Changing Collation Of Server

Mar 15, 2001

I need to change the default collation of all dbs on all my servers to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI from SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. We need to do compares and sorts and want to ignore accents -- something that wasn't clear when we built the servers. I know this has to do with "re-building databases" -- maybe even including the master -- but I'm not certain exactly what this means. Thanks!

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SQL Server 2005: Changing Latin1_General_BIN Collation To Latin1_General_CI_AS Collation

May 1, 2007


I've restored a SQL Server 2000 database with a Latin1_General_BIN collation from a .dmp file to a SQL Server 2005 server with a default collation of SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. When I try to change the database collation I get hundreds of the following error:

The object 'CK_PM10200_GLPOSTD_00AF8CF' is dependent on database collation. So, in this case, is it even possible to change the collation if there are objects in the database that are dependent on it?



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Changing Collation In SQL Server 2000

Jun 19, 2007

I don't know how to change the collation in SQL Server 2000, my collation is Modern_Spanish_CI_AS, if somedoby knows the procedure to change the collation I would be thankful.
Thank you again and best regards.

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SQL Server 2005 Changing DB Collation

Apr 24, 2007


I have a DB which has its collation set to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS and i need to change it to Latin1_General_CI_AS,

does anyone have any idea how to do this?

i have tried right clicking on the DB and changing its collation in the options tab, but this only changes what the default is, so all the old columns still have the old collatin,

does anyone know how to change this?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Changing Collation Of Instance

Sep 15, 2015

Is it possible to change the collation of your instance?

As far as I know it is not possible to change the collation once SQL Server has been installed.

When I said that SQL needs to be reinstalled at work the guys sent me this link: [URL]....

I ran it exactly like that but the collation didn't change.

I have also restarted the services but the collation is still the same.

Am I running this code wrong or am I right about not being able to change the collation after installation?

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Changing Database Collation Problem In SQL Server 2000

Mar 27, 2007


When I migrated data from one SQL Server to another I got collection problems because collation of the target server was different from the source one.

The best solution I thought about was to change collation of the database in target server to be equal to the server collation so that when a temporary table is created, and the collation used would be the server collation, no error would occur. All sounds logic, but, after I ran ALTER DATABASE command and changed the collation of the database, I verified that all varchar fields of all database tables retained the old collation, not the new database collation I set.

Is there any way to change the collation of all fields at once when I change the database collation?

Thanks for your help


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Changing The Collation

Jun 6, 2006


I have a database in SQL Server 2005 Express edition in standard collation. And now I need to store data including letter "è" (I'm from Slovenia). Can please someone tell me how to change the collation in server and database, please?

Thanks in advanced,

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Changing SQL Collation On Database

Jan 11, 2008

Hi there,

We currently install some of client's databases on SQL Server 2000 with the collation set to Latin1_General_BIN but we have one client that was installed and now running on SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS and I was wondering if we can change the collation on the database to Latin1_General_BIN?

Would this have any adverse affects on the DB or the data within it? Our strings are nvarchar.

Thanks for your help

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Changing MSDB Collation

Mar 25, 2004

I support an applicatoin where the vendor requires the use of the LATIN_1_GENERAL_BIN sort collation in their user databases. Origionally, when I installed the instance, I did not select this sort collation for the instance. I have since gone back and reinstalled SQL Server with the correct sort collation. After that, I restored the vendors databases from backups I took prior to reinstalling the instnace and they retained the LATIN_1_GENERAL_BIN collation (the correct one).

I also restored the MSDB database to get all of my jobs back. When I did this, MSDB took the old sort collation (SQL_LATIN_1_GENERAL_CPI_CI_AS). MSDB is the only database that has this collation and I'm getting errors in the agent log complaining of collation conflicts. I'm pretty sure the fact that the MSDB sort collation is different that all the other databases is the thing that's causing these error messages.

My question is this: Is there any way to change the sort collation of MSDB without reinstalling SQL server? This is a clustered environment and everytime I've reloaded SQL, it's been cumbersome and taken me at least 1 day's work.

Also, I know there's a rebuild master utility that will rebuild master, model and MSDB, but when I tried that last time it failed and I had to reinstall SQL anyway. Does anyone know of a way around this or have any tips on using the rebuildmaster utility in a clustered environment?

Many thanks,

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Error Changing Name Collation

Jul 29, 2013

I am trying to change the name collation of a SQL database as an update script I am running needs the main collation to be SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

I have tried going into Properties and options then changing the collation type but I get this error

"The Database could not be exclusively locked to perform the operation. ALTER DATABASE failed. The default collation of database 'nutri93' cannot be set to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS."

I have tried SQL scripts that I have found to take the database into a single user mode but still get the same errror.

Usually its this Database nutri93 could not be locked exclusively

How I can change the collation type? Currently the only option seems to be a complete hard install of SQL Management Studio

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Are There Any Dangers Of Changing A Db Collation

Jan 23, 2007

i would like to change all my dbs to have the same collation, i wasnt involved in the creation of these dbs and therefor cant judge if this will be a dangrous thing to do... but itll help to change when performing queries, arre there any dangers in doing this?

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Changing Database Collation Setting?

Mar 6, 2012

I currently have a server with the collation set to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.

However, some of the databases within the server are set to Latin1_General_BIN, probably because they were restored from another server some time ago. Also, even within the databases that have Latin1_General_BIN, some of the columns are set to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, very confusing to say the least.

What i would like to do is change the database collation settings for these databases to match the server setting. I would also like to change all of the tables within these databases to have the columns also set to the server collation settings.

I'm looking for the steps that i would need to take to make sure i don't mess anything up as these databases have there own sets of views and sp's that run each day.

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Changing Collation When Installing SQL2000

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I'm installing SQL2000 on a new cluster server.I selected a 'custom installation' and was presented with a'Collation settings' screen.I need it to be SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collationas I will be restoring databases with this collation.What should I choose from the 'Collation designator' and 'SQLCollations' box.Is it 'Dictionary order, case-insensitive, for use with 1252characters'?What will be the default? Will it be the same default as for the'typical' installation?Thanks

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Transact SQL :: Changing Collation On Import

Sep 16, 2015

I'm importing data from a table on one database into a table in another database on the same instance. The FROM database is collated as "Latin1_General_CI_AS" and the TO database is collated as "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS".

When I then try joining on a common nvarchar column between the 2 tables, I get this error:

Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "Latin1_General_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.

Is there a way to change the collation of the incoming data as I'm inserting it into the TO table?

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Changing SQL 2005 Named Instance Collation (SQL_latin1_general_CP1_CI_AS)

Dec 20, 2007


I€™m creating a new named instance in SQL2005 , by default the instance created with €śLatin1_General_CI_AS€? collation.

I want to change this collation to €śSQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS€?, but sincerely I don€™t have a clue how to select it on the collation setting window :

thanks for your help.

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Get The Collation Name From A Collation ID

Oct 15, 2015

I am using SQL Server 2008. In ServerProperty function, there are two properties called “Collation” and “CollationID”. In some cases, I will only know the CollationID. Is it possible get the collation name from the CollationID? Is there a function called CollationNameFromID?

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How To Change Collation On Sysdiagram To Default Collation Of Database

Sep 15, 2014

I changed the default collation of a database and every table within that except sysDiagrams , which I can't even through the designer .

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Collation In Sql Server

Sep 20, 2006

Hi All,

I created one table 'test' with the field 'cname'[ datatype :ntext]
and tried to insert a row given below into the table


The query executed sucessfully. But my question is what is the use of collation? when is it useful?

I will be glad if you explain it with real example.

Thanks in advance


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Server Collation

Oct 11, 2006


In the properties of the server, the general page, the property Server Collation is "Modern_Spanish_CI_AS".

I need to know as I can change this property.

I have developed applications in platforms with different languages on Windows and when doing a consultation towards this server, happens a conflict.

I am using SQL 2005 Server Express Edition

Please ask me to my e-mail: or

Thanks and grettings

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Multiple Database-collation Running On One Server?

Mar 30, 2015

We are consolidating some old SQL server-environments from 'OLD' to 'NEW' and one of our vendors is protesting on behalve of the collation we use on our 'NEW' SQL server.

Our old server (SQL 2005) contains databases with collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

Our new server (2014) has the standard collation Latin1_General_CI_AS

Both collations have CI and AS

From experience I know different databases can reside next to eachother on the same Instance.

The only problem could be ('could be !!') the use of TempDB with a high volume of transaction to be executured in TempDB and choosing for Snapshot Isolation Level ....

The application the databases belong to is very static, hardly updated, and questioned only several time per hour (so no TempDB issue I guess).

using different databases using a different collation running on the same instance?

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SQL Server 2000 Migration To SQL Server 2005 Collation Change - Method?

Jan 24, 2008

Recently moved a SQL2000 database to SQL2005.
Collation on SQL 2000 database server was SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
Colaltion on SQL 2005 database server is Latin1_General_CI_AS

After restoring the SQL 2000 database on SQL 2005 we observed that the database collation was SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. We have altered the database collation to Latin1_General_CI_AS. We understand this will work for all new objects created on the database but existing objects (prior to the collation change) will continue to have the 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS' collation.

What is the best method to change the collation of the older columns to 'Latin1_General_CI_AS' -
1) Run ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN <colname> <datatype> COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS <nullability>
on each varchar/char column


2) For each table
BCP out data
RECREATE TABLE (taking the new collation Latin1_General_CI_AS)
BCP in data

3) Other methods?

Thanks in advance

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Linked Server : With Collation

Nov 21, 2007

Hi Guys

I am trying to create a Linked server on Sql Server 2000 with Collation
Latin1_General_CI_AS with an Sql 2005 Server having collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

When i created the Linked server using the MSDASQL Provider and try to expand the Linked server node It throws the following error

Cannot Resolve collation Conflict for equal to Operation

How do i resolve this problem?


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SQL Server 2005 Collation

Jan 11, 2007

Can someone plz help me, how can i change the collation of an existing database?

Thank you in advnace

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About Collation In Sql Server 2005

Mar 13, 2008

Thank you very much for your reply. I have one more question about collation. In my production server we have SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS and on other server (from where i want to move database to prod server) the collation is Latin1_General_CI_AI . can i move the database form one server to another even if they have different collation. The both servers are sql server 2005 and the production server is standard edition and the other server is developer edition. I wanted to move the databases from developer edition. Could some body help me with this. Thank you very much.

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SQL Server Collation Problem

Jul 31, 2006


Does anyone know if there is any way to work around the problem encountered when the database collation (sort order) is different from that of the SQL server collation. Under SQL 2000 I understand that we could have databases with different collcation under the same SQL server. When a store procedure uses the temp files, it would fail if the sort order of the database is different than that of the Tempdb which has the SQL server's sort oder. Is there any by pass ??

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DB Engine :: How To Get Collation Name From Collation ID

Oct 16, 2015

I am using SQL Server 2008. In ServerProperty function, there are two properties called “Collation” and “CollationID”. In some cases, I will only know the CollationID. Is it possible get the collation name from the CollationID? Is there a function called CollationNameFromID?

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Set Up Sql Server 2000 - Collation Settings

Apr 17, 2003

hi all,

I need to select collation settings to support chinese characters. As i came to know that i need to select 950 character set. But problem is that i am not able to find the option for chinese characters i.e, 950 character set in the collation settings of the setup. It will be helpful if anyone could suggest me if there is any other option to set while set up or in an existing sql server instance to support chinese character data.

Thanks in advance,

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Error In Sql Server Collation Conflict

Jun 26, 2007

I am facing the Follwing error:
Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Latin1_General_BIN" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.

Follwing is my Code:
code]select * from #temp_Table a
where ltrim(rtrim(Model_ID))+''+ltrim(rtrim(Set_Serial_Number)) in
(select ltrim(rtrim(b.Model_SerialNo)) from #temp_Table2 b where b.Auto_Id=1)[[/code]

So Please help me to proper solutions

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SQL Server 2005 Seccurity (Collation)

Dec 1, 2007

Dear Members..
I am facing a problem with SQL server 2005 Secc. I have a Server with server collation Arabic_CI_AS. And i have a databse in it which has a collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1256_CI_AS. The issue started with me when i am trying to create a Integrated seccuroty for some users in my firm. I have created a DatabaseRoll for in the database. There is no problem while creating it. I have added the user in the seccurity login on the server and then i added these users in the database Seccurity users. After that i applied the created roll to that users. It being created perfectly. But the issue is coming when i want to modify the seccurity policy (Seccurables) of any user from the database.
(Properties of Users --> Seccurables )
Its showing an error. as follows

Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.SmoEnum)
urn could not be resolved at level DatabaseRole.

I am not understanding why its coming with this situation.
Also sometimes its showing an error when i am trying to see the login prperties of that user in the database logins.
Server--> Seccurity --> Logins --> Properties --> Seccurables -->Err.
As follows
Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.SmoEnum)
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionInfo)
Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "Arabic_CI_AS" in the UNION operation. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 468)
Hope some body can help me in this....
Thanks in Advance....

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Collation Problem SERVER 7.0 AND 2005

Feb 11, 2008

we have a problem with the collation of databases between sql server 7.0 and SQL SERVER 2005. The message that pops up is next:

"Mensagge. 468, level 16, state 9, Line 1
Problem of collation can not be solved between "Compatibility_52_c0a_30001" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS of UNION command.

Te script is lanch from sqlserver 2005, and it doesn´t work with UNION command but it works if you lanch them separately.

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Collation Questions SQL Server 2005 SP2

Oct 10, 2007

A few collation questions on SQL Server 2005 SP2, which I'll call SQLS.The default collation for SQLS is apparently SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.I wish to use a variation of this, SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AIcollation, but there is no such collation returned fromfn_helpcollations(). Also, if I try to use this collation ina CREATE DATABASE stmt, SQLS yells about it.I see that there is a Latin1_General_CS_AI. What effects are therein using this collation? The SQL_* collations are SQL collations,while non-SQL_* collations are Windows collations, yes? SQLS runsonly on Windows, so am I safe in using Latin1_General_CS_AI? Whatdoes the CP1 in the SQL collation signify? Am I asking for trouble?------------------------------------Assuming that I set Latin1_General_CS_AI (or any other case-sensitivecollation) at the database level, I believe my DDL/DML for that databasealso becomes case-sensitive. How can I specify that I want ONLY my dataaccess to be case-sensitive, and not my DDL/DML? I don't want to haveto remember to type "select * from MyCamelCase" when "mycamelcase"should work.Any help appreciated.A new SQLS DBA..aj

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How To Change The Collation Name In SQL Server 2005

Jun 26, 2007

Pls, any one help me regarding the how to change the collation name of the server in SQL server 2005.

In SQL server 2000 we can do with rebuildm.exe, like that is there any one.

Thanks in advance

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SQL Server 2005 Collation Issue

Oct 31, 2007

Hello All-

Our production sql 2000 systems have collation setting as "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS". The new production db server[sql 2005] has been installed and configured with "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" collation.

The issue is with the dev est servers. A few of them has been configured with collation "Latin1_General_CI_AS". Recently I have noticed a string comparison failed with collation related message due to the serverdb collation difference.

I have not come across any specific collation recommendation from Microsoft. Are there any specific recommendations from Msft on collation? I can forsee issues, if we have to perform any testsany feautre development on a production copy in dev est environments which involves string comparisons.

This issue is more important since we are on a Migration path which involves large some number of servers in dev est environments. My recommendation to the team at our place was to rebuild the already configured servers which has "Latin1_General_CI_AS" collation and change the server collation to "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS".

I would really appreciate if you could share your thoughts on this issue.



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