Change Compatibility Problem.,

Mar 24, 2008

Hi All.,
How can I change the compatibility level in sql server 2005
to 90., It provides option only to 80., I changed multiuser to single user and I am using the server only but still it gives option only to 80., How can I change to 90 in this case,

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How To Change The Compatibility Level To 9.0

Aug 23, 2006

I have a SQL 2005 server that has more than 90 databases, and I need to change the compatibality level to 9.0. Is there an easy way to do this in SQL?? any help is greatly appreciated.


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Database Compatibility Mode - When To Change???

Sep 14, 2004

I have been migrating Databases from a SQL Server 7.0 Instance to a 2000 Instance. Basically the method I use is as follows:

a)Create a new Database on the Destination Server (same name as the Source) When I create the new Database on my destination server, the compatibility mode is '80' and the source is always '70'

b) do a 'revlogin' on the Source Server and use the output from that query to recreate the logins on the destination server

c) make sure that the default DB for the newly creates logins are correct and change them if necessary

d) Backup the DB on the Source Server and Restore it to the Destination Server.

e) Check login permissions and fix any orphaned users - usually I don't find any that need to be fixed, but I always check.

I've read BOL on Changing the compatibility mode on the Database... but I'm still unsure when I would have to do this and why???????????????? SHOULD I be changing the compatiblity mode from 80 to 70 when migrating Databases from 7.0 to 2000???? Any advice on moving DBs in this manner would be appreciated.

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Misterious Change Of Compatibility Level In A Data Base

Aug 6, 2007

Hi everybody:

We have recently migrated our DDBB from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005 in several Servers. We have 2 DDBB per Server and the size of mdf files are between 10 and 40 GB.

We put Compatibility Level in 90 in SQL 2005 but when we arrive at work we see that our Maintenace Plans failed because the Compatibility Level of one of Data Bases changed to 70.

We have a Trace executing the whole day registrying the execution of stored procedure 'sp_dbcmptlevel' but in despite of Compatibility Level changes, the Trace does not registry anything.

Has anyone passed before me for this situation? Thank you in advance and greetings,


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SQL 7.0/2k Compatibility

Mar 18, 2002

Is it possible to backup databases from a 7.0 box and restore them to as MSSQL 2k box? My question really is this: Does it matter what type of MSSQL server your database resides on or can a dump be created of a database, restored to a different version MSSQL server, and used interchangeably?

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.mdf Compatibility

Oct 29, 2007

Can CE open .mdf files??

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SQL 2012 :: Change Minimum Permissions To Allow Read Access To Change Tracking Functions

May 12, 2015

Trying to determine what the minimum permissions i can grant to a user so they can see the change tracking data

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Edition Compatibility

Oct 25, 2005

Hi all,I am under the impression that one can not Log Ship from enterprise edition to standard edition. Anyone have any documentation they can point me to?TIA,SQLPoet

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SQL Backward Compatibility?

Apr 26, 2007

I get the impression that osql (or somewhere in the sql processing) precompiles the entire script before it executes anything. In particular, this is a problem because it means you can't use IF statements to bracket new features in a script designed to be run on both old and new versions of SQL Server. I'm trying to handle an issue whereby I need to use "CREATE LOGIN" on SQL Server 2005 because I need to set CHECK_POLICY = OFF, and you can't do that with sp_addlogin. However, on SQL Server 2000, while I can't use CREATE LOGIN, I don't need to because the default password policy is such that the password being used does not fail without it (as it does in SQL Server 2005, and is why we need to set CHECK_POLICY), so I can simply use sp_addlogin to create the user w/o a CHEC_POLICY setting.

It appears however, due to the way that SQL is processed, it is impossible to create an SQL script of this nature that will work under both SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005. I added code to check the Product Version, and can successfully bracket the code necessary with IF statements, but even though the IF statement would cause the CREATE LOGIN code to not be executed on SQL Server 2000, it errors anyway apparently because it is preparsing the script and of course, SQL Server 2000 doesn't have CREATE LOGIN. Consequently, checking Product Version is useless in this case. It looks like we'll have to do the version check outside of SQL and invoke script A for SQL Server 2000 and script B for SQL Server 2005.

Unless that is, I misunderstand the error I get from SQL Server 2000, or if there's some other way to compatibly do such a conditional. Here's an example script that runs fine under SQL Server 2005:

declare @ProductVersion as integer
set @ProductVersion = cast(left(cast(serverproperty('productversion')
as varchar(30)),1) as integer)

print 'Product Version = ' + cast(@ProductVersion as char)

IF @ProductVersion < 9 exec sp_addlogin 'testuser', 'fubar', 'master'
IF @ProductVersion > 8
CREATE LOGIN testuser WITH PASSWORD = 'fubar',

On SQL Server 2000, @ProductVersion gets set to 8, but I get the following error:

Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Server TESTSVR, Line 10
Line 10: Incorrect syntax near 'LOGIN'.

Any thoughts?





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Compatibility Level

Oct 24, 2007

Hi Gurus,

I would like to know if I put the Compatibility Level in a SQL Server 2005 installation to 70 I can make afirmation that I have a full SQL Server 7.0. If the answer is "Yes" where I can find a documentation or a FAQ that explained this topic.

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Compatibility Level

Dec 7, 2007

Has anyone changed compatibility level from 80 to 90? Did you have any problems?

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Compatibility Level From 80 To 90

Feb 3, 2008

I restored the database from SQL server 2000 to 2005.The database was restored with 80 compatibility.Can i change it to 90 and what are the effects? Coz my applications are pulling data from SQL server 2000. Does 80 work for database mirroring?

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Compatibility Level

Feb 13, 2008

Hi there

We found interesting issue which is basically the app is being tested ok on SQL2005 by software vendor. Then we tested in our environment and we found it's not truly true. There are some compatibility issue on SQL syntax. Anyway ... the plan set the compatibility level back to 80 instead 90. Cause this thing for sure is working.

Now my question is do you know any other impacts that you know of if we are doing this setting (running SQLServer 2005 but the database set as 80)? I know that some inbuilt reporting only run 90 level but I can get around this. Performance or something? Is there any thing that I should to know?


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Compatibility Parameter

Mar 14, 2008

Is there a function / SP which gives ONLY the current compatibility setting of a DB.

I know sp_helpdb can do that; but sp_helpdb returns lot more information. I need this to create a script.

I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes

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Limitations, Compatibility

Nov 29, 2006

What are the limitations of using the automated conversion tool and how to deal with compatability issues?

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CE Compatibility With ADO.NET And Orcas

Jan 25, 2007

Does SQL Server Compact Edition fully support ADO.NET?

Will SQL Server Compact Edition fully support the ADO.NET Entity Framework?

Will SQL Server Compact Edition fully support LINQ?

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Performance Hit Using Compatibility?

Nov 20, 2006

To your knowledge, is there any performance hit with SQL 2005 when you set a database to a lower compatibility mode. IE from 9.0 to 7.0

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Compatibility Issues?

Oct 8, 2007

Hi there,

Correct me please if I'm wrong but one should not get any issues while restoring a database backup from a sql 2005 development edition to an enteprise edition or even from a sql express edition to whatever else?

I was under the impression that a sql 2005 database, no matter what edition, would work on all the other 2005 server editions/versions and hence, the backups from these databases should also work on the others.


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Help With Join Compatibility

Aug 14, 2006

I was hoping someone could help me or put me on the right path to re-writing the join portion of this sql query in ANSI form for compatibility level 90. Im just not sure how to handle the three join statements and if they should go at the top in the FROM statement (dont know if that would mess up the rows produced). The query exists inside a stored proc.



Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Compatibility Question

May 25, 2006

just a question....

my web project is using SQL Express2005 and ASP.NET and C#.
web hosting company only have MSsql2000. would there be any conflict
with regards to my database? im sorry if i sound dumb. im a newbie to

thanks a lot!

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Compatibility With SQL 2000

Dec 20, 2006

I have moved a database from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005 Express. I have modified the structure in 2005 Management Studio Express.

Now I cannot attach to the modified dataabse in SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager. I get "Error 602: Could not find row in sysindexes for database ID.... Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on sysindexes".

This occurs despite the fact that I have kept the database at Compatibiluty Level SQL Server 2000, as reported in 2005 Management Studio Express.

Are 2005 and 2000 databases not compatible?

Many thanks.

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Compatibility Of SQL 2000

Sep 25, 2006

I find that the "Create Table" script generated by SQL Server 2005 is in format:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[City](
[CityID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Name] [nvarchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[CityID] ASC

Can this appliable in SQL Server 2000 or MSDE? If not, how should I change it to make it work in both SQL 2000 and 2005?


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SQL 2005 And ADO.NET 1.1 Compatibility

Aug 9, 2006

we have applications currently talking to a sql 2000 DB via 1.1. will we have any problems if we upgrade to sql 2005, will the app have to be modified.

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Compatibility Level

Jul 26, 2006

Having moved over to SQL 2k5, from SQL 7.0 we have now realised that the database's need to be set to comp level 9.0 before they are found in the maintence plan wizard, we currently still access the database using an Access 2000 front end, by changing the comp level will this cause us issues writing data, I'm sure it won't but want to make sure, I'm sure that the comp level just sets what options are available to use.


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Compatibility Of SQL 2000

Sep 25, 2006

I find that the "Create Table" script generated by SQL Server 2005 is in format:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[City](
[CityID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Name] [nvarchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[CityID] ASC

Can this appliable in SQL Server 2000 or MSDE? If not, how should I change it to make it work in both SQL 2000 and 2005?


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SQL 2005 Compatibility

Jul 27, 2006


i'm using a query to insert a value in a field named 'From' in a table.

i used like

Insert in to myTable ([from]) values('01/01/2005')

The query was working in sql 2000. but in sql 2005, i'm getting a error like

'Syntax error near 'From'.

what could be the reason for this???

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Compatibility Between Sql Express And MSDE

Jan 11, 2007

I need to know if I will run into problems with sql express on a sql 2000 server. I get the impression that my isp is using 200 server just by lookng at the connection string. Is there a addin I could use if needed I seen a post mentioning the publishing wizard cpt but not much after is it released yet. and then there is the web data admnistrator for msde will that work with sql express.One other question can I reinstall sql and change the authentication process from windows to user name and password.

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Urgent! Compatibility Level

Nov 27, 2001

We upgraded from SQL 6.5 to 2000 (.384) and just look at this T-SQL and maybe somebody can tell me what's wrong.

sp_dbcmptlevel appetserv1,80

update articleentrepot set usagermodification = 'MANON' where idarticle = 1

Here is the result:
Cannot use the column prefix 'E'. This must match the object in the UPDATE clause 'ArticleEntrepot'.

When I put the compatibility level to 65, it's works. But my problem is that I need to have the compatibility level to 80 because of the DataMirror replication software and if I do that, my house application doesn't work. I really don't know what to do, I'm in a deadlock. Can you help me!
Manon Tremblay

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Backward Compatibility Details

Jul 14, 1999

Does anyone know if the enhanced data types (character length up to 8,000 bytes for some types) and the increase in the number of tables used in joins are available when using the 65 backward compatibility mode?

Many thanks in advance...

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6.5 Compatibility Mode: How Good Is It?

Jul 16, 1999

We have some users who are nervous about our upgrading to SQL Server 7.0 even though we will use 6.5 compatibility mode initially while we work through 7.0 upgrade issues in the applications.

Has anyone had bad experiences with the 6.5 compatibility mode feature? Just how good is it?



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Database Compatibility Level

Feb 20, 2001

After upgrading SQL Server from 6.5 to 7.0 my production database compatibility level is "65".
I checked that by executing sp_dbcmptlevel <database_name>.
I can change it to "70" but my question is how it's going to affect the application and do I have to change it?

Thank you


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Compatibility Level Keeps Changing

Dec 18, 2002

I have a problem where I have a software application that
needed to be updated to a newer version. In order for the
new version to work I needed to upgrade my SQL Server 7
database to SQL Server 2000. The upgrade went fine for
SQL Server 2000 and also with the application. The only
problem now is that the compatibility level for the
databases stays at 70. Even when I change the
compatibility level to 80 it will automatically go back to
80. What is wrong? Please help.

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Check Db Compatibility Level In SQL 7.0

Mar 23, 1999

I installed SQL 7.0 on a test server a few days ago. I want to test an application that currently runs on SQL 6.5. I have run a test database through the upgrade wizard without errors. Is there any way to see the compatibility level that the db is running on. I know I can use the sp_dbcmptlevel procedure to make it run at the 6.5 level. I want to see if it is running at that level currently, or if it is at the 7.0 level.

Any help would be appreciated.

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