I have a database whose mdb and ldb files are located in C drive.
I need to change these files to D drive.When i go to the database properties
and try to change the location it does not allow me.It has given me a message(The database physical file cannot be changed once it is created).
I can drop the table and recreate it from a BackUp but is there a better way
to do this.
We use extended properties of Active Directory to filter the data in reporting services throw a web services. We send the userid (User!UserId) to the webservices and retrieve some information about the user. But if we change the name of one user (rename not recreate), he lost all this properties. When try to execute a report show an error:
Parameter validation failed. It is not possible to provide valid values for all parameters. (rsParameterError) I know this issue is in the border of reporting services, but we have spent a lot of time without results and we need any help.
I installed Sql Server 2005 and SSIS to the C: drive of a server.
However i am going to install 3 more instances on this server and i want to install SSIS on the RAID drive.
So i uninstalled SSIS, then i installed another Sql Server instance on the D drive.
Now when i try to install SSIS, when i go to advanced and browse for installation path it is greyed out and it says that the path has already been bound to the 90DTS folder of the first instance i installed on the C: drive, so basically i dont know how i can install SSIS to another drive ???
I Create a measure group and two dimensions using [AdventureWorksDW2012], I try to change one dimension's storage mode with setting property proactive caching as Real-Time ROlap. There is no any warning message when deploying and processing, but error occurs when I query in sql server analysis services, see below for the error messages and the screen capture.
Error occurred retrieving child nodes: the current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed.
Hi, I've installed SQL 2005 and failed to change the default datalocation during installation. Now I want to change it. Can I do thiswithout having to uninstall and reinstall? And furthermore, is there asystem stored procedure I can use to move existing data and log files(master, msdb, AdventureWorks, etc.)? I seem to remember doing justthis with SQL 2000 some time back.Thanks,Eric
Installation Directory = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server
Default data directory = D:
Default log directory = D:
I found out that the data is stored in D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdata and backup is done in D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLackup
However, Microsoft says we should never put the ..ackup and ..data folders in the same partition.
My question is: How can I move the path of the backup directory?
How to implement distinct storage tiers on SQL Remote BLOB Storage (RBS)?
I want to use this SQL Feature to move files(images, videos, pdf files) from a database to a distinct database dedicated to RBS. Then I want to have several storage tiers, where objects will be saved and moved according access frequency. Old data will be arquived in cheap storage, but it must be always accessible if needed.
Description: - 1st and main tier: new and frequently accessed objects stored in high performance storage; - 2nd tier: automatically move older or less accessed objects to an inexpensive and different storage tier; - in all cases, all objects must be accessible to all users, but accessing to archived objects(2nd tier) will be much slower;
yes,I have an error, like 'The database file may be corrupted. Run the repair utility to check the database file. [ Database name = SDMMC Storage Cardwinpos_2005WINPOS2005.sdf ]' .I develope a program for Pocket Pcs and this program's database sometimes corrupt.what can i do?please help me
Whats the limitations of data storage in sqlserver DB. How will be the perforamcne if i have database which will get a data of 400 GB per year and all the data should be there in the table the whole year and then it can be archived.
I develop a app on PPC 4.20 using SQLServer 3.1. I developed a o/r mapper whitch auto-creates the Database and Tables using attribute-decorated objects. That all works fine - as long as my Database is in \MyDocuments . Trying to store the Database in \Storage Card\test.sdf, whitch is absolut neccessary because it will become to big for storing onto device, I get error 25113, "A not supportes operation to host was called" (Translated from German)
When I trie to copy a Database to the SD-Card, inserts are not commited.
Is it not supported to store Databasefiles on a Flashcard?
My development-environment is .net 2.0 sp2, device-emulator v2, Windows XP, vs2005. In the emulator, i have linked a windows-based directory as storagecard.
What am I doing wrong??
class SQLManager { private static SQLManager instance = null;
I have ran into a problem making a database where i have two versions of a book , one in russian and the other in English. The english part worked but when i input the data for Russian it gets replaced each time with question marks. Is there something i have to enable for the SQL database for it to be able to store Russian Text, or is it a DataType i have to set???
I am new to sql sever management studio express, but a long time query analyzer user. This is a very basic question.
I want to change the default directory in sql server management studio express so that when I go to save a query, it is already pointed to the correct one. Where do I change that?
I am a Windows developer for the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Server (TSMS) product. Our product installation is built with InstallShield and uses the Windows Installer.
On a new installation of Windows 2003 x64 Storage Server R2, at a customer's site, the TSMS product fails to install. The install of the OS has version 3.01.400.3959 of the Windows Installer and I see no newer version that installs.
Part of our product is 32 bit (console) and another part is x64 (server). When installing I can see that the install's default is being redirected/reset to C:Program Files (x86)TivoliTSM after it is explicitly set by a custom action to ..Program Files.. . I further observe that our custom actions to write 64 bit registry entries are being refused.
REGSAM samMask = KEY_ALL_ACCESS; if ( regIsWow64Process () ) samMask = samMask | KEY_WOW64_64KEY; lStatus = RegCreateKeyEx( hLocalConnectKeyRoot, szSubkey, 0L, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, samMask, NULL, hKey, &dw ) ; The above fails to create the key.
We have tried four versions of our TSMS spanning many changes but the install acts the same. This does not happen on any other Windows OS we test on but we do not test on Windows 2003 Storage Server R2 being that it is an OEM product. We did test on Windows server 2003 R2 x64 and do not see this problem.
Do you have any suggestions on how to tackle this problem? I have full installation traces but can only see that the registry work is being refused. I can't see why.
With regards to time zones, daylight savings, and web users, is there a best practice for storing date & time information in a database? For example, my databases are hosted in Time Zone A, but the web users are in Time Zone B. Then, when I create a rss feed (which is displayed in GMT), I add a third time zone into the mix for the same data. To date (no pun intended), I have been entering the date/time data in the time zone of the database server (Time Zone A), and then converting it using an application setting in the web.config file (i.e. TimeZoneBOffset = -1, GMTOffSet = -5). In other words, each time I display a date I calculate what it should be using the time-zone offset in the web.config. This also enables me to account for changes in day light savings, etc. My concerns are three fold: 1. What if I move the database to another server and the time zone changes? 2. Right now the users are in only 1 time zone. If I expand it to several then the offset will have to be by users, which is do-able, but something I haven't had experience with in the past. 3. It is likely more efficient to calculate the time zone once on input into the DB, rather than in each use like I'm doing now. What time zone baseline for insert into the db should I use? Thanks in advance for your help! PS My application is primarily looking at 'smalldatetime' data - down to the 'minute' level.
I have a SQL server with multiple instances on it and would like to move one of them to a drive with more storage.
I have SQL 2010 on a server with 2 partitions.
The database is located on the C: drive (original build) but the drive isn't partitioned to handle a db of the size that this one will grow to. I would like to move the full DB instance to another partition.
Has anyone used this successfully from an OLEDB source component, or even from the Execute SQL Task? I've seen some examples of using a script component, but nothing that uses it through a connection manager.
i am creating a program with Local Database (sdf file). i want my application to read the Database file from a different directory and not the application program? does one SQL Database can hold many users Data's or can i create Database per user.. i am novice about SQL and Databases...
after selecting the presetted directory .. i clicked ok and they said this," The file name specified is recongnized as a directory name. The file won't be able to be rewritten. Would you like to continue? "
then i clicked " Yes " .. - nothing happened .. then i clicked " Yes " .. - nothing happened again .. now i click ok again to close the "restore database" icon .. and they give me this.. i attached a screenshot .. pls have a look ..
i tried clicking "Manage Attachments" somewhere at the bottom of the page to upload .. but ragezone gave me a page telling me that they are sorry for any inconvenience caused .. so i cant attach it .. here is a link .. its kinda small .. but it says:
"Cannot open backup device 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLBACKUP'. Device error or device off-line. See SQL Server error log files for more details. RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally."
thank you for helping me .. thanks in advance .. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v81/xiaoboy/error.bmp http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v...oy/untitled.bmp
I'm using Database Maintenance Plans in Enterprise Manager and I'm trying to backup a database to a different server using a UNC (i.e. \servernameackupdirectory). I have done this successfully with two SQL Servers but every time I try to set the third SQL Server to backup to a UNC I get this message:
The complete database backup directory '\servernameackupdirectory' is invalid.
The only differences that I can think of is that the server is Win2000 Advanced Server and the SQL Server is Enterprise Edn, where as the two that work are Standard Edn and are on Win2000 Servers (not Advanced).
Does anyone know why I am unable to do this on one SQL Server when I have had no trouble on the other two SQL Servers?
Is there anyway to load all the raw data in one directory into the database? l've several files with same format but different filename in one folder which l do not know their filename before hand. Is SSIS For Each Loop can help me to accomplish the file loading? If so, where can l find the example?
Which is better, to store the files onto the server's folders or to a database? I tried storing to MSSQL 2000 but the varbinary does not allow me to set "MAX" for the data type.
I have an MSSQL server where I would like to create a couple of databases, create one user pr. DB, and give them db_owner permissions.
Giving a user db_owner permissions allows the user to make a backup of the database, which is a good thing and I would like it to stay that way.
My problem is that I don't know how to restrict the user from saving the backup to any directory or filename that he wants to. He can not get out of the directories that the user MSSQL is running under has access to. But he can overwrite another users backupfile or placing the file in the MSSQL-programfolder.
The users is using SQL Server authentication.
Can I restrict the backup procedure to save to only one file or in one directory?
What is the best practice regarding backup if you give your users db_owner permissions?
Hi After install the mdf and log files are stored in the Program Files directory tree. How do I change the place were they are stored to a path of my own choice, so that new DBs get created there too? I've looked though the docs, but I can't find this. Thanks John
As stated in the subject, I need to import a complete directory structure, from a root folder that I specify into a SQL Server database. To add further complexity, I also need to see what files exist in each directory.
At the end of the day what I am trying to achieve is to populate a table that will essentially have two columns, the filename and the directory that the file resides in. I am running SQL Server 2005.
Has anybody ever done anything like this before using T-SQL?
I am trying to find a solution to a thorny problem I have encountered...
I am a newbie in Sql Server 2000, but have quite a bit of experience in databases, both on PC and mainframe.
I am currently writing a program, which needs, among other things, to create Sql Server databases, to be located NOT in the default Mssql2000 directory, but in the user's home directory.
I am using an ADO connection and trying to execute it, as follows:
The text of the relevant part of the program goes like this:
Dim strCreateDatabase As String Dim MyCn As ADODB.Connection
Set MyCn = New ADODB.Connection
With MyCn .ConnectionTimeout = 25 .Provider = "sqloledb" .Properties("Data Source").Value = "MOP" .Properties("Initial Catalog").Value = "" .Properties("Integrated Security").Value = "SSPI" .Open End With
I need to add one of our servers to active directory. I found some documents on SQL 2000 but no good document on SQL 2005. Can you please guide me to the documentation for this? Thanks
Hi all! I know I might sound stupid, but I have this problem. I have developed my database on my laptop which does not use Active directory. Lets say I access the database with: SPIDERMANDB1 on SQL server, where the name of my laptop is SPIDERMAN, and the database is DB1. Now, I create an SQL script from sql server and make the necessary changes, like changing the computer name to say, SUPERMAN where my deployment server's name is SUPERMAN. But when I run the SQL script on the SUPERMAN server, it gives me an error like: "User or role SUPERMANDB1 does not exist in this database". I have deployed databases in this way on servers without Acive directory, so I'm sure its not a mistake on my side. So how am I supposed to go around this active directory thingi! Please help me out! I'm counting on u guys!
I have more than 3000 Active Directory Users, I have created Role Level Security on one table by using Suser_name(), Now all the active directory users need to connect sql server and access the database role object. How can I achieve that without Using .net?
I am able to add all active directory users to sql server in one go, but I am also trying to achieve same time to map with database role as well? Is it possible ?