Character To Numeric Conversion Error- Select Statment On Char Column
Sep 18, 2007
Hi guys/ladies I'm still having some trouble formatting a select statement correctly.
I am using a sqldatasource control on an aspx page. It is connecting via odbc string to an Informix database.
Here is my select statement cut down to the most basic elements.
SELECT comment
FROM informix.ipr_stucom
WHERE (comment > 70)
The column "comment" contains student grades ranging from 0-100 and the letters I, EE, P, F, etc. Therefore the column is of a char type. This is a problem because I cannot run the above statement without hitting an alpha record and getting the following error
"Character to numeric conversion error"
How can I write this statement where it will work in the datasource control and have it only look at numeric values and skip the alpha values?
I have tried case with cast and isnumeric... I don't think that I have the formating correct.
I have also used:
WHERE (NOT (comment = ' I' OR comment = ' EE' OR comment = ' NG' OR comment = ' WP' OR comment = ' WF' OR comment = ' P' OR comment = ' F'))
This works but is very clunky and could possibly break if other letters are input in the future. There has to be a better way.
I am sorry for my ignorance and thanks again for your help.
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Sep 13, 2007
I have a little bit of a problem I cannot seem to figure it out. Is it possible to write a Select statement that contains a WHERE column_name > desired_numeric_value
The tricky part it that the column is of CHAR type and can contain numeric grades ranging from 0-100 or the letter I for Incomplete.
My SQL was working perfect when this column contained only numbers as soon as a record with I was added I get the following error:
Character to numeric conversion error
This report will be used to find students who have failing grades. Thanks for any help!
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Jul 12, 2000
I would like to know how to translate a numeric value = 3 to a text or char value = 03.
Any input would be appreciated.
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Sep 21, 2006
Hi Folks
If I wrote this in QA what does it mean?
Declare @X INT
Set @X = 2
Select (@X & 8)
What & do in this select statment
Thank you
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Feb 14, 2006
on a column DateNew = DateTimei am trying :INSERT INTO [dbo].[Users] (DateNew) VALUES ('2003/01/31 10:04:14')and i get an error :conversion of char data type to datetime data type resulted in an out of range datetime valueI had never this error before , do you know why ?i must enter a yyyy/mm/dd format because this database will be used for Fr and Us langagesthank you for helping
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Sep 4, 2015
I'm trying to select only July from show_held but I keep on getting the error message saying:
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
I get error message after I write this code:
ANDshow.show_held = '&July&'
As you can see from the below code, How do I select July from times_held_in_July?
DATENAME (MONTH, show_held) AS times_held_in_July
WHEREevent.show_id = show.show_id
event_name times_held_in_July
Jumping July
Led in July
Led in September
Led in May
Flag and PoleJuly
DATENAME (MONTH, show_held) AS times_held_in_July
WHEREevent.show_id = show.show_id
ANDshow.show_held = '&July&'
Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 24
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
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Apr 30, 2008
Good day all.
Let's see if I can stump you with this one.....
Code Snippet
SELECT Account.New_DistributorAccountNumber, Account.New_NameonBill, ActivityPointer.Subject, ActivityPointer.CreatedOn AS ExprX
ActivityPointer ON Account.AccountId = ActivityPointer.RegardingObjectId
SELECT Account_1.New_DistributorAccountNumber AS Expr1, Account_1.New_NameonBill AS Expr2, ActivityPointer_1.CreatedOn AS Expr19,
ActivityPointer_1.Subject AS Expr20
FROM Account AS Account_1 INNER JOIN
Contact AS Contact_1 ON Account_1.AccountId = Contact_1.AccountId INNER JOIN
ActivityPointer AS ActivityPointer_1 ON Contact_1.ContactId = ActivityPointer_1.RegardingObjectId
gives the error mentioned above. Each select statement, when run separately, works fine. Any clues?
Thank you in advance
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Dec 28, 2007
Hi,I'm new at asp .net and am having a problem. On a linkbutton click event, I want to insert into my db a row of data which includes two parameters. Param1 is the id of the logged in user, and Param2 is <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, 'UserId')%> which is the username of a user given through a datalist.When I execute the query: "insert into aspnet_friendship (userId, buddyId) values (@Param1, @Param2)"I get the error: Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.I am trying to insert these into my table aspnet_friendship into the columns userId and buddyId which are both uniqueidentifier fields. I tested the query using the same values (@Param1, @Param1) and (@Param2, @Param2) and found out that the problem is with Param2 because when I use Param1 the insert works perfectly. The value passed by Param2 is supposed to be the id of a user which I get from the datalist which selects * from aspnet_Users, so that <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, 'UserId')%> should also be an Id like Param1 is. Since both params are in the form of .toString(), I don't understand why one works but the other doesn't.As you can see in the code below, both of these parameters are dimmed as strings, so I don't understand why Param2 doesn't work. Can anyone please help? Protected Sub LinkButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection MyConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True") Dim MyCommand2 As SqlCommand Dim CurrentUser As String CurrentUser = Membership.GetUser.ProviderUserKey.ToString() Dim add As String add = "<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, 'UserId')%>".ToString() Session("username") = User.Identity.Name Dim InsertCmd As String = "insert into aspnet_friendship (userId, buddyId) values (@Param1, @Param2)" MyCommand2 = New SqlCommand(InsertCmd, MyConnection) MyCommand2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Param1", CurrentUser) MyCommand2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Param2", add) MyCommand2.Connection.Open() MyCommand2.ExecuteNonQuery() MyCommand2.Connection.Close() End Sub Thank you.
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Jan 5, 2008
Hello, Im Getting an error (below) at the login page. The only control on
that page is a Login control, adn the error below comes when I click login. Does anyone know what Im doing wrong? This is my login page:<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Login.aspx.cs" Inherits="Login" Title="myapp- Login" %><asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentHeader" Runat="Server"> LOGIN</asp:Content><asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentBody" Runat="Server"> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="305"> <tr> <td class="bodyText" colspan="2" style="height: 20px; text-align: center;"> <p> <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="mainText" --> <asp:Login ID="Login1" runat="server" TitleText="Existing Users Log In"> </asp:Login> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right"> <asp:LinkButton ID="lbNewmembers" runat="server" OnClick="lbNewmembers_Click">New Member?</asp:LinkButton></td> <td> <asp:LinkButton ID="lbForgotPassword" runat="server" OnClick="lbForgotPassword_Click">Forgot Password?</asp:LinkButton></td> </tr> </table></asp:Content>Error:
Server Error in '/myApp' Application.
Conversion failed when converting from a character string to
uniqueidentifier. Description:
An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web
request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and
where it originated in the code. Exception Details:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Conversion failed when converting from a
character string to uniqueidentifier.Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the
current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the
exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:
[SqlException (0x80131904): Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +859322 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +736198 System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +188 System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +1959 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.ConsumeMetaData() +31 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData() +62 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) +297 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async) +903 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result) +132 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method) +32 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) +122 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) +62 System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider.GetPasswordWithFormat(String username, Boolean updateLastLoginActivityDate, Int32& status, String& password, Int32& passwordFormat, String& passwordSalt, Int32& failedPasswordAttemptCount, Int32& failedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount, Boolean& isApproved, DateTime& lastLoginDate, DateTime& lastActivityDate) +1121 System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider.CheckPassword(String username, String password, Boolean updateLastLoginActivityDate, Boolean failIfNotApproved, String& salt, Int32& passwordFormat) +105 System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider.CheckPassword(String username, String password, Boolean updateLastLoginActivityDate, Boolean failIfNotApproved) +42 System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider.ValidateUser(String username, String password) +83 System.Web.UI.WebControls.Login.OnAuthenticate(AuthenticateEventArgs e) +160 System.Web.UI.WebControls.Login.AttemptLogin() +105 System.Web.UI.WebControls.Login.OnBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs e) +99 System.Web.UI.Control.RaiseBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs args) +35 System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) +115 System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +163 System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +7 System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +11 System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +33 System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +5102
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.312;
ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.833
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Nov 16, 2015
I've imported a CSV file into a table in SQL Server 2012. It's a large file, 140,000+ rows, so I couldn't covert it to Excel first to preserve the date format due to Excel's row limit. In the CSV file, there were 3 column with date data in "31-Aug-09" format, and the import automatically transformed these in "31AUG09" format (varchar(50)) in SQL Server. Now I need to convert these 3 columns from varchar to datetime so I could work with them in date format.
I've tried several things,e.g,
but keep getting the same error message (Msg 241) "Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string".
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Apr 17, 2014
i am working on a small project, that I have found that someone is storing a float as a varchar(). But there are also some actual words in the same column.
I am trying to determine how I can select only the rows with alphabetical characters in that column.
Some of the data is:
but there is a mix of alphabetical characters in there as well.
I want to be able to select the rows with only the alphabetical characters. There is a huge mix, and I am assuming that every first letter is one of the 26 alphabetical character used. How can I write a query to use a REGEX to select any and all rows that cannot be CAST as a Float? I have nill to no experience using REGEX.
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Jul 12, 2007
I'm designing a database that will not be that large (I would be surprised if it ever surpassed 50,000 rows across all tables), but will be accessed quite often, so I am doing my best to optimize its structure, such as doing 3NF, selecting appropriate data types, etc.
I have a few columns that will contain numeric data (such as an invoice number (from an external source) or location ID). However, one of my classes in college was about database design, and we were taught that if you won't be doing mathmatic computation on a field (such as the invoice or location fields I mentioned earlier), then you should use a string literal type (char, varchar, etc.)
Unfortunatly, the professor did not explain much as to why this should be done. From the standpoint of semantic analysis, these types of fields are probably more labels than they are numbers. However, I don't find that very convincing (or even helpful).
In short, my question is that given a column holding numeric data that isn't worked on in a mathematical sense, is it really better to mark it as a string literal than a number? Any articles or studies I can read relating to this?
I would think that comparisons would be faster with int, as well as data storage (though, as mentioned, that's not as big of a concern). Sadly, Google doesn't have many helpful resources. (Lots of stuff on char vs varchar, though.)
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Dec 31, 2003
I read the topic from JROdden and this case is similiar but...
I got several varchar fields with
values like
... these I can covert with
select CONVERT(dec(5,2), fieldname) as fieldname
In fact I also solved undefined- and NULL-values with.
But now there are values like
1,4 and these ones neither CONVERT nor CAST will handle.
I tried the
WHERE (isnumeric(KMPAUSCHALE) = 1)
and get
0.30 and so on...
The error is:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Driver][SQL Server]Error converting datatype varchar to decimal. (or float or numeric (whatever I tried))
I think the easiest way would be to insist on higher data quality but
I also would like to solve this interesting challenge.
Thanks for any hints
By the way, I followed rudys link to
and now I know how I could protect myself !!!!
There must be a voice in my head saying:
Try the db-forum, try it and stay happy... ;-)
best regards and have fun with new year eve.
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Sep 22, 2014
I have to store the result of a calculation in a column of type CHAR(7) (and am unable to change the column type).
The calculation can have results ranging in size from 0.1234567 to 99999999.
In the first case, I would need to store the value of 0.12345 in the column. In the later case, an error should be thrown.
So I need to store all of the significant digits from the left of the decimal (if there are < 7) and as many of the digits to the right as will fit into a CHAR(7), with the remaining precision being truncated.
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Sep 29, 2005
I have imported some data to sql2k from my old system. Somehow, it importedinvoice amount to char type.I just created another column called invamt2 type NUMERIC so I can copy orconvert content of invamt which is type CHAR. There are about 50,000records.How can I convert/cast from char type to numeric type ?Thanks
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Feb 5, 2008
Hi ,
I am trying to convert a char field of lenght 5 into numeric (5,2) 999.99 format ,
i am getting an arithmentic overflow error.
The Character Data is 5 in length
It works fine if the Data is 00000
it fails if there is any number in the data
Like 10000
or 05000
How do i represent these into Numeric (5,2)
please let me know what taransformation to use and how.
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Mar 14, 2001
I am from the school of thought that you should in every case have your primary keys as numeric values only. However, where I currently work there is a project leader who is a recent FoxPro convert (I know, they are tough ones to crack). I made the suggestion recently that the keys in the table should be numeric and with him being the project leader and me just a lowely developer he said get lost. I made the point that later joining your tables together in a PK/FK relationship where the keys where character would be slower then with numeric keys. He didn't listen and now we are approaching production with a database that is really just a bunch of text file. He said that with SQL 7 it doesn't matter if the pk is numeric or character. I disagree. But I need solid documentation to take to him and to the managers to convince them. If anyone out there could advise me on this. And if anyone could give me or tell me where I could find documentation on why even in SQL 7 there is a need to use numeric keys that would be a great help and you would be making one more shop in this world a little bit more technically sound :-) Thank you in advance for your help.
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Aug 2, 2007
HiI have a character field (char ot varchar) that I want to force only tocontain numeric characters.Can that be done by way of defining a constraint on the field ?or by any other way in the field/table definition ?What id the syntax ?Anyone have examples ?ThanksDavid Greenberg
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May 23, 2006
hello all,is there a quick way to convert a zipcode of type int, to a 5 characterchar value ?e.g.declare @zip intdeclare @czip char(5)select @zip = 2109select @czip = convert(char, @zip)select @czipbut with @czip = 02109 instead of 2109 ?thanks in advance
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Dec 18, 2003
I'm wondering which way is the best way to store your numeric values.
It probably doesnt matter, b/c you can always convert back and forth...but i'm just wondering what the best practice is i guess...
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May 8, 2006
I'm scrambling to complete a project and ran into an int to char problem. I'm sure, in my haste, I'm doing something stupid. Here is an example of what I'm trying to do but it doesn't convert as expected. I want the SEQ_NBR2 value to convert from 4 to 0000004.
select right('0000000' + convert(char(7), isnull(a.SEQ_NBR2, 0.0)), 7)
fromTXN_HEAD_837 a
where a.file_auth_nbr = '1084472388468'
anda.seq_nbr2 = 4
and a.sgmt_id2 = 'BHT'
Thanks, Jeff
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Feb 2, 2006
I have data tables that include ZIP code, as char(5). The values looklike integers, but they are padded with leading zeroes to fill out 5characters, '00234'.There are SPs to look up data, with @Zip char(5) among the parameters.Some users call these with integer values, @Zip = 234, and SQL makesthe conversion. Is it necesary to add the leading zeroes in the SP --@Zip=RIGHT('00000'+@Zip,5) -- or would SQL find this match? (234 ='00234'). It looks like the conversion is to '234' and the matchfails.Thanks,Jim GeissmanCountrywide
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Sep 29, 2005
In SQL I need to be able to take a varchar parameter @Area and convert it to a float.
The input values for @Area I can't control. They can range from 6300 to 6,300 SqFt to 1.2 Acres .
So to convert this value to a float I basically look through the string and remove everything that isn't a number or a period. Then I would convert this value to square feet based on how large the number is.
DECLARE @k int, @Temp VarChar(25), @SqFt Float
SELECT@Temp = @Area
select @Temp
select @k = patindex('%[^0-9. ]%', @Temp)
while @k> 0
select @Temp = replace(@Temp, substring(@Temp, @k, 1), '')
select @k= patindex('%[^0-9. ]%', @Temp)
If @Temp = ''
SET @Temp = '0'
SELECT @SqFt = Convert(Float, @Temp)
--Distinguish if it was acres or square feet
If (@SqFt > 750.00)
SET @SqFt = @SqFt
SET @SqFt = (@SqFt * Convert(Float,43560) )
This works great except for one situation, If @Area is something like 6,300 Sq.Ft. . When I run it through the part that removes all non-numeric items and periods, I end up with 6300 .. . So to get around this I want to find the first letter in the string and then remove everything after it. Then take the result and run it through part that removes everything but the numbers and period.
However I can't find away to get the index of the alpha-numeric character and remove everything after it.
Thanks in advance!
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Jan 1, 2015
I have one table and this field is character field with save data in below.
Bonus_table->bonus_amt_field. Char(20)
Record information
if i want to convert this character field => change to numeric field to display ,how to handle "Blank" and "null" record?
The result expect:
I try this query but wrong message :
select cast(convert(numeric,3)bonus_amt) as bonus_amt
from test
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Aug 19, 2005
Hi All there -
I want to show the o/p of a cursor on a single line. There is a numeric variable that needs to be clubed with the character variable. If I use char() the o/p is not right.
How do I do that?
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi all,I have a table called PTRANS with few columns (see create script below).I have created a view on top that this table VwTransaction (See below)I can now run this query without a problem:select * from dbo.VwTransactionwhereAssetNumber = '101001' andTransactionDate <= '7/1/2003'But when I create an index on the PTRANS table using the command below:CREATE INDEX IDX_PTRANS_CHL# ON PTRANS(CHL#)The same query that ran fine before, fails with the error:Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted inan out-of-range datetime value.I can run the same query by commeting out the AssetNumber clause and itworks fine. I can also run the query commenting out the TransactionDatecolumn and it works fine. But when I have both the conditions in theWHERE clause, it gives me this error. Dropping the index solves theproblem.Can anyone tell me why an index would cause a query to fail?Thanks a lot in advance,AmirCREATE TABLE [PTRANS] ([CHL#] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[CHCENT] [numeric](2, 0) NOT NULL ,[CHYYMM] [numeric](4, 0) NOT NULL ,[CHDAY] [numeric](2, 0) NOT NULL ,[CHTC] [char] (2) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE VIEW dbo.vwTransactionsASSELECT CONVERT(datetime, dbo.udf_AddDashes(REPLICATE('0', 2 -LEN(CHCENT)) + CONVERT(varchar, CHCENT) + REPLICATE('0', 4 -LEN(CHYYMM))+ CONVERT(varchar, CHYYMM) + REPLICATE('0', 2 -LEN(CHDAY)) + CONVERT(varchar, CHDAY)), 20) AS TransactionDate,CHL# AS AssetNumber,CHTC AS TransactionCodeFROM dbo.PTRANSWHERE (CHCENT <> 0) AND (CHTC <> 'RA')*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
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Sep 5, 2002
Is it possible to have SQL Server recognize the following character field as a date using convert or cast (or anything else):
so that I can do date comparisons such as
select * from table where [char in above format] < getdate()
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Oct 10, 2006
I'm trying to run the following statement. If the first row of invoie data has a number the invoice for the rest of the rows that contain text come through as null. If the first row of data is text i'm fine. How do I convert the invoice to text as it is being read from the below statement?
Set @tsql = 'insert into #Draw_File_Data (Folder, Vendor, Invoice, Dist_Seq, Draw)
select Folder, Vendor, Invoice, [Dist_Seq], [Draw] from OpenRowset(''MSDASQL'', ''Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};
DefaultDir=' + @path + ';'',''select Folder, Vendor, cast(Invoice as varchar(50)), [Dist_Seq], [Draw] from [' + @draw_file + ']'')'
Exec (@tsql)
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Apr 16, 2004
I am trying to convert a single code page MS Server database into a unicode database, using the unicode data types,NCHAR, NVARCHAR, NTEXT. The problem is that in the original database, indexes and constraints have been defined on the tables whose configurations need to be changed. As a result, the ALTER TABLE command fails. Are there any other alternative solutions?
Also, data from the old database needs to be preserved. The objective is to create a unicode database which keeps the old data intact as well as accepts the new data in unicode.
It would be great if you could help!
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Feb 6, 2007
Hi all,
I need to convert a char (a) to datetime in the following query:
select *
from table1
where convert (a, datetime) > '01/31/2007'
this query does not work :(
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Nov 23, 2006
i have another problem.and it's now on converting a char(4) to datetimehere is the situationJ_TIM < F_TIMJ_TIM is datetime while F_TIM is char of 4exampleJ_TIM = 20:30F_TIM = 2030how can i convert F_TIM to datetime so that i can compare them.???thanks
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Jul 5, 2002
I need a script to find the position of the first non-numeric in a telno field and delete from that point onwards.
Example: 01208 12345 (Work) would become 01208 12345
Has anybody come across this before ?
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Sep 13, 2001
hi I have a table which contain an id field as a char(20)
The content of this field is combination of string and numbers as follow
id flag
--------- -----
I need to update the flag field where first character in the id field is not numeric. HOw can I do that.
thanks for your hlep
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