Changing Variable Scope In Package Templates?
Jun 15, 2006
Is there any way to change variable scope while using package templates?
I have created a package template that has several variables, a "typical" control flow and data flow. My goal was to try and use this as a starting point to create other packages within the same project and edit as required in the new package. I couldn't find any way (yet) to change scope of variables...these still show as belonging to the scope of package used to create the template.
Appreciate any help...thanks.
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Jul 19, 2007
Hi friends,
I have a for each loop that populates from a set of flat files into a Sql Server table, I run the Flat file Import via a dts package embedded into Execute DTS 2000 Task. I want to pass the Sourcefile Name that is fetched by the For Each Loop to assign it Global Variable in DTS. how this can be made ?
Subhash Subramanyam
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Mar 13, 2008
I have taken three dtsx files and re written them into one each in its own container. I use the XML Task task alot which the File connection is set by a variable and the variable value is evaluated by expression (the expression makes up the path/filename from other variable values). All the variables that make up the connection are at the container scope. The package will not run now because it is saying that the source (created by variables) for the file connection do not exist.
It seems the answer is that file connections exist at the package level therefore the variable has to be at the package level. This seems to be alot of variables i now have to move to package level to generate the XML source connection. Which in essence makes it confusing as to which variables operate in which container.
My question is can we easily move variable scope (Not ideal as we have alot of variables at package level) Or Can we do the same for connection managers as we do for variables and have them only used in a scope? (this will be ideal as some connections only need to be at a container scope)
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Jan 23, 2008
I've created a new Stored Procedure template and saved it to .Microsoft SQL Server90ToolsShellTemplatesSqlStored Procedure. I can view (and use) the template via the Template Explorer, however, I want this new template to become my default template.
What do I mean by this? - I want to be able to right-click on stored procedures in my object explorer, click New Stored Procedure, and be forced to use my new template, rather than Create Procedure (New Menu).SQL.
Jon Derbyshire
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Nov 27, 2006
Greetings SSIS friends,
I am currently reading Ralph Kimball's "The Microsoft Data Warehouse Toolkit". In the book it mentions creating template packages to speed up the creation of future packages. In the book they also mention creating solutions and projects.
All sounds fair enough but I am confused a little.
Where should the template package be stored?! I created a Project and renamed the default package as "TemplatePackage". I setup some standard data sources and package variables. Do I now create a new package and place it in the same project? Or should my template package be deleted from the project?!
Hope my questions makes sense.
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Dec 4, 2007
Is there any way to change the scope of a user defined variable?
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Dec 4, 2007
how to change the a scope of a user defined variable?
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Sep 7, 2006
Hello again,
Variable scope of package variables should be in a dropdown. I want to copy (20+) variables from one sequence container to another. Do I have to retype all the names, types and initial values because I made the mistake not to place them one level higher?
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Aug 22, 2006
I want to know the scope of a Global Variable in case of multi users.
Means i have declared a global variable in a function. And a new value is assigned to this global variable into this function, each time it is called.
So if, 3 users call this function at same time, then will the get different gloabl variables or same?
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Mar 1, 2007
Greetings SSIS friends!
Consider the following scenario :
Source table : Result (contains 100 rows with primary key Reuslt_ID)
Destination Table : stage_RESULT (same structure as source table)
Source table gets regular inserts with new result_ids. I want my package to pick up new result_ids only, i.e. (Result_ids > maximum(result_id) in stage_RESULT.
My package is designed to do the following :
1) Retrieve current maximum result_id into @max_result_id from RESULT_STAGE
2) Retrieve rows from Result where result_id > @max_result_id
sounds simple, BUT.. it's not working.... my source table resides in a SQL Server 6.5 database so I am having to use a datareader source adapter to pull the data.
The first time I run the package (when my stage_RESULT) is empty, the package pulls all 100 rows from the source to the destination table, but the second time I run it, it still retrieves all 100 rows again even though the value of the variable is greater than all result_ids in the source.
What am I doing wrong?
I have a variable defined at the package level. I use a SQL Query Task to assign a value to this variable (this bit works just fine). I then use this variable in my data flow task in order to retrieve data using the My expression used for my datareader source adapter is :
"select * from result where result_id > " + (dt_str, 10, 1252) @[max_result_id]
This is confusing the hell out of me.
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Mar 19, 2008
can i create the variable with scope --Project
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Jul 20, 2005
I have 24 tables named tblData1 ... tblData24 and I have a scheduledjob that runs successfully to delete all data older than 31 days.My problem is that I need to keep at least one record in each tablefor the aggregate function max() to work in one of my application'sfunctions, as if there are no records the result is null.Although I have figured out a workaround in the function using max() Iwould like to know how to change my script.Functionally I would like to get the max() value of the ID column(autoincrementing) and then add to the where "And ID <> @maxID".I have tried a few options and come unstuck with scope of variables,and tried to use a temp table to store the max values for the 24tables and got no where. Can anyone help ?Working script without the @maxID bit:-DECLARE @days VARCHAR(12)DECLARE @intData intDECLARE @SQL1 VARCHAR(2000)set @Days = 31set @intData = 1While @intData<=24BeginSET @SQL1 = 'DELETE FROM [DB1_SQL].[dbo].[tblData'+rtrim(CONVERT(char(2), @intData)) + '] Wheredatediff(Day,Datim,getdate())> '+ @daysEXEC(@SQL1)/*print @SQL1*/set @intData= @intData + 1Endgo
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Mar 19, 2008
Hi All,
Could u plz tell me how to create a variable with scope project but not package(normally)
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Dec 14, 2007
if a dataset doesnt use a stored proc to define a table variable, what is the scope of that table variable? Does the name need to be unique from such variables defined by other datasets?
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May 21, 2015
I have created a heat map and it is working pretty well. The only issue I am having is that the expression for the fill is using "DataSet1"
This is making the heatmap look at the whole dataset instead of just what I am grouping by. Within the Dataset there are Regions and Credit Unions. Since the Dataset is looking at an entire region, the heatmap is coloring based on all data for the region. I need to heatmap to color based on the Credit Unions in that region. The Credit Unions are a group. I need the group to be the value it is referencing in the heat map and not "DataSet1". I have been told to use scope or a variable but cannot get it to work correctly.
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May 8, 2008
I have created two User variables at Package level (OldRunID{Int32} and NewRunID{Int32}). I am using two simple ExecuteSQL Tasks to get a Single Row Resultset return (each) and loading them (on Result Set Page). Using the Constraint and Expression Flow controls, I have found that they load to True (-1) instead of the 25 and 50, respectively, that I would expect. I then wrote a Script task to evaluate their values and find that I get zero for Dts.Variables.Count. - Why am I not loading the variables correctly and why can I not access them in the Script task?
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Oct 25, 2006
I'm working on an SSIS package that uses a script to grab some XML from a webservice (I'd explain why I'm not using a web service task here, but I'd just get angry), and I wish to then assign the XML string to a package variable which then gets sent along to a DataFlow Task that contains an XML Source that points at said variable. when I copy the XML string into the variable value in the script, if do a quickwatch on the variable (as in Dts.Variable("MyXML").value) it looks as though the new value has been copied to the variable, but when I step out of that task and look at the package explorer the variable is its original value.
I think the problem is that the dataflow XML source has a lock on the variable and so the script task isn't affecting it. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of problem, or know a workaround?
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Jan 28, 2008
When creating a variable you assign a value to it. Example: D: estA
How do you change the value of a variable once assigned. Example: D: estB
Also is there any way to delete user variables that you do now want. I created variables during development and now I have no need for them.
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Oct 19, 2007
I am relatively new to SSIS.
Please advice me on how to change the value of a variable during runtime.
i.e. user should be able to key in the value.
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Jan 15, 2007
I have an Execute SQL Task that selects one column value from one row, so General > ResultSet = Single row. Result Set > Result Name = 0 (the first selected value) and Variable Name = User::objectTypeNbr. The task runs successfully, but after the it runs the value of User::objectTypeNbr is not changed.
User::objectTypeNbr > Data Type = Int32. When I declared the variable Value could not be empty so I set it to 0 arbitraily, assuming it would be overwritten when assigned a new value by the Execute SQL Task, but it remains 0 after the task runs. What am I missing here?
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Dec 3, 2007
I have created a SSIS package with a Foreach Loop including a Data Flow Task, which in turn include a Row Count component which pass the row count value to variable with package scope. The variable is used in an Execute SQL Task following the Data Flow Task.
The package executes successfully when executed on its own, but when executed as a child from a parent package (which only include an Execute Package Task) the variable from the Foreach Loop becomes NULL.
There are a lot of other variables in the package receiving values dynamically without any problem, the row count variable however is the only variable in the package that receives a value as part of a Data Flow (and used in following tasks within the Foreach Loop).
Why does the variable become Null? For your information, I am using a variable with package scope and no variables from the parent package are used or passed from the child package to the parent package.
(For your information, we are running the 64 bit version)
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Dec 26, 2006
have one main package from which 7 other child packages are called. We are using
ParentPackage variables to assign values for variables and database connections.
While the values from ParentPackage variable get assigned to some of the
packages properly, to others it doesn€™t assign the value.
For example:
Except for one of the packages the database connection string gets assigned
properly to all other packages.
Similarly, in another package one of the
variables doesn€™t get assigned. In other packages it is assigned properly.
have checked all the other property values and they are exactly the same.
We cannot make any head or tail of this erratic behavior.
Please Help.
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Mar 16, 2007
Changed stored procedure
[dbo].[spLogonName @pNewLogonName varchar(60) AS
SELECT * FROM .dbo.tblUser Where vcLogonName = @pNewLogonName
[dbo].[spLogonName @pNewLogonName varchar(60) AS
DECLARE @Local_pNewLogonName varchar(60)
SET @Local_pNewLogonName = @pNewLogonName
SELECT * FROM .dbo.tblUser Where vcLogonName = @Local_pNewLogonName
and started getting this error on the web page.
ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cb3'
Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the provider, or of the selected locktype.
Does anyone know why this is happening? Nothing on the site has changed. If I change the sp back the errors go away. I'm trying to use local variables in all SP to avoid the slowness that can happen when using the parameter varibles.
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Mar 26, 2008
I want to set the value for a user defined variable with the script task with the intention of using that value as a condition in both of two Precedence Constraints for the purpose of determine which of two different direction the package will go. The problem is I don't know how to reference the User Defined variable in the Script of a Script task, nor how to alter its value.
Can anyone help?
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Apr 12, 2007
Hiya guys,
The question:
Can I design data flows with an XML Source pointing to file system xml files, and but run them against variables? I can see the properties at design time (Accessmode=0,1,2; XMLDataVar="User::XMLData), but the XMLSource object doesn't appear to have expressions enabled to change this at runtime, nor do these properties seem to be exposed to configurations.
The scenario:
I have a package that reads through (potentially thousands) of XML files, and having identified the embedded message "type", transforms them via XSLT to an easier XML format (XML Datasource can't cope well with multiple namespaces etc). Then send this the new file off to a type specific dataflow task to send contents to database.
For performance (and other) reasons I'd rather XSLT to a single shared variable and use this variable as the XML source in the data flows (Rather than writing out to the filesystem [via xslt] and immediately reading it back in each time [via datasource]).
But designing the data flow task using a variable as xml source is frustrating for a bunch of reasons - not the least being:
(a) The variable needs to be populated with sample xml data at design time. But this could only ever match one dataflow at a time (fine at run time, but painful at designtime - leading to validation errors popping up all around the place.)
Yes I could have a seperate variable for each xmlsource - but that just makes things more complicated up front and also leaves me with 20+ large, type specific, xml variables floating around at runtime of which only one is ever being used per import - which just doesn't feel right to me.
(b) populating the variable with sample xml at design time is painful due to it being a string - and not accepting hard returns etc that are in text files, design time changes etc)
Using a file XML source at design time is infinitely easier, when I get a design time change - I can just amend the XSLT and run the appropriate task to produce a sample XML file to design against.
Any ideas?
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May 9, 2007
I have packages stored in SQL store. I was letting users run the packages from a .net app that I made with
Now I have noticed this causes the packages to run on the client pc cpu, as well as the network traffic is done via the client pc, in my particular case this is slow.
From the doc and in this forum I have found that you can run a package on the Server cpu through sql agent, let packages be run in a sql job. after that you can start a package from an application with the SQL sp_start_job .
But How do you set a user::varibale in a package if you have to start the package from a sql agent job ?
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May 18, 2006
Greetings once again SQL friends,
Sorry to bug you with my silly questions but this little problem has been driving me crazy for the last hour or so!
I am attempting to change the data type of a variable in an expression but I keep getting an error saying that the expression can not be evaluated.
The syntax I am using is as follows :
(dt_str) @[User::MAX_OFFER_PRICE_ID]
My variable MAX_OFFER_PRICE_ID is type int32 and I am attempting to cast it as a string.
What am I doing wrong?!
Thanks for your help in advance.
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May 11, 2007
I'm new to SSIS so please be gentle...
I'm creating a package that needs to go to an FTP site (FTP Task), download a file, unzip it and then process a series of table loads for the 12 text files that will be unzipped. My problem is that the zip file is a date ( which is normally the previous day of execution EXCEPT on Mondays when it would be the previous Friday's date. My thought is that IF (magic question) I could determine the day of the week in the SSIS package, I know that Tuesday-Friday is just a formatting exercise of getdate()-1 and Monday would be getdate()-3 but I can't seem to find a way (function?) that will allow me to determine the day of the week?
Thanks in advance!
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Apr 23, 2008
How do you change the name of a package ? if i change it in the properties (identification > Name), this is not reflected on the designer or on the filename...
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Nov 28, 2001
Does anyone know how to change the owner of a DTS package? Currently it is set to someone's domain login and I want to change it to the system administrator account.
The reason for the change is because I think this is why the package will not run when scheduled on the server, but will run locally for the user.
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Sep 26, 2000
Is it possible to change the database name defined in the destinatation table definition of the transformation object programmitacally?
We have different database names between dev and prod. The package was created against dev. I'm trying to copy the package to the prod server and programmatically change the database name where necessary.
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Jul 9, 2004
Hi everyone,
I have a DTS package that exports table from SQL Server to an Oracle database. However, I want to change the order in which the tables get exported because of referential integrity. I can find no way in the DTS designer to do that! IS there a way to change this order other than specifying a querY for each and every table!
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Jan 15, 2008
I have a package using Slowly changing dimension in the data flow task. It works fine if the number of records are less but for a large file the package fails with the "Violation of Primar Key" error even though there are no duplicate records in the table.
for eg i have a table with employee database with a composite primary key comprsing of Name and Employee Id. I need to do an UPSERT depending on the Name and Employee Id combination. I have a file with 100,000 records and when i try to execute the package it gives an error 'cannot insert duplicate data' even though the combination does not exist in the database.
Please help.
Aashna Behl
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