I develop some application using SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 to Russian customers. They usually don't know English well. That's why I really want to change phrase "Report is being generated" to Russian words.
How can I do it? I tried to fing this phrase in configuration files or registry but there wasn't success.
Semantic query execution failed. The 'PerspectiveID' custom property for the 'query' perspective is either not set or is not set to the string data type.
We are trying a cluster setup on MS SQL 2005 with one m/c as Publisher (Primary) and another as Subscriber (Secondary). When Publisher and Subscriber both are running, everything goes fine but when Publisher server goes down, subscriber server troubles.
We are using MSADO15.DLL for database connectivity. We have a table where ID column is set to primary key with Auto Increment true. We use AddNew() function of this library to insert a new record. We fill a structure with all necessary values to pass it to AddNew() with ID field set to 0. When we use AddNew() on the above table to insert a record, the ID auto inserted in table is correct but returned structure contains wrong ID value.
We tried to trace this problem using SQL Server Profiler Tool of SQL Server. AddNew() function performs following operations in back end 1. Inserts the record to the table using INSERT 2. Calculates the auto increment field ID using SELECT @@IDENTITY 3. Fills this ID in the structure passed to AddNew() and returns it. But ID returned by SELECT @@IDENTITY query is wrong. There are other ways also to retrieve the last ID inserted in table by IDENT_CURRENT(€˜table_name€™) which return right ID.
Can we change the call of SELECT @@IDENTITY to IDENT_CURRENT in AddNew() functions behavior of MSADO DLL? Or there is another way of retrieving right ID?
Hi I have a windows application. I am using following code right after setting the LocalReport ReportPath. Report rendering is too slow if use following line of code and Report viewer does not show spiny and the text that says €œReport is being generated.€?
I have created a report and deployed it successfully to a seperate machine with SSRS on. Both my dev machine and the SSRS machine are in the same workgroup. I can then Browse to the Report Manager though IE and click & run the report (The connection is using integrated security). The report requires a single parameter to be entered which once done works successfully. The report has a single table, an inbedded image and a few static fields in the report header.
If I however add a report viewer control to an aspx test form all is not well. As soon as the page opens I am prompted to enter the parameter which is good news as it shows there has been some communication with the SSRS metabase. I then click the view report button. Using Profiler I have proved that the report Stored Proc. is running with the correct parameter value. The report viewer however seems to hang and only displays "Report is being generated" without displaying the results. It does this even with a timeout set of 1000ms.
I don't think this is a security issue as both the Report Manager works and the test form prompts me for the parameter and effectively runs the report SP. I can only assume it is a problem with returning the report to the browser.
I have a report which doesn't work. It has a datatset based on a store procedure. The store-procedure take 10 to 50 second to execute, depending on the parameters.
But, I can't never see my report as i wait more than 10 minutes and it's never generated.
So, I have think that maybe it could be because of the matrix inside the report, so I have try to create another report which have the same dataset but with nothing inside, just a textbox, and it doesn't work too !! So now, i'm very disapointed and I don't know what to do ! Someone can help me please ? It's very important.
I followed the tutorial http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms167305.aspx with no problem but when I tried to preview the report the green circle just kept spinning and spinning.
I'm able to execute the command under the data tab with no problems. I'm able to view built in reports for SQL Server 2005. I've tried restarting Visual Studio and the entire PC but the report will still no generate.
I have a VS2005 Windows application that displays a reportviewer (SQL 2005) report in a tab control, then displays a second report in a second tab with reportviewer, and so on. The really strange thing is that I had this application working for about 3 months. I even had up to 30 reports in 30 tabs at one point. BUT, for some reason now all I get is the first report and the second, third, etc. tabs show a reportviewer with "Report being generated" that never displays the report. Even worse, another user is able to run this application and DOES get all the reports displayed. So what could have been updated on my PC that is causing this problem?
Is it possible to reposition the "Report is being generated" graphic?
I have most of my reports set to 1000 px by 1000 px which forces the graphic off of the screen. I would like to be able to see it without having to scroll to it.
Also, is there any way to change the properties of that image? I would think a progress bar that actually showed how far along the report was before completion would be better.
I want to remove default animated gif report is being generated, how can i achieve it when i upload the rdl to share point, Need to remove actions and print option avialble when i upload my rdl to share point.
In the above code, the XML parser does not understand the Parameters element. I've also tried ReportParameters as the name of the element. I don't seem to understand why, because in the SQL data tab, Parameters is a subelement of DataSet. Why am I getting this error and how do I programmatically specify that I want a report created on the fly to have parameters?
Deserialization failed: The element 'DataSet' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2005/01/reportdefinition' has invalid child element 'Parameters' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2005/01/reportdefinition'. List of possible elements expected: 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2005/01/reportdefinition:Fields http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2005/01/reportdefinition:Query http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2005/01/reportdefinition:CaseSensitivity http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2005/01/reportdefinition:Collation http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2005/01/reportdefinition:AccentSensitivity http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2005/01/reportdefinition:KanatypeSensitivity http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2005/01/reportdefinition:WidthSensitivity http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2005/01/reportdefinition:Filters ##other:*'. Line 21, position 8.
This is the actual code which generates one .htm file every 24 hours with the count of hourly logins. So the entries (as per the below logic) start at 12:00 AM everyday and end at 11:00 PM. The catch is - the entries come up fine upto 10:00 PM. The '11:00 PM entry' is missing in all the .htm files. I tried several options and later, I 'force added' an ELSE IF condition especially for the 11:00 PM case, indicated in the code below but it doesn't seem to help... Also, I'm not really sure if this is a row limitation in the .htm file - like x no: of rows per .htm file.
Am I missing something here?.. Please advise. Let me know if I'm not clear. Thank you.
END -- this is added for 11:00 PM entry START
-- the above is added for 11:00 PM entry END
I never got an answer on this so I am reposting this issue. Also, please note that I have consistently reproduced this issue on multiple perspectives within and accross multiple cubes on 3 different SQL Server Instances. I have also had no problem with perspectives within Report Models that were not generated from an SSAS Cube.
I have created a simple cube in BI Studio against an Oracle Relational Data Warehouse. In this cube I have created a perspective in which I have selected (included) only a small subset of measures and dimension. When I view this perspective on the Browse Tab of BI Studio, only the entities that were included in the perspective were available for report construction as was expected.
Next, I generated a model for this cube in Report Manager. Now here is the problem, I then opended the model in Report Builder and selected the same perspective from above, but all of the Entities in the cube were displayed including the fields I explicitely did not include in the perspective. I then looked at the .smdl file describing the Model and it looked like in the Perspective description section all of the cube's entities were included, even the ones that should not have been included. It seems as if the problem is ocurring durring the model generation. I also tried generating the model in Management Studio and it seems to be doing the same thing.
Any ideas on how to fix this? Could I be doing something wrong(probably)? I have to give a presentation soon and this is a big deal for the Project Stakeholders.
By the way, I am using the 180 Day Evaluation of Sql Server 2005 with SP2 CTP installed.
I am creating a SSRS report which would be executed by User manually through ReportServer URL.User would be generating the SSRS report for different Customer ID based on ad-hoc basis.
I am passing CustomerID as input parameter to the report. Is there any way to get the manually generated SSRS report name as 'Report_CustomerID_TodayDate.xls'.
E.g.If User is generating report for Customer ID 123 today then report name should be 'Report_123_07092013.xls'
i need to get the result of two different queries into 2 different sheets of the same excel file while exporting a report to excel using reporting services..
I am working on reports in SSRS 2008 (not R2)... There are some reports with parameters that are hidden when the report is accessed through normal URL using ReportViewer.asx..The thing is that these hidden parameters need to be visible when the report is accessed using SSRS Report Manager.
I tried the Beta 1 of the service pack 1 to .net 3.5. If I try to add an entity (and try to save this), I get the Exception "No support for server-generated keys and server-generated values".
How can I add entities to my Sqlce- database?
I tried to give the id- column (primary key) in the database an identity, another time without identity, only primary key --> none of them worked. I always get the same error.
What do I have to change to make successfully a SaveChanges()?
Is it possible to turn a server report created using report builder (with all the smdl and dsv stuff) into a report that is viewable using the Reportviewer ASP.Net control in _local_ mode? I need this because I'm trying to replace the datasource used in creating the report by another one for viewing the report.
Can anybody tell me how to change the name Property of a report on the Report Server?
When im using the standard Webpage, i can change all the properties i want.
But when i try the same in code. Changing the name property gets me a read-only exception. The description does change but i actually want the name to change.
Hi! I've created a report with Report Builder using a Model. I want to keep the same report, but I have to use another model (this model is almost the same as previous one, except that it has some extra tables). I tried to change my report's model from Report Manager (Report_Name -> Properties -> Data Sources), but it didn't work.
I use Reporting Services in my solution. The data i have as source is very uncertain. Sometimes i manually have to delete a record from the report (not the database itself). I woluld like to have a checkbox or something simular to delete from report and totals, grafs would be updated. At the same time I would like the report to make a comment that a record was taken away, alternative let the user make a comment. Is this possible? DO i have to make a own application for that?
There is a report when you click servername, report and run SCHEMA CHANGE HISTORY I had my SQL 2005 running for a few weeks and this is many listed from day started is there a way to recycle this and clean it up on a weekly basic
I am on the layout page, and click on the body, going to the body property dialogue, there is a size property there, I changed its width and height, but it is not changed at all? I mean once I save it, it is back to its orginal size? Why is that? Any advices for that?
Hope my question is clear.
Thanks a lot in advance for your help.
And I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.
Hi all. Looking for information on whether or not the control/navigation bar that appears at the top of the report view can be changed. I am specifically looking to remove it and assign its controls to other .net or html controls/objects. For example, the control bar has the arrow for viewing the next page. Instead of that, perhaps I might like to have a hyperlink etc somewhere else on the page that performs the same functionality. I have searched and searched for information on this but haven't been having much luck. It's kind of a difficult thing to search for due to ambiguous key words "control bar" "navigation" etc.
Not looking for specific info as to how to go about doing it, more like: what is possible and where can I go to find the specifics.
How do I change the report title via an expression? I have a parameter that can contain 1 of 3 values and want to change my Report Title accordingly. Can I nest the IIF statements somehow or how can I accomplish this?
Can I change the SQL statement on a linked report without modifying the original? I'm trying to limit a category by userid. I basically want to add an additional line to the where clause. Any ideas?
I have a question about passing user information into a report. Right now I have a travel report that accepts trip ID as a parameter. I have multiple users who will access this report through active directory and I think using tripID is too constricting for them. Ideally, I want them to pick their name from a list and pick the travel date(s) that they want to print out.
How can I make the report read in their username from Active Directory and pass this along to the report so that it'll automatically apply a filter the report. Then from a pull-down list, pick the travel date(s) that they're interested. Is this even possible?
One of our Sales Reps is having issues with a report I've made and as far as I know he's the only one (Out of about 50) who has had this issue. He's running IE 7. What happens is he'll enter in the parameters and run the report and it works fine. But when he goes to change the dates he entered as parameters and then clicks "View Report" again to run the report again, the browser just redisplays the same results and doesn't even generate a new report. It appears as if the browser has cached his previously ran report and then just redisplays it instead of going back to the server and re-generating the report. Has anyone seen this before or have any ideas? I appreciate it.