Two questions both on Line charts: Is it possible to give the marker of a line chart a different colour from that given to the line? Is it possible to make only the line in the line chart invisible? My requirement is to keep only the markers.
I am creating a simple line chart using SSRS 2005. The chart will display date vs. cumulative enrollment. In the line chart I want to display two lines. One line represents expected enrollment data and the other represents actual enrollment data. I would like the expected data line to be a dashed line and the actual line to be a solid line. I have a single dataset that contains data for both lines. I have added a column to the dataset that acts as a flag to indicate whether the data point is expected or actual. I have dropped the enrollment field from my dataset into "Drop data fields here". I have dropped the date field from my dataset into "Drop category fields here". I have dropped the flag field from my dataset into "Drop series fields here".
When I change the style of the series it changes the styles of both lines. How can assign a different line style to each line? Is this even possible with the way I have set up the chart? Is there another way to set up the chart to accomplish what I am trying to do?
In a bar chart, we are using the LargeCheckerBoard as the pattern style in series properties > fill. It is showing correctly on the browser but if we export to PDF, this style(checks) are getting small and different from what shown on the browser.
Hi every body! I created a report project by SQL Server Business Intelligence Development.I use toolbox chart to display report.But I want to edit format of catagory fields when it appear.That mean I have a report have two catagory(category1 and category2),one is parent of another.I want to edit style of catagory( such as catagory1 will have lines to separate with another category1......) Please help me! Thank you very much.
I developed the following T-SQL query that runs successfully, but I was looking for a more efficient and concise way to do this. Is there a CTE that can replace all of these case statements? I've updated my query as below. Although this sample query works, it's not working for my real data. Instead, I get an error. At the bottom is the error part of my real query.I copied all of the tables from the first query block below. But when I wrote the bottom query block, it underlined in red the words "answer" and "question." It says "Invalid column name".
if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects o where o.xtype in ('U') and = object_id(N'tempdb..#hard_values') ) DROP TABLE #hard_values; if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects o where o.xtype in ('U') and = object_id(N'tempdb..#dummy_data') ) DROP TABLE #dummy_data; if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects o where o.xtype in ('U') and = object_id(N'tempdb..#temp')
I want to make a CSS Style solution for my reports. I have few ideas related to this, changing the report properties on the fly, but I am not sure for which I should go for.
- We know that we can put expression on reports almost everywhere, and can also call custom code for setting up those expressions. i.e.
Public Shared Function GetValue(ByVal Key As String) As String
Dim myDataReader As SqlDataReader Dim mySqlConnection As SqlConnection Dim mySqlCommand As SqlCommand
mySqlConnection = New SqlConnection("server=localhost;Trusted_Connection=yes;database=tempMIQB") mySqlCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM [Properties] Where PropertyName='" & Key & "'", mySqlConnection) mySqlConnection.Open() myDataReader = mySqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
If myDataReader.Read() Then GetValue = myDataReader.Item("PropertyValue").ToString Else GetValue = "None" End If
End Function
and in textbox or any where I can say =Code.GetValue("BGColor") or from .NET dll.
For going further on with this idea I can create an .NET dll and get the list from database or XML file. (Please give suggestions for performance/scalability issue.)
- second idea is to write a custom application (script) which can go through all the reports and change the color and fonts and every thing.
- third is to use parameters and use Array.IndexOf method to search for the value, but in this case i need to add dataset to all reports and, I think we cannot access report properties i.e. Parameters from custom code, just to make a generic function to access parameter value.
I have a stacked bar with Line marker. that shows the trend contribution. My concerned is the line marker was behind the stacked bar which it should be at the front or before the stacked bar. how to fixed this in SSRS and Report builder. The line marker is the finished good qty while the 3 other legend WIP, FG and Scrap is the Percentage.
When I export the report in excel format the chart is displayed as picture. I want it to be displayed as editable chart.Does Office Writer work in this situation and did anyone use Office Writer to accomplish same type of problem.Is there any other method or product we can use instead of the office writer.
I need to create a chart with the following features
1) Bar chart that has data for 3 years (3 series) 2) Line chart that has the same data as per the above points on the bar chart but this is a running total. (3 series) 3) These data points are for the 12 months 4) there should be a secondary axis for the cumulative one
i don't know weather is it possible or not..but Can any One tell's me How can i refresh the Chart Values.. acutally what's happening..
i have two Chart in a reprot .. One is Main Category and other one is SubCategory... acutally what i want.. in Main Category chart sum of Quantities of Subcategory values comes in bar or any other format.. and when i click on Main chart any bar it's refresh the other chart and return the result of subcategory under that main category in details...
i don't know is this possible .. acutally i m very new in reproting.. infact that's my first report.. so i want to do this.. if any article or any help anyone can provide me..
Hi, I am not getting Mining Accuracy Chart and Min ing Model Prediction Plz tel me how to do.And how to use the filter input data used to generate the lift chart and select predictable mining model columns to show in the lift chart
" When connecting to the server with a pre-4.1 client program, use an account that still has a pre-4.1-style password. Reset the password to a pre-4.1 style for each who must use a pre-4.1 client program."
What is "pre-4.1-style password"? Can you give an example for a "pre-4.1-style password"?
MySQL allowed INSERT statements that looked like this: INSERT INTO Table SET col1 = value1, col2 = value2, col3 = value3 Basically this closely matched the format of the UPDATE statements. Here is why this was good: I could do something like this: if (RecordExists == false) { SQLquery = "INSERT INTO Table SET "; } else { SQLquery = "UPDATE Table SET "; } SQLquery += "col1 = value1, "; SQLquery += "col2 = value2, "; SQLquery += "col3 = value3, "; SQLquery += "col4 = value4 "; if (RecordExists == true) { SQLquery += "WHERE id = " + ourID; }
If I had a good 50 columns then it means I can reuse a sizable chunk of code for both INSERT and UPDATE statements (since both use the same general format). Whereas if I have to use "INSERT INTO Table(columns) VALUES (values)" then I'm look at duplicating a lot of code. Does MS-SQL support something similar to "INSERT INTO SET"? How are others dealing with this? Thanks, Gabe----------------------
There is no style provided for in SQL Server documentation. Is there any way to do such conversion with this constant value of format ?
Hi!If you like to spend some moments on my code examples,please look at it - usage is free (-: welcome.GreetingsBjorn
Hello, I'm looking for a little input on this situation.I'm working on an inventory system and was thinking that I'd like tobuild it similiar to the way a bank keeps track of your funds.If you look at at bank statement, for each line item, you'll normallysee at least date/time, description, amount (plus or minus value), andbalance.In my inventory system, the amount and balance would be a count of theitems used or transferred instead of money.Does this sound reasonable? Or is there a better design? I am planningto connect the inventory system to a few different ordering interfaces,and I think it would work well if I can dump transactions into theinventory instead of incrementing and decrementing counts.The only problem I see with this, is if I want to implement the balancepart of it with each record....I can't think of a way to do that currently.I can certainly use a trigger in the database to retrieve the mostrecent transaction and update the balance field for one record insertedat a time, but if a list of transactions is dumped into the inventorysystem at once, I'd have to compensate for that in the trigger.Ideas?*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
Is it possible to make a rectangle appear sunk or raised? I've had a play with the different border style settings but they don't appear to make any difference! Can anyone also tell me what the Groove, Ridge, Inset etc are supposed to do?
I have 2 details section in my report. I want to set bottom border style to solid for the first detail section if the second detail section is empty. And set to none if the second detail section has value. Basically I want to show the line below the first detail section and hide the second detail section if the second detail section is empty. otherwise I want to show the line only below the second detail section.
I am able to hide the detail section. But can't set the border style using expression.
I am making a prog that needs to import many records from a spreadsheet on a local computer through into sql server is there a simple command to do this or is there information on how to do this please give all the information that you can thank you
My manager wants me to produce a legacy dts-style display of an executing package in an grid view. It would be color-coded the same way: red, green, black showing the status of each step with start and finish time. Any ideas on how to do this?
Im using embedded SS2000 DTS packages in SSIS. These legacy packages use Dynamic Properties Tasks to pick up connection settings from a named ini file. The name of that ini file needs to change occasionally. To date the only way we have of doing this is resetting all the dynamic properties to point at the new ini file. Unfortuntely there are a lot of connections and properties and there is no budget to recreate these packages in SSIS. There must be an easier way?!
Does anyone know how to quickly change Dynamic Properties Tasks to look at a new ini?
Seems like a long shot, but I'd really like to show "CO2" (chemical formula for carbon dioxide) with the "2" as a subscript, in a report text box. The "CO2" would be embedded as part of a sentence, e.g. "The CO2 emissions..." Is there any way to do this?
I have two tables that are pretty standard I think. Table a has product descriptions and one of those fields is a price. I have a second table that contains fees based on the price. so table B looks like this.
min max fee 0 19.99 2.50 20.00 49.99 3.50 50.00 1000.00 5.50
the max ends up around a million just to be sure we cover all prices. my problem is this I need a very efficient query to poll all the values from A and the correct value from B. All the attempts I have made are not working. I also have to make sure this query is extremely efficient as it is executed several times a minute. If there is a better way in general to structure this I am all ears. I wanted to avoid placing the fees in the product table as the fees are updated often, but if its the only way to get this to work, then that is where I will go.
Hi, i have created a rdl file with 10 columns.Also i have an aspx page which will list the ten columns. The user can select some columns and on clicking report button report will be generated in PDF format(Using the rdl file). Now i want to apply style sheet to the report dynamically from aspx page.. how to do that..Help me. Thanks in advance
I am building reports using Sql Server 2005 Reporting Services. I have to build more than 20 reports. I felt it is tedious to format each report individually. Is there a way to include external style sheets in reports?
I run into a wirt sittuation, when coding my ASP.NET page using the traditional old way like this, it runs very fast: Dim thisSQL =" SELECT strAuthorName, strTitle, strContent, lngChapter, tblKiemHiepChapters.strReference FROM tblKiemHiepAuthors A " & _ " INNER JOIN tblKiemHiepTitles B ON A.ID=lngAuthorID " & _ " INNER JOIN tblKiemHiepChapters ON B.ID=lngTruyenID " & _ " AND tblKiemHiepChapters.ID="& e.CommandArgument Dim thisConnection As SqlConnection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("DNS2")) Dim thisCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(thisSQL, thisConnection) thisConnection.Open() dim objReader As SqlDataReader = thisCommand.ExecuteReader() objReader.Read() if objReader.HasRows then if (objReader.Item("strTitle") Is DBNull.Value ) Then thisHeading = Replace(thisHeading, "#HEADING#", "" ) else ''''''''''' end if................ but when I used VISUAL STUDIO.NET way of binding datasouce like below: it runs so damn slow. do you guys know what the problem is? if you need to see the complete code please let me know. this happen when my ntext field that contains lots of text (the code post heredoes not necessary have the same functionality) <asp:SqlDataSource ID="GetContentByChapterID" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:nangmoi_cnn_string %>"SelectCommand="SELECT [lngChapter], [strReference], [strContent] FROM [tblKiemHiepChapters] WHERE (ID = @ChapterID)"><SelectParameters><asp:SessionParameter DefaultValue=0 Name="ChapterID" SessionField="ChapterID" Type="Int32" /></SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>