Changing Databases In While Loop

May 1, 2008

I am trying to run an update query for 2 identical databases. I am using SQL 2000. Here is the code for the loop.
Declare @Locnum1 integer
set @Locnum1 = 0
While @locnum1 < 2
Update OpenJob
Set JobN = 15
WHERE (OpenJob.CustomerN = 183)
Set @Locnum1 = @Locnum1 + 1
When I run this code it runs the update query on DB1 twice instead of switching to db2. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.



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Dynamically Changing Task Name Displayed Within ForEach Loop Container

Oct 27, 2006

Does anyone know how to change the task name displayed within a ForEach Loop Container (or of the ForEach Loop Container task itself) based on a variable. I am pretty familiar with setting variable values during task execution and using expressions to alter task properties based on variables. I have tried using an expression to alter the value of the Name property of the ForEach Loop Container but the name of the ForEach Loop Container does not change during execution. Since the color of the various tasks change during execution, I would think that the task names could be changed as well.

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Stored Procedure To Loop Through Databases

Mar 16, 2015

We're running SQL Server 2008 and have run into a bit of a situation. We have 5 databases all with the same tables and we are trying to create a query that will loop through the different databases and output the results per company database. I originally did a cursor, but my boss wants the query to be in a more readable format:

His ideal wish would be the query in a stored procedure and the cursor to create the input parameter for the stored procedure for the different databases.I've tried looking through some forums and googling some possibilities but can't seem to make any sense of them.

declare @dbname varchar(100)
,@sql varchar(max)
createtable #TempDBs (
dbname nvarchar(100)
, Orig_Jnl int
, BaseRef int
, Posting_Date date


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Foreach Loop Though All Databases On A Server

Oct 8, 2007


I am trying to write an SSIS package that will look though all the databases on a server (in this case 2k server) and get the list of tables in each database

I have created a Execute SQL Task with select name from master..sysdatabases where name <> 'Tempdb'

This is connected to a Foreach Loop that uses Foreach ADO Enumerator on the first table from the var generated in step 1 (List of databases)

Within the Foreach loop there is a dataflow that has a a sql command

select @@servername SQLInstanceName
,db_name() DatabaseName
, name TableName
--, getdate() RecordDate
from sysobjects where type = 'u'

This should return all the tables in a database however the databases is not changing it just lists all the tables in the master database times the number of databases on the server

Can anyone point me in the correct direction for this one



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Connect To Multiple Databases In Foreach Loop

Jun 21, 2008

I have sql task inside a foreach loop which needs connection to multiple databases on different servers. I can pass the server name and the database name as a parameter. Can someone please tell me what steps to follow? Thanks in advance

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Query : Running A Job/step In A Loop For ALL Databases

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I've written a job to export user and database permissions for alld/b's on a server. As you can see below, the T-SQL commands are thesame for each d/b. Can anyone assist with regard to re-writing this sothat any new d/b's added do not require ammending the job (loop)?Thx,GC.use mastergoSELECT db_name()EXEC sp_helpuserEXEC sp_helprotect NULL, NULL, NULL, 'o s'use msdbgoSELECT db_name()EXEC sp_helpuserEXEC sp_helprotect NULL, NULL, NULL, 'o s'use test1goSELECT db_name()EXEC sp_helpuserEXEC sp_helprotect NULL, NULL, NULL, 'o s'use test2goSELECT db_name()EXEC sp_helpuserEXEC sp_helprotect NULL, NULL, NULL, 'o s'

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Changing Folder For Databases To Reside In?

Aug 11, 2005

Can I change the folder that the databases reside in for my installation of SQL Server?  I would like to have them in a folder on another drive, but I can't seem to find where the path is configured.Any help is appreciated.

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Changing Databases In An Stored Procedure

Aug 24, 1999

Hello all,

I have discovered that you cannot use the "USE" command in a stored procedure to change to another database.

Is there any way I can change to another database within a stored procedure besides calling another stored procedure on the database I want?



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Changing 'Filename' Attri. When Creating Databases

Jul 13, 2006

Obadiah writes "hello,

I am a newbie to developing .net applications unfortunately my boss and my colleaques think i am a pro (interview went too well) and i would like to get at least this months paycheck before am i here's my dumb question:

I want to create a SQL database from my application using stored procedures, however i want to be able to set the Filename attribute ('Filename = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$SARDONYXINSTANCEData estdb.mdf') by means of a input parameter to the stored procedure. like so...
Filename = @databasepath.

HERE is what i have:
CREATE PROCEDURE rico_dbasescript
@Databasepath varchar(100) = 'c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql$sardonyxinstancedataSardonyxrioctestdb.mdf' , @Databaselogpath varchar(100)= 'c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql$sardonyxinstancedataSardonyxrioctestdblog.ldf'

IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name = N'Sardonyxrioctestdb')
DROP DATABASE [Sardonyxrioctestdb]

CREATE DATABASE Sardonyxrioctestdb
( NAME = 'Sardonyxrioctestdb_dat',
FILENAME = @Databasepath,
--FILENAME ='c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql$sardonyxinstancedataSardonyxrioctestdb.mdf',
SIZE = 10,
( NAME = 'Sardonyxrioctestdb_log',
FILENAME = @Databaselogpath,
--FILENAME ='c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql$sardonyxinstancedataSardonyxrioctestdblog.ldf',

The above procedure works fine when Filename = 'c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql$sardonyxinstancedataSardonyxrioctestdb.mdf'
but bombs out when Filename = @Databaselogpath.

Thank you in advance."

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Destination Resets When Changing Selected Databases

Sep 19, 2006

I discovered that everytime I need to add a database to my backup Maintenance Plan, after I select the new database from the drop-down of databases, the Destination automatically resets back to a default location.

I'm assuming this is a bug that will be resolved at some point, but in the meantime, I need to see if there is a way I can deal with this permanently. I am not the only one adding databases to the backup routine so I can't verify that this setting is properly changed every time we have a new database (which is about once a week).

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Changing Compatibility Level Of System Databases

Jun 27, 2014

I have just upgraded a test server from sql server 2008 sp3 to sql server 2014 inplace upgrade. The compatability level of master database has not upgraded. It was showing 90 and the rest of system databases got updated to 120. Is it fine to update the compatibility level of master database ? Any precautions need to taken??

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Changing Drive Letter For System Database And User Databases

Oct 18, 2013

I have system database and user database file are present in G,H and W drive.The process is going to be - copy data from G to S, H to T, W to U. Rename G to X, H to Y and W to Z. Rename S to G, T to H and U to W. Reboot the servers. The original G, H and W will then be X, Y and Z. The old S will be the new G, old T will be H and old U will be W. My question is that after doing this whether my SQL server will start or not

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SQL Server 2008 :: Difference Between FOR LOOP And FOREACH LOOP?

May 28, 2010

difference between FOR LOOP and FOREACH LOOP with example(if possible) in SSIS.

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Loop Though Table Using RowID, Not Cursor (was Loop)

Feb 22, 2006

I have a table with RowID(identity). I need to loop though the table using RowID(not using a cursor). Please help me.

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Foreach Loop Doesn't Loop

Mar 3, 2006

I have a foreach loop that is supposed to loop through a recordset, however it doesn't loop. It just repeats the same row, row after row.

I would like to look into the recordset variable but I can't because it is a COM object and the ADODB namespace is not available in the script task.

Any solution to this? anyone experienced anything similar

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Fishing For A Clue. To Loop Or Not To Loop

Jul 8, 2006

I have a table called Tbltimes in an access database that consists of the following fields:

empnum, empname, Tin, Tout, Thrs

what I would like to do is populate a grid view the a select statement that does the following.

display each empname and empnum in a gridview returning only unique values. this part is easy enough. in addition to these values i would also like to count up all the Thrs for each empname and display that sum in the gridview as well. Below is a little better picture of what I€™m trying to accomplish.


|empnum | empname | Tin | Tout | Thrs |

| 1 | john | 2:00PM | 3:00PM |1hr |

| 1 | john | 2:00PM | 3:00PM | 1hr |

| 2 | joe | 1:00PM | 6:00PM | 5hr |


| 1 | John | 2hrs |

| 2 | Joe | 5hrs |

im using VWD 2005 for this project and im at a loss as to how to accomplish these results. if someone could just point me in the right direction i could find some material and do the reading.

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ForEach Loop Or For Loop??

Feb 23, 2006

I have source and destination table names in the database(one table) and I need to read the source and destination tables one by one...

My Lookp table is like the following...

Srn srctable desttable




Now I want one package to load from source to destination.. how do I do it.. I dont know how to use....

How do I run the pacakge for each of the rows... ..............................

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Linking Tables From Different Databases Or Querying From Multiple Databases

Dec 10, 2007

Dear Readers,Is it possible, like in Access, to link to tables in other SQL databases that are on the same server? I have a query that I originally had in Access that queered from multiply databases. It did this by having those other tables in the other databases linked to the database that had the query. 

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Service Broker Not Working For Restored Databases (SQL 2000 Databases Restored On 2005)

Jan 24, 2006

I just restored my SQL server 2000 database on the SQL server 2005. after this i ran the Service broker sample ("Hello World") on this database by changing the AdventureWorks name to the new database name. The "setup.sql" runs fine. When i run the "SendMessage.sql" i was not getting any rows in the output (The message was not getting inserted into the queue). I checked the Service broker is enabled on this databased using the query "select is_broker_enabled from sys.databases where name = 'newdbname' " It was 1. I even tried the ALTER DATABASE SET ENABLE_BROKER. but it didnt work.

When i tried the sample on a newly created database it worked fine.

Is there any solution to make the restored database to work for service broker.



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Copying Databases Between Databases

Feb 8, 2000

hi from France !!!

i would like how to duplicate a database to another server with all datas, constraints, keys, indexes...
should i use sp_attach_db, dts, backup/restore, sql scripts... ???

thanks to all, nico

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How Do You LOOP In T-SQL?

Aug 20, 2007

I used to loop through recordsets with ease in old classic .asp pages.
Please Help me understand how Professionals now loop through and update tables using JUST SQL Query Analyzer using my pseudo-code provided below.
I would love to learn how to do it to better develop my skills.
 SELECT * FROM zz_2007_Booth_Visitors
WHERE COALESCE ([Product Interest - Other Actuator],
[Product Interest - Chillers],
[Product Interest - Other Chiller],
[Product Interest - Electronic Products],
[Product Interest - Other network interfaces],
[Product Interest - Fittings],
[Product Interest - High Vacuum],
[Product Interest - Other high vacuum actuators],
[Product Interest - Pick& Place and Transfer],
[Product Interest - Teflon Products],
[Product Interest - Training],
[Product Interest - Valves& Manifolds],
[Product Interest - Actuators]) Is Not Null
Order BY [Contact Name]

IF [Product Interest - Actuators] IS NOT NULL THEN
UPDATE Booth_Visitors_Data Set Act_Phuematic = 1 Where [Contact Name] = [Contact Name]

IF [Product Interest - Other Actuator] IS NOT NULL THEN
UPDATE Booth_Visitors_Data Set Act_Electric = 1 Where [Contact Name] = [Contact Name]

IF [Product Interest - Other Chillers] IS NOT NULL THEN
UPDATE Booth_Visitors_Data Set Chiller = 1 Where [Contact Name] = [Contact Name]

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For Loop

Jan 12, 2008

Dear All.
 Have a nice day.
I have db table, I need to update all fields of table.
Please can you write code," for loop " how can update all fields of my table by loop.

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While Loop

Mar 3, 2008

Hello everyone,I've got this While loop here which is giving me a problem:WHILE (SELECT ProductId FROM _ShoppingCart WHERE CartId = @CartId) IS NOT NULLBEGIN            DECLARE @ProdId int, @ProdSize varchar, @ProdQuan int            SELECT @ProdId = ProductId, @ProdSize = ProductSize, @ProdQuan = Quantity FROM _ShoppingCart WHERE CartId = @CartId                                   If @ProdSize = 'XL'            BEGIN                UPDATE                    _ProductBatches                SET                    XL = '0'                WHERE                    ProductId = @ProdId            END            DELETE FROM _ShoppingCart WHERE ProductId = @ProdId AND CartId = @CartIdEND The problem is that the IF statement isn't being executed. And I know for a fact that 'XL' is ProductSize in my _ShoppingCart database. Whats even stranger is that my delete statement is being executed. So @ProdId is Being set correctly, but when it gets to the IF @ProdSize = 'XL' it doesn't get executed for some reason. If @ProdId is being recognized correctly in my DELETE statement, why is my @ProdSize not being reconized correctly in my IF statement. I checked my _ShoppingCart database, and my ProductSize is definitely 'XL'. Can any one see what could be going on here.  Thank you, Alec 

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More Of This While Loop

Mar 4, 2008

Hello everyone...... I'm trying to do the following but am having issues:WHILE (SELECT ProductId FROM _ShoppingCart WHERE CartId = @CartId) IS NOT NULLBEGIN        execute code with item......... erase itemEND      In the while loop I want to execute code from each item in my _ShoppingCart and then erase them until there are no more items. However the above code gives me the error: "Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted........" It works fine when there is only one item. Does any one know what format to use when dealing with more that one entry?  Thank you, Alec 

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For Next Loop

Sep 21, 2000

I am trying to find a way of using a loop that won't be an endless loop because I have to insert parts of a string until the string reaches the end. I am unable to make the loop get to a point where the statement is false.

Is there anyway I can find out the length of the string so that I can tell the statement to loop while the statement is true?


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For Loop

Jan 26, 2004

HeaderLoop: for forHeader as curHeader dynamic scroll cursor for
select lngALSHeadrID from "DBA".ALSHEADR where lngFedTaxID>0 do
set AcctNum=lngALSHeadrID;
exec "DBA".sp_ALSHeadr2Policy(AcctNum);
set Cntr=Cntr+1
end for;

The above is the sybase version of a 'for loop' . The query
select lngALSHeadrID from "DBA".ALSHEADR where lngFedTaxID>0 results in 1000 results.
How do I change that in SQL?? Do we have a for loop ??
I checked in BOL but it is confusing with "browse" etc n some other options.

can I write like this?

for { Browse { declare curHeader dynamic cursor for
select lngALSHeadrID from "DBA".ALSHEADR where lngFedTaxID>0 }
set @AcctNum=lngALSHeadrID;
exec "DBA".sp_ALSHeadr2Policy(@AcctNum);
set @Cntr=@Cntr+1

I duno its just my guess, can any one help me out. @Cntr and @Acctnum are declared
in the beginnning.


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Loop Help

Apr 11, 2008

I get the following results on a view.

Job | Qty | Desc
06-182 | 1 | B1011
06-324 | 2 | A1102
99-999 | 4 | AB839

What I would like is the following.

Job | Qty | Desc
06-182 | 1 | B1011
06-324 | 1 | A1102
06-324 | 1 | A1102
99-999 | 1 | AB839
99-999 | 1 | AB839
99-999 | 1 | AB839
99-999 | 1 | AB839

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Loop Won't End.

Apr 18, 2008

I have a loop is running with no end point. What I'm trying to do is get the Grand total of each row where BudgetNodeID = 120. Your help is much appreciated.


Set NoCount on
Declare @Amt as bigint
Declare @Cont as bigint
Declare @Mark as Bigint
Declare @Total as bigint
Declare @BudgetNodeID as Bigint
Declare @GTotal as bigint
Set @BudgetNodeID ='120'
Set @Amt = 0
set @Cont = 0
set @Mark = 0
set @GTotal = 0

While exists (Select * from xBudgetNodeCosts where BudgetNodeID =@BudgetNodeID) Begin
select @Amt = IsNull(xBudgetNodeCosts.Qty,0) * IsNull(xBudgetNodeCosts.CostRate,0)
xBudget ON xBudgetNode.BudgetID = xBudget.BudgetID INNER JOIN
xBudgetNodeCosts ON xBudgetNode.BudgetNodeID = xBudgetNodeCosts.BudgetNodeID left JOIN
xProposalChanges pc on xbudgetnodecosts.ProposalChangeID = pc.ProposalChangeID
WHERE (xBudgetNodeCosts.BudgetNodeID = @BudgetNodeID) AND (xBudget.IsActive = '1') AND (xbudgetnodecosts.ProposalChangeID IS NULL OR

select @Cont = @Amt * (xBudgetNodeCosts.Contingency/100)
xBudget ON xBudgetNode.BudgetID = xBudget.BudgetID INNER JOIN
xBudgetNodeCosts ON xBudgetNode.BudgetNodeID = xBudgetNodeCosts.BudgetNodeID left JOIN
xProposalChanges pc on xbudgetnodecosts.ProposalChangeID = pc.ProposalChangeID
WHERE (xBudgetNodeCosts.BudgetNodeID = @BudgetNodeID ) AND (xBudget.IsActive = '1') AND (xbudgetnodecosts.ProposalChangeID IS NULL OR
select @Mark = @Cont * (xBudgetNodeCosts.Markup/100)
xBudget ON xBudgetNode.BudgetID = xBudget.BudgetID INNER JOIN
xBudgetNodeCosts ON xBudgetNode.BudgetNodeID = xBudgetNodeCosts.BudgetNodeID left JOIN
xProposalChanges pc on xbudgetnodecosts.ProposalChangeID = pc.ProposalChangeID
WHERE (xBudgetNodeCosts.BudgetNodeID = @BudgetNodeID) AND (xBudget.IsActive = '1') AND (xbudgetnodecosts.ProposalChangeID IS NULL OR
-- compute the sell

select @Total = @Amt + @Cont + @Mark

-- add to grand total
Select @GTotal = Sum(@Total+ @GTotal)

select @GTOtal

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Jun 17, 2008


I want to loop this command with a pause. It must run every 30 min to refresh my query. Can anyone assist me.

select * from BULKPICKXLOC


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For To Next Or Do While Loop In SP

Apr 11, 2006

Exist a funtion that I can use in a SP that do something like the for to next or Do while Loop do?

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While Loop

Jan 30, 2007

I need to keep the first 4 values above 80 or the first 2 values above 90. If there are not enough, I need to keep as many values as possible. Should this be done with a while loop, if so, how would it be done.

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Mar 13, 2007

i have this SP to tally up my inventory tables.. im finding a way to loop through my table tblitemdetail to get necessary parameter to be insert into my other SP (SP_StkAdj_tbl_alignmt) that should accept this params (from the itemdetail) :-
@ItemID ='',
@CustomLotNo ='',
@StockID ='0950-4388',
@RecvOwn ='OWN',
@ConsignorID ='JAB1MY'
EG:i will GROUP BY my itemdetail so it will give me the x records of data with :-

SELECT ItemID, CustomLotNo, Ownership, ConsignorID, RecvUDF1, RecvUDF2, RecvUDF3, ownerstatus
FROM tblItemDetail
GROUP BY ItemID, CustomLotNo, Ownership, ConsignorID, RecvUDF1, RecvUDF2, RecvUDF3,ownerstatus

with the result then, i need to insert the param into the SP:SP_StkAdj_tbl_alignmt so that it perform the calculation.

so i guess this will need some looping from the result set i get from the group by and some Sp calling from main Sp

~~~Focus on problem, not solution~~~

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While Loop

Apr 18, 2007

hi all, ive no idea what's wrong with my while loop nested in IF .. it only work correctly when i remove the while from IF :-

IF @Picktype='FI'
-- Insert data into @Stage to play around
DECLARE@Stage TABLE (RecID INT IDENTITY(1, 1), ItemStorageID VARCHAR(12), Qty MONEY, RecvDate DATETIME,BB char(1))

WHILE (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(Qty), 0) FROM @Stage) < @WantedValue AND @@ROWCOUNT > 0
INSERT@Stage (ItemStorageID, Qty, RecvDate, BB)
SELECT TOP 1t1.ItemStorageID,
FROM#DataList AS t1
LEFT JOIN@Stage AS s ON s.ItemStorageID = t1.ItemStorageID
ORDER BYt1.RecvDate,
t1.Qty DESC

IF (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(Qty), 0) FROM @Stage) >= @WantedValue
select * from #DataList
correct result after i remove the while from inside IF

DECLARE@Stage TABLE (RecID INT IDENTITY(1, 1), ItemStorageID VARCHAR(12), Qty MONEY, RecvDate DATETIME,BB char(1))

WHILE (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(Qty), 0) FROM @Stage) < @WantedValue AND @@ROWCOUNT > 0
INSERT@Stage (ItemStorageID, Qty, RecvDate, BB)
SELECT TOP 1t1.ItemStorageID,
FROM#DataList AS t1
LEFT JOIN@Stage AS s ON s.ItemStorageID = t1.ItemStorageID
ORDER BYt1.RecvDate,
t1.Qty DESC

IF @pickType='FI'
IF (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(Qty), 0) FROM @Stage) >= @WantedValue

~~~Focus on problem, not solution~~~

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