Changing A SQL 2000 CD Key?

Aug 29, 2006

My company has recently sold a part of its business, and along with that business goes a live SQL 2000 server. However, the license for said SQL Server was not part of the sale. So, to make a long story short I've been tasked with finding a way to A) change the license key of the existing installation to the new owner's license key while B) keeping the existing installation intact and running.

Now I've done enough digging to know exactly where the key info is kept in the registry (in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerRegistration), but I'm more than a bit leery of changing the key at the registry level without confirmation that it will work. I do have a test server I can use as a test if necessary, but I'd prefer to get more feedback before I begin trials.

Thank you in advance

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Changing Collation In SQL Server 2000

Jun 19, 2007

I don't know how to change the collation in SQL Server 2000, my collation is Modern_Spanish_CI_AS, if somedoby knows the procedure to change the collation I would be thankful.
Thank you again and best regards.

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Changing The Day Of Week In SQL Server 2000

Jul 23, 2005

Dear All,I have one field in my table which shows the day of the week. It isshowingSunday = 1Monday = 2Tuesday = 3But i want Monday is the first day. I know i can use DATEFIRST tochange it but it works in Query Analyzerbut when i come and see mytable it is showing the old settings. Is it possible i can change itpermanently. Any help in this regard will be higly appreciatedRegardsS

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Changing Field Names Is SQL Server 2000

May 23, 2007

Why is it that when you change a field name is SQL Server it sometimes completely messes things up. I renamed a field in one of my tables from Emp# to EmpNumber. I had a view based on this table and naturally I knew I would have to change a view I had based on the table. I opened the view and changed the field from Emp# to EmpNumber but when I tried to open the view I got an error Invalid column Name EMP#. I have not been able to fix this. I have dropped and recreated the view, refreshed all the objects using enterprise manager, refreshed all the objects using Query Analyzer, shut down and restarted my computer, taken my database offline and put it back on line. The field name EMP# is not in any tables in my database and not referenced any views or procs . I am just starting on this database so I could verify this very easily because I only have a few views and procs.

Has anyone had this problem or more importantly does anyone know why this is happening or how to fix it?

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Changing Compability Mode From 2000 To 2005

Jan 29, 2008


I have a question about change of compability.
I want to change compability level from 2000 to 2005 on a very large database with a lot of indexes. I have heard that if I change compability level the indexes will no longer be usable.
Is it enough to just rebuild all indexed after I have changed compability level or do I have to do something else?

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Changing Domain Name --Risks To SQL Server 2000

Dec 26, 2007


I have been tasked with changing our local domian name from .com to .local. I want to make sure I understand the risks to SQL server 2000 when i make this change. We use SQL for Great Plains version 8, here is my simple plan:

1. Dis-join all workstations from .com domain
2. Make a full backup of all databases iin SQL server 2000 -- all databases use the SA account and not NT authentication
3. Dis-join SQL server
4. Change domain name
5. Re-join SQL server box and workstations
6. Launch Great Plains and go home happy!

I am having trouble identifying the risk to my plan and am wondering if:

1. SQL will launch under the new domain
2. Will the backup I made restore under the new domian
3. Will I experience authentication problems even though we use the SA account?

I am not a DB admin and am feeling a little unsure about this task any help on the risks or links to "how to" guides would be appreciated.


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SQL 2000 - Changing Maint Plans; Any Gotchas?

Oct 16, 2007

Hi fellow techs! I am getting to know SQL 2000 intimately and it's been a fun ride with the top down!

My question is, are there any gotchas that I should be aware of in SQL 2000 if I want to change 3 of my databases running on one 2000 SQL server from simple to full recovery model? I want to begin backing up the log file for point in time purposes, but don't want anything to break by disregarding the gotchas, if there are any.


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Changing Database Collation Problem In SQL Server 2000

Mar 27, 2007


When I migrated data from one SQL Server to another I got collection problems because collation of the target server was different from the source one.

The best solution I thought about was to change collation of the database in target server to be equal to the server collation so that when a temporary table is created, and the collation used would be the server collation, no error would occur. All sounds logic, but, after I ran ALTER DATABASE command and changed the collation of the database, I verified that all varchar fields of all database tables retained the old collation, not the new database collation I set.

Is there any way to change the collation of all fields at once when I change the database collation?

Thanks for your help


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Error While Changing Custom Resolver Between 2005 Publisher And 2000 Subscriber

Sep 25, 2007

Hi all,

here is the context of our problem:

- Publisher :

version SQL Server 2005 SP2
table in SQL Server 2000 (80) compatibility level
publication in SQL Server 2000 compatibility level
- Distributor : SQL Server 2005 SP2
- Subscriber : SQL Server 2000 SP4 + hotfixes (version 8.00.2187)

There is only one article in our publication (a simple table with a GUID and a nvarchar(50) columns), and we have left the default resolver.

1 - The first synchronization of the subscription is successfully completed, and it is the same for the different updates/inserts/deletes or conflicts.

2 - Then we change the Resolver of our article by our own COM-Based Custom Resolver (developped in C# 2.0). This resolver only change the default behaviour: the subscriber always win (this is for a test, in the future we will have a complex business logic). All the synchronizations works fine and do what we want in the conflicts.

3 - We rollback the resolver to the default one... and here is the problem!
The synchonizations stop to work correctly. For all of them we've got the same error:

Code SnippetReplprov.dll , 2007/09/25 14:26:07.591, 4000, 16890, S1, ERROR: ErrNo = 0x80045017, ErrSrc = <null>, ErrType = 8, ErrStr = The schema script '
declare @cmd nvarchar(1000)
set @cmd='exec sys.sp_MSchangearticleresolver @article_resolver=@ar, @resolver_clsid=@rc, @artid=@ai, @resolver_info=@ri'
exec dbo.sp_executesql @cmd, N'@ar> nvarchar(255),@rc nvarchar(40),@ai uniqueidentifie..." mailto:N?@ar">N'@armailto:N'@ar">N'@ar</A< A>> nvarchar(255),@rc nvarchar(40),@ai uniqueidentifie...

It is no more possible to synchronize this subscription... Any remark will be helpfull cause we did not find anything on the net concerning this error.

Thanks a lot!

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Changing From SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition To Standard Edition

Feb 26, 2008

Hello all,

Here I need some help or suggestions for the following topic...

I am using SQL server 2000 enterprise edition installed on the machine. Now I wanted to change the edition from enterprise to standard.
There are around 4 user databases exists on the server.
What are the areas I have to take care while doing this? Could I do as normal installation?
No log shipping implemented on the server.

Your suggestions would be very helpful to me.

Thanks in advance.

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Changing The Sqldataroot

Dec 14, 2000

A college forgot to change the data root when installing a developer server. My question is can this be changed whitout reinstalling the server and restoring the developer databases.
I found sqldataroot under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftMSSQLServerSetu pSQLDataRoot]
If I stop the sql server and change this value and move the *.mdb and *.ldf files. Would I risk currupting the databases and do I need to change something else? For example would changeing this value change the default path for backupdevices?

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Changing Passwords

Dec 5, 2000

I have a problem where our developers would like to change the passwords of the SQL Logins without knowing the users old password.

The only way they can use the below syntax is that they must be a member of the SYSAdmin Server Role.

sp_password NULL, 'newpassword',Max

I need a way to allow them to change the passwords without making a user a member of the SYSAdmin Server Role.

Any thoughts would be greatly apprecitated. Thanks in advance.


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Changing Security

Dec 20, 2000

I need to change my security settings from "Windows NT Only" to "SQL Server and Windows NT". Does anyone know of any issues with doing this? Does this subtract anything or does it only add access??

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Changing License Key

Jun 5, 2002

Is there a way to change the license key after installation of SQL7.0?

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Changing Database Name

Nov 19, 2002

hi, I have created a database in sql server 2000. I need to duplicate the database under different name, how can I do that?
Also, can I rename a database name?

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Changing Server Name

Dec 7, 1999

Hi all,

I need to change the NT Server computer name (and the SQL Server name). I know how to do it in NT, but how would I go about changing the SQL Server name. Can anyone help me with this? Is this an easy process?


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Someone Changing Permissions..

Mar 1, 2005

Someone is changing permissions on our production sql databases frequently which is causing big problems..any idea how to know who is changing and when? Any code that can be written to capture such activity?


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Changing The Sa Password

Aug 6, 1998

I`m running SQL 6.5 with standard security. We`re running NT 4.0. I am a member of the NT Admin group - which, of course, has sa privileges in SQL Server. I changed the sa password (via Enterpise Manager on my client machine); and it worked. I tested the password change by connecting to ISQL/w - both on my client machine and at the server machine.

However, when I attempted to connect to the server via Enterprise Manager (SEM) - on my client machine - my login attempt failed. But at the server machine, I connected just fine.

Somehow, even though we`re using standard security, I`m getting locked out of SEM because of the new password. Changing the sa password back to what it had been resolved the problem; but the old password was only meant to be temporary.

Any suggestions or explanations?

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Changing SA Passwword

Dec 15, 1998


During SQL installation I left the SA password blank. Now when I try to change it, the event log fills up with the following errors:

Mesg 18456 : Login failed- User: sa.
I am using SQL database for SMS and I have a SMS service account.
The error type in event viewer is "Failure Audit".

I am stopping and starting SQL once changes are made. I am also registering server with "Use Trusted Connection". I have also tried with "Use Standard Security" and the SA account.

Can anyone tell me how to change my SA password without affecting my SMS service account?



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Changing Column Name

Nov 9, 2004

Hi all,

I have a table that has integrity constraints in place and it is populated with the data. I need to rename one of the columns in the table. I am hesitant to use sp_rename procedure because when I used it before I get a warning message that says "changing any part of an object name could break scriptd and stored procedure." how big of a problem is it? Is there any other way to do it without hearting anything? Thanks.

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Changing A Column Name

Nov 30, 2005

How can you change a Column name for MS SQL 2000 ?

something like :

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MyTable]
OldName RENAME NewName

thank you

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Changing Collations...

Mar 2, 2006

I have looked thru the forum but have a couple of questions:
1) data base was created with case insensitive collation
2) all the tables were then create (72 tables) and by default got the CI collation on all columns
3) lots of data was added 2GB
4) discovered mistake and altered the database to have case sensitive collation
5)..... how to change all the collations for all the columns without doing them all manually
can i backup the database and change some settings and restore it?
export all the data, drop and recreate tables and import data?

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Tracking Who Is Changing What?

Aug 9, 2006

We are building an inventory management system complete with BOM. It is important to track what employee is updating what tables. Currently all such tables have a Date field that is updated when a change is made, and an EmployeeID field which records the employee making the change. I am wondering if someone knows of a better way to track this information. Any suggestions?

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Changing Formats

Apr 25, 2007

Hey guys,
I have a file that has date formatted like so: 2006-11-16 20:12:00
I would like the dateformat to be like mm/dd/yyy hh:mm

The file is being pulled into a varchar field..... as 2006-11-16 20:12:00
when I do a conversion i can only get it to mon 11,2006

any suggestions

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Changing Compatability From 65 To 80

Apr 21, 2008

Finally, I may have a good enough excuse to justify changing the compatabilty level of one of the biggies I look after!

Before I go ahead with the change I just wanted to run a couple of questions passed the community.
I know this is very vague, but what sort of problems should I expect? I know there are a few syntax changes, but I don't imagine I will have a problem going up in compatability level!
What is the best method to perform this?
A very simple

EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel 'playdb', 80


EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel 'playdb', 80

How long does this process take; are we talking seconds, minutes, hours? I imagine it's seconds, but I pose this question because a colleague reckons it will take longer because of the database size. I argue that because it's a db configuration setting, it will make no difference...

Thanks a bunch,

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Changing A Date

Jan 25, 2012

SO, If I had a problem with server computer date & stored false dates for some operations, How can I alter those dates to correct dates.

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Changing Server Name

Jan 29, 2004

Hi. Sorry to be asking this. I know there is a KB article with the steps for changing a SQL2K server name, but I can't find it for the life of me.

Anyone have it tagged?


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Changing Server Name

Oct 8, 2015

We are going to install new SQL Server 2014 on Windows 2012 R2. There is a copy of this server which is running on SQL Server 2005. This one has old operating system and wont be able upgrade to SQL Server 2014.

After doing some checks on 2014 we would like to change this server-name with the old server-name which is running on can we change the server-name?

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Changing The Name Of The Server Name

Jun 17, 2008

Hi Experts,

Can someone help me in knowing what is the impact if I happens to change the name of the computer / name of the Server name.

Thanks in advance

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Changing Date Value

Feb 27, 2014

I have the following field “Period_DT” displayed as “2012-12-01” how can i make it ‘2012-12-01 00:00:00’

Column Name : Period_DT
Date type : Date

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Changing Value Of A Field

Jun 5, 2006

Bob writes "I want to change the value of a field but it is part of a
unique index. Can someone help me do this.
I need to update about 55000 rows.

thank you very much."

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Changing The Collation

Jun 6, 2006


I have a database in SQL Server 2005 Express edition in standard collation. And now I need to store data including letter "è" (I'm from Slovenia). Can please someone tell me how to change the collation in server and database, please?

Thanks in advanced,

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Changing Servers

Jan 24, 2007

I have read all the FAQs on restore and find myself still confused.
So I apologize if the information is there and I am missing it.
I want to move the databases from an old server to a new server, brand new, will be the same name and IP address once the database is transfered.
Everything I have read says do a full back up and then restore onto the new server. Makes sense so far, my question is how does the Database Master get handled?
Is it necessary to restore it?
If so what is the best way to go about it?

Thanks for your help

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