Change Output Of A Column Into Hyperlink

Dec 22, 2014

I would like to change the output of a column into a hyperlink however I am not sure that is possible without some further post-processing. I am aware I would have to do:

'<a href="' + URL + '" target="_blank" nav="web">' + tbl_ID.ID + '</a>'
from tbl_ID
however this obviously just exports the text
<a href="[URL]" target="_blank" nav="web">[ID]</a>

This would work fine if I was exporting it into some sort of HTML table however this doesn't work with excel for example. Is there a way to make this possible or would I have to create a macro in excel to add the url with the ID separately?

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Custom Transform Component, Change Type Or Add Output Column

Jun 26, 2006

Would anyone happen to have any pointers or know of any good code examples to either programmatically change the type of an input column when it is passed through the component, or add a new column to the output? I am extracting data from an Oracle database which is in Julian date format (represented within SSIS as a DT_NUMERIC column) and I need to to either transform the input column holding it into a date column, or to dynamically add a new output column holding the transformed data.

Many thanks

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How Do I Change The Hyperlink Color For The 'Jump To URL' Once It Has Been Viewed?

Jan 16, 2007


I've created a report in SSRS 2005, where one of the fields is using 'Jump to URL'. I made that field the color blue and underlined it so the users can see it's a link.

How do I change the color of the field/link to a different color once it's viewed so the users know they already selected that field?

Thanks for your help!,


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SQL Server -Hyperlink Column

Nov 29, 2004

Dear all,

I want to store a hyperlnk in the MS-SQL table as in MS Access.I could not find any datatype for storing the hyperlink in MS-Sql. So Kindly please help me to store hyperlink in the MS-SQL Table.


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Hyperlink In Varchar Column Sql Server2005

Aug 20, 2007

Hi Folks,
Is it possible to add <a href="""">xxxxxx</a> tag in varchar column as a text and display it as html hyperlink xxxxx (hyperlink).
 Thanks in advance

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HyperLink Column Value Is Not Displaying With The Blue Color?

Nov 21, 2005

Hi all,

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Using Output From A Stored Procedure As An Output Column In The OLE DB Command Transformation

Dec 8, 2006

I am working on an OLAP modeled database.

I have a Lookup Transformation that matches the natural key of a dimension member and returns the dimension key for that member (surrogate key pipeline stuff).

I am using an OLE DB Command as the Error flow of the Lookup Transformation to insert an "Inferred Member" (new row) into a dimension table if the Lookup fails.

The OLE DB Command calls a stored procedure (dbo.InsertNewDimensionMember) that inserts the new member and returns the key of the new member (using scope_identity) as an output.

What is the syntax in the SQL Command line of the OLE DB Command Transformation to set the output of the stored procedure as an Output Column?

I know that I can 1) add a second Lookup with "Enable memory restriction" on (no caching) in the Success data flow after the OLE DB Command, 2) find the newly inserted member, and 3) Union both Lookup results together, but this is a large dimension table (several million rows) and searching for the newly inserted dimension member seems excessive, especially since I have the ID I want returned as output from the stored procedure that inserted it.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

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How To Change Output With Dynamic Pivot

Apr 2, 2015

This is my table.

([col1] varchar(80), [col2] varchar(80), [col3] varchar(80), [col4] varchar(80), [col5] varchar(80)) ;
([col1], [col2], [col3], [col4], [col5])


My goal is to turn the table so that the output look like this.

col1 col2 col3 col4 col5
Datum 01.12.2014 02.12.2014 03.12.2014 04.12.2014
EC -204.9 -352.9 -105 -371
Mastercard -88 0 -182 -112.9
Postfinance 0 -79.9 0 -751
VISA -19 -20 -436 -346

I need to have a dynamic pivot since i import the table from a csv that could have different amount of columns each time. I can't even get a static pivot to work.

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SQL Script To Change Output To File

Jun 29, 2007

This has probably been asked before and I am having a hard time finding an answer for my question.

What I'd like to do is create an SQL query script file that exports the records of a select statement to a delimited file. I used to know how to do this in Oracle but I can't find any way to do this in SQL Server.

In Oracle I used to call a command from the script to change the output to a named file, then call a command to set the field delimiter, and finally, execute the query. I don't want to use BCP because I want to get the results of a query that select only a subset of records and may gather data from multiple tables. I know I can save a query and then change the output from the Management Studio to a file but I don't want to have to do this manually every time. Being able to run the scrip from a command line would be great. Then I could schedule a task that would execute the script at a preset time.

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Change Output Alias On Synchronous Component Programatically

Nov 21, 2006

Wanted to enquire how this is done. Tried doing it in the setUsageType method I have overwritten but only allows description to be changed. Basically need to change "Name".

Best option would be to change it instantly when a user selects a column from the inputs in the custom component, ie. it changes the Output Alias to a desired value. (Input tab in advanced editor)

All this is being done in a custom component which I would like to be synchronous, can achieve a similar result asynchronously.


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Reporting Services :: Change Column Size Dynamically Depends On Content Of The Column?

Jun 4, 2015

How to change column size dynamically depends on content of the column.

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DataReader Source Error - Cannot Change The Datatype, Precision Or Scale In The Output Columns

Oct 3, 2007

I have a data source that I access via odbc in a DataReader Source component in SSIS. I can access the data fine. However, I am having problems with certain fields that are numeric (specifically home prices ranging from 100,000.00 to 99,999,999.00). In the advanced editor for my data reader source under the input and output properties tab, in data reader output under the external columns and output columns, these fields for some reason default to numeric data types with a precision of 4 and a scale of zero, not large enough to hold the data that is coming in. This causes errors that make the data come in as null (after i specify to ignore the errors).

I can change the precision and scale to 18 and 4 in the external columns, but when I try to change the datatype, precision or scale in the output columns I get the following message:

Property Value is not valid.

The details are:

Error at Import DataReader Source: The data type of output columns on the component "DataReader Source" cannot be changed.
Error at DataReader Source: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0xC020837D)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.DataReaderSourceAdapter.SetOutputColumnDataTypeProperties(Int32 iOutputID, Int32 iOutputColumnID, DataType eDataType, Int32 iLength, Int32 iPrecision, Int32 iScale, Int32 iCodePage)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostSetOutputColumnDataTypeProperties(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Int32 iOutputID, Int32 iOutputColumnID, DataType eDataType, Int32 iLength, Int32 iPrecision, Int32 iScale, Int32 iCodePage)

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Change An Int Column To Identity Column

Dec 17, 2001

Hi, I want to change an int column (not null) to identity column. I tried
the following:

alter table myTable alter column ID int identity(10, 1) not null

But it failed with the error message:

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'identity'.

Can someone please show me the correct statement (if it exists)>

Many thanks.

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How To Output Data To Different Column

Mar 12, 2013

l am fresh in SQL...

select hierarchy.hiername,devicefail.deviceid
,sum(DATEDIFF(minute,started,ended)) as duration
,100 - SUM(datediff(minute,started,ended))/(672 * 60.0000)*100 AS Uptime from devicefail
LEFT JOIN device ON device.deviceid = devicefail.deviceid
LEFT JOIN hierarchy ON device.hierlevel = hierarchy.hierlevel
where devicefail.started >= '2013-02-01 00:00:00'and
devicefail.ended <='2013-02-28 23:59:59'
and devicefail.componentid like 201 or devicefail.componentid like 0
group by devicefail.deviceid,hierarchy.hiername,devicefail. componentid
order by hiername

the above output as:

hiernamedeviceidduration Uptime
Airp 95412092548.10267857
Airp 95411891953.07787699
Airp 9542187295.35714286
Airp 9542155296.15079365

How could I achieve the result as following:

hiernamedeviceidduration1 duration2 Uptime1 Uptime2
Airp 954120925 18919 48.10267857 53.07787699
Airp 954218721552 95.35714286 96.15079365

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Adding A Column On Output

Sep 27, 2005

I have two queries I would like to combine the output on. they are as follows:

Select substring(WrkSta.[Name],1,2) 'Location'
,count (aexe.ReturnCode) as '# Patched'
from WrkSta, AeXEvt_AeX_SWD_Execution aexe
where WrkSta.WrkStaId=aexe.WrkStaId
and (WrkSta.[Name] like 'ES%' or WrkSta.[Name]like 'EM%' or WrkSta.[Name] like 'EP%'
or WrkSta.[Name]like 'AB%' or WrkSta.[Name] like 'SU-NP%'
or WrkSta.[Name] like 'ET%')
and (aexe.returncode='0' or
aexe.returncode ='3010')
and aexe.AdvertisementName like 'MS05-035-043%'
group by substring (WrkSta.[Name], 1,2)

Returns :
Location # Patched
EP 102
ES 1986
ET 19
AB 174
SU 6
EM 506

and the second one:

Select substring(WrkSta.[Name],1,2) 'Location'
,count (coll.WrkStaId ) as '# Workstation'
from WrkSta join AeXNSCollectionMembership coll on WrkSta.WrkStaId=Coll.WrkStaId
where coll.CollectionGuid = '38F5DAFC-E09D-49A5-A0FD-370983CA7596'
and (WrkSta.[Name] like 'ES%' or WrkSta.[Name]like 'EM%' or WrkSta.[Name] like 'EP%'
or WrkSta.[Name]like 'AB%' or WrkSta.[Name] like 'SU-NP%'
or WrkSta.[Name] like 'ET%')
group by substring (WrkSta.[Name], 1,2)


Location # Workstations
EP 178
ES 2299
ET 24
AB 215
SU 13
EM 582

What I need is :

Location # Workstations # Patched
EP 178 102
EI 2299 1986
ET 24 19
AB 215 174
SU 13 6
EM 582 582

No mater how I try to do a join to do this in a single query I end up with what looks like a cross-join and # workstations and # Patched jump to huge numbers. I obviously am having a problem understanding how to set up the select statements so that I can do this in one query or am I following the wrong direction and should be trying something else?
Once again I appreciate your help in advance....

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Output Column Names In Each Row Along With The Row Value

Jun 29, 2007

Hello,I was wondering if anyone can help me figure something out.Is it possible to do a querey in MS SQL server and have the resultsreturned so that each result in each row is preceeded by the columnname?eg. instead of usual output -colName1, colValue1,colName2,colValue2,colName3,colValue3 ?Also I would like to only have this for certain columns ie in theabove example only for columns 2 and 3Thank you! :-)Yas

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Get Name Of Column In Error Output

Apr 23, 2007

I would like to get the actual name of the column that has the error. Using the ErrorColumn (int value) I thought there would be some type of lookup collection based on the input (like column names)- if there is, can someone tell me how to get to it?

I have my error output writing to a stored proc, but instead of "32226" as the column name, I need to have the actual name of the column. I am going from Flat File to OLE DB Destination. I have a Script Component getting the output to write to my sproc, and I just need to get the column name.

Suggestions?? Thanks

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Output Varchar Column

May 3, 2006


I am dumping varchar(40) column from a OLE DB Source to Excel file but it is failing due this error

[Excel Destination [239]] Error: Column "ItemDescription" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

How can I resolve this issue?


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The Value Was Too Large To Fit In The Output Column

Mar 12, 2007

I have a Data Flow Task that extracts some data using a DataReader Source and loads it to a Raw File Destination. I am getting the following error message:

[DataReader Source [2357]] Error: The value was too large to fit in the output column "LASTCOL" (2558).

I thought that using a Raw File Destination would avoid this type of problem. How can I resolve this issue?

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Modify Column Output

Aug 17, 2007

using sql database, i have a smallmoney column. when i enter an amount, 50.00 for example, i have 50.0000 displayed. is there a way to only have 50.00 displayed?
same with the smalldatetime, is there a way to limit the display to "mm/dd/yyyy" without the "hh:mms am"

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The Output Column Has A Precision That's Not Valid

May 5, 2008


I'm importing data from and oracle database to an SQL one through a SSIS package, I'm getting this error:
"The output column "earned_hours" has a precision that is not valid. The precision must be between 1 and 38".
the package runs but returns this column as NULL values

earned_hours is of type "NUMBER" in oracle (some of the values are decimals), I tried making it numeric(x,y),float or decimal(x,y), but I'm still getting the same results.

does anybody know why is this happening or have a solution for this error?


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BCP Output To Excel Column Width

Dec 10, 2013

I use bcp command to output to excel, it works. But I want to format the excel, some column width are too small,user need adjust the column width, otherwise it shows ######.

How can I set columns width when I use bcp output to excel.

Also, can bcp command output to multiple excel sheets and add report title in each excel sheet?

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Suppress Output For One Column...SOLVED

Sep 14, 2006

Is there a way to supress output on one column in a SP, using data from the same row?

Like This:
SELECT Last, First, DOP, dbo.fnDueDate(DOP, 3, GETDATE()) AS NextQDue, dbo.fnDueDate(DOP, 6, GETDATE()) AS NextNSPDue, DATEADD(m, 1, DOP)AS InitialNSPDue, DATEADD(m, 1, DOP) AS InitialAssessDue, DOT, DisReason, DATEADD(m, 1, DOT) AS DisSummDue, Facility, Active
FROM dbo.tblResidents

But which returns null for some of the columns if DOT is not null?
DOT is the Termination Date, so the only columns that have any meaning once there is data in the DOT column are DisReason and DisSummDue. Also, if DOT *is* null, then the above columns also have no meaning.
I tried several variations of the following, but I can't figure it out

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spTesting] AS
SELECT Last, First, DOP, dbo.fnDueDate(DOP, 3, GETDATE()) AS NextQDue, dbo.fnDueDate(DOP, 6, GETDATE()) AS NextNSPDue, DATEADD(m, 1, DOP) AS InitialNSPDue, DATEADD(m, 1, DOP) AS InitialAssessDue, Facility
FROM dbo.tblResidents A
SELECT Last, First, DOP, DOT, DisReason, DATEADD(m, 1, DOT) AS DisSummDue, Facility
FROM dbo.tblResidents I


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Fixed Column Output- Looping

Mar 20, 2008

I have table like below

1001 1234.560
1001 34.560
1001 134.000
1002 45.000
1002 3456.000
1003 5678.999

I need to create a fixed length data file..For example, ID char(6) and amt num(10.3) and sum(23.3)

It should be group and order by ID : 01 Represent ID line and 02 represent amt ( there can be multiple amt records) and 03 represent sum of amt.
01 + ID
02 + AMT
03 + Sum(AMT)

The output should look like this.. How do this either using a t-sql or SSIS?


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How To Get The Output Column In OLE DB Command Transformation

Jul 3, 2006


I am writing a Dataflow task which will take a Particular column from the source table and i am passing the column value in the SQL command property. My SQL Command will look like this,

Select SerialNumber From SerialNumbers Where OrderID = @OrderID

If i go and check the output column in the Input and output properties tab, I am not able to see this serial number column in the output column tree,So i cant able to access this column in the next transformation component.

Please help me.

Thanks in advance.

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Error Output - Ignore Just One Column?

Jun 20, 2007

When configuring error output, I want everything that is good in the row to make it to the destination, and then the offending column that is causing an error to be set to NULL, and then sent to the destination as well. In addition, I want to take the offending column's data, and route it over to an error holding table. I know about the ability to redirect the whole row, but I just sort of want to redirect just that column. For example....

Have a table with 5 columns

col1 int null,

col2 int null,

col3 char(3) null,

col4 bit null,

col5 int null

My data flow loads data from a flat file and has a record that looks like this

1 5 ABC R 3

I want the row to make it to the destination as follows....

1 5 ABC NULL 3

Then the offending data needs to go over to my error table

err# errcolumn errdata errdesc

1 col4 R Could not convert "R" to bit data type

Any way to do this?

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Can I Use * To Specify 'Output Column' For OLD DB Source Editor?

Dec 7, 2006

I am working on a situation similar to 'Get all from Table A that isn't in Table B'

I noticed that if one column's name of source table changes,(say Year to Year2) I have to modify all 'data flow transformations' in the task.

I am new to SSIS.

thanks! -ZZ

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How To Get The Name Of The Error Column From The Errorcolumn Output

Apr 2, 2007


Iam redirecting the error output of a OLEDB destination component to a script component. My aim is to create a HTML report having the information about the bad records, the error occuring in the rows and the column name that fails. The error output provided two new columns i.e the errorcode and errorcolumn , the errorcolumn value for a bad record gives the linage id for the column, is there a way to derieve the name of the column by using the lineage id?



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DataReader Output Column Length

Jan 19, 2007


I have an ODBC connection manager to a Progress database. In that database there is a column declared as a string of 10 characters long.
However, some data in this column is actually up to 15 characters long.
This makes my DataReader Source fail everytime I try to run my package because it sets the output column like this :

Datatype : Unicode string [DT_WSTR]
Length : 10

Is there any way to solve this without changing the datatype in the Progress database (that is beyond my control) ?

tanks in advance ...

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How To Change A Column Name

Jan 9, 2008

I have created a table and found that i miss named a column. All i want to do is change the column name. But I don't see anything in ALTER TABLE to do that.

How do I simply change a column name?

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How Place Column Header On 2 Lines In Output

Feb 12, 2002

select isntuser from syslogins




select isntuser as [Joe]+char(13) +[Blowwwwwwww] from syslogins


any idea ?

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Column Delimiter In DTS Output Test File

Mar 8, 2004

Hello Everyone,

Hope someone will be able to help me out here.

I have a text file exported from my DTS package and it requires an '!' as a custom column delimiter.

Does anyone have any idea how I can use the '!' mark instead of the Tab or Vertical Bar as my Column Delimiter?

Would appreciate any suggestions.


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Display Output Where Integer Value Is Column Data

Dec 1, 2011

I want to display the following output where integer value is column data.


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