I newly installed the SQL Server 2005.During installation i chose the option Mixed Mode.I aslo did nit mention any user name and password to the SQL Server.Iam able successfully create Databases using the SQL Server Management Studio.
My problem iam unable to connec to the SQL Server from my .net windows application.My application code is
Dim strCon As String
Dim sValue As String
Dim strQuery As String
Dim dsEventTransac As New DataSet
Dim daEventTransac As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
Dim rowCount As New Integer
Dim oWebService As New WebReference.TkmService
'Dim nwRow As DataRow
'Dim delCmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM EventTransaction"
strCon = "Data Source=localhost;integrated security=SSPI;initial catalog=KmsDb;User ID=sa;password="
objCon = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(strCon)
If objCon.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
End If
daEventTransac = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(strQuery, objCon)
Dim cmdBuilder As New SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder(daEventTransac)
'update the DataAdapter
oWebService.Url = ""
''display the table in a grid
dgEventTransac.DataSource = dsEventTransac.Tables(0)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub DataGrid1_Navigate(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal ne As System.Windows.Forms.NavigateEventArgs) Handles dgEventTransac.Navigate
End Sub
End Class
When i donot specify user ID and password i get connected correctly.But when i run the above code i get an error
"Unable to connect to the remote server"
Now i want to change the username and password.Please tell me how to do
I built an eommerce site on my local computer at work. It's now time to put the site on our server and get things rolling... anyways, I'm trying to perform an sqldump so I can gather the appropriate text files so I can upload the database. Anyways, the sqldump program I am using requires a username and password to access the sql database.
I am using MSDE and have no clue as to what the username and password may be....
My VisualStudio .Net automatically connects when I work on the site.
Does anyone know what the default username and password may be or what my options are to get this sqldump to work?
I have installed MSDE using the following parameter:
commandline> setup SAPWD="MySAPwd"
now all was set up... when i opened the osql utility..i wasnt able to login... it kept asking me the login name ans password...
i entered my windows login name which is 'home' and entered 'kham00s' as the password... it didnt work... then i entered my windows login name again which is 'home' and entered 'OTHERPASSWORD' as the password which is my system password...but did not work either...
then i logged in using :
commandline> osql -E
It successfully logged in... and i was able to create databases and tables...
can someone tell me how to set a username and password for MSDE please... so that i can connect to MSDE using WebMatrix...
i m coming from a PHP/MySQL background so i know SQL and stuff... but dont know how to handle and configure MSSQL...
waiting for the response.. thanks in advance... Bye. Kamran.
I need to get into a database and need the password and username for a Microsoft SQL Server v.6.5 database. Can you help or do you know someone else who can? This database is owned by us and this is a "legal" project.
Thank you.
Michael A. Wise Manager, MIS/IT EBARA International Corporation Cryodynamics, Electric Motor, Standard Pumps Divisions "World's Leader in Liquefied Gas Pumps and Turbines" 350 Salomon Circle Sparks, Nevada, USA 89434 775-356-2796, xt. 215; FAX: 775-356-2884 mailto:mwise@ebaraintl.com www.ebara.co.jp/indexe.html www.ebaratech.com www.pumpsebara.com
Does this make sense for a logon table:CREATE TABLE Logon(ID INT NOT NULL IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,password VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL)GOCREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_Logon_Name ON Logon(name)CREATE INDEX IX_Logon_NameAndPassword ON Logon(name,password)GOI do want the name to be unique but also will search frequently on bothname & password. Is this how it should be done? I don't fullyunderstand the difference between placing a single index in name &password VS one on both name & password.
I'm trying to get into an installation of v.6.5 to use with anotherserver and I need the following information:Database hostnameDatabase nameDatabase usernaneDatabase passwordIs this information available anyplace within the installation files?I'm not asked for uname and pwd to get into the database.Thanks!
1. I have deployed the reports on our webserver. When I access the link http://servername/Reports from IE it asks me for a username and password the first time. I tried all the passwords including admin user/pwd but the dialog remains there. I close IE and start again I can access the reports. For your information, the checkbox 'Save my password' is checked in the reports. Does anyone know why the username/password dialog appears the first time?
2. Sometimes some of us get a 'Page cannot be displayed' while the others can access it. I have to start Reporting services and everyone can access the reports. Any ideas?
How do I specify the SMTP username and password for reporting services? It seems like I can specify one for SQLmail, but not reporting services? How the heck is anyone going to use the email feature of reporting services without being able to specify smtp credentials or making their mail server an open relay for spam??
Hello! I can't figure it out how to create a database with an username and a password. I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Can someone help me out? Greetings,Persyn Bert.
Hello. I have recently installed MS SQL SERVER 2005 and when I was installing it, it asked me for the username and password, and there I had 2 options: either write my own, either select "Use Windows Authentification". I selected the "Windows Authenthification" ( I guess that means that it uses my username and password from Windows ).
Now, Im trying to connect to the Server using Java and JDBC, but I have a problem: I have to specify the username and the password of the connection! My windows' only account is "Vlad" and I have no password. I tried these options, but it didn't work. I also tried with empty string "", and with "sa", "sa" but it didn't work either. I get an error saying that "Login failed for user 'Vlad'. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server Connection."
Any ideea of what the username/passwords are or how to get them?.
I am trying to use a first_name , Last_name and append this as username something like mike test and create username like 'Mtest@123'. and password as well.
The first_name, last_name comes from a table called "person".
Right now the user name and password is hard coded and I need to make this dynamically generated, is that possible within SQL?
How can I do this within SP? Below is my sp:
Alter PROCEDURE PatientEnroll (@person_id AS uniqueidentifier) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON INSERT INTO dbo.ngweb_bulk_enrollments(row_id, person_id,practice_id,
Are you one of those, like me, who has plenty of SQL Servers in Enterprise Manager, but have forgot over the time which username and password you used to add the SQL Server to the list of servers and groups?
Run this VbScript code!Dim oApp, lServer, lGroups
Set oApp = CreateObject("SQLDMO.Application")
For lGroups = 1 to oApp.ServerGroups.Count For lServer = 1 To oApp.ServerGroups(lGroups).RegisteredServers.Count MsgBox oApp.ServerGroups(lGroups).Name & " - " & _ oApp.ServerGroups(lGroups).RegisteredServers(lServer).Name & " - " & _ oApp.ServerGroups(lGroups).RegisteredServers(lServer).Login & " - " & _ oApp.ServerGroups(lGroups).RegisteredServers(lServer).Password & " - " & _ oApp.ServerGroups(lGroups).RegisteredServers(lServer).UseTrustedConnection Next Next
But when i click on this hyperlink it asks for the username and password for that server. However , i am using the following code to connect to my server :
ReportingService2005Soap port = null; ReportingService2005Locator loc = new ReportingService2005Locator(); // Retrieve a port from the service locator try { port = loc.getReportingService2005Soap(new java.net.URL(url)); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }
It is getting connected withut any problem and i am retrieving values also from my SSRS.
But the problem comes when i want to click on some hyperlink and it should go to the report server and generate the corressponding report. But it is asking for the username and password which is not required. If there will be some security issue it must not be get connected with the server through the code i am using. I have tried to connect with wrong password but it gives unauthorized exception.
Am getting ready to perform upgrade/migrate from 2000 to 2005 and have concerns about all the usernames/passwords converting accurately, as the existing 2000 instance has hundreds of them (am used to conversions with few usernames/passwords). Any suggestions as to the best way to proceed. The upgrade/migration is being done on the same box. Will a straight upgrade convert the master db cleanly with u/p, what issues does a migration on the same box present? Thanks.
I would like to know how to programmatically extract username and password from an ftp connection manager. Thanks.
I got this code but I want to get the values of every available property in a connection manager. Please help. Thanks!
For Each connMgr In myConns Dim connProperties As DtsProperties = connMgr.Properties Dim connProp As DtsProperty For Each connProp In connProperties MsgBox(connProp.Name) Next Next
I am not able to connect to database through username and password credentials, able to connect with the windows authentication option.
Pleaes guide me how to solve this.
I am required to access the database in the ETL application which should be allowing me to create table through this ETL application. Please help in resolving this.
Is it possible to create a new user name and password in a mail server with SQL or SQL only can create a new profile with a new username and password which has been created before in a mail server?
If it is not possible with SQL how can I do that? or should I use a diffrent mail server software(Now I'm useing windows 2003 mail server)
is there any way to create a username and password in a mail server with c#? mail server is mine
Is there any way to Remembering the username and password on report manager? I have set the credentials to "Credentials supplied by the user running the report" ... cant use the Windows credentials for some reasons...
I dont know something weired happened on our MSSQL server today. We are able to connect to any Databases from Enterprise Manager from a Remote server.
Once we logged in and connected to a database on my database server, it keep prompting for the user id and password as we browsing through different tables in that database?
(Right click on the table then select Open Table -> Return all rows -> and it prompts for password )
Now when we enter password the contents of Table are displayed and now when we try to see contents of another table in the database it again prompts for password.
Any Idea whats wrong? How this can be resolved as it was not happening before .. :(
Hello. I have recently installed MS SQL SERVER 2005 and when I was installing it, it asked me for the username and password, and there I had 2 options: either write my own, either select "Use Windows Authentification". I selected the "Windows Authenthification" ( I guess that means that it uses my username and password from Windows ).
Now, Im trying to connect to the Server using Java and JDBC, but I have a problem: I have to specify the username and the password of the connection! My windows' only account is "Vlad" and I have no password. I tried these options, but it didn't work. I also tried with empty string "", and with "sa", "sa" but it didn't work either. I get an error saying that "Login failed for user 'Vlad'. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server Connection."
Any ideea of what the username/passwords are or how to get them?.
Can somebody pls guide me on how i can Store & Retrieve Encrypted Username and Password Hashes.
I want to know following :-
1. I'm doing all the encryption and calculating password hashes on client side (VB), which i want to store in SQL Database when a new user account is created. I want to know what data types to use in Database. I will prefer not to use strings at all on client side due to secruity issues, i want to do all transfer in bytes -> to and from SQL server. How i can do that
2. How the connections can be made encrypted or more secure when doing these communcations.
3. I want to know if this is the right approach or to use the built in features of SQL Server 2005, main reason for not using that is that not all Encryption and Cryptography are supported...
I currently have a login page in asp.net 2.0 linked to a SQL 2005 database table that holds the usernames and passwords. At present, I am on an "honor system" where I do have access to the passwords of the other users but would like to change it so that I cannot know what the users' passwords are. Thank goodness that there is no personal information within the pages and the logins were created to keep a log of who logs in and what not. However, I would like to soon hold more personlized information, hence the need to encrypt each user's password even from myself. I have read up on Symmetric Encryption for SQL 2005 but I would like to know if there is anything else available, any good proven methods that someone else has already tried. Also, while testing out Symmetric Encryption, I noticed that I have to supply the encryption password for the decryption. However, if I know what the password for the encryption/decription is, does it not defeat the purpose of having the encryption at all, in terms of the "Admin" having access to sensitive information? Just curious if I understood the concept correctly or not. Thanks in advance to all.
I 'completed' a DTS package which uses a file on a non-SQL server. I am about to put this into production, so it runs automatically each evening. but just realized that it won't work unless it signs onto the source file's Windows 2000 server. It works for me when I'm testing it because I am always logged on the the Windows 2000 server.
I have been trying to figure out which DTS task I need to use to establish a connection by embedding my UserName and Password. Any tips woud be apprecitaed.
i have installed windows 2008 evaluation, during installation i was not asked for username and pssword but when i try and start up its asking for administrator password.
hi i have created a username and a password in sqlserver 2000 from logins in Enterprise manager and i permit him to the database i need to connect to .. and i check all server roles for that user and i make sqlserver authentication for him with a password and then i goto the udl file to connect to that database using that user it fails !! and says
"login failed for that user 'myusername' reason not associated with a trusted sqlserver connection"
while i use NT integrated security it works well so how can i connect to sqlserver using a username and a password
We use extended properties of Active Directory to filter the data in reporting services throw a web services. We send the userid (User!UserId) to the webservices and retrieve some information about the user. But if we change the name of one user (rename not recreate), he lost all this properties. When try to execute a report show an error:
Parameter validation failed. It is not possible to provide valid values for all parameters. (rsParameterError) I know this issue is in the border of reporting services, but we have spent a lot of time without results and we need any help.
I have a question about passing user information into a report. Right now I have a travel report that accepts trip ID as a parameter. I have multiple users who will access this report through active directory and I think using tripID is too constricting for them. Ideally, I want them to pick their name from a list and pick the travel date(s) that they want to print out.
How can I make the report read in their username from Active Directory and pass this along to the report so that it'll automatically apply a filter the report. Then from a pull-down list, pick the travel date(s) that they're interested. Is this even possible?