trieng to i deleted the relationship...and kept the triggerand now ...when i delete deletes one level down....but not more....i mean when i delete sortID=4it deletes all the records that has parentID=4...and NOT more..whereas my aim was to have it recursive not to have records lost in my databasehope i explained good as much as i hope to find an answer soon...a clear one...and thanks in advanced...
I need to implement my cascading deletes on a SQL database. Is it better (performance/reliablility-wise) to use the Foreign Key Cascading Deletes or to just write my own triggers to do the deletes?I was hoping someone had experimented and found which works best.
I have the following tableCREATE TABLE [tbl_Items]([item_id] int IDENTITY(1,1) CONSTRAINT PK_tbl_Items__item_idPRIMARY KEY,[parent_id] int DEFAULT(NULL) CONSTRAINTFK_tbl_Items__item_id__parent_id REFERENCES [tbl_Items]( [item_id] ) ONDELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION)My Intention was to create a table that when I delete a record, allrecords that have on the [parent_id] field the deleted record[item_id].I am trying to avoid having to use triggers or create a storedprocedure that firsts delete the children (recursively) and thendeletes the parent.Is there any way to do this by changing my table definition here?
I am having great difficulty with cascading deletes, delete triggers and referential integrity.
The database is in First Normal Form.
I have some tables that are child tables with two foreign keyes to two different parent tables, for example:
Table A / Table B Table C / Table D
So if I try to turn on cascading deletes for A/B, A/C, B/D and C/D relationships, I get an error that I cannot have cascading delete because it would create multiple cascade paths. I do understand why this is happening. If I delete a row in Table A, I want it to delete child rows in Table B and table C, and then child rows in table D as well. But if I delete a row in Table C, I want it to delete child rows in Table D, and if I delete a row in Table B, I want it to also delete child rows in Table D.
SQL sees this as cyclical, because if I delete a row in table A, both table B and table C would try to delete their child rows in table D.
Ok, so I thought, no biggie, I'll just use delete triggers. So I created delete triggers that will delete child rows in table B and table C when deleting a row in table A. Then I created triggers in both Table B and Table C that would delete child rows in Table D.
When I try to delete a row in table A, B or C, I get the error "Delete Statement Conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE". This does not make sense to me, can anyone explain? I have a trigger in place that should be deleting the child rows before it attempts to delete the parent row...isn't that the whole point of delete triggers?????
This is an example of my delete trigger:
CREATE TRIGGER [DeleteA] ON A FOR DELETE AS Delete from B where MeetingID = ID; Delete from C where MeetingID = ID;
And then Table B and C both have delete triggers to delete child rows in table D. But it never gets to that point, none of the triggers execute because the above error happens first.
So if I then go into the relationships, and deselect the option for "Enforce relationship for INSERTs and UPDATEs" these triggers all work just fine. Only problem is that now I have no referential integrity and I can simply create unrestrained child rows that do not reference actual foreign keys in the parent table.
So the question is, how do I maintain referential integrity and also have the database delete child rows, keeping in mind that the cascading deletes will not work because of the multiple cascade paths (which are certainly required).
I am not sure if this is necessarily a simple question, but I'm somewhat new to SQL so I thought maybe there's an obvious answer I just don't know about.
The problem is that I have one "master" table, and a child table that has two foreign key references back to that master table. Both of these foreign key constraints are marked as "on delete cascade" with the intention that should a row from the master table be deleted, any rows that reference that object in EITHER foreign key field should be deleted.
I am wondering why this causes a cycle. It seems logical enough to me, it just involves two passes of the table, one for each affected column.
Hi,we are executing the following query in a stored procedure using snapshot isolation level:DELETE FROM tBackgroundProcessProgressReportFROM tBackgroundProcessProgressReport LEFT OUTER JOIN tBackgroundProcess ON tBackgroundProcess.BackgroundProcessProgressReportID = tBackgroundProcessProgressReport.BackgroundProcessProgressReportID LEFT OUTER JOIN tBackgroundProcessProgressReportItem ON tBackgroundProcessProgressReport.BackgroundProcessProgressReportID = tBackgroundProcessProgressReportItem.BackgroundProcessProgressReportIDWHERE (tBackgroundProcess.BackgroundProcessID IS NULL) AND (tBackgroundProcessProgressReportItem.BackgroundProcessProgressReportItemID IS NULL)The query should delete records from tBackgroundProcessProgressReport which are not connected with the other two tables.However, for some reasone we get the following exception:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Snapshot isolation transaction aborted due to update conflict. You cannot use snapshot isolation to access table 'dbo.tBackgroundProcess' directly or indirectly in database 'RHSS_PRD_PT_Engine' to update, delete, or insert the row that has been modified or deleted by another transaction. Retry the transaction or change the isolation level for the update/delete statement.The exception specifies that we are not allowed to update/delete/insert records in tBackgroundProcess, but the query indeed deletes records from tBackgroundProcessProgressReport, not from the table in the exception.Is the exception raised because of the join?Has someone encountered this issue before?Thanks,Yani
In general we cannot delete a table if it refers another table. But in the process of backup and restore, we need to delete all the tables, so we have return an function...
Dim Datatable As String Dim ds As New DataSet ds = gDatabase.ExecuteQuery(" select Table_Name from Information_schema.Tables where Table_type='TABLE'") If ds.Tables.Count > 0 Then If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then Dim dr As DataRow Dim da As SqlCeDataAdapter Dim Cmd As String For Each dr In ds.Tables(0).Rows Datatable = dr.Item("Table_name") Cmd = "Delete from [" & Datatable & "]" gDatabase.ExecuteNonQuery(Cmd) Next End If End If
we got an error like
"Msg 4712, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Cannot truncate table 'Electricalworks' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint. "
how to override these errors, if we have to delete all the tables. We have about 200 tables.
I use SQL Server 2005I have tables tblUserData, tblUsersAndGuestbook, tblGuestbooktblUserdata contains:UserCode intUsername nvarchar(50)tblUsersAndGuestbook contains:Usercode int (FK to tblUserData)GBEntryCode inttblGuestbookGBEntryCode int (FK to tblUsersAndGuestbook)GBText textNow...if I delete a user in tblUserData I want to also delete the entries in tblUsersAndGuestbook AND in tblGuestbook.I've heard something about cascading delete, but how can i configure that in my database?Or do I manually need to delete all entries from code?
Hi, I read all the existing material in SWYNK but still am not clear on the following question. What is the best way to perform Cascading actions (Delete & Update) with foreign Key Constraints declared? We are using SQL Server 7.0 thanks Rozina
It deletes all rows in the table specified that conform to the criteria selected, while also deleting any child/grandchild records and so on. This is designed to do the same sort of thing as Access's cascade delete function. It first reads the sysforeignkeys table to find any child tables, then deletes the soon-to-be orphan records from them using recursive calls to this procedure. Once all child records are gone, the rows are deleted from the selected table. It is designed at this time to be run at the command line. It could also be used in code, but the printed output will not be available. */ ( @cTableName varchar(50), /* name of the table where rows are to be deleted */ @cCriteria nvarchar(1000), /* criteria used to delete the rows required */ @iRowsAffected int OUTPUT /* number of records affected by the delete */ ) As set nocount on declare @cTab varchar(255), /* name of the child table */ @cCol varchar(255), /* name of the linking field on the child table */ @cRefTab varchar(255), /* name of the parent table */ @cRefCol varchar(255), /* name of the linking field in the parent table */ @cFKName varchar(255), /* name of the foreign key */ @cSQL nvarchar(1000), /* query string passed to the sp_ExecuteSQL procedure */ @cChildCriteria nvarchar(1000), /* criteria to be used to delete records from the child table */ @iChildRows int /* number of rows deleted from the child table */
/* declare the cursor containing the foreign key constraint information */ DECLARE cFKey CURSOR LOCAL FOR SELECT AS Tab, AS Col, AS RefTab, AS RefCol, AS FKName FROM dbo.sysforeignkeys FK INNER JOIN dbo.syscolumns SC1 ON FK.fkeyid = AND FK.fkey = SC1.colid INNER JOIN dbo.syscolumns SC2 ON FK.rkeyid = AND FK.rkey = SC2.colid INNER JOIN dbo.sysobjects SO1 ON FK.fkeyid = INNER JOIN dbo.sysobjects SO2 ON FK.rkeyid = INNER JOIN dbo.sysobjects FO ON FK.constid = WHERE SO2.Name = @cTableName
OPEN cFKey FETCH NEXT FROM cFKey INTO @cTab, @cCol, @cRefTab, @cRefCol, @cFKName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN /* build the criteria to delete rows from the child table. As it uses the criteria passed to this procedure, it gets progressively larger with recursive calls */ SET @cChildCriteria = @cCol + ' in (SELECT [' + @cRefCol + '] FROM [' + @cRefTab +'] WHERE ' + @cCriteria + ')' print 'Deleting records from table ' + @cTab /* call this procedure to delete the child rows */ EXEC spDeleteRows @cTab, @cChildCriteria, @iChildRows OUTPUT FETCH NEXT FROM cFKey INTO @cTab, @cCol, @cRefTab, @cRefCol, @cFKName END Close cFKey DeAllocate cFKey /* finally delete the rows from this table and display the rows affected */ SET @cSQL = 'DELETE FROM [' + @cTableName + '] WHERE ' + @cCriteria print @cSQL EXEC sp_ExecuteSQL @cSQL print 'Deleted ' + CONVERT(varchar, @@ROWCOUNT) + ' records from table ' + @cTableName -------- The above code is good .. but has limitation...throws an error: Server: Msg 217, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spDeleteRows, Line 58 Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view nesting level exceeded (limit 32).
Can anyone out there suggest a better way of implementing on a database without a limitation of levels.. we are talking about a HUGE DB with lots of table and FK referentials..
I use cascading delete on my SQL Server Database. I am experiencing along query time on my highest level delete, 10 minutes. If I deletefrom each table manually and then delete the parent, I will usually bedone in less than a minute. Any suggestions?
If we want to maintain the data in relationships. There are two ways to do it. 1. Auto (Like Cascading Update And Delete) 2. Manually (Like In Stored Procedures) I read an intresting article In this article Imar has choosen the second way (Manually). And when I talk to Imar. He said, "Cascading deletes would have worked equally well in this situation. However, I personally don't like them too much. I am much rather in control, enabling me to delete what I want and when I want it. I could, for example, keep certain data for "time travelling scenarios" (e.g. the state things were in some time ago) or I might want to keep it for other purposes." Can any one help me to choose the better one.
Is it possible to perform a cascading delete and update using TRIGGERS on a table referenced by a foreign key constraint.?To be more specific.. if the primary key is deleted does the delete trigger on the primary table deletes the record in the foreign key table or does it return an error?? if possible please send us the T SQL Statements .
Edit: Sorry This is OSQL.What I use as my query is:"DELETE FROM timerecord WHERE Actual_Time_In LIKE '11.12.2006%'"The row of Actual_Time_In is formatted with Date and time (MM.DD.YYYY HH:MM:SS) sometimes there are ten records and I'd rather not have to remove them from the table one at a time. However, even though I have a record that is '11.12.2006 22:43:00' my delete doesn't work osql states I have 0 rows affected.This is only MSDE so I don't have anyother way to open the table.Sometimes these records have other records that reference them. Is there anyway to do a cascading delete without it getting to complex?Thanks of all your help, I am just a tech support guy beating his head against a wall..
I have created this c# dll for one of my packages and I was planning on calling it from the script component, but for some reason when I try to call it I get the following error.
Could not load file or assembly 'VRS.Utilities.Dates, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
I've dropped the dll file in the WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727 folder and it shows up when I go to add the reference however when I try to implement it I get the error.
I am trying to reference a package level variable in a script component (in the Code) and am unable to do so successfully. I have it listed as a ReadOnlyVariables in the custom properties of the script component, however unable to reference it in the code.
I need to find top level node details from xml Execution Plan .
Code :
select distinct mgrCorpID from ( select DISTINCT cd.EmpCorpID, cd.EmpName, cd.mgrCorpID, cd.mgrName ,userrole.ROLE FROM T_Staging_BWDRE_USERROLE AS userrole INNER JOIN T_Staging_BWDRE_USER AS user2 ON userrole.ID = user2.USERROLEID
I've got a fairly large hierarchy table and I'm trying to put together a query to find the lowest level descendants of the hierarchy. I think there must be some way to use the "Breadth-first" approach that's stated in the MSDN technet sites about SQL Server HierarchyID but i'm not sure how to write the necessary T-SQL to traverse that. I know I can get all the descendants of a parent node like this
SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.Employee WHERE OrganizationNode.IsDescendantOf(@ParentNode) = 1
However, this query returns all levels for that parent's branch. If I just wanted list of employees that were at the lowest level of the branch(es) for this parent node, how would I do this?
Hello All, i have 2 files in excel which i am uploading them to a folder which is located in the root directory. then i am importing these two files into a sqldatabase. i needed some help in importing them and i got it from my previous post at but now i have a problem. the import works perfectly first time but when i do it the second time i am getting an error on of the file (header). to explain clearly, what i am doing is , every time i upload a new file , i am deleting the data from the tables, so the new data can be inserted ( basically trying to achieve overwirting the existing data). now this technique works fine with the Detail table but not with the Header table. i think the reason is the header table has a primary key on OrderID and a relationship does exists between the Header and Detail. now how would i overcome this error. can some one please guide me. I really appreciate is my code: // connection for header file protected OleDbCommand headExcelConnection() { // Connect to the Excel Spreadsheet string headConnStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=" + Server.MapPath("~/imports/headerorder.xls") + ";" + "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"; // create your excel connection object using the connection string OleDbConnection headXConn = new OleDbConnection(headConnStr); headXConn.Open(); // use a SQL Select command to retrieve the data from the Excel Spreadsheet // the "table name" is the name of the worksheet within the spreadsheet // in this case, the worksheet name is "Sheet1" and is expressed as: [Sheet1$]
OleDbCommand headCommand = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]", headXConn); return headCommand; } // importing header information
protected void BtnImpHeader_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PanelUpload.Visible = false; PanelView.Visible = false; PanelImport.Visible = true; LabelImport.Text = ""; // reset to blank // Create a new Adapter OleDbDataAdapter objDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(); // retrieve the Select command for the Spreadsheet objDataAdapter.SelectCommand = headExcelConnection();
// Create a DataSet DataSet objDataSet = new DataSet(); // Populate the DataSet with the spreadsheet worksheet data objDataAdapter.Fill(objDataSet);
// deleting the exisitng table before copy SqlConnection mycon = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ImportexcelConnectionString"].ConnectionString); SqlCommand SqlCmd = null; mycon.Open(); SqlCmd = mycon.CreateCommand(); SqlCmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Header"; ---- showing error over on second time SqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); mycon.Close(); // entering the newer header information
protected OleDbCommand detExcelConnection() { // Connect to the Excel Spreadsheet string detConnStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=" + Server.MapPath("~/imports/detailorder.xls") + ";" + "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"; // create your excel connection object using the connection string OleDbConnection detXConn = new OleDbConnection(detConnStr); detXConn.Open(); // create your excel connection object using the connection string // use a SQL Select command to retrieve the data from the Excel Spreadsheet // the "table name" is the name of the worksheet within the spreadsheet // in this case, the worksheet name is "Sheet1" and is expressed as: [Sheet1$] OleDbCommand detCommand = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]", detXConn); return detCommand; }// importing detail information
protected void ButtonImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PanelUpload.Visible = false; PanelView.Visible = false; PanelImport.Visible = true; LabelImport.Text = ""; // reset to blank // Create a new Adapter OleDbDataAdapter objDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(); // retrieve the Select command for the Spreadsheet objDataAdapter.SelectCommand = detExcelConnection();
// Create a DataSet DataSet objDataSet = new DataSet(); // Populate the DataSet with the spreadsheet worksheet data objDataAdapter.Fill(objDataSet);
// deleting the exisitng table before copy SqlConnection mycon = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ImportexcelConnectionString"].ConnectionString); SqlCommand SqlCmd = null; mycon.Open(); SqlCmd = mycon.CreateCommand(); SqlCmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Detail"; SqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); mycon.Close(); // entering newer detail information SqlConnection mysqlcon = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ImportexcelConnectionString"].ConnectionString); mysqlcon.Open(); foreach (DataRow dr1 in objDataSet.Tables[0].Rows) { String sqlinsert = "insert into Detail values(@param1,@param2,@param3,@param4,@param5,@param6,@param7,@param8,@param9,@param10,@param11,@param12,@param13)"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlinsert, mysqlcon); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param1", dr1[0].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param2", dr1[1].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param3", dr1[2].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param4", dr1[3].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param5", dr1[4].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param6", dr1[5].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param7", dr1[6].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param8", Convert.ToDecimal(dr1[7].ToString())); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param9", Convert.ToDecimal(dr1[8].ToString())); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param10", dr1[9].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param11", dr1[10].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param12", dr1[11].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param13", dr1[12].ToString()); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); LabelImport.Text = "Rows Inserted"; } mysqlcon.Close(); } the error is as follows: Server Error in '/WebSite6' Application.
The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_Detail_Header". The conflict occurred in database "C:DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSMEMY DOCUMENTSVISUAL STUDIO 2005WEBSITESWEBSITE6APP_DATADATABASE.MDF", table "dbo.Detail", column 'OrderID'.The statement has been terminated. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_Detail_Header". The conflict occurred in database "C:DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSMEMY DOCUMENTSVISUAL STUDIO 2005WEBSITESWEBSITE6APP_DATADATABASE.MDF", table "dbo.Detail", column 'OrderID'.The statement has been terminated.Source Error:
Line 176: SqlCmd = mycon.CreateCommand();Line 177: SqlCmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Header";Line 178: SqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();Line 179: mycon.Close();Line 180: again i really appreciate.Thanks
On my aspx Web page, I want to delete a member from database table 'tblMember', but if this MemberID is used as FK in another table, I want to display a user friendlier message like "You cannot delete this member, ....." I am using Try, Catch blocks in my Web Page.
Currently it display this message: "DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint 'FK_..._....' The conflict occurred in database '...', table 'tblMembers', column 'MemberID'. The statement has been terminated. "
So how should I precisely trap this error? Does anybody know what Exception is it? or what error number in SQL server?
I need to "cascade clone" or "cascade copy" one row only, in a given database table, but I also need to copy all the child records in related tables, yet preserving the Primary-Foreign key relationships. Say I have 3 DB Tables.Companies with a key named CompanyID.Employees with a key named EmployeeID and a FK to CompanyID.Projects with a Foreign Key to EmployeeID One company may contain several employees, and each employee may have several projects.(See this image for reference ) I need you to point me to a procedure that enables me to copy, for example, one Company record, and have all the associated Employees copied over, and for each Employee, have all the Projects associated copied over. This is what I call a "Cascade copy", because it's a process that walks down all the database structure, starting from a given field, and looking down through all the database relational hierarchy. There might be a straight way I can accomplish this task, although I'm unable to find it.I could write a .net script where I specify the Table Names, the Prikmary Keyname and the Foreign Keyname, but this doesn't sound like a clean solution. The most important thing is keep a correct Foreign to Primary relationship once the fields have been copied. I mean, if we clone a company: 1- All the employees should be also copied.2- All the new employees should relate to the new company primary key.3- All the projects should be also copied.4- All the projects should related to the new employee primary key. I'm attaching an image so you can easily see the pretty simple database structure I'm talking I'm also attaching the VS2005 project with the SQL Express Look forward to receiving some tips and links to resources so I can achieve this task, preferably through a SQL stored procedure or an ASP.NET script. Best Regards. Agustin Garzon
there are two tables involve in replication let say table1 and replicated table is also rep.table1.
we are not deleting records physically in table1 so only a bit in table1 has true when u want to delete a record but the strange thing is that replication agaent report that this is hard delete operation on table1 so download and report hard delete operation and delete the record in replicated table which is very crucial.
plz let me know where am i wrong and how i put it into right way.
there is no triggers on published tables and noother trigger is created on published table.
Can I delete the record if it exist before we do an insert at the DataFlow level base on a key of the record we are working on? Basically we want to keep history records and delete and reinsert any records that exist in the table.
When you utilize transactions in ADO.NET are the locks put on the entire TABLE used or at the row level? For instance if you do a SELECT within a transaction if you only pull 5 rows out of a 1000 row table can you just make it lock the rows that have been pulled? It seems like it locks the entire table?
i use a single stored procedure to update many tables in sql server 2014 database, using defalut transaction isolation level we got random performance issues.
maybe it would better to use read uncommitted isolation level?
what's happens ,in the both cases( read committed, uncommitted) if the sp is called at the same time passing the same @key parameter?
this is a sample to show of the real stored procedure works:
I am trying to send some data back to our as/400 from SQL server. Before I do so I need to delete entries from the table. I have an odbc connection set up and have used it sucessfully in a datareader compoenent but but when I try to use it for a delete SQL task it give me the followign error. what am I doing wrong? I even tried hardcoding in the system name/library name.
Here is my delete sql script DELETE FROM DSSCNTL Where Companycode = 10
TITLE: SQL Task ------------------------------ Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ------------------------------ BUTTONS: OK ------------------------------
Background: Am working on completing an ORM that can not only handles CRUD actions -- but that can also updates the structure of a table transparently when the class defs change. Reason for this is that I can't get the SQL scripts that would work for updating a software on SqlServer to be portable to other DBMS systems. Doing it by code, rather than SQL batch has a chance of making cross-platform, updateable, software...
Anyway, because it needs to be cross-DBMS capable, the constraints are that the system used must work for the lowest common, a 'recipe' of steps that will work on all DBMS's.
The Problem: There might be simpler ways to do this with SqlServer (all ears :-) - just in case I can't make it cross platform right now) but, with simplistic DBMS's (SqlLite, etc) there is no way to ALTER table once formed: one has to COPY the Table to a new TMP name, adding a Column in the process, then delete the original, then rename the TMP to the original name.
This appears possible in SqlServer too long as there are no CASCADE operations. Truncate table doesn't seem to be the solution, nor drop, as they all seem to trigger a Cascade delete in the Foreign Table.
So -- please correct me if I am wrong here -- it appears that the operations would be along the lines of: a) Remove the Foreign Key references b) Copy the table structure, and make a new temp table, adding the column c) Copy the data over d) Add the FK relations, that used to be in the first table, to the new table e) Delete the original f) Done?
The questions are: a) How does one alter a table to REMOVE the Foreign Key References part, if it has no 'name'. b) Anyone know of a good clean way to get, and save these constraints to reapply them to the new table. Hopefully with some cross platform ADO.NET solution? GetSchema etc appears to me to be very dbms dependant? c) ANY and all tips on things I might run into later that I have not mentioned, are also greatly appreciated.
I'm trying to clean up a database design and I'm in a situation to where two tables need a FK but since it didn't exist before there are orphaned records.
Tables are:
Brokers and it's PK is BID
The 2nd table is Broker_Rates which also has a BID table.
I'm trying to figure out a t-sql statement that will parse through all the recrods in the Broker_Rates table and delete the record if there isn't a match for the BID record in the brokers table.
I know this isn't correct syntax but should hopefully clear up what I'm asking
I have a requirement of table partitioning. we have 10 years of data on a table which is 30 billion up rows on 2005 server we are upgrading it to 2014. we have to keep 7 years of data. there is no keys on table or date column. since its a huge amount of data and many users its slow down the process speed. we are thinking to do partition on 7 years for Quarterly based. but as i said there is no date column on table we have to use reference table to get date. is there a way i can do the partitioning with out adding date column on table? also does partition will make query faster?
I have think three ways to do it. 1. leave as it is. 2. 7 years partition on one server 3. 3 years partition on server1 and 4 years partition on server2 (for 4 years is snapshot better?)
Hello,I have a query that I need help with.there are two tables...Product- ProductId- Property1- Property2- Property3PropertyType- PropertyTypeId- PropertyTypeThere many columns in (Product) that reverence 1 lookup table (PropertyType)In the table Product, the columns Property1, Property2, Property3 all contain a numerical value that references PropertyType.PropertyTypeIdHow do I select a Product so I get all rows from Product and also the PropertyType that corresponds to the Product.Property1, Product.Property2, and Product.Property3ProductId | Property1 | Property2 | Property3 | PropertyType1 | PropertyType2 | PropertyType3 PropertyType(1) = PropertyType for Property1PropertyType(2) = PropertyType for Property2PropertyType(3) = PropertyType for Property3I hope this makes sence.Thanks in advance.
The requirement is: I should allow single row delete from a table but not bulk delete. An audit table should get updated if there is any single delete or single update. So I wrote the triggers as follows: for single and bulk delete
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[TRG_Delete_Bulk_tbl_attendance] ON [dbo].[tbl_attendance] AFTER DELETE AS
When I try to run the website, the database error I am getting is:Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is missing. Previous count = 0, current count = 1.