Changing Parameters Causes Refresh...

Jun 13, 2006

Hey Guys,

I have two parameters on a report, which are independent of one another, yet when I change one, the current report refreshes, and I'm left with a blank screen. What is causing the refresh behavior on this report? It appears as though it is treating them as cascading parameters, but I don€™t use one to filter the other. Since the report has default values, when first navigating to the report, it displays just fine. I would like the user to be able to change the first parameter without the report refreshing to a blank screen. Once it refreshes, they can click on the €œView Report€? button and see the report, but I would like for the current report to stay there, which is the case on my other reports, until they click the button. Any ideas?

Thanks - Dan

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Can You Force A Refresh Of The Default Values Of Your Parameters?

Aug 1, 2006

This is regarding Report Services 2005 designing the report in Visual Studio.

Currently I am using a query to populate 2 date selectors in the parameter section at the top of a report.  The start and end dates are determined by a query which returns the values based on yet another parameter.  If I change the value of the paramter which is supposed to be used by the date selectors they don't seem to feel the need to re-calc themselves.  I have 3 other dependent param's in the same report which behave reasonably.

Has anyone seen this before or is there way to somehow force a parameter re-caluclation?




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Changing Chart Types With Parameters

Jan 11, 2005

Can I change the chart type with the value supplied in the Report Parameters ? Other than chart types everything else have expression field attached to them.
Please Help !


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Question On Changing Startup Parameters

Sep 22, 2006

I'm new to SQL Server....running SQL Server 2000. Had to move the system database logs to a different drive. Used EM, Server properties, Startup parameters. Changed the transaction log designation. Closed that window. Stopped the server.

Server won't start as I messed up and did not include the file name in the new designated path....just down to directory level.

From what I've seen, I have to be able to start the server service to change the parameters and the server won't start.

Is there a file that contains these parameters I may edit or should I try using the command line options.

Many thanks in advance.

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Changing The Name Of The Report Depends On End Parameters

Apr 21, 2008

Hi All

Can I change the name of a report depends on the parameters selected by end user?
Can you give me a similar expression?

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Changing Parameters To Wildcard In Stored Procedure

Mar 7, 2001

I have a stored proc which will be fed a value that is compared to a char value for a selection. One of the choices might be 'all' for which I want to return all records. Something like this

create procedure name @location char(40)
as select ----------------

where locname like @location

I tried using LIKE COALESCE but no luck. Any ideas

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Changing Default Parameters Cause Postback Efresh

Jul 26, 2006

I think it has been discussed previously that having default parameter values based on expressions, e.g. a default parameter value of =Split("Bug",",") in multiple parameters will cause a postbacl whenever a user selects different values from the list.

Is this by design? Its a bit of an annoying thing. The refreshpostback doesnt happen if you have basic defaults like ="All" but only when an expression of some sort is used in more than 1 parameter. Does RS think they are linked or something, why does it need to psotback

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Changing Algorithm Parameters With BI Dev Studio Extensibility

Jan 28, 2008

I'm looking for ways to enable business users to change algorithm parameters in a "high-level way" with the UI presenting some domain-specific blurb and sliders. Is it possible to create a Visual Studio package or add-in for Business Intelligence Development Studio that can change algorithm parameters? Can the Visual Studio SDK or Shell be used for that? Is documentation available?
Also, is the Business Intelligence Development Studio changing with SQL Server 2008 and Visual Studio 2008?

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Dynamically Changing Web Service Task Parameters At Runtime?...

Aug 15, 2005

Okay, this one might stump you guys.

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Changing The Report Parameters Or Data Sources To The Values You Specified Is Not Allowed

May 24, 2007

I have a report I want to modify and when I go to deploy it I get:

Changing the report parameters or data sources to the values you specified is not allowed. The report is configured to run unattended. Using the specified values would prevent the unattended processing of this report

Now I understand the error, it is because on the report server's web management interface I entered credentials for the report to run that point to a custom datasource and supplied the appropriate credentials to run the report.

However, I don't want to have to reconfigure that just to deploy a slightly modified version of the report.

How can I get around this? Or what is the proper work around? I just want to change the background color from dark gray to light gray on a header column....


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How To Refresh

Nov 9, 2005


I have an existing data warehouse that is refreshed nightly from system1.

We will be moving to a new system2 1/1/06.
The old system1 will be phased out by the end of 2006.
Several tables on system2 will have different keys.

I have to move the data from both systems in the data warehouse.

Here's the issue.
I have to totaly refresh the data warehouse nightly.
Once system2 is phased out how do I keep the data from system1
and refresh only data from system2.

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Need Refresh Connection Or Something ?

Jun 23, 2007

I have a problem with  the data that I want to delete and insert new one on my SQL.It will work if I just delete a row. And work well if I just insert a row.But it will not work if I delete and insert at once on one procedure.
Here's the code :
    Protected Sub RolesRadioButtonList_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RolesRadioButtonList.SelectedIndexChanged        Session("CurrentRoleId") = Me.RolesRadioButtonList.SelectedValue        ' Call Sub RemoveUsersInRoles        RemoveUsersInRoles()        ' Call Sub AddNewUsersInRoles        AddNewUsersInRoles()    End Sub        Sub RemoveUsersInRoles()        '   Create SQL database connection        Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")        Dim cmd As New SqlCommand        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text        '   Delete that row with correct UserId        cmd.CommandText = "DELETE aspnet_UsersInRoles WHERE (UserId = '" & Session("CurrentUserId") & "')"        cmd.Connection = sqlConn        sqlConn.Open()        cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()        '   Close SQL connecton        sqlConn.Close()    End Sub        Sub AddNewUsersInRoles()        '   Create SQL database connection        Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")        sqlConn.Open()        '   Create new row with new UserId        Dim sqlString As String = "INSERT INTO aspnet_UsersInRoles (UserId, RoleId) VALUES( '" & Session("CurrentUserId") & "','" & Session("CurrentRoleId") & "')"        Dim sqlComm As New SqlCommand(sqlString, sqlConn)        Dim sqlExec As Integer = sqlComm.ExecuteNonQuery        '   Close SQL connection        sqlConn.Close()    End Sub-------------------------------------------
I can delete the row if I call 'RemoveUsersInRoles'And I can insert new one if I call 'AddNewUsersInRoles'
But if 'RolesRadioButtonList_SelectedIndexChanged' is called, it will not work well.If the row not exist, it will insert new row. And that what I want.But If the row is exist, It wont delete that row and wont insert the new one. That's the problem.
Do I need some 'pause' or 'refresh connection' here ?
Thank You.

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Refresh Issue

Mar 21, 2001

Our application is C++ and datbases are Sybase. We are 11.5.1 Sybase. Lately some of our clients have complained about data refresh problems. That if a user has made some changes within the application then these data changes are taking long time to reflect to other users in the system. We do have in our application processes to automatically refresh data for other users but for some odd reason it is not working properly. Also every day we run sp_recompile and sp_stat on the tables and stored procs. Any ideas or leads ?


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Refresh Data

May 12, 2005

I want refresh data de SQL Server, every certain time at night, but I want that it does only, automaticy.

In SQL sentencs or DTS
What I can do. Thanks

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How Do I Refresh A View?

Jun 25, 2007

You know how I mentioned before that I was working with a database with a (bunch of) view(s) that are defined like this...

SELECT * FROM ExampleTable

Well, after altering the underlying table I noticed that the view is not picking up the new columns which leads me to believe I need to refresh the view.

Is this possible, if so, how?

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Dec 19, 2007

Is there a way (command or stored procedure) to RECOMPILE or REFRESH a USER DEFINED FUNCTION? I can recompile SPs with sp_recompile and refresh views with sp_refreshView, but I could not find any way to refresh User-defined functions (some of them are like views, with parameters).

Environment: SQL 2005 SP2.

Thanks !

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Nightly Refresh

Sep 19, 2007

Please help.I have Database A (Archived data), Database B (Transactional data).Both A and B do not have any timestamps in any tables.I need to bring A (only once because it is archived data) and B withonly differentials into Database C for reporting purposes.Currently C is cleared before loading B with differentials every nightand A is not loaded since it takes 15 hours to load.Now I want to bring A once and leave it and then bring B every nightwith differentials without clearing C.Please suggest some solutions.Thank You

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Refresh Default Value

Dec 14, 2006


I have report parameters B with default from query.

This query depend on other report parameters A that updates befor report parameter B.

While user open the report and update report parameter A, the report parameter B get default value with the right default value but when user change his selection in parameter A, the default value in parameter B doesn't changed

Any idea ?

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Metadata Refresh?

May 15, 2006

What do you do to address this:

[OLE DB Source [1]] Warning: The external metadata column collection is out of synchronization with the data source columns. The column "objectName1" needs to be updated in the external metadata column collection.

A corollary question: what does right-clicking a package in Solution Explorer and clicking "Reload with Upgrade" do?

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Refresh In WebPage

Apr 3, 2008

Hi all...

when i select the 1st parameter in the report(in webpage) ... then the complete page is getting auto refreshed...same is happening for all the parameter it not possible to stop it from refreshing....

simply to say i want to get data without refreshing...

few ppl suggested me to use AJAX control but as iam not much familliar with AJAY iam trying to find some other way...can u help me pls....

Roopesh Babu V

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Metadata Refresh

Feb 26, 2007

-We are using SSIS packages for various kind of data load from excel source.
-If there are any change in the data type or format of excel, the package cries for the Metadata mismatch.
-During design time if you accept the metadata changes, all things work fine.

But in our case we have deployed the packages on Production Server, now the excel file format/data has changed. The packages are expecting a different metadata so they are not working at all.

Do you have any suggestions for the above problem?
Thanks, Vijay.

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How To Refresh The Package Log

Nov 20, 2007

I have attached logs for my packages which runs for every one hour.
so, by end of the day the size of the logs is getting more.
I would like to refresh the log for every day or for each time that the package runs.
How to get it done.
Could you please help in this.

Thanks in advance.

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Dataset Will Not Refresh

Mar 18, 2008

Hi all,

I have spent the last couple of hours searching previous posts to see if this problem has been address before, but I was unable to find anything.

My problem is this... I use a stored procedure to populate my report. The stored procedure has recently been modified, and while I can see these updated fields when I run it through the Data tab, the list of available fields in the Dataset sidebar does not reflect the changes.

I have tried refreshing the Report Datasets multiple times. I have tried deleting the * file. I have tried removing the dataset in question and re-adding it. I have tried creating a new project altogether. I've tried restarting, etc.

I recognize that I can go in and add/remove fields to/from the dataset to make it match, but this feels like a temporary fix (it resets every time I modify another of the report's dataset).

It definitely seems as if this is being cached somewhere, but where? And how can I reset this? I would appreciate any help or guidance on this, as my forehead is pretty sore from banging it against this brick wall.


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Refresh A Table

Jan 13, 2006

Can i referesh a open table?

The scenario is that i have two windows open... one is the table and the other is the query that modifies the same table. I was wondering if there is a way to refresh the table so that after i modify the table i don't have to close it and reopen it to verify the changes.



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Gridview Refresh After Update

Aug 14, 2006

Hi All,
I am new to development of asp. I have an SQLDataSource set as the data source for a grid view.  When I click on the edit link in the Gridview, change the data, and click update, the old data  is still displayed in the row.
I found exact same issue as here --
Solution in the above thread is to add this
            {                if (reader != null) reader.Close();            }            conn.Close();
How do I apply above solution in my situation ?
I am updating through stored procedure.and don't have code at background.  My code is
Datasource :
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ds %>"

ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ds.ProviderName%>"
<asp:Parameter Name="field1" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="field2" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="field3" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="field4" Type="String"/>
<asp:ControlParameter Name="field5" Type="String" ControlID = "label7" />

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Database Refresh Question

Sep 8, 2006

There's a sql server 2000 database that was created as a copy of another db, let's say db1 and copy_of_db1. db1 has been updated (structure and data) since copy_of_db1 was created, while copy_of_db1 has remained static. I now need to update copy_of_db1 to be in sync with db1 and use copy_of_db1 so I can drop db1. What would be the fastest and most efficient way to update copy_of_db1 to mirror the current db1?

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SqlDataSource Refresh Problem

Jul 16, 2007

Dear sirs:I have a Web Form with an SqlDataSource with a simple select statement, and a GridView control that is tied to it. There is a ComboBox (which provides the filter-command parameter) and a Submit button as well. When a selection is made (the first time) in the combo box and then the submit button is clicked, the Selecting Event for the SqlDataSource fires and the code works perfect.However, on subsequent "submits" with the button and selecting a different month from the combo box, I cannot get that event to fire again. What do I need to do to get this event to fire everytime the submit button is clicked and a new selection made from the drop down combo box; thus letting me know that new data is being fetched from the database?Here is the code for the SqlDataSource:<<asp:SqlDataSourceID = "sqlDataSourceG5WingRailCar" runat = "server" ConnectionString = "<%$ ConnectionStrings:oracleConnectionString %>"ProviderName = "<%$ ConnectionStrings:oracleConnectionString.ProviderName %>" SelectCommand = "select distinct to_date( mh.historydatetime , 'DD-MM-YYYY' ) ,                            rh.movedescription ,                            ( mds.pct_util * count( rh.movedescription ) )                            from requesthistory rh                            inner join movehistory mh on rh.itd_number = mh.itd_number                            inner join movedescription mds on rh.movedescr_id = mds.movedescr_id                            where rh.movedescr_id = 1 AND mh.discrepancy_id = 25 AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM mh.historydatetime) = :MONTH_ID                            group by to_date( mh.historydatetime , 'DD-MM-YYYY' ) ,                                         rh.movedescription ,                                         mds.pct_util                            order by to_date( mh.historydatetime , 'DD-MM-YYYY' )" önSelecting="sqlDataSourceG5WingRailCar_Selecting" ><<SelectParameters>><<asp:ControlParameter ControlID = "dropDownListMonth" Name = "MONTH_ID" PropertyName = "SelectedValue" >><</asp:ControlParameter>><</SelectParameters>> <</asp:SqlDataSource>>There really is no code for the Selecting Event, other than just capturing some text into a label when the event occurs (for testing purposes).Thanks

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How Do You Refresh Menu When Using SqlSiteMapProvider

Jun 23, 2005

I followed an article which was recently published by Jeff Prosise in his "Wicked Code" column in MSDN magazine and I was able to make it work.My problem is that I do not know how to refresh the menu. If I add new record in the sitemap table what needs to happen to refresh the menu.  

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Refresh Identity Column

May 14, 2001

Is it possible to refresh an identity column so that it re-numbers all columns in order starting with the identity seed without having to drop and recreate the column?

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Refresh Cache Memory In SQL 7.0

Nov 7, 2000

How can i clear cache memory in sql server 7.0 without stop and restart server. I need this for performance testing.


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Refresh Access Client

Nov 18, 2005

Is there a way to update data on a MS Access 2000 client from SQL Server without polling a table using the form's onTimer event?

It would be much more elegant if I could push the data to the clients every 15-30 minutes when the data on SQL Server gets refreshed.

Can DTS do this? The forms I'm talking about are select only, no editing.

I know I can do this with java and multicasting, should work with MM Flash as well with listeners. I would really like to take this app to Flash, but we have a 1 month timeline to port from Access to SQL Server.


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Need To Refresh (Killing Is Not An Option)

Oct 10, 2006

Hi Peepz! my problem is this i am managing more than 3 servers which has a many users. this servers have one common problem. the most users uses high cpu utilizations what make it worst is even if the process is already done for a long time (status = sleep) they still uses high cpu or IO utilization. One time i ask to confirm one user if they are really having that process and found out that the user have gone home already and no other is using thier computer. And assuming that we have more than 20 users with the same case it really make the server slow and occationally hangup. i try to kill these process/user but i think killing is not an option. Kindly help pls. are there any way to refresh connections or terminate it, how do you handle this situations?


If you give me a fish ill eat for a day but if you teach me how to fish ill eat for life. :beer:

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Db Refresh - Need Input On Strategy

Oct 20, 2006

Hi Folks,

The Need : Refresh a part of local database daily from remote server.

Assumption : All updates in remote are updated in local db as well.

Need inputs on the type of strategy

1) Take full backup of remote, refresh on local

( Downside for us is Network and disk space )

2) DTS ( refresh only the objects required )

Looks good to us but does it take care of my assumption ?? Your suggestions welcome .. I may be wrong

3) replication ( Dont want it implement on the already complicated sceanrio ... so I'll pass)

4) Standy databases ( ??? Any help on this)

5) Any other

Thanks so much,

Warm Regards,

The best moments of my life are often things I get paid for

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