Hi all My query has some inner joins to some tables. And problem is when any ON clause get null as value, the correspondent record is not displayed. SELECTTableA.A, TableB.AFROM TableAINNER JOIN TableB ON TableA.A = TableB.A What I did try: SELECTTableA.A, TableB.AFROM TableAINNER JOIN TableB ON TableA.A = TableB.A OR TableA.A IS NULL (but It generates redundant values from TableB) I need to show all values even that value from Tablea is null Thank a lot for any help
I am having difficulty constructing a where clause. I have 4 columns in a table. Col1 is never NULL. Col2,3,4 may or may not contain NULL values. Here is the situation.
1. Col2,3,4 are NULL WHERE Col1 = condition
2. Col2 is NULL, 3 may or may not be NULL. When Col3 is NOT NULL, Col4 may or may not be NULL
where col1 and (col3(Not Null values) OR Col4(Not Null values)) = condition.
I want to change Set clause of Update Statement dynamically based on some condition.
Basically i have 2 Update statments having same FROM clause and same JOIN clause.
Only diff is SET clause and 1 Where condition.
So i am trying to combine 2 Update statements into 1 and trying to avoid visit to same table twice.
Update t Set CASE **WHEN Isnull(td.IsPosted, 0) = 0 THEN t.AODYD = td.ODYD** *ELSE t.DAODYD = td.ODYD* END From #ReportData As t Join @CIR AS tmp On t.RowId = tmp.Max_RowId
I am working on a Function that takes multiple parameters. I have a query that populates a temporary table, and then it processes some logic. My question is, if the parameter is passed as null, I dont want the query to be affected by this null value. Rather, I would like to not pass it at all to the query. So if the parameter is NULL, dont pass it through the query. I have the following but its not compiling right:
SELECT bom.pEngr_BOM_ID , bom.fEngr_Item_ID, det.pEngr_BOM_Detail_ID, 1, bom.Bill_Type, bom.Rev_Ltr, bom.Series_Ltr FROM dbo.Engr_BOM_Control bom WITH (nolock) INNER JOIN dbo.Engr_BOM_Detail det WITH (nolock) ON det.fEngr_BOM_ID=bom.pEngr_BOM_ID WHERE bom.pEngr_BOM_ID=@v_pEngr_BOM_ID AND det.fEngr_BOM_ID=@v_pEngr_BOM_ID CASE WHEN @v_Bill_Type IS NOT NULL THEN AND bom.Bill_Type=@v_Bill_Type END
I have a report parameter named "Schools" which display a list of schools. For example, Alo elementary school, Balo middle school and Calo high school.
When "Alo elementary" is selected the report only display students from that school along with other assessments data fields. same goes for other schools too. But I want to display different data fields for "Calo high school" when it is selected. It is not currently possilbe becasue I am using the same template for all types of schools. There some fields only should be displayed for "Calo high school" but not for any other type of schools.
I can accomplish this by creating two separate report, one for "Calo high school" and the other for other schools. But I want to accomplish this just by creating one report. So when "Alo elementary school" is selected it displays report with certain fields and when "Calo high school" is selected then it displays same fields as "Alo elementary school" but as well as some other fields too in the report. Is this possible? Need help.
I'm still having issues with this despite my attempts to resolve. I even have "with exec as dbo" in my sproc, and and "exec as dbo" in my execution, but still the encrypted data returns nulls when I exec as a user other than DBO. Below is precisely what I have done. All ideas are welcomed.
TIA, ChrisR
--If there is no master key, create one now
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.symmetric_keys WHERE symmetric_key_id = 101) CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = '23987hxJKL95QYV4369#ghf0%94467GRdkjuw54ie5y01478d Dkjdahflkujaslekjg5k3fd117 r$$#1946kcj$n44ncjhdlj' GO
CREATE CERTIFICATE HumanResources037 WITH SUBJECT = 'Employee Social Security Numbers'; GO
USE [AdventureWorks]; GO
-- Create a column in which to store the encrypted data ALTER TABLE HumanResources.Employee ADD EncryptedNationalIDNumber varbinary(128); GO
-- Open the symmetric key with which to encrypt the data OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY SSN_Key_01 DECRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE HumanResources037;
-- Encrypt the value in column NationalIDNumber with symmetric -- key SSN_Key_01. Save the result in column EncryptedNationalIDNumber. UPDATE HumanResources.Employee SET EncryptedNationalIDNumber = EncryptByKey(Key_GUID('SSN_Key_01'), NationalIDNumber); GO
-- Verify the encryption. -- First, open the symmetric key with which to decrypt the data OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY SSN_Key_01 DECRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE HumanResources037; GO
-- Now list the original ID, the encrypted ID, and the -- decrypted ciphertext. If the decryption worked, the original -- and the decrypted ID will match.
alter procedure getDecryptedIDNumber with exec as owner as SELECT NationalIDNumber, EncryptedNationalIDNumber AS "Encrypted ID Number", CONVERT(nvarchar, DecryptByKey(EncryptedNationalIDNumber)) AS "Decrypted ID Number" FROM HumanResources.Employee; GO
/*works for me, shows the decrypted data*/
exec getDecryptedIDNumber
USE [master] GO
USE [AdventureWorks] GO
use [AdventureWorks] GO
GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[getDecryptedIDNumber] TO [test] GO
/*Now, open up a "file/new/DB Engine Query" and login with the test login*/ exec as user = 'dbo' exec getDecryptedIDNumber
/*This returns NULL values where it should show the decrypted data*/
Hi. I wrote a sproc to insert values from a tab-delimited text file into SQL 2005. There is a column in the text file that contains datetime values. Some of the values may be null. I have defined my sproc as:[CODE]createproc [dbo].[spInsertTransactionData]@LoadTransactionCode tinyint,@AccountNumber char(19),@PostingDate char(8) = '01011900'asinsert into table1( LoadTransactionCode, AccountNumber, PostingDate)values(@LoadTransactionCode,@AccountNumber,cast(stuff(stuff(@PostingDate, 3, 0, '/'), 6, 0, '/') as datetime)) [/CODE]I am getting the error:"The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value."When I step into the sproc, I see that the problem arises when the code encounters a "blank" value for PostingDate.As always, thanks for the help!
This code works EXACTLY as it should on a development server that has a Framework 1.1 hotfix (operating in the 'localhost' webserver environment) but not on a production server (in a live www. web app) that does NOT have the 1.1 hotfix. Is there a code problem (if so, why should it work in the localhost) or is the hotfix on the development server needed on the production server. (in a button sub that does an update)...Dim currentUser As New AccBusiness.User( _ CType(Context.User, SitePrincipal)) Dim DDName As String = currentUser.DDName Dim NosData As String Dim AccountDetails As New SecureNums(txtDDPhone.Text, txtDDAddress.Text) NosData = AccountDetails.EncryptedData() AccountDetails.UpdateAcctDetails()----------------------(business object for the update)... Public Function UpdateAcctDetails() As Boolean Dim DataUserAcctNo As New Data.SecureCard(myModuleSettings.ConnectionString) Return DataUserAcctNo.UpdateAcctDetails( _ myDDName, _ myNosData) End Function--------------------------------(data object)...Public Function UpdateAcctDetails(ByVal DDName As String, _ ByVal NosData As String) As Boolean Dim rowsAffected As Integer Dim parameters As SqlParameter() = { _ New SqlParameter("@DDName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50), _ New SqlParameter("@NosData", SqlDbType.VarChar, 512)} parameters(0).Value = DDName parameters(1).Value = NosData RunProcedure("sp_Accounts_UpdateAccount", parameters, rowsAffected) Return CBool(rowsAffected = 1) End Function------------------------------and the sproc:ALTER PROCEDURE sp_Accounts_UpdateAccount@DDNameVarChar(50),@NosDataVarChar(512)AsUPDATE Accounts_UsersSet NosData = @NosDataWHERE DDName = @DDName------------------------------------------------------------ It all works on the development server but on the production server it gives me an error :SProc sp_Accounts_UpdateAccount expects parameter "@DDName" which was not supplied. Can anyone suggest why this works in one environment and not the other? Thx for looking/Reid C.
I'm trying to build a sproc that will return rows even if some of the parameters are blank. For example; if a user does not enter a priority, a status, or a caller the sproce should still return rows based on the other parameters. Can anyone help me find a way to modify my sproc bellow to allow this? I think the way I have it bellow will only return those rows where the user has entered a parameter or the record has a null in the field.ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.ContactManagementAction
AS SELECT Task_ID, ClientID, Priority, ActionDate, Subject, Note, Status, CompletionDate, TaskDocument, ReminderDate, Reminder, ReminderTime, Sol_ID, DateEntered, EnteredBy, Caller, ContactTypeID, DueDate FROM tblTasks WHERE (ClientID = @ClientID) AND (Priority = @Priority) OR (Priority IS NULL) AND (ActionDate BETWEEN @TStart AND @TEnd) AND (Status = @Status) OR (Status IS NULL) AND (ContactTypeID = @ConTypeID) OR (ContactTypeID IS NULL) AND (Caller = @Caller) OR (Caller IS NULL) AND (Subject LIKE @Keyword) OR (Subject IS NULL)
I need to use a parameter in a stored procedure that is optional and if it is optional I need all records returned, even if there is an entry in the field that the parameter is appllied to. Is this possible? I know I can assign a default value. but the value in the field could be one of many choices. I want to be able to specify a choice and have only those records returned or leave it blank and return all records.
I am quite new to SSRS and am having some difficulties in trying to develop a new report via Business Intelligence Studio based on a stored procedure which requires the input of 1 parameter, and also has an optional parameter which I default to NULL in the sproc.
When I create my dataset I select the given sproc I want and when I attempt to execute it, I am prompted for the parameters the sproc expects.
However, when I enter a value in the dialog for the required Parameter I get a SQL error indicating that the parameter the sproc expects was not supplied. I have profiled the call and see the attempt to execute the sproc, but no parameter value.
Can some one tell me why the value I enter is not being passed to the sproc in my database ? Is there some special syntax that I need to use ?
I have scanned a number of sites & through the books I have and can't find anything on this. From what I have read, when I exec my sproc the parameters get recongnized & I can just enter my values. This doesn't seem to be the case.
Any help and/or suggestions are appreciated !!! Thanks.
HiCan someone please shed some light as to how this can be done. With the below sql statement as you can see I don't want to declare the table name but would rather the table name be passed in via a parameter. I've tried declaring it as a varchar parameter but it doesnt seem to like it if I don't add a valid table name. Any ideas how this can be done. Thanks.select * from @tableName where condition = condition
hi,my structure table in database:Amount float(53) not null default 0when i try to run his script:alter table ABC alter column Amount float(53) nullit can only set the Amount to allow null, but can't set the defaultvalue to empty.anyone know how to set the field to allow null and default set toempty, no value.thanks
In my report i have CNAME parameter , which allows null value. I checked Allow null value check box in report parameter properties.
when i preview the report , it displays checked NULL check box beside CNAME parameter . I want to give some meaningful name(i.e.ALLCustomers) to this checkbox instead of NULL.Â
I am having trouble with a SPROC and I was wondering if anyone has had similar problems. I have a web form where users enter in a large amount of text, the web app saves that data via a SPROC into a varchar(8000) field in a SQL table. However, any amount of text beyond 255 gets cut off. I have double checked and tested my code and I dont seem to find the problem. Below is the beginning of my SPROC and as you can see, I have the correct data type and length. I have also verified the data type and length on the table and it is set at varchar(8000). Any ideas?
SPROC CODE ----------------------------------------------- CREATE PROCEDURE Add_ProductsReview ( @Pros varchar(100) = null, @Cons varchar(100) = null, @Title varchar(100), @Body varchar(8000) -- This is the parameter with problems ) AS......
In the below sproc I want to create a view based on the incoming parameter, which is a date passed on from VB in the format 01-01-2006.
Yet getting that to work, seems quite a challenge.
I've been dabbling a bit with the sproc and QA, passing the date parameter to it in varous forms, using both single, double and triple quotationmarks and changing the parameter type to datetime.
I either wind up with a syntax error " Incorrect syntax near '01' " or " Unclosed quotation mark before the character string ".
Anyone have a guess at how to fix this issue?
Cheers, Trinsan
@rapdato as varchar
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[KONTROL_vw_DRdobbeltrappbasis]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsView') = 1) drop view [KONTROL_vw_DRdobbeltrappbasis]
EXEC(' CREATE VIEW KONTROL_vw_DRdobbeltrappbasis AS SELECT Gramex_DW.dbo.Programhoved.[Rettet af DR], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Stationskode, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Udsendelsesdato, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Udsendelses starttid], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Rapporteringsdato, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Mediekode, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.MUSANummer, Replace(Left(convert(varchar, [Gramex-ID]),11),''.'','''') AS GramexID, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Side, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Tracknummer, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.ISRC, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Producentlandekode, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Spilletid, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Minuttakst, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Afregnet Station], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Afregnet den], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Afregnings ID], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Ur-opførelse], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Talestof, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Betalt af DR], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Kending, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Oprettelses ID], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Oprettet den], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Oprettet af], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Ændret den], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Ændret af], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Eventuel delskæring], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Plademærkenavn, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Katalogbetegnelse, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Tracktitel, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Selskabsnummer, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Indspilningsår, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Fonogramtitel, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Plademærkenummer, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Antal opførelser], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Rec nummer], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Indslagsnummer, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Afspillet gange], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Afspillet minutter], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Spilletidsløbenummer, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Pointtildelt, Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Rettet af Gramex], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Pgmkorlinie løbenummer], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Tape Kilde], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Hoved artist], Gramex_DW.dbo.Programhoved.Produktionsnummer FROM Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie INNER JOIN Gramex_DW.dbo.Programhoved ON (Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Stationskode = Gramex_DW.dbo.Programhoved.Stationskode) AND (Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Udsendelsesdato = Gramex_DW.dbo.Programhoved.Udsendelsesdato) AND (Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.[Udsendelses starttid] = Gramex_DW.dbo.Programhoved.[Udesendelses starttid]) WHERE Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Rapporteringsdato >= ' + @rapdato + ' AND (Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Mediekode <> 1) AND (Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Spilletid >= ''00:01:00'') AND (Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Stationskode <> ''TV2'') AND (Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Stationskode <> ''TV2 ZULU'') AND (Gramex_DW.dbo.Programlinie.Stationskode <> ''TV2 CHARLIE''') GO
We have a service written in c# that is processing packages of xml that contain up to 100 elements of goods consignment data.
In amongst that element is an identifier for each consignment. This is nvarchar(22) in our table. I have not observed any IDs that are different in length in the XML element.
The service picks up these packages from MSMQ, extracts the data using XPATH and passes the ID into the SPROC in question. This searches for the ID in one of our tables and returns a bool to the service indicating whether it was found or not. If found then we add a new row to another table. If not found then it ignores and continues processing.
The service seems to be dealing with a top end of around 10 messages a minute... so a max of about 1000 calls to the SPROC per minute. Multi-threading has been used to process these packages but as I am assured, sprocs are threadsafe.It is completing the calls without issue but intermittently it will return FALSE. For these IDs I am observing that they exist on the table mostly (there are the odd exceptions where they are legitimately missing).e.g Yesterday I was watching the logs and on seeing a message saying that an ID had not been found I checked the database and could see that the ID had been entered a day earlier according to an Entered Timestamp.
So on occasions (about 0.33% of the time) it is failing to get a bit 1 setting in @bFound after the SELECT TOP(1).
change @pIdentifier nvarchar(25) to nvarchar(22) Trim any potential blanks from either side of both parts of the identifier comparison Change the SELECT TOP(1) to an EXISTS
The only other thought is the two way parameter direction in the C# for the result OUTPUT. I have been unable to replicate this using a test app and our test databases. Have observed selects failing to find even though the data is there, like this before?
I have a report that is run on a monthly basis with a default date of null. The stored procedure determines the month-end date that it should use should it be sent a null date.
The report works fine when I tell it to create a history entry; however, when I try to add a subscription it doesn't appear to like the null parameter value. Since I have told the report to have a default value of null it doesn't allow me to enter a value on the subscription page.
Now, I suppose I could remove the parameter altogether from the stored proc, but then the users would never be able to run the report for a previous time period. Can someone explain to me why default values aren't allowed to be used on subscriptions when they seem to work fine for ad hoc and scheduled reports? This is really quite frustrating as most of my reports require a date value and default to null so that the user doesn't have to enter them for the latest data.
An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. (rsInternalError) Get Online Help
Does anyone know if this is possible right out of the box in SSRS 2005 against an OLAP data source?
I have several parameters. My second parameter is to be filtered based on the first parameter (kinda like cascading), but how do I do this against an OLAP data source? Lets say I have param1 and param2 in a dataset. I want Param2 to show the locations only based on what I select in Param1. Same but a little different: I have Parameter1 and then my second parameter (Param2) is a boolean (True/False). I want to show Parameter 3/Paramater 4 based on selection of Param2 (So, if true, show Param3, if false, show Param 4) and remember we are doing this in a sequence. Can you do this thru SSRS? Any help would be great. Thanks for your time in advance. Kent
Is it possible to fill a parameter list with values based on another parameter value? Here's what I have so far (which hasn't worked)... I'd like to generate a report listing information for a student. The report viewer would first select a school from the first drop-down menu, and then the second drop-down menu would populate with the list of students at that school. I have a dataset that calls a sp which returns a list of schools (SchoolID and SchoolName fields from the database table). I have another dataset that calls a sp (with SchoolID as the parameter) which returns a list of students for that school. Both datasets return the appropriate data when tested individually, but when I set up the Report Parameters and build the report, these errors come up... The value expression for the query parameter '@SchoolID' refers to a non-existing report parameter 'SchoolID'. The report parameter 'Student' has a DefaultValue or a ValidValue that depends on the report parameter "SchoolID". Forward dependencies are not valid. ...Is it possible for the reoprt to generate a list of available parameter values based on the value selected for another parameter? Any help you can give me would be great!! Thank you
I am using reporting services 2012, Can we make visibility of report parameter dynamic, ie can we make parameter visible or hide on certain condition or its visibility depends on other parameters Is this feature  available in any other updated version of ssrs?Â
I would like to be able to adjust the multi-value property of a parameter based on the value of another parameter in my report. The controlling paramter would be binary with two options for Single or Multiple selection. I would like my parameter to default to multi-value, which I can do on the screen selection. I have tried to add an IIF statement to the XML code, with no success. Any ideas would be helpful.
I have a report parameter called para1 which is a drop-down list and what I want to do is display another report parameter based on the para1 selection.
So for example, para1 contains a, b, c choices. if a user selects b, I would like para2 to display but if the user selects a or c, I don't want the para2 to display.
Could someone please tell me why the following SELECT statement...
SELECT ID, SpecimenNr, ScientificName, Locality, TaxonFROM petrander.QueryViewWHERE (InstitutionCode = 1) AND (Collectioncode = 1) AND (ScientificName LIKE N'%le%') AND (Locality LIKE N'%Fakse%') AND (22 IN (ParentID1, ParentID2, ParentID3, ParentID4, ParentID5, ParentID6, ParentID7, ParentID8))
...gives me 9 rows back, but embedding the exact same statement in the following sproc... set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER PROCEDURE [petrander].[DynamicQuery] @taxparent int = NULL, @museum int = NULL, @collection int = NULL, @binomen Nvarchar(254) = NULL, @locality Nvarchar(254) = NULLAS SELECT ID, SpecimenNr, ScientificName, Locality, Taxon FROM QueryView WHERE InstitutionCode = COALESCE(@museum, InstitutionCode) AND CollectionCode = COALESCE(@collection, CollectionCode) AND ScientificName LIKE 'N%' + @binomen + '%' AND Locality LIKE 'N%' + @locality + '%' AND (@taxparent IN (ParentID1, ParentID2, ParentID3, ParentID4, ParentID5, ParentID6, ParentID7, ParentID8))
...and passing the exact same parameter values to with the following execute statement...
my dataset from sharepoint list. and this dataset value assign to parameter. i want when no any parameter is selected than it should filter like "ALL". when i select alow null value it give me prompt error you  can not select null in multivalue parameter.How can i do it. i am using share point list.
When building stored procs, I typically have several nullable parameters. Then in the where clause I will either do this
WHERE (@MyParam IS NULL OR MyColumn = @MyParam) or this: WHERE MyColumn = COALESCE(@MyParam, MyColumn) Lately, I've noticed that either of these imposes a performance penalty. In other words, if I change the first one to WHERE MyColumn = @MyParam
without the IS NULL, it is noticeably faster. If I only have one or two nullable parameters, I can separate the logic using IF/ELSE, but it becomes huge if I have a bunch of nullable params.I've looked at the execution plans.