Catastrophic Failure, MSDASQL, Linked Servers And MySQL

Jun 21, 2007

When executing a query which joins against a large resultset from a linked server, SQL Server reports the following error:
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "foo" reported an error. The provider reported an unexpected catastrophic failure.
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "foo".

This is using SQL Server 2005 with SP2, and MyODBC version 3.51.16 (although previous versions also seem to have the same behavior).

Once the error occurs any subsequent query against the linked server (even something as simple as select top 3 * From foo...users) fails with the same error message. Queries using the OpenQuery syntax also fail with this error.

I've tried to determine if there are some error logs that might give me more insight into what's going on, but the above events don't seem to log to the ODBC trace logs. And I can't seem to figure out a way to trace the MSDASQL (i.e., oledb) events.

I initially thought there might be a problem with the MySQL myODBC driver, but the ODBC layer itself does not seem to have a problem. But the following steps indicate otherwise:
1. Create a new Linked Server to MySQL. Same error as above
2. Execute a query against the ODBC DSN directly, using a shell program. This works fine

I'm trying to clearly identify if the problem is with the MySQL driver or with the MSDASQL provider. It would appear that the latter is at fault, given the error message, and the lack of any ODBC logging.

Would anyone have any insights about what might be going on here, and if there is any possible resolution?

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'MSDASQL' Error On Linked Servers

Dec 16, 2003

I've seen several posts on linking an AS/400 to a SQL 2000 server.

I have created the link, I can use DTS packages to get data to/from the AS/400 to the SQL Server. However, I cannot write any SQL statements against the AS/400. Here is a basic one that doesn't work...

Select * from openquery(jdedwardspy, 'Select * from mhscrp.f0006')

If you look quickly enough, you can see that it does return a row or so, but then that is replaced by this error...

[OLE/DB provider returned message: [IBM][Client Access Express ODBC Driver (32-bit)]Driver not capable.]

We're running Client Access V5R2, SQL Server 2000 SP3 and MDAC 2.7.1.

Any suggestions?

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MS SQL Linked Servers(Linking MySQL To MS SQL) Collation Problem.

Jun 21, 2007

Hello,I have a problem. I've linked MySql server to MsSql, in MySql I have atable with Latvian data(character set is ucs2, ucs2_general_ci) andthe problem is that when I use openquery to read data from MySQLserver, some characters are not translated correctly! I receivequestion symbols instead of Latvian special characters.Maybe someone had this kind of problem with collation?

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Catastrophic Failure .... URGENT PLZ

Nov 15, 2001

Hello all,

I've 2 Stored Procedures which are almost identical to each other. 1st one runs just fine from the ASP page, but the 2nd one
returns the following error:

Provider error '8000ffff'
Catastrophic failure

The query execution plan, indexes, other objects referenced by the Stored Procedure are just fine. Can someone help me to know
whether this is a problem related to SQL Server / Stored Procedure / Query or is it the problem related to wrong MDAC version ?

Thanks in advance.


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[MS Design Tools] - Catastrophic Failure

Apr 24, 2008

I am receiving the error outlined in the post title whenever I attempt to query or manipulate tables within Enterprise Manager. I am able to function normally (or as normal as a Teddy functions) using QA, only EM seems affected, and only on this machine.

I think the problem coincides with an installation of the SQL 2008 CTP and management tools. I'm not sure exactly where to look to fix this.

Here is a screenshot of the dialog I"m receiving:

Any thoughts?

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MSDASQL Linked Server Error

Jan 7, 2008

Hi all,

I have created a System DSN to a MYOB database file. I have SQL 2000 and 2005 Express editions installed on the same machine. I am logged in to PC as Local Admin. I am also logged into 2005 Express using 'sa' to avoid any security problems.

Creating a New Linked Server using SQL 2000 works fine using the System DSN I created, however, If I use exactly the same settings (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC) I get an error message.

"The OLE Provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "sname" reported an error. The provider did not give an information about the error."
"Cannot initilize the data source object of OLE DB Provider "MSDASQL" for Linked Server "name". (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7399)"

I have installed SL 2005 Express SP2.

As another test I created a data source using the same System DSN in Excel. It worked fine and queries the MYOB database file.

Any ideas to assist me??



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Linked Server To MYSQL Using OLEDB Provider For MYSQL Cherry

Feb 12, 2007

Good Morning

Has anyone successfully used cherry's oledb provider for MYSQL to create a linked server from MS SQLserver 2005 to a Linux red hat platform running MYSQL.

I can not get it to work.

I've created a UDL which tests fine. it looks like this


; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring

Provider=OleMySql.MySqlSource.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=testuser;

Data Source=databridge;Location="";Mode=Read;Trace="""""""""""""""""""""""""""""";

Initial Catalog=riverford_rhdx_20060822

Can any on help me convert this to corrrect syntax for sql stored procedure


I've tried this below but it does not work I just get an error saying it can not create an instance of OleMySql.MySqlSource.

I used SQL server management studio to create the linked server then just scripted this out below.

I seem to be missing the user ID, but don't know where to put it in.

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @srvproduct=N'mysql', @provider=N'OleMySql.MySqlSource', @datasrc=N'databridge', @catalog=N'riverford_rhdx_20060822'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'collation compatible', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'data access', @optvalue=N'true'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'dist', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'pub', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'rpc', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'rpc out', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'sub', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'connect timeout', @optvalue=N'0'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'collation name', @optvalue=null


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'lazy schema validation', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'query timeout', @optvalue=N'0'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'use remote collation', @optvalue=N'false'

Many Thanks

David Hills

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SQl 2005 Express - Linked Server - Access ADP - MSDASQL Error

Jan 8, 2008

Hi everyone,

I'v finally managed to get a New Linked Server setup on SQL 2005 Express SP2 using the 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers' MSDASQL. I have a Database setup on the SQL 2005 Express Database Engine which contains a query that OPENQUERY's the linked server. The query executes OK.

The problems in when I link an Access 2003 SP2 .adp file to the SQL 2005 Database Engine database. All objects, including the query containing the OPENQUERY (to the linked server) appear. However, when I run the same query within Access I get the following error:

"The OLE DB Provider for Linked Server "name" reported an error."
"The Provider reported an unexpected catastropic failure"

So the query works running within SQL 2005 Management Studio, but the same query doesn't work running within an Access 2003 SP2 ADP. I've closed down SQL 2005 Management Studio, but the same error is displayed.

I didn't know if the problem lies in Access 2003 SP2 or SQL 2005 Express SP2.

Any takers?? (I haven't logged this Thread in an Access forum)

Any assistance is appreciated.


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Mysql On Different Servers

Jul 20, 2005

Is it possible to connect to different databases on different serversso i can merge them as one.I heard there is a tool that does this but still to come accross itany help appreciated.

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Determining A MySQL Servers Status.

Jul 20, 2005

I am using and the myoledb provider.I've run into a problem where what I need to do is open a databaseconnection to a mysql server, easy. The problem arrises in that I wantto, if the server cannot be found, open from a locally storedencrypted XML file.Works fine when the sever is present, but when I go to open theconnection and the database cannot be found, a dialog box pops up as tofill in the connection string information. I do not want this, is thereany way I can intercept this dialog or skip past it so my try/catchhandles it?Thanks.--Posted via

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Linked Server To MySQL

Mar 7, 2001

I have created a linked server to a MySQL database using a DSN. Does anyone know how to run a select statement against a table in the MySQL database? The usual 4 part naming convention does not work.

I can run SELECT *
FROM OPENQUERY(Top50, 'SELECT * FROM orders') which does return records successfully. (Top50 being the name of the linked server)

My objective is to be able to insert records into the MySQL database and I am not sure how do to that using OPENQUERY. Any thoughts on that would be appreciated as well.

Thanks in advance.

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MySql Linked Server

Jul 14, 2002

Anyone know how to go about getting data from MySql to MS SQL server? Im a little confussed as to what ODBC driver is needed and all that. Is it possible to this all through enterprise manager? Thanks a lot.

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MySQL Linked In SQLServer

Oct 12, 2004

:confused: Hallo! I'm trying to link a MySql 's DB in SQLServer with ODBC: the operation was susseful but I'm not able to read and write/update the data.
silvia, Italy

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Linked Server To MySQL

Jan 18, 2005

We are trying to do a linked server to MySQL from MS SQL2k. We downloaded MyODBC drivers, setup the system dsn successfully but then SQL errors out using both the GUI and the stored proc to add the linked server to mysql. Does anyone have a good site to reference or any words of advice. An hr or so of google didn't really give up any helpfully information.


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Linked Server With MySQL

Nov 8, 2006


I have a problem , I created a linked server to mysql with following parameters:

New linked server: ServerName

Server Type: Other data Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers.

In the Provider String:Driver={mySQL ODBC 3.51 driver};Server="ip";Port=3306;Option=17923;Stmt=;Database="database";Uid=root;Pwd="pwd"

And I created a ODBC with mysql, and connection worked sucessfully!

The connection worked corretly until I' ve running a transact query in sql query analyzer, thats connects to MySQL and...

when I try to connect in SQL Server 2000 standard Ed. in linked Server, the following message appears to me now, and before this I was able to connect!

Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 11
OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' reported an error. The provider reported an unexpected catastrophic failure.
ODBC: Msg 0, Level 19, State 1
SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 169 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'MSDASQL' IDBInitialize::Initialize returned 0x8000ffff: The provider reported an unexpected catastrophic failure.

The query just make a select in MySQL, but I think that broke something...

What I have to do?

reply to my email:

Thanks a lot!

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Query A Linked MySQL Database

Jul 2, 2003

We have SQL Server 2000 on a Windows 2000 server and a mySQL database running on a Windows 2000 server.
We have used MyOLEDB driver(OLEDB) to link the mysql database.
How can I access the data stored in a Linked server?

Any help would be appreciated.

this is our code�G
exec sp_addlinkedserver @server='OLEDB_test',
@catalog = N'Store'

exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'OLEDB_test','false',null,'root',''

select * from OLEDB_test.Store.root.Books
select * from OLEDB_test.Store..Books

error message:
Can't create OLE DB Provider 'MySQLProv' instance�C
OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error: CoCreate of DSO for MySQLProv returned 0x80040154]�C

by the way�G
1.We Create an ODBC System DSN that points to our MYSql server
2.We use OLEDB for ODBC to create a linked server to mySQL
3.We have got the query to work with openquery
but we can't update�Bdelete�Bmodify the data stored in a Linked server

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Linked Server To A MySQL Database

Feb 25, 2004


I've installed MyODBC-3.51.06 and succsesfully created 2 odbc sources to the MySQL database with the ODBC data source administrator. One is a User DSN, the other a system DSN (Q1: what's the difference?) The test in that applet perfoms positively.

Running a dataimport of the tables using the import data option in enterprise manager does work as well.

Now for the part that gives me trouble. I would like to create a linked server using enterprise manager of SQL server 2000 (SQL 8.00.194) but I'm totaly stuck there. So Q2: how to get this set up?

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Configuring Linked Server (mysql)

Mar 16, 2004


I have setup a MYSQL server as a linked server in SQL SERVER 2000. I am able to select from a table using OPENQUERY as I understand that you can't use the 4 part qualifier to access an object from MYSQL as the ODBC driver does not expose the proper interface for this. The problem is that I cannot update,delete or insert into the OPENQUERY() table

UPDATE OPENQUERY(MySQL_LinkedServer,'select id from msqlTableTest') SET id = 0

INSERT INTO OPENQUERY(MySQL_LinkedServer,'select id from msqlTableTest') VALUES(0)

DELETE FROM OPENQUERY(MySQL_LinkedServer,'select id from msqlTableTest') WHERE id = 0

This is the OLEDB PROVIDER FOR ODBC error I am getting...

The requested operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' does not support the required transaction interface.
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'MSDASQL' IUnknown::QueryInterface returned 0x80004002].

I know there are brilliant Professionals on this forum. Please tell me that this is just an MDAC upgrade or something that is not configured correctly...

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Getting Data Out Of Mysql Using Linked Server

Feb 27, 2007

Good Morning

the available oledb providers for mysql don't seem to work with sqlserver 2005.

So whats the best way these days of exposing data from within sql server from a mysql data base.

What I wanted to do was create a linked server connection to the mysql server using either oledb or odbc, but neither seem to work.

There is a .net provider for mysql, but that won't work to create a linked server connection.

any ideas appreciated.

What I want to do is write some scheduled proceedual sql from within sql server to query some tables in mysql and update some sqlserver tables.


David Hills

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How To Create A Linked Server To MySQL From MsSQL?

Nov 7, 2005

I can create a linked server to another MsSQL from MsSQL,but encounter error when create a linked server to MySQL:
Error 7399:OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' reported an error.
Data source name not found and no default driver specified.

Anyone can help me?

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Catastrophic Error.

Mar 3, 2004

Hi. I've Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack4. Sql-Enterprise with Service pack3.
There's a strange error when i try to open a table for records through Enterprise-Manager; it says "Catastrophic Error" and some times it says "Class not registered". However Query-Analyzer works fine. I can't connect through any Client-Server application to any database, same error.
I've reinstalled SQL thrice but the same problem. Please suggest if any one has faced this problem.

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Problem When Creating SP To Import Big Data From Linked Server Mysql By Using Openquery() To Sql 2005

Oct 27, 2007

I'm trying to use linked server to import big amount of data(around 9 million rows) from mysql to a sql 2005 table.
I plan to create a stored procedure and use job agent to run it at off-peak time everyday. The SP is like:

Truncate table sqltblA;

Insert Into sqltblA(col1, col2, col3)
Select col1, col2, col3
From OpenQuery('mysql', 'Select col1, col2, col3 From mytblB')

But when I tried to CREATE the above SP from management studio, seems the sql server was trying to get all data from table mytblB and ended up with failure after several minutes hang. The error message is sth. like "running out memeory". BTW, during that several minutes hang, I can't query mytblB using mysql's tool as well. it seems to me that table got locked.

However if i try to change the returned result to 100,000 rows by changing script to

Insert Into sqltblA(col1, col2, col3)
Select col1, col2, col3
From OpenQuery('mysql', 'Select col1, col2, col3 From mytblB Limit 100000')
The SP could be created without any problem and running the SP could get the data in table sqltblA.
But that's not what I want, I need all rows instead of a certain amount of rows.

Does anyone know what's going on there when I try to CREATE that SP and any solution to it?

Plus I tried to use SSIS as well. When I'm configuring the DataReader source, which uses ADO.NET's ODBC option to connect to mysql, if its sqlcommand is "select * from mytblB" without the Limit key word, then the configuration page will hang there as well and table mytblB is not accessible by using mysql tool. I'm just sick of wasting time on that and that's why I chose to use SP istead of SSIS. But same result. :-(

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Linked Servers

Aug 17, 2006

Is it possible to link to an SQL 2005 server db from a SQL 2000 server? Is there a driver for this?

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What Are Linked Servers And What R Its Uses

Apr 5, 2008

can anybody tell me about Linked Servers and their uses and how to add a linked server to my Sql Server 2005.
 any help on this would be highly appreciated.

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Linked Servers

Jun 10, 2004

Hello All,

I have been trying to Link two sql servers on two different machines over the Internet without any luck. Can someone point me to information about doing this with good examples?


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Jan 22, 2002

I currently have a main SQL Server which had a column on the majority of the tables. This column also had a check contraint on it. I dropped the column and the constraint and I now get the following message when trying to query the tables through a linked server 'OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' supplied inconsistent metadata. An extra column was supplied during execution that was not found at compile time.'.

Can anyone help

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Linked Servers.....

May 10, 2001

Hi All,
I have successfully linked a server and had SQL queries running
OK for a few weeks, but today I get the following message....

"OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' supplied inconsistent metadata. An extra column was supplied during execution that was not found at compile time."
(Server: Msg 7353, Level 16, State 1, Line 1)

I've dropped the link and recreated it but I still get the same error
message. Can anyone help???


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Linked Servers In DTS...

Jun 25, 2001


I'm using SQL Server 7.0 SP1.

I have a DTS package that requires me to link 2 servers
and query both in order to get my set of records that I
want to Transform. My query runs fine in QA. I copy and
paste it into the SQL Query window of the transformation.
I click Preview and all that happens is a quick flicker of
the DTS window. When I go to Transformations, there are
no source columns.

Here is a copy of my code that I'm trying to use:
declare@start_dteas datetime,
@end_dteas datetime

SELECT@start_dte = date_data_range_start_dte,
@END_DTE = date_data_range_END_dte
WHERERUN_ID = (selectmax(run_id)
whererun_type_cd = 'M')



Is there an issue with Linked Servers and DTS?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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Aug 7, 2001


Could not initialize data source object of OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'




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Linked Servers

Aug 10, 2001

Hi Gurus,
I am looking for literature to find out Pros and Cons of Using DTS Verses
Linked Servers in SQL 7.0.

My requirement can be done by either DTS or Linked servers. But I would like to know more about resorce utilisation of these tecniques before making a decission.

Can somebody suggest where to look for.


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Linked Servers

Sep 18, 2001

When I create linked server using integrated security and <they will be impersonated> option I get this:
Server: Msg 18456, Level 14, State 1, Line 1 Login failed for user ''
MS Technet says that SQL Server 7 doesn't allow double hops and to use mappings to standard security login to work around. @#%%~~@@#@#&^%@#
Impersonating to version 6.5 works fine.
Is there any way to link servers using ONLY integrated security?
Any help would be much appreciated.

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Linked Servers

Jul 18, 2000

I have setup a linked Informix server in SQL7.0 and I am trying to create a
simple View with the following SQL statement

SELECT doc_code
FROM FOURSITE.foursite.informix.watdoc
WHERE (order_no = [PV01963B ])

I am getting the following error:

SQL Server Enterprise Manager
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid use of schema and/or
catalog for OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL'. A four-part name was supplied, but
the provider does not expose the necessary interfaces to use a catalog
and/or schema.
OK Help

Can any one tell me how to correct this problem?



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Linked Servers

Apr 17, 2000

Is it possible to add a 6.5 database as a linked server to a 7.0 database and query from it ?

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