I created a package using the import/export wizard in SSIS, that loads data from one database to the other. I am trying to find out how I can add and remove the tables that were originally selected when the package was created. I opened the package in BIDS, and I could not find that particular option. I know you can do this in 2000/DTS...
now i need to create a proc that runs through DatabaseA gets all the tables, creates DatabaseC and insert all the Tables,Procedures, and data when the user creates a new company in our software interface.
if you could just help me cycle through the objects i can manage the rest.
ok, i'm building a page to display a list of courses, a user rating and 'last visited' date.
I have 3 tables - course (a list of all courses) review (a list of all ratings) visit (user visits to each course)
I've put together an SQL statment that returns everything i need, however its not quite right. SELECT course.courseID, course.courseName, course.courseURL, avg(review.fldRating) AS fldAverage, visit.visitDate FROM course
LEFT OUTER JOIN review ON course.courseId = review.fldcourseId
LEFT OUTER JOIN visit ON course.courseId = visit.courseId and visit.userId = 2
GROUP BY course.courseId, course.courseName, course.courseURL, visit.visitDate ORDER BY course.courseId, visit.visitDate DESC
The problem lies with the fact that each time a user enters a course a new record is inserted into the visit table - so the visit table will show how many times a user has entered a course and on which dates.
because the user has entered course 1 twice, the list is now showing 2 course1's - how can I change the statemtent to only select the most recent user visit, but still keep the complete list of courses?
I'm a bit of an SQL novice, so appologies if I've not explained this very well, Thanks in advance,
Hi I am trying to figure out how to use the DISCTINCT function in s SELECT Query for one particular column, but output more that the disctinct column
for example:
table 1
Alan Andrews 1 main st 07465 John Andrews 1 main st 07465 Erick Andrews 1 main st 07465
I want to select by disctinct last name, but on my results I want to see all the other fields as well, and not just the last name. In this case the first name address and zip code.
So is there a way of doing this in SQL?
It does not have to be with the DISCTINCT function, but I need to net down to 1 per last name in a select query.
I have a webform that lists all items (codes) on the left and selected items (codes) on the right. A user selects an item on the left and clicks a button to move it to the right side. An update changes the bit from 0 to 1. This uses the bit column in the table to determine what is listed on the left (0) or right (1) sides. Then I can filter in my stored procedure on the bit column WHERE (dbo.tblCodes.CodeSelect = 1) My problem with this is that if two or more users are doing this process on different sessions, they can trip over each others selections. I'm hoping someone has a suggestion on how I might avoid the users having this problem.
I am quite new in sql. I am writing a report which takes data of one same column and summing them according to the type as described in another column("TR_1"."TTYPE"). So far I have succeeded to get the sum of only one type at a time (by putting WHERE "TR_1"."TTYPE" = or not equal the desired type). For example: I want to create two columns, one showing the sum of the budget and the other the some of the actuals: here is my SQL instruction (the column "TR_1"."TTYPE" give the record type): ****************************************************************** SELECT SUM("TR_1"."AmountLCU")*-1 "Budget",rtrim("TR_1"."COSTCENTER") "Cost Centre",rtrim("TR_1"."ACCOUNT") "Account Num",rtrim("TR_1"."DONOR") "Donor Num", "TR_1"."AmountLCU"*-1 "Amount","TR_1"."TTYPE", rtrim("TR_1"."ACTIVITY") "Activity Code" FROM "scalaDB"."dbo"."A_GL0601_PREVIOUS" "TR_1" WHERE NOT ("TR_1"."TTYPE"='' OR "TR_1"."TTYPE"='a' OR "TR_1"."TTYPE"='c') AND NOT ("TR_1"."COSTCENTER"=N'' OR "TR_1"."COSTCENTER"=N'0000') AND (("TR_1"."ACCOUNT">=N'26' AND "TR_1"."ACCOUNT"<N'7100') OR ("TR_1"."ACCOUNT">N'7100' AND "TR_1"."ACCOUNT"<=N'7999')) GROUP BY "TR_1"."COSTCENTER","TR_1"."ACCOUNT","TR_1"."DONOR","TR_1"."ACTIVITY","TR_1"."AmountLCU","TR_1"."TTYPE"
********************************************************************** Note: the report is written in Crystal reports and the database is SQL Server (not sure of the version)
I am using SQL 7 with an MS Access 2000 MDB front end, using bound formswith ODBC linked tables. In one form, the user needs to be able to check abox to select one or more records. This is accomplished with a local tablecontaining two fields: the primary key value of the SQL table and a booleanfield used for the check box.Since the local table used to contain the boolean field is local to the MDBfile, the result is a heterogeneous join in the underlying form query, whichdegrades performance. I would like to have the entire query be based on backend SQL data. However, each user needs to be able to make a unique set ofselections, without other users' selections affecting theirs.An idea I have is to port the selections table to the back end with anadditional field for machine name; create a view of the main table joined tothe selections table; link the view to the front end; and base the form onthe SQL: "Select * From MyView Where MachineName='MyMachine'".However, I wonder if there's a better approach. Any ideas would beappreciated.Thanks,Neil
Don't think this can be done, but a user request, so thought I should ask anyway...
I have report with 11 filters (yes, I know thats overkill, but we aren't using analysis services) and the user has asked, if he wants to run it with the same selection criteria every month, can he do that without having to re-select them all?
Hello All,I'm not really sure where to post this as I'm not quite sure how to approach the problem; either whether it's an SQL problem or shoudl be addressed on the form.Anyway, on an .aspx page (using VB.NET) I have a drop down box and two text boxes. The user first selects a centre from the drop down and then enters a start and end date in the two text boxes. The user then clicks on a button which lists the results of a SQL server stored procedure using the specified parameters in a datagrid. All this is fine and works.Users however have requested an 'All centers' option in the drop down, which if selected, essentially means that instead of listing the results for a single centre, all centres are listed for the start and end dates specified.This is where I'm having problems. How do I feed this into my stored procedure? Is it a change in the procedure or something I need to do on the form?Any help appreciated.MoP.S. stored procedure look like this:------------------- @centreid int, @startdate varchar(20), @enddate varchar(20) ASSELECT centreid, datecreated, centrenameFROM tblcentresWHERE (DataLength(@startdate) = 0 OR CentreID = @CentreID)AND (DataLength(@startdate) = 0 OR datecreated >= @startdate)AND (DataLength(@enddate) = 0 OR datecreated <= @enddate)
Anyone know if it is possible to limit the number of selections in a multi value parameter? Eg: There are 50 values in the drop down combo, but I want the user to be able to select a maximum of 10?
I am currently in the process of building a stored procedure that needs the ability to be passed one, multiple or all fields selected from a list box to each of the parameters of the stored procedure. I am currently using code similar to this below to accomplish this for each parameter:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.SplitOrderIDs ( @OrderList varchar(500) ) RETURNS @ParsedList table ( OrderID int ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @OrderID varchar(10), @Pos int
SET @OrderList = LTRIM(RTRIM(@OrderList))+ ',' SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @OrderList, 1)
IF REPLACE(@OrderList, ',', '') <> '' BEGIN WHILE @Pos > 0 BEGIN SET @OrderID = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@OrderList, @Pos - 1))) IF @OrderID <> '' BEGIN INSERT INTO @ParsedList (OrderID) VALUES (CAST(@OrderID AS int)) --Use Appropriate conversion END SET @OrderList = RIGHT(@OrderList, LEN(@OrderList) - @Pos) SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @OrderList, 1)
I have it working fine for the single or multiple selection, the trouble is that an 'All' selection needs to be in the list box as well, but I can't seem to get it working for this.
Any suggestions?
My plan is to have the same ability as under the 'Optional' section of this page:
I have a report that includes two multi-valued parameters. In the Default Values section, I choose 'from query' and select dataset and value field. In the Available Values section, I choose 'from query' select the same dataset and value field, and in the label field I select the relevant label field. When I run the report my multi-valued parameters look like I selected the option 'select all' (all options are selected). How can I keep the multi-valued parameters cleared from selections until the user select his choice? Thanks in advance.
If the column names are changed , is there are a easy way to change the referred columns in the SP's. What I am doing is going into each SP and replace the old name with the new name.
I want to change the filegroup of a table. While we can do this in enterprise mgr, I would like to accomplish this in transact sql. We have a new configuration where the filegroups are located on different disks and to take advantage of that, I want to move the heavily accessed tables onto different groups. Example: table emp needs to be moved from filegroup Primary to file group Secondary. please help...
Its probably easier to draw this problem than describe it, so here goes:
I have a sales forecast table (A,B,C are products [PRODUCT], the dates refer to the month for which the forecast is [FORECAST_DATE], and the integer is the forecast sales qty [FORECAST_QTY])
A 01/03/2004 30 B 01/03/2004 28 C 01/03/2004 24 A 01/04/2004 11 B 01/04/2004 09 C 01/04/2004 41
I need to convert the table into a more sensible format, like this:
(NB ...Dots are just there to help with formatting - basically I'm talking about a field for FORECAST_03_2004, FORECAST_04_2004 etc etc)
Hi- apologies for asking a stupid newbie question, but I'm really stuck atthe moment. I need to change table ownership.I've got an asp script which is looking for a table owned by the dbo role,however the table was created under a different ownership. I understand theproblem, and almost understand the solution, but I can't seem to get all theway.THE PROBLEM (using [server].[database].[owner].[table])[mgbsvr1].[dnn].[dnnadmin].[aspsearch]needs to be[mgbsvr1].[dnn].[dbo].[aspsearch]I looked up the books online and found this syntax:sp_changeobjectowner [ @objname = ] 'object' , [ @newowner = ] 'owner'But I can't see how to use it, nor more importantly, where I should use it.It won't work in the query tool in Enterprise Manager. If I need to create ascript (which I've never done before), how do I execute the script?All help deeply appreciatedManning, Sydney
Hi All,I am trying to change column name on an existing table. I am using SQLServer 7.As the table is quite big, it is taking quite long time to do it.By the way I could change the column name only through the EnterprizeManager.Is it possible to change the column name using SQL script?Why the change of column name will depend on the size of the table?Thanks for your answer.-Mokles
Changing datatype in a table used for merge replication ?
I'm trying to change the data type on a column in a table that is used for a merge-replication with another (identical) DB.
I get this error: Cannot alter the table '[Tablename]' because it is being published for replication.
I've tried to remove that specific table from the publication (Publication properties -> Articles tab) so I can change the data type and then put the table back into the publication, but I can't (probably because it's a MERGE rep.)
Hi, Is it possible to change any fieldname of an existing table?I mean to say by TSQL statement.We know that we can alter the data type and width etc. But I haven't got any info about filedname change.So if it is possible Please help... And Is there any TSQL command to alter multiple columns in a single statement?
Dear All,I'm trying to alter the name of several columns' in a table which gets created in a stored procedure.trying to use:exec sp_rename '#tblBd.week1', '2007_18', 'COLUMN'I get:Server: Msg 15248, Level 11, State 1, Procedure sp_rename, Line 163Either the parameter @objname is ambiguous or the claimed @objtype (COLUMN) is wrong.There is no mistype, the table name and column name are correct.Can temp table's column names not be altered?If yes, how?Thanks in advance!
I need to change the size of a column of a table from char(255) to char(500). I used the line:
alter table table_name alter column column_name char(500)
When I run that command, I get a message that it was sucessful. However, when I try to enter data into the changed column, the number of characters I can enter is still 255. I check the information schema for the column and the 'character_maximum_length' field is 500.
What is the problem here? Is the maximum allowable length for char 255? How can I get a column to have 500 characters?
This subject has been posted several times, but I haven't seen a goodanswer.Problem:I want to change the order of the columns in a table using T-SQL only.Explanation:After running your code, I want to see the following table...CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TableName] ([First_Column] [int] NULL ,[Second_Column] [varchar] (20) NULL) ON [PRIMARY]look like this...CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TableName] ([Second_Column] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[First_Column] [int] NULL) ON [PRIMARY]Limitations:Don't post if your post would fall in the following categories:1. If you don't think it can be done2. If you think Enterprise Manager is the only way to do this3. If you think I should just change the order of my Selectstatements4. If you want to state that order column doesn't matter in arelational database5. If you want to ask me why I want to do thisWish:Hopefully the answer WON'T involve creating a brand new table, movingthe data from old to new, dropping the old table, then renaming thenew table to the old name. Yes, I can do that. The table I'm workingwith is extremely huge -- I don't want to do the data juggling.Thanks in advance!
I created a package using the Import Data wizard and everything works fine when I re-execute it. I needed to change the name of the destination table so I went into SQL Server and renamed the table. I then went in and edited the DTSX file via a text editor and changed the OpenRowset setting from [CMBS].[dbo].[raw_Note] -> [CMBS].[dbo].[T_Raw_Note]
<property id="104" name="OpenRowset" dataType="System.String" state="default" isArray="false" description="Specifies the name of the database object used to open a rowset." typeConverter="" UITypeEditor="" containsID="false" expressionType="None">[CMBS].[dbo].[T_Raw_Note]</property>
There are no other references to the table in the DTSX, i saved the file and then re-ran.
When I run, I get invalid object name dbo.raw_Note (old table name). Is there some data being cached somewhere or hidden elsewhere that it would reference the old table? When I go back into the DTSX file, the correct name is in there so I don't know where it is getting the old name from? Any help would be appreciated.
I am trying to create a proof of concept to show that we can have packages deployed on 3 different servers and all we need to do is tell the package, upon execution/scheduled task, where to go fetch it's configurations from.
The configurations are using SQL Server as the package configuration. This makes it easier for DBA's to maintain since DBA's are responsible for package executions and job scheduling.
For example, the configuration database and all package configurations would be found on server1, server2 and server3 The difference in values is that on Server1, the configuration for the source data and the destination data point to Server1DatabaseSource and Server1DatabaseDestination and on server2, the configs point the source to Server2DatabaseSource and Server2DatabaseDestination and for server 3, the same thing but pointing to server3.
There is also a connection for the SSIS_Config database we're getting the configurations from. In theory, if we specify a different server where this SSIS_Config database is found, it should override the settings in the package. No?
When I schedule OR execute the package, it's always getting it's configs from the config specified in the package independent of wether I specify it in the Connection Managers of the Execute Package Utility when I manually execute it OR in the data sources tab when I configure the package to be run as a job in SQL Server 2005.
I have a MS SQL Server Express database wich I upsized once from MS Access. I can connect to it and get/insert data but I can't update the field properties.
I've used Access 2003, Visual Studio .Net and SQL Server Web Data Administrator, but I can't change the properties of existing tables. I cán add new tables and add their properties afterwards. Since I have a lot of tables it would be too much work too recreate them all. So how can I edit my existing tables?