Change Dateformat

Jun 9, 2008


I have fields with this dateformat:

2002-10-09 10:03:00.000

And I want to change to this:

2002/10/09 10:03:00

I've been looking at the help function, but can't seem to find this exact format. Any suggestions??


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How To Change The Default Dateformat For Database

Aug 17, 2007


I want to change the default date format from 'mdy' to 'dmy'. I can do this for session by using
but I want to this permanent on Database level (preferred) or SQL instance level how can I do this?

Thanks in advance

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Set Dateformat Dmy

Jan 24, 2004



MY Problem is that i want retrieve date from sql in dd/mm/yyyy format.
i know that through convert fn , it is possible.
but i want to retrieve date in specific format untill the connection is made with sql-server.

I tried by using set dateformat dmy
then i fired query
like select getdate()
but i am not geting required output

hope u geting me.
i urgely wait for yours reply.

Thanking u

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Jul 31, 2007

I want to post a date and search a date

I posted 01/08/07 and it went into my database like this: 08/01/2007
then I posted 15/08/07 and it went in like: 15/08/07

I have put SET DATEFORMAT dmy in the INSERT INTO and SELECT SQL statements

now i get: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
/pubspace/events.asp, line 96

line 96: SET DATEFORMAT dmy SELECT * FROM members INNER JOIN (pubs INNER JOIN tEvents ON pubs.PubID = tEvents.PubID) ON members.UserID = tEvents.UserID WHERE Start_Date = '" & dDate & "' ORDER BY eventTime "

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Dateformat Is Ignored

Dec 28, 2005

Hello,I receive a file containing some character fields along with a date.The date values in the file are formatted as "dd/mm/yy", that is2-digit day, 2-digit month, and 2-digit year. The separator could beslash or a dash ("-"). The file is in a proprietary format, and bcp isnot an option.So, I decided to load the file using a prepared statement. I open acursor with an INSERT statement, read from the file, parse out values,and put it in the database using the cursor. All is OK; except thatthe date values are mangled. This is despite the fact that I am issuinga "set dateformat dmy" before running the INSERT statement.It seems that the "set dateformat dmy" is not being accepted, or it isbeing ignored. I set it at the beginning right after opening aconnection to the database. From what I understand, it should work.Am I doing something wrong? Any suggestions on how to get this towork?Thanks!

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Dateformat Question

Jul 12, 2001

How do I find out the current setting for Dateformat?

I know how to set it, just don't know how to find out what it currently is.

Thanks in advance!!

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Question About Dateformat

May 22, 2008

Hi, I have a date field in the report, I want to convert its format to string like this: 22-May-08
I tried to use FormatDateTime function but it doesn't have much option.

What is the best way to do that?


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Alternatives To Set Dateformat Ymd

Oct 10, 2007

I got a SQL Server with Language = €śGerman€? and Collation = €śLatin1_General_CI_AS€?.

My application has a form with language = €śEnglisch€?. This application is calling an stored procedure, that has a datetime parameter.

db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@Test", DbType.DateTime, Test);

This stored procedure is not able to accept the value from the parameter, because the application is passing it, in the format ymd and sql server is specting it in ydm.

I tried to set the dateformat = ymd in the store procedure, thing that did not work. I have to set it before exec my-stored procedure. But I cant from my application.

How can I solve this?

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SSRS DateFormat

Jul 27, 2007


I am having the ReportDate='1998-12-31 00:00:00.000'

I need in the format 'mm/dd/yy hh:mm AM/PM'

can you please tell me the Expression for this format.


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Dateformat In SQL Server 2005

Apr 14, 2008

When I write a query getdate() the aviliable date format is yy-mm-dd
But I need in dd-mm-yy, so how can I get this.
Am getting in all the ways i.e, mm-dd-yy, yy-dd-mm and yy-mm-dd except dd-mm-yy. pl send the ans ASAP.

Thanks in advance

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Performance Issues With SET DATEFORMAT Command

Nov 9, 2007


Are there any know performance problems with using the command SET DATEFORMAT dmy in SQL Server 2000 stored procedures? The reason I ask is because a particular stored procedure is taking 750ms to execute, yet when I remove 'SET DATEFORMAT dmy' line the execution times only takes 20ms (as in twenty - no typo). I mean that's a massive difference, why does SET DATEFORMAT command do this, is there a faster alternative?

As for the sProc itself it does a DateTime comparison on a VarChar field that stores a date time value (yes, I know it's not very well normalised/typed), eg.

AND b.value >= GetDate()

...where value is a VarChar field.

Thanks for any help! :)

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Dateformat Not Dispalyed At The Time Of Rendering Into Excel

Nov 28, 2007


i have a report with date formats,numbers, percentages,when runnig the preview it successfully those are visible in preview, but problem is when iam importing report into excel , those date formats,numbers,percentages are not visible in excel sheet. instead of date formats, numbers, percentages, cells are empty and cells not contain any data like dateformat , number,percentage.

so please help me because i have only one day for delivering repport,

i hope any body save me this problem, iam giving advanced thanks to our forum members.

james v jack

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&"set Dateformat Dmy&" In A Function

Jan 31, 2008

I can't create a function which contains SET DATEFORMAT dmy (Greek dateformat). Does it only work in a SP?

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SQL 2012 :: Change Minimum Permissions To Allow Read Access To Change Tracking Functions

May 12, 2015

Trying to determine what the minimum permissions i can grant to a user so they can see the change tracking data

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DB Engine :: Collation Change And DDL Change In Same Script

Nov 18, 2015

We ran into weird/interesting issue with below details.

Version: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3000.0 (X64) Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.2 <X64> (Build 9200):

We are using SQLCMD to run DDL script on our product database in below order. That script has below content.

step # 1 - database collation change (case -sensitive) statement as very first statement of the script
step # 2 - Actual DDL SQL statements
step # 3 - database collation change back to original (case insensitive)

When we execute all above 3 steps in single script using SQLCMD on our test_server#1 , it is successful but when same is being implemented on test_ server#2 , it is failing.We ensured that there is no other user accessing the db and setting on both the server are all default/basic. Separating out all 3 steps in 3 different script working fine. This is only problem when we combine them into single script and fire it using SQLCMD. If it is something related to session/transaction then we should hit same issue on our test_server#1 server as well but that is not the case.test_server#1 and test_server#2 has exact same database/data, just two different physical machine & SQL Server instance.

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Can You Change Dbo

Apr 24, 2001

can you change the dbo after you've already made the database?

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Change PC Name

Jun 20, 2002


Actually i'm working with a pc named "my_pc", later i'll need to change
its name to "my_server". Obviously MsSQLServer is afected due to it depends
in the name of the pc, also the master database has all its configurations
and aditional information related to the name "my_pc".

My question is: How can i do the change in MsSQLServer without
reconstruncting the master database?

Thanks in advance.

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Can You Change It

Oct 15, 2004


This code is for Access db

strSQL = "SELECT TOP 20 tblThread.Topic_ID, Subject, Username, tblThread.Thread_ID, Message, Message_date "
strSQL = strSQL & "from tblTopic, tblThread, tblAuthor "
strSQL = strSQL & "where tblThread.Topic_ID = tblTopic.Topic_ID "
strSQL = strSQL & "and tblThread.Author_ID = tblAuthor.Author_ID "
strSQL = strSQL & "order by Message_date DESC"

can you rewrite it for SQL Db

with this



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How To Change 200 To 2.00

Jan 18, 2005


Can anyone help me on this problem please?
When i use sql statement to pull out data, one of the fields will pull out data like 200 or 300 or sumthing like that.
But now i need to pull out the data as 2.00 instead of 200.
How do i do that?

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Sep 24, 2007

HI Everyboody,

How can i change SYSTEM ADMINISTORS NAME plz explain me

cureent my system admin name is 'bindu' it will rename 'RENU' How plz explain me



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How To Change SS Name ?

Mar 8, 2007

i set the name of my ss to default on install, and now i want to use 'AttachDbFilename' to attach my dbfile in my app, but i cannot connect to the server. i fond in the adv. options, that the DataSource is set to '.SQLEXPRESS' which is not the name of my SS, but i can't change it, so i want to ask if i can change the name of my SS withou reinstall.

thx for helping!

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Change Mdf To Sql Authentication

Sep 13, 2007

I have a web app, designed using VWD Express and using SQL 2005 Express. It has a mdf database called "client". It was created using security of windows authentication. I have already changed my instance of sql server express to accept mixed windows and sql authentication.
 How do I change my "client" database's permissions to the sql authentication? I need to add a user name and password as a requirement for my web host to be able to attach the mdf to their instance of sql 2005. It has to be the same user and password as I use with my web host's sql server 2005.
Thank you in advance.

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How To Change The Attribut Name?

Oct 29, 2007

Hi All,
  Suppose I have created one table say "Customer"
 Customer (cust_no, cust_name,cust_address)
I want to change the attribute name "cust_no" to "cust_number".
How to do it using ALTER command.
Pls give me the exact syntax for this.

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How Can I Change The CommandTimeout Value?

Nov 30, 2007

When I try to execute a query and after 30 seconds the program sends me error :
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
Exception Detail: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
Source error:
 Line 550         Dim myDataSet as Dataset = New DataSet
 Line 551         myDataSet = db.ExecuteDataSet(System.Data.CommanType.Text,NewSql)    <==  Error line
 Line 552         i=myDataSet.Tables(0).Rows.Count
In my connection string I set the parameter "Connection Timeout" = 360 but it not works. ( In debug mode the value for db.GetConnection.ConnectionTimeout is the same(360) like the parameter timeout connection.
After many searchs I found the default value for CommandTimeout is 30 secs.  Can I change this value ?
Any suggestion will be welcome. 
I'm using FrameWork 1.1.

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ASP 2.0 Sql Syntax Change?

Apr 24, 2006

I was simply trying to create a sql command using ASP 2.0 but the syntax appears to have changed. I was trying to write the following:
SqlCommand cmdUpdateData = new SqlCommand("AddMessage", myConnection);
cmdUpdateData.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
But, intellisence will not offer me the second  'CommandType' on the second line?? It works fine using ASP 1.1 but not here on 2.0
 Can anyone please help?

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Change Owner To Dbo

Aug 6, 2002

I just imported my access database into sql server 2000 and apparently during this importation the owner was set to my name. This gives my a problem retrieving the data in though. I found out that the problem (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'tablename') is situated at this ownership by stripping the query to a bare minimum and trying it on a new table created in sql server with dbo as the owner.
My problem now is that I can't seem to find the way to change the owner to dbo from 'peterj'. Can you help me on this one ??

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Can&#39;t Change SA Password

Apr 20, 2001

I have one server out of 6 that lets me logon as SA with the default password
of null.
If I run this command to change the password I get password changed, but it
did not change it, I still can logon as SA with the NULL password.

exec sp_password NULL, abc123, 'sa'

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Career Change

May 30, 2001

I have take courses in VB 6.0 and SQL 2000.
My background is accounting and financal analysis. I would like to change my career to the IT field and be in a position to use my financial background to my advantage. any suggestions?

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How Can I Change The Login Name ( Sa)

Jun 24, 2001


how can i change the login name ( sa)
to login name saliman?

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ASP Connectivity Change

Jul 2, 2001

I have a few ASPs that were written to pull from an Access 97 database. Now that we have converted the data over to a SQL database, the ASPs have been changed accordingly. My problem is that I have two ASPs which use an Inner Join between three tables where the main field (in this case it is called "INDEX") is what the pull is based on. When I try to run the ASPs I recieve this error .

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'INDEX'.

The line that it identifies is where the connection is actually opened.
This is only occuring on the ASPs that use the column INDEX and an inner join. The straight style number pulls (which have the same connection string)
are working fine. Any ideas?

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Change Ownership

Jul 5, 2001

Is there a way in SS 7.0 to change ownership of an object from a user owned object to dbo owned object other than dropping the object and re-creating it? E.G. juser.table to dbo.table
Thank you,

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DTS Connection Change

Aug 6, 2001

We need to test a DTS package provided by a vendor. The DTS package imports data from flat files to a database. However, when I go in and change the DTS connection object for the database, it drops the data transformation properties. When I look at the properties it automatically points to the first (alphabetically speaking) table of our database. There is no way for me to verify that the mapping I am creating for these tables is accurate (and matches what the vendor had originally set). I am new to MS SQL and haven't found the answer ... any help would be appreciated!


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Character Set Change

Nov 22, 2000

Can you easily change the character set during a 6.5 to 7.0 upgrade using the SQL upgrade wizard? Or do you have to rebuild master etc?


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