Cast Required For Datetime

Sep 5, 2005

Imran writes "Hi All !

I have required a simple cast that is i want to get just time from datetime field.
Example :
I have data '1/1/1900 10:30 PM' now i want to get just 10:30 pm from it if any one can send me a query please do it.
My email is"

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Apr 24, 2008

Hi all,

i need help for deleting the time from a datetime type

what i mean is that instead of
2007-08-15 01:30:00.000
i would get
2007-08-15 00:00:00.000

many thanks

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Transact SQL :: CAST 0 As DateTime

Apr 14, 2015

How do you cast 0 as DateTime?  Is this possible to do.I am using UNION to combine two tables.  I get an error when doing so...

Msg 206, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Operand type clash: int is incompatible with date


I understand what is causing the error.  In the top select statement both Closed_Status AND Expected_Close_Date are datetime values.  But in the bottom statement they are int.  

I understand what is causing the error.  In the top select statement both Closed_Status AND Expected_Close_Date are datetime values.  In the bottom statement they are int.  So I tried CASTing them as datetime, that didn’t work and I get this error.<o:p></o:p> Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'Open' to data type int.Is there a way to CAST 0 as a DateTime

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How To Cast A Varchar Column To DateTime

Jan 21, 2012

Below is my query.Its working great if i remove ,Cast(C.ClassTime as time) as StartDate.But when i use this i get an error as The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value My ClassName is a varchar.Whose definition i cant change to DateTime now.But i want to cast it to DateTime.

Select C.ClassID as Appointment_Id,C.ClassName as Appoitment_Descr,Cast(C.ClassTime as time) as StartDate,C.EndClassTime as EndDate, 'Class' as Type
From Dojo D inner join DojoClass C on D.SchoolID = C.DojoSchoolID
Where D.SchoolID = @DojoID
and C.Days like'%' + @Days + '%'
Select E.DojoEventID as Appointment_Id,E.EventName as Appoitment_Descr , E.EventStartDate as StartDate , E.EventEndDate as EndDate,'Event' as Type
From Dojo D inner join DojoEvent E on E.DojoID = D.SchoolID
Where D.SchoolID = @DojoID and @Date
Between E.EventStartDate and E.EventEndDate

how can i cast it correctly?

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CAST A Variable Into A Datetime Object

Mar 30, 2004

CAST a variable into a datetime object
I need to do a CAST(@variable_name as datetime)
this won't work because @variable_name has the following format

'dd/mm/yy hh:mi:ss:mmmAM'

like how do i specify a style for it.

please help..

James : (

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Transact SQL :: Insert Into With Cast Datetime

Aug 10, 2015

I am trying to automate a load of insert cmd but some of them contain date times so i am trying to insert the following but keep getting

Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

What is wrong with the cmd??

INSERT INTO client VALUES (100, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL,Cast( '2013-03-11 10:54:46.529' as datetime))

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Cast Question - Converting Datetime Into Date

Sep 21, 2005

Hi guys,
I knew that the Function Cast can do this but I tried a lot and I dont want to use the MONTH, YEAR, DAY function.

I have a smalldatetime field with a value of this 12/18/2004 4:02:00 PM
I just like to see it like this 12/18/2004

Hope you can help me up. Thanks.

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CAST DateTime Value To A Fixed-point Number

Jul 31, 2014

I'm reviewing the CAST function using Microsoft SQL server. I generally understand the functionality, but my confusion lies in the results of a particular script which casts a DateTime value to a fixed-point number.

It is as follows:


SET @From = '2009-10-11T11:00:00'
SET @To = cast(@From AS NUMERIC(10,5))


This results in: 40095.45833

I am completely lost as to how 40095.45833 = 2009-10-11T11:00:00. I just do not understand the how that fixed point number equates to that source DateTime data.

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SQL Server 2008 :: CAST (INT AS DATETIME) - Random Numbers

May 20, 2015

While trying to solve a SQL challenge I found myself trying to understand what is happening when you CAST a INT to date time.

Trying to understand the results. Here are some random numbers and Castings. My question is why do they produce the datetimes they do?


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Using CAST Or CONVERT To Change Data From String To Datetime?

Apr 16, 2014

i am trying to take a field that has part of a date in it, so I have to parse it out as follows:

SUBSTRING(a1.Field1, 3, 2) + SUBSTRING(a1.Field1,5,2) + '20' + LEFT(a1.Field1,2)

This is because a date of 04/16/2014 will show as 160416 in the first part of the field I need to parse it out of, thus becoming 04162014.

From there I then need to convert this "date" into a legitimate SQL datetime type, so that I can then run a DATEDIFF to compare it to when the record was actually entered, which is a separate field in the table, and already in datetime format.

When I use the below statement, I am getting the message that, "Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string."

CAST((SUBSTRING(a1.Field1, 3, 2) + SUBSTRING(a1.Field1,5,2) + '20' + LEFT(a1.Field1,2)) as datetime)

I also tried CONVERT(datetime, (SUBSTRING(a1.Field1, 3, 2) + SUBSTRING(a1.Field1,5,2) + '20' + LEFT(a1.Field1,2)), and got the same message.

how I can parse that field, then convert it to a datetime format for running a DATEDIFF statement?

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Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.DateTime' To Type 'System.String'.

Dec 31, 2007

 Hi,      I got this field (dateSubmitted) having a data type of DateTime but I receive this error "Unable to cast object of type 'System.DateTime' to type 'System.String'."       All value for dateSubmitted field are 12/27/2007 12:00:00 AM. cheers,imperialx 

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Millisecond Values Missing When Inserting Datetime Into Datetime Column Of Sql Server

Jul 9, 2007

I'm inserting a datetime values into sql server 2000 from c#

SQL server table details
Table nameate_test
columnname datatype
No int
date_t DateTime

C# coding
SqlConnection connectionToDatabase = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=testdb;Integrated Security=SSPI");
DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
dt1.Columns.Add("date_t", typeof(System.DateTime));
DataRow dr = dt1.NewRow();
dr["no"] = 1;
dr["date_t"] = DateTime.Now;
for(int i=0;i<dt1.Rows.Count;i++)
string str=dt1.Rows["no"].ToString();
DateTime dt=(DateTime)dt1.Rows["date_t"];
string insertQuery = "insert into date_test values(" + str + ",'" + dt + "')";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(insertQuery, connectionToDatabase);
When I run the above code, data is inserted into the table
The value in the date_t column is 2007-07-09 22:10:11 000.The milliseconds value is always 000 only.I need the millisecond values also in date_t column.
Is there any conversion needed for millisecond values?


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Inserting Datetime Through Sqldatasource - String Was Not Recognized As A Valid DateTime

Dec 6, 2006

I'm getting error:
String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
my insert parameter: 
<asp:Parameter Name="LastModified" Type="DateTime" DefaultValue= "<%=DateTime.Now.ToString() %>"
my insert command:
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Product] ([Enabled], [ProductCode], [ProductName], [ProductAlias], [CarrierId], [DfltPlanId], [DoubleRating], [DoubleRateProductId], [ConnCharges], [StartDate], [EndDate], [Contracted], [BaseProductId], [LastModified], [LastUser]) VALUES (@Enabled, @ProductCode, @ProductName, @ProductAlias, @CarrierId, @DfltPlanId, @DoubleRating, @DoubleRateProductId, @ConnCharges, @StartDate, @EndDate, @Contracted, @BaseProductId, @LastModified, @LastUser)"
LastModified is a datetime field.
 Running sql2005

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DateTime Unable To Save In Datetime Field Of SQL Database

Mar 14, 2007

 Hi all, having a little problem with saving dates to sql databaseI've got the CreatedOn field in the table set to datetime type, but every time i try and run it i get an error kicked up  Error "The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.The statement has been terminated."I've tried researching it but not been able to find something similar.  Heres the code: DateTime createOn = DateTime.Now;string sSQLStatement = "INSERT INTO Index (Name, Description, Creator,CreatedOn) values ('" + name + "','" + description + "','" + userName + "','" + createOn + "')"; Any help would be much appreciated 

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SQL Query: Finding Records Between Datetime Inside Datetime

Mar 17, 2007

Hey :)I'm facing a lot of troubles trying to create a new pause/break-system. Right now i'm building up the query that counts how many records that is inside 2 fields. Let me first show you my table:
ID (int)     |    stamp_start (Type: DateTime)        |      stamp_end (Type: DateTime)           |      Username (varchar)0             |      17-03-07 12:00:00                      |            17-03-07 12:30:00                     |     Hovgaard
The client will enter a start time and a end time and this query should then count how many records that are inside this periode of time.
 Example: The client enter starttime: 12:05 and endtime: 12:35.The query shall then return 1 record found. The same thing if the user enters 12:20 and 12:50.My current query looks like this:SELECT COUNT(ID) AS Expr1 FROM table WHERE (start_stamp <= @pausetime_start) AND (end_stamp >= @pausetime_end)But this will only count if I enter the exact same times as the one inside the table.Any ideas how I can figure this out?Thanks for your time so far :)/Jonas Hovgaard - Denmark

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Datetime Data Type Resulted In An Out-of-range Datetime Value. Please Help

May 13, 2006

I have a column of type datetime in sqlserver 2000. Whenever I try to insert the date
 '31/08/2006 23:28:59'
 I get the error "...datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value"
I've looked everywhere and I can't solve the problem. Please note, I first got this error from an page and in order to ensure that it wasn't some problem with culture settings I decided to run the query straight in Sql Query Anaylser. The results were the same. What else could it be?

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Convert Datetime String To Datetime Date Type

Mar 11, 2014

I am inserting date and time data into a SQL Server 2012 Express table from an application. The application is providing the date and time as a string data type. Is there a TSQL way to convert the date and time string to an SQL datetime date type? I want to do the conversion, because SQL displays an error due to the

My date and time string from the application looks like : 3/11/2014 12:57:57 PM

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Retrieving A Datetime With A Time Of Midnight (from A Typical Datetime)

Sep 7, 2007

Nothing difficult, I just need a way to generate a new datetime column based on the column [PostedDate], datetime. So basically I want to truncate the time. Thanks a lot.

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Datetime W/ Format = D Still Showing Time Component Of Datetime

Jan 17, 2008


1st March 2005 12:00:00

is showing as

01/03/2005 00:00:00

instead of


Why does this happen?

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Comparing A Real Datetime To A 'constructed' Datetime

Jun 15, 2004

I have the following SQL:

select convert(datetime,'04-20-' + right(term,4)) as dt,
'Deposit' as type, a.* from
dbo.status_view a

where right(term,4) always returns a string which constitutes a 4 digit year eg '1999','2004',etc.

The SQL above returns

2004-04-20 00:00:00.000 Deposit ...

Which makes me think that it is able to successfully construct the datetime object inline. But then when I try and do:

select * from
select convert(datetime,'04-20-' + right(term,4)) as dt,
'Deposit' as type, a.* from
dbo.status_view a
) where dt >= a.submit_date

I get the following error:

Syntax error converting datetime from character string.

Given that it executes the innermost SQL just fine and seems to convert the string to a datetime object, I don't see why subsequently trying to USE that datetime object for something (in this case comparison with submit_date which is a datetime in the table a) should screw it up. Help!!! Thanks...

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How To Convert Datetime From Text/char To Datetime

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have a text file that contains a date column. The text file will beimported to database in SQL 2000 server. After to be imported, I wantto convert the date column to date type.For ex. the text file look likeName dateSmith 20003112Jennifer 19991506It would be converted date column to ydm database in SQL 2000 server.In the table it should look like thisName DateSmith 2000.31.12Jennifer 1999.15.06Thanks in advance- Loi -

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Convert DateTime To A DateTime With Milliseconds Format

Nov 5, 2007


I am trying to access a date column up to millisecond precession. So I cast date to as follows:

Code BlockCONVERT(varchar(23),CREATE_DATE,121)

I get millisecond part as a result of query but it€™s €œ000€?.

When I try to test the format by using getDate instead of DateTime column I get right milliseconds.

CONVERT(varchar(23),GetDate(),121) --Gives right milliseconds in return

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Jan 16, 2007

Can anyone tell me how I can CAST these fields AS DECIMAL (19, 2) please?

(SELECT ([Total students] - [withdrawn] - [transferred] - [cancelled]) / [total Students] * 100 AS [Percentage Retained])


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Dec 14, 2007

I have

WHEN (a.type_id in (9))
THEN a.duration
ELSE 0 --CAST ( expression AS data_type )
END 'Time'

I need the duration to be displayed if type is 9 only.
so otherwise id ideally want 'N/A' displayed..
but it won't display it as its not an int ..

is there a way i can just display it temporarily
instaed of 0 ?

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Need Help With A CAST

Feb 5, 2008

I am having a little trouble with the CAST in my SELECT statement below. Any help is greatly appreciated.

group_id_ AS [Group ID],
vendor_id_ AS [Vendor ID] ,
project_id_ [Project ID],
resource_id_ [Resource ID],
vendor_price_ [Old Price],
new_price_ [New Price],
(CAST (new_price_/vendor_price_)-1 AS DECIMAL (4, 2)) AS [Difference]
FROM hbs_vnpq
WHERE (group_id_ = '210') AND (vendor_id_ = '08416') AND (new_price_ >0) AND (vendor_price_ >0)
ORDER BY [Difference]

Server: Msg 1035, Level 15, State 10, Line 7
Incorrect syntax near 'CAST', expected 'AS'.

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Specified Cast Is Not Valid

Sep 11, 2006

im doing a sum on a table and it either returns a number in decimal format or 'null' .  The problem is when it returns null i want it to just make the text say '0.00'.  So i did a test on the object that if it returns NULL just print  '0.00' but if it is not null it tells me that there is a number there and i want to store that as a decimal and print it out.  But i get an error for a type cast when im not it should not even be going to that part of the code. In the code below the first executescaler will return null so it should just go straight to the else.  But it gives me the type cast error in the if that shouldnt be seen.  The error and code are below. //Borrower NSF FEES
cmd.CommandText = "select sum(itemamount) from postmtdtls where loanid='" + LoanID + "' and Transactioncode = '310'";
object temp = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
if (temp != null)
decimal B_NSFFees = ((decimal)cmd.ExecuteScalar());
borrowerPayoff_NSFFees.Text = String.Format("{0:#,#.##}", B_NSFFees).ToString(); //Borrower NSF FEES
borrowerPayoff_NSFFees.Text = "0.00"; //borrowerPayoff_NSFFees.Text = "0.00";
}  Server Error in '/WebSite5' Application. Specified cast is not valid. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.Source Error: Line 774: if (temp != null)
Line 775: {
Line 776: decimal B_NSFFees = ((decimal)cmd.ExecuteScalar());
Line 777: borrowerPayoff_NSFFees.Text = String.Format("{0:#,#.##}", B_NSFFees).ToString(); //Borrower NSF FEES
Line 778: }Source File: c:ProgrammingFilesWebSite5InvestorPool.aspx.cs    Line: 776 Stack Trace: [InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.]
InvestorPool.GetLoanInfo(String LoanID) in c:ProgrammingFilesWebSite5InvestorPool.aspx.cs:776
InvestorPool.MortAccountText(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:ProgrammingFilesWebSite5InvestorPool.aspx.cs:660
System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox.OnTextChanged(EventArgs e) +75
System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox.RaisePostDataChangedEvent() +124
System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox.System.Web.UI.IPostBackDataHandler.RaisePostDataChangedEvent() +7
System.Web.UI.Page.RaiseChangedEvents() +138
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +4507
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.42

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Using CAST From Varchar To Int

Oct 15, 2006

I am pretty new to SQL for SQL Server 2005. In a view I have a column CAST(Field1 as int). Field1 is a varchar.All works well except when the data is not numeric such as a '?' or '*'.How can I get around this, with a case statement, coalese?I only want to perform the CAST on valid numeric values.The valid values in the varchar field are blank, null,'0','1','2','3','4','5','?','*' and maybe othersThanks

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Cast Problem

Aug 31, 2007

If I run the following query in SQL Server Management Studio it returns the correct results: (Searching the table for the field "SpecimenID (an INT)" against the data entered (a Text Field - "7575-01")  from the submitted form.
SELECT     ClinicalID, SpecimenID, PatientID, LabID, Accession, Bacillus, Francisella, Yersinia, Brucella, Burkholderia, Coxiella, Staphylococcus, Other,                       OtherExplanation, CollectionDate, strddlTransportMedium, strddlSpecimenSource, UserName, Test, SpecimenCount, DateAndTimeFROM         ClinicalSpecimenWHERE     (SpecimenID = CAST('7575-01' AS VARCHAR(50)))ORDER BY SpecimenID DESCHowever, when I try to use the same logic in the ASPX.VB code behind page, as follows below, I either get an error message (Syntax error converting the varchar value '' to a column of data type int.) or record not found.... Can someone please explain what I am missing here....
MySQL = "SELECT * FROM ClinicalSpecimen WHERE SpecimenID = CAST(('" & AccessionPresent & "') AS VARCHAR(50))"
*"AccessionPresent" is the value of the text field retrieved from the form.
I guess what I am really asking is how can I search for an INT value in a table using a VARCHAR Field.
Thank you for any or all assistance !!!

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Cast Or Convert

Feb 18, 2008

 Hi,I want to turn int to double/decimal  in microsoft sqlSHould i use cast or convert?if so, how i do it thanks, 

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If / IIf - Cast Exception

May 29, 2008

Hi over there,I hope this question is not too simple, but I didn't manage to figure out why...I would need an explanation for following issue:I'm reading data from a database (MSSQL) and it the column "PersonBirthday" is DBNull.I wanted to prevent the error (Textbox.Text = DBNull) with an IIF. The thing is I get thistypecast exception:"Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Date' is not valid." This code is NOT working, why?    txtPersonBirthday.Text = IIf(IsDBNull(.Item("PersonBirthday")) =
True, String.Empty,
CDate(.Item("PersonBirthday")).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) When I'm using this code, which is for me obviously the same, just with an if-block it works,and I want to know why - please explain.           If IsDBNull(.Item("PersonBirthday")) Then                txtPersonBirthday.Text = String.Empty            Else                txtPersonBirthday.Text = CDate(.Item("PersonBirthday")).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")            End IfThanks in advance,cheers,uquandux                    If IsDBNull(.Item("PersonBirthday")) Then                txtPersonBirthday.Text = String.Empty            Else                txtPersonBirthday.Text = CDate(.Item("PersonBirthday")).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")            End If 

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Varbinary Cast

Sep 16, 2004

Can anyone tell me what varbinary casts to ?? can I do this int[] temp=(int)DataReader["varbinaryColumn"]. Or is byte[] temp the appropiate protocol.

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Specified Cast Is Not Valid

Apr 7, 2006

Can't seem to find why I'm getting this error: Specified cast is not valid.
Ok, using a stored procedure for SQL Server 2000 and here is the main part of it:
 SELECT id, rank, firstName, lastName, service, status, createdTime FROM   accessRequest WHERE  lastName LIKE @tLastName     AND    firstName LIKE @tFirstName
And the C# code behind from the class file:
SqlDataReader spResults;
spResults = command.ExecuteReader();
while( spResults.Read() )
AccessRequestSearch request = new AccessRequestSearch( (int)spResults.GetInt32( 0 ), spResults.GetString( 2 ), spResults.GetString( 3 ), spResults.GetString( 1 ), spResults.GetString( 4 ), spResults.GetString( 5 ), Convert.ToDateTime(spResults.GetString( 6 )));
searchResults.Add( request ); // Add to Array List
The part in red is where I think it's happening because that is what I just added to the request.  createdTime in the table is set as DateTime.
Can anyone see what I am missing here?
More info is available if needed.

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Help With Conver/Cast

Oct 26, 2002

I have a table with a column called Sample_Date_and_Teime with a row definition of char(16). What is stored in this table is a date (ie. 1020621141517000) The first char is the century, the next are the year, the next two are the month, the next two are the day, the next 2 the hour, the next two are the minutes, and the next 2 are the seconds and the last 3 are to be ignored... what I need to do is write a select statement that converts this column into a datetime so that I can then do a insert into a new table by selecting from this table based on a date range. PLEASE HELP:confused: :confused: :confused:

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