Changing SQL String Of A DataReader At Runtime

Apr 22, 2008


I am connecting to an Intersystems Cache' database and extracting data with a DataReader.

Does anyone have a suggestion or example on how to change the SQL String at runtime?

Everything I could find only dealt with setting the SQL String at design time.

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Changing The Connection String At Runtime? C# 2.0

Oct 24, 2007

How can i change the connection string at runtime?

Scenario is, I want my customer to enter server name, database name, and some parameters at the installation time then i will use these entries to build the connection string and persist it into the app.config.

also not only at installation time but also at runtime while the program is running. i wanna make these entries as options which can be modified at any time

so, How can i do that ?

Thanks in advance

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Programmatically Changing A DataReader's SQL Statement

Oct 26, 2005


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Error When Changing The Length On DataReader Source

Nov 3, 2006

I am trying to import data from Oracle RDB into SQL Server 2005 using SSIS. Created a ODBC data source to connect to Oracle and used DataReader Source component and to connect to the ODBC data source.

Under the Component properties tab, the SQL Command looks something like this.


The data type for the source columns are Integer, Varchar(30) and DATE VMS.

Now when I look at the Input and Output properties window,

The External columns has the following data types.

ID - four-byte signed integer [DT_I4]
ADDRESS - Unicode string [DT_WSTR], length = 0
REVISED - database timestamp [DT_DBTIMESTAMP]

The Output columns has the following data types

ID - four-byte signed integer [DT_I4]
ADDRESS - Unicode string [DT_WSTR], length = 0
REVISED - database timestamp [DT_DBTIMESTAMP]

When I tried to change the length of the ADDRESS on the output column, I get the following error.

Error at Data Flow Task [DataReader Source [1]]: The data type of output columns on the component "DataReader Source" (1) cannot be changed.

Error at Data Flow Task [DataReader Source [1]]: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0xC020837D)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.DataReaderSourceAdapter.SetOutputColumnDataTypeProperties(Int32 iOutputID, Int32 iOutputColumnID, DataType eDataType, Int32 iLength, Int32 iPrecision, Int32 iScale, Int32 iCodePage)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostSetOutputColumnDataTypeProperties(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Int32 iOutputID, Int32 iOutputColumnID, DataType eDataType, Int32 iLength, Int32 iPrecision, Int32 iScale, Int32 iCodePage)

Is this the default length for the Unicode string type. I was not able to load the ADDRESS column as it gets truncated before I load it into destination. Even if I use Derived or Data Conversion transformation, the ADDRESS is getting truncated before it reaches this transformation.

Any thoughts.


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Changing The DataSource At Runtime

Feb 21, 2007

I have to create a script for changing the datasource at runtime.

Here is my screnario, While development I am using Data source name called "DevDatasource1" and when I am deploying it to other evnironment the datasource name will change let us say "QADatasource".

I have to create a script for changing the datasource(i.e. DevDatasource1 to QADatasource). How I can achieve I this using the setItemdatasource?

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Changing Variable Value At Runtime

Oct 19, 2007

I am relatively new to SSIS.
Please advice me on how to change the value of a variable during runtime.
i.e. user should be able to key in the value.


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Changing XML Source To A Variable At Runtime

Apr 12, 2007

Hiya guys,

The question:

Can I design data flows with an XML Source pointing to file system xml files, and but run them against variables? I can see the properties at design time (Accessmode=0,1,2; XMLDataVar="User::XMLData), but the XMLSource object doesn't appear to have expressions enabled to change this at runtime, nor do these properties seem to be exposed to configurations.

The scenario:

I have a package that reads through (potentially thousands) of XML files, and having identified the embedded message "type", transforms them via XSLT to an easier XML format (XML Datasource can't cope well with multiple namespaces etc). Then send this the new file off to a type specific dataflow task to send contents to database.

For performance (and other) reasons I'd rather XSLT to a single shared variable and use this variable as the XML source in the data flows (Rather than writing out to the filesystem [via xslt] and immediately reading it back in each time [via datasource]).

But designing the data flow task using a variable as xml source is frustrating for a bunch of reasons - not the least being:

(a) The variable needs to be populated with sample xml data at design time. But this could only ever match one dataflow at a time (fine at run time, but painful at designtime - leading to validation errors popping up all around the place.)

Yes I could have a seperate variable for each xmlsource - but that just makes things more complicated up front and also leaves me with 20+ large, type specific, xml variables floating around at runtime of which only one is ever being used per import - which just doesn't feel right to me.

(b) populating the variable with sample xml at design time is painful due to it being a string - and not accepting hard returns etc that are in text files, design time changes etc)

Using a file XML source at design time is infinitely easier, when I get a design time change - I can just amend the XSLT and run the appropriate task to produce a sample XML file to design against.

Any ideas?



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Dynamically Changing Web Service Task Parameters At Runtime?...

Aug 15, 2005

Okay, this one might stump you guys.

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Changing Header Rows To Skip Property In Flat File Connection During Runtime

Dec 21, 2006

Hi all

I have a flat file.I am trying to set the value for the property "HeaderRowsToSkip" during runtime.I have set an expression for this in my "flat file connection manager". But this is not working.The connection manager is not able to take the value during runtime.

My expression is as follows:

DataRowsToSkip : @[user:: Var]

where "Var" is my variable which gets the value from the rowcount component and trying to set it back to the "HeaderRowsToskip" property.

I ve even tried setting the value to the "HeaderRowsToSkip" property in the expression builder.

Its not working....

Can anyone help me out in solving this????

Thanks in advance



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Frror: 4000 Max String Literal In Expression For Datareader Component

Apr 15, 2006

Hi, I have a datareader component of which i am dynamically setting its sqlcommand statement with expression (click the background of dataflow > properties > expressions). Now my sql select statement has about 600 fields so that makes my expression statment "select field1, field2, .....from table1 where field2 >=" + @[User::dateforfield2] but when i evalute the expresssion (which is right), i get the error: A string literal in the expression exceeds the maximum allowed length of 4000 character and i think its because of the fields in my select statment causing my string literal to grow more than 4000 characters. Is there any way to increase the max string literal for expressions. Please help.

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Changing Datetime To String?

Sep 15, 2004

As in the database, i made a few columns in the forum table.
date(datetime) 15/09/2004 3.35PM
author(char) John

Select datetime + '<br>' + author from forum

it claimed there is an error on this datetime.

By right, the result should be

15/09/2004 3.35PM

can anyone help me how i could get the result out without having to change date's properties in the sql database?

Will be greatly appreciated if help gets ard.

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Changing The 6th Character Of A String?

Oct 11, 2005

In a column I have some values for part names. The 6th character tellsyou where the part came from, and this is the same scheme for everysingle part in the database.If I want to do something like return the basic name of a given part,without the factory identifier character, I need to replace thatcharacter with a '_' character. (So for instance '11256CA' and'11265AA' and '11256MA' would all just get turned into '11256_A' andonly one row would be returned in the SELECT DISTINCT statement)I know how to replace an instance of a given character using replace(),but how can I alter a specific character in a string if all I know isthe index of the character within the string?TIA,-CS

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Changing String In A .txt File

May 12, 2008

I need to change a string in a .txt file using .NET, the .NET code will be executed by an SSIS package and the file needs to be changed so it can be used by another process which looks at that specific line (line 9 value: 'set ASOF=20080424'), for that specific date string.

What method in .NET can I use to perform this task? Should be very simple, correct?

Thanks in advance for the help!

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Changing The Connection String On The Fly....

Nov 21, 2006

Now that I have figured out how to connect to a foxpro database...

Could anyone tell me how to change the connection string on the fly?

I would like to make it possible, from the command line (using dtexec) to specify a portion of the connection string.... incorportate this portion into the connection string and then instruct the connection manager to use this connection...

For example I have a number of foxpro databases to import, they will be place in a directory structure like this:

TopLevelNewYork ransactions.dbf
TopLevelLondon ransactions.dbf
TopLevelSydney ransactions.dbf

I'd like the user to be able to specify which city's files to load each time the package is run..

dtexec /f MyPackage /set Package.Variables[User::THECITY].Properties[Value];"London"

And when the package starts the THECITY variable would take the value "London"

But I'm not sure how to then affect the connection string property of the connection manager... there seems to be no way to specify that it take its connection string property from an expression...

So I'm lookin for some way which would cause the Connection String property of the coneection manager to become:
Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};sourcedb=d:TopLevelLondon;sourcetype=DBF;exclusive=No;backgroundfetch=Yes;collate=Machine;

Jsut to recap, the provider for this connection manager
is a ".Net ProvidersOdbc Data Provider" which I've been forced to use becasue the OLEDb provider for Foxpro has been rendered useless by service pack 1

Thanks in advance

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Changing Date To String Of Numbers

May 27, 2006

I basic question but can someone help.

I have a SELECT statement, the result of which populates a
datagrid.  The first column has consecutive dates in it and I want
to hyperlink each date to a seperate Javascript function (the
Javascript is created on the fly and is unique for each date).  I
need a different function name for each function and so tried the date
but "/" is not allowed in the Javasript function name.  I think
the easiest way will be to produce a new column with the date expresses
ddmmyyyy, ddmmyy or some such unique number (but not dd/mm/yyyy). 
I tried :-

    "CASE " & _
    "WHEN = THEN (DAY(t3.Date) + MONTH(t3.Date) + YEAR(t3.Date)) ELSE NULL END AS [javaKey]

but this adds the year to the month to the day - not a unique result as 1/2/06 and 2/1/06 are the same.

I am just getting to grips with VB.Net (as an amature) but am a distinct beginner at SQL!

Many thanks


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Changing Connection String To Data Source

Sep 4, 2007

Can I change databases for a SqlDataSource in code behind and still use the edit,inset,delete capabilities of the SQLDataSource control?

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Changing Connection String In SSIS Package ???

Feb 5, 2007


I create a SSIS Package for ETL on my own machine. During development database was also on my machine. For access to this database an OLE DB connection was defined within a package in BI Development Studio. Everything worked well both in debug mode and testing package itself.

Finally I need to load data to a database on a different machine using this package.

I used several scenaries:

1) simply copied the package-file to estination machine, open it for execution, in section "Connection Managers" I edited connection string manually - changed server name and Initial Catalog. And try to execute.

2) on the destination machine I manually created an OLE DB connection (using Microsoft Data Link) to a different database (test succeded), Changed the extention of the connection file 'udl' for ' txt ' and copied its connection string to the field connection string in section "Connection Managers" (pointed in variant 1) ).

3) use Package Configurations, copied the deployment to destination machine, installed the package the way like written here - Changed exported properties - Server name, Initial Catalog and also the whole Connection String. Also try to execute.

In all cases I recieved the same error execution message :

"Errors in the metadata manager. Either the database with ID of " OLD_DATABASE_NAME " does not exist in the server with ID of " NEW_SERVER_NAME " or the user does not have permissions to access the object."

As for access (username/pass) settings they are the same for both of them, I have the same administrative rights on both machines. And more with the same rights the ole db connection made was made manually in variant 2 - succeded!!! So I don't think the problem is here.

As for Error message - I think somewhere the OLD name of database (Initial Catalog) is saved, though I tried to change it. Though the NEW value for the server name is substituted.

Please, help me. I don't know what else can I try. And it is not a single case for my practice. So I think - something wrong in my actions.

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Changing Connection String In Multiple Packages.

Mar 29, 2006


130 dtsx packages using 4 matching connections.
3 of those connections are stored in an SSIS Configuration table in an Operational database.
The last connection is in a shared data source and points to the Operational database so the packages can grab the others.


It's time for deployment and all of those connections must change to production servers.
The 3 are no issue, just change the ConfiguredValue in the SSIS Configuration table on the production box to point to the other production servers.
However, the fourth one... I had made an assumption that when you changed a shared data source it filtered down throughout all the packages. We all know what assumptions do to you.... So. I need a way to change all 130 connections (and be able to change ALL packages quickly and simply for other projects in the future)


It has been suggested that we use another package to run though all of the packages and change the connection with a script task. I can live with this (and more importantly so can our DBS's who have to deploy).

I have one snippet of code to ADD a connection using a variable holding the connection string, but we dont' want to add one, just change an existing one.

Has anyone else done this? Or had a similar problem and way to fix?

We are likely to have many projects in which the connections MUST change at deployment, and the idea of going into every package to make the change is sad at best... We would be more likely to move back to a competitor's product that has a connection repository, than continue with SSIS.

Ches Weldishofer
ETL Developer
Clear Channel Communications

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Changing SQL Server Connection String Based On User.

Mar 1, 2007

I’m working with a team of programmers who are in the process of upgrading an older ASP application to ASP.NET 2.0 (VB).  The existing application connects to the SQL Server Database using different Logins, depending on the User logged into the ASP Application.
We are hoping to do the same using ASP.NET 2.0, although we haven’t been able to find a simple solution.  The most feasible solution we have found includes programmatically trapping all the Selecting etc events and changing the SqlConnection at run time.  This allow for ease during Designing of the Web Pages, but implementation requires adding code to each web page (>100 pages).
We are hoping there may be a simple solution which can be implemented once for the application where the event can be trapped at the application level, and the SqlConnection set at this point.  Or possibly another type of solution such as creating a new class etc that can be used?
Does anyone have a simple solution where the username / password for the Database Connection can be set at run time?

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Why Am I Getting An Error Runtime Error Conversion String Type Pr_h_reqby To Int

Jan 17, 2007

here is my code the falue of pr_h_reqby is "Test" 
Dim strconn As New SqlConnection(connstring)
Dim myReqdata As New DataSet
Dim mycommand As SqlDataAdapter
Dim sqlstr As String = "select pr_H_reqby from tbl_pr_header where pr_h_recid = " & recid & ""
mycommand = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlstr, strconn)
mycommand.Fill(myReqdata, "mydata")
If myReqdata.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
'lblReqID.Text = myReqdata.Tables(0).Rows("reqid").ToString
lblNameVal.Text = myReqdata.Tables("mydata").Rows("pr_H_reqby").ToString()
lblEmailVal.Text = myReqdata.Tables("mydata").Rows("pr_h_reqemail").ToString()
lblReqDateVal.Text = myReqdata.Tables("mydata").Rows("pr_h_reqdate").ToString()
lblneedval.Text = myReqdata.Tables("mydata").Rows("pr_h_needdt").ToString()
lblDeptval.Text = myReqdata.Tables("mydata").Rows("pr_h_dept").ToString()
txtbxReqDesc.Text = myReqdata.Tables("mydata").Rows("pr_h_projdesc").ToString()
End If

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Edit Connection Manager Connection String At Runtime With C#

Jul 3, 2007

This is the first time I have used SSIS, so please bear with the ignorance.

I have a super simple package that inserts x000's of rows into a temporary table. The data source is a file that the user will upload. I need to be able to tell the package what file to upload. I'm thinking the simplest thing would be to edit the connectionString property of the SourceConnectionFlatFile at runtime. Is this possible? What form should the file path be in (UNC, other)? And, are there any other considerations I should be aware of?


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How To Configure A Dataflow Task Having A Runtime Source Table Name And A Runtime Destination Table Name

Apr 18, 2008


I am having a Data flow task in For each loop which will gets 100 sourcetable names and 100 target table names...

am having a simpleData flow task which trasferes from OLEDBSource to OLEDBDestination.
I am repeating the Dataflow task which transfers from sourcetablename extracted from for loop to a destination table var.

The problem am gettting is for the first table it is able to transfer correcly because I did mapping for those tables at design time...but for the next coming sourcetable-desttable (which r having different no of cols,datatypes) its giving Validation failed...and...needs to refresh metadata....

is there any way to refresh the metadata of Data flow task (I set the property of OLEDBSource validate external meta to false then also same error is coming)


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Datareader Destination As Source For Other Datareader Source ?

Aug 30, 2006


as far as I know from docs and forum datareader is for .NET data in memory. So if a use a complex dataflow to build up some data and want to use this in other dataflow componens - could i use data datareader source in the fist dataflow and then use a datareader souce in the second dataflow do read the inmemoty data from fist transform to do fursther cals ?

how to pass in memory data from one dataflow to the next one (i do not want to rebuild the logic in each dataflow to build up data data ?

Is there a way to do this ? and is the datareader the proper component ? (because its the one and only inmemory i guess, utherwise i need to write to temp table and read from temp table in next step) (I have only found examples fro .NET VB or C# programms to read a datareader, but how to do this in SSIS directly in the next dataflow?


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Help With Datareader

Jun 8, 2007

Hey guys, whats an easy way to pass a value into a stored procodure?
 I tried the code below but I keep on getting a "Procedure 'sp_InsertData' expects parameter '@gpiBatchNo', which was not supplied." error. My stored proc basically gets inserts the passed variable into a databaseSqlConnection sqlSecConnection = new SqlConnection(sqlPriConnString);SqlCommand sqlSecCommand = new SqlCommand();
sqlSecCommand.Connection = sqlSecConnection;
sqlSecCommand.CommandText = "sp_InsertData";sqlSecCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;sqlSecCommand.Parameters.Add("@gpiBatchNo", SqlDbType.NVarChar) ;
sqlSecConnection.Open();int returntype = sqlSecCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();

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How Can I Use Datareader

Oct 20, 2007

This code is currently loading my DataGridView
How can i change this to use the Datareader

Dim myConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=ANTEC30SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=test;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False")

Dim myCmd As SqlCommand = myConnection.CreateCommand()


myCmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.Text

myCmd.CommandText = "Select * From tblParts"

Dim myDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(myCmd)

Dim myDataSet As DataSet = New DataSet()


DataGridView1.DataSource = myDataSet.Tables(0)

View 7 Replies View Related

DataReader Access

Feb 22, 2007

I am facing a problem to access datareader... actually i want to get data on lables from datareader. actually i am having one table having only one column and i hav accessed all data into datareader but the problem is that i just want to get data row by row...
For example there are four labels Label1, Label2, Label3, Label4
and want to print the data from datareader on to thease labels....
plz do reply... i am in trouble

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DataReader And DataAdapter

Feb 28, 2007

Hi,    What is the difference b/w sqldatareader and sqldataadapter? For what purpose are they used in a database connection & how do they differ from each other? Pls explain me in detail.Regards Vijay.

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Dataset Or Datareader?

Jun 20, 2007

i need help to know what is the best practice
i have a stored proc which returns 4 different resultselts
will that be easy to use dataset or datareader?
my purpose of using dataset/datareader is to load the data in a class

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Datareader Problem

Aug 20, 2007

I cant seem to get this working right...I have a datareader which i loop through...i want to test each value to see if its null but i cant get the syntax right.  
I know i use dr.item("columnname") or dr(0) to pick a certain column but i dont know the column names and want to check them all anyway.  What is the syntax to do this.
Thanks for any help...this is prob very simple but just cant see it.
--------------------------------------------While dr.Read
If dr(0) Is System.DBNull.Value Then
Return "test"End If
End While

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Problem With Datareader

Aug 25, 2007

Hello     i creae one programm, there is an two data reader and two Gridview or datagrid , and my programm have one error my programm is there  using System;using System.Data;using System.Configuration;using System.Collections;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Data.SqlClient;public partial class aries : System.Web.UI.Page{    SqlConnection con;    SqlCommand cmd;    SqlDataReader dr;    SqlDataReader dr1;    SqlCommand cmd1;        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        string str;        str = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DBconnect"];        con = new SqlConnection(str);        con.Open();        cmd = new SqlCommand("select color from zodiac_color where Sno=1", con);        dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();        GridView1.DataSource = dr;        GridView1.DataBind();        cmd1=new SqlCommand("select number from zodiac_number where Sno=1",con);        dr1 = cmd.ExecuteReader();        GridView2.DataSource = dr1;        GridView2.DataBind();    }}  i want to calll two value in a same database but the table is diffrent so please help me ?The error is ::---------    There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first. please help me ashwani kumar 

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Datareader Problem

Apr 9, 2008

hi to all , check this once..this all data related to bus seats SeatNo1,SeatNo2 seats varchar in databaseSt1,St2    status(bit in database sqlserver2000) All my code is working when reader[i + 2].ToString() == "True" is remove from code plz tell me solution gow to ckeck status with datareaderSqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("Select SeatNo1,SeatNo2,St1,St2 from tblSts where
BUSID='S0008'", sqlCon);



reader = command.ExecuteReader();

        int x =



(int i = 0; i <= reader.FieldCount - 1; i++)


                x = (i + 1);

                System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label myLabel = ((System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label)(Page.FindControl(("Label"
+ x))));

                System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox myCheckbox = ((System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox)(Page.FindControl(("Checkbox"
+ x))));

(reader[i].ToString() != "NULL"
&& reader[i + 2].ToString() == "True"))


                    myLabel.Text =

                    myCheckbox.Checked = false;




                    myLabel.Text =

                    myCheckbox.Visible = false;





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Datareader Timeout

Apr 25, 2008

In my web site I call all the content from the database with the use of querystrings. I use datareader to call the data each time a request appears from the querystring.  Although I close all the connections I still get occasionally the following error:
Timeout expired the timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occured because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.
If it is not a programming error then what could it be? I use sql server 2005 and vs 2005 2.0 .

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Open Datareader

May 2, 2008

"There is already an open datareader associated with this command which must be closed first." 
I have received this same error before, but I'm not sure why I'm getting it here.'Create a Connection object.
MyConnection = New SqlConnection("...............................")

'Check whether a TMPTABLE_QUERY stored procedure already exists.
MyCommand = New SqlCommand("...", MyConnection)

With MyCommand
'Set the command type that you will run.
.CommandType = CommandType.Text

'Open the connection.

'Run the SQL statement, and then get the returned rows to the DataReader.
MyDataReader = .ExecuteReader()

'Try to create the stored procedure only if it does not exist.
If Not MyDataReader.Read() Then
.CommandText = "create procedure tmptable_query as select * from #temp_table"

End If

.Dispose() 'Dispose of the Command object.
MyConnection.Close() 'Close the connection.
End With
As you can see, the connection is opened and closed, and the datareader is closed.   Here's what comes next...'Create another Connection object.
ESOConnection = New SqlConnection("...")

If tx_lastname.Text <> "" Then
If (InStr(sqlwhere, "where")) Then
sqlwhere = sqlwhere & " AND lname like '" & Replace(tx_lastname.Text, "'", "''") & "%'"
sqlwhere = " where lname like '" & Replace(tx_lastname.Text, "'", "''") & "%'"
End If
End If
If tx_firstname.Text <> "" Then
If (InStr(sqlwhere, "where")) Then
sqlwhere = sqlwhere & " AND fname like '" & Replace(tx_firstname.Text, "'", "''") & "%'"
sqlwhere = " where fname like '" & Replace(tx_firstname.Text, "'", "''") & "%'"
End If
End If

dynamic_con = sqlwhere & " order by arr_date desc "

'create the temporary table on esosql.
CreateCommand = New SqlCommand("CREATE TABLE #TEMP_TABLE (".............", ESOConnection)

With CreateCommand
'Set the command type that you will run.
.CommandType = CommandType.Text

'Open the connection to betaserv.

'Run the SQL statement.

End With

'query our side
ESOCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM [arrest_index]" & dynamic_con, ESOConnection)

'execute query
ESODataReader = ESOCommand.ExecuteReader()

'loop through recordset and populate temp table
While ESODataReader.Read()

MyInsert = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO #TEMP_TABLE VALUES("......", ESOConnection)

'Set the command type that you will run.
MyInsert.CommandType = CommandType.Text

'Run the SQL statement.

End While

ESODataReader.Close()  'Create a DataAdapter, and then provide the name of the stored procedure.
MyDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("TMPTABLE_QUERY", ESOConnection)

'Set the command type as StoredProcedure.
MyDataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

'Create a new DataSet to hold the records and fill it with the rows returned from stored procedure.
DS = New DataSet()
MyDataAdapter.Fill(DS, "arrindex")

'Assign the recordset to the gridview and bind it.
If DS.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
GridView1.DataSource = DS
End If

'Dispose of the DataAdapter

'Close server connection
ESOConnection.Close() Again, a separate connection is open and closed.I've read you can only have 1 datareader available per connection. Isn't that what I have here? The error is returned on this line: MyInsert.ExecuteNonQuery()
Help is appreciated.

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