Check FTP File Date

Jan 3, 2007

First I want to thank everyone that has given help to me and everyone else with the issues involving migrating to 2005... Thanks alot..

Now for the problem. I am looking for (an not finding anything of help) to check the date of a file on an ftp server. A file always exists but once a month the day changes. I would just download the file and check it locally but the files are several hundred megs in size so that would be inefficient.

So is there anyway to do that??

On another note, can anyone point me to a good resource for learning the scripting language that SSIS uses??

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Check File Date And Copy File

Apr 23, 2007


I need to set up create a package so that I could check the date of the files posted in a folder, e.g. H:source. If there is no file created later than one day exists, then continue to check again one hour later. If files do exists, then copy then to c:dest and then upzip the files. Once this is done, sent an notification email to


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Help Please (Check File Exists/ Archive File/ Check If File Empty)

Mar 10, 2008

Hello World,

I'm new to SSIS and would like a little assistance getting started, if possible...

Here is what I want to do:

Check if file exist (C:DTS UpgradeFilexxx.txt) --->

Archive file (C:DTS UpgradeArchive) --->

Check if file has data (true or false)


If there are any good website that have good direction, let me know

Thanks in advance for your help!!!

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Data Access :: How To Check All Connection Automatically During Routine Check By Using Batch File

May 20, 2015

I have multiple ODBC connection and how to check all connection automatically during routine check by using batch file.

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How To Check Between Todays Date With Another Date?

Dec 28, 2005

Hi, ppleI am trying to check dates. I tried something like this but it doesn't work.
Dim strarray As Array
Dim my As New Database
Dim d As SqlDataReader
Dim dr2 As SqlDataReader
d = my.ExecuteQuery("Select lastLogin, ID from Student")
While d.Read
Dim ld As DateTime = d("lastLogin")
If ld > FormatDateTime(Now) Then
strarray() = strarray() + d("ID")
End If
End While
dr2 = my.ExecuteQuery("Insert into Audit (auditID, ID, auditMsg, updatedDate) values ('200','20','" & strarray() & "','" & FormatDateTime(Now) & "');")
Catch x As Exception
End Try

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Check File For Being Used By Some Other Process When Using Flat File Source

Feb 14, 2007

I am wondering how easy is to check for file locks and have our SSIS Package to wait until file has been release by the process which is using it.

Also, same question when we're writing to a Flat File (or Flat File Destination).


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Check Db Size Data File And Log File

Apr 27, 2008


i'm trying to write this script that check my database file and log size(in MB) and insert them into a table.i need the following columns
i try to write this a got stuck.
select sysdb.database_id,,sysdb.compatibility_level,
sysdb.recovery_model_desc,sysmaster.size from sys.databases sysdb,sys.master_files sysmaster
where sysdb.database_id = sysmaster.database_id

can anyone help me with this script?

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Check If Field Is All Date

Jan 18, 2008

Hey all,

I've been ehre off and on when I've needed help. And I know someone answered my question last time with the exact info I needed. But I seem to have lost the query I saved.

I pretty much need a query that can filter a field I have adn pull up any records that are not in in date format. My current field is text and I'm trying to convert it over to DateTime but am getting stuck. Seems at least one of the records does not have a date format.

Thank you all.

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How To Check For Incoming Date???

Mar 12, 2007

I would like to check if the incoming date is valid date and i would also like to check if the date exists in my database.

i am transfering data from a flat file so all the data is string data.

How would i assign the datatype to the incoming columns as they exists in the sql table.Because it would better when i try to compare my incoming columns with the once in my database.

Here when i have a lookup transform and try to map one of my columns with string datatype to a column in my sql table of datatype date time i get a datatype mismatch error. How do i need to check if its date time...and how can i check if the incoming date is valid date.

please let me know

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SQlfunction To Check Date

Sep 10, 2007

I need to have a second copy of our databse on another server as backup if something will happen to the first one.
I couldn´t get the sql replication or database mirror to work ( I think the problem i that both servers are running in a workgroup an dnot in a domaine) and now I try to solved my problem with an automatic restore of the full backup (a new full backup is running every night) but now I need a function to check if todays date is the same as a part of the backupfilename and is it possible to do that as a step in the sqlagentjob i have create?

Thanks for any help how I can do that

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Date Check Expression

Feb 22, 2008

feel like a dafty asking this one but can anyone tell me the proper syntax for checking if a date being inserted is greater than today ?

I have tried [datetobechecked] >= getdate()
without success in the expression editor


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Stored Procedure To Check Date Range

Nov 10, 2006

Hi guys,I have written a stored procedure to check for date range, say if the user enters a value for 'city-from' , 'city-to', 'start-date' and end-date, this stored procedure should verify these 2 dates against the dates stored in the database. If these 2 dates had already existed for the cities that they input, the stored procedure should return 1 for the PIsExists parameter. Below's how I constructed the queries:  1 ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.DateCheck
3 @PCityFrom Char(3) = '',
4 @PCityTo Char(3) = '',
5 @PDateFrom DATETIME = '31 Dec 9999',
6 @PDateTo DATETIME = '31 Dec 9999',
7 @PIsExists BIT = 1 OUTPUT
8 AS
10 CREATE TABLE #TmpControlRequst
11 (
13 IsExistsCHAR(1)
14 )
15 /*###Pseudo
16 1. Check the Date From and Date To
17 -- select all the value equal to parameter cityFrom and cityTo
18 -- insert the selection records into tmp table
19 --*/
20 INSERT INTO #TmpControlRequst
21 (ID, IsExists)
23 IsExists = CASE WHEN DateFrom <> '31 Dec 9999' AND DateTo <> '31 Dec 9999'
24 AND @PDateFrom <= DateFrom AND @PDateFrom <= DateTo
25 AND @PDateTo >= DateFrom AND @PDateTo <= DateTo THEN 1
26 WHEN DateFrom <> '31 Dec 9999' AND DateTo <> '31 Dec 9999'
27 AND @PDateFrom >= DateFrom AND @PDateFrom <= DateTo
28 AND @PDateTo >= DateFrom AND @PDateTo <= DateTo THEN 1
29 WHEN DateFrom <> '31 Dec 9999' AND DateTo <> '31 Dec 9999'
30 AND @PDateFrom >= DateFrom AND @PDateFrom <= DateTo
31 AND @PDateTo >= DateFrom AND @PDateTo >= DateTo THEN 1
32 WHEN DateFrom <> '31 Dec 9999' AND DateTo <> '31 Dec 9999'
33 AND @PDateFrom <= DateFrom AND @PDateFrom <= DateTo
34 AND @PDateTo >= DateFrom AND @PDateTo >= DateTo THEN 1
36 FROM RequestTable
38 AND CityFrom = @PCityFrom
39 AND CityTo = @PCityTo
41 --======== FINAL RESULT
42 -- For tmp table:-
43 -- isExists = 1 ==> date lapse
44 -- isExists = 0 ==> date ok
45 -- if count for (isExists = 1) in tmp table is > 0 then return 1 and data not allow for posting
46 SELECT @PIsExists = CASE WHEN COUNT(*) > 0 THEN 1
48 FROM #TmpControlRequst
49 WHEREIsExists = 1
51 SELECT @PIsExists
52 --=========
54 DROP TABLE #TmpControlRequst
56 --=========
57 RETURN(0)However, when I run this stored procedure, 'PIsExists' would always return -1. I am positive that the values that I passed in, had already existed in the database. Any idea what might be causing this problem? Thanks in advance

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Check For Null In Repeater Date Field

Jan 27, 2008

I'm about ready to pull my hair out.  I have a repeater control, and a date field.  If the field is a valid date, I'll use it to calculate and display the person's age.  Otherwise, I want to display "N/A".  My problem is trying to determine if the date field is null or not.I'm using SQL Server 2005 which allows Nulls in the date field, and for many records I don't have a birth date.  It makes sense for these records to leave the date Null.  This is my code:Protected Sub Repeater1_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterItemEventArgs) Handles Repeater1.ItemDataBound    If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item OrElse e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem Then        Dim LabelIcon As Label = CType(e.Item.FindControl("LabelIcon"), Label)        Dim LblAge As Label = CType(e.Item.FindControl("LblAge"), Label)        Dim inmate As WAP.prisonmembersRow = CType(CType(e.Item.DataItem, System.Data.DataRowView).Row, WAP.prisonmembersRow)        If System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/images/picts/" & inmate.FILE2 & ".jpg")) Then            LabelIcon.Visible = True        End If        If inmate.DATE_OF_BIRTH Is DBNull.Value Then            If IsDate(inmate.DATE_OF_BIRTH) Then                LblAge.Text = "Age: N/A"            Else                LblAge.Text = "Age: " & GetBirthdate(inmate.DATE_OF_BIRTH)            End If        End If    End IfEnd Sub How can I resolve this?Diane 

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How To Enter A Check Constraint With Latest Date

Nov 7, 2013

Without having to update it every day.

This is so no one enters a value higher than the current date.

ADD CONSTRAINT chk_Person CHECK (Closed_Date>)

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Transact SQL :: Check If A Date Is Within A Range Of Dates?

Aug 20, 2015

Basically, I have a membership table that lists each member with an effective period, Eff_Period, that indicates a month when a member was active. So, if a member is active from Jan to Mar, there will be three rows with Eff_Periods of 201501, 201502 and 201503.

All well and good.But, a member may not necessarily have continuous months for active membership. They might have only been active for Jan, Feb and Jun. That would still give them three rows, but with noncontinuous Eff_Periods; they'd be 201501, 201502 and 201506.There is also a table that logs member activity. It has an Activity_Date that holds the date of the activity - betcha didn't see that comin'. What I'm trying to do is determine if an activity took place during a period when the member was active.

My original thought was to count how many rows a member has in the Membership table and compare that number to the number of months between the MIN(Eff_Period) and the MAX(Eff_Period). If the numbers didn't matchup, then I knew that the member had a disconnect somewhere; he became inactive, then active again. But, then I thought of the scenario I detailed above and realized that the counts could match, but still have a discontinuity.So, is there a nifty little SQL shortcut that could determine if a target month is contained within a continuous or discontinuous list of months?

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SSIS Script Component Date Check

Oct 24, 2007


I am facing below problems in migrating my DTS packages to SSIS.
Could any one answer this ?

1.How to do Tranformations based on condition.Earlier in DTS we are using Activex.
For ex:

if isDate(DTSSource("Due Date")) then
DTSDestination("Due_Date") = DTSSource("Due Date")
end if

I am using script component with below logic:

If Not Row.Due_Date_IsNull Then

If IsDate(Row.Due_Date) Then

Row.Due_Date= Row.EntryDate

End If

End If

Is that correct ?
2.My flat file is having 37 columns.But I am able to see only 21 columns;First 20 columns are showing correctly
and remaining data is showing in 21st column.delimiter is semicolon; Any guess ?


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How To Check Null Or '' In Date Field In Expression And ...............

Aug 16, 2006

I have a column say 'ActivationDate' which is a (database timestamp [DT_DBTIMESTAMP]) which I want to replace with an expression in derived columns

The condition is if 'ActivationDate' field is null or '' then 'Null' else 'ActivationDate'

I am struggling to write this condition. Without condition i.e. at present it saves the value in this database '1753-01-01 00:00:00.000'.
In the preview the 'ActivationDate'field does not show any thing so I recon it is either null or ''

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Transact SQL :: Check Date Format Is Dd/mm/yyyy

Nov 2, 2015

Is it possible to check if  the date has been formatted as dd/mm/yyyy i.e. something like this...

if (@EnterDate <> dd/mm/yyyyy )
SET @message = 'date not in the correct format' 

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Check System Date Format And Then Change It Thru SQL Query.

Nov 4, 2007

Hi All,

Is it possible to check the local system date format and then change the format to another format using SQL command in VB.


-check current system format dd/MM/yyyy
-change current system format to MM/dd/yyyy format


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Check User Supplied Date Range Is In Between Startdate And Enddate?

May 3, 2012

I need query which will check user supplied date range is in between the existing table startdate and enddate.

if any of the date of user supplied date range is in between the tables start date and end date,it should retrun that record from table.

for example user supply date range is from 1 may 2012 to 5 may 2012.

then query must check that

1 may 2005
2 may 2005
3 may 2005
4 may 2005
5 may 2005

(all dates) is in between startdate and enddate of existing table.

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DB Engine :: Check Last Database Index Reorg Date And Time?

May 4, 2015

Are there anyway I can check my last database reorg date and time using Tsql ?

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Check Whether Or Not A File Is A New One

May 21, 2007


I need to set up a package to copy a file from a network share to a server. Before the copy job, I need to check whether the file, e.g. test.txt, is created within one day, if not, then check again an hour later.

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Check If Date Is Current Date And Stay Current

Apr 25, 2008


I'm making some sort of application where people can add their resume.
They also need something to add places where they have worked or currently are working.

I have a form where they can add this and i add this experience using the following stored procedure:

create procedure [dbo].[sp_Insert_Experience]
@ExperienceId uniqueidentifier,
@ExperienceEmployee nvarchar(100),
@ExperienceFrom datetime,
@ExperienceUntil datetime,
@ExperienceQualifications nvarchar(250),
@ExperienceTechnologies nvarchar(250),
@ExperienceTasks nvarchar(250)
insert into Experiences

It must be possible to add the place where they currently are working. Then the ExperienceUntil has to be something like still going on. Then I decided that the user then had to set the current date.

But what I want is the following, I want that the ExperienceUntil keeps updating automatically, like everytime i get that record, it has to have current date.

Is this possible ?

But if the ExperienceUntil isn't the current date , it just had to take the supplied parameter date.

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Flat File Text Date Conversion To SQL Server Date Comments And Suggestions

Mar 12, 2008

Basically the above is a very common requirement, please comment on my solution which I've arrived at by searching through the web; -

In summary I have used 3 SSIS components these are "Flat File Source", "Derived Column" and "SQL Server Destination".

1) File Connections Manager Editor
1.1) Within File Connections Manager Editor; -
Name the data type e.g. "INTERCHANGE_NET_APP_DATE_SRC"
and assign a type to the data type e.g. string[DT_STR]

1.2) Click on the Preview button to ensure the expected text is assigned to the expected data type.

2) Derived Column Transformation Editor
2.1) Assign Derived Column Name, e.g.

2.2) Select <add as new column> within Derived Column.

2.3) Enter the conversion Expression, e.g. ; -

Since the above conversion is such a common task I suggest that Service Pack 3 of SQL Server 2005 delivers the following functionality; -


2.4) Select "database timestamp [DT_DBTIMESTAMP] " as Data Type.

2.5) Within the Mappings tab of the SQL Destination Editor have; -
Destination Column as INTERCHANGE_NET_APP_DATE.

Please comment on the above, I will then pass on my suggestion to Microsoft.

Thanks in advance,


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Import Flat Text File String Date To Database Date

Jan 30, 2007

I asked this question below, but the answer was that the conversion will take place automatically, but I can't get that to happen. I have a flat file with an 8 position field that I identify as string (and I also tried date) that is yyyymmdd and it needs to go into the database field that is datetime format. IS there something I am doing wrong with the definition of it, or do I need to add some kind of conversion, and if so, what and how would that be done. I'm a dts Sql2000 expert, but the SSIS thing is driving me crazy. I have a ton of dts' to convert and the migration tool doesn't work because there are a lot of active X scripts in them. thanks for your help. Boston Rose

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Check If A File Exists Using Sql

Oct 7, 2003

Is there is a piece for code ot sample code that can let me check if a file exists? Has any one done this before?


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Check If File Exist ?

Mar 31, 2008

Hi All,

1)My source files[.txt] come from an FTP server.I need to find a way to include within my SSIS package,a task that would watch a certain folder of the FTP Server and send a mail notification as soon as the file arrives.Tried using filewatcher task, but the task stays "yellow" for a long time while package is being excuted.I dont know if this is what I need to use.Are they any other task/ways?

Another Problem I'm facing is;

2)If the source file coming in the FTP Server is zipped.How do I unzip the file and move it back to the FTP Server folder for the task in 1) to watch on it .Any ideas ?

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How To Check Log File Size?

Feb 22, 2008

Hi, how to check the log file size if more than 10 Mb, then shrink it to the target size?


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How To Check If A File Exists

Jul 25, 2006

Hi, can someone tell me how to check if a file exists. If it exists then i want to continue with the process and if it fails then send a mail to me.

Thanks in advane.

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Check If File Exists

Aug 21, 2006

In SSIS, I need an easy way to see if a file exists, and if not wait for it until a timeout period expires. Here are the options I've discovered, along with the issues I've had:

a) The File Watcher task from

This was my first attempt. The task works great, BUT only detects when there is a change on the file. If the file already exists, it keeps waiting which is not the behavior I need.
b) The WMI Event Task

There is very sparce documentation on this event and how to write a WQL query. There are numerous examples of monitoring a folder and if any files appear, cause an event to happen. I need to detect for a specific file. I found maybe one example of this using "PartComponent" but wasn't able to get the sytax right to make it work for me. I also need to access a remote file share using a UNC path (e.g. \servernamepathfile.txt) which I could not get to work.
c) Script Task using the File.Exists() method

I imported the System.IO namespace, and used a File.Exists(\servernamepathfile.txt) with actual success, but am not sure of the best way to continue to wait if the file is not found immediately. I also want to modularize this approach so I can wait for several files simultaneously so was thinking of implementing this script task as a package by itself to accept variables (filepath & timeout period) but need to know if anyone has had success with this approach.
I'm open to suggestions or ways to get options a) and b) to work for my needs.

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Check If File Is Already Open

Aug 27, 2007

I wrote a VB code to generate a xls file. Users are able to run it fine but if they have another file with same name already open, then it just crashes excel.
So I want to include a code that checks if file "file.xls" is open on user's machine.
If file is open, then message "file "File.xls" is already open. Generating File_1.xls"
Run the code but create the file with file name "file_1.xls"
If file doesn't exist, then run code and create file with file name "File.xls"

So basically I want the code to run and generate the file. Only difference is that if file with same name is already open, then just rename the newly created file.

Here's the code I've created for generating the file:

Public Function getrmpricing()
Dim queryoption As String
Dim ans, Msg As String
Dim fs As Object
Dim sTemplateFile As String
Dim e_TemplateFile As String
On Error Resume Next

sTemplateFile = g_dashboard & "crm proposal input.XLT"
e_TemplateFile = "C:"

If Forms!rmpricingdataform!BU = "CS" Then
MsgBox "No template available for CS!", vbOKOnly, "RM Pricing Report"

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fs.CopyFile sTemplateFile, e_TemplateFile, True

Dim xl As New Excel.Application
xl.Workbooks.Open e_TemplateFile & "crm proposal input.XLT"

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "CustPricingbyRMCrosstabquery", acFormatXLS, "c:customerpricing.xls", True

Dim xs As New Excel.Application
Select Case Forms!rmpricingdataform!BU

Case "CRM"
xl.Run "'crm proposal input.XLT'!CRM_CAPSPriceTemplate.CRM_CAPSPriceTemplate"

End Select
xl.Workbooks("crm proposal input.XLT").CLOSE
'xl.Workbooks("crmpricing.xls").Save - NEVER USED

'fs.DeleteFile e_TemplateFile & "crm proposal input.XLT", True - NEWLY COMMENTED OUT
Set fs = Nothing

DoCmd.CLOSE acForm, "rmpricingdataform"
Call AuditTrail("RM Pricing report", "Execute")
End If

End Function

Please advise.

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The Database File May Be Corrupted. Run The Repair Utility To Check The Database File. [ Database Name = SDMMC Storage Cardwinp

Oct 9, 2007

yes,I have an error, like 'The database file may be corrupted. Run the repair utility to check the database file. [ Database name = SDMMC Storage Cardwinpos_2005WINPOS2005.sdf ]' .I develope a program for Pocket Pcs and this program's database sometimes corrupt.what can i do?please help me

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Check File Status With Datetime?

Mar 25, 2008

We have a really annoying job here that relies on a particular file to be created before several imports run. An old file may already exist, but if it isn't recent, we don't want the import to run. This job can't delete it, since other jobs use that file. What we'd like to do is to be able to check the creation date of the file, and if it is after a certain time of day, run the import, else, delete the file. I know of xp_fileexists. Is there anything similar in SQL that can return file information or am I stuck parsing the output from xp_cmdshell 'dir F:ftpcoreinputready.txt'? Any help or hints are appreciated. Let me know if you need more info. Thanks. -D.

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