I'm about ready to pull my hair out.
I have a repeater control, and a date field. If the field is a valid date, I'll use it to calculate and display the person's age. Otherwise, I want to display "N/A". My problem is trying to determine if the date field is null or not.
I'm using SQL Server 2005 which allows Nulls in the date field, and for many records I don't have a birth date. It makes sense for these records to leave the date Null.
This is my code:
Protected Sub Repeater1_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterItemEventArgs) Handles Repeater1.ItemDataBound
If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item OrElse e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem Then
Dim LabelIcon As Label = CType(e.Item.FindControl("LabelIcon"), Label)
Dim LblAge As Label = CType(e.Item.FindControl("LblAge"), Label)
Dim inmate As WAP.prisonmembersRow = CType(CType(e.Item.DataItem, System.Data.DataRowView).Row, WAP.prisonmembersRow)
If System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/images/picts/" & inmate.FILE2 & ".jpg")) Then
LabelIcon.Visible = True
End If
If inmate.DATE_OF_BIRTH Is DBNull.Value Then
If IsDate(inmate.DATE_OF_BIRTH) Then
LblAge.Text = "Age: N/A"
LblAge.Text = "Age: " & GetBirthdate(inmate.DATE_OF_BIRTH)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
How can I resolve this?
I have a column say 'ActivationDate' which is a (database timestamp [DT_DBTIMESTAMP]) which I want to replace with an expression in derived columns
The condition is if 'ActivationDate' field is null or '' then 'Null' else 'ActivationDate'
I am struggling to write this condition. Without condition i.e. at present it saves the value in this database '1753-01-01 00:00:00.000'. In the preview the 'ActivationDate'field does not show any thing so I recon it is either null or ''
i am trying to search an SQL database to retrieve all names from employee table who have a birthday today. this needs to automatically fill in the date parameter with the system date. this is what i have so far:
sub page_load(sender as object, e as eventargs) dtmDate=DateTime.Now.ToString("M") con = New SqlConnection("Server=Localhost;UID=******;PWD=*****;Database=Pubs")
cmd = New SqlCommand("Select fname, lname From Employee where dob='& dtmDate'", con)
I know this isnt quite right. i get errors when it hits my repeater.
the error i am getting is :Syntax error converting string to smalldatetime data type. if someone could give me a push in the right direction here it would be greatly appreciated.
hi guys, I'm using SQLServer 2005 and I was wondering how I check if some variable is null or not? I tryied to do as the code show but it doesn't work:
declare @number int
set @number = (select number from numbers where number_id = 1)
I need to pass in null/blank value in the date field or declare the field as string and convert date back to string.
I tried the 2nd option but I am having trouble converting the two digits of the recordset (rs_get_msp_info(2), 1, 2))) into a four digit yr. But it will only the yr in two digits. The mfg_start_date is delcared as a string variable
option 1 I will have to declare the mfg_start_date as date but I need to send in a blank value for this variable in the stored procedure. It won't accept a null or blank value.
i have a trigger on a table right now... when fields are inserted, theres a text field inserted and i want to check if that text field = '' (the empty string, not NULL) and if it doesn't equal that, then perform some row updates on other tables, but if it is empty, to not do anything else in the trigger... right now i have this:
IF ((SELECT Note FROM XATPoDetail WHERE ReqNbr = (SELECT ReqNbr FROM Inserted)) LIKE(''))
Note is the text field, XATPoDetail is the table where its being inserted into. I had to do the select FROM the table because it wouldn't let me select a text data type from the "Inserted" virtual table
but it tells me me "Error 279: The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid in this subquery or aggregate expression"
i have a trigger on a table right now... when fields are inserted, theres a text field inserted and i want to check if that text field = '' (the empty string, not NULL) and if it doesn't equal that, then perform some row updates on other tables, but if it is empty, to not do anything else in the trigger... right now i have this:
IF ((SELECT Note FROM XATPoDetail WHERE ReqNbr = (SELECT ReqNbr FROM Inserted)) LIKE(''))
Note is the text field, XATPoDetail is the table where its being inserted into. I had to do the select FROM the table because it wouldn't let me select a text data type from the "Inserted" virtual table
but it tells me me "Error 279: The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid in this subquery or aggregate expression"
I've been ehre off and on when I've needed help. And I know someone answered my question last time with the exact info I needed. But I seem to have lost the query I saved.
I pretty much need a query that can filter a field I have adn pull up any records that are not in in date format. My current field is text and I'm trying to convert it over to DateTime but am getting stuck. Seems at least one of the records does not have a date format.
Caseinfo shows when a particular case entered and exited a particular project. If the project hasn't ended yet, then the end date is NULL.
Steps shows the steps the case has gone through and the dates of those particular steps.
I need to join the tables to show the steps the case went through during a particular project, but I'm having trouble with the NULL values in the end dates.
If I join the tables so that the step date is between the start and end dates of the project, then I get no step information for the cases where the end date is NULL (that is, where the project hasn't ended yet).
Does anybody have any ideas?
Here are my tables, the query that shows the main idea (with the wrong result), and my expected results.
insert @caseinfo select 10, '2006-12-23', '2006-12-27' union all select 20, '2006-12-23', NULL union all select 30, '2006-12-23', NULL union all select 40, '2007-1-15', '2007-3-4'
insert @steps select 10, 1, '2006-12-24' union all select 10, 2, '2007-1-3' union all select 10, 3, '2007-2-5' union all select 20, 1, '2006-12-26' union all select 20, 2, '2007-1-7' union all select 20, 3, '2007-1-9' union all select 30, 1, '2007-1-14' union all select 40, 1, '2007-1-23' union all select 40, 2, '2007-3-2' union all select 40, 3, '2007-4-16'
--- the main idea (with the wrong results)
select * from @caseinfo c left join @steps s on s.caseid = c.caseid and s.stepdate between c.startdate and c.enddate
insert @expresult select 10, '2006-12-23', '2006-12-27', 1, '2006-12-24' union all select 20, '2006-12-23', NULL, 1, '2006-12-26' union all select 20, '2006-12-23', NULL, 2, '2007-1-7' union all select 20, '2006-12-23', NULL, 3, '2007-1-9' union all select 30, '2006-12-23', NULL, 1, '2007-1-14' union all select 40, '2007-1-15', '2007-3-4', 1, '2007-1-23' union all select 40, '2007-1-15', '2007-3-4', 2, '2007-3-2'
I have an SQL database table that includes a BirthDate field. I would like to have this field as optional when adding a record, but, SQL insists on throwing an exception if the field is null.
hi all!I have a task, for example, to create a record for bill. I have table which represents this bill entity (Bill_ID, Amount, CreationDate, ExposureDate, PaymentDate)In table definition date fields allow null. I would like to create bill, which means insert record: (new_bill_id, 1000, 2007.12.11, null, null) But it couses exception. Smth like: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException, date should be not null. How could I do it?Please advice!
I am using a Ms-Access DS which is accessed by a website's server-side scripts.
What I would like to do is set an existing record's date/time field to null. I have tried to simply alter its value by not including any data within the sharps (##), however that did not work.
I am having problems adding a date field to a SQL Server Database from a form in ASP.Net. When I leave the date field blank, it automatically inserts Monday, January 01, 1900. I want it to be null when the expiration date is left blank. Can someone please help me with this? Here's my code for adding information from the table to the database: '--------------------------------------------- ' name: Button_Click() '--------------------------------------------- Sub Button_Click( s As Object, e As EventArgs ) Dim strConnect As String Dim objConnect As SQLConnection Dim strInsert As String Dim cmdInsert As SqlCommand 'Get connection string from Web.Config strConnect = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString") objConnect = New SqlConnection(strConnect) strInsert = "Insert DomainName (ClientID, DomainName, Registrar, ExpirationDate ) Values ( @ClientID, @DomainName, @Registrar, @ExpirationDate )" cmdInsert = New SqlCommand( strInsert, objConnect) cmdInsert.Parameters.Add( "@ClientID", dropClient.SelectedItem.Value ) cmdInsert.Parameters.Add( "@DomainName", txtDomainName.Text ) cmdInsert.Parameters.Add( "@Registrar", txtRegistrar.Text ) cmdInsert.Parameters.Add( "@ExpirationDate", txtExpirationDate.Text ) objConnect.Open() cmdINsert.ExecuteNonQuery() objConnect.Close() 'Display the results "page" DisplayResults() End Sub Here's the code for the form: <form id="frmDomainNames" method="post" runat="server" onSubmit="return InputIsValid()"> <div align="center"> <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="50%" bgcolor="#330099"> <tr> <td height="37" colspan="2" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#330099"><font color="white" size="5">Domain Name Information</font></td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="42" align="right" valign="top" bgcolor="#e8e8e8"><font face="MS Sans Serif, Arial" size="2" color="#000000"><strong><nobr> Client's Name:</nobr></strong></font></td> <td colspan="2" valign="top" bgcolor="#e8e8e8"> <p> <asp:dropdownlist id="dropClient" runat="server" /> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="42" align="right" valign="top" bgcolor="#e8e8e8"><font face="MS Sans Serif, Arial" size="2" color="#000000"><strong><nobr> Domain Name:</nobr></strong></font></td> <td colspan="2" valign="top" bgcolor="#e8e8e8"> <p> <ASP:TextBox id="txtDomainName" runat="server" TextMode="SingleLine" Columns="30" /> </p> </td> <tr> <td height="42" align="right" valign="top" bgcolor="#e8e8e8"><font face="MS Sans Serif, Arial" size="2" color="#000000"><strong><nobr> Registrar:</nobr></strong></font></td> <td colspan="2" valign="top" bgcolor="#e8e8e8"> <p> <ASP:TextBox id="txtRegistrar" runat="server" TextMode="SingleLine" Columns="30" /> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="42" align="right" valign="top" bgcolor="#e8e8e8"><font face="MS Sans Serif, Arial" size="2" color="#000000"><strong><nobr> Expiration Date:</nobr></strong></font></td> <td colspan="2" valign="top" bgcolor="#e8e8e8"> <p> <ASP:TextBox id="txtExpirationDate" runat="server" TextMode="SingleLine" Columns="10" /> </p> </td> </tr> <TR> <TD> </TD> <TD align="center"> <asp:Button Text="Submit" OnClick="Button_Click" Runat="Server" /> </TD> </TR> </table> </form> </div>
In my report i have CNAME parameter , which allows null value. I checked Allow null value check box in report parameter properties.
when i preview the report , it displays checked NULL check box beside CNAME parameter . I want to give some meaningful name(i.e.ALLCustomers) to this checkbox instead of NULL.
Hi I have two tables. one MasterDetail and second is countrydetail In master detail i have MasterDetailId (Primary) and countryId. In CountryDetail table I have Countrid (Primary),CountryName. I don't want to give relationship because i can insert null value in countryid in MasterDetail table. So i have wriiten query like this -> select c.CountryName,m.MasterDetailId from MasterDetail m,CountryDetail c where c.CountryId=m.CountryId and m.MasterDetailId= '2' If In MasterDetail table if CountryId is null then it will not show me any record. So I want that record and its value with this query and checking null values. Help me about solving this query. Thank You
I am trying to create a stored proc. I have to check a parameter for null value and if null then set it to zero Here is the stored proc set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[UPDATENOA] ( @Accepted char(10), @NOAId bigint, @Court char(30), @RetainerType char(30), @PendingInTaxCourt char(1) ) AS begin UPDATE NOA set StageCode = Accepted,Court=@Court,RetainerType=@RetainerType,PendingInTaxCourt=@PendingInTaxCourt where NOAId = @NOAId; Declare @Sequence int Select @Sequence = MAX(Sequence) From [dbo].[NOAStages] where NOAId=@NOAId; if @Sequence IS NULL { @Sequence=0 } Insert into [dbo].[NOAStages] (NOAId,StageCode,Sequence) values (@NOAId,@Accepted,@Sequence+1) But this is giving me error. What is the correct way to do this. Thanks
SELECT whatever_field, CASE LEN(DrAccount) WHEN 12 THEN DrAccount ELSE CASE (Note1) WHEN NULL THEN Location + DrAccount ELSE Note1 + DrAccount END END AS Account FROM Table1 The purpose of the CASE(Note1) is when Note1 column is null, return Location+DrAccount. The actual result is when Note1 column is null, it always returns null, Location+DrAccount is not executed. When Note1 column is not null, it returns correctly Note1+DrAccount. The problem seems to reside in validating the null value in WHEN NULL How to check for null in CASE(fieldname) WHEN ???
the SQL string below worked, and then started bringing up every record. it should only select records with a value in at least one of the columns, but it apears to be suggesting that all records have some data in one of the columns. if I check the database or the output on the web page there apears to be no data. ?? confused.
"SELECT id, make, model FROM vehicles WHERE workToBeDone1 IS NOT NULL OR workToBeDone2 IS NOT NULL OR workToBeDone3 IS NOT NULL OR workToBeDone4 IS NOT NULL OR workToBeDone5 IS NOT NULL"
Any ideas how I could implement this more robustly? cheers M
I am trying to create a stored procedure where.I need to loop through every row of the table and check if there exists a date in either of the column. If date exists in either of the column for every row, I need to update some other stuff.For the above table, it meets my requirement, so I need to update. However if the table is as below, it doesn't meet the requirement, so I don't need to update
Okay, I have the following statement for my store procedure:
Code Snippet IF exists (SELECT [ID], [title], [name], [issueID] FROM [Outlook] WHERE ([issueID] = @OLissueID)) SELECT [ID], [title], [name], [issueID] FROM [Outlook] WHERE ([issueID] = @OLissueID) ELSE SELECT null ID, 'No parent page yet' title FROM Outlook
I wanted to put an ELSE IF statement right before the ELSE statement to check if the value is null. Something like this:
IF exists (SELECT [ID], [title], [name], [issueID] FROM [Outlook] WHERE ([issueID] = @OLissueID))
SELECT [ID], [title], [name], [issueID] FROM [Outlook] WHERE ([issueID] = @OLissueID) ELSE IF (SELECT [ID], [title], [name], [issueID] FROM [Outlook] WHERE ([issueID] = @OLissueID) != null
SELECT [ID], [title], [name], [issueID] FROM [Outlook] WHERE ([issueID] = @OLissueID)
SELECT null ID, 'No parent page yet' title FROM Outlook
Or if this is possible, it's much better:
IF exists (SELECT [ID], [title], [name], [issueID] FROM [Outlook] WHERE ([issueID] = @OLissueID) AND (SELECT [ID], [title], [name], [issueID] FROM [Outlook] WHERE ([issueID] = @OLissueID) != null)
SELECT [ID], [title], [name], [issueID] FROM [Outlook] WHERE ([issueID] = @OLissueID)
SELECT null ID, 'No parent page yet' title FROM Outlook
I don't quite get how to write the SQL statement that I wanted so any help is much appreciated.
I am using Visual Web Developer Express 2005 and SQL Server Express 2005. I have set up a trigger that fires when an update has been performed on a specific table. The trigger checks to see if specific columns have been updated. If they have, then the trigger code is executed. This part works fine. I am now trying to find a way to check if null values exist in either one of two field from the same table. If either field contains a null value, then I don't want the trigger code to be executed. How can I check for null values and skip a block of code within my Transact Sql trigger. Thanks.....
declare @user varchar(30) = '' if(@user is not null or @user <> '') BEGIN print 'I am not empty' END ELSE BEGIN print 'I am empty' ENd
The output should be 'i am empty' but when i execute this i am getting ' i am not empty'. even i did browse through but i don't find the difference in my logic.
Hi!I have a table with a check constraint. But unfortunately it does notwork like I wanted.CREATE TABLE MAP([R_ID] [T_D_ID] NOT NULL,[R_ID1] [T_D_ID] NULL,CONSTRAINT CHECK_ID1 CHECK (R_ID1 = R_ID OR R_ID1 = NULL),CONSTRAINT [PK_MAP] PRIMARY KEY ([R_ID]))R_ID1 should always have the value of R_ID or NullThe following statements should cause errors:insert into map (R_ID, R_ID1)values(1,2);update map set R_ID1=3 where R_ID=1;But there occur no errors. Does anyone have an idea? It is an SQL Server2000.TIASusanne
Hi, I have a record set that is bound to a table in MS SQL Server. Onefiled in the table is bound to a "long" type member variable in theRecordSet. What will happen to the "long" variable when the field isNULL in the table?Thanks!-Yi
A report I maintain has an extensive footer that appears on each page, populated with information I've stashed into invisible cells in the table's header. This works great, except in rare circumstances where the report includes a page that doesn't display the table at all--in which case the report errors when it attempts to print ("Object reference not set to an instance of an object").
Due to the requirements of the report, I cannot guarantee that the table will appear on every page, every time. Is there a way I can safely refer to the reportItems collection, in case of Nulls? I'll be okay with blank values in the footer in the cases where the page has no reportItems to work with, but I can't have the report blow up when printing.
I have a table that keeps track of all changes that were performed in an application. There is a column called "old value" and column called "new value". There are some values in the application that don't require data therefore the "old value" or "new value" values can be empty. These columns are an nvarchar data type because the value can be text or numbers or dates. An example is "ReceivedDate". There is a report that is generated based on this table.
What is happening is the query in the report dataset is adding dates when it should be displaying empty. They query is using "CASE/WHEN/THEN". What I need is "When the column is "RecievedDate" and it is not null then convert it to a date". This is for formatting purposes.
This is an example of the table:
UpdateColumn Old Value New Value ReceivedDate 7/8/2015 5:00:00 AM ReceivedDate 7/8/2015 12:00:00 AM 7/9/2015 5:00:00 AM ReceivedDate 7/9/2015 12:00:00 AM
So, the first time it was updated there was no value but it was replaced with July 8, 2015 and so on.This is what the report is displaying
This is the query:
CASE UpdateColumn ... WHEN 'ReceivedDate' THEN (replace(convert(varchar(11),CONVERT ( date, oldvalue ), 106), ' ', '-') ) ... I tried adding CASE UpdateColumn ... WHEN 'ReceivedDate' IS NOT NULL THEN (replace(convert(varchar(11),CONVERT ( date, oldvalue ), 106), ' ', '-') ) ...
I am looking for the best way to check to see if any columns are still NULL in a record. I have a form that gets filled out by users and the values entered into TableA. There are 6 columns in the table, 5 are responses and column6 indicates if the record is complete. So I want a way to see if all of the first 5 columns are NOT NULL and, if so, mark column6 with a 1.
I am thinking this would be a good thing for a trigger on INSERT or UPDATE to check to see if the first 5 columns are filled in and then mark the record as complete.