Chart - Point Labels Inside The Bar
Jan 11, 2007
Hi People,
I'm with a new problem.
I creted a simple bar type and sometimes the values of point labels are showing inside of bar, This is a problema, because if the length of bar will be short, the value doesn't shows. How can I make to force the point label value outside of bar ??
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Aug 31, 2007
I have a pie chart and have tried every option I could find on the Data tab for the point labels. They bunch up all over the place. What am I missing?
Does Dundas do this better?
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Mar 26, 2008
I've created a chart and I'm using point labels. When I have two series, and the values on one bar of one of the series is zero, the point label for that bar shows up at the same point on the chart as the value for the other series--in other words, it shows up in the middle of the chart rather than at the bottom, where a value of zero should be. Any ideas on how to fix this? It just looks stupid.
Example--sales for customer 1 and 2 for June and July. Sales for cust 1 for June is 5, for cust 2 is 3; point labels show up at the tops of the bars. Sales for cust 1 for July is 0, cust 2 is 6; point label for cust 1 shows up near 5 (where the value for the other month of data shows), and for cust 2 at the top of the bar.
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Feb 13, 2012
I have a report designed in SSRS 2008 R2.My issue is that the data labels do not stay outside the bars for high values.
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Dec 18, 2006
Hi. I'm currently having some troubles with the Reporting Services charts and I was hoping I could get some help here.
The issue here is that I'm using charts with horizontal bars, and I can't seem to be able to control the alignment of the Point Values. I've read that the alignment can't be set while using stacked bar charts, but I'm not using a stacked bar chart, just a simple horizontal bar chart.
A workaround for this would be to use different colors for the values displayed outside the bars than from those displayed inside the bars (for better visibility). I had expected RS to display the values inside the bars when they are greater than a set percentage of the chart range (e.g. 95%). Alas, this is not the case, as it seems to consider the number of digits the values have AND the grouping. At least.
So, does anybody have an idea about what could be done in this particular situation?
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Mar 2, 2006
I have a line chart that has several series, and it routinely leaves off 1 or 2 point labels on the last X-axis.
Is anyone else experiencing this? If so, does anyone know what the cause is, and is there a fix?
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Jul 3, 2015
Is it possible to have the value labels always on top of the bars of a bar chart?
On the Chart Series Labels properties under Appearance, I used Top for Position, but if the bar reaches the top of the chart area (and that is determined automaticaly by the Y Axis that and can't be a fixed value).
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Sep 11, 2007
I have a chart that presently has two groupings on the x-axis: Year & Qtr. I'd like the Year labels to be one color, and the Qtr labels to be a different color. (All year labels should be Black, all Qtr labels should be Blue). I can see that an expression can be written to handle this dynamically, but I'm banging my head trying to figure it out...
Any help?
Thanks in advance,
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Sep 8, 2015
Some labels such as 33314 are displaying over the columns. I need all labels to display at the top. How can I fix this without changing the size of the chart?
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Aug 13, 2013
I am counting order type by a field which can have 3 different values.In a stacked column chart I am displaying the count of those different values, and showing a data label with the count for each order type. See screenshot.
Now I would like to show a line based on the total of each order type. I can see that SSRS already know the number of each order type as it is shown in the labels.
How do I add those numbers (shown in the labels) together and get it into a Total field? I would prefer not to alter my SQL query, if possible.
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Jul 27, 2015
What is the best optimised options to display the date labels with bi-weekly intervals starting date Date from one month to three months future from the current date?
As per above requirements, I have built the below line graph query and graph, currently it only displays the date labels as per data but I need to display date labels with bi-weekly intervals starting date from one month to three months future from the current date. Also another issue found, if there are few more date labels then does not show all labels on horizontal axis.
/* Set Week End date as Sunday */
DATEADD(DAY, 7 - DATEPART(WEEKDAY, t.TaskBaseline0FinishDate), CAST(t.TaskBaseline0FinishDate
+1 AS DATE)) as[WeekEnd]
,count(t.TaskBaseline0FinishDate) as Baseline
,count(t.TaskFinishDate) as Finish
[Code] .....
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Oct 25, 2015
I developed a rdlc report. I have a graph chart. Sometimes the value of a label can =0. If the value =0 I want to hide the labelname. However, I also have dummy values =0. This is so that I can have spaces between the bars. The dummy values labels isn't shown in the graph. This works great. I need to add to the expression that if the name of the label isn't dummy but the value =0 to hide the labelname.
The data from sql:
Expression in graph under chart data->category groups->category group properties->label:
=Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.SWITCH(Fields!LabelName.Value = "aTotalForRetire", "Retirement", Fields!LabelName.Value = "cTotalForRelatives", "Relatives", Fields!LabelName.Value = "eTotalForDisability",
The result is below. I want to hide the label relatives as in this example the value=0. It will not always be the case. How can I do that?
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Aug 9, 2015
I am using the below expression for hidding the zero data labels in ssrs chart.=IIF(Fields!Name.Value=0,False,True). But this expression is working for some other charts. It is not wrking for only charts. I could not find the solution for that. How to hide the zero values.
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Aug 1, 2015
Data lables in ssrs reports are getting overlapped in stacked chart. Since it is satcked chart i can't place labels outside the bar.Due to this it is not visible clearly. how to avoid this issue?
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Mar 28, 2008
Hi all,
Is it possible with Reporting Services to create a scatter chart
where the colour of the report area are dependant upon X or Y axis value?
For example: can I specify that if the point values are greater than
75 then the color of those parts shall be red? and other are green as an
Furthermore can I get X and Y axis value of chart?
also i like to know that i want add a line in scatter report based on a
value which is not a Major or Minor gridline.can i do it?
pls advice.Looking for your help desparately.
Thanks in advance.
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Jun 25, 2015
We have created a chart in SharePoint 2013 with performance point dashboard designer. We want to change Title of chart. For more information please check attached image.
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Dec 5, 2013
I have a closed polygon that coincidently is in the shape of Iowa :) I have a point that is within the state and a point WELL outside it, but I get weird results that I don't expect when I try to get it to tell me that the point is within the polygon. Here is some basic code, with long coordinates data.
DECLARE @g geography,
@pIn geography,
@pOut geography
SET @g = geography::STPolyFromText('POLYGON((-91.119987 40.705402, -91.129158 40.682148, -91.162498 40.656311, -91.214912 40.643818, -91.262062 40.639545, -91.375610 40.603439, -91.411118 40.572971, -91.412872 40.547993, -91.382103 40.528496, -91.374794 40.503654, -91.385399 40.447250, -91.372757 40.402988, -91.385757 40.392361, -91.418816 40.386875, -91.448593 40.371902, -91.476883 40.390968, -91.490158 40.390762, -91.500221
(1 row(s) affected)As I read that there is a distance of about 7864 meters, this is close to what I would expect, so that's ok. The point outside I would expect a distance as well so that is confusing.. Then we have the intersects, it says that the point inside does NOT intersect but the one outside DOES, this is backed up by the intersection values.
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Oct 21, 2015
I have a range bar chart Inside a table of row group and the chart is repeatedly generate according to category ,i want to increase chart height dynamically based on category.
suppose for if category =A THEN CHART HEIGHT=10CM
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Mar 26, 2008
Hello all,
First off, I appreciate the time that those of you reading and responding to this request are offering. My quesiton is a theoretical and hopefully simple one, and yet I have been unable to find an answer to it on other searches or sources.
Here's the situation. I am working with SQL Server 2005 on a Windows Server 2003 machine. I have a series of databases, all of which are in Full recovery mode, using a backup device for the full database backups and a separate device for the log backups. The full backups are run every four days during non-business hours. The log backups are run every half hour.
Last week, one of my coworkers found that some rarely-used data was unavailable, and wanted to restore a database to a point in time where the data was available. He told me that point in time was some time back in November.
To accomplish this, I restored the database (in a separate database, as to not overwrite my production database) using the Point in Time Recovery option. I selected November from the "To a point in time" window (I should note that this window is always grey, never white like most active windows, it seems), and the full database backup and the subsequent logs all became available in the "Select the backup sets to restore" window.
I then tried a bevy of different options from the "Options" screen. However, every restore succeeds (ie: it doesn't error out), but seems to be bringing the database back to a current point in time. It's never actually going back to the point in time I specify.
My questions are as follows:
a) Is it possible to do a point in time recovery to a point in time BEFORE the last full database backup?
b) If so, what options would you recommend I use? (ie: "Overwrite the existing database", restore with recovery, etc etc).
I again appreciate any and all advice I receive, and I look forward to hearing from anyone and everyone on this topic. Thank you.
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Mar 26, 2007
Hello All,
I have a reporting services report in the form of a chart. I have two datafields on the chart.
I need to be able to dynamically hide one datafield and view the chart for the other one and vice versa.
How do I do this ?
Any help would be appreciated..
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Jul 17, 2014
When I export the report in excel format the chart is displayed as picture. I want it to be displayed as editable chart.Does Office Writer work in this situation and did anyone use Office Writer to accomplish same type of problem.Is there any other method or product we can use instead of the office writer.
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Oct 21, 2015
I need to create a chart with the following features
1) Bar chart that has data for 3 years (3 series)
2) Line chart that has the same data as per the above points on the bar chart but this is a running total. (3 series)
3) These data points are for the 12 months
4) there should be a secondary axis for the cumulative one
Can I create this using the same data set?
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Sep 12, 2007
For inserting current date and time into the database, is it more efficient and performant and faster to do getDate() inside SQL Server and insert the value
to do System.DateTime.Now in the application and then insert it in the table?
I figure even small differences would be magnified if there is moderate traffic, so every little bit helps.
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Mar 27, 2008
Hi Guys..
i don't know weather is it possible or not..but Can any One tell's me How can i refresh the Chart Values.. acutally what's happening..
i have two Chart in a reprot .. One is Main Category and other one is SubCategory... acutally what i want.. in Main Category chart sum of Quantities of Subcategory values comes in bar or any other format.. and when i click on Main chart any bar it's refresh the other chart and return the result of subcategory under that main category in details...
i don't know is this possible .. acutally i m very new in reproting.. infact that's my first report.. so i want to do this.. if any article or any help anyone can provide me..
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Nov 16, 2007
I'm trying to execute a stored procedure within the case clause of select statement.
The stored procedure returns a table, and is pretty big and complex, and I don't particularly want to copy the whole thing over to work here. I'm looking for something more elegant.
@val1 and @val2 are passed in
INSERT INTO #TEMP (myint, mybool)
SELECT my_int_from_tbl,
CASE WHEN @val1 IN (SELECT val1 FROM (EXEC dbo.my_stored_procedure my_int_from_tbl, my_param)) THEN 1 ELSE 0
FROM dbo.tbl
WHERE tbl.val2 = @val2
If I have to, I can do a while loop and populate another temp table for every "my_int_from_tbl," but I don't really know the syntax for that.
Any suggestions?
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Sep 14, 2007
I am not getting Mining Accuracy Chart and Min ing Model Prediction
Plz tel me how to do.And how to use the filter input data used to generate the lift chart and
select predictable mining model columns to show in the lift chart
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Nov 10, 2006
I'm running SQL Server 2005 on a Server 2003 machine serving both our home network as well as a remote site through a point-to-point T1. While file transfer speeds are up to par, the remote site's interaction with SQL Server (Point of sale system) is very slow. After testing I am certain that it has nothing to do with the actual physical machine in place neither is it an issue with the program itself since speeds are as they are supposed to be over the home network lan. It seems that there might be a packet size issue or something of the sort. Has anyone dealt with this before or have any thoughts?
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May 26, 2008
Just wonder whether is there any indicator or system parameters that can indicate whether stored procedure A is executed inside query analyzer or executed inside application itself so that if execution is done inside query analyzer then i can block it from being executed/retrieve sensitive data from it?
What i'm want to do is to block someone executing stored procedure using query analyzer and retrieve its sensitive results.
Stored procedure A has been granted execution for public user but inside application, it will prompt access denied message if particular user has no rights to use system although knew public user name and password. Because there is second layer of user validation inside system application.
However inside query analyzer, there is no way control execution of stored procedure A it as user knew the public user name and password.
Looking forward for replies from expert here. Thanks in advance.
Note: Hope my explaination here clearly describe my current problems.
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Jun 27, 2006
Dear fellows,
Labels as the ones are easy recognizable when you explore LDFS by mean DBCC or whatever but on the contrary the following ones are tricky to reach the meaning:
Does anyone have any link related with this? I tried hard to search by Goog or something like that but unsuccessfully at all.
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Mar 27, 2007
I have a simple bar graph. All I am looking to do is display the values on each bar. Can someone please help me. Thanks
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Apr 22, 2008
I have a page that is part of a 5 page wizard. The wizard gathers data for a claim filter. The second page is laid out with four labels at the top
Filter Name: <filterName> -- filterName_LFilter Description: <filterDescription> -- filterDescription_LFilter Data Source: <filterDataSource> -- filterDataSource_LFilter Purpose: <filterPurpose> -- filterPurpose_L
--I have written an sp to populate these four label.Text values. I want to populate them on page load.
Two questions. How do I get four output values out of the sp? Is there a better way to do this than an sp?
-- =============================================-- Author: <Author,,Name>-- ALTER date: <ALTER Date,,>-- Description: <Description,,>-- =============================================ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[a_spNewFilter_Step1_Summary] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @filterID int ,
@filtername varchar(100) OUTPUT, @filterdescription varchar(250) OUTPUT, @filterOwnerID int OUTPUT, @filterDataSourceID INT OUTPUT, @filterPurposeID int OUTPUT
ASBEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements.SET NOCOUNT ON;
--DECLARE @FilterID int
--SET @filterID = 14
SELECT filterIsComplete, filterCreateDate, filterStep1Complete, filterName, filterDescription, das.AuditorFirstName + ' ' + das.AuditorLastName as FilterOwner, dfds.filterDataSource, dfp.filterPurposeFROM a_factSamplingFilter_2 fsfINNER JOIN dbo.a_dimFilterDataSource dfdsON dfds.filterDataSourceID = fsf.filterDataSourceIDINNER JOIN dbo.a_dimAuditStaff dasON das.AuditorID = fsf.filterOwnerIDINNER JOIN dbo.a_dimfilterPurpose dfpON dfp.filterPurposeID = fsf.filterPurposeIDWHERE filterID = @filterIDGROUP BY filterIsComplete, filterCreateDate, filterStep1Complete, filterName, filterDescription, das.AuditorFirstName, das.AuditorLastName, dfds.filterDataSource, dfp.filterPurpose
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
int filterID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["filterID"]); /// grab the filterID from the URL query string
string connectionString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DDT"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("a_spNewFilter_Step1_Summary", con); // get the values from filter setup step1 cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@FilterID", SqlDbType.Int)); // using the filterID created in step1 cmd.Parameters["@FilterID"].Value = filterID;
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@FilterName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100)); cmd.Parameters["@FilterName"].Direction = FilterName_TB.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@FilterDescription", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255)); cmd.Parameters["@FilterDescription"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@FilterOwner", SqlDbType.VarChar,50)); cmd.Parameters["@FilterOwner"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@FilterDataSource", SqlDbType.VarChar,50)); cmd.Parameters["@FilterDataSource"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@FilterPurpose", SqlDbType.VarChar,100)); cmd.Parameters["@FilterPurpose"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
try { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } finally { con.Close(); }
///get name, description, owner, datasource, purpose
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Dec 14, 2005
I have these tables:
How can I output a text file formatted like the one below?
(05) 01046 (F 05)
Mr. Sylvain Cote
123 Sesame Street
Apt 6
Charny, BC
L8T 5G6
(F 05) - Lang
$3.99/yr .COM!
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Oct 25, 2007
We are having trouble getting labels to print correctly when there is a lot of data close together on the labels. These are more than just address labels, so there are many lines, graphics, and borders. Are there additional tools or suggestions for keeping labels consistant?
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